Bucketing Coding and Information Theory for the Statistical High Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Problem Moshe Dubiner
Abstract—The problem of finding high dimensional approximate nearest neighbors is considered, when the data is generated by some known probabilistic model. A large natural class of algorithms (bucketing codes) is investigated, Bucketing information is defined, and is proven to bound the performance of all bucketing codes. The bucketing information bound is asymptotically attained by some randomly constructed bucketing codes. The example of n Bernoulli(1/2) very long (length d → ∞) sequences of bits is singled out. It is assumed that n−2m sequences are completely independent, while the remaining 2m sequences are composed of m dependent pairs. The interdependence within each pair is that their bits agree with probability 1/2 < p ≤ 1. It is well known how to find most pairs with high probability by performing order of nlog2 2/p comparisons. It is shown that order of n1/p+ǫ comparisons suffice, for any ǫ > 0. A specific two dimensional inequality (proven in another paper) implies that the exponent 1/p cannot be lowered. Moreover if one sequence out of 2 each pair belongs to a known set of n(2p−1) sequences, pairing 1+ǫ can be done using order n comparisons! Index Terms—Approximate nearest neighbor, Information theory
I. I NTRODUCTION Uppose we have two bags of points, X0 and X1 , randomly distributed in a high-dimensional space. The points are independent of each other, with the exception that some unknown matched pairs from X0 × X1 are significantly “closer” to each other than random chance would account for. We want an efficient algorithm for quickly finding these pairs. We worked on finding texts that are translations of each other, which is a two bags problem (the bags are languages). In most cases there is only one bag X0 = X1 = X, n0 = n1 = n. The two bags model is slightly more complicated, but leads to clearer thinking. It is a bit reminiscent of fast matrix multiplication: even when one is interested only in square matrices, it pays to consider rectangular matrices too. Let us start with the well known simple uniform marginally Bernoulli(1/2) example. Suppose X0 , X1 ⊂ {0, 1}d of sizes n0 , n1 respectively are randomly chosen as independent Bernoulli(1/2) variables, with one exception. Choose uniformly randomly one point x0 ∈ X0 , xor it with a random Bernoulli(1 − p) vector and overwrite one uniformly chosen random point x1 ∈ X1 . A symmetric description is to say that
M. Dubiner is with Google, e-mail:
[email protected] Manuscript submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory on March 3 ,2007; revised on February 20, 2009 and January 20, 2010.
x0 , x1 i’th bits have the joint probability matrix p/2 (1 − p)/2 Pi = (1 − p)/2 p/2
for some known 1/2 < p ≤ 1. In practice p will have to be estimated. What does information theory say? For simplicity let us consider a single matched pair. It is distinguished by having a smaller than expected Hamming distance. Define ln W = ln n0 + ln n1 −
d X
I(Pi )
where I(Pi ) is the mutual information between the matched pair’s i’th coordinate values (p ln(2p)+(1−p) ln(2(1−p)) for the example). Information theory tells us that we can not hope to pin the matched pair down into less than W possibilities, but can come close to it in some asymptotic sense. Assume that W is small. How can we find the matched pairs? The trivial way to do it is to compare all the n0 n1 pairs. Many papers have shown how to do this in not much more than O(n0 + n1 ) operations, when the dimension d is fixed. However W small implies that d is at least of order ln(n0 + n1 ). There is some literature dealing with the high dimensional nearest neighbor problem. The earliest references I am aware of are Manber [10], Paturi, Rajasekaran and Reif [12], Karp,Waarts and Zweig [9], Broder [3], Indyk and Motwani [8]. They do not limit themselves to our simplistic example, but can handle it. Without restricting generality let n0 ≤ n1 . Randomly choose m ≈ log2 n0
out of the d coordinates, and compare the point pairs which agree on these coordinates (in other words, fall into the same bucket). The expected number of comparisons is at most n0 n1 2−m ≈ n1
(4) m
while the probability of success of one comparison is p . In case of failure try again, with other random m coordinates. At first glance it might seem that the expected number of tries until success is p−m , but that is not true because the attempts are interdependent. An extreme example is d = m, where the attempts are identical. In the unlimited data case d → ∞ the expected number of tries is indeed p−m , so the expected number of comparisons is log2 1/p
W ≈ p−m n1 ≈ n0
Is this optimal? It seems that when the dimension d is large one should be able to profit by cherry picking some “good” parts of
the data. For instance, divide the coordinates into triplets and replace each triplet by its majority. This particular scheme does not work (it effectively replaces p with the lower p3 + 3p(1 − p)2 ). Other simple attempts fail too. Alon [1] has suggested the possibility of improvement for p = 1 − o(1) by using Hamming’s perfect code. In this article, we prove that in the n0 = n1 = n case, W ≈ nlog2 2/p can be reduced to W ≈ n1/p+ǫ
for any 1/2 < p < 1, ǫ > 0. The algorithm is described in the next section. Amazingly it is possible to characterize the asymptotically best exponent not only for this problem, but for a much larger class. We allow non binary discrete data, a limited amount of data (d < ∞) and a general probability distribution of each coordinate. It turn out that " ln W ≥
λ0 ln n0 + λ1 ln n1 + µ ln S−
λ0 ,λ1 ≤1≤µ,λ0 +λ1
d X
I(Pi , λ0 , λ1 , µ)
where W is the work, S is the success probability and I(Pi , λ0 , λ1 , µ) is a newly defined bucketing information function, generalizing Shanon’s mutual information I(P ) = I(Pi , 1, 1, ∞). We prove that the inequality is asymptotically tight, see section V. Full general proofs are given in the appendices. The rest of this paper contains instructive less general proofs and examples. II. A N A SYMPTOTICALLY B ETTER A LGORITHM The following algorithm works for the uniform marginally Bernoulli(1/2) problem (1) with 1/2 < p < 1. Let 0 < d0 ≤ d be some natural numbers. We construct a d dimensional bucket in the following way. Choose a random point b ∈ {0, 1}d. The bucket contains all points x ∈ {0, 1}d such for exactly d0 − 1 or d0 coordinates i, we have xi = bi . (It is even better to allow d0 − 1, . . . , d, but the analysis gets a little messy.) The algorithm uses T such buckets, independently chosen. All point pairs falling into the same bucket are compared. A true matching pair is considered successfully found iff it gets compared. The probability of a point x falling into a bucket is d d −d 2−d (8) pA∗ = 2 + d0 − 1 d0 Let the number of points be n0 = n1 = n = ⌊1/pA∗ ⌋
This way the expected number of comparisons (point pairs in the same bucket) is at most T (npA∗ )2 ≤ T
The probability that a matched pair falls at least once into the same bucket is d i h X d T (11) pd−m (1 − p)m 1 − (1 − Sm ) S= m m=0
Sm = 2−d ·
d−m d0 − ⌈m/2⌉
m ⌊m/2⌋ +
d−m d0 − ⌈(m + 1)/2⌉
The explanation follows. In these formulas m is the number of coordinates i at which the matched pair’s values disagree: x0,i 6= x1,i . Consider the matched pair fixed. There are 2d possible buckets, independently chosen. Consider one bucket. For j, k = 0, 1 denote by mjk the number of coordinates i such that x0,i ⊕ bi = j and x0,i ⊕ x1,i = k where ⊕ is the xor operation. We know that m01 +m11 = m and m00 +m10 = d− m. Both x0 , x1 fall into the basket iff m00 + m01 = d0 − 1, d0 and m00 + m11 = d0 − 1, d0 . There are two possibilities d0 − ⌈m/2⌉ ⌊m/2⌋ m00 m01 = (13) d − d0 − ⌊m/2⌋ ⌈m/2⌉ m10 m11 m00 m01 d0 − ⌈(m + 1)/2⌉ ⌈m/2⌉ = d − d0 − ⌊(m − 1)/2⌋ ⌊m/2⌋ m10 m11 (14) m01 + m11 m00 + m10 buckets. each providing m01 m00 Clearly m obeys a Binomial(m, 1 − p) distribution, so by Chebyshev’s inequality and (1 − Sm )T ≤ e−T Sm , for any δ>0 S≥ min (15) 1 − e−T Sm − δ √ |m−(1−p)d|<
Hence taking
T = ⌈− ln δ/
min √
Sm ⌉
guaranties a success probability S ≥ 1 − 2δ. What is the relationship between n and T ? Let d0 ∼ (1 + δ)d/2,
By Stirling’s approximation 1+δ ln n = = ln 2 − H d→∞ d 2 1+δ 1−δ = ln(1 + δ) + ln(1 − δ) 2 2 lim
and 1 + δ/p ln T = = p ln 2 − pH d→∞ d 2 p+δ p−δ = ln(1 + δ/p) + ln(1 − δ/p) 2 2 Letting δ → 0 results in exponent lim
lim lim
δ→0 d→∞
1 ln T = ln n p
We are not yet finished with this algorithm, because the number of comparisons is not the only component of work. One also has to throw the points into the buckets. The straightforward way of doing it is to check the point-bucket pairs. This involves 2nT checks, which is worse than the naive n2 algorithm! This is overcome as follows. Suppose we want to handle n ˜ points having d˜ coordinates. Let n = ⌈˜ n1/k ⌉ and ˜ d = ⌊d/k⌋ for some k ≥ 1, and take the k’th tensor power
of the previous algorithm. That means throwing nk points in {0, 1}kd into T k buckets. The success probability is S k , the expected number of comparisons is at most T k , but throwing the points into the buckets takes only an expected number of 2nk T vector operations (of length kd). Hence the total expected number of vector operations is at most T k + 2nk T
The bucketing is done by depth first search over the regular T branching tree of depth k. Vertex (t1 , t2 , . . . , tj ) at depth j points to those original nk points which fell into bucket 0 ≤ t1 < T by their first d coordinates etc. Hence k + knk
pointers suffice to represent the path from the root to the current vertex and its content. Taking k = ⌈1/(1 − p)⌉
lets us approach the promised (6) exponent 1/p. III. T HE P ROBABILISTIC A PPROXIMATE N EAREST N EIGHBOR P ROBLEM How should the approximate nearest neighbor problem be modeled? We follow in the footsteps of noisy channel theory. Definition 3.1: Let the sets X0 ⊂ {0, 1, . . . , b0 − 1}d ,
X1 ⊂ {0, 1, . . . , b1 − 1}d (24)
of cardinalities #X0 = n0 , #X1 constructed using probability matrices pi,00 pi,01 ... pi,10 p . .. i,11 Pi = . . . .. .. .. pi,b0 −1
pi,b0 −1
pi,jk ≥ 0,
pi,∗∗ =
= n1 be randomly pi,0 pi,0 .. .
