Beginning Teacher Summer Training Series

All workshops will be presented at ESC-20 from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on dates shown below. Date/Presenter/Fee


May 21, 2016

Valuable Reading Tactics that Increase Success in ALL Content Areas (1-12): Many times

Cindy Jones $100 NT160521-P01

during classroom silent or round robin reading students zone out to another place. The goal of this training is to give you dozens of classroom-proven, practical ideas for teaching content area vocabulary and skills that will give students the essential strategies to read for meaning, make the critical connections that are necessary for them to learn the skills and concepts they need to know, and to stay focused on the task. You'll leave this fast-paced seminar with many valuable ideas and classroom-proven techniques you can use immediately to enable your students to read and comprehend content area materials and stay focused and excited about learning. The research from Harmon and Wood (reading, writing, and talking in the content areas), V. Ackerson (connecting language arts and science), and R. Sinatra (reading more effectively in content areas). The research reports that the use of a variety of reading approaches is necessary to give students multiple options for making sense of the content. Reading approaches should vary and be adapted in relation to individual and diverse students in the classroom setting. Teacher Standards: 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 3C; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 2C, 3C

May 21, 2016 Fernando Mesa $100 NT160521-P02

What Teachers Want: Practical, Positive, Powerful Classroom Management Strategies That Work (PK-12): A recent poll by Public Agenda found that 77% of teachers, more than 3 out of 4, consider discipline to be the biggest obstacle to effective teaching. These discipline problems are a major cause of teacher burnout and teacher walk out. In this lively, interactive session you will learn strategies to help eliminate most low-level discipline problems, reduce teacher stress, and promote academic excellence. It is no surprise that today’s students come to our classrooms with more challenges than ever before. Therefore, it is also not alarming that today’s teachers spends more time dealing with discipline than focusing on teaching. Ultimately who loses? Well, using my research-based strategies everybody wins, resulting in empowerment and reduced stress, decreased number of disruptions in the classroom, increased student achievement, greater parental buy-in and support. Do you want to successfully manage your classroom? Are you p r e p a r e d to succeed with students, parents, and administration? Attend this session and walk away with the tools to keep both you and your students motivated to learn. Behavior can be changed! Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 2, 3

May 24, 2016 Vanessa Trevino $100 NT160524-P02

If You Build It, They Will Learn- Building Relationships: “No significant learning occurs without significant relationships.” Just as the foundation is the most important part of a home, building good relationships is the foundation of an effective, successful classroom. We will teach better and students will learn better if we have genuine significant relationships with students and students with each other. Come learn and practice ways to establish and grow relationships with your students that will create successful, passionate learners of both your students and yourself! This presentation is based on research from The American Psychological Association, Robert Pintana, Christopher Murry, Patricia Phelan, Stephen Covey, University of Southern California and Eric Jensen. Teacher Standards: 2A, 4D, 6D; Charlotte Danielson: Domain 2A, 2B.

June 13-16, 2016 (4 Day Training) Jayme Presley $200 NT160613-P01

June 21, 2016 Cindy Jones $100 NT160621-P01

June 22, 2016 Angie Lehmann $100 NT160622-P01

June 23, 2016 Angie Lehmann $100 NT160623-P01

June 27, 2016 Angie Lehmann $100 NT160627-P02

June 27, 2016 Cindy Jones $100 NT160627-P03

Treasuring Our Paraprofessionals: This is a four day workshop offered to meet NCLB requirements for highly qualified paraprofessionals. This paraprofessional institute provides scientifically based research strategies to assist in reading, writing, and math instruction as required in the No Child Left Behind Act. This institute is aligned with statewide TEKS and STAAR information and initiatives. Additional areas of focus include understanding and addressing the roles and responsibilities of a paraprofessional, student diversity, instructional strategies, sheltered instruction, and essential job skills. Participants will also be administered a locally developed assessment to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to assist in reading, writing and mathematics instruction. Participants must attend all four days to be able to take the assessment and receive attendance credit. After the assessment has been scored, attendees will receive the NCLB certificate with their score.

