Volume 27 Issue 2 / September 27, 2017 Date

I N THI S I SSUE: M edi n a Hi gh Sch ool Ar t Teach er Hon or ed as Teach er of t h e Year f or Di st r i ct 5...page 2

beeinformed about Medina Cit y S chool s

M edi n a Hi gh Sch ool Ar t Depar t m en t Pr oj ect : M AKE THE CALL...page 2 Di st r i ct Seek s Qu est i on s Regar di n g M ay 8, 2018 Lev y...page 2 Hom ecom i n g Even t s Br i n g Com m u n i t y Toget h er , Con 't ....page 3 W h at 's Happen i n g at t h e Per f or m n g Ar t s Cen t er ...page 3 Boar d of Edu cat i on M eet i n g Cal en dar ...page 3 Ri bbon Cu t t i n g Of f i ci al l y St ar t s Fal l Spor t s Season ...page 4 M edi n a Hi gh Sch ool St u den t Cou n ci l M em ber s At t en d Leader sh i p Wor k sh op...page 5 Bee En gaged, Bee I n f or m ed, Bee Par t of t h e Con ver sat i on ..page 6 Sen i or s Get Cr eat i ve w i t h Pai n t ...page 7 Com m u n i t y Spi r i t Ni gh t Cel ebr at es M edi n a Pr i de...page 8 Ju n k Boat Fl oat : Lear n i n g Abou t t h e En v i r on m en t ...page 9

HOM ECOM I NG EV ENTS BRI NG COM M UNI TY TOGETHER Pride Week M on day, Oct ober 2 - Fr iday, Oct ober 6 Wear your green and white, bring out your "Proud to be a Medina Bee" signs if you have them, and tie green and white ribbon around your trees, mailboxes, or lamp posts. GO BEES!

Cl agget t M i ddl e Sch ool St u den t 's I m pr essi ve Pow er of t h e Pen Fi n i sh ...page 9

Homecoming Parade

Tr an spor t at i on Depar t m en t Lobby Get s a Facel i f t ...page 9

Fr iday, Oct ober 6

Di st r i ct Sh ow s Si gn i f i can t I m pr ovem en t on St at e Repor t Car d...page 10 Nat i on al M er i t Sch ol ar sh i p Sem i -Fi n al i st s Nam ed...page 10 Com m u n i t y Even t Hi gh l i gh t s...page 11 M ar k You r Cal en dar s f or t h e Coat s f or Ki ds Ex pr ess...page 11 Di st r i ct Sh ow s Si gn i f i can t I m pr ovem en t on St at e Repor t Car d, Con 't ....page 12 Hi st or y of M edi n a Ci t y Sch ool s Book Avai l abl e at Local Ret ai l er s...page 12 M on st er Dash ...page 13

This year 's Homecoming parade will travel around Medina's historic square beginning at 6:00 p.m. Enjoy watching the 2017 Homecoming Court, Marching Musical Bees, and the creative floats created by students, staff, and parents. The parade begins at Garfield Elementary and ends on E. Union Street across from the high school. There will be designated places to meet your children at the end of the parade in front of tennis courts on E. Union Street. Watch for additional information from your building principals.

M i ddl e Sch ool s Lear n i n g Th r ou gh I n qu i r y w i t h Pr oj ect Lead t h e Way...page 14 Save t h e Dat e 31st An n u al Di n n er Desser t Au ct i on ...page 14

Homecoming Varsity Football Game

m Cor e: M obi l e Car di ac Over v i ew an d Ri sk Eval u at i on ...page 15

Fr iday, Oct ober 6

Fol l ow Us...page 16 On l i n e Ti ck et Sal es Avai l abl e Th r ou gh Ti ck et Roar ...page 16 M CRC Wel l n ess Br och u r e...page 17 Gon e M obi l e...page 17 M aver i ck 's You t h Boys Bask et bal l Tr you t s...page 17 Save t h e Dat e: Coat s f or Ki ds Ex pr ess...page 17 Col or M e Can avan 5K...page 18