b1 −1 b1 −1
. . . pi,b0 −1
bX 1 −1 0 −1 bX
b1 −1
pi,jk = 1
pi,xi yi
(x,y)∈B i=1
For a random pair x ∈ X0 , y ∈ X1 the probability that xi = j and yi = k is pi,j∗ pi,∗k where the marginal probabilities are pi,j∗ =
bX 1 −1
pi,∗k =
bX 0 −1
and there is independence between coordinates. For any B0 ⊂ X0 , B1 ⊂ X1 pB0 ∗ =
d X Y
x∈B0 i=1
px i ∗
p∗B1 =
d X Y
y∈B1 i=1
S = p∪T −1 B0,t ×B1,t
and for any real numbers n0 , n1 > 0 its work is T −1 X
n0 pB0,t ∗ ,
T −1 X
n1 p∗B1,t ,
T −1 X t=0
Its success probability is
The n0 n1 vector pairs are divided into 3 (possibly empty) classes: matched, random and monochromatic. For a matched pair x ∈ X0 , y ∈ X1 the probability that xi = j and yi = k is pi,jk and there is independence between coordinates. For any set B ⊂ {0, . . . , b0 − 1}d × {0, . . . , b1 − 1}d d X Y
(B0,0 , B1,0 ), . . . , (B0,T −1 , B1,T −1 ) ⊂ X0 × X1
W = max
j=0 k=0
pB =
Without restricting generality we require pi,j∗ pi,∗k > 0 (otherwise remove the zero rows and columns). Monochromatic pairs are allowed only when pi,j∗ = pi,∗j , for the technical purpose of duplicating a monochromatic set of points X0 = X1 = X. The probability that xi = yi = j is pi,j∗ , with independence between coordinates. How much work is necessary in order to find most matched pairs? For general algorithms, this seems an extremely hard question. All known algorithms rely on collecting putative point pairs in buckets of some sort, so we will limit ourselves to these algorithms. But what are bucketing algorithms? One could choose a X0 point and a X1 point in some complicated data dependent way, then throw them into a single bucket. It is unlikely to work, but can you prove it? In order to disallow such knavery we will insist on data independent buckets. Most practical bucketing algorithms are data dependent. That is necessary because the data is used to construct (usually implicitly) a data model. We suspect that when the data model is known, there is little to be gained by making the buckets data dependent, but would welcome and greatly appreciate even a single contrary example. Definition 3.2: A bucketing code is a set of T subset pairs
n0 pB0,t ∗ n1 p∗B1,t
Clearly S is the probability that a matched pair falls together into at least one bucket. Work has to be explained. In the above definition we consider n0 , n1 to be the expected number of X0 , X1 points, so they are not necessarily integers. The simplest implementation of a bucketing code is to store it as two arrays of lists, indexed by the possible vectors. The first array of size bd0 keeps for each point x ∈ {0, 1, . . . , b0 − 1}d the list of buckets (from 0 to T − 1) which contain it. The second array of size bd1 does the same for the B1,t ’s. When we are given X0 and X1 we look each element up, and accumulate pointers to it in linked lists, each originating from a bucket. Then we compare the pairs in each of the T buckets. Let us count the expected number of operations. The expected PT −1number of buckets containing any specific X0 point is t=0 pB0,t ∗ , so the X0 lookups involve an order of P −1 n0 + Tt=0 p operations. Similarly the X1 lookups take PT −1 B0,t ∗ n1 + t=0 p∗B1,t The probability that a specific random pair falls into bucket t is pB0,t ∗ p∗B1,t , so the expected number of comparisons is n0 pB0,t ∗ n1 p∗B1,t It all adds up to at most n0 + n1 + 3W . The behavior of of S and W under tensor product is important. Suppose we have two bucketing codes defined on different coordinates. Concatenating the codes gives success
probability of exactly S1 S2 (success probability is multiplicative), while the work if bounded from above by W1 W2 (work is sub-multiplicative). There is no value in having W < max(n0 , n1 ) by itself, but it is advantageous to allow it in a tensor product factor. For that reason formula (32) does not include n0 and n1 inside the maximization brackets. The fly in the ointment is that for even moderate dimension d the memory requirement is out of the universe. Hence the code in memory approach can be used only for small d. This is familiar from the theory of block coding. Higher dimensions can be handled by splitting them up into short blocks (as in the previous section), or by more sophisticated coding algorithms. In any case W is a lower bound on the actual work of a bucketing algorithm. IV. B UCKETING I NFORMATION We will show in the next section that the performance of bucketing codes is governed by the bucketing information function I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ), defined for 0 ≤ λ0 , λ1 ≤ 1 ≤ µ, λ0 + λ1
We have an embarrassment of riches: three different bucketing information formulas (not counting in-between variations), none of them intuitive. The shortest is still pretty long I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) =
max ln
{zjk ≥0}jk {x0,j ≥0}j {x1,k ≥0}k 0≤j
x0,∗ =1
pjk zjk
x0,j pj∗
bX 0 −1 bX 1 −1
x1,k p∗k
Defining a b0 × b1 matrix M (P, Z, λ0 , λ1 , µ) by µ−1 pjk mjk = pjk (pj∗ )−λ0 (p∗k )−λ1 zjk
and denoting by k kα,β the operator norm from Lα to Lβ , formula (34) can be written as Z
1 λ0
1 , 1−λ
µ−1 p pjk Hence pj∗jk ≤ eI(P,1,1,µ) so zjk ≥ p∗k zjk 1 µ−1 p −I(P,1,1,µ) which together with z∗∗ = 1 pjk pj∗jk p∗k e 1 µ−1 I(P,1,1,µ) P pjk e− µ−1 . Equality is p gives 1 ≥ jk jk pj∗ p∗k clearly achievable so 1 µ−1 bX 1 −1 0 −1 bX pjk pjk (38) I(P, 1, 1, µ) = (µ − 1) ln pj∗ p∗k j=0 k=0
bX 0 −1 bX 1 −1
pjk ln
j=0 k=0
1 µ−1
pjk pj∗ p∗k
= 1+
where I(P ) is Shannon’s mutual information. Formula (34) does not make it clear that I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) is nonnegative, far less its other basic properties. We will prove in appendix A that Theorem 4.1: For any probability matrix P the bucketing information function I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) is nonnegative, monotonically nondecreasing and convex in λ0 , λ1 , −µ. Moreover I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) = 0 ⇐⇒ I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) = 0
We will prove in appendix B that Theorem 4.2: For any probability matrices P1 , P2 and their tensor product P1 × P2 I(P1 × P2 , λ0 , λ1 , µ) = I(P1 , λ0 , λ1 , µ) + I(P2 , λ0 , λ1 , µ) (41) Because (34) if opaque, we will use the longer but easier to manipulate definition A.1. Their equivalence will be proven for µ = 1 in section VII. The general equivalence is not used in this paper, so is relegated to [6]. V. M AIN
Our key lower bound is Theorem 5.1: For any d dimensional bucketing code handling data with probability matrices P1 , . . . , Pd , set sizes n0 , n1 , success probability S and work W " ln W ≥
0≤λ0 ,λ1 ≤1≤µ,λ0 +λ1
λ0 ln n0 + λ1 ln n1 + µ ln S− −
d X i=1
where Z goes over all probability matrices. In order to see some connection with classical information theory let us consider λ0 = λ1 = 1. The x maximization is easy, shifting all weight to a single cell: µ−1 pjk pjk (37) I(P, 1, 1, µ) = ln min max {zjk ≥0}jk 0≤j
I(P, 1, 1, ∞) = I(P ) =
pjk pj∗ p∗k
j=0 k=0
I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) = min ln kM (P, Z, λ0 , λ1 , µ)k
In particular for µ → ∞ we have pjk 1 −2 so ln µ−1 pj∗ p∗k + O (µ − 1)
I(Pi , λ0 , λ1 , µ)
This will be proven in appendix C. In appendix D we will show that the lower bound is asymptotically tight: Definition 5.1: For any probability matrix P let ω(P ) = − ln pj1 ∗ p∗k1 pjk pj∗ p∗k .
