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INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT To the Chairperson and Board Members of Cape Breton – Victoria Regional School Board We have audited the accompanying schedule of salaries and expenses of members and employees of the Cape Breton – Victoria Regional School Board as required under Section 65(1) of the Education Act for the year ended March 31, 2017 in the amount of $115,688,847 (“the schedule”). The schedule has been prepared by management based on Section 24(1) of the Ministerial Regulations to the Education Act. Management's Responsibility for the Schedule Management is responsible for the preparation of the schedule as defined in Section 24(1) of the Ministerial Regulations to the Education Act and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the schedule that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the schedule based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the schedule is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the schedule. The procedures selected depend on the auditors' judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the schedule, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors consider internal control relevant to the entity's preparation of the schedule in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the schedule. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial information in the schedule of salaries and expenses of members and employees of the Cape Breton – Victoria Regional School Board as required under Section 65(1) of the Education Act for the year ended March 31, 2017, is prepared, in all material respects, as defined in Section 24(1) of the Ministerial Regulations to the Education Act.

Chartered Professional Accountants Licensed Public Accountants Sydney, Canada June 30, 2017

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Margettie Ruelland Fraser Berk Burke Currie Googoo Green Kennedy Lind MacNeil Matheson Mercer Organ Parsons Shaw Tilley Toomey

First Name Sandra E. Kevin John Gary John Liane Joan Darren Lorne Yvonne Joyce Lorne Stewart Barbara Jackie Stephen Charlotte Fred S John

Location Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members Board Members

Gillan Gillis Jackson Johnston MacKinnon Martelly Muise Nicholson Patterson Young

Mary Rod Robert Kenneth Marion Wanda Greg Barbara Heather Robert

Adult High Adult High Adult High Adult High Adult High Adult High Adult High Adult High Adult High Adult High

Baird Brown Delaney Doran Doyle Dunning Fifield Finney Harvie Henderson Keagan MacDonald MacDougall MacKay MacLeod MacMillan McGrath Moores Munro Murphy Myers

Susan Tanya Dori Sarah Kara Kimberley Wayne Joseph Angela Susan Peter Barbara Andrea Alfred Marilyn Angela Meredith Mariann Joanie Thomas Eleanor

Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High


YTD Expenses

82,016.69 87,095.48 97,270.77 73,529.41 87,095.47 25,854.56 82,016.70 85,154.56 99,776.66 73,529.43 86,035.67 72,573.80 80,749.98 50,419.67 73,529.41 87,095.50 69,652.75 73,529.42 73,529.39 87,095.48 25,940.31 104,657.48 73,529.42 82,016.70 90,797.80 78,923.31 79,905.53 80,327.74 86,647.09 65,646.21 30,809.13


Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses 3,169.24 2,285.34 6,054.37 1,030.79 1,937.08 104.80 5,294.72 5,264.33 4,128.67 1,238.35 1,933.47 2,561.69 6,346.11 6,069.95 1,247.95 1,329.57 2,240.76

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards

Honorarium 10,500.10 6,461.60 10,500.10 10,500.10 4,200.04 10,500.10 11,180.11 14,684.74 10,500.10 10,500.10 4,200.04 10,500.10 6,461.60 10,500.10 14,081.03 10,500.10 10,500.10 10,500.10


13,669.34 6,461.60 12,785.44 16,554.47 5,230.83 12,437.18 11,284.91 19,979.46 15,764.43 14,628.77 5,438.39 12,433.57 9,023.29 16,846.21 20,150.98 11,748.05 11,829.67 12,740.86 82,016.69 87,095.48 97,270.77 73,529.41 87,095.47 25,854.56 82,016.70 85,154.56 99,776.66 73,529.43 86,035.67 72,573.80 80,749.98 50,419.67 73,529.41 87,095.50 69,652.75 73,529.42 73,529.39 90,644.09 25,940.31 104,657.48 73,529.42 82,016.70 90,797.80 78,923.31 79,905.53 80,327.74 86,647.09 65,646.21 30,809.13

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Palmizi Pitcher Podetz Sawlor Scott Somerville Welton Whitney Winters

First Name Nadine Kevin Troy Danielle Nelson Orlynn Karen Dawn Dale

Location Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High Baddeck Rural High


Currie-Simms Forrest Grant Imlay-MacInnis MacPhee Morrison Seward Wassilaskus

Angela Tracey Kim Jean Melissa Matthew Alanna Tara

Boularderie Elementary Boularderie Elementary Boularderie Elementary Boularderie Elementary Boularderie Elementary Boularderie Elementary Boularderie Elementary Boularderie Elementary

Andrea Anthony Cantwell Clarke Clarkson Dawson Day Finney Gushue Hart Hiscock Jessome Kublek MacDonald MacDonald MacLellan MacLellan MacLeod MacLeod Matheson Murray O'Handley Smith Whatley

Rachel Alison Eileen Joan Cheryl Roy Debbie Karen Eleanor Marion Joan Doris Sheila Jennifer Tammy Anne Francis Ian Judy Serena David Maureen Louise Janet

Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary Bras D'Or Elementary

30,179.51 73,529.40 87,095.48 73,529.38 29,998.69 79,063.48 82,016.70 57,427.02 25,810.31 79,483.32 82,333.22 23,633.94 106,075.43 30,434.85 74,677.81 55,814.64 87,095.49 85,750.26 73,529.42 91,801.46 80,749.97 74,820.69 87,628.09 73,529.43

Aucoin-Coleman Benoit Bisson Boutilier Burke Cameron-Sheppard Campbell

Danielle Joyce Patricia Shauna Richard Nancy Colin

Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr

116,751.18 82,016.65 31,251.45 67,940.92 73,529.42 87,095.52 89,896.14

86,730.93 44,684.94 73,529.42 29,645.08 43,047.20 84,853.43 73,529.41 79,689.23 87,095.51

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

78,633.51 85,291.32 29,158.20 71,637.00 86,647.07 39,689.92 80,955.90 82,016.67 6,900.00




Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards



86,730.93 44,684.94 73,529.42 29,645.08 43,047.20 84,853.43 73,529.41 79,689.23 87,095.51 78,633.51 85,291.32 29,158.20 71,637.00 86,647.07 39,689.92 80,955.90 82,016.67 37,079.51 73,529.40 87,095.48 73,529.38 29,998.69 79,063.48 82,016.70 57,427.02 25,810.31 79,483.32 82,333.22 25,908.94 106,075.43 30,434.85 78,584.34 55,814.64 87,095.49 85,750.26 73,529.42 91,801.46 80,749.97 74,820.69 97,081.94 73,529.43 116,751.18 82,016.65 31,251.45 67,940.92 73,529.42 87,095.52 89,896.14

