$2,350 purse


CllIMH[Y ftocx VllL^6E

TO A"Ivl||I


the ()5 Niho -uS 7.)

April 29-30,1972







SCCA, Inc.


Mr'. Joe Go for.th

Mr.. Lewis Gunter

All Contrlbutlons Will Be Greatly Appreciated


:£:::?V;:;:68¥:48f i 27360

a. Box 129


Deadline for ADrll Issue April

207 Unity Street






The Bulletin, N.C. Region


Contrlbutlons ar.e welcome`d and encouriaged. Author's name and

4513 Pltt Stl.eet

address should be included on all submissions. Typewritten, double-spaced copy ls preferred. All material should be submitted to the editor. before the 15th of each month. Photos should

be clearly identlfled and will be retur.ned on request.



Mr'. Wlllia.in J. King 14o4 Crest Road Ra.1elgh, N. a Phone: 919

Dr. Car'l Zorow8kl



Mr. Geol.ge Batten Dept. of Mechanical




Mrs. Fran Butler. 3316 Baugh Street








slgned ar'ticles, or those bear-



Hone-919-772-0514 Office-919-755-2876


ing pseudonyms,. will be pub-

Dr. Mort Meltzer'

lished only a.t the discretion of the editor. Editor I`eserves the right to edit all submissions


7, Box 60


as deemed necessary. BULI.ETIN STAFF

Editor - Lewis Gunter

Art Director. and Staff ArtistJohn TUFnel`

Chief TyplBt and Mls8peller Joanna Gec)rgc

Reporter Peter Ha.rklns Reporter The Grape Chief Pr.otector - Milton Cover-Chimney Rock H111climb course. at Chimney Rock, N.C.

Solo I Event to be held April

3;;3!; #Z2ins:::r¥ T#:If::s !:;,2P;#: 3io:::a;:9:;i;=`:i!;.






Mr. Nick Holland Rt.


2, Box 181


Office- 919-976-7014 RAI-I.Y, CHAIENAN

Mr.. Ed Dirlan 5901 Cralg Road, Box 44

P:::e¥'9I;-:63-i5Z;5 SOLO EVENTS


Mr. Don Knowles 2322 MCMullen Circle

Credits --


Mr. George Willlams, --I-11

G atop Gotch@ - Bob Williamson,




Centr.al Florida. Region's "Checkpoint . "

1030-A Elm Str'eet


Mr`. Bill King 1404 `Crest Road Flaleigh, N. a.,



Mrs. Romml Meltzer Rt. 7, Box 60


3402 Winton Rc>ad




Dept. of Mechanical Engi'neerlng

Mr. John Turner p.


Mri. George Batten


Box 1535





Ralelgh, Phone:





Office: CLUB






MI`. Bob Hurray Rt. 6, Box 621





Lewis Gunter.


Bc)x 120 Durham, N. C.,



Keepers -Milton, Fuzz and Lance




Note: On this page, the editor presents his views on rria.tters

of current interest. Cplnlons expressed are not necessarily those of the :\T.


Region SCCA.

"prilckey Mouse Pacing"

Not evel`yone can afford a 312 P Fer`ra.ri or a 914 Por'sche. Not everyone can af'fcir'd to go

racing. Those who ce.n't, but who are motor sports minded,

get, their. kicks via autocrosses

r'a.llys, v.Torking various events, or. Just siIT,ply drlvlnp, a sports

car, and that't their bag. Any at,tempt to bring r.eal

sports car. racing within either the budgeting or aesthetic limltatlons of every sports ca.I owner ls foredoomed to failure. Su6gestlons tha.t so-called

''Club" racing can be made more

inter'esting by grading drlvel.s, invel.ted starts, elimination of previous winners, etc. are degrading to the sport a,s well as the lndivlduals involved. Is the name of the game

"Going Home with a Trophy?"

If so, why nclt simply give each

entrant a piece of brass as he checks thr.ough registration.

It's one thing to encourage additional interest in the SCCA

good, Zorowski reported insur'ance rates were up 3% age,in this

i]a.tional Championship racinF pl.o€.ram. It's sorn.ethlng, else to downgrade the ver'y thirigs

g:a:£gig|E; :38:£dai58?88gge!e Ill

t,hat have helped build tha.t program to it-s pr.esent statur'e,

}Jlck Holla.nd, Competition Board Chair`ma,n, wa.s introduced and vj'ill be selling 1972 CTCF's.

wherte \`,Tould a ca.r fo from

be issuing log books (f`or a buck) and will per'for'm cur.sor.y tech on anyone'S racing carl, anyv`There call for. a,n appointment.

along .t`i.ith the best trio of` pro ser`ies this country has ever' seen. If we had no pr`o ser.ies, winning a Na,tional Championship?

Des3ite the cries of a few


Club" m`eITber's,


few years ago embar.ked on a progra.in which has helped r.ake the Club c>ne of the rr[ost respected such groups in the world. SCCA, in a few wor.ds,1s woriking

towar.d becoming a truly profes-

sional organization. E d i t o r`

driver. skill, the luck of the

guests whet wet.e welcomed aLnd

Before the Norith Carolina Regic)n embarks upon any such Half-ba.ked scheme, each member

should cc>mpare the attr`lbutes of SCCA and other' organlzatlons. Ther`e ls nothing wl`ong with "Club" racing. As a matter of

fact, properly presented and promoted, it can be a source of grea.t sa.tlsfactlon to bc]th SCCA member.s and spectators. A_ lot

of dI.ivers know t,hey don't have a chance a.t wlnnlng silver, but they try a,nd have a grea.t

introduced wa.s Jirr. Headlee of

membel. - how many hobbies make

money f`or people?

It's nice to

let a hobby pay for itself , but we've got to remember that

=3eu::::es:::i?::What lf the car

with Don Knowles. An Autocross Co!nmittee meeting was scheduled

for after the next business ITieetlng. Next autocross is tent tatively scheduled for ]``lor.th

rua.ry mlnutes„.ther'e waE!n't a copy in the house...so this time was spent correcting a.n er.for ln the Janual'y meeting minutes. The in.otion made then by Lawrence


Miller to have any expendltures

Ellis Roach announced that The lJ!ar.ch of Dimes A.uto-

cr'oss`wlll be held there on April 9th with loo cars expected.

Gunter promised more ca,reful

editing of the Eulletln next

over S150.00 0kayed by the Board


of Directors was not pa.ssed as was stated ln the minutes, but

taken in spelling his riame.

wa.s actu:ally Cabled.

A motion

to cor.rect this el.r'or ln the minutes was made, seconded and pa.ssed.

Carl Zol'owski outlined th.e following tentative racing

Ma.y 13-14

Closed Regional

Jun 17-18 Aug 26-27

Drlver''s School Closed Regional

All these dates al.e at least

Club racing does a,nd should

August date which may have to

pa.rtlcipants I_--_ --r _--_ _and spectators. \'othing more - certainly nothing less

necessar'y or r'equir.ed by the GCE and that up was ''on" and down was ''off.''. Then a voice-fl`om

the kart track ln High Point would be available again this

two weeks from any event at either Road Atlanta or. Sumrn_it

mea.ns of enjoyment for both

pointed out that no labels were

Logistical etceteras prevented the reading of the Feb-

everyone can't win and generally those who win have lots and lots of money already.

serve both as a tr'alnlng ground for. future pro racers as well as a relatively lnexpenslve

Ellls F.oach

Hills on Ma.rch 26.

"Mickey lilouse" I.aclng a.nd therels Schedule for VIE this season:

no money in it -but let's I.e-

''on'' and ''off''.

Durham who was a char'ter` member of the N.C. Region.

deal of enjoyment in trying. A lot of folks have forE:otten wha.t racing ls. Some sa.y lt.s

There was some dlscusslon

as to the labeling of switches

'iAJhen order was restored,

Never mind car. pr'eDaratlon,

Nuts !

Gunter announced that he will

Rally Chairman Ed Durlam reMINUTES OF THE N.C. F.EGI0N, SCCA por.ted that Vance Swift's MEMBEPLSHlp MEETINrT. MARCH 7, 1972 February 27 event had a ten car entry. The next SCCA r.ally Levi'is Gunter, RE, interrupted will be run by Bowie Gray on Apr.il 30 starting from the his peddling of 1972 GCF's to call the meeting to order. Bill Mazda dealership in Ralelgh. King was appointed secretary The new Solo I co-chalrTnan ;::-::::::e6oi:°:o£::;rth. won lt is George Wlllla.ms who will work Thil.ty-three members were pr.esent, and a.mong the eleven

I.ace or whatever..

car entr`y flees for the reglonals.