where indices j1 , k1 maximize Theorem 5.2: For any ǫ > 0 there exits a constant a(ǫ) > 0 such that for any dimension d ≥ 1, probabilities satisfying pi,jk = 0 or pi,jk > ǫ for any 1 ≤ i ≤ d, 0 ≤ j < b0 , 0 ≤ k < b1 and parameters 1P≤ n0 , n1 ≤ W , 0 < S ≤ 1 satisfying (42) and W ≥ n0 n1 e− i ω(Pi ) there exists a bucketing code ˜ ≤ W ea(ǫ)+ǫd vector operations and success with work W probability S˜ ≥ Se−a(ǫ)−ǫd. The memory requirements are a(ǫ) size code table and n0 P + n1 vectors of pointers. − ω(Pi ) i The bound W ≥ n0 n1 e P has effect beyond W ≥ ω(Pi ) − i > 1, which implies n0 , n1 only when min(n , n )e 0 1 Qd Qd both n0 i=1 pi,ji ∗ > 1 and n1 i=1 pi,∗ki > 1 i.e. we expect several data points to be indistinguishable. This could happen.
For example when d = 0 we can either reject all pairs: S = 0, W = 0 or accept all pairs: S = 1, W = n0 n1 . The loss factor e−ǫd seems excessive. Even S˜ ≥ 1/2 might be considered too low. For constant Pi = P it is indeed possible to utilize the approach of section II to obtain S˜ ≥ S(1 − o(1)), or even S˜ ≥ S(1 − e−ǫd ) by replacing Chebyshev’s inequality with Chernoff’s inequality. We are more interested in making a first stab at the much neglected heterogeneous problem. An equivalent way of writing condition (42) is (ln n0 , ln n1 , − ln S, ln W ) ∈ where Definition 5.2: For any log − attainable set is
d X
D(Pi )
D(P ) = {(m0 , m1 , s, w) | ∀ λ0 , λ1 ≤ 1 ≤ µ, λ0 + λ1 i w ≥ λ0 m0 + λ1 m1 − µs − I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ)} (45)
In terms of log-attainable sets, theorem 4.2 is equivalent to D(P1 × P2 ) = D(P1 ) + D(P2 )
Intuitively the meaning of the critical λ0 (attaining the supremum) is that when we double n0 , the work increases approximately by a factor of 2λ0 . The reason for λ0 ≥ 0 is that increasing n0 does not decrease the work. The reason for λ0 ≤ 1 is that doubling n0 can at most double the work (use the same bucketing code). Similarly 0 ≤ λ1 ≤ 1. The reason for λ0 + λ1 ≥ 1 is that if we double n0 and n1 the work must be at least doubled. The meaning of the critical µ is that when we double the work, the success probability increases approximately by a factor of 21/µ . The reason for µ ≥ 1 is that doubling the work at most doubles the success probability (the larger S is, the harder it is to improve). In order to illustrate how (42) works let us consider diagonal P (pjk = 0 for j 6= k). There are no errors, so the best codes must consist of pairs of identical points. When we demand S = 1 the supremum of (42) is attained by µ = ∞. For a diagonal matrix Pb−1I(P, λ0 , λ1 , ∞) = (λ0 + λ1 − 1)I(P ) where I(P ) = − j=0 pjj ln pjj is the information. Insertion into P (42) reveals the expected ln W ≥ ln n0 + ln n1 − di=1 I(Pi ). Even when S < 1 and µ < ∞ for a diagonal P , the function I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) turns out to be a familiar object of large deviation theory. When there are errors we can not insist on a perfect S = 1. Inserting λ0 = λ1 = 1, µ = ln ln(n0 + n1 ) into (42) reveals that ln W ≥ ln n0 + ln n1 + ln ln(n0 + n1 ) ln S− −
d X
I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) = I(P, λ1 , λ0 , µ)
The convexity of I implies I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) ≥ I(P, (λ0 + λ1 )/2, (λ0 + λ1 )/2, µ)
I (P, 1, 1, ln ln(n0 + n1 ))
For n0 + n1 → ∞ I (P, 1, 1, ln ln(n0 + n1 )) → I(P, 1, 1, ∞) which turns out to be the familiar mutual information I(P ), so we have recreated a version of the information theoretic (2).