Make a night of it and stay after the parade for the Varsity football game as the Medina Battling Bees take on the Strongsville Mustangs with a kick-off of 7:00 p.m. at the Ken Dukes Stadium. Immediately following the game, there will be a fireworks display sponsored by Medina High School Student Council. During the game, the girls basketball program will be hosting a fundraiser. They will have a dunk tank, donated by the Lafayette Township Fire Department, where several staff members and coaches have volunteered to take the plunge. For $1 per throw, $5 for six throws or $10 to just go and push the lever, you can have the chance to dunk Girls Basketball Head Coach Karen Kase, Medina High School Associate Principals Andy Brenner and Mitch Charvat, Brittany Sebera, Head Junior Varisty Girls Basketball coach,

Continued on page 3

inf or m ed bee bee M edi na Hi gh Sch ool A rt Teach er Honored as Teach er of th e Year f or Di stri ct 5 At the last regular Board of Education meeting on Monday, September 18, Medina High School art teacher Bobbie Foy was recognized and honored by Jeff Harrison, Medina High School principal as District 5 Teacher of the year. The Ohio Teacher of the Year program recognizes exceptional educators statewide. The Board, along with Superintendent Aaron Sable, mirrored the comments of Mr. Harrison and commended her on her amazing attitude and her commitment to teaching.

M edi na Hi gh Sch ool A rt Department Proj ect: M A K E THE CA LL

Di stri ct Seek s Questi ons Regardi ng M ay 8, 2018 Lev y As the District prepares to place a Substitute Emergency Levy on the ballot May 8, 2018, it is important to provide the community with the opportunity to ask and receive honest answers regarding the levy to help keep the community informed in an effort to help you make the best decision when it comes to serving students and the future direction of the District. A qu est ion n air e has been created to submit questions regarding the upcoming ballot issue. Upon receipt of submitted questions, it will be our goal to provide you with a detailed, individual response within 48 hours. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) with answers already received has been added to the website. Additional FAQ's will be added to the website on a regular basis. You may access the current FAQ's by following this link: Fr equ en t ly Ask ed Qu est ion s. Both the questionnaire and the Frequently Asked Questions are on the District's website on the home page on the top left. Thank you for assisting us in providing important information about the upcoming levy. We hope you will find this a valuable resource. It takes a community to meet the need of "Every Student, Every Day."


The Medina County District Library and the Medina Coalition for Suicide Prevention partnered to present "Make the Call." This unique project was open to local area high schools where old, donated phones were transformed into works of art to promote the local 24-Hour Crisis Services line at 330.725.9195 and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800.273.TALK (8255). Medina High School art students in two of Bobbie Foy's Art Fundamentals classes participated. The students worked for four days in groups of three to collaborate, problem solve, and complete the bedazzeled and glittered phones. The phones will be on display through the month of September at Medina High School. Then they will be on display at the Medina County District Library in Medina at 210 S. Broadway.

beeinf or m ed Homecomi ng Ev ents Bri ng Communi ty Togeth er -conti nued Stacy Wilson, Freshmen Girls Basketball Coach, Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach, Chris Hassinger, Head Girls Softball Coach Jess Toocheck, Jessica Niemanstverdriet Medina High School science teacher , Paula Midlik, Varsity Girls Basketball Assistant Coach, and more.

Homecoming Dance Sat u r day, Oct ober 7 The dance is Saturday, October 7 from 7:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m. at Medina High School in the gymnasium. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. This year 's Homecoming theme is "Music Mania." Tickets are on sale online now until 11:59 p.m. October 5 for $17 each. All school fees from 2016 must be paid in order to purchase tickets to the dance. A student ID number will be required when purchasing tickets. Th e lin k t o pu r ch ase t ick et s is available h er e. You may also find the link in Blackboard/Community/Medina High School Students/Homecoming 2017.

