Career Advancement Training Foundation Application

The Career Advancement Training Foundation Scholarship Fund is a charitable arm of Rockford Career College. It was established in 2007 to provide scholarships to financially needy and academically deserving individuals who wish to further their career opportunities at the college. It is the goal of the founda-

tion to promote a respectful environment, cross cultural awareness and community outreach approach so that people of all cultures can achieve their dreams for a better life.

Scholarship Requirements: 

You are enrolled or registered as a full time student at Rockford Career College taking a minimum of 12 college credits

You are a high school student registered as a full time student at Rockford Career College taking a minimum of 12 college credits

You must demonstrate and provide documentation that you have a financial need

Procedure: Submit your application and explain why you are deserving of this scholarship along with two letters of recommendation (from non-relatives). Make sure to include a personal statement describing your career goals. (you may also type your story/application using additional pages)

Submit your documents by October 21st, 2015 to: Danielle Harriott Director of Student Services (815) 967-7312 [email protected]

SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Student Name: Student ID: Student Email: Program of Study: GPA: Attendance %: References:

Personal Statement:


Career Advancement Training Foundation Application

Career Advancement Training Foundation Application. The Career Advancement Training Foundation Scholarship Fund is a charitable arm of Rockford Career.

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