so in theorems 5.1,5.2 it is enough to consider λ0 = λ1 = λ. Definition A.1 involves a finite dimensional maximum, so it is easy to obtain lower bounds. We will show in section VIII that for any ǫ > 0 I(P, 1/(2p) + ǫ, 1/(2p) + ǫ, ∞) > 0
p/2 (1 − p)/2 , n0 = (1 − p)/2 p/2 n1 = n from section II. The matrix P is symmetric so Let us reconsider Pi =
Hence for any 1/2 ≤ λ ≤ 1 ≤ µ, d ≥ ln n/I(P, 1/(2p) + ǫ, 1/(2p) + ǫ, ∞) 2λ ln n + µ ln S − I(P, λ, λ, µ)d ≤ ≤ 2λ ln n − I(P, λ, λ, ∞)d ≤ (1/p + 2ǫ) ln n
(consider λ ≤ 1/(2p) + ǫ and λ ≥ 1/(2p) + ǫ separately). Theorem 5.2 says that with work W ≤ n1/p+3ǫ ea(ǫ) we can attain success probability n−ǫ e−a(ǫ) . In the other direction ln W ≥ 1/p ln n + ln S − I(P, 1/(2p), 1/(2p), 1)d
In a separate paper [6] we will prove Theorem 5.3: p/2 (1 − p)/2 I , 1/(2p), 1/(2p), 1 = 0 (1 − p)/2 p/2 (53) Hence 1/p is indeed the critical exponent. Thus we have obtained a near tight lower bound involving a generalization of mutual information, which is asymptotically approximated by a randomly constructed block code. The analogy with Shannon’s coding and information theory (and coding with distortion theory) is very strong, suggesting that maybe we are redoing it in disguise. If it is a disguise, it is quite effective. At least we feel fully justified calling I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) the bucketing information function. We also refer the reader to [5], which tackles a particular class of practical bucketing algorithms (small leaves bucketing forests). Their performance turns out to be bounded by a small leaves bucketing information function, and that bound is asymptotically attained by a specific practical algorithm. VI. I MPLICATION
The Indyk-Motwani paper [8] introduces a metric based, worst case analysis. It is (nonessentially) monochromatic, meaning that X0 = X1 = X ⊂ Rd , n0 = n1 = n. There is a metric dist and constants c ≥ 1, r > 0 such that matched pairs x, y ∈ X satisfy dist(x, y) ≤ r while random pairs satisfy dist(x, y) ≥ cr. PdThey have shown that for an L1 metric dist(x, y) = i=1 |xi − yi | there exists an algorithm (called LSH) with success probability S = 1−o(1) and work W = O(n1+1/c ). We prefer Shannon’s information theoretic formulation, for reasons explained in [5]. Nevertheless an LSH is a bucketing code obeying certain
symmetry and disjointness requirements, so our lower work s bounds apply. Let the metric dist bethe standard Ls distance p/2 (1 − p)/2 and Pi = , d → ∞. By the law of (1 − p)/2 p/2 large numbers for a matched pair (x, y) dists (x, y) = (1 − p+ o(1))d, while for a random pair dists (x, y) = (1/2 + o(1))d so cs = 1/(2 − 2p) + o(1). Theorem 5.3 implies that in order to achieve success probability 1/2 the LSH will have at least s W ≥ n1/p /2 = n1+1/(2c −1)+o(1) . In [8]’s terms ρs (c) ≥ 1/(2cs − 1)
which slightly improves Motwani Naor and Panigrahy’s [11] c−s ρs (c) ≥ eec−s −1 . +1 VII. A
I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) = max[λ0 K(Q·∗ kP·∗ )+ Q
+λ1 K(Q∗· kP∗· ) − K(Q·· kP·· )]
[λ0 ln n0 + λ1 ln n1 + ln S]
bX 1 −1 0 −1 bX j=0 k=0
rjk ln
rjk ≥0 r∗∗ pjk
q∗ qj ≥ q∗ ln pj p∗
j=0 k=0
max (1 − λ0 ) ln
{x1,k ≥0}k 0≤k
x0,j pj∗
x1,k p∗k
"b −1 bX 1 0 −1 X j=0
0 pjk p−λ j∗
x1,k p∗k
Pb−1 where q∗ = j=0 qj , p∗ = j=0 pj The bucketing information function for µ = 1 is defined by
(62) 1 # λ1 1−λ 0 (63)
where r∗∗ = j=0 k=0 rjk Non-negativity follows from the well known log-sum inequality: Lemma 7.1: For any nonnegative q0 , q1 , . . . , qb−1 ≥ 0, p0 , p1 , . . . , pb−1 ≥ 0 qj ln
x1,∗ =1
bX 1 −1 0 −1 bX
Pb0 −1 Pb1 −1
b−1 X
max ln
x0,∗ =1
The constructive part of the proof (asymptotic tightness) is similar to what we did in section II. In this section we will prove the lower bound. We begin with some definitions. Definition 7.1: For any nonnegative matrix or vector R, and a probability matrix or vector P of the same dimensions b0 × b1 , let the extended Kullback-Leibler divergence be K(RkP ) =
{x0,j ≥0}j {x1,k ≥0}k 0≤j
where we define the log-attainable cone
I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) = 0 =⇒ w ≥ λ0 m0 + λ1 m1 − s}
I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) =
and this is asymptotically tight. It can be written as
Cone(D(P )) = ∪α≥0 αD(P ) = {(m0 , m1 , s, w) | ∀ λ0 , λ1 ≤ 1 ≤ λ0 + λ1
bX 1 −1 0 −1 bX qjk q∗k qjk ln q∗k ln − p∗k pjk j=0