Oh! What Do I Do? Behavior Techniques That Really Work With Difficult Students (PK -12): Do you feel like you are spending 80% of your time with 20% of your students? Are these 20% disruptive, defiant and your most difficult students? If so, you won’t want to miss this fast-paced, practical seminar focusing on the unique needs of grades K-12 difficult and defiant students. The goal of this valuable training is to provide you with ready-to-use strategies to help develop the necessary skills to decrease discipline problems and defuse and prevent anger. In addition, you will walk away with techniques and ideas for de- escalating problematic situations, working with oppositional defiant disorders and ADD/ADHD. The research from Boys and Girls Town, Jane Bluestein, Kathleen Phillips, David Sousa, and Eric Jensen. The research reports that when teachers develop a relationship with students, teach student expectations, redirect in a firm and caring manner, and create a warm learning climate, student misbehavior decreases. Teacher Standards: 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1B, 2C, 4C

Reading and Writing Strategies for the Struggling Learner (3-8): In this session you can expect to learn motivating strategies for your struggling learners, an understanding of the reciprocal nature of reading and writing, and how the reading process works. You will be able to address the different learning styles and have a toolbox of reading and writing strategies. When you implement what you learn this session, you can expect your students to understand the writing process, improve their literacy skills, and develop metacognitive skills. The scientific-based research used in this session is from the New Jersey Writing Project, Sabal Palms Rio Grande Valley Writing Project, Strategic Learning In the Content Areas – Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Project Pathways Module (TEA), Wisconsin CRISS research, Anita Archer’s research on reading strategies for adolescents, Stauffer, (1975), Florida Center for Reading Research, Viewing and Representing Critical Media Module (TEA), and the Center for Reading/Language Arts (University of Texas Austin). The research says that because of the interrelatedness of language, learning to write also aids in reading development. Teacher Standards: 1C, 1F, 2C, 3B, 3C; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 2, 3

Harry Wong’s Classroom Management Techniques (PK-12): In this session you can expect to learn sound, practical classroom management skills. You will learn how to develop classroom procedures and routines, thus, spending time managing your class, not disciplining your class; and you will become a more effective and efficient teacher. Your students will be more focused and disciplined; they will flourish in a safe and consistent environment and will experience success in their learning through your adaptation of lessons. Teachers will walk away with the knowledge of how to create a classroom management notebook that includes all the important routines necessary for creating an environment conducive to learning. The scientificbased research used in this session is based on C.H.A.M.P.s training (A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management) and Harry Wong’s teachings (The First Days of School, The Classroom Management Book,, among other resources, such as Evertson & Emmer (1982) and Castles & Rogers (1994). Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 3C, 4A, 4B, 4C; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 3

Critical Thinking Strategies for ALL Learners (1-8): In this session you can expect to learn how questioning make the difference and moves “thinking” to a higher level. You will become more intentional about focusing on high-level thinking in the language arts and other subject areas throughout the day and will walk away with strategies for enhancing students’ critical thinking skills. The session will include “hands-on” strategies that are fun and successful! Your students will become better thinkers and problem-solvers and will learn to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate information from literary and expository text. The scientific-based research used in this session is from the work of Jim Delisle, Howard Gardner, Nancy Johnson, and Anderson & Krathwohl, (2001) Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. This research says that teachers who are good questioners motivate their students, stimulate high-level thinking, encourage creativity, and enhance self-concept in their students and themselves. Teacher Standards: 1C,1D, 1E, 3A; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 3

