Behead those who...

Most westerners are nice people. They look for the good in others, not the bad. We would rather not look at the bad bits, that’s just not nice. Nice people don’t look at the bad bits; they just focus on the good bits. Westerners read things like: “There shall be no compulsion in religion.” (The Quran, 2:256) And they think, “Islam can’t be that bad. I’ve met some nice Muslims and this seems to line up with my experience. Surely Islam is a peace loving religion.” But what if they had seen Muslims carrying signs which said, “Behead those who insult Islam” and then read verses like Sura 5:33? “Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.” (The Quran, 5:33)1 Is Islam good, or is it bad? Should we look at the good stuff or the bad stuff? How can we discover the truth about Islam? Well, we’ll have to look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. Why the good? We must be fair. Why the bad? If we don’t we might be conned. Why the ugly? If we don’t see the ugly we will ignore the cries of the victims of Sharia. If you talk with Muslims ask them questions like: Should we love the enemies of God? Or should we hate the enemies of God? What do you think of Sharia? Do you think it is good? How should apostates be treated?2 Should those who criticize Muhammad be punished? If so, what should happen to them?3 (And read books written by Muslims for Muslims. People often dress up their religion when they are trying to sell it to outsiders. We must not just look at the good things in the Quran, Hadith and Sira, we must look at the questionable things as well.) If you are going to get to the bottom of this you will have to get both sides of the story. Listen to what Muslims and non-Muslims have to say about Islam.4 Look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. 1  A note on the verse above. How does one define “waging war”? If someone tries to warn others about the injustices of Sharia, are they waging war on Islam? When all is said and done, it is the radical Muslims who define “waging war.” God help you if they declare you an enemy of Allah. (Can our government protect us? ) 2 See By The Numbers: The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions and Demographics 3  Eric Allen Bell lived in a safe house because he was critical of Muhammad.  Others have had to change or hide their identity. 4  Should people like Maryam Namazie be allowed to speak at our universities?  Should ex-Muslims be persecuted?  If you don't look, you won't see.  See also Counter Jihad is about HUMAN RIGHTS (Eric Allen Bell) and In The Jihad Triangle, David Wood discusses all the ingredients which are needed to make someone a jihadist.

Islamic State If Islamic State does believe and teach a twisted and perverted form of Islam we need to learn as much as we can about it. We need to read their literature and the books they regard as sources of authority. One man who has done this is Stephen Coughlin. If it’s your job to protect citizens you have a duty to know what our self-proclaimed enemies believe and what their goals are. Professionals are expected to know. Not knowing what they believe and what their goals are means you are guilty of malpractice; and might be sued one day for not knowing how to do your job (after thousands of more preventable deaths occur because you didn’t know what you were dealing with). If you are in the military or police force (or you call yourself a politician) you owe it to yourself to read Catastrophic Failure.5

Sharia vs. an eye for an eye A Frenchman, Alain Wagner, had this to say about Sharia: “We are not against beliefs. We are not against religion. We are defending human rights and freedom and free speech. And Sharia is destroying freedom of speech; it is destroying human rights. So if we want to continue to live under the rule of human rights and have free speech and enjoy freedom, we have to reject Sharia.” ( What is Sharia? Or more specifically, what is Sharia when enforced by the state or the ummah? The Sharia is a legalized form of discrimination built upon a careful study of Islam’s most respected texts. Under the Sharia, if a Muslim kills a Muslim, they will be put to death. But if a Muslim kills a non-Muslim, they will not be put to death. If a non-Muslim kills a non-Muslim, they will be put to death (unless they convert to Islam).

dialogue by talking about uncomfortable truths. Brotherhood members do not want you or anyone else speaking up for persecuted minorities in the Islamic world and they want your pastor, priest or rabbi to do their dirty work for them by shutting you up. (Some people literally can get away with murder if they’re nice.)7 It is true that most Muslims in interfaith dialogue are peace loving people, just as most drivers on the road are responsible. But we don’t have airbags and wear seat belts because of the good drivers, we have airbags and wear seat belts because of the bad ones. If a Muslim is a peace loving law abiding citizen who really does care about innocent people, they will speak up for the victims of sharia and they will not try to discourage others from doing so. They will acknowledge that Islamic State and Al-Qaeda constantly quote Islamic texts to justify their actions. And they will not cry “Islamophobe” every time we point out that there are things in those texts which radicals say inspire their actions. (Radical Muslims say they rule (or attempt to rule) the way Muhammad ruled after he went to Medina; so we must look closely at the messenger of Allah and the laws he implemented. We must also look at how his closest followers, men like Abu Bakr, understood and enforced those laws. For a look at some of the questionable things Muhammad did see It’s All About Muhammad by F.W. Burleigh).

Rage Imagine you lived in a society where expressing anger or rage when offended, was regarded as a virtue, was regarded as a strength.

Such a society would be a very polite society; everyone would be very careful not to offend their neighbor, lest their neighbor Radical Muslims want to bring the whole world under Sharia. go ballistic. Their friendly greetings and good manners might 6 Refusing to talk about this problem will not make it go away. give outsiders the impression that the people of such a society See Surrender by Bruce Bawer, The Third Choice by Mark Durie were a very kind and caring people, but in reality, such politeness and Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin. would be a learned form of self-preservation. Interfaith Dialogue

Does your pastor or priest value their relationship with the local imam more than their relationship with you? If you spoke up for persecuted Christians in the Islamic world and said Islamic law was the main cause of persecution, do you think he or she would encourage you to continue or try to silence you? When the local pastor meets with the imam they smile, joke, drink coffee and eat cake. It’s wonderful. The imam is a nice guy. He tells your pastor that Jews, Christians and Muslims used to live in peace and that he is saddened that his religion has been hijacked. The worse things get in the world, the more your pastor holds on to the hope that Jews, Christians and Muslims will one day enjoy the same kind of relationship he enjoys with the local imam. They say it’s important in interfaith dialogue to emphasize similarities, not to talk about differences, and not to talk about the awful things happening in the Islamic world. But what your pastor or priest probably doesn’t know is that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the interfaith movement and they want pastors, priests and rabbis to value their relationship with their local imam so much, that he or she is willing to speak out against any Christian or Jew who would interfere with the interfaith 5  Why has the West adopted such disastrous policies in the war against terror? See About Bernard Lewis 6  And lying about the past will not help either. See Turnbull's Islamic Howlers by Mark Durie; Islam and Science by Pervez Hoodbhoy

If you watch the following video you’ll notice an imam encouraging Muslims to express their rage. In some places in the Islamic world days of rage are not spontaneous events; they are well organized coordinated events, calculated to manipulate western leaders into giving into the demands of radical Muslims.

We have a choice, we either give in to their demands (which will never stop until we are all living under Sharia) or we take a stand. Please watch this interview of Stephen Coughlin on the Glazov Gang.  Then take Jamie’s advice and read Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin.

We Can Make A Difference Consider this 7  If you’d like to go deeper, read Mark Durie’s book The Third Choice and the appendix of Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin. Also Google “Mark Durie Understanding Islam,” “Mark Durie Other Faiths Under Islam.” And Durie’s article “Salafis and the Muslim Brotherhood: what is the difference?”

Behead Those Who.pdf

Nice people don't look at the bad bits;. they just focus on the good bits. Westerners read things like: “There shall be no compulsion in religion.” (The Quran, 2:256).

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