Wha t 's H a ppeni ng a t t he Per for m i ng Ar t s Cent er

Board of Educati on M eeti ng Cal endar MONDAY, Oct ober 2 Boar d of Education Wor k Sessi on 6:30 p.m . - M edina High School Pr ofessional Developm ent Center - Rm 1007-D2 Door s

MONDAY, Oct ober 16 Boar d of Education Regu l ar M eet i n g 6:30 p.m . - M edina High School Distance Lear ning Lab

MONDAY, nov ember 6 Boar d of Education Wor k Sessi on 6:30 p.m . - M edina High School Pr ofessional Developm ent Center - Rm 1007-D2 Door s

MONDAY, nov ember 20 Boar d of Education Regu l ar M eet i n g 6:30 p.m . - M edina High School Distance Lear ning Lab


inf or m ed bee bee Ri bbon Cutti ng Of f i ci al l y Starts Fal l Sports Season On August 25, 2017 Ken Dukes Stadium was full of activity as the fall sports season was officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the new turf at the stadium. City and local officials were present alongside the Medina County Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Medina as well as members of the business community, Medina City Schools staff members, administrators, student athletes, cheerleaders, and members of the Musical Marching Bees. That evening, the Battling Bees hosted Lakewood for the home opener.


inf or m ed bee bee M edi na Hi gh Sch ool Student Counci l M embers A ttend Leadersh i p Work sh op On Saturday, September 9, 2017 over 50 Medina High School Student Council members participated in a leadership workshop day that revolved around learning about problems in agriculture and the importance of bees. This year, the Student Council members chose to focus on the theme ?Save the Bees.? Members want to make a difference not only at Medina High School, but in the community and the world. Knowing the world issues with the decrease in the bee population, the students wanted to learn more about the problem and help develop solutions. Mrs. Laura Calaiacovo, along with Ms. Shannon Duncan, Medina High School Student Council Advisors, helped the students plan leadership workshops with activities that taught about the problems in agriculture. Austin Gambaccini, Megan Varley, Elizabeth Judy and Sabrina Sowa organized a problem solving workshop to help students learn the four steps of problem solving while learning about agricultural issues including honey bees, water pollution, air pollution, pesticides, crop rotation and invasive species. Seniors Carlee Lisser and Tabitha Ludwiczak facilitated a workshop on planning a big event and team building, while junior officers Claire Leupp, Payton Cassel, Paige Johnson and Robert Olszewski?s workshop focused on the importance of communication and group

dynamics. Students then headed to Richardson Farms where they learned about organic farming and the importance of the bees in relation to pollination and keeping the farm running. The students did everything from picking corn and plums, cutting corn stalks, and planting fall kale and spinach. Freshman Brandon Kopkas states, ?Even the weeding was fun because we were able to see the plants and how they grow.? Observing bee boxes and understanding the importance of bees in agriculture were only some of the lessons learned. The afternoon concluded with local beekeepers Mike and Laura Cantrell speaking to the group about raising bees and their importance. Mr. Cantrell is thrilled that young students are taking an interest in a topic that is so important to continue keeping agriculture viable and healthy. He talked about the problems in other countries due to bees vanishing from the area. Junior Marea Lollar was impressed with the information shared. ?They personified hard work by explaining the beekeeping process. Tasting the fresh honey opened my eyes to what I am consuming that is locally produced.? The Cantrell's suggested that the students limit use of pesticides and let clover and wildflowers flourish to help attract the bees. The Student Council students enjoyed the leadership training, learning about bees and group bonding. They are ready to go out and m ak e a dif f er en ce!


beeinf or m ed Thr oughout the entir e 2017-2018 school year , the M edina City School Distr ict w ill once again host ?Com m unity Chats? that w ill be held at var ious locations acr oss the com m unity w ith Super intendent Aar on Sable and other distr ict adm inistr ator s. The discussions w ill begin w ith a specific topic, allow ing those in attendance to engage in the conver sation in an infor m al setting, as w ell as about other inter ests of those in the gr oup. This is an oppor tunity for the distr ict to r each out to the com m unity, r eceive feedback and discuss solutions and goals. The fir st gather ing of the school year w as held on Satur day, Septem ber 16, at Root Candle Com pany. After the discussion, the gr oup r eceived a tour of the Root Candle Com pany; a gr eat lear ning exper ience for all those in attendance. M ar k your calendar s for the next chat on Novem ber 18 at Gar field Elem entar y as w e pr epar e to celebr ate our bicentennial.


