Building A Sustainable Earth Community Presents The 4th Annual Breaking The Silence Conference

March 11th & 12th, 2011 This year’s Breaking The Silence Conference will also feature a youth panel organized by Dr. Michael Hotz a Saturday Academy & Wyandotte High School Science Instructor. As part of an Environmental Justice Grant, students from the USD 500 school district, were selected to engage in some kind of scientific project & report the progress of that project at our Breaking The Silence conference in 2011.

Young minds being Scientifically molded

We are asking the youth in the region who are interested in environmental circumstances to join us as we listen to this panel and discuss the past, present, & future expectation of our Environmental Learning experiences.

The session will be held Saturday March 12th at 1:00 pm, at the Reardon Convention Center 520 Minnesota Ave. Registration is $1.00 Some Conference Sponsors The PTA for USD 500 is now a sponsor too Kansas Black Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Hotz & the Saturday School

The Kansas Chapter

Center for Equitable Education

J Gordon Community Development Corp

Physicians for Social Responsibility

For Details See:

BTS-youth panel.pdf

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