Point with the exception of the I)e in.oved up a week lf Tennessee

Valley has its National at Road Atlanta that weekend. These da.tes have been oka.yed by Paul Rembold a.nd final negotia.tions

will be for.thcomlng. After a conversation with Lester. Season-

Now thai-Z-oi'o-vi'-Ski ls

Assistant, FEE, more care will be Members were urged to pay their dues ASAP tc) George Bacton. The YWCA in DurhaIT, at the

corner' of Chapel Hill and Gregson Streets is now the permaner}t meeting place. Pariking ls avail-

able ln the I.ear right behind the auditoriurr„ A call for any old or. new

business brought forth blank star'es, so the meeting was a.dj ourne a . The program v\Jas provided by Bob Clar.k of Mazda of Raleigh.

There was a. film describing the Wankel cycle engine. a discussion per.iod and an exa.nlnation cif a new Ma.zda.


Bill Kln€ These ra,ce dates

mentioned in the minutes have been changed



Technical Panel Saturday,10:00,



cars. Rear engine versus frontthe front has a hole to work with, but the r`ear'-engine ca,r does not have one. Answer: Ca.n't favor .Just one group of

gREstffi;n::u:;:ay. Session chairma,.n: David I`Iorl.ell

ca.rs because lt would then be taken to the extr.eme.

istrators and ea,ch gover'ns the

GCR 68, Fender Opening:

dance 45-50, Sesslc>n Cha,irman: Bob Shalip.

What-ls conflguratlon? This r'ule will cause lots of pr`ob-

Purpose - communication people writing in a.rguing with rules-which would be a better

lems. Springs could be changed beca.use of width c>f tire. Con-

choice? Racer.s not wanting to put out any more money than need be - 10 years ago - cr`.eaper to race. but much mar.e dan-

figuration; pl.oblem to control rules tha.t deal with springs generally means springs will not be a,lteried.

Putting springs in dlf ferent sha.pes-who's tc> sa.y the spr`1ngs

gel.ous. Show I.oom stock. What do we want the SCCA to be? SCCA-supl`eme road racing

are wriong? On Fender Flare rule: must r`emanufacture suspen-


slons - we cannot give advant-

You put out

money - need mciney coming ln.

of the junk cars.

There are 5 National Admindivision under. him. The 5 ca.tegories al.e Star'ters, Tlmlng and Scorers, Race Control, Flagging and Communication, and S.crutineerlng. Divislonal Ad-

mlnistra.tors are ppolnted for a I-yea.I. terim. New I.ule;: All worker.s as of i Marl.72 must, be licensed or

ca.Pry a. log book ln a specialty You do not need to t)e a member of SCCA to hold a log book. You may work with a log book

for. 2 year.s without jol After 2 years, you must join. One region limits it to 6 months

age to driver who does nc)t have money for remanufact,ur.e. Can't modify fl.ame on con-

National guidelines are 2 years,

90% for`mula V drivers wa.nt oil


but a I'egion may make its own

filter and a cooleri, however do not forsee problem of its being`

on AMS.

Need sponsor and publicity for

each sponsor.

Illustration -

used as a dry sump. Logic and r'easoning is extremely impor'tant : cc>nstructlon ln England lega.i Super` V nose on to cha.nge bodies without

breaking rules.

Regional level

Can't modify frame How do you write this

I.ule? What is the definition of an outer fender? Most cars have inner. panels - can't remove those, but ca.n remove outer panels. What to do about

it - a drastic pl'oblerr„ Why can't the meeting in

rules , To obtain a dlvislonal license you must have worked

4 events. If a regional and national event occur on the same weekend on tne same tl.ack, 1t counts as 2 events. A person rna.y be in any of

-inform members on rules, give them 2 years on changes of engines so they can use up eni

October be moved to August or' September.? Sept. i ca.I. cia.s-


slficatlon committee meetsi

1ng 4 events

Sine or sell the car lf no

must be a week or two between meetings. Some decisions made a-urriTE-the year, via--Sp-6-i-i-3 -C~ar.Boa.rd meeting held ln a. couple

longer legal.

Porsche 914-4-

listed cal's can't run, can't -, rna.ke alterations - open carburators - must make rules for. Give as much time to receive repol.ts back on tests. Bring

rules into line. there ls a

tine problem involved to have the rules enfol-ced. October meet to decide what should be changed. In NovemberL, changes go before Boar'd of Governors. At end of Nc)vember, have few weeks to put

new rules into print, send them out to Regions t]y December. At end of December, driver.s can I`.change their'

engines or requirements on type of car for competitions. Newsletterl-excellent ideashould publish wha.t has been changed, why the change-logiGal Pea.sonlng for the cha.nges. '73 production car's -

Spitfire - being run without bumpers being r`emoved; rule: whole bumper. ori no bumper.

Horizontal or vertical bumpertechnically can remove vertical t]umper for lrior.e air. and br.ake cooling. By r.ule, you can I.err,ove any pa,I.t of the bumper.

Triumph Spitfire-contr.over.sy over' competltor's right to rerriove. Perhaps if rules are publl8hed other isolated pl.ot)lens ca.n be ldentlfied. Center. section of bumper cannot be retalned on car.. After years of figuring, the r'ule states bumpera ha.ve to I`emain on. Engine; GCR -Water-cooled


of lnonths to decide all problens. Star't in March? How are GCR's mailed out

to drivers? By use of computer system-name,addr.ess-not by


i) log book holder not hav-

) licensed ln division ) national license holder' ) chief You may renew a license with

reasonable partlclpatlon.


RE has a copy of licensing pI'ocedures.


to all licensed drivers. It was mentioned and favor'ably received that a master I.ating . Is it possible to mail first to :,\'est Coast because West I`aces on the national races for highly first? All rna.iled out at the pr'oficient, long ter.in workers Regions,

date. Next year nc>t making a. new GCR, Just a reproduction of cJ]a,nged pages. In past mailed

be provided. Suggested minimum for' master ratings: 25-30 I.aces 5 years minimum wor.king toward master' issued by local I.eglon

i:: ::=Es4tEu:i:::.expensive.

clause any morie.

same time, at ear'11est possible

P P 60 GCE - Fire extln-

F,ulshers-must show positive proof of charging. Should contact rna,nufactur'er re pr'ctblems. Ama.teur racing-I-epr`esentatives to meet Febr.uary 23. P P 63 GCR - Bat,ter'y r`ule-

Ba.tter.y must be spill-pr'oof . The inspectors do not .know what

to do about dry ba,tterles. Safety devices - Roll ba.I.a

This is no "grandfather." A senior.

citizen may get his license by signing his log book a.nd having his RE send it to National. He need not actually wc>r.k a race.

It is an honorary license. Cr'edit as wor.ker at a Solo

I event could be given to workeps in categories such as

registering, scrutineer'ing, etc. This would be an alternative to r`aislng regional dues.

should not change ln the next few years. Harnesses ar.e being


improved. Clctsed car I.equinements; one window down with shoulder. harineEis and sea,t; belt

Dur.ing 93 events of 1971 there were 314 accidents. 147


P P 197 GCE - Diagram of 6



Est. attendance 50.

of them involved formula cars. There wel`e 1061njurleB. of

or' 5 point system - minimum 5

which 51 involved formula cars. 82 percent of all accidents can

¥:::p:¥SE::; 6r::±±:?ng posltlon

be attributed.to drlver' er'ror.

Ra.cing Regions to ha,ve a.

School to issue log books for Cars , 1973 rules ar'e good for the

sport - hope they will get rid

:§eg:rc±E; ¥:::[¥:3h£¥:€E:gfallfixed objects. 50 of these lncurred injuries. 95 percent of the accidents were on a dl'y

cour.se. 11 fires occurr`ed. With the form,ula cars, wheel climbing is the worst prioblem,

but drilvers fail to under.stand the ser.iousness of this situation. Serious consideration will be g,iven to nerf bar' arrangements for for`rr.ul& cars. All..pr'o ra.ces will be FIAACCUS.

All appeals will be made


All SOP/? will be

notified within i hour of` the decision a.nd then appeals m`ust be made within il8 hours. 18-21 year olds: Th.ey can wor`k a race only lf members of SCCA and have a waiver' from the RE signed by parents. This wai-

"super." 1nspectlon.

cessar`y by SCCA only for club


rer].uire FIA-CSI a.pproval of the t,p2.ck in additic>n. This aT)plies to Tra.ns


Can Am.,



takes top appl`oval, nee,ating 3:00.


a.ttenda.nee loo. Session chair'rrian: Frank Schultheis.

of the St,eward.