This definition makes it clear that the bucketing information function is nonnegative (insert Q = P ), monotonically nondecreasing in λ0 , λ1 (lemma 7.1) and is convex in λ0 , λ1 (maximum of linear functions). Let us reconcile with (34): Theorem 7.2:
I(P,λ0 ,λ1 ,1)=0
(ln n0 , ln n1 , − ln S, ln W ) ∈ Cone(D(P ))
bX 1 −1
λ0 ,λ1 ≤1≤λ0 +λ1
where Q ranges over all probability matrices of the same dimensions as P . Explicitly " b −1 0 X qj∗ λ0 qj∗ ln I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) = max + {qjk ≥0}jk pj∗ j=0
The general proofs are quite complicated. However there is an interesting simpler special case: µ = 1. Let us see when it comes into play. Suppose we have unlimited homogeneous data Pi = P for i = 1, 2, . . .. What do theorems 5.1,5.2 say? Whenever I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) > 0 we can take d large enough so that the bound means nothing. So the only distinction is whether I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) = 0 or not. Because of (40) this is independent of µ, so µ = 1 gives the stronger bounds. In short ln W ≥
Definition 7.2: Suppose P is a probability matrix. For any λ0 , λ1 ≤ 1 ≤ λ0 + λ1
Proof: Using 7.1, (61) can be rewritten as I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) =
X jk
{qjk ≥0}jk {x0,j ≥0}j {x1,k ≥0}k 0≤j
x0,j x1,k qjk qjk λ0 ln (64) + λ1 ln − ln pj∗ p∗k pjk
Again 7.1 provides the optimal qjk ’s λ λ ,X x0,j 0 x1,k 1 p˜j k˜ qjk = pjk pj∗ p∗k ˜ ˜ jk
x0,˜j p˜j∗
x1,k˜ p∗k˜
(65) 1 Insertion into (64) gives (62). Then standard L λ1 , L 1−λ 0 0 duality proves (63). Proof of theorem 4.2 for µ = 1:
I(P1 × P2 , λ0 , λ1 , 1) = I(P1 , λ0 , λ1 , 1) + I(P2 , λ0 , λ1 , 1) (66) Proof: Inequality I(P1 × P2 , λ0 , λ1 , 1) ≥ I(P1 , λ0 , λ1 , 1) + I(P2 , λ0 , λ1 , 1) is obvious because we can choose Q = Q1 × Q2 . The other direction is the
challenge. Denote I1 = I(P1 , λ0 , λ1 , 1), I2 = I(P2 , λ0 , λ1 , 1) and P = P1 × P2 pj1 k1 j2 k2 = p1,j1 k1 p2,j2 k2
The nonstandard j1 k1 j2 k2 ordering of coordinates will be used throughout this proof. For any probability matrix {qj1 k1 j2 k2 }j1 k1 j2 k2 X qj1 k1 j2 k2 qj1 k1 j2 k2 ln = p1,j1 k1 p2,j2 k2 j1 k1 j2 k2 X X qj k ∗∗ qj1 k1 j2 k2 qj1 k1 ∗∗ ln 1 1 + = qj1 k1 j2 k2 ln p1,j1 k1 qj1 k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 k2 j1 k1
j1 k1 j2 k2
By definition X qj k ∗∗ qj1 k1 ∗∗ ln 1 1 ≥ I1 + p1,j1 k1 j1 k1 X X qj ∗∗∗ q∗k1 ∗∗ qj1 ∗∗∗ ln 1 ≥ λ0 + λ1 q∗k1 ∗∗ ln p1,j1 ∗ p1,∗k1 j
and for all j1 k1 X qj k j k /qj k ∗∗ qj1 k1 j2 k2 /qj1 k1 ∗∗ ln 1 1 2 2 1 1 ≥ I2 + p2,j2 k2 X
qj1 k1 j2 ∗ /qj1 k1 ∗∗ ln
X k2
1 pλB00 ∗ pλ∗B eI(P,λ0 ,λ1 ,1)d 1
Proof: Without restricting generality let d = 1. Inserting pjk j ∈ B0 , k ∈ B1 pB0 B1 (75) qjk = 0 otherwise into (61) and using lemma 7.1 proves the assertion. We can now prove an important special case of theorem 5.1: Theorem 7.4: For any bucketing code with probability matrices Pi = P , set sizes n0 , n1 , success probability S and work W sup λ0 ,λ1 ≤1≤λ0 +λ1
nλ0 0 nλ1 1 e−I(P,λ0 ,λ1 ,1)d
Proof: Without P restricting generality let d = 1. By definition 3W ≥ t Wt where Wt = max n0 pB0,t ∗ , n1 p∗B1,t , n0 pB0,t ∗ n1 p∗B1,t (77) ln Wt ≥ λ0 ln(n0 pB0,t ∗ ) + λ1 ln(n1 p∗B1,t ) and by linearity it holds for all (λ0 , λ1 ) Conv({(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)}). With the help of (74)
qj1 k1 j2 ∗ /qj1 k1 ∗∗ + p2,j2 ∗
qj k ∗k /qj k ∗∗ qj1 k1 ∗k2 /qj1 k1 ∗∗ ln 1 1 2 1 1 p2,∗k2
λ0 ,λ1 ≤1≤λ0 +λ1
so for (λ0 , λ1 ) = (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1) we already have
j2 k2
≥ λ0
pB0 B1 ≤
W ≥S
Theorem 7.3: For any B0 ⊂ {0, 1, . . . , b0 − 1}d , B1 ⊂ {0, 1, . . . , b1 − 1}d
Wt ≥ (n0 pB0,t ∗ )λ0 (n1 p∗B1,t )λ1 ≥
≥ nλ0 0 nλ1 1 pB0,t B1,t e−I(P,λ0 ,λ1 ,1)
Thus when multiplying by qj1 k1 ∗∗ and summing over j1 k1 X qj1 k1 j2 k2 qj1 k1 j2 k2 ln I2 + ≥ qj1 k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 k2 j1 k1 j2 k2 X qj1 k1 j2 ∗ + ≥ λ0 qj1 k1 j2 ∗ ln qj1 k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 ∗ j1 k1 j2 X qj1 k1 ∗k2 qj1 k1 ∗k2 ln +λ1 (71) qj1 k1 ∗∗ p2,∗k2
(78) ∈
Summing up over t proves 3W ≥ nλ0 0 nλ1 1 Se−I(P,λ0 ,λ1 ,1)
In order to get rid of the pesky 3 we concatenate the bucketing code with itself d → ∞ times. Then 3W d ≥ nλ0 0 d nλ1 1 d S d e−I(P,λ0 ,λ1 ,1)d
so taking d’th root concludes this proof.