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Campbell Canova Carew Clarke Corbett Deadder Farrow George Gillis Hutchison Johnson Kavanaugh Kearney Kearney Kearney Kennedy Kennedy-Lohnes Lovell MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacIntyre MacIsaac MacKenzie MacKinnon MacNeil MacNeil MacPherson MacSween McCarron McDonald McGillivray McNeil McNeil McPherson Merlin Morrison Morrison Muise Oliver Parris Pinhorn Poirier Roach Timmons Timmons Turner Walzak Walzak White White

First Name Susan Vanessa Ronald Meaghan Melissa Karen Pearl Mildred Allan Andrea Loren Jason Heather Kevin Stephen Kevin Christina M Maureen Harold Linda Mark Daniel Dawn Cori Douglas Kelly Paula Cheryl Michael Kimberley Lynsey Marilyn Colin Diane R. Rosalie Jason Kirk Michael Stephen Charles Shaun Corinne Jacqueline Corinne Scott Stephen Arlene Juanita Mark Christina Gregory

Location Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr


87,095.53 77,908.46 98,622.24 36,184.17 71,313.67 77,160.99 30,302.23 90,023.60 81,041.87 70,432.68 77,908.45 94,226.41 93,637.36 103,443.42 87,095.50 75,769.76 87,543.95 73,529.38 40,020.37 30,737.95 45,475.73 82,016.67 91,916.62 87,543.94 82,016.70 91,916.64 87,095.50 82,016.70 89,335.97 87,095.50 86,035.67 86,647.09 96,115.57 73,907.52 75,661.45 87,095.55 87,095.51 79,761.76 87,095.51 82,016.70 30,835.63 65,255.72 26,556.52 92,390.31 87,095.50 30,302.26 82,016.70 82,016.62 82,016.66 82,016.67 73,529.40

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards








87,095.53 77,908.46 98,622.24 36,184.17 71,313.67 77,160.99 44,673.83 90,023.60 81,041.87 70,432.68 77,908.45 94,226.41 93,637.36 103,443.42 87,095.50 75,769.76 87,543.95 73,529.38 59,827.47 30,737.95 45,475.73 82,016.67 91,916.62 87,543.94 82,016.70 91,916.64 87,095.50 82,016.70 89,335.97 87,095.50 86,035.67 90,452.18 96,115.57 73,907.52 75,661.45 87,095.55 87,095.51 79,761.76 87,095.51 82,016.70 30,835.63 65,255.72 40,313.18 92,390.31 87,095.50 45,348.86 82,016.70 82,016.62 82,016.66 82,016.67 73,529.40

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name White Young

First Name Robert Darnell

Location Breton Education Ctr Breton Education Ctr




Balcom Barron Boozan Cantwell Chiasson Cordy Day Delaney Dilny Doane Higgins Hurley-Mcdonald Joe-MacDonald Kelloway Kumar-Britten Lively MacDonald MacDougall MacLean MacLean MacLean MacNeil Mills Mugford Mugridge Oliver Penman Rumbles Sawlor Xidos Young

Deborah Amy Leo Linda Carolyn Ryan Peter Avril Alicia Suzanne Melanie Aleisha Heather John Neeta Joyce Marion Jean Ainslie Irene Jennifer Winnifred Jan Donna Robin Geoff Byron Wendy Donna Michele Beverly

Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary Brookland Elementary

Batten Briand Chubbs Courage Critchley Donovan Donovan Donovan Fraser Hardy-Williams Hawley Hines MacIsaac Murray

Isaac Jenny George Nicole Evan Leo Roxanne Shannon David Anita Marie George Heather Daniel

Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High


87,095.52 94,157.09

YTD Expenses

28,138.72 73,907.73 86,035.67 47,169.04 89,550.31 27,657.48 25,714.10 82,016.64 72,772.44 39,514.20 73,529.42 29,182.49 73,529.43 72,573.80 82,016.69 81,172.18 110,793.95 73,529.38 79,905.49 73,432.29 73,529.43 85,301.83 85,750.25 82,016.68 72,961.71 72,573.80 91,467.12 91,916.66 87,095.48 73,150.92 73,529.43 25,754.63 68,399.79 50,560.42 73,529.39 39,376.79 74,239.92 91,916.67 27,102.02 86,162.20 26,961.39 73,529.42 78,923.31 26,195.21 82,118.69 66,995.70


Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards



87,095.52 94,157.09 28,138.72 73,907.73 86,035.67 47,169.04 89,550.31 27,657.48 25,714.10 82,016.64 72,772.44 39,514.20 73,529.42 29,182.49 73,529.43 72,573.80 82,016.69 81,172.18 110,793.95 73,529.38 79,905.49 73,432.29 73,529.43 85,301.83 85,750.25 82,016.68 72,961.71 72,573.80 95,405.03 91,916.66 87,095.48 73,150.92 73,529.43 25,754.63 68,399.79 50,560.42 73,529.39 39,376.79 74,239.92 91,916.67 27,102.02 86,162.20 26,961.39 73,529.42 78,923.31 26,195.21 82,118.69 66,995.70

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name O'Neill Rambeau Seymour Sheppard Simms Smith Smith Stockley Walsh Whitty Wilson

First Name Candace Kimberly Ivey Thomas Donald Karen Melvina Naomi Jean Susan Greg

Location Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High Cabot High


Bingham Burton Courtney Donovan Fricker Hardy Hatcher-Whitty MacKinnon MacLeod Sampson Williams

Meredith Deborah Corinne Laurie Cheryl Maxine Lindsay Keith Shauna Rhonda Sherry

Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary Cape Smokey Elementary

55,012.65 26,119.09 30,669.26 26,667.82 85,328.50 99,293.73 45,643.64 61,402.36 76,952.37 90,970.10 76,792.61



Casual Secretary- various schools


Boudreau Boudreau Burke Collier Costigan Crawford Gouthro Gouthro Graham Holland Hollohan Hulme Johnston King Kublek LeBlanc Lee Lyle MacDonald MacDougall MacIsaac MacKinnon MacLean MacLeod

Catherine George Sandra Tracie Nancy Lynn Anne Michelle Marjorie Donald Michelle Anne Sharon Wendy Kurt Nicole Shelly Wendy Alison Sheri Elizabeth Elsie Darcie Anne Michelle

Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office

71,808.39 30,664.61 42,231.22 82,988.99 87,965.24 29,645.06 73,528.72 78,107.89 26,247.23 82,016.66 60,507.56

103,151.86 130,642.29 106,024.46 113,051.68 78,365.90 108,230.63 42,182.74 53,274.09 58,238.08 113,489.53 68,324.17 38,422.17 68,263.13 125,720.74 109,868.44 99,102.91 41,033.73 63,637.75 33,738.45 34,892.97 161,304.34 41,033.73 40,994.63 58,658.91