C-ood conimuni-

1s informed as to latest r'ules


Have a worik sheet pr'e-

worker ITLust know what he ls supposed to do. ty'ake surie sta,ff`

a.nd techniques. Have a.Il necesgal.y equipment on hand for tear.clowns and measur'ing.

failing to fulfill the obliga-

Imagination --Where and how would you cheat? Look in this al.ea. Always keep competitors

upon reaching Che age cif 21 1f

on their toes. Don't do things the same way all the time.

something illegal was done when he was a minor'.

Race Control: This has become a nor.e impol.tant category which may prove to be too la.rge and worthy of being divided. Safety Marshalls: They work for the Safety Steward but are under' Race Control and need not be stewards themselves.

Fire f`ighting will be a high point on the safety pl'ogram. More equipment Should be on hand a,nd the equipment

should be of the latest design. All regions should have a dlsaster' control plan. Un for.tunately there are no speclflc standar`ds for track safety. The guidelines are common sense


Safety generally

depends on good inspection. Chief St,ewar'd can exclude

drivers while an event is still on,

After the event, the Chief

Steward must inforrr. SOM's in

writing and they IT,ust disqualify r`ather'-than exclude. Showroom Stcick Seda.n Class

Don't become outdated.

Compl'olnlse is possible.


must be safety conscious, but

not to the point of outlawing sa.fe car.s on a small point.

Accident investigation: Black flad stations should always be staf fed by one capable scl'utlneer and preferably one assistant steward clr S0li]. Take lots of photc>s of accidents. A small pola.roid ls adequate. It helps show what

really happened and is valuable in insurance litlga.tlon. Enter data in ]iistor`y Log at time of accident . Impolnd ar.eas a.re sensitive places.

Diplomacy is necessa.r.y.

problems cause clea.n-up pr.o-


History Log is now manda-

up by SCCA.

Ther.e ar'e inconsistent decisions in coul.ts. Some Stewards are unqualif.led to make dealslons. Decisions should be made under GCR so lt takes time. Ther.e will be an effor.t to t,I.aim

Stewards in judicial matter.s. Track approval will be ne-

Wait until the driver has cooled tory and is listed in GCR. Histor.y is a. valuable lnstr.ument to the competitor as well as the steward. Don't let Histor.y I.eplace tech inspection. Only one person should make entries into History Log. Notes should be made as to I.ecommended changes

and their compliance. Dr`iver should initial recolIimendations to show he underistand8.



methods and t,ools that save time. Look for. safety flr'stlegality second. Don't hassle or alienat,e competitors. Talk to them. He will pr'obably know more about his pat.ticular car than you do. Attitude - Head scrutineer` should screen all of his people on attitude. They must be able to get a,long with competitor's.

should run as the last event because oil spills and glass blems. Scattershields are not required. Roll bar.s may be constructed by owners, but must meet speeiflcatlons E;et

a good crevj'. Competence will inspil`e corifldence wit,h both coITipetit,or's and Stewards.

ca.tions ".ust exist between Chief Stewar'd and Tech Inspec-

yea.r accompa.nied by proof of age. Note: Every RE must falTiil-

tlons of a par'ent or guardian

legal ramlflcatlons in case of.

Three points to cover: i) OrEanlzation, 2) Imagination 3) Attitude, Organization - the Tech Inspection is the eyes and ear.s

par.ed showing specific tasks for each staf`f member. Every

sta.te laws concerning minor.s and waivers. For exa,mple, a mlnc)I may sue his parents for

Be careful of wc)rdlng, as th.ese in.ay have possible future

It is very impor'tant to tr.aln Thurs.

ver is sent to National and National issues the log book. A log book of this type ls good only for one year. A new waiver must be sent to National ea.ch

1arize himself with his own

of a new book.


SCCA approval. SCRUTI}``]EEF.INC;:

Some r.eglons

impose a fine for re-issuance

Any pro-r'aclng will

A mls-

sing page should result ln a

We salute helen Ncrburn who notified the pit crew at Sebl.lng that they should give her husba,nd Russell the IN sign on the plc boar.d, for he would-need gas. Needless tc> say, the pit cr`ew said F.uss could eo orie more lap be for.e coming in, Would you believe the pit crew chief and t>1t cr`evT

will now listen to Helen? We salute Charlie Kemr` for'

making another entrance f`or` the mobile home manufacturer at Sebrlng in the rr.anufacturer.'s cyclone fence. Char.lie is quoted as sa.ying that ther`e

would be no Charge t,o the m^anu-

facturer but the.t he surie could bring thc>se 12-v,tide

mobile homes out through tha,t new hole.

Fickle Finger of LTate 4.`,.,rard-

thls month goes to Gary Bell for the P`islng Sun (12 hour night I.ally ) . Gr'een Weenle Awar'd goes to

the Play Boy Club Playmate a,t Sebrlng who gave the competition drlver` and hl§ Ea§ can a plde

thr.ough the lnfleld t,o his car which was out of Fas on the course.

Guess 1.iJho?



(but he




exchanging the lead numerous Super Vee Schedule Addition lvlar.ch 22 - In announcing Spor'ts Car Club of America's .pr'ofesslona,i Formula Super Vee Champion-

ship series last week, the Sumnit Point Speedway event was lnadver.tently excluded I.ron the lo-race schedule. The deleted event is sche-

The ba.ttle for fctur`th place was ec_Jually exciting, with John Finger, Tom Feddy. Bob William.s, Tom Davey, Steve Pieper, Galen

Lyons and Ber.t Hawthorne initially seeking the position. But by quarter distance, Finger a.nd Pieper were out with flat tires, Reddy with an over.revved engine

mile circuit near. Summit Point Va,

The series. sponsored by Volkswagen cif America., opens






and Davey due t;a an accident.

He had spun and in an attempt to recover lost ground ta.ngled wit;h Bill Campbell. putting both VW-powered racers out of the r'ace. Neither driver was lnjur'ed At the flnlsh, Hawthorne's Leda Tui was ahead of Lyons'

::dc:::EUE:r8:i?o:8-:;ea:urmer P\1verslde, Calif . Top competitors ln SCCA's Fc>rmula Super. Vee ranks and

prominent stars from last year's pr.ofessional Super Vee series will be cc)mpetlng for` the $10,000 guara.nteed purise posted for each of the 10 r.aces plus added contingency awards. Below ls the corr`ected 10-

Royale, but Hawthorne wa.s let;er

disqualified for. an overlong exhaust pipe. John Hancock flnlshed fifth ln his Lola T250. Also plcklng up championship

r'a,ce 1972 SCCA Formula Super

points were Ron DeMarico, Tom Bagley, Ted Rolfian, Dave Yoder

\Vee Championship schedule:

and Dick Jacobs. Nek-t--race in the Volkswagen of America, Inc. -srionsor.ed series is a,t Watkins Glen, N.Y. June 16-17.

June 16-17 Watkins Glen GP course, Watklns Glen-,N.Y.

July i-2, Summit Point Speed-

Tuiyw%¥3,S:#tA:::::; W.Va. Galnesvllle,


U.S. Tir`e Sizes Appl.oved for Showr.oom Stock Sedans

July 29-30, Donnybr'ooke Brainer`d, Minn. Aug. 26-27, Road America,

Elkhart Lake, Wise. Sept. 4, Lime Rock Park, Lime

Or`e ,



165-13 165R-13 AR78-13


165R-15 AR78-15

of fact and posltlon ln answer to char'ges leveled at the club and its or.ganlzatlonal structur.e. A widely read weekly motor.-

in8 publication recently penned an edltorlal which, by insinuation and assertion, was insult-

ing to all those striving to maintain a high degr.ee of ser'vice to the members of the Sports Car Club of Amer.ica ln genera.I and to SCCA club I.aclng ln par-

ticu1a,I, How was the editorial incor-


It stated that "taking

the SCCA at its word, we have

concentrated our cover'age on its priofesslonal racing to which it devotes the maLjor'1ty of its time, money and ctr`ganlzational

e ffort . ,'

a co:::£t#i#o=e:::::t:uC§ccA than any c>ther function. When income a,nd expenses are consi-

:::e:tsL:L#c:£gAp::::ant]°than The editor.1al neglected to r'ecognlze the publication has been supported to the greatest extent by subscriber.s who par-

ticipate ol. are interested ln

the SCCA club racing program.s.

