513.967.2761 [email protected]

BFA in Graphic Design August 2014–May 2018 (expected) Miami University, Oxford, OH Human Centered Design Focus Track; Minor in Printmaking



MISSY DAVISH Manager of Marketing HDRBS, Miami University 513.529.2791 • [email protected]

Graphic Design Student Master August 2016–Present Miami University HDRBS Marketing Department, Oxford, OH Tasked with training other student designers for Miami University’s Housing, Dining, Recreation, and Business Services (HDRBS) marketing department. Additional duties include designing advertisements, brochures, signage systems, store displays, and social media graphics. Aid the production team with vinyl graphic installations and print jobs.

ERIN BECKLOFF Assistant Professor Dept. of Art, Miami University 513.529.2900 • [email protected] SILAS MUNRO Assistant Professor Otis College of Art and Design 202.701.8452 • [email protected]

Student Graphic Designer May 2015–August 2016 Miami University HDRBS Marketing Department, Oxford, OH Designed advertisements, brochures, signage systems, store displays and social media graphics. Aided the production team with vinyl graphic installations and print jobs.



Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe After Effects Printmaking Digital Photography Analog Media Manipulation HTML & CSS Microsoft Office

Graphic Designer May 2016–August 2016 Karl E. Limper Geology Museum, Oxford, OH Designing exhibit displays, signage systems, and large-scale diagrams in accordance with the set-in-place branding guidelines. Graphic Designer September 2015–April 2016 Miami University Dance Theatre, Oxford, OH Designed the advertisements for Miami University’s Dance Theatre semester concerts. AIGA Miami University September 2015–Present Co-President September 2016–Present Co-President of AIGA’s student branch at Miami University. MAKETANK, Miami August 2015–Present Co-Founder, Treasurer August 2015–September 2016 MAKETANK, Miami is a student organization focused around Design for Social good and community-based art projects. The parent organization is MAKETANK, inc.

AWARDS Miami University President’s List Fall 2016 John L. Magro Foundation Arts and Sciences Scholarship May 2016 Mary J. Bolus Art Scholarship May 2016 Miami University Dean’s List Spring 2015–Spring 2016 Eagle Scout April 2014

Ben Warner_Resume.pdf

The parent organization is MAKETANK, inc. SKILLS. Adobe Illustrator. Adobe Photoshop. Adobe InDesign. Adobe After Effects. Printmaking. Digital Photography.

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