beeinf or m ed Seni ors Get Creati v e w i th Pai nt Over two Saturdays this summer, Medina High School seniors spent about five hours each day creating their masterpieces painting their own parking spots located in the lower lot behind the visitor stands at Ken Dukes Stadium. Last spring, interested students submitted sketches and paid the normal $40 parking pass fee for the year, and an additional $20 to donate to a local charity. 36 seniors took the challenge and the results are amazing. The students who participated in the project voted that their charitable contribution be given to Collin Cares, a non-profit organization that assists local families dealing with cancer. Student Council advisors Laura Calaiacovo and Shannon Duncan, along with Medina High School teachers Bobbie Foy and Mike O?Brien organized the event.


beeinf or m ed Communi ty Spi ri t Ni gh t Cel ebrates M edi na Pri de It was a perfect evening for the annual Medina City Schools Community Spirit Night held on Friday, September 8 in the Ken Dukes Stadium parking lot. There was plenty of fun to go around supplied by building PTOs, other parent organizations, and area businesses with games, prizes, face painting and music from The Music Men. Families had the opportunity to pre-order meals for the evening to enjoy.

Schools Foundation, Medina Vision & Laser Centre, Rinky Dink Family Fun Center, and Jennifer Campanella Realtor-The Incorvaia Team Keller Williams Greater Cleveland Southwest.

One of the highlights of the evening was the incoming kindergarten Class of 2030. They walked around the football field as spectators entered the stadium for the game and were officially introduced to the community as they wore their very first official Battling Bee t-shirts. Before going out onto the track, these students and their families received a special treat from the Marching Musical Bees watchng them as they entered the stadium. Thank you to the sponsors of the event: Armstrong Cable, Centerpointe Chiropractic and Physical Therapy, Pfister Orthodontics, Huntington Bank, MC Real Estate, Medina City -8-

beeinf or m ed

Claggett Middle School Student's Impressive The sixth annual Power of the Pen Finish


Junk Boat Float was held on Monday, September 11 at Forest Meadows Lake and Pavilion. This event was brought to life in 2009 through the efforts of Medina High School science teachers Laura Frawley, Nick Kaplack, and Jessica Niemantsverdriet, and foreign language teacher, Sharon Schorr. Students work in teams to create boats out of plastic bottles and other materials. While no actual boats will be allowed, their homemade, four-man boat may be accompanied by actual paddles or they may be constructed out of "junk." The boat float provides an educational opportunity for students highlighting their creativity and ingenuity and making positive connections in the community.

Congratulations to Abby McKee, now a freshman at Medina High School, who posted an impressive 13th place finish in the State Power of the Pen competition over the summer. She competed against the top one percent of middle school writers in Ohio. This tournament was Abby's second appearance at the College of Wooster representing Claggett Middle School. The top fifteen writers in each grade were recognized after an intense day of writing.


The entry fee is $36 per team with the proceeds going to purchase a bottle filling station that will be placed at one of the middle schools. To-date, permanent healthy and waste reducing improvements have been made at the high school, Waite Elementary, Sidney Fenn Elementary, Garfield Elementary, and the public restroom on the square with the filling stations that have already been installed; over 80,000 bottles worth and counting.

Thanks to the creativity and hardwork of the Trasnportation Department staff, the lobby has a new, welcoming look.