Practical Strategies for Increasing Writing Skills - A Make-and-Take: In this training filled with practical ideas for increasing your students’ writing skills in both the STAAR writing and all classroom curriculum, you will discover the following: Highly effective ways to boost your students’ writing confidence; Step-by-step methods to bring organization and flow to your students’ writing; Fun pre-writing strategies; Ways to help students create voice in their writing; A Make-and-Take folder organization system that you will construct during the training This writing training is based on the work of Gretchen Bernabei, Barry Lane, and Kayla Shook. Their work demonstrates that teaching basic essay formats, graphic organizers, transitions, and how to incorporate voice is the foundation of good writing. Later, more advanced writing skills will evolve. Teacher Standards: 3B; Domains 1, 3

June 27, 2016

The Power of Reflective Practice on Improvement and Attainment: Are You the Teacher You’ve Always Wanted to Be? Much of our current nationwide approach to education

Fernando Mesa

seeks to have us focus on goal attainment; however, merely quantifying one aspect of the teaching practice or of students’ learning does not make it of greater importance than those things not as easily measurable. Teaching has always been a matter of relationship. This workshop is designed to provide meaningful strategies to help educators improve their personal reflection as well as help improve reflection between teacher and student, and student and student. Educators will explore how reflection influences how students learn and how and why they instruct the way they do. Teachers will learn skills that will support them as they help students take ownership of their learning, teach them how to reflect, and encourage them to be honest in their selfexamination. The session will focus on the value of reflective listening, reflective questioning, reflective answering and the power of honesty and humility. That includes the humility that comes from acknowledging that one does not have all the answers. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B,

$100 NT160627-P04

4C, 4D, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 6B, 6D: Domains 1, 2, 3, 4

June 28, 2016 Angie Lehmann $100 NT160628-P02

Reading and Writing Strategies for the Struggling Learner (3-8): In this session you can expect to learn motivating strategies for your struggling learners, an understanding of the reciprocal nature of reading and writing, and how the reading process works. You will be able to address the different learning styles and have a toolbox of reading and writing strategies. When you implement what you learn this session, you can expect your students to understand the writing process, improve their literacy skills, and develop metacognitive skills. The scientific-based research used in this session is from the New Jersey Writing Project, Sabal Palms Rio Grande Valley Writing Project, Strategic Learning In the Content Areas – Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Project Pathways Module (TEA), Wisconsin CRISS research, Anita Archer’s research on reading strategies for adolescents, Stauffer, (1975), Florida Center for Reading Research, Viewing and Representing Critical Media Module (TEA), and the Center for Reading/Language Arts (University of Texas Austin). The research says that because of the interrelatedness of language, learning to write also aids in reading development. Teacher Standards: 1C, 1F, 2C, 3B, 3C; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 2, 3

June 28, 2016

Center Ideas, Games, Brain Breaks, and Structures for Primary Classrooms (PK-1): The g o a l

Cindy Jones

of this training is a day filled with practical, hands-on activities, mini-lessons, center ideas, brain breaks, and structures for Pre-K through First Grade Classrooms. You will leave with dozens of ideas to help all your preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students become engaged in reading and writing, wherever they are in their literacy level. This training is based on the work of D. Diller (literacy work stations), T.L Harris and R. Hodges, R.E.

$100 NT160628-P01

(the vocabulary of reading and writing), and The Florida Center for Reading Research. The research states that consistently implemented, high quality initial classroom instruction and follow-up small-group instruction that is differentiated according to student needs is critical in developing a strong foundation for reading skills and enjoyment. Teacher Standards: 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2A, 4D, 5A; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1B, 1E, 2B, 2C

June 28, 2016

Challenges and Solutions: Teaching and Engaging Students From Poverty: Poverty is a

Fernando Mesa

significant and growing problem for America. Experienced educators have witnessed the increase of students who live in poverty and have seen their jobs become more challenging as a result. Children raised in poverty will grow up in circumstances that, the data tell us, will give them a small, if not negligible chance of achieving success.

