- Noise Localization PT HESS Ujung Pangkah

- Vibration

PT Badak NGL

- Ground Vibration

pt pertamina RU vi balongan

- Machine Vibration

Ir. Wiratno Argo Asmoro, M.Sc Semen tuban

- Machine Vibration hotel ibis juanda Masjid Al Akbar Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya

- Room Acoustic PT INti karya Persada Teknik

- Noise Mapping

Ir. Tutug Dhanardono, MT Masjid Tarakan

acoustics and vibration laboratory

- Room Acoustic Bandara Sepinggan

- Environment Acoustic

PT Badak NGL

- Noise Mapping

pt pertamina RU IV Cilacap

VIBRATION And industrial Noise

- Noise Mapping

Vibration Analysis Level I


Vibration INDUSTRIAL Analysis NOISE Level II

3-days courses >> >> >> >>

Training kit Coffee break Lunch Certificate

Rp. 4.000.000 @person

3-day courses

4-days courses >> >> >> >>

Training kit Coffee break Lunch Certificate

Rp. 5.000.000 @person


>> >> >> >>

Training kit Coffee break Lunch Certificate

Rp. 7.000.000 @person

Date & Venue Sept 9th-11th 2014 Swiss-Belinn Hotel Surabaya

contact us

Sept 23rd - 25th 2014 Swiss-Belinn Hotel Surabaya

For More Information [email protected] 0857-04036-336

VIBRATIONCOURSES Vibration Analysis Level I is aimed at entry level data collection technicians or more experienced personnel wishing to gain an internationally recognised certificate in condition monitoring.



> Operate portable instrumentation on pre-assigned or pre-programmed routes > Acquire readings from permanently installed instrumentation > Input results into a database and download sampling routes from a computer > Conduct testing under steady-state operating conditions following predefined procedures > Compare overall or single value vibration measurements against pre-established alert settings > Verify the integrity of collected data and prevent or control poor data > Evaluate and report test results I.A.W. instructions, & highlight areas for further investigation

•Principles of Vibration •Data Acquisition •Basic Signal Processing •Condition Monitoring •Basic Fault Analysis •Equipment Knowledge •Test Procedures •Introduction to ISO Reference Standards


Vibration Analysis Level II is aimed at experienced Condition Monitoring consultants or specialist engineers who wish to enhance their skills and knowledge. The topics more depth and with greater theoretical content than Level I. Practical demonstrations and tasks are included, with particular emphasis on fault recognition and diagnosis.


IntRODUCTION The regulation in Industry was amended to include restrictions on the noise exposure of workers. There has been much interest and motivation in industry to reduce noise emitted by machinery. This course was designed to achieve certain objectives below.


> Select the appropriate machinery vibration measurement technique; > Set up instruments for basic resolution of amplitude, frequency and time; > Perform basic vibration analysis of machinery and components such as shafts, bearings, gears, fans, pumps, and motors using spectrum analysis; > Maintain a database of results and trends; > Perform basic (single channel) impact tests to determine natural frequencies; > Classify, interpret and evaluate the test results (including acceptance tests) in accordance with applicable specifications and standards; > Recommend corrective actions; > And More

• • • • • • • •

Advanced Signal Processing Advanced Fault Analysis Corrective Action Acceptance Testing and Standards Equipment Testing and Diagnostics Reporting and Documentation ISO Reference Standards in Depth Fault Severity Determination

> Determining noise problem and its risk > Complying with NEW ‘Controlling Noise in the Workplace’ regulations > Calibrating and Measurement of sound monitoring device > Determining action level and legal limits based on measurement result



Vibration Analysis Level II


Vibration Analysis Level I


• • • • • • • •

Basic Noise Theory. The NEW EU Physical Agents (Noise) Directive BS4142 Industry standard overview Noise Control Basics How to measure Noise Reporting noise measurements Practical Workshop Worked Examples

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industrial Noise. COURSEs. INSTRUCTORs // EXPERIENCES. Dr. Dhany Arifianto, M.Eng. - Noise Localization. - Ground Vibration. - Machine Vibration. - Machine Vibration. - Room Acoustic. - Room Acoustic. - Noise Mapping. - Noise Mapping. - Noise Mapping. - Environment Acoustic. - Vibration. Ir. Wiratno Argo Asmoro, ...

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