CBB 2012: Health, Safety and Environment Topic: Green Movement as a Prime Mover for a More Equitable Society No 1 2 3 4 5

Name Alister Albert anak Suggust Nuraimi binti Azmi Joshua Sam Yangus Nur Arinah binti Hisham Albakri Nadhira binti Mohd Khairuddin

Matrix ID 13646 15148 13833 13899 13763


Contents 1.0 Introduction


2.0 Result


2.1 Green Movement In Malaysia as the Prime Mover for an Equitable Society


2.2 Green Movement in Asia as the Prime Mover for an Equitable Society


2.3 Green Movement in Europe as the Prime Mover for an Equitable Society


2.4 Green Movement in United States as the Prime Mover for an Equitable


Society 2.5 Global NGOs Of Green Movement as the Prime Mover for an Equitable


Society 2.6 Future Improvements in Malaysia’s Green Movement as the Prime Mover


for an Equitable Society 3.0 Conclusion


4.0 References


1.0 Introduction Green Movement Symbol -Brings the fact as whole of an environment, economics and social which is clean for everyone. Green Movement: - the call for the social reformation to cut or reduce the use natural resources in order save the environment - to fight for rights of society in environment, economics and social. History : Started since many decades ago, initially during the industrial revolution’s era. In the 20th century, new era for the green movement caused by the “Great Depression and the two world wars”.

1.0 Introduction Modern Green Movement The realization of : Environment •Impacts of the pollutions •Solidification of green movement and consciousness.

Social • Awareness of human right • Human rights for equitable society

Economics • Economy controlled by certain body or parties.

2.1 Green Movement in Malaysia Political • Lynas project (originated from West Australia) - processing and storage of radioactive wastes in Kuantan, Pahang. - Produces large quantities of industrial acids and chemicals which will adversely affect the environment. - Socially disruptive and health threatening. • Lynas claimed that Malaysia has the infrastructure lacking in Australia. • Real reason : They do not want this radioactive industry in their backyard. • Himpunan Hijau or Green Assembly – green movement fights Lynas project. • The government - ‘impartial experts’ have testified to the safety of the society. • Clearly, the government wants to attract big projects regardless of their sustainability or toxicity.

2.1 Green Movement in Malaysia Economics •The government introduced the Green Building Index (GBI). •Building with GBI building award - must meet six key criteria:iv) materials and resources i) energy efficiency v) water efficiency ii) indoor environmental quality iii) sustainable site planning & management vi) innovation. •To encourage more green buildings in Malaysia, PM Najib Razak announced incentives for the Green Building Index (GBI) – 2010 Budget, October. •Incentives = tax exemption (building owners) and stamp duty exemptions (buyers of properties that achieve GBI certification) •Developers use GBI rating as a marketing tool to market their developments. •Green buildings – benefits to their occupants’ by improving their overall well being. •Buyer pay less utility bills – green features.

2.1 Green Movement in Malaysia Social •

Green movements taking over Malaysia especially in Social Corporate Responsibility

(CSR). •

Malaysia Environmental Sustainability Youth Movements (MESYM) – provides its

user information regarding youth projects, volunteering opportunities and networking purposes. •

Objective : To bring better connectivity among environmental sustainability

networks and to encourage more exchange of resources and knowledge. •

Local green events organized by MESYM :


planting @ Seksyen 7 (5000 trees were successfully planted)


Installation of Wildlife Protection Billboards


EcoKnights Free Community Film Screening.

2.1 Green Movement in Malaysia Social • Global green events supported by MESYM : Let’s Do It! World Cleanup 2012 - Involves 300 million people in 100 countries - Clean hundreds of thousands tons of illegal waste.

•Social Enterprise - subsection under MESYM - related to businesses with primarily social objectives for the purpose of community rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners. - Projects : Project REVIVE, Waterfall Survivors and TrEES.

2.2 Green Movement in Asia Asia: •

Most populated continent

60% of world population

Including China and India, two giants countries

Large population – produce big number of thrashes and polution

South-East Asia - Singapore Social Aspects •

Small country in terms of land area but with a population of 5.18 million

Active green movement

Control number of motor vehicles and ownership

2.2 Green Movement in Asia South-East Asia – Singapore Social Aspects •

Educations to reduce gas emissions

Earth Day – Promote and educate Singaporeans towards green environment and economy

Develop environmental education to Singapore’s education syllabus

Government (Political) Aspects •

Encourage car pooling

Provide and promotes public transport

Switch of fuel oil to natural gas

Impose Strict regulations and laws

2.2 Green Movement in Asia South-East Asia – Singapore Environmental Aspects •

Treat wastewater to be reused back (NeWater).