Many c)f its suppor'tlnF advertl-

nomenclatures differing from

ser's earn their. living selling

those stated in the SCCA's General Competition Rules (1972) ''Tires must t!e DOT approved

to those same subscr`1ber.s.

the same size as standard ment; on the automobile, or

approved radial tires having not mol'e than 165 section..."

the 10-race 1972 Sports Ca.r


r'eal reasons that the publication attacked SCCA are as follows :

First and foremost was the fact that, without a.ny discus-

Club of America Super. Vee Charm-

I.ecognizing U.S.-manufactured

plonship ser'1es and the fir.st

sion with SCCA, the publication dr'opped the previous r'eportlng

radial tires carr'y different

pr`ofessional SCCA r'ace of the season. Kr.onegard, dl.iving a. Lola T252, Bill Scott of MCLean, Va., 1n a Royale a.nd Harry Ingle, Charlotte, N.C.. In a Zlnk, took

of SCCA Nat,ional Criamplonship

size nomenclatur.es than tires of a for.elgn manufacturer', approved U.S. equivalent sizes for

events at the beginning of

comm.and of the 27-carl starting field. Although Scott held the

I.econfirmed specifications for

The SCCA's Competition Boar.d


first lap from his pole position, the trio raced ln close for'mation throughc>ut the 12-lap r`ace



These sized I.eflect var'ious

The event was the first ln

The following is offeried the member's of the Sports Car. Club cif Am.erica as a stat,ement

any other, as lt should! (VW only)

Sebrlng, Fla., March 24 Sweden's Gregor Kronegard scored a narr.ow victory here today ln the loo Kin Inver House Sebrlng Cha.1lenge, a race for Fol'mula Super Vees on the 5.2 mile Sebring Air. Terirr,irial • clr.cult .

of the Spor.ts Car Club of America

devotes MORE time and organiza-

tires are:

Kronegard Takes F/SV Sez-1es Opener

An Open lietter` to the l.'Ierr,bers

tional erF5Ft, both field a.rid office staff , to club ra,clng

The list of approved radial


Monterey, Calif . Oat. 28-29, Riverside International ra.ceway, Riverside, Calif.

speclficatlc>ns without notice, therefor`e no guarantee can be made of adequa.te notice ln every instance. Fr.om: National Headquarters

Car Club of Amer.ica today an-

proved for the Showroom Stock Sedan category.

tional Ra¢eway, Por.tland,

Competitor.a wel'e reminded, however, manufactul`el.s can change

Denver], Mal'ch 27 - The Spor.ts

nounced the recognition of sever.al tire sized pr.evlously ap-

sept?°£8:1?:nEartland Inter.naOct.14-15,

Scott moved past, only to spin and drop to thir`d behind Ingle

at the checkered flag.

duled for July i-2 at the 2W.

times , Sta,ritlng the final lap, droriegard crossed the sta.rt/ flnlsh line in t,he lead but

use in Showroom Stock Sedan c ompet i t 1 on . The Competltlon Board also

the Showroom Stock Sedan cats-, gory are subject to cha,nee. Adequate notice of such aha.nges will be published where Possible

the 1972 sea,`son.

It should be

pointed out, in the pa.st, such repor.ts were lar.gely a.ssigned to and supplied by enthusiastic SCCA members ln areas involved.

Apparlently severtal of the

publlcation's advertisers were quick to notice the omission of

Na.tional race reports. F.ecognlzing the omission cculd well have an effect on pl`omotlon

value, the advertiser's applied considerable pr'essure on the publlcatlon. Copies of correspondence to the publica.tion confirming this fact were sent to Nationa.i headc.]uarters by

individual advertiser.s. SCCA. either prior to or.

after advertisers' pressure, it is not known, received a. request fr'om the publication de-

manding„ wltri the threat of

exposure of the ''SCCA's lack of

scene. Club ra.clng gives, and has given, many of today's star.s

their start and training ln

the appllca,nt's parent or guar.-

motor ra.cing. Club racing gr,1ves many people enjoyment and is a,


direction for. efforts in motor I.aclng of dr.1ver's, mecha.nlcs

and workers. It even gives enterprising pr.omotel-s a chance to supplement their income from professlona.I I.aces. And it gives rna.nufa.cturers a vehicle for adver'tlsing and promotlc)n, an obvious fa.ct when thumbing

A for.midable ta.sk, as most of

you involved in club racing will recognize. and virtually lmpossible lf accura.cy is to be consldered. Points information ls mailed to Dlvisional Pointskeepez.s a.fter each weekend.

Competitors often earn points out of their dlvlslon, necessltatlng a separa.te tabulation

in that division.

Protest and

Membership Ca.r`ds

The put]11ca-

Due to computer progr.am-


new member's. All outstanding cards will be rna.lied as soon a.s

official SCCA wa.1ver form,


pa,I`ent or guardian and proc>f of payment of curir'ent national and reglona.i dues. The approved

I.ent SCCA Competition Licenses as proof of membership. I)ct not

license will then be sent to the Divislonal Administrator with the old license attached for recor.ding and tr.ansmittal.

Until further notice. Event registrar.s s hould a.ccept cur-


February 16, 1972

Member. Ser.vices - Please note that the SCCA Member Services

Depal.tment will remain in Westport,




The fa.ct the publicatic>n dr'opped covel`age of Nationa,I I Championship events, without a

printed statement of the fact, incurred the wr.ath of its advertiser's and then attempted to bla.me the SCCA ls pla.in for all to see,

ed mer.chandise should be directed to:




1972 GCR and PCS - There seems

to be confusion as to the new prices of the GCF. and PCS.

First, they al`e in loose-leaf form beca,use they are intended to be three year books to be updated by means of substitute or addltlonal pages and indices. The books a.nd supplements are

fur'nlshed free to licensed dr.1vers of record at the time of publlcatlon, as well as to all licensed stewards.

Licensing c>f Minors - Race Offl-

SCCA and cia.1m lt ls ''1ndiffer-


Despite the obvious growth and strength of the SCCA's club racing program, 1t appeal.§ i5ome member.a of the motoring press

would rather ignore this fact a.nd direct their' time and space

to crltlclze the club racing

to participate ln the Race Officlals' llcenslng program ln an a.Pea pl.evlously restr.1cted

to those over 21 (partlculal.ly

i!;!!::!!!:i;i:i;i:i:I!;::i;::6, ments :





voting wer'e Gavel.nors-elect Bogus, Clouser and Zitza, as well as Staff members Bird, AI.getsinger, Tomlln, Ovens, Gllmar'tln and Wessman.


Insura.nee Br.oker Lester Season-

good Joined the meeting later ln the afternoon, accompanied by Mr.. Michael Br.ooks of London a.nd Mr. Robert Greene of Ormr.od

But the final insult, which was tct publicly rldlcule the ent to its club racing program" was plainly lr'responslble.


Howar`d Hanna, Present I)ut not

and calculation of out-ofdlvislon points. The National

evening of an event.

signed by the applicant's

Boar'd of Governor's Meeting,

qulrles or cirders for dlscciunt-

!::iseE; g:i:::v::rg!:1!u:3:;1al

appllcatlons must be accompanled by a completed. notar.1zed



tic]n agreed to this system. a.cknowledglng the point stand1ngs might possibly be lncorrect prior to protest appea.IB

office immediately took steps aBsurlng National r'ace r'esults

appllca,nt will operate.

mlng problems, there will be an unavoidable dela.y ln the proceasing of membership cards for

However, following an explanatlon of the above, SCCA's

available to the publication

3. Written apporval of R.E. or Chief of Specialty in Region

of/or gra.duatlon to divlslc>na.i or. natlona.1 licenses upon completiori of the norma.i reo_ulrements. Every a.ppllcatlon for.

cards as such pl.oof .

wlthln ten days.

cate ,

Men,bers rna.y a.pply for. r.enewal

cials ,

demand cur.rent SCCA member`ship

ln the Denver off lee and na.de

the applicant's blrith certlfl-

or viewing television commer-

delay confirmation of points.

esta.blish a system whereby National Champlonshlp point standings would be tatiula.ted

2. Repr.oductlon of va.lid

operator's perml¢ in the a.ppllcant's state of r'esldence ori of

through newspapers a,nd rna.gazlnes

a,ppeal hear'1ngs c>ften fur'ther'

nationa.I office of fered to

dlan. ava,ilable fr'om loca,I SCCA

Divlsiona.1 and National Licenses and F_enewals - Minors -

cooperation," that the publlcatlon be pr.ovlded an updating ctf the National Championship point standlngs every Monday morning.

