COLLEGE PARK Spring 2015 Campaign: February 18—March 29

Candlelight Vigil Thursday, March 19, 7:15 p.m. public right-of-way outside Metropolitan Family Planning

5915 Greenbelt Road, College Park Rev. Deacon Desi Vikor, Director of Deacon Formation, will lead us as we join in Prayer, Praise, and Song. Save time and park on 60th Ave or 59th Ave, adjacent to our 40 Days for Life Vigil Site. Please arrive by 7:00 pm.

Printed programs will be provided. Hymns will be accompanied by musicians on guitar. For more information: Tom Trunk—240-593-6982 [email protected]

Candlelight Vigil

Mar 19, 2015 - Formation, will lead us as we join in Prayer,. Praise, and Song. ... Hymns will be accompanied by musicians on guitar. For more information:.

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