Limited water due solved by reusing the available water supply

Has public sewer system, treating any industrial and domestic waste water

2.2 Green Movement in Asia Pan Asia – China Consisting of 1.2 billion population

Environmental Aspects •

Energy conservation and efficiency e.g. Campaign to encourage public building such as government’s capital building and hotel to keep thermostat as 26⁰ C.

Citizens prefer to use bicycle to travels

Social Aspects •

NGOs promoting and educating green movement to people

e.g. Workshop and awareness talks to educate journalists

Articles written by journalists promotes the green nature

2.2 Green Movement in Asia Pan Asia – China Government (Political) Aspects •

Launch campaign and develops educational materials including videos and photographs

Government policies - “putting prevention first and combining prevention with control” - “making the causer of pollution responsible for treating it” - “intensifying environmental management”

Develops and enforce laws e.g. China Environmental Law – open dialogue US and China

2.3 Green Movement In Europe • European Green - formed in February 2004 at Fourth Congress of the European Federation of Green Parties • Members: parties from european countries • Ideologies: i) environmental responsibility ii) individual freedom iii) inclusive democracy iv) social justice v) diversity vi) gender equality vii) global sustainable development and non-violence

2.3 Green Movement In Europe European Green Party‘s Manifesto: A Green New Deal For Europe Economical Economy boosts leads to sustainable economic development. Move towards renewable energy and future-oriented technologies.

Environmental Climate protection: Pay more attention to scientific advice and less to industry lobbying. Resource and energy revolution: More investment in clean and safe energy. Agricultural and fisheries: Polluters pay in order to ensure clean air water; compromised by commercial interest

2.3 Green Movement In Europe European Green Party‘s Manifesto: A Green New Deal For Europe Politic A more democratic EU with more transparent decision-making and broader democratic participation.

Social The Greens fights for human rights. • Civil Rights -Greens opposed the idea of permitting torture as interrogation method -Greens fight for freedom of expression (democracy), as long as it does not provoke violence or hatred. •Social Rights -Social inclusion; backbone of a social Europe. -Covers the rights to income, to adequate standard of living, the rights to health care, to education, to energy, to good environment, to welfares and also the rights to social security.

2.3 Green Movement In Europe European Green Party‘s Manifesto: A Green New Deal For Europe Social •Cultural and ethnic minorities -The Greens fights for i) policy that acknowledges everyone’s culture identity and religion. ii) protection for the refugees. (right to seek asylum in other country) iii) the migrants’ rights to receive primary health care, social care and also for their children to receive education.

• Women’s rights - Fighting for equal pay without gender bias and sexual and psychological harassment at the workplace.

2.3 Green Movement In Europe European Green Party‘s Manifesto: A Green New Deal For Europe Social •Sexual diversity: - Equal treatment includes equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. - Presses the Council to approve legislation; principle of mutual recognition for same-sex couples.

•Disability rights - Non-discrimination for disable people

2.4 Green Movement In United States

2.4 Green Movement In United States Green Party of United States • August 1984 - Green Committees of Correspondence (GCoC) was founded. • 1991 - changed name to The Greens/Green Party USA (TG/GPUSA).

•1996 – Collaboration of several green parties = Association of State Green Parties (NASGP). • 2001 – NASGP changed to Green Party of the United States (GPUS).

2.4 Green Movement In United States The Ten Key Values of the Green Party. 1. Grassroots Democracy - Individual has the right to say in anything that will affect their live. Thus, the Greens are promoting public participation at every level of government and they want to make sure that the public representatives are fully accountable to all that who vote for them. - Working on expanding the process of participatory democracy by direct involvement of citizens in the decision-making process. 2. Social Justice and Equal Opportunity - Every human should have the equal rights and opportunity from the resource provided by society and nature. - Against racism and class oppression, ageism and disability, sexism and homophobia. - They want fair treatment and equal justice under the law.

2.4 Green Movement In United States The Ten Key Values of the Green Party. 3. Ecological Wisdom -Humankind has the responsible to maintain the ecological balance. -Utilizing resources so that future generations should not suffer and benefits from us - Promoting agriculture and move to an energy efficient economy.

4. Non-Violence - Against militarized and weapons of mass destruction with the awareness of selfdefense and also the defense of those in helpless situation. - Striving for lasting personal, community and global peace.