j1 k1 k2
so with help from lemma 7.1 X I2 + qj1 k1 j2 k2 ln
qj1 k1 j2 k2 ≥ qj1 k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 k2 j1 k1 j2 k2 X qj1 ∗j2 ∗ + qj1 ∗j2 ∗ ln ≥ λ0 q j 1 ∗∗∗ p2,j2 ∗ j1 j2 X q∗k1 ∗k2 q∗k1 ∗k2 ln +λ1 q∗k1 ∗∗ p2,∗k2
k1 k2
Combining formulas (68),(69) and (72) gives X qj1 k1 j2 k2 qj1 k1 j2 k2 ln ≥ I1 + I2 + p1,j1 k1 p2,j2 k2 j1 k1 j2 k2 X qj1 ∗j2 ∗ + qj1 ∗j2 ∗ ln ≥ λ0 p 1,j1 ∗ p2,j2 ∗ j1 j2 X q∗k1 ∗k2 +λ1 q∗k1 ∗k2 ln p1,∗k1 p2,∗k2 k1 k2
hence I1 + I2 ≥ I(P1 × P2 , λ0 , λ1 , 1).
VIII. COMPUTING L OG -ATTAINABLE P OINTS p/2 (1 − p)/2 Again P = , d → ∞. Inserting p/2 (1 − p)/2 1 0 1 Q = into (60) (or x1 = into (63)) 0 0 0 implies that I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) ≥ p2λ0 +λ1 −1 . Hence λ0 + λ1 > log2 2/p =⇒ I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) > 0. Recalling (57), it is the long known (1, 1, 0, log2 2/p) ∈ Cone(D(P )) (82) Formula (63) for our specific matrix is 1 eI(P,λ0 ,λ1 ,1) = max [f (x) + f (1 − x)] 2 0≤x≤1
1 f (x) = p(2x)λ1 + (1 − p)(2 − 2x)λ1 1−λ0
Because f (1/2) = 1
d2 f (1/2) > 0 =⇒ I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) > 0 dx2
Differentiation gives (1 − λ0 )2 d2 f (1/2) = (2p−1)2 λ0 λ1 −(1−λ0 )(1−λ1 ) (86) 4λ1 dx2 In particular λ0 + λ1 > 1/p =⇒ I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) > 0 so (1, 1, 0, 1/p) ∈ Cone(D(P ))
which is essentially section II. We have found a proof [6] that I(P, 1/2p, 1/2p, 1) = 0 so (87) is right on the boundary. Another interesting log-attainable point is found by looking near (λ0 , λ1 ) = (0, 1): (2p − 1)2 λ0 + λ1 > 1 =⇒ I(P, λ0 , λ1 , 1) > 0 so ((2p − 1)2 , 1, 0, 1) ∈ Cone(D(P )) This means that when n0 ≤ pairs in near linear time!
(2p−1)2 n1
we can find matched
IX. C ONCLUSION We consider the approximate nearest neighbor problem in a probabilistic setting. Using several coordinates at once enables asymptotically better approximate nearest neighbor algorithms than using them one at a time. The performance is bounded by, and tends to, a newly defined bucketing information function. Thus bucketing coding and information theory play the same role for the approximate nearest neighbor problem that Shannon’s coding and information theory play for communication.
r∗,∗∗ =1
b0X b1 −1
−(µ − 1)K(R∗,·· kP·· ) −
K(Ri,∗· kP∗· )− #
K(Ri,·· kP·· )
Pb1 −1 K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ) = Explicitly ri,j∗ = k=0 ri,jk , Pb0 −1 ri,j∗ r ln etc. i,j∗ j=0 ri,∗∗ pj∗ The quantity maximized upon looks a bit like curvature. Insertion into definition 5.2 results in Lemma A.1: n X X c K(Ri,∗· kP∗· ), K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ), D(P ) = Conv i
K(R∗,·· kP·· ), −K(R∗,··kP·· ) + c
X i
+ConvCone({(1, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1), (−1, −1, 0, −1), , (0, 0, 1, 0), ±(0, 0, 1, −1)}) (91) where Q runs over all b0 × b1 probability matrices. Proof: We will prove (91). By linear duality inequalities λ0 ·1+λ1 ·0 ≤ 1, λ0 ·0+λ1 ·1 ≤ 1, λ0 ·(−1)+λ1 ·(−1) ≤ −1 and λ0 ·K(Q·∗ kP·∗ )+λ1 ·K(Q∗· kP∗· ) ≤ K(Q·· kP·· ) (for several Q’s) imply λ0 ·m0 +λ1 ·m1 ≤ s+w if (m0 , m1 , s+w) is a nonnegative combination of (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (−1, −1, −1), (0, 0, 1) and several (K(Q·∗ kP·∗ ), K(Q∗· kP∗· ), K(Q·· kP·· )). The proof of (90) is very similar. Let us take a closer look at (89). Not restricting the number of terms i does not change I. It can be rewritten as: Lemma A.2: I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) = max − (µ − 1)K(Q·· kP·· )+ Q + max y (92) c (Q,y)∈Conv (∆(P,λ0 ,λ1 ))
o K(Ri,·· kP·· ) +
Proof: The connection between definition A.1 and (92) ri,jk is through ri = ri,∗∗ , qi,jk = ri,∗∗ " b b −1 0X 1 h ri λ0 K(Qi,·∗ kP·∗ )+ I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) = max {ri ,Qi }i
r∗ =1
−(µ − 1)K
i=0 b0X b1 −1 i=0
, K(Q∗· kP∗· ), 0, K(Q·· kP·· ))}Q )+
+λ1 K(Q∗· kP∗· ) − K(Q·· kP·· ))}Q
Definition A.1: Suppose P is a probability matrix. The bucketing information function is for λ0 , λ1 ≤ 1 ≤ µ, λ0 + λ1 " b b −1 0X 1 K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ )+ λ0 I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) = max 0≤i
Cone(D(P )) = ConvConec ({(K(Q·∗ kP·∗ ),
∆(P, λ0 , λ1 ) = {(Q, λ0 K(Q·∗ kP·∗ )+
{ri,jk ≥0}ijk
where Convc is the closure of the convex hull and ConvConec is the closure of the convex cone (nonnegative span). In particular
X i
+λ1 K(Qi,∗· kP∗· )− #
(94) ri Qi,·· P·· − K(Qi,·· kP·· )
The set ∆ is b0 b1 dimensional, so by Caratheodory’s theorem any point on the boundary of its convex hull is a convex combination of b0 b1 points from ∆. From now on when dealing with the bucketing information P function, we will write i without worrying about the number of indices. Lemma A.3: For any probability matrix P the bucketing information function I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) is nonnegative, monotonically nondecreasing and convex in λ0 , λ1 , −µ. Special values are I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) = 0 ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ ∀Q, K(Q·· kP·· ) ≥ λ0 K(Q·∗ kP·∗ ) + λ1 K(Q∗· kP∗· ) (95)
+ConvCone ({(1, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1), (−1, −1, 0, −1),
, (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, −1)}) (90)
I(P, λ0 , 1 − λ0 , µ) = 0 (96) 1 b −1 bX −1 1 0 µ−1 X pjk pjk (97) I(P, 1, 1, µ) = (µ − 1) ln pj∗ p∗k j=0 k=0
pjk pj∗ p∗k
I(P, 1, 1, 1) = ln max 0≤j
I(P, 1, 1, ∞) = I(P ) =
bX 1 −1 0 −1 bX
pjk ln
j=0 k=0
pjk pj∗ p∗k
˜ ˜ jk
For a diagonal P (pjk = 0 for j 6= k) I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) = (µ − 1) ln
b−1 X
µ−λ0 −λ1 µ−1
+λ1 K(Qi,∗· kP∗· ) − K(Qi,·· kP·· )
so direction ⇐ of (95) is true. On the other hand assume that for some Q K(Q·· kP·· ) < λ0 K(Q·∗ kP·∗ ) + λ1 K(Q∗· kP∗· )
Inserting r0,jk = ǫqjk , r1,jk = pjk − ǫqjk into definition A.1 gives I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) ≥ ǫ λ0 K(Q·∗ kP·∗ )+ +λ1 K(Q∗· kP∗· ) − K(Q·· kP·· ) + h i +(1 − ǫ) λ0 K(P˜·∗ kP·∗ ) + λ1 K(P˜∗· kP∗· ) − K(P˜·· kP·· ) (103) where P˜ = (P − ǫQ)/(1 − ǫ) = P + ǫ(P − Q)/(1 − ǫ). The Kullback-Leibler divergence between P˜ and P is second order in ǫ, and the same holds for their marginal vectors. Hence for a small ǫ > 0 the bucketing information I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) is positive, and the proof of (95) is done. Lemma 7.1 implies K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ), K(Ri,∗· kP∗· ) ≤ K(Ri,·· kP·· )
so (96) follows from (95). Now will prove (97). We want to maximize X K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ) + K(Ri,∗· kP∗· ) − K(Ri,·· kP·· ) = i
X jk
r∗,jk ln
X pjk ri,∗∗ ri,jk − ri,jk ln pj∗ p∗k ri,j∗ ri,∗k ijk
The rightmost sum is nonnegative, and for any {r∗,jk }jk it can be made 0 by choosing r∗,jk i = j + b0 k (106) ri,jk = 0 otherwise Hence we want to maximize X X (pjk )µ + (1 − µ) r∗,jk ln r∗,jk r∗,jk ln pj∗ p∗k jk
When µ → ∞ for any a a1/(µ−1) = 1 + a/µ + O(µ−2 ) and (97) follows. For a diagonal P formula (100) is similar to (97) but simpler.