$100 NT160628-P03

This workshop is designed to broaden the understanding of those interested in developing a deeper understanding of the connections among poverty, education and performance outcomes. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from an educator who grew up in poverty, and has helped students from poverty, succeed. Participants will learn practical strategies and be provided with concrete examples of how to implement these strategies in the classroom in order to stop poverty’s effects on learning. The session will focus on information surrounding critical issues such as home factors, food security, and the availability of health care. Comparisons will be made between the mindset of those from poverty, the middleclass and those from wealth. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4C, 4D, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6D; Domains 1, 2

June 29, 2016 Marie Riley $100 NT160629-P02

Understanding How to Handle Mental Health Issues in the Classroom: This impactful session will help participants with the identification of mental or emotional disorders; understand the characteristics of the most prevalent mental or emotional disorders among children; implementing effective strategies for teaching and intervening with students with mental or emotional disorders, including de-escalation techniques and positive behavioral interventions and supports; and providing, in compliance with Section 38.010, notice and referral to a parent or guardian of a student with a mental or emotional disorder so that the parent or guardian may take appropriate action such as seeking mental health services . The scientific-based research used in this session is from the Mental Health Association, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Myles Cooley, Howard Adelman, Linda Taylor, Rick Auger, Frank Kline and Larry Silver. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 2, 3

June 29, 2016 Fernando Mesa $100 NT160629-P03

Short on Time: The Power of Organization and Time Management: Mounting internal and external pressures for improvement and accountability have recently spotlighted planning and time management as key factors for overall growth and achievement. Amid the complexities of change, the fragmentation of the school day and expanded daily activities and expectations, research has documented that educators are seeking order and control. Time is important because its scarceness affects productivity and its use has significant effects – within and beyond the classroom. Recognizing that time management can increase educator effectiveness through improved control and prioritization, this workshop focuses on helping pre-service, beginning, and veteran teachers design and develop their own organizational and time management skills. Participants will explore research-based practices while learning new strategies for managing their time, involving others, setting priorities and achieving balance between their personal and professional life. The session will focus on addressing the challenges of both organization and time management and the need for educators to become leaders. Participants will learn strategies such as, but not limited to, prioritizing tasks, planning, scheduling, organizing and the delegation of responsibilities. In addition, participants will be guided through an analysis of their current time allocations and be provided with techniques for monitoring and improving their skills. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 2A, 2C, 3A, 3B, 4C, 4D, 5A, 5C, 6A, 6B: Domains 1, 2, 3, 4

June 29, 2016 Cindy Jones $100 NT160629-P04

Powerful Strategies for Changing Disruptive and Disrespectful Behaviors in the Classroom: In this fun training, you will receive a large variety of classroom-proven strategies including:  Strategies for lessening disruptive and disrespectful behaviors in the classroom  A variety of ideas for working with angry defiant students  Ideas to avoid the dreaded power-struggle  Practical skills that build your confidence in working with difficult students  Ways to keep students motivated and on-task and learning  Ways to make the whole class run more smoothly The research for this training is taken from the work of Julia G. Thompson, Eric Jensen, Dr. Jane Bluestein, Dr. David Sousa, and Linda Pfiffer and shows that when students are given a high degree of structure, a positive learning environment, social skills training, and a teacher who can redirect in a neutral manner, positive behavior increases. Teacher Standards: 4C; Domains 1, 2, 4

June 30, 2016

Understanding the TEKS & Preparing Quality Lessons (PK-12): This hands-on, engaging session

Marie Riley

provides teachers in all grade levels an understanding of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which is the only way to be an expert in your content area! Participants focus on unpacking the standards and learn whether they are emphasizing learning content or processes and what other knowledge and skills are implied by the standard. Learn how to develop rigorous instruction aligned with the standards. The scientific-

$100 NT160630-P02

June 30, 2016 Fernando Mesa $100 NT160630-P03

based research used in this session is from the Texas Education Agency. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1E, 3A, 3B, 3; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 3