i. Completed, nota.r.ized of flcial SCCA waiver signed by

¢ Co. The Tr.easurer's report was hea.rd, which indicated a 1971 operating loss based upon una,udlted end-c>f-year flgur.es

i:o:X€3:SL::sS:g°afg:;±p£€:ge revenue from professional r.aclng, the deficit consisted mainly of relocation expense c>f moving

the of fice to Denver and a lar.ge a,mount of a.ccounts recelvable fl'om events and r`egions. Mr. Rowe, the treasur`er, also

reported that the sale of the Westpor`t property had I.esulted

in a profit of more than $122,000





including accumulated appreclatlon and depreciation. The Feb. 5th meeting was of the 1972 Boar'd for the put.pose of

electing officers and I.esulted in the election of Ed I,eslle as Chair.man; Jack Rowe, Vice

Chair`nani Don Nlxon, Treasurer: Tony Ta.rantlno. Secretary; a.nd Robert Shaw a8 member-at-lar.ge of the Executive Committees ira-ni;-inri`ed -afi i>age 6


contlnuatlon of ''Executive Bulletin" Peter Sherma.n a.nd Floyd Stone wer'e elected First and Second

by Bc>b Williamson

(from Checkpoint) GATOR GOTCHA WAS



Alternates to the Executive Gotterdamerung! ! UnfortuCommittee. The Board, took action nately the Magic Fire Music and to reduce expense with a ser`ies

of motions, among them that the per' d61m allowa.nee for SCCA. re-

the Valkerles never caught up with the r'allymaster'. Neither

1mbursement of boards and committees be reduced to $25., that the exbense of the attendaLnce of Staff member.s at a.ny I.eglon-

did my driver - ln fact the winner was looking for a, "burning

al or dlvisiona.i meetings or functions, when requested, nor`-

(flrist car numbered 31), neatly

mally be bc)r'ne t)y the r.eglon or

division rna.king the request, and that SCCA will not gr.ant sa.nctlons for events to promoters or I.egions indebted to SCCA,

unless orderly arrangements a,re made to clear such indebtedness. •Other motions involved the usual appr.oval of coor.dinate resolutlons, appr'oval of requests by the Old Dominion Region to

type" stake when last seen. We star.ted as car no. 35.

tucked Just back of MCGovern

and Gandy. This turned out, to be a mixed blessing. Beautiful cold windy day a.nd we f ind clurselves ln North Miami, heading

for the nor`th coast of Africa seems a slant tee ls a sla.nt tee. And then there were other things - f lve orma,mental iron horse heads on an outdoor staircase, ball, bells a.nd "horse" and DISASTEP.!

Pavlov's dogs

first time as we missed the leg it was on,


At 10:30 p.in. Saturday night we got out of the ca.r after' 14 hour.s of really tough ra.1lylng. Most people unhappy with obscure

legalisms, in town routes, heaping on of conflicting notes and home made signs. Now -Sunday.

Grea.t I'ight

up to the first checkpoint which was one-half mile fr'om the end of Odo.

Then sta,r`t looking for`

carefully defined "pc>wer lines" and suddenly find you are rolllng> easily north on ''Power.line Road" We missed a checkpoint a.nd then got thor.oughly lost tiecause the

out slip at the control had a mileage lnstl.uction on lt tha.t

overlapped. Then the long a.rduous process of convlnclng the dr.1vep (and Holder. and Scott of Hunts-

learned faster than we did so

ville) that proceeding nor'th on

t,he Mlssisslppl Regiori to move fl'om Area 7 to Area 3. The Board also directed the Com,pe-

we wound up -miserable, lost

tition Board to study the feasibillty of abolishing the prc]-


never, never bring the oppor'tunity to Cur.n at a tee. There isn't one south of Jupiter Light.

change its boundaries, and of

hlbition of payment of pr'ize money in National races and a mol'e equitable distl.ibutlon of the ARRC tra.vel fund to drivers.

and with that fir.st - and lnost danger.ous - doubt ln THE INFAL-

Out with the rna.ps, read all the way thl'ough looking for a.

clef initlve landmark - like what a.bout SW 117 a,nd Woodla.wn (and

if Woodlawn is a cemetery, where

is it - otherwise we might a,a Corirection of Past EB Items and Other Announcements - Pa,ge 4 of the Feb. EB. TiITietable for SCCA

and F.egional Billlng, contains one erroneous date. By action c>f the Board of Governors at its :-;ov. 1971 meeting, November i

of each year is the date after h.hich membership applications Drocessed will31beof credited •througr. Dec. the followlnE member`shlp year.

This date

therefore r.eplaces the longsta.ndlng one of Septem.ber` 1 by

request of a grea.t many regions. A r'ecent issue of Autoweek con-

to the southwestward, running

this clue (like following it) next checkpoint - aga.in genius

ship for you.


tlemanly assist; fr'om Ben and Joanne Oehlert.) So.with SHU NUF - we rolled into the

cats, dc>gs and wive and a. mild

:os:::iE::o:g6.Wax::e:e::r:;::ng dellberatlon and full dlscusslon of alternatives by ''the team"


ha.ve no Solo 11 Ser].es sponsor-

of the scoring va.n - we WUZ LOST (even a.fter a most gen-

ask there about "big men tearing a.t wor.k -frontways. And as the sun sa.nk slowly around ln little cars." Even into the West, we sank rapidly monkeys are sma.rter than that?) So, while cruising westward, north toward horr,e, hearth,

templated. Someone new a.t Autoweek.s office must have

were true for this year, I)uC

r'ally with time, and fo,r the first time, fori lunch. The a,fternoon's stroke of

with a cold NW wind. Pass the Monkey Jungle (like why stop and

missing five contr.ols.

We wish lt

''Read" and we're ba.ck ln the

genius was Oar.y's recognition

19-72, n-o~r`has bne bee~n~can-

missed the date.

So, again the map and we

head south and LO - there is

well brea.k out the emt>almlng fluid (8 oz. See;rams) then a,nd there.) Then a reference tci Mc)nkey Jungle. Orchid Jungle and Homestead. So, we take a ta.ck

ta.1ned an item announcing Schlitz (this took a full .03 minutes) sponsor.ship of a Solo 11 series. we tctok---uir-in hc>t pu-ridit'. And There ls no such sponsorship ln thus we found a checkpoint after

stumbled on to a two-year old press release anriounclng the 1970 Schlltz Cup Series and

SR 809 out of` Deer field will

WE WERE So, after

this bl.1lllant riecovery we rna.de two good legs - and got lost again because we didn't see a

cur.1osity about the final scores. Plus the pleasure of forgetting about the ''Instant Insanity" leg. If you really want to heari a.bout this, offer the guy who ran it t;wo large

martinis to calm his nerves or. look up Pete's Bari and Grill in Homestead and a.sk the two Myna Birds about it.

very large church on the right.

And then - there was a plc+ Cure (lltera.Ily a.nd plctor.1ally a picture) of a, TCL or. tr.affic

control light on a blllboar.d. So a. lengthy night tour almost to downtown Mlaml.

Which mea.nt


One Ruben, Just a horse, red ln color, t)rown eyes. 10 years old

the dinner hour was reduced to No bad traits, ea,ts very little a. fast mllkshake and off and run- $200. Call Ronnl Meltzer, 919nlng. Try rallying down a major 489-3442

street with Saturday night traffie, but not for fun.


_i ? - =6

A fast night through the country and I.1ght through a checkpoint backwards, At leaaf with good company.

It seemes

ln this rally one Just doesn't use the Same slgri twice - of course we hadn't seen lt the

One 948 Sprite block assent)1y

ln running condlt.ion.


E8¥r:;#Eie?tri.I€.Box 373,





The beginning of another. r.a.cing season ls upon us.


have good news, we have three da.tes for racing a.t VIR. Dr.ivers School Regional Race Regional Ra.ce

June 3 & 4 July 22 & 23 August 19 & 20

The Regional Race July 22

and 23 will be part of the S.E, Dlvislon Reglc)nal Championship Series.

We wc>uld thro`^.I

a, Na.tional Race but it seems

to be at this time an impos-

slblllty. Now the bad news - Summit

Point has cancelled lts racing progr.am for the year. It ls going to be auctioned off on the courthouse steps Saturday mor`nlng.