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards


8,399.25 8,020.51 5,783.67 5,177.29 3,572.37

80,457.61 15,635.50

18,887.56 10,846.64




12,919.74 8,823.19






71,808.39 30,664.61 42,231.22 82,988.99 87,965.24 29,645.06 73,528.72 78,107.89 26,247.23 82,016.66 60,507.56 58,817.56 26,119.09 30,669.26 26,667.82 85,328.50 99,293.73 45,643.64 61,402.36 76,952.37 90,970.10 76,792.61 26,133.57 103,151.86 299,663.21 140,527.11 118,835.35 190,376.24 111,803.00 42,182.74 53,274.09 58,238.08 118,320.96 68,324.17 38,422.17 68,263.13 138,640.48 109,868.44 107,926.10 41,033.73 63,637.75 33,738.45 34,892.97 194,030.08 41,033.73 40,994.63 58,658.91

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name MacNeil MacQueen MacSween Marcil Mason Miller Paquet Poirrier Roach Sampson Sawchuk Smith Steele Urquhart Vickers Viva

First Name Catherine Janice June Leanne Carol Anne Heather Joan Karen Charmaine Marjorie Gwen Devon S. Marlene Claudette Catherine

Location Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office



Correctional Centre

Beaton Bryden Burke Burns Chiasson Cookson Dunning Ferguson-Davis Fifield Hutchison LeBlanc Leblanc Gates MacCormick MacDonald MacIntyre MacKinnon MacLeod MacNeil MacPherson Nardocchio Pickering Romard Woolgar

Kim Linda Brent William Denise Joy Karen Brenda Kimberlee Sandra Trevor Sandra Derrick Corinne Alanna Adrianna Jody Sandy Mary Lisa Angus Juanita Margaret

Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath Coxheath

Andrews Bird Bond Brewer Carabin Dilny Dunn Gillis

Marie Lindsay April Wanda Patricia Judith Donna Ann

Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack


113,051.68 41,033.73 63,188.70 53,274.08 40,931.61 39,565.93 55,232.66 68,324.07 53,274.00 68,376.77 28,085.91 38,302.80 39,297.73 113,633.80 39,774.12 122,185.58

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

15,208.28 5,027.84


Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards

728.96 4,738.25 8,201.66


33,280.00 79,905.46 73,529.39 87,246.09 25,582.10 72,772.45 91,916.60 73,529.30 73,907.86 82,016.70 82,016.68 102,118.91 90,260.78 73,529.41 82,016.67 92,059.49 82,016.62 91,916.65 51,568.73 87,095.47 79,905.52 25,289.10 99,940.68 73,529.42 91,916.66 80,650.84 77,908.46 30,945.98 82,016.68 73,529.40 37,936.41 91,443.35







113,051.68 41,033.73 63,188.70 53,274.08 40,931.61 39,565.93 55,961.62 83,532.35 58,012.25 82,207.98 36,287.57 38,302.80 39,297.73 113,633.80 39,774.12 131,842.40 33,280.00 92,627.29 73,529.39 87,246.09 39,746.62 72,772.45 91,916.60 73,529.30 73,907.86 82,016.70 82,016.68 102,118.91 90,260.78 73,529.41 82,016.67 92,059.49 82,016.62 91,916.65 51,568.73 87,095.47 79,905.52 25,289.10 99,940.68 73,529.42 91,916.66 80,650.84 77,908.46 30,945.98 82,016.68 73,529.40 56,970.57 91,443.35

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Gillis Harpell Hodder Jamael-Maclean LeBlanc Libbus MacDonald MacLellan MacVicar Marks McGee Morneau Murray Orychock Power Romeo Ross Rossiter Westcott

First Name Rosemary Jody Leroy Erin Ruth Thelma Brian Lanna Kendra Deborah Jill-Anne Cindy Janice Amber Chad Bernadette Brian Brenda Donalda

Location Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack Cusack

Bond Boutilier Butts Carrigan Collins Fraser Jackson Maxner Penney-Wells Poirier Poloni

Patricia Kris John Leanna Jasmin David Brenda Jeff Tammy Zita Diana

Donkin Donkin Donkin Donkin Donkin Donkin Donkin Donkin Donkin Donkin Donkin

Andrea Anthony Barrie Bereta Blinkhorn Braunmiller Clancy Clare-Duggan Cordeau Lavery Devoe Evans Hanrahan Hawley Hull LeBlanc MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacInnis

Brian James Stacey Darlene Jana Kathy Janine Lauren Anne Theresa Kathleen Chad Arlene Angela Paula Carol Kelly Sara Beth Miranda

Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan


58,033.43 91,916.66 25,582.11 73,529.39 30,467.08 73,529.43 100,532.76 57,052.01 28,425.59 73,150.94 82,016.68 82,016.68 73,529.43 107,920.36 82,268.15 91,916.64 82,016.69 82,016.68 91,916.63 29,621.04 82,016.70 39,689.92 54,526.04 73,529.40 82,268.13 101,673.07 77,908.45 82,016.68 73,475.30 82,016.68 87,246.13 73,529.43 91,443.37 82,016.63 86,035.68 77,908.45 79,483.32 89,335.99 52,092.83 90,952.75 73,529.41 82,016.68 82,016.69 91,916.60 62,673.95 32,365.94 56,328.80 77,908.46 25,229.65

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards







58,033.43 91,916.66 40,744.67 73,529.39 30,467.08 73,529.43 100,532.76 57,052.01 28,425.59 73,150.94 82,016.68 82,016.68 73,529.43 107,920.36 82,268.15 91,916.64 82,016.69 82,016.68 91,916.63 29,621.04 82,016.70 39,689.92 54,526.04 73,529.40 82,268.13 105,231.43 77,908.45 82,016.68 73,475.30 82,016.68 87,246.13 73,529.43 91,443.37 82,016.63 86,035.68 77,908.45 79,483.32 89,335.99 52,092.83 90,952.75 73,529.41 82,016.68 82,016.69 91,916.60 70,065.59 43,339.48 56,328.80 77,908.46 25,229.65

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name MacLean MacLellan Marks Martell Martin McNabb McNeil Miles Morgan O'Brien Parsons Penny Pentecost Pinaud Ryan Ryan Simm Snow Talbot Vandommelen Walker Yorke

First Name Jennifer Carol Catherine Lisa Adam Daniel Jeffrey Margaret Clarence Belinda Shera Gina Anne Michelle Jermiah Sheri Wanda Sheila Terri Pamela Joanne Charles

Location Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan Dr. T.L. Sullivan



East Bay

Aikens Andrea Balah Boutilier Buffett Butler Fraser Garnier Hogan Jardine Keeping Kelly Lavery Lyle Lynch-Briand MacDougall MacKeigan MacKinnon MacMaster MacNeil Nicholson Power-Jessome Rudderham Winter

Colleen Rhonda Cathy John Monique Aileen Susan Edith Michael Peggy Julie Nancy Brenda Donna Meghan Debbie Richelle Linda Carol Ann Anita Michele Sherry Troy Crystal

Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary Ferrisview Elementary



Florence Elementary


73,529.40 73,288.47 26,049.87 45,454.74 79,488.55 73,529.43 63,282.63 87,543.93 43,591.12 90,970.11 79,339.53 38,919.41 87,010.14 82,016.63 72,573.80 82,016.62 97,161.23 34,388.08 30,652.77 87,095.52 93,742.07 110,194.26