Because Teachers Matter: The Ordinary Practices of Extraordinary Teachers: Across the country, schools and school districts are scrambling to hire qualified, effective teachers. The issue is so critical that in some school systems, districts are allowing new hires to train on the job and are bringing in candidates who are still finishing their teaching credentials. However, what happens once we recruit them? What type of training and support do we provide as a means of retaining our effective teachers? Written with the pre-service, beginning, and veteran teachers in mind, this workshop series is designed to help educators discover and develop their own special traits that make them exceptional teachers. Participants will explore research-based practices while learning new strategies for conducting parent-teacher conferences, developing ideas for personal and professional growth, increasing parental involvement, and gaining new insight on learning styles and multiple intelligences. The sessions will focus on addressing the challenges impacting the teaching profession and provide guides for individual and group reflection. Keeping in mind that understanding yourself is the first step in becoming the enthusiastic, inspirational teacher to whom students respond best, participants will explore questions such as: Who was the best teacher you ever had? What made them great? Can you remember the joy that this teacher brought to learning? What are you doing to be "the best teacher ever" for your students? Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 6B, 6D; Domains 1, 2, 4

June 30, 2016 Cindy Jones $100

Motivating Students with the Brain in Mind: This session will provide strategies for elementary and secondary educators to increase student motivation. Topics will focus on ways to create engaging instruction for all students through brain-based practices, as well as, effective ways to build relationships in the educational setting. Standards: 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 2, 3.

NT160630-P04 July 18, 2016 Angie Lehmann $100

Harry Wong’s Classroom Management Techniques (PK-12): In this session you can expect to learn sound, practical classroom management skills. You will learn how to develop classroom procedures and routines, thus, spending time managing your class, not disciplining your class; and you will become a more effective and efficient teacher. Your students will be more focused and disciplined; they will flourish in a safe and consistent environment and will experience success in their learning through your adaptation of lessons. Teachers will walk away with the knowledge of how to create a classroom management notebook that includes all the important routines necessary for creating an environment conducive to learning. The scientific-


based research used in this session is based on C.H.A.M.P.s training (A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management) and Harry Wong’s teachings (The First Days of School, The Classroom Management Book,, among other resources, such as Evertson & Emmer (1982) and Castles & Rogers (1994). Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 3C, 4A, 4B, 4C; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 3

July 18, 2016

Understanding How To Handle Mental Health Issues In The Classroom: This impactful session

Marie Riley $100 NT160718-P03

July 18, 2016 Cindy Jones $100 NT160718-P04

will help participants with the identification of mental or emotional disorders; understand the characteristics of the most prevalent mental or emotional disorders among children; implementing effective strategies for teaching and intervening with students with mental or emotional disorders, including de-escalation techniques and positive behavioral interventions and supports; and providing, in compliance with Section 38.010, notice and referral to a parent or guardian of a student with a mental or emotional disorder so that the parent or guardian may take appropriate action such as seeking mental health services . The scientific-based research used in this session is from the Mental Health Association, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Myles Cooley, Howard Adelman, Linda Taylor, Rick Auger, Frank Kline and Larry Silver. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 2, 3

Incorporating ELPS: Strengthen Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum: In this important training, you will discover:  Strategies on meeting the needs of your English Learners and making content comprehensible  Dozens of engaging strategies to integrate high quality reading and writing into all subject areas  How to strengthen reading comprehension  Methods for increasing your students’ motivation for reading and writing tasks  Ways to integrate vocabulary and grammar into your reading and writing lessons  Strategies to make reading accessible to your students The research from this training is based on the work of Dr. David Sousa, Dr. Robert Marzano, Gretchen Bernabei, and Barry Lane. Their research states that if students are supported with specific strategies for reading and writing in all content areas, they will improve their skills and be able to successfully read and write using high level academic vocabulary. Teacher Standards: 3B, 3C; Domains 1, 2, 3

July 19, 2016 Marie Riley $100

Understanding the TEKS & Preparing Quality Lessons (PK-12): This hands-on, engaging session provides teachers in all grade levels an understanding of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which is the only way to be an expert in your content area! Participants focus on unpacking the standards and learn whether they are emphasizing learning content or processes and what other knowledge and skills are implied by the standard. Learn how to develop rigorous instruction aligned with the standards. The scientific-


based research used in this session is from the Texas Education Agency. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1E, 3A, 3B, 3; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 3