Stan Deeter (new Formula For.d), and Jirr, Hender`son ln his A sports

racing Bobsey. Actually Stan Deter has his National license had a. new For.mula For.d

a.ttempting to learn drive it when the in-




Solid Color.a Designs


$56.50 $59.50

famous tur.n f'ive at Atla.nta

SCCA Members

helped him lose his left I.ear suspension. Stan was the only caBua.Ity from our region. There

Dealer Inquiries Requested DELTA RACING

wer.e seven SSS (Showroom Stock Seda,ns) which showed up a.t the

school. They I'eally put on a great show. This will really be a spectators' delight as open r.aces, for they put on a good Show in stock form.











My hat is off to the workers and officials who withstood the wind, hail and showers tha.t hit the course on Satur.day.

We hope that some-

15% Of.f

Behave yourselves, Lewis Gunter

thing works out so we can keep

::: ::::i ::t:::af::h:a8:?gislR) has been bought by Tctm Nehl of

the Gator Region and he has

leased the track to the region for one dollar. per year. The Gator Region will be sending out a questlonnair.e asking if you will compete, work. or help in any way. They hope to coa,t the tr'ack with an a,gphalt type

:i::r%e:£±::o::1:s:#a€:W:n°?ust this Job wa.s 10 thou.)


support them, for they are taking a big ga.mble.

For those whc>

haven't been to Savannah t)efore, 1t ls a two mile road course with a bunch of sweeping turns a.nd a good reverse calnber turn which 18 quite a aha.Ilenge for compe-

titors. Get those questlonnalres ba.ck ln the mail and let's sup-


3823pE:::aT;:gip:!g:#!LBIvd. Used Car's ln Stock 12 ape

Pops Datsun Porsche Porsche Porsche Por8che

llT Ta.rga

914/6 GT 911 T Cpe 911 T Cpe 911 T Porsche 9111/4


§:X:;:i 2:68:::a:h?a:88?et: $3.495'(1961



por.t them.

I just attended a good drlveris 'school at Road Atlanta where 73 students wer.e learning how to drive on curvey roads. We ha.a quite a f.ew members down

from the region taking a shot

::cg::::?g S::|Eu:3:E:ti::::fire , George 'i'J1111ams

(1275 Mlnl). MILLER


Perfolmance Services Our Services

Our. Products

Boy i TALK

AcOu T

ccOo#3oL" ''\




Racemal`k Performance Prctducts Premier Helmets BMW Per.formance Parts

and Accessories Performance ±1res

3736 Anglel. Avenue

Dyno Testing and Air Flow

Testing Engine Building and Rebulldlng Cha.ssls Tuning

Selective Stl.eet Car Maintenance Work (Speelalty ln Bin, Porsche.) PO Box 8811 Phone: 919-596-1804

Durham, N.a.


Mr.. David Dooley, Cha,lrman

mula. car.s without long-term plannlpg a,nd the customary one-

SCCA Car Classlflcatlon Committee 1200 N.W. 26th Street

year notice.

8#:i:::'c;:Io6 Dear. Dave:

The solicitation of member's comments on the proposed rules changes ha.s been a posl-

tlve step.

Balla,sting ls

not the a.nswer.

I would like to

commend Bob Tomlln and his

staff for forwal.ding to all of us so many of the communications recelvea. Now the multlpllclty of thoughts and suggestions can I.educe the chance of el.rolls in any changes actua.1ly made.

I believe that neither the proposed pl.epaI`atlc>n rules nor

the pr'oposed classlflcation rules should be adopted. The sentiment expressed by the menbership is too striong ln another dlrectlon. Alla.n Glr.dler's column on pa.ge 12 of the May issue of Road and TI`ack, to my

mind, best Burma.rizes t,his sen-

tlment . I would vote an absolute no to a. weight displacement formula for' the I)rocudtion, formula., and sports racing c.ars. I see no sa.tl8fa.ctor.y alternative to the present system of. classifying

production cars ln groups of

similar performance and Bee no r'eason why the present eight classes cannot be reduced to six for 1973 by combining adjacent, undersubscrlt>ed cia.sses and com-

blnlng cars listed sepa.rately as single mar.que models. There should be some free updating when dealing with stock pa.I.ts

One excellent suggestion for. I.educing confusion appeared in one of Ra.ndy Canfleld's letter.s when he suggested ca.lling the Sports Racing.classes ''Can-Am"







Seda.n classes ''Trams-Am" classes

:ia:;e:.shy:¥&eb:h:aE::8u:g±9n Class A, a, C, eta.

I believe

this proposal should be adopted for 1973.

For immediate action I would recommend putting the Alfa 1600 GTA in D production a,nd permitting the Fiat Abarth 1000 to I.un as a C sedan. Many of the member.s' excel-

lent suggestions could be adopted for 1973, but most will requir.e long-term pla.nning perhaps over' several years - to accomplish the phasing out of the old a.nd the br.1nging ln of the new. In general, safety

modlflcatlons and rellabllity options such as free main bear-

;:ge:a::1::;,P::yt::in::7:n3r°stl.engthened suspension pal`ts ,

should be pemltted. Interior trim should be r`emoved because

it ls fi flpe hazard. Engine modifications should be restr`icted to reground or stock cans. lower compl`esslon ratios. and

stock flywheels. Standard gear ratios should be used and there should be limitations on tire and wheel size (possibly even the ellmina.tion of high-cost alloy wheels). Otherwise, sus-

i:;: ; : wi::u::er::i:::i:::a;E::-

pension pl-epal.atlcin should be

would continue based on subjectlve Judgement and objective .-

Showroom Stock Sedan Class pro-

statistical re-evaluation.


see nothing that can t]e done with the sports I.aclng and for-

fairly free.

In short, the

vlded for tcto little pr.epal.atiorl. Present prepartation benefits those with unliIT,1ted flnancing a,nd ela.borate pr.epar.-

ation facllltles. middle gr.our}d.

There ls a

How could the present Sedan and production c`lasses ever be combined with such a dlspa,rlty of prepa.r`ation rules? As the two-sea.ter roadst'er fa.des in favor. of closed GT types, the dlst±nctlon between spoltts cars a.nd sedans becomes blurr.ed. Should seda,n preparation not resemble production car pr`eparation both to keep the cost down and to enable the two groups

eventually to run together on performa,nee potential? Why are we so far av,tay from the preparation rules of FIA Group I and Group Ill?

With the sports ra.cing and

formula classes ballast ls not the answer and llmitatlon on engine size would lnvlte expensive development to achieve a high specific power output. Soulc Super Vee and Formula For.d not be combined in a sinsle for.mula? Formula C ca.ris could be updated to Fol'mula. a, a.nd dropped as a. 8epa.rate cia.ss. Why does the SCCA have to be so

far away f ron European Formula. 2 and Formula 3?

Why not give

more thought to stock production engines in racing chassis ln the sports racing category? Why doesn't the SCCA have

a professional series for production sports ca,r.s? Might not the combined Troulng and GT approach be the sa.1vat,ion of Trams-Am Over 2.5?

Before closing, I would like

to reiterate some other pertinent thoughts that have come fr`om members'



sedans and Droduction car's there should t)e n-o more r'ecognltlon

c]f options not actually available and sold in the U.S. If basic components need lmprovlng, where free bearing cap.s and dl.y sump could be used to obtain

relia.blllty, let the manufacturer do lt.

I ca.nnot emphasize

enough how much need I see for'

riule. stability after the changes have been made.

And there must

be a more thorough study of the costs of racing, and of how much dif fer`ence thel.e should remain between pr.o and club

racing. As well as a fair wl.it,ing of the rules, there must t)e consistent and fair enfor.cement. Each division should have

a regular' chief scrutlneer' Just as the pl.o serle§ do.


think tha.t str.let and consistent enrol.cement of fairly-written rules would crea.te respect. not tihc antagonl5m now seen among SCCA partlclpants.

S inc er'e ly ,


FLuss Norburn


Rasey Feezell (Editor's note: Ra.sey is the for'mer' Regional Executive fort the Eastern Tennessee Region)

I seem to be doomed to always be writing contr.overslal articles, thus her'e I gc> a.gain. Let me say ln the beginning

that I will be cr.iticizlne a system, not individuals. The pacing activities of SCCA are largely contr`olled by

the professional competition boat.d headed by Lee Hall and

the amateur competition board chair.ed by Da.ve Tallaksen.