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

27,621.50 73,529.42 87,095.51 68,707.71 104,314.79 33,491.29 68,075.16 76,752.88 27,364.98 35,067.01 72,573.77 73,529.43 73,529.43 94,011.18 41,493.71 80,749.96 80,685.91 80,955.93 67,022.95 47,203.93 82,268.15 31,098.71 81,594.46 82,016.67 73,529.39 57,645.55


Service Awards



73,529.40 73,288.47 26,049.87 45,454.74 79,488.55 73,529.43 63,282.63 87,543.93 43,591.12 90,970.11 79,339.53 38,919.41 87,010.14 82,016.63 72,573.80 82,016.62 97,161.23 34,388.08 30,652.77 87,095.52 93,742.07 110,194.26 27,621.50 73,529.42 87,095.51 68,707.71 104,314.79 33,491.29 68,075.16 76,752.88 27,364.98 35,098.55 72,573.77 73,529.43 73,529.43 94,011.18 41,493.71 80,749.96 80,685.91 80,955.93 67,022.95 47,203.93 82,268.15 31,098.71 81,594.46 82,016.67 73,529.39 57,645.55

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name LeBlanc Moore Oake Osmond Prendergast Stubbert Tobin Williams

First Name Heather Deborah Ann Linda Kristina Michelle Terence Michelle

Location Florence Elementary Florence Elementary Florence Elementary Florence Elementary Florence Elementary Florence Elementary Florence Elementary Florence Elementary

Braunmiller Burke-Morash Gartland MacIsaac MacLean Magee Minihan Risk Warren

Cynthia Natasha Paul Natalie Kenna Judy Lorna Nicole Sanford

George D. Lewis George D. Lewis George D. Lewis George D. Lewis George D. Lewis George D. Lewis George D. Lewis George D. Lewis George D. Lewis

Abbass Bach Beaton Bourgeois Boutilier Boutilier Burke Burke Burke Burke-Pickup Candelora Carabin Cook Cox Foster Graham Kelly Lane LeForte MacDougall MacIntyre MacIsaac MacKenzie MacLellan MacLeod MacNeil Morford-Martin Morris Murphy Neal O'Connell Penney

Janet Sheena Rhonda Betty Kerri Ryan Ashley Cara Francine Ainsley Melissa Ross Vanessa Adele Ashley Charlene Jerome Charles Michelle Gail Susan Nancy Josita Stephanie Kathy Natasha Eileen Toby Alice Robyn Michael Karl

Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary


82,016.64 66,940.51 83,673.64 87,095.50 32,099.73 100,677.80 82,016.65 73,150.87 72,573.79 82,016.67 95,617.42 79,272.19 86,035.67 39,504.26 73,529.35 73,529.41 72,573.79 91,916.59 87,544.02 82,016.68 27,744.51 53,142.09 80,956.02 33,276.27 79,061.08 79,061.04 30,427.14 69,587.63 28,094.57 87,095.49 82,016.70 40,372.68 73,529.42 102,590.70 72,573.77 80,955.94 87,420.84 81,172.24 87,095.50 73,529.39 82,016.69 82,016.66 36,318.95 82,016.68 82,016.64 59,246.50 25,305.41 46,145.88 82,016.66

YTD Expenses 3,867.40

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards



82,016.64 70,807.91 83,673.64 87,095.50 32,099.73 100,677.80 82,016.65 73,150.87 72,573.79 82,016.67 95,617.42 79,272.19 86,035.67 39,504.26 73,529.35 73,529.41 72,573.79 91,916.59 87,544.02 82,016.68 27,744.51 53,142.09 80,956.02 33,276.27 79,061.08 79,061.04 30,427.14 69,587.63 28,094.57 87,095.49 82,016.70 40,372.68 73,529.42 102,590.70 72,573.77 80,955.94 87,420.84 81,172.24 87,095.50 73,529.39 82,016.69 82,016.66 36,318.95 82,016.68 82,016.64 59,246.50 25,305.41 46,145.88 82,016.66

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Pinhorn Ratchford Royal Sakalauskas Sheppard Sheppard Shibinette Summerell Vallis Wadden

First Name Allison Sheldon Wayne George George Roberta Sandra Jane Jill Susan

Location Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary Glace Bay Elementary

Andrews Bailey Breen Breen Chiasson Chiasson Cole Currie Desveaux Donovan Edwards Farmakoulas Fifield Fowler Gillis Hoffman Jamieson Kavanagh Kelly Lahey Lavigne Lewis MacCormack MacIntosh MacKinnon MacLellan MacLeod MacNeil MacNeil Madore Martin Matheson McCarron McIsaac McKinlay McKinlay McKinlay McNabb McNeil McNeil

Aaron Derek K.Denice Mark Amanda-Jo Paul Linda Trudy John Janice Launa Gloria Tanya C. Susan Donna Chad Tanya Melissa Michael Tanya David Jacqueline Gina Ron Richard Neil Chad Robert Stephen Erika Wm.Harris Jeff M Kurt Ian Brian Cathy Morah Paula Brian Michael

Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High


84,431.73 87,095.49 82,016.57 80,955.93 25,582.11 108,443.65 73,529.41 82,016.66 54,833.79 73,529.42 82,268.12 73,529.43 82,016.69 73,529.41 87,095.48 71,636.98 72,393.95 53,727.15 69,826.49 82,016.65 83,825.70 73,529.41 87,095.49 91,916.74 30,515.87 87,095.48 111,519.50 85,328.50 89,353.33 80,955.92 82,016.68 69,826.48 26,196.75 103,903.26 91,916.62 82,016.67 34,088.01 46,203.94 101,792.68 86,198.68 91,916.61 69,826.49 82,016.70 87,095.50 95,227.04 31,979.74 85,328.53 73,529.41 72,772.40 49,250.02

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards







84,431.73 87,095.49 82,016.57 80,955.93 37,784.67 108,443.65 73,529.41 83,166.66 54,833.79 73,529.42 82,268.12 73,529.43 82,016.69 73,529.41 87,095.48 71,636.98 72,393.95 53,727.15 69,826.49 82,016.65 83,825.70 73,529.41 87,095.49 91,916.74 30,515.87 87,095.48 117,275.39 85,328.50 89,353.33 80,955.92 82,016.68 69,826.48 26,196.75 103,903.26 91,916.62 82,016.67 34,088.01 46,203.94 101,792.68 86,198.68 91,916.61 69,826.49 82,016.70 87,095.50 95,227.04 49,729.78 85,328.53 73,529.41 72,772.40 49,250.02

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name McPhee McPhee Milburn Muir Murray Nicholson O'Leary O'Neill O'Regan-Rowe Reid Royal Sinclair Smith Spracklin Vokey Wadden Wadman White