July 19, 2016

Powerful Strategies for Changing Disruptive and Disrespectful Behaviors in the Classroom:

Cindy Jones $100 NT160719-P03

In this fun training, you will receive a large variety of classroom-proven strategies including:  Strategies for lessening disruptive and disrespectful behaviors in the classroom  A variety of ideas for working with angry defiant students  Ideas to avoid the dreaded power-struggle  Practical skills that build your confidence in working with difficult students  Ways to keep students motivated and on-task and learning  Ways to make the whole class run more smoothly The research for this training is taken from the work of Julia G. Thompson, Eric Jensen, Dr. Jane Bluestein, Dr. David Sousa, and Linda Pfiffer and shows that when students are given a high degree of structure, a positive learning environment, social skills training, and a teacher who can redirect in a neutral manner, positive behavior increases. Teacher Standards: 4C; Domains 1, 2, 4

July 21, 2016 Fernando Mesa $100 NT160721-P02

What Teachers Want: Practical, Positive, Powerful Classroom Management Strategies That Work (PK-12): A recent poll by Public Agenda found that 77% of teachers, more than 3 out of 4, consider discipline to be the biggest obstacle to effective teaching. These discipline problems are a major cause of teacher burnout and teacher walk out. In this lively, interactive session you will learn strategies to help eliminate most low-level discipline problems, reduce teacher stress, and promote academic excellence. It is no surprise that today’s students come to our classrooms with more challenges than ever before. Therefore, it is also not alarming that today’s teachers spend more time dealing with discipline, than focusing on teaching. Ultimately who loses? Well, using my research-based strategies everybody wins! Resulting in empowerment and reduced stress, decreased number of disruptions in the classroom, increased student achievement, greater parental buy-in and support. Do you want to successfully manage your classroom? Are you p r e p a r e d to succeed with students, parents, and administration? Attend this session and walk away with the tools to keep both you and your students motivated to learn. Because, behavior can be changed! Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 2, 3

July 21, 2016

Powerful Research-Based Instructional Strategies to Increase Rigor, Relevance and Motivation (K-12): In this session learn how to ENGAGE your classroom with this exciting and interactive

Cindy Jones

session that models and teaches numerous research-based, high yield instructional strategies through brainbased activities. These strategies actively engage ALL students and significantly increase learning. Participants will leave this session with a bag full of tools that can be implemented in any subject at all levels. When students are ENGAGED and understand why the learning is important to them, they are MOTIVATED. The scientific-based research used in this session is from Barbara Blackburn, Robert Marzano, Marcia Tate,

$100 NT160721-P03

Eric Jensen and William Daggett and states students learn best when they are focused, engaged and can relate the learning to real-life application thus increasing motivation and academic success. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4D, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 2, 3

July 21, 2016

Critical Thinking Strategies for ALL Learners (1-8): In this session you can expect to learn how

Angie Lehmann

questioning makes the difference and moves “thinking” to a higher level. You will become more intentional about focusing on high-level thinking in the language arts and other subject areas throughout the day and will walk away with strategies for enhancing students’ critical thinking skills. The session will include “hands-on” strategies that are fun and successful! Your students will become better thinkers and problem-solvers and will learn to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate information from literary and expository text. The scientific-based

$100 NT160721-P04

July 18-21, 2016 (4 Day Training) Jayme Presley $200 NT160718-P01 July 25, 2016 Fernando Mesa $100 NT160725-P02

August 8-11, 2016 (4 Day Training) Jayme Presley $200 NT160808-P01

research used in this session is from the work of Jim Delisle, Howard Gardner, Nancy Johnson, and Anderson & Krathwohl, (2001) Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. This research says that teachers who are good questioners motivate their students, stimulate high-level thinking, encourage creativity, and enhance self-concept in their students and themselves. Teacher Standards: 1C,1D, 1E, 3A; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 3