The car cia.ssiflcatlon committee ls a sub-committee of the amateur. cometltlon boar.d and was chair.ed last year by Bob Sharp whc> has now moved up

to become part of Tallaksenls boar'd. These two cc)mmittees r'epor`t to the 16 member board

of Governors. At the la.st Trans-Am race in Laguna Sees, a meeting was held by the professional competition boar.d a.nd all the

dr'iver's were lnvlted to attend this meeting - thus all the

manufacturers were r'epr`esented.

It was agreed by the drivers to change the I.ules to a.1low a,1l over'head cam cars to run 1.1 lb/cc ln the 1972 Tr'aris Aln.

This rule change was agreed upon

Bgeang+g.::£ErE:,3fg,;.8#.:EEL Board of. Governors.

A meeting of the amateur competltlon committee was held

withctut the drivers being reprea-err-taa- and only one manufactur.er being represented. T'hey came to the opposite concluE;ions,

therefore, an Al fa Romeo running ln the amateur series must weigh

over the rules under which we


I,a c e ?

that was adver'sely affected by i.i lb/cc for all over.head cam engines was r'epresented at t,hat

NASCAE ha,s pr'oven that the

ra.cin8 is better without the factories' pal.ticipation, but we have to let the factories not only participate, but peltmit therr. to ser've on the rules committees. In "y opinion, Alfa Romeo ha.s the best Support plan of the am,ateur pr'ogram. They put up money for. class wins and

then unlike the other fa.ctorles, they do not support a factory team to go out and collect all amateur wins. Who wins most of the Datsun a,nd Triumph in.oney?

Not the lndependents. Now tha.t I ha,ve cr.1ticlzed, let me be constr.uctive: 1)

Ma,ke the amateur com-

mittee subservient to the professional committee.

2) Insure tha.t all riulesmaklng committees h= one I.epresentative from ea.ch manufactul.er. Let the drivers select the persc>n.

3) Force the r'ules-making committees to communicate with the manufacturers. Discuss changes in advance before making these changes. 4) Give the full-time employees mar.e authority to make declslons.

In closing, let me say again that I a.in not accusing a,ny lndividual of collusion, favor.itlsm, or any of the other ba.d things which people claim at)out each

other - but the system for establishing the rules makes conflicting intel`est very possible.

log to -t]-e--cT6iifibetitival.-`Thls situation ls ridiculous. Elther' the Al fa and Datsun are cornpetitlve at the sa.me weight or they are not! `I'his ls one last straw which ha,s caused Alfa Romeo, Inc. to withdraw

±±i their factory support fr.om 955A. Now this hurt;-and I donlt give a damn who I make angry, t)eca.use I am not only being put

tin an uncompetltive posltlon, but now it has cost me money.

Dear Rasey,

cent "Competltlon Cor.ner." ar't-

icle.„I can only say that you don't have to be ''doomed'' to

writing these incorrect. lil advised and ''controver'slal" a.rtlcles. If you would take

the time to function as a respc>nslble I.egional competition boar'd representative a.nd pr.oper`-

ly lnvestlgate the facts before you wrote an ar.tlcle, you would be a.ffording your. I.eglonal members more accura.te a.nd factual

lnformatlon and not have any

If the Board of Governol's ap-

proves this sltuatlon, lt will

your recent ar'ticle.

arlver.s who aren't all that

I. I)rivers drive cars. They don't repl'esent manufacturers

:, -

many - but why have two sets of rules for the sa,me ca,r? Why

does not and never will agr.ee

to that ruling..

It was stuffed

down their throat. The Club Competition Board did not a,gr`ee with the rule then a.nd does not agree today. Cubic dollars and lots of luck won the 2.5 gel.leg for' Datsun - not the weight to displacement rule. 3. The meeting of the Club Compet].tion Boa.rd had no rna,nufac+

turer' pr.esent - not ''one" as you I.eport .


The fact that a club dr'iver

has`to"lighten his car 10% to be competltlve" 1n Trans Am ls, I

agree ''ridleulous" and I don't blame you for being unhappy, but lets put the blam.e where it belongs.

The pr'c> boar.d changed

the I.ules and did lt without corisultation with the club board. and without discussion with Datsun, 5. You ask "Why can't the participa.nts ln ama,teur. r`acing have some control over the rules under' which we race?" The statement ls absolut_el¥ ?prazlng to mE-.

-S-ii5TA-is a aemocl.atlc

organization who elects their' ruling body (the gover.nors) to run their club. Don't gr'1pe when a bona ride democratic body

doesn't do everything that agrees with your ideas or happens to affect the make of carl you own. Incidentally, Rasey, what do you dr`ive?

Could it be a,n


advising us on now?

the 20,000 odd rr,embers and the

With r'efer`ence to }Jour. r'e-


cost them most of the'alfa.

Trans Arr, meeting and did not,

6. There is no amateur` competition board. It's the ''Club Ccimpetitlon Boar'd" It represents


i.2 lb/cc, but if the driver wants to run a Trams-Am the next week, he must lighten the car

The one and only compa.ny

Ijet's gct over.

and malce company pollcles.

members I.un this club - not the pr'ofessiona,i competition board. Because members r`un this club,

:8:u# :::3::1::::e:::::t i:: ' t the pro board. 7.

Another beauty is your item


I'm sure that all the manu-

f.actur.era would all a.gree to

allowing the drivers to pick who would represent their giant corpor'a.tions in vital decisions concerning competition matters. In case you don't know it, each

vitally concerned manufacturer has a. competition director whom

they have carefully chosen to r`epr.esent them in matters I?elatlve to SCCA rules, eta. -C6-Ftln-ued on page. io

can't. the partlclpants in amateur racir}g have some control



has been working, well, and con-

solidation of classes can be c]one wit,him this structure Chevy Chase, Md.,20015 after. a close look at the preL 18 Jenuar`y 1972 sent average number' of Participants per r'ace ln each class Mr. Petel-S. Sherma.n and the average per'missible 17801 Pond Road 6621 Hllla~ndale Rd./J2





A specific objection tc> this

Dear Pete,

pr.oposed formula ls that it ls

I a.in wr.itinr to make known

my position conaerning the pro-


posed 1973 racing rules changes

as cil.culated I`ecently ln a Regional Publicity Merrio. The bulk of my comments


apply to the Production Cate-


gc)r.y changes, which I.epresent


a most significant depa.rture fr'om existing rules.

Fundamentally, I am whole-

Tliink of us

heartedly in favor. of prepar`ation rules changes v;ihich actually I.educe the cost of racing

or increase the reliability of components.

(The latter or.din-

ar'ily results ln an eventual cost

continuation of "Dear Rasey" 8.

My competition board and

t;he club racing star f a.re ln daily communication with these representa.tives and much more so than the pro board ever' thought of doing.


Of the six proposed preparation changes, ctnly one does

either of the above, the r.aln bearing option. As far as I can see, the other five proposed changes can only result in an increase ln cost, since they r'epr'esent rr.ajor. modifications 1.\Jhich in no wa.}' impl.ove r.elia-

9. Your item 4 is one for the gover'nors. They have as yet

money .

melTiber given a,uthority to rna.ke the final decislc>ns on most ln.atters of importa.nee.

My understanding is that the I.fee car.buration rule ]s pctinted towarld r}ew cars with restrictive

not wanted to relinquish their


Alfa did not withdraw its

support money beca.use of any

action or lack of a.ction on the par't of SCCA.

Don Bla,ck advised

us that the strike in Italy made

economy measul.es necessary and the SCCA support money was a big item so the`v ha.d to Cut lt. Sc>me other small suppol.t money

wa.s left unchanged.

The reason

g::L##t,]y econoni.c. _ not In closing, F.asey, let me ask you why you don't c.all and talk to Tomlin or myself before rocking the boa.t with half truths and mlsinfor`matlon. Both Tomlln a,nd myself appreciate your. dedication and would be glad to discuss any of your gripes with you and provide both sides of an issue before

you write your articles and advise the drivers in your region. Yc>urs most sincerely, •Davld C. Tallaksen, Chairman SCCA,







pollution controls,


that it ls

thought that making such cars r'aceable under. Present rules is difficult or. im.possible, and that the resulting absence of

ba.Bed solely on weight and poten-

tial power, iEnorlng handling and frontal areas, and thus does not prioperly class all cars.

It also wc>uld force many

cars to a,dd ballast - in sorr.e cases several hundr'ed pohnds thus further stl.essing suspension


The propc>sed changes in the Spor`ts Baclng Category seem of

Questionable virtue. The multiplicit,y of engine types and prepar`ation r'ules would certa.inly result ln spectator confusion and I.ules enfor'cement r]r`obleIT,s.