bee inf or m ed Nati onal M eri t Sch ol arsh i p Semi -Fi nal i sts Named


Congratulations to Meghan Hummel, Alexander Memberg and Zachary Peacock. On Wednesday, September 13, officials of the National Merit Scholarship announced the names of approximately 16,000 Semifinalists for 2018 in the annual National Merit Scholarship Program. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for National Merit Scholarships as well as Of all the scores on our report card, one that we are corporate-sponsored and college-sponsored most proud of is the Progress score. This score scholarships that looks at the growth students are making based on will be offered next spring. past performance. A grade of a ?C? indicates that students are making one year ?s growth during their To be considered academic year. Our score of ?A? implies that our for a Merit students worked to achieve more than one year ?s Scholarship growth in a single school year. This reaffirms that award, our teachers truly live our motto, Every Student, Semifinialists Every Day which is evident through their hard work must fulfill several and dedication. requirements to Our District also showed significant improvements advance to the Finalist level of the competition. in our K-3 Literacy and our Gap Closing score. While About 90 percent of the Semifinalists are expected our grades in Indicators Met and Performance Index to attain Finalist standing, and about half of the remained the same as the previous year, we actually Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, improved in 17 of 23 indicators. This discrepancy is earning the Merit Scholar title. Good luck Meghan, due to the state?s increased benchmarks Alex and Zack. implemented on this year ?s report card. As an On September 14, the Ohio Department of Education released report cards for the 2016-2017 school year. We are proud of all of our students, teachers, staff, and families that continue to support our district in the growth and success of all students. Medina City Schools' scores have exceeded or are consistent with our past state report cards. We are very pleased with the gains that we have made as we compare our own results from last year to this year. This is especially important to us because much of the improvement was demonstrated in the areas of the report card that represent students academic growth over a year.

example, last year a score well that earned an ?A? is now a ?B ? or even a ?C.? Our students actually showed gains in some areas by 10% or more, and we improved our Performance Index by almost 3%. We will continue to strive to meet growing standards and expectations while recognizing our students academic growth.

Con't. on page 12

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bee inf or m ed COMMUNITY EVENT HIGHLIGHTS 2017-2018: Mark you calendar s! Week of Oct ober 2 Medina City Schools Pride/Spirit Week Oct ober 6 Homecoming Parade/Football Game Parade begins at 6 p.m. at Garfield Elementary, with football game kick-off at 7:00 p.m. Fireworks display immediately following the game. Novem ber 10 Medina City Schools Foundation Dinner Dessert Auction Buffalo Creek Retreat 6:00 p.m. Novem ber 13-17 Coats for Kids Express at all District buildings. Jan u ar y 20 Annual Pancake Breakfast and Spotlight on Students - Medina High School Main Cafeteria/Performing Arts Center, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. M ay 4 Medina City Schools Foundation Run.4.Fun

M a r k Yo ur Ca l en d a r s f o r t h e Co at s f o r K i d s Ex pr ess Cleaning out your closets? Gather your gently used winter coats, snow pants, hats, scarves, mittens and gloves for the annual Coats For Kids Express November 13-17. More information to come.

Medina High School 7:00 p.m.

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bee inf or m ed DI STRI CT SHOWS SI GNI FI CA NT I M PROV EM ENT ON STA TE REPORT CA RD, CON'T. Con't. from page 9 The report card is only one measure of how our District is doing to serve our students and our community. Our MCS Quality Profile does a great job of outlining the outstanding programming and opportunities we offer in all areas: the Arts, Athletics, Instructional Technology, Parent and Community Involvement, Student Leadership and more. These are important aspects of strong schools that a state report card does not necessarily reflect. At Medina City Schools we are committed to serving our students to assist them in reaching their maximum potential. This will be achieved through the implementation of our Strategic Plan which outlines goals in Academics, Facilities, Communications and Financials. This vision was created through collaboration with our students, staff, parents, and community. We will see increased student growth and achievement.

HI STORY OF M EDI NA CI TY SCHOOLS BOOK A V A I LA BLE A T LOCA L RETA I LERS As t h e M edin a Cit y Sch ool Dist r ict an d t h e Cit y of M edin a pr epar e t o celebr at e t h eir bicen t en n ial in 2017, local au t h or an d h ist or ian , Glor ia Br ow n , h as com piled a h ist or y of t h e M edin a Cit y Sch ools t h at w ill w alk you t h r ou gh t h e begin n in g of t h e dist r ict w it h t h e f ir st on e-r oom sch oolh ou se in 1817 t o t h e pr esen t . " Wh at w e h ave h er e is a ver y per son al accou n t of t h e h ist or y of t h e sch ools," said Glor ia Br ow n . Th e book en t it led Th e St or y of M edin a's Sch ools: 1817-2017 w as pu blish ed w it h t h e gen er ou s h elp of M u r r ay an d Su e Van Epp, Sigel Pr ess an d t h e M edin a Cit y Sch ools Fou n dat ion . Th e sof t -cover ed book r et ails f or $19.95 an d is available at t h e M edin a Cit y Sch ools Boar d of Edu cat ion Of f ice locat ed at 739 Weym ou t h Road as w ell as at Root Can dle Com pan y, Cool Bean s Caf e, t h e M edin a Cou n t y Visit or 's Bu r eau , an d t h e M edin a Tow n Hall an d En gin e Hou se M u seu m . All pr oceeds f r om t h e sale of t h e book s w ill go t o ben ef it t h e M edin a Cit y Sch ools Fou n dat ion .