Proof: Non-negativity follows by taking Q = P . Monotonicity and convexity hold by definition. Clearly " b0X b1 −1 λ0 K(Qi,·∗ kP·∗ )+ I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) ≤ max Q
The maximized function is concave in {r∗,jk }jk , and Lagrange multipliers reveal the optimal choice ! 1 1 ,X (p˜j k˜ )µ µ−1 (pjk )µ µ−1 (108) r∗,jk = pj∗ p∗k p˜j∗ p∗k˜
A PPENDIX B B UCKETING I NFORMATION OF A T ENSOR P RODUCT In this section we prove theorem 4.2: I(P1 × P2 , λ0 , λ1 , µ) = I(P1 , λ0 , λ1 , µ) + I(P2 , λ0 , λ1 , µ) (109) Proof: Inserting R = R1 × R2 into definition A.1 proves that I(P1 ×P2 , λ0 , λ1 , µ) ≥ I(P1 , λ0 , λ1 , µ)+I(P2 , λ0 , λ1 , µ). Denote I1 = I(P1 , λ0 , λ1 , µ), I2 = I(P2 , λ0 , λ1 , µ) and P = P1 × P2 : (110) pj1 k1 j2 k2 = p1,j1 k1 p2,j2 k2 For any {ri,j1 j2 k1 k2 }i,j1 j2 k1 k2 (µ − 1)K(R∗,····kP···· ) + = (µ − 1)
X i
K(Ri,···· kP···· ) =
r∗,j1 k1 ∗∗ ln
j1 k1
r∗,j1 k1 ∗∗ + p1,j1 k1
ri,j1 k1 ∗∗ + ri,∗∗∗∗ p1,j1 k1 i,j1 k1 X r∗,j1 k1 j2 k2 +(µ − 1) r∗,j1 k1 j2 k2 ln + r∗,j1 k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 k2 j1 k1 j2 k2 X ri,j1 k1 j2 k2 ri,j1 k1 j2 k2 ln + ri,j1 k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 k2 +
ri,j1 k1 ∗∗ ln
i,j1 k1 j2 k2
By definition of I1 and I2 X r∗,j1 k1 ∗∗ r∗,j1 k1 ∗∗ ln I1 + (µ − 1) + p1,j1 k1 j1 k1 X ri,j1 k1 ∗∗ ri,j1 k1 ∗∗ ln + ≥ ri,∗∗∗∗ p1,j1 k1 i,j1 k1 X ri,j1 ∗∗∗ + ri,j1 ∗∗∗ ln ≥ λ0 r i,∗∗∗∗ p1,j1 ∗ i,j1 X ri,∗k1 ∗∗ ri,∗k1 ∗∗ ln +λ1 ri,∗∗∗∗ p1,∗k1
and r∗,j1 k1 j2 k2 + r∗,j1 k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 k2 j2 k2 X ri,j1 k1 j2 k2 ri,j1 k1 j2 k2 ln + ≥ ri,j1 ,k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 k2 i,j2 k2 X ri,j1 k1 j2 ∗ + ri,j1 k1 j2 ∗ ln ≥ λ0 r i,j1 k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 ∗ i,j2 X ri,j1 k1 ∗k2 ri,j1 k1 ∗k2 ln +λ1 ri,j1 ,k1 ∗∗ p2,∗k2
r∗,j1 k1 ∗∗ I2 + (µ − 1)
r∗,j1 k1 j2 k2 ln
Lemma 7.1 implies X I2 + (µ − 1) r∗,j1 k1 j2 k2 ln
r∗,j1 k1 j2 k2 + r∗,j1 k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 k2 j1 k1 j2 k2 X ri,j1 k1 j2 k2 ri,j1 k1 j2 k2 ln + ≥ ri,j1 ,k1 ∗∗ p2,j2 k2 i,j1 k1 j2 k2 X ri,j1 ∗j2 ∗ + ri,j1 ∗j2 ∗ ln ≥ λ0 r i,j 1 ∗∗∗ p2,j2 ∗ i,j1 j2 X ri,∗k1 ∗k2 +λ1 (114) ri,∗k1 ∗k2 ln ri,∗,k1 ∗∗ p2,∗k2 i,k1 k2
and by linearity it holds for Conv({(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)}). Hence
I1 + I2 + (µ − 1)K(R∗,···· kP···· ) + ≥ λ0
X i
K(Ri,·∗·∗ kP·∗·∗ ) + λ1
K(Ri,···· kP···· ) ≥
X i
K(Ri,∗·∗· kP∗·∗· ) (115)
(λ0 , λ1 )
ln Wi ≥ λ0 ln(n0 pB0,i ∗ ) + λ1 ln(n1 p∗B1,i )
∈ (124)
and thus − λ0 ln pB0,i ∗ + λ1 ln p∗B1,i ≥ λ0 ln n0 + λ1 ln n1 − ln Wi (125) Clearly K(R∗,·· kP·· ) = − ln S (126) X i
K(Ri,·· kP·· ) = −
ri,jk ln(ri,∗∗ S) =
= − ln S −
ri,∗∗ ln ri,∗∗
Now definition A.1,(121),(125),(126) and (127) come together: X K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ )+ I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) ≥ λ0 i
A PPENDIX C P ROOF OF T HEOREM 5.1 In light of theorem 4.2 it is enough to prove (42) for d = 1: ln W ≥ λ0 ln n0 + λ1 ln n1 + µ ln S − I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) (116) Proof: Let (B0,0 , B1,0 ), · · · ,(B0,T −1 , B1,T −1 ) be subset pairs. Denote Bi = B0,i × B1,i \
i−1 [
B0,t × B1,t
so the success probability is S = i pBi . Insert pjk (j, k) ∈ Bi S ri,jk = 0 otherwise into definition A.1. Lemma 7.1 implies X ri,j∗ K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ) = ri,j∗ ln = ri,∗∗ pj∗ j∈B0,i X ri,j∗ ri,j∗ ln ≥ −ri,∗∗ ln pB0,i ∗ +ri,∗∗ ri,∗∗ ri,∗∗ pj∗
Thus i
[λ0 K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ) + λ1 K(Ri,∗· kP∗· )] ≥
ri,∗∗ λ0 ln pB0,i ∗ + λ1 ln p∗B1,i
Wi where Wi = max n0 pB0,i ∗ , n1 p∗B1,i , n0 pB0,i ∗ n1 p∗B1,i (122)
Recall that the work satisfies 3W ≥ W∗ =
so for (λ0 , λ1 ) = (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)
ln Wi ≥ λ0 ln(n0 pB0,i ∗ ) + λ1 ln(n1 p∗B1,i )
X i
X i
K(Ri,·· kP·· ) ≥
ri,∗∗ (λ0 ln n0 + λ1 ln n1 − ln Wi ) + +µ ln S +
ri,∗∗ ln ri,∗∗ =
= λ0 ln n0 + λ1 ln n1 + µ ln S +
ri,∗∗ ln
Another call of duty for lemma 7.1 produces X ri,∗∗ ri,∗∗ ln ≥ − ln W∗ Wi i
ri,∗∗ Wi
Insertion into (128) results in
ln 3W ≥ ln W∗ ≥ λ0 ln n0 +λ1 ln n1 +µ ln S −I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ) (130) In order to get rid of the pesky 3 we concatenate the bucketing code with itself d → ∞ times. Then
Similarly K(Ri,∗· kP∗· ) ≥ −ri,∗∗ ln p∗B1,i
K(Ri,∗· kP∗· ) − (µ − 1)K(R∗,·· kP·· )−
ln 3W d ≥ λ0 ln nd0 + λ1 ln nd1 + µ ln S d − I(P, λ0 , λ1 , µ)d (131) and division by d concludes this proof. A PPENDIX D P ROOF OF T HEOREM 5.2
Definition D.1: For any probability matrix P let the set E(P ) be c E(P ) = [∪ν≥1 Eν (P )] (132) 1 ˜ ln W ˜) Eν (P ) = Conv (ln n0 , ln n1 , − ln S, (133) ν ˜ ≥ W . By where n0 , n1 > 0 are arbitrary and 0 ≤ S˜ ≤ S, W S, W we denote the success probability and work of some ν dimensional bucketing code for Pi = P . In the previous appendix we have shown that E(P ) ⊂ D(P ) = D(P ) + Cone((0, 0, 1, −1)). Theorem D.3 will
prove a strong version of the converse E(P ) ⊃ D(P ) + Cone((0, 0, 1, −1)). It is the heart of this appendix, the rest are technicalities. When a bucketing code contains only one bucket pair, we do not have to worry about the bucketing work because it is bounded from above by max(n0 , n1 ). Hence it makes sense to define Definition D.2: For any probability matrix P let the sets ˜ ), E˜ν (P ) be defined by (132),(133) but with S = pB0 B1 , E(P W = n0 n1 pB0 ∗ p∗B1 for some single bucket pair (T = 1) bucketing code. Definition D.3: For any probability matrix P ρ(P ) = − ln min pjk
we get (138). The case of ν = 1 is trivial so let ν ≥ 2. Estimate (139) follows from the well known multinomial inequality ν
(m0 , m1 , s, (1 + 8ρ(P )/ν)w)
There also exits a ν 2 dimensional bucketing code with vector (m0 , m1 , s + 4ρ(P )/ν, w)
(m0 , m1 , s, w) =
αi (mi,0 , mi,1 , si , wi )
Moreover these inequalities imply ν∗ ! ν 1−2I ≤ QI−1 i=0
νi !
I−1 Y i=0
riri ν ≤ ν I
Proof: Let νi = ⌊ri ν⌋ + ǫi where P ǫi = 0, 1 in general, ǫi = 0 when ri ν is integral and ǫ∗ = i (ri ν − ⌊ri ν⌋). Thus
ρ(P ) + ln ν (0, 0, 2, 3) ⊂ h ν i ˜ν (P )) + Cone((0, 0, 1, −1)) ⊂ Eν (P ) ∪ (Eν (P ) ∩ E (142) Proof: The single big bags pair code
B0 = {0, 1, . . . , b0 − 1}, B1 = {0, 1, . . . , b1 − 1}
shows that ConvCone({(1, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1), (−1, −1, 0, −1), ˜1 (P ) (144) , (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1)}) ⊂ E1 (P ) ∩ E Let {ri,jk }ijk satisfy ri,jk ≥ 0, r∗,∗∗ = 1. We will prove that X i
K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ), ,
X i
+b0 b1
ri ν − 1 < νi < ri ν + 1
D(P ) + b0 b1
where αi ≥ 0, i=1 αi = 1 and (mi,0 , mi,1 , si , wi ) is the vector of a ν dimensional bucketing code. Without restricting generality we can exclude codes with more than eν max(m0 ,m1 ,m0 +m1 ) work, hence wi ≤ w + 2ρ(P ). Let us concatenate ν1 copies of P the first code with ν2 copies of the 5 second code etc, where i=1 νi = ν and νi ≥ ⌊αi ν⌋. The P5 extra i=1 (αi ν − ⌊αi ν⌋) ≤ 4 copies go to the lowest si ) code, so − ν12 ln S ≤ s and ν12 ln W ≤ w + 8ρ(P ν w. Thus we attained (135). In order to get (136) we exclude codes with zero success probability, hence si ≥ ρ(P ), and give the extra weight to the lowest wi code. We will use the following multinomial estimate. Lemma D.2: For any probability distribution {ri ≥ 0}0≤i
νi νi ≤1 ν
valid for all any 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1, |x − y| ≤ 1/2. Theorem D.3: For any probability matrix P and ν ≥ 1
νi !
I−1 Y
|x ln x − y ln y| ≤ −|x − y| ln |x − y|
˜ν (P ). Similar statements hold for E Proof: Let (m0 , m1 , s, w) ∈ Eν (P ). By Caratheodory’s theorem 5 X
≤ QI−1
and the easy bound
ν∗ !
The following result shows that the convex hull in (133) is for convenience only. Lemma D.1: For any vector (m0 , m1 , s, w) ∈ Eν (P ) there exists a ν 2 dimensional bucketing code with vector
X i
K(Ri,∗· kP∗· ), !