A minimum weight requirement, in these classes wc)uld proba,-

bly necessitate ballast on existing cars, obviously an undesir`able situatic>n in a car undoubtedly built to minlrr,ulr`

structural standards. The same 6-o-rients--apply tci the proposal to consolidate Fol'mula, SCCA a.nd Super Vee by

these mea.ns.

I have talked to a numberi

of drivers in the ea,stern part of the country a.nd have found essentla.lly unanimous agr.eement with these thoughts. I'm sure dr'ivers can be found with views

other than these, but I seriously doube that they represent anything appr.oachinp; a majority. Slncer.ely,

Randy Canfleld

these cars from SCCA r`aclriE

scene will adversely affect specta,tor support. I subIT.it that many such examples £±± be r'aced under' exlstlng pr'epa,ra-

tion r.ules - perhaps not as swiftly as their maker`s wc>uld

desire - a.nd classlfled in accordance with their. overall Potential. casesspe-exist, they If canhopeless be a.1lowed cia.i modifications and appr`opriately class].fled. The nurri-

ber of cars in dire need of

such cat.buratlon changes would

surely represent a ver',v small minority of the total number now- ra,cing.

Concer.ming the balance of

the proposed changes, pa,rtlcular'1y the fr.ee valve size rule, I can only say why?

As for the propctsed car

classlflcatlon formula, a,gain thuITibs dowr„

The present system


editors note: As most; of you knot/.', P.andy has won the National Championship a. number of tines

and he is a.n outstanding per.son to know',

The Final .Results of the Ma.thematiclans Nlghtrr.ar.e TSD Rally Febr.u.ar'y 27,

Car Class #' Posl-



Overa.II I)river/Navigator. Posi-






Checkpoint, 5




Off Course




F. Shields Pittman Vance swift. Jr'.



0. Walton, JI`.




















' 15














Ed Shaff`er Sar'ah K. White





JcthnE. Perry



3 2




































































Tillle perkins La.I.I.y Tllley



Paul Ga,uss Bob Gawley




L. J. Gestaut




Rex Stouter` Dennis llal`dy

Allan M. Jolls




Michael phillips


John Turner Bill Misenheimer



by Pete IIarklns The first SCCA Autocross of

i:ids]:I::::'2gp::yN:Sg£H=iiisYas Co-chief stewa.rid Don Knowles ha.d

scheduled the event r.aln or.

shine - forgetting the posslblllty of snc)w, which of cc>ul.se fell to

the tune of 3 inches on the 25th. However, Don. sufferting from a

Severe case of beginners luck,

not only laid out a fine course, but had a beautiful. warm, dry afternoon for runnlnEr„ Thanks are due to Ted Ho.ff mann Charles Lewis and George Wllllams for Tech; Linda Lewis, JOJ}.nn Tvlichaels and Beck,v Knowles fctr

Registration and Scoring; Alan Jolls. Jim Michaels, Larry Wllllams. Joe Bell and Pete Harklns fori StaLrtlng and Tlrr,1ng. Two unnaned photogl.aphers along with Ellls Roach were lndlsperiBable coul.se workers. Special thanks al.e due tc] Lewis Gunter

for taking his Florid? va.catlon over` that weekend, and to Ronnl Meltzer. who. in Lewls's absence, Was at her a.dminlstl'.ative best. For those who helped a.nd aren't mentioned, we Plead faulty IT,emory and offer apc>1oples. If that doesn't help, write Don.






Ijack of car.s and collapsing . combined performance in the Sprite suggestions from Denver lead to and his Corvette. Ken Fpledlln an A and a Pr.epared, A Modified. was second by 6 thousands of a grouping. Teddy Hoffmann in the minute over Mother Meltzer'. beatTow'd ate everyone up, ta.king ` ing her only with a good time on.

fastest time of day as well as

class (Ray, Jr„ wher.e are you?) George Wllllams, fresh fr.c7m a

his last run.

Overall, bitches related to

Summit Point drivers school, was classifications, etc. were extr.emely low for a first event second in his 1275 mini. Mike Phllllps, 1n a Super`-7 with nar'- of the season. IylLaybe Denver. has done good for a change. M. Beck row tlr.es, wa.s third. The ln a 1275 Spriite had a consistent mighty modlfled Midget with multiple masters swept all three set of times in taking. C-Stock. places ln B-Modlfled.

Of cc>ul`se

almost half the class was composed of a, Renault which had to run modlfled under t;he new r'ules. But still, Coleman did have second fastest time of day. The

starters-timers awarded best novice of the day to W. Putnam for his smooth per.fol''mance in the abc>ve mentioned Renault. The trophy was given on a Judge-

ment call based on an overall lmpresslon,' and lt wasn't easy to pick a winner. Another. many-Classed group was C a.nd D-Prepal.ed a.nd A-Stock won ,by Mort Meltzer ln a 948

Ftlght behind him in Porsche 914's were George Mar.ks and Jim. Coggiri.

In D-Stock Cason finally beat out our fea.I.less Solo 11 Chair.man Dc>n Xnowles, but it took borrow-

ing a car frorr, his sister' to do lt. Lynn Borchert won I-Stock in his Col.tina., improving his time with each r'un. The largest class of the clay was B-Sedan. J. Peacock ln a super-swift VW (was that header. I.eally stc)ck?) took the silver by .033 minutes -that's a lot of time - over Jim Michaels lr`` his Datsun. In winning second, Jimmy beat Jim Coggln ln the yellow Honda by .002 minutes -

There Sprite with a loose batter.y cable that's not a lot of time. may be a protest, however, the (Don't ever volunteer to push a car with a. ''dead" battery until chle-f a-'tewal.a was not sure at Dress time whether or not an a -cr.acked block constituted

x3:tc:::g :::SCSE:e3pgoT::::f j

pylons of the day)awar.d for hlB

interns,i lnodiflcation.

continuedonpage |2


Official F`esults



!!orth Hills Shop_olnp Center. 26 I'1ar.ch




Run 1


J. Coggin C. Brlckhouse

Porsche 914

J. Butler'



Porsche 914

.786(I) .848(I) .909 .839(2)




. T Ll 9







c. Lewis





Bun 3

Fun 2 i)

Run 4



dnf dnf .751(i) I)-STOCK .730






.831(i) .792

.778 .802(i)


L. Borchert




BMW 1600


J. Headlee

Fiat 850




a. Willlams E.

M, C. M.


Phlllips Zctrowski Meltzer.


.829(i) .839


.798 .828


Mini 1275

Elva 5

:,:::I 7

5( 785(


T. Hoffmann C. Derr,y

Tow ' a Volvo 544

S. Coleman R. Smith D. Shaw

Midget ]4idget Midget

M' ',.I. R. J.

Benault F.enault Renault

Foltz Putnam Nicholson cower



First and F.T.D.



Best Novice

Dune Buggy D-PREP,



Mini 998

Sprite Sprite Sprite Datsun 2000 Pcirsche 911 B-SEDAN

M.. Foltz PL. Nicholson W. Putnam


R. Hurlburt


T. Ma.rks

J. C088in J. Peacock J. Micha,els G. :ri'1nstead

P,enault Renault Honda .Honda VW

Datsun 510

Fiat 128

dnf .826 .837

dnf .778 .791 .790(1) .837 .781

Pylons (numbel`s ln parenthesis) wer'e wor'th .05 minutes ea,ch


You find out what something's made of when the pressure's on.

The classic courses and tracks of the world are oiir research ]tibs. There \ve find the inspiration for new ideas.


And the proving and improving


oiily \`Jhcn



I)asscd the test ()f thi` track (I()es it e\.er sho\\-lil) on .1 ctlr for the street.

And a Porschc that call go 24. hours straight cit Le Mans can certtiinly make

grounds for old ones. In just 2 I years, we've \`.on more

than a thousand championships. But we know that speed alone isn' t

enough. That e,ven a minor flaw can



it on the Calif(>niia Freeu..iys.

POBSC=HE® Por`che


a di\i`ion of \'olL¢wagcn ttf \meric.1,





Bulletin 1972-03.pdf

Cover-Chimney Rock H111climb. course. at Chimney Rock, N.C.. Solo I Event to be held April. 3;;3!; #Z2ins:::r¥ T#:If::s !:;,2P;#: 3io:::a;:9:;i;=`:i!;. Credits --.

2MB Sizes 0 Downloads 149 Views

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