First Name Michael Wilma Tim Sara Beth Bernadette Anne Margot Brian Jennifer John Tanya Robert Catherine Dawn Michelle Noelle Clara John

Location Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High Glace Bay High

Clarke Lee

Lindsay Adrian

Gowrie Gowrie

Aucoin Baldwin Blades Bonnell Briggs Chiasson Chopeck Colford Corbett Corbett Cordeau Crummey Cummings Desrosiers Ferguson Gale Hillier Hinchey Hogan Hughes Hunter Jones Lawand-White LeBlanc MacIntosh MacKenzie MacLean MacLean MacLean

Edna Kelly Jennifer Blair Gene Robert Tracy Alyson James Steven Claudette Jill Gary Kathleen Kerry Dorothy Margaret Raylene Vanessa Deborah Jason Sheila Andrea Cheryl Laurie Arlene Alana Chalaine Krista

Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary


82,016.64 30,742.51 91,714.78 80,955.71 90,779.99 91,899.26 90,970.09 66,456.36 63,298.32 87,095.50 82,016.68 80,327.71 30,010.92 90,970.11 72,015.49 91,916.66 82,016.64 87,095.51

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards

49,525.48 27,754.84 30,137.08 80,327.77 82,016.61 73,529.41 27,312.44 87,095.53 84,853.44 87,095.54 45,648.01 87,095.49 87,095.50 81,594.42 82,016.69 49,969.33 30,761.40 91,916.73 59,246.51 25,582.09 82,016.59 58,033.47 39,257.12 85,077.68 71,497.64 92,390.12 33,932.11 102,903.21 70,190.75 87,095.50 75,921.97






82,016.64 30,742.51 91,714.78 80,955.71 90,779.99 91,899.26 90,970.09 66,456.36 63,298.32 87,095.50 82,016.68 80,327.71 30,010.92 90,970.11 72,015.49 91,916.66 82,016.64 87,095.51 49,525.48 27,754.84 30,137.08 80,327.77 82,016.61 73,529.41 43,669.34 87,095.53 84,853.44 87,095.54 45,648.01 87,095.49 87,095.50 81,594.42 82,016.69 49,969.33 30,761.40 91,916.73 59,246.51 40,519.65 82,016.59 58,033.47 39,257.12 85,077.68 71,497.64 92,390.12 52,021.75 102,903.21 70,190.75 87,095.50 75,921.97

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name MacNeil MacNeil Martell Martin Mayich Mirao Morrison Murphy Newman Redshaw Rizzo-Baker Roach Ryan Shaw Silver White White Williamson

First Name Jillian Karl Jenna Margaret Margaret Elizabeth Joyce Karen Robert Lee-Ann Leigh-Anne Jennifer Murrina Georgina Sherry Nancy Setz-Sue Harold

Location Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary Greenfield Elementary

Andrews Bidart Bonnell-MacLean Buckland Campbell Campbell Colbert Currie Dalton Danttouze Dolan Doyle Estwick Hashem Hynes Kauffman Kolanko MacArthur-MacAulay MacAskill MacDougall MacIntyre MacLean MacMaster MacNeil MacPherson Manuel McKibbon Murphy Nicholson Penman Perry Rankin-Denton

Junell Michelle Heather Justine Angela Stephen Tara Shaun Natasha Lisa Melanie Anne Tanya Joann Stephanie Susan Natasha Michelle Keri Robert Michelle Penelope Frank Norman Amanda Kerri Jennie June Allan Catherine Lyndsey Mary

Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary


85,452.49 73,529.41 82,016.65 87,095.56 80,955.93 47,981.95 112,280.01 82,016.56 27,821.04 79,905.55 85,328.55 40,984.39 87,095.51 71,816.81 69,918.49 91,916.60 91,916.64 27,063.44 73,150.91 109,731.40 82,016.66 60,801.10 72,573.78 72,573.80 83,956.62 80,955.91 81,172.21 82,016.71 102,022.65 83,059.80 82,016.67 82,438.59 55,723.07 80,955.91 51,546.85 93,183.99 88,635.98 45,945.88 29,466.09 70,723.87 29,318.54 59,971.53 43,045.11 51,596.13 71,440.49 87,095.49 87,095.49 28,535.23 86,590.19 73,529.41

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards




85,452.49 73,529.41 82,016.65 87,095.56 80,955.93 47,981.95 112,280.01 82,016.56 27,821.04 79,905.55 85,328.55 40,984.39 87,095.51 71,816.81 69,918.49 91,916.60 91,916.64 27,063.44 73,150.91 109,731.40 82,016.66 60,801.10 72,573.78 72,573.80 83,956.62 80,955.91 81,172.21 82,016.71 102,022.65 83,059.80 82,016.67 82,438.59 55,723.07 80,955.91 51,546.85 93,183.99 88,635.98 45,945.88 29,466.09 70,723.87 29,318.54 59,971.53 43,045.11 51,596.13 71,440.49 87,095.49 87,095.49 43,957.13 86,590.19 73,529.41

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Sajatovich Sampson Sollazzo Taylor Walker

First Name Sandra Kimberley Michelle John Kristen

Location Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary Harbourside Elementary


Beaton Cameron Campbell-Dilny Desmond Fernandez Gardiner Hardy Harroun Lambert MacDonald MacNeil McLennon McNeil McPhee Muller Murphy O'Regan-Mayich Pozzebon Rankin Scott White

Daniel Gary Karen Joseph Danielle Kerri Pamela Catherine Patrick Reggie Deborah Lynzee Sean Carrie Lesa Ronald Veronica Lisa Rebecca Daniel Michelle Shauna

John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak John Bernard Croak

99,728.55 25,581.96 30,761.99 58,835.79 82,016.69 73,529.39 72,772.46 73,529.43 45,927.16 82,016.69 70,123.05 56,344.87 82,016.68 87,095.50 104,131.14 26,839.80 79,761.76 65,022.00 60,284.66 73,529.43 54,993.91

Beaton Bowne Brace Bradley Caldwell Cantwell Clark D'Orsay Francis Gaudet Gouthro Haley Halliday Hickey Hill Humphries Ivey Jessome MacDonald MacDonald MacMillan MacNeil MacRae

Louise Mary Renee Amanda Marguerite Flora Tammy M.Louise Paula Diane Leigha Deborah Theresa Sharon Joyce Dr.Jack Tara Terrance Jacqueline Kimberly Shauna Mark Paula

Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary

82,016.67 25,582.11 69,476.26 30,025.84 73,529.41 82,268.14 73,529.37 68,609.12 82,016.67 73,529.39 57,836.79 58,943.48 73,529.42 82,016.63 29,642.88 107,521.46 79,355.26 28,535.27 29,998.68 52,950.57 71,497.66 87,095.49 87,246.11