2.4 Green Movement In United States The Ten Key Values of the Green Party. 5. Decentralization - Centralization of wealth and justice contributes to economical and social justice. - Support reformation of social, political and economic institutions to be more democratic and less bureaucratic. 6. Community-Based Economics and Economic Justice - Creating a sustainable economic system that can provide jobs and decent standard of living to all people - Maintain a healthy ecological balance. 7. Feminism and Gender Equity - Male dominates politics and economics. - Respect differences of opinion and gender although takes time. - Moral conscience development.

2.4 Green Movement In United States The Ten Key Values of the Green Party. 8. Respect for Diversity - Value cultural, ethics, racial, sexual, religions and spiritual diversity and promote the development of respectful relationships across these lines. - Believe that those elements should be reflected in our organization and decision-making bodies (government and non-government).

2.4 Green Movement In United States The Ten Key Values of the Green Party. 9. Personal and Global Responsibility - Encourage all individuals to act and fight for their personal well-being. - Try to work with others and defend what they believe.

10. Future Focus and Sustainability - Rethink of our action and correct our mistake by focusing on long-term goals. - Make a better world for the future.

2.5 Global NGO’s Green Movement Global NGO’s that promotes green movement in larger scale, all around the globe. GLOBAL NGO OF GREEN MOVEMENT These are the list of most influential international NGOs: Group of Ten: •Defenders of Wildlife

•Friends of the Earth

•Environmental Defence Fund

•Izaak Walton League

•National Audubon Society

•Sierra Club

•National Wildlife Federation

•World Wide Fund for Nature

•Natural Resources Defence Council

•The Wilderness Society

2.5 Global NGO’s Green Movement Defenders of Wildlife Established in 1970

Focus: to protect the habitat of flora and fauna species

Originally known as "Defenders of Fur Bearers"

Logo for Defenders of Wildife

Solution: Coexisting with Carnivores

2.5 Global NGO’s Green Movement Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC) - Based in New York City - Founded in 1970 – offices in Washington DC, San Francisco, LA, Chicago, and Beijing. - Runs environmental activities : •Air/Energy Program •Urban Program •Land Program

•Latino Outreach Program

•Nuclear Program - Develop and advocate sustainable solutions to Logo for Natural Resources Defence Council

the environmental challenges facing the communities

2.5 Global NGO’s Green Movement World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Focus: On outcomes regarding preservation, research and refurbishment on environment. Formerly known as World Wildlife Fund.

The organization states its aim is "to stop and reverse the demolition of our environment". Solution: Campaigns for action to protect New Zealand’s endangered whales, sea lions, Logo for World Wildlife Fund for Nature

dolphins and seabirds, and funds communitybased projects

2.6 Future Improvements in Malaysia’s Green Movement • Malaysia – developing country with beautiful nature •Awareness of green movement is quite low compared to developed countries Social •

Society – not active in fighting for their right

Current Green movement – moved by NGOs related to Social Corporate Responsibilities (SCR)

Malaysia Environmental Sustainability Youth Movements (MESYIM) – most active in Malaysia

Need more NGOs to be established

Government – increase level of awareness

Global NGOs to be established in Malaysia, actively

2.6 Future Improvements in Malaysia’s Green Movement Economics •

Bright future for Green Building Index (GBI) projects

Beneficial to everyone and promotes green environment.

More project similar to this should be done; i.e Reaching out more aspects of modernisation .

Promotes green future in Malaysia

Budgets from government – allocates more to green movement

2.6 Future Improvements in Malaysia’s Green Movement Environment •

Awareness among citizens still low

Lynas project – caused rage for some Malaysians

Lynas could harm nearby citizens- might takes effects after long period of time

Himpunan Hijau (Green Assembly) fails to gain attention of the government

Not many citizens care about environmental issues

Awareness is key factor.

Establishment of active NGOs for green environment

Government should promotes green environement

3.0 Conclusion •

The green movements have gone global.

In Malaysia, the green movements led by either the government or individual

political party aim to achieve only one thing and that is to save Mother Nature and to unite the society in order to become more equitable. •

In Asia, countries like Singapore and China aim to inculcate the love for

environment through education for their future generations. •

The green movements in Europe focus solely on sustainable economic

development, resource and energy revolution, democratic society and human rights in order to achieve a more unbiased society. •

The Green Party of United States - committed to ecology, social justice,

grassroots democracy and non-violence; striving without the support of corporate donors through education and society to form a new democracy.