Treasuring Our Paraprofessionals: This is a four day workshop offered to meet NCLB requirements for highly qualified paraprofessionals. This paraprofessional institute provides scientifically based research strategies to assist in reading, writing, and math instruction as required in the No Child Left Behind Act. This institute is aligned with statewide TEKS and STAAR information and initiatives. Additional areas of focus include understanding and addressing the roles and responsibilities of a paraprofessional, student diversity, instructional strategies, sheltered instruction and essential job skills. Participants will also be administered a locally developed assessment to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to assist in reading, writing and mathematics instruction. Participants must attend all four days to be able to take the assessment and receive attendance credit. After the assessment has been scored, attendees will receive the NCLB certificate with their score.

Differentiated Instruction for ALL Student Populations (K-12): This engaging and interactive session offers participants practical strategies that allow all students to learn at appropriately challenging levels of instruction. Learn how to create tiered assignments, flexible groupings, and differentiate for special populations and students with special needs. Also learn how to manage the classroom when students are doing different tasks at different times. The scientific-based research used in this session is from Julia L. Roberts, Tracy F. Inman, Carol Ann Tomlinson, Caroline C Eidson, Diane Heacox. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4D, 5A, 5B, 5D, 6A; Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 3

Treasuring Our Paraprofessionals: This is a four day workshop offered to meet NCLB requirements for highly qualified paraprofessionals. This paraprofessional institute provides scientifically based research strategies to assist in reading, writing, and math instruction as required in the No Child Left Behind Act. This institute is aligned with statewide TEKS and STAAR information and initiatives. Additional areas of focus include understanding and addressing the roles and responsibilities of a paraprofessional, student diversity, instructional strategies, sheltered instruction and essential job skills. Participants will also be administered a locally developed assessment to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to assist in reading, writing and mathematics instruction. Participants must attend all four days to be able to take the assessment and receive attendance credit. After the assessment has been scored, attendees will receive the NCLB certificate with their score.

August 29September 1, 2016 (4 Day Training) Jayme Presley $200 NT160829-P01

Treasuring Our Paraprofessionals: This is a four day workshop offered to meet NCLB requirements for highly qualified paraprofessionals. This paraprofessional institute provides scientifically based research strategies to assist in reading, writing, and math instruction as required in the No Child Left Behind Act. This institute is aligned with statewide TEKS and STAAR information and initiatives. Additional areas of focus include understanding and addressing the roles and responsibilities of a paraprofessional, student diversity, instructional strategies, sheltered instruction and essential job skills. Participants will also be administered a locally developed assessment to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to assist in reading, writing and mathematics instruction. Participants must attend all four days to be able to take the assessment and receive attendance credit. After the assessment has been scored, attendees will receive the NCLB certificate with their score.

TO REGISTER: 1. Go to and click on the section titled iLearning. 2. Enter the workshop number or keywords into the search box . 3. If you do not have an iLearning account you will be prompted to create one.

Contact Jayme Presley (210) 370-5429 [email protected]

Beginning Teacher Summer Training Series.pdf

Adelman, Linda Taylor, Rick Auger, Frank Kline and Larry Silver. Teacher Standards: 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D,. Charlotte Danielson: Domains 1, 2, 3.

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iWeb/Access thru. CFES website CFES Elementary .... Google sites training-Teacher Survey (Responses) - Form Responses.pdf. Google sites training-Teacher ...

Yoga Teacher Training Weekly Schedule.pdf
OF VACANCIES Medical. Standard. Normal Age. on. 01.01.2016. Minimum. Educational. Qualification. Allahabad NCR 3 1 1 1 6 1 ... Page 3 of 7. Whoops! There was a problem loading this page. Retrying... Yoga Teacher Training Weekly Schedule.pdf. Yoga Tea