58,917.45 73,529.38 85,750.27 83,872.12 26,910.68

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards








58,917.45 73,529.38 85,750.27 83,872.12 26,910.68 99,728.55 33,700.40 30,761.99 58,835.79 88,346.69 73,529.39 72,772.46 73,529.43 45,927.16 82,016.69 70,123.05 56,344.87 82,016.68 87,095.50 104,131.14 26,839.80 79,761.76 65,022.00 60,284.66 73,529.43 54,993.91 82,016.67 38,129.81 69,476.26 30,025.84 73,529.41 82,268.14 73,529.37 68,609.12 82,016.67 73,529.39 57,836.79 58,943.48 73,529.42 92,216.63 29,642.88 107,521.46 79,355.26 42,516.50 29,998.68 52,950.57 71,497.66 87,095.49 87,246.11

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name McLellan-Scott Munroe Nauss-Vickers Pero Ramsey Spurrell Stubbert White

First Name Kathy Tracey Heather Scott Karen Susan Nancy Donald

Location Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary Jubilee Elementary




Macdonald Elementary




MacLennan Middle School


Abbass Al-Khouri Baillie-Barrington Brewster Buckland Burke Burke Burns Campbell Capstick Carroll-Coleman Casagrande Colford Colson Daye Deveaux Duggan Forgeron Gillis Howatson Kennedy Lee Levatte Lewis MacInnis MacInnis MacIntyre MacKinnon MacLean MacLean MacLean-Finnigan MacLellan MacLellan MacLennan MacNeil MacNeil MacNeil Maillet-Macinnis

Lynn Barbara Mara Angela Craig Cheryl True Eileen Stephanie Sally Coreen Peter Bruce Tanya Adam Corey Sean A.Denise Daniel Kenneth Stephanie Bernard Margaret Denise Gordon Troy Leanne Christopher Rose Scot Erin Alice James Lisa Joey Maureen Melissa Janet

Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe

73,529.43 72,209.44 81,594.46 45,945.88 30,554.77 73,529.42 72,573.78 92,749.03

87,095.51 57,325.69 85,328.54 30,056.04 91,465.01 87,095.50 92,222.88 114,130.80 114,078.53 73,529.18 35,798.47 76,496.54 91,916.67 77,908.44 34,856.80 71,845.16 72,573.78 80,750.01 80,955.91 80,327.75 37,441.82 26,921.03 87,095.49 27,208.00 91,916.67 87,246.10 90,023.57 91,916.61 73,503.42 56,054.53 49,818.64 85,328.50 91,916.63 65,156.18 25,779.75 87,095.50 91,916.61 91,916.70

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards




73,529.43 72,209.44 81,594.46 45,945.88 30,554.77 73,529.42 72,573.78 92,749.03 27,039.35 45,799.80 87,095.51 57,325.69 85,328.54 30,056.04 91,465.01 87,095.50 92,222.88 114,130.80 114,078.53 73,529.18 55,057.99 76,496.54 91,916.67 77,908.44 34,856.80 71,845.16 72,573.78 80,750.01 80,955.91 80,327.75 37,441.82 26,921.03 87,095.49 27,208.00 91,916.67 87,246.10 90,023.57 91,916.61 73,503.42 56,054.53 49,818.64 85,328.50 91,916.63 65,156.18 25,779.75 87,095.50 91,916.61 91,916.70

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Morrison Moules Nock Oldford O'Quinn Pellerine Penny Pierre Ramsay Rendell Sawlor Sheppard Sullivan-Macintyre Thiel Tierney Tobin White Wilson

First Name Lisa Shauna Catherine Erva Nancy Michelle Stephanie John Carrie Heather Kerri Donna Janet Gregory Shealann Chad Henry Dolly

Location Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe Malcolm Munroe


Barry Clarke Gartland Gillis Gillis MacDonald MacDougall Vassallo Young

Rhonda Arlene Gisele Ellen Frances Danielle Amy Crystal Evelyn

Marion Bridge Marion Bridge Marion Bridge Marion Bridge Marion Bridge Marion Bridge Marion Bridge Marion Bridge Marion Bridge

44,482.17 95,068.20 81,594.48 50,842.18 29,138.80 85,328.53 56,835.55 29,208.55 81,594.42

Aikens Andrea Bauer Bennett Bonnar Boone Boutilier Bowne Carmichael Clarke Coleman Collier Colson Corbett Cox Currie Dicks Dugas Francis Gregory Hawboldt Hillman

Marni Paul Collin Chad Milton Robert Erin Paul Ashley Angela Edward Ken Charles Kimberly Charmaine Laura Sheila Brendan Pamela George Ryan Judith

Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High

77,501.93 87,095.49 56,340.18 82,016.68 87,095.52 35,790.52 57,390.64 27,141.15 61,513.47 73,529.41 58,943.48 92,706.72 87,095.48 87,246.09 30,203.61 87,095.48 79,905.51 37,592.74 85,154.55 73,529.43 72,573.80 87,095.49

72,573.80 85,328.52 82,016.67 33,514.14 91,916.63 91,916.69 80,955.92 41,244.73 88,130.62 73,529.42 73,150.95 30,793.22 82,016.67 25,014.27 90,239.16 87,095.51 102,932.76 30,738.04

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards





72,573.80 85,328.52 82,016.67 33,514.14 91,916.63 91,916.69 80,955.92 41,244.73 88,130.62 73,529.42 73,150.95 30,793.22 82,016.67 39,051.83 90,239.16 87,095.51 102,932.76 30,738.04 44,482.17 95,068.20 81,594.48 50,842.18 29,138.80 85,328.53 56,835.55 29,208.55 81,594.42 77,501.93 87,095.49 56,340.18 82,016.68 87,095.52 35,790.52 57,390.64 41,276.17 61,513.47 73,529.41 58,943.48 92,706.72 87,095.48 87,246.09 30,203.61 87,095.48 79,905.51 37,592.74 85,154.55 73,529.43 72,573.80 87,095.49

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Horechuk Iannetti Jenkins Jessome Jobes Lavery MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald-MacKinnon MacDougall MacInnis MacInnis MacIver MacKeigan MacKeigan MacKenzie MacLean MacLeod MacLeod MacNeil MacNeil MacNeil MacNeil MacPherson Manley March Marinelli McCormick McInnis Nicholson O'Brien Osmond Pedersen Pero-Fraser Petite Porter Power Pyke Raymakers Ross Ryan Sampson Sawchuk Serroul Simm Steele Stephenson Summerell Sweeney Thistle

First Name Michael Laurie Joseph Mary Judith Ann E.Charmaine Elizabeth Sheila Marilyn Jennifer Chris Stephen Gary Cavell Rose Paul Deborah Jaclyn James Andrew Brenda Charlene Hugh Jessie Donald Peter Janice Donna Bonita Lyn Christopher John Bernice Charlene Geraldine Brenda Kenneth Kerri Allan Arno Mary Mary William Tim Melissa Krista Kevin Pius Lawrence Bryan Kaitlin