3.0 Conclusion •

Global non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – more than hundreds of them

globally with the aim of protecting the environment in every possible ways; i.e. Defenders of Wildlife, the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). •

Green movements - driven by the opportunities to make the Earth a better place

to live. •

Consequently, future improvements need to be considered in order to promote

green movements in Malaysia. •

The government needs to act on increasing the level of awareness amongst

Malaysians through education because this seems to be the major factor of the society’s ignorance on green matters.

3.0 Conclusion •

Global non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – more than hundreds of them

globally with the aim of protecting the environment in every possible ways; i.e. Defenders of Wildlife, the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). •

Green movements - driven by the opportunities to make the Earth a better place

to live. •

Consequently, future improvements need to be considered in order to promote

green movements in Malaysia. •

The government needs to act on increasing the level of awareness amongst

Malaysians through education because this seems to be the major factor of the society’s ignorance on green matters.

4.0 References APGN (n.d). Retrieved on February 24, 2012 from http://www.asiapacificgreens.org/ Adis, K. (2010, July). Malaysia’s Green Revolution. Property Report, 57-59. CNN(n.d). Green movement. Retrieved on February 24, 2012 from http://articles.cnn.com/keyword/green-movement Elizabeth. C.E., (2005, February 7). China’s environmental movement. Retrieved on February 25, 2012 from http://www.cfr.org/china/chinas-environmental-movement/p7770 Europeangreen.eu (n.d). EGP Manifesto. Retrieved on February 28, 2012 from http://europeangreens.eu/menu/egp-manifesto/ Europeangreen.eu (2009). Protecting and promoting human rights. Retrieved on February 28, 2012 from http://europeangreens.eu/menu/egp-policies/human-rights/ Global Green (n.d). Retrieved on February 23, 2012 from http://www.globalgreens.org/ Global Green (n.d). Global federation. Retrieved on February 24, 2012 from http://www.globalgreens.org/federations

4.0 References Green Party (2004) Twentieth anniversary of the American Green Movement. Retrieved on March 8, 2012 from http://www.greenparty.org/intro.php Green Party of The United States (n.d). The ten key values of Green Party. Retrieved on March 8, 2012 from http://www.gp.org/tenkey.shtml Green Wiki (n.d). Retrieved on February 24, 2012 from http://green.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_environmental_organizations Kaiser. T., (2011, February 8). Continuous use of China's 2008 air pollution control measures could reduce lung cancer. Daily Tech. Retrieved on February 24, 2012 from http://www.dailytech.com/Continuous+Use+of+Chinas+2008+Air+Pollution+Control+Mea sures+Could+Reduce+Lung+Cancer/article20856.htm Kua, K. S. (2011, October). Lynas and the Malaysian Green Movement. Retrieved on February 27, 2012 from http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/sideviews/article/lynas-andthe-malaysian-green-movement-kua-kia-soong/

4.0 References Larson. C., (2008, June 3). China’s emerging environmental movement. Retrieved on February 23, 2012 from http://e360.yale.edu/feature/chinas_emerging_environmental_movement/2018/ NCCS (2011. February 24). Mitigation measures. Retrieved on February 23, 2012 from http://app.nccs.gov.sg/page.aspx?pageid=83 Malaysia Environmental Sustainability Youth Movements (MESYM). (2012). Retrieved on February 27, 2012 from http://mesym.com/ Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan (n.d). Chapter 1: Overviews of environmental issues and environmental conservation measures in Singapore. Retrieved on February 25, 2012 from http://www.env.go.jp/earth/coop/oemjc/singa/e/singapore_e_1.pdf msn (2009, April 30). Singaporeans and their engagements in the green movement. Retrieved on February 25, 2012 from http://entertainment.xin.msn.com/en/radio/938live/calocalnews.aspx?cpdocumentid=3955613

4.0 References Quraishi. J., (2007, December 11). China's green movement. ). Retrieved on February 24, 2012 from http://motherjones.com/environment/2007/12/chinas-green-movement Save Malaysia Stop Lynas. (2012). Retrieved on February 27, 2012 from http://savemalaysia-stoplynas.blogspot.com/ Wikipedia (n.d). European green party. Retrieved on February 28, 2012 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Green_Party Wikipedia (n.d) Green movement. Retrieved on February 24, 2012 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Movement

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EcoKnights Free Community Film Screening. .... They want fair treatment and equal justice under the law. ... •Izaak Walton League .... Green Wiki (n.d). Retrieved ...

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