K(Ri,·· kP·· ), 0 +
ρ(P ) + ln ν ˜ν (P ) (0, 0, 2, 2) ∈ Eν (P ) ∩ E ν
and X i
K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ),
X i
K(Ri,∗· kP∗· ), K(R∗,·· kP·· ),
, −K(R∗,··kP·· ) +
X i
K(Ri,·· kP·· ) +
ρ(P ) + ln ν (0, 0, 2, 3) ∈ Eν (P ) (146) ν Formulas (144),(146) together with lemma A.1 prove +b0 b1
ln ν (0, 0, 1, 1) ⊂ Eν (P ) + Cone((0, 0, 1, −1)) ν (147) Formula (142) is proven as follows. For any (m0 , m1 , s, w) ∈ E(P ) + Cone((0, 0, 1, −1)) let α be the minimal α ≥ 0 such that (m0 , m1 , s − α, w + α) ∈ E(P ). When α = 0 we are done. Otherwise (m0 , m1 , s − α, w + α) isP in the closure hull of the P P of the convex K(R K(R kP ), ( i K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ), i,·· kP·· ), 0) i,∗· ∗· i i points, so we get (142). It remains to prove (145),(146). Lemma D.2 provides us with nonnegative {νi,jk }i,jk . Let us define a bucket pair ( ) ci+1 X B0,0 = x0 ∀ij (148) (x0,l == j) = νi,j∗ D(P ) + 3b0 b1
l=ci +1
B0,1 =
x1 ∀ik
(x1,l == k) = νi,∗k
l=ci +1
where ci = l=0 νi,∗∗ In words we want x0 to contain exactly ν0,j∗ j-values in its first ν0,∗∗ coordinates, etc. The bucket probabilities are Y Y ν ! ν Q i,∗∗ (150) pj∗i,j∗ pB0,0 ∗ = ν ! i,j∗ j i j p∗B0,1 =
Y i
ν ! Y νi,∗k Q i,∗∗ p∗k k νi,∗k ! k
Let us add T − 1 similar buckets. They are generated by randomly permuting the coordinates 1, 2, . . . , ν. A lower bound of the average success probability of this random bucketing code is E[S] ≥ U 1 − (1 − V /U )T ≥ U e−T V /U (152)
Y ν ν! U= Q pjk∗,jk ν ! ∗,jk jk
where ⊕di=1 D(Pi ) = D(P1 ) + · · ·+ D(Pd ) etc., and o(1) → 0 as ν → ∞. Proof: Let (m0 , m1 , s, w) ∈ ⊕di=1 D(Pi ). We know that there exist α ≥ 0, (mi,0 , mi,1 , si , wi ) ∈ Eν (Pi ) such that (m0 , m1 , s − α, w + α) + (0, 0, o(1), o(1)) = =
d X
(mi,0 , mi,1 , si , wi )
Let αi ≥ 0 be the maximal values such that (mi,0 , mi,1 , si + αi , wi − αi ) ∈ Eν (Pi ). Theorem D.3 implies that (mi,0 , mi,1 , si + αi , wi − αi ) + (0, 0, o(1), o(1)) ∈ ˜ν (Pi ) ∈ Enu (Pi ) ∩ E Denote β = −α +
αi . When β ≤ 0
(m0 , m1 , s, w) + (0, 0, o(1), o(1)) = = −β(0, 0, 1, −1) +
d X i=1
(mi,0 , mi,1 , si + αi , wi − αi ) (164)
is the probability that a matched pair obtains coordinate pair (j, k) exactly ν∗,jk times, and Y Y ν ! ν Q i,∗∗ pjki,jk (154) V = ν ! i,jk jk i
so (m0 , m1 , s, w) + (0, 0, o(1), o(1)) Cone((0, 0, 1, −1). When β ≥ 0
X 1 ρ(P ) −c ≤ − ln p∗B0,1 − K(Ri,∗· kP∗· ) ≤ 2c − (156) ν ν i −1 ρ(P ) ln U − K(R∗,·· kP·· ) ≤ 2c − ν ν X ρ(P ) −1 K(Ri,·· kP·· ) ≤ 2c − ln V − −c ≤ ν ν i −c ≤
ν . Let where c = b0 b1 ρ(P )+ln ν X K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ) ln n0 =
(157) (158)
X i
K(Ri,∗· kP∗· )
(159) (160)
In order to establish (145) we choose T = 1. In order to establish (146) we choose T = ⌈U/V ⌉. Lemma D.4: ⊕di=1 D(Pi ) + (0, 0, o(1), o(1)) ⊂ ⊕di=1 Eν (Pi )∪ h i ˜ν (Pi ) + Cone((0, 0, 1, −1)) ∪ ⊕di=1 E
so (m0 , m1 , s, w) + (0, 0, o(1), o(1)) ∈ ⊕di=1 Eν (Pi ). ˜ ) be Definition D.4: For any probability matrix P let H(P the half space ˜ ) = {(m0 , m1 , s, w) | w ≥ m0 + m1 − ω(P )} (166) H(P Lemma D.5: h i ˜ν (P ) + Cone((0, 0, 1, −1)) ∩ H(P ˜ ) ⊂ E˜ν (P ) E
Proof: Let (m0 , m1 , s, w) be in the left side set. For some α≥0 ˜ν (P ) (m0 , m1 , s − α, w + α) ∈ E (168) Denote
ln n1 =
˜ν (Pi ) + ⊕di=1 E
(m0 , m1 , s, w) + (0, 0, o(1), o(1)) = " d X β (mi,0 , mi,1 , si , wi )+ = α+β i=1 # α (mi,0 , mi,1 , si + αi , wi − αi ) + α+β
is the probability that a matched pair obtains coordinate pair (j, k) exactly νi,jk times in coordinate subset number i. Of course there exists a deterministic code at least as successful as the average code. Lemma D.2 implies X ρ(P ) 1 (155) K(Ri,·∗ kP·∗ ) ≤ 2c − −c ≤ − ln pB0,0 ∗ − ν ν i
β = w − m0 − m1 + ω(P ) ≥ 0 pj1 k1 pj1 ∗ p∗k1
Clearly pB0 B1 ≤ pB0 ∗ p∗B1 so −s ≤ ln m0 − m1 which can be written as
(169) pj1 k1 pj1 ∗ p∗k1
β + s + ln pj1 k1 ≥ 0
+w− (170)
The single bucket pair code B0 = {(j1 )}, B1 = {(k1 )} shows that (m0 , m1 , − ln pj1 k1 , m0 + m1 + ln pj1 ∗ p∗k1 ) = ˜1 (P ) = (m0 , m1 , − ln pj1 k1 , w − β) ∈ E
Hence β (m0 , m1 , s − α, w + α)+ (m0 , m1 , s, w) = α+β α + (m0 , m1 , − ln pj1 k1 , w − β)+ α+β α ˜ν (P ) + (0, 0, β + s + ln pj1 k1 , 0) ∈ E α+β Lemma D.6: h i ⊕di=1 E˜ν (Pi ) + Cone((0, 0, 1, −1)) ∩
˜ i ) ⊂ ⊕d E ˜ ∩ ⊕di=1 H(P i=1 ν (Pi )
Proof: Let (m0 , m1 , s, w) belong to left side set. There ˜ν (Pi ) such that exist α ≥ 0, (mi,0 , mi,1 , si , wi ) ∈ E (m0 , m1 , s − α, w + α) =
d X
(mi,0 , mi,1 , si , wi )
w ≥ m0 + m1 −
d X
ω(Pi )
and summed up to give
d X i=1
αi ≥ w − m0 − m1 +
(m0 , m1 , s, w) =
d X i=1
d X i=1
ω(Pi ) ≥ 0 (177)
β (mi,0 , mi,1 , si , wi )+ α+β #
α (mi,0 , mi,1 , si + αi , wi − αi ) α+β
This paper is dedicated to my wife Edith whose support made it possible, and to Benjamin Weiss who taught me what mathematical information means. I also thank Uri Zwick and the referees for suggesting clarifications. R EFERENCES
Let αi ≥ 0 be the maximal value such that (mi,0 , mi,1 , si + ˜ν (Pi ). Lemma D.5 implies that wi − αi ≤ αi , wi − αi ) ∈ E mi,0 + mi,1 − ω(Pi ) which is rearranged as
β = −α +
αi ≥ wi − mi,0 − mi,1 + ω(Pi )
When the Pi ’s are not equal, we replace them with approximations taken from a prearranged constant set of matrices. For δ > 0 0 ≤ j < b let P (δ) be defined by pjk (δ) = ce−⌈−(ln pjk )/δ⌉δ where the normalizing c enforces p∗∗ (δ) = 1. The work and success are changed by at most e−δd ≤ W (δ)/W, S(δ)/S ≤ eδd . In particular (m0 , m1 , s + ˜ i (δ)). Requiring 2δd, w + 2δd) ∈ ⊕di=1 D(Pi (δ)) ∩ ⊕di=1 H(P pi,jk = 0 or pi,jk > ǫ for all 1 ≤ i ≤ d, 0 ≤ j < b0 , 0 ≤ k < b1 bounds the number of possible P (δ) by (−(ln ǫ)/δ +1)b0 b1 . For each P (δ) construct a bucketing code. Then replace P1 (δ), . . . , Pd (δ) by P1 , . . . , Pd , decreasing success and increasing work again by a factor. Taking small enough δ completes this proof.
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Lemmas D.4 and D.6 combine into Theorem D.7: ˜ i ) + (0, 0, o(1), o(1)) ⊂ ⊕di=1 D(Pi ) ∩ ⊕di=1 H(P
˜ν (Pi ) (179) ⊂ ⊕di=1 Eν (Pi ) ∪ ⊕di=1 E
Proof of theorem 5.2. Proof: Let ν > 1 be a “large enough” integer (to be determined). We are given (m0 , m1 , s, w) ∈ ⊕di=1 D(Pi ) ∩ ˜ i ), s ≥ 0 and w ≥ m0 , m1 ≥ 0. Theorem D.7 tells ⊕di=1 H(P that either (m0 , m1 , s, w) + (0, 0, o(1), o(1)) ∈ ⊕di=1 Eν (Pi ) ˜ν (Pi ). or a similar statement holds for E First consider the homogeneous Pi = P case. Lemma D.1 implies the existence of a ν 2 dimensional bucketing code with vector (m0 , m1 , s + o(1), w). The ⌊d/ν 2 ⌋’th tensor power of that code attains all theorem 5.2’s claims. The n0 + n1 vector pointers are the depth first search pointers, as discussed in section II.
Moshe Dubiner Moshe Dubiner has been in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Tel Aviv University, where he worked on approximation theory. He has been a quantitative analyst, and is now a researcher at Google.