Location Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High Memorial High


82,016.68 82,016.61 73,529.41 30,180.58 31,853.62 87,095.49 79,905.51 25,136.51 87,875.01 82,438.81 72,573.80 99,179.99 87,095.48 91,609.69 28,166.37 27,720.95 87,095.50 87,095.52 41,211.52 82,016.69 73,529.43 97,412.40 82,016.70 82,016.58 43,468.40 73,529.42 87,095.49 80,327.75 81,594.45 89,785.48 116,159.99 87,782.65 82,016.70 73,529.43 87,095.49 28,776.52 93,567.86 82,016.67 73,529.42 82,016.69 79,905.55 63,944.96 91,916.62 82,016.68 80,955.91 80,549.41 87,095.53 47,894.53 73,150.94 87,095.48 38,416.93

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards



82,016.68 82,016.61 73,529.41 30,180.58 31,853.62 87,095.49 79,905.51 25,136.51 87,875.01 82,438.81 72,573.80 99,179.99 87,095.48 91,609.69 28,166.37 27,720.95 87,095.50 87,095.52 41,211.52 82,016.69 73,529.43 97,412.40 82,016.70 82,016.58 43,468.40 73,529.42 87,095.49 80,327.75 81,594.45 89,785.48 116,159.99 87,782.65 82,016.70 73,529.43 87,095.49 28,776.52 93,567.86 82,016.67 73,529.42 82,016.69 79,905.55 63,944.96 91,916.62 82,016.68 80,955.91 80,549.41 87,095.53 47,894.53 73,150.94 87,095.48 38,416.93

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017


Home StayFees

Board Member expenses

Last Name Thomson Yorke

First Name Heather Elisabeth

Location Memorial High Memorial High

Anton Ivey

Donna Krystal

Middle River Elementary Middle River Elementary

79,454.94 78,107.90



Mira Road





Mount Carmel Elem



Barter Boudreau Cookson Curry-Bauer Dellorusso Hill Lafford Lawrence MacLean MacNeil Miller-MacKeigan Mombourquette Morley Morrison Nicholson Nolan Reid Stanwick Strangis-McPhee Walker-Mohammed

Tara Jessica James Patti Shauna Brenda Blair Lori Jody Gerard Shauna Paul Lisa Rita Jennifer Eleanor Delynn Jean Juanita Lisa

Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview Mountainview

Barry Chaisson Donovan Donovan MacLeod Seymour

L. Marie Fiona Karey Patricia Anne Roderick

North Highlands Elementary North Highlands Elementary North Highlands Elementary North Highlands Elementary North Highlands Elementary North Highlands Elementary





NS International Student ProgramNo location NS International Student ProgramNo location

Abraham Aitken Aucoin Blundon Bourgeois Boutilier Bradbury Brown

Rose Michael Robert Ellen John Thomas Charlene Danette

Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr

99,067.63 96,397.34

YTD Expenses

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards

63,447.10 80,910.80 73,529.41 62,984.79 29,443.54 40,532.13 87,543.97 87,095.51 82,016.69 30,410.43 87,095.49 104,334.90 73,529.40 82,016.70 82,016.66 58,943.46 89,929.66 91,443.41 101,945.30 73,150.91 88,882.44 81,594.45 82,016.68 86,647.09 73,529.42 25,879.18



99,067.63 96,397.34 79,454.94 78,107.90 47,373.83 40,960.41 63,447.10 80,910.80 73,529.41 62,984.79 29,443.54 40,532.13 87,543.97 87,095.51 82,016.69 30,410.43 87,095.49 104,334.90 73,529.40 82,016.70 82,016.66 58,943.46 89,929.66 91,443.41 101,945.30 73,150.91 88,882.44 81,594.45 82,016.68 86,647.09 73,529.42 25,879.18 -








27,372.28 73,529.42 82,016.69 91,443.38 39,983.66 36,998.78 58,943.49 85,776.94 82,016.66

73,529.42 82,016.69 91,443.38 28,535.11 36,998.78 58,943.49 81,172.21 82,016.66



Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Brown Burke Burns-Gallagher Candelora Daigle Dearing Donahue Donovan Estwick Helle Hopkins Lahey Livingstone MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacIntyre MacIsaac MacKinnon MacKinnon MacLean MacLeod-Vint McDonald McInnis McIsaac McNeil McNeil McNeil McNeil Moore Mudge O'Neill Parsons Peori Podetz Roach Romard Ross Rudderham Ryan Sidney Simms Steele-Macdonald Tracey

First Name J. Richard Ian Cheryl Ernest Tammy Nancy Brenda Dawn Susan John Leah Tina Valerie Cindy Marilyn Nancy Roy Sarah Catherine Aaron Mary Carmel Michael Corrine Mary Christine O.Christine Sandy Pauline David Diane E. Diane M. Paul John Carolyn Greg April Laura Vicki Lisa Aimee Laurie Tara James Michael Edgar Michelle Lezlee

Location Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr Oceanview Educ Centr

Baryluk Baxter Bert Bishop

Richard Norma Henry Gregory

Operations Operations Operations Operations


87,095.50 87,095.48 82,016.68 27,412.55 73,907.92 80,327.72 28,535.23 71,057.86 27,043.15 103,105.29 86,198.69 61,615.29 30,762.00 80,955.91 91,916.59 31,853.64 87,095.49 61,584.11 82,016.69 91,916.61 80,955.90 80,955.93 54,697.06 27,121.89 52,119.41 73,621.52 72,516.27 90,397.13 81,594.46 88,779.17 114,293.70 49,001.98 25,383.80 103,105.28 79,063.50 82,118.73 82,016.66 87,095.48 78,859.61 91,916.64 56,803.23 87,095.51 82,268.17 30,345.53 87,095.49 82,016.70 41,230.85 53,075.34 42,868.49 27,781.60

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards







87,095.50 87,095.48 82,016.68 27,412.55 73,907.92 80,327.72 42,417.13 71,057.86 27,043.15 103,105.29 86,198.69 61,615.29 30,762.00 80,955.91 91,916.59 31,853.64 87,095.49 61,584.11 82,016.69 91,916.61 80,955.90 80,955.93 54,697.06 27,121.89 52,119.41 73,621.52 72,516.27 90,397.13 81,594.46 88,779.17 114,293.70 49,001.98 25,383.80 103,105.28 82,965.22 82,118.73 82,016.66 87,095.48 78,859.61 91,916.64 56,803.23 87,095.51 82,268.17 41,712.73 87,095.49 82,016.70 41,230.85 53,075.34 43,042.37 27,781.60

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Brayon Delaney Fraser Gallant Ganaway Hewer Ivey Jones Kelly Lettice Lee Lewis MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacKay MacLean McNeil Murphy O'Brien O'Connell Oldford Orychock Peters Reid Richardson Ross Savoy Smith Smith Strong Thomas Wells Wilton

First Name Louis Harold Patrick Clayton Kenneth Russell Kevin John Joyce Shaun Timothy Ian Brian Bernie Carman Lewis Shameus Troy J.Harvey William Terry Brendon Francis Paul Lorne John John Matthew Donald Charlie Gary Matthew Allan Maurice John Paul