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bee inf or m ed

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beeinf or m ed M i ddl e Sch ool s Learni ng Th rough I nq ui ry w i th Proj ect Lead th e Way Claggett and Root 8th grade students are immersed in inquiry rich learning with Project Lead the Way (PLTS). Medina City Schools is partnering with the Medina County Career Center to provide all 8th grade students with this nationally renown career technical education (CTE) curriculum. The program fosters problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. The content is interdisciplinary, blending science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and English language arts. Students develop and reinforce transferable skills that apply to real world challenges, promote college and career readiness, and are critical for successful 21st Century learning. Project Lead the Way is replacing the former and highly popular Modular Technology course required of all 8th grade students. Teachers and administration are excited that this new approach will provide a welcome refresh of our middle school CTE programming. Students have already been heard commenting that "Project Lead the Way

is a highlight of the day!" The course is one semester and is divided into two nine week modules: Design/Modeling and Automation/Robotics. The curriculum embeds real world problem solving in a hands-on and inquiry based approach resulting in true Problem Based Learning (PBL) opportunities. In the Design and Modeling module, students apply the design process to solve problems and understand the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives. Using Autodesk design software, students create a virtual image of their designs and produce a portfolio to showcase their innovative solutions. In the Automation and Robotics module, students trace the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics as they learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation, and computer control systems. Students use the VEX Robotics platform to design, build, and program real-world objects such as traffic lights, tool booths, and robotic arms. For more information about Project Lead the Way, please visit www.pltw.org

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beeinf or m ed Fol l ow Us On Fa ceb ook a n d T w i t t er :

Onl i ne Ti ck et Sal es A v ai l abl e Th rough Ti ck etroar Medina event tickets are conveniently available for purchase online through TicketRoar. You may purchase tickets for sporting events and performances at the Performing Arts Center. Online purchase benefits include: -

check out our communit y par t ner s:


Avoid long ticket purchase lines at game time No need to remember to bring cash for tickets to the game Quickly and easily access your ticket one of two ways: Enter using our mobile app on your phone Print your tickets at home.

How t o pu r ch ase t icket s: -

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Visit medinaoh-ticketroar.eventbrite.com. Click on the event you would like to attend Click the green TICKETS tab and select the number of tickets you would like to purchase Enter your information. This will also be your Eventbrite account information You will receive an email confirmation prompting you to either print tickets at home or use the mobile app Use the paper ticket or mobile ticket at the game/event.

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Bee Informed, September, 2017.pdf

beeinformed. Homecoming Events Bring Community Together -continued. Stacy Wilson, Freshmen Girls Basketball Coach, Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach ...

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Honorable Mention for her piece, Bike. The Gold Key. artwork of Tyler Glassnapp will advance to the final. national competition. The Scholastic Art Competition is ...

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Sep 1, 2017 - September. 2017. Badminton Open Gym. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lindbergh.

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Rock Springs. WY. June challenge. 19.00. Done - Congratulations! Adam. Br. Cayuta. NY. 5K. 3.10. 0.00. Done - Congratulations! Hill. Co. Weare. NH. 10K. 0.00.

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Bee Books - by author -
ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture (red hard cover) by A.I. Root, 856 pages - A.I. .... Elimination of American Foulbrood without the use of drugs (soft cover) by.

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Page 1 of 3. Bee Control and Removal Portland. Call Today (503) 579-3680. https://www.naturefirstpest.com/bee-control/. We provide pest control for bees, wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets. These images are of a Yellow Jacket nest located on an eave

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