Location Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations


Comer Florian Marsh Moules

Marguerite Nancy David Kevin

Purchasing Purchasing Purchasing Purchasing

40,172.60 63,577.22 40,931.61 78,830.78

Burke Clarke Currie Ellis MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald-Gillis MacKenzie MacKinnon MacMillan

Kevin Jamie Michael Charlene Chantel Keith Dawn Kevin Samantha Bernard

Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin

39,775.24 87,246.09 87,095.48 87,095.50 60,960.15 39,803.23 86,647.07 84,405.02 61,584.08 26,354.74

34,778.41 40,782.40 52,267.34 33,245.58 50,349.48 52,419.65 32,430.39 40,061.68 52,984.83 52,330.31 68,324.09 52,208.05 33,789.55 51,098.09 105,234.39 52,222.57 52,547.94 25,635.88 29,552.17 32,235.60 26,936.38 27,313.20 127,396.96 68,324.09 38,853.48 49,576.76 32,954.40 38,970.11 52,267.35 52,347.86 31,071.90 52,267.32 50,796.16 77,876.56 77,876.56

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits 212.76 207.85 1,062.72 154.71

91.80 399.60 414.72 610.20 477.36 9,200.85

214.92 330.48



11,347.89 192.24 1,476.36 106.92 115.56


218.16 202.50 212.76 8,311.80

Service Awards



34,991.17 40,782.40 52,475.19 34,308.30 50,349.48 52,574.36 32,430.39 40,061.68 53,076.63 52,729.91 68,738.81 52,818.25 34,266.91 51,098.09 114,435.24 52,437.49 52,878.42 25,635.88 29,552.17 32,800.44 26,936.38 27,313.20 145,152.14 68,516.33 38,853.48 51,053.12 32,954.40 39,077.03 52,267.35 52,463.42 31,071.90 52,485.48 50,998.66 78,089.32 97,665.80 40,172.60 63,577.22 40,931.61 78,830.78 39,775.24 87,246.09 87,095.48 87,095.50 60,960.15 39,803.23 86,647.07 84,405.02 61,584.08 26,354.74

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name MacNeil MacNeil MacNeil MacNeil MacNeil Mossman O'Handley Pouchelu Sawlor Stevens Morrow Tierney

First Name Anthony Elizabeth Joan M.Theresa Pius Meaghan Meaghan Tracey Scott Jennifer Brian

Location Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankin


Boone Brown Cuzner Ferguson Fraser Gillis Graham Lahey MacKay MacRae McPhee Mulvihill O'Neil Parker Ranni Timmons Vallis-Beaver

Tanya Suzanne Viola Kim Lorna Jennifer Janine Irene Lynne Kevin Steve Paula Arlene Donna-Lee Stephen Leslie Geraldine

Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary Riverside Elementary

113,297.60 102,154.42 26,045.07 86,647.09 84,267.80 66,828.08 60,191.69 25,582.11 88,869.04 25,582.11 46,105.60 84,853.43 27,182.45 87,246.10 84,853.46 87,095.48 82,016.70

Anderson Baldwin Bellefontaine Bennett Bonaparte Burke Burke Butler Cantwell Carew Chiasson Chisholm Coleman Coleman Coleman Doyle Drohan Dunlop Ferguson Gillis Gillis

Julia Victoria Joseph Gary Loretta James Nicole Kathleen Josephine Charlotte Kimberley Joseph Michelle Richard William Jason Terrence Laura Maureen John Lorna

Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High

82,438.59 72,573.80 73,529.43 46,877.08 27,048.85 95,837.45 43,922.69 85,750.26 73,529.42 79,761.75 92,184.43 115,789.65 103,852.99 73,529.41 95,277.44 82,016.70 59,246.52 45,012.47 82,016.70 87,095.48 86,035.67

26,190.45 94,044.31 29,544.61 105,814.67 73,529.32 43,996.97 30,358.69 82,016.69 85,900.86 25,409.15 91,916.64

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards


15,162.56 13,826.75



26,190.45 94,044.31 29,544.61 105,814.67 73,529.32 43,996.97 30,358.69 82,016.69 85,900.86 25,409.15 91,916.64 113,297.60 102,154.42 26,045.07 86,647.09 88,257.16 66,828.08 60,191.69 40,744.67 88,869.04 39,408.86 46,105.60 84,853.43 27,182.45 87,246.10 84,853.46 87,095.48 82,016.70 82,438.59 72,573.80 73,529.43 46,877.08 27,048.85 95,837.45 43,922.69 85,750.26 73,529.42 79,761.75 92,184.43 115,789.65 103,852.99 73,529.41 95,277.44 82,016.70 59,246.52 45,012.47 82,016.70 87,095.48 86,035.67

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Goora Hanna Hanna Hill Hollohan Hooper Kean Kelly Kempt Lalanne Lewis MacCormack MacDonald MacEachen MacKenzie MacLean MacLean MacLellan MacLeod MacMillan MacNeil McNamara McPhail Mills Morrow Moss Murchison Murphy Oravecz Ouellet Pedersen Penny Peters Poirier Power Pyke Rowe Ryba Sampson Savoy Shaw Snow Steele Thompson Trainor Turner White White Young

First Name Alysha Janice John Paula Stephen Elizabeth Heather Michael Ronald Jason Jeffrey Diane Amber James Kathryn Michelle Heather Stephen Jolene Kenneth Donald Monica S. Maureen Coralie Lynn Erin Jennifer J.Scott Peter Carolyn Jocelyn Andrew Brian Debbie Joseph Laura Lisa Amanda Barbara Monica Michelle Ron Judy Vincent Erin Christa Kimberly Aaron Leslie Doreen

Location Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High Riverview High



Robin Foote Elementary


72,015.46 96,032.12 82,016.67 26,356.43 66,239.41 82,016.64 72,573.81 77,908.04 89,790.70 73,529.43 91,916.60 91,916.64 82,016.63 44,208.63 87,095.48 87,095.53 72,573.81 80,955.91 91,916.74 82,016.69 85,750.26 82,016.67 94,525.18 91,443.04 30,666.40 86,497.60 82,016.70 82,016.71 91,916.62 53,464.08 80,955.92 73,529.43 30,762.01 103,852.98 35,703.64 27,222.33 82,016.66 91,916.60 80,327.78 80,327.75 25,582.11 82,016.66 87,246.10 47,473.23 77,916.88 85,328.45 84,040.11 27,892.97 29,467.85 81,172.19

YTD Expenses


Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards





72,015.46 96,032.12 82,016.67 26,356.43 66,239.41 93,871.47 72,573.81 77,908.04 89,790.70 73,529.43 91,916.60 91,916.64 82,016.63 44,208.63 87,095.48 87,095.53 72,573.81 80,955.91 91,916.74 82,016.69 85,750.26 82,016.67 94,525.18 91,443.04 30,666.40 86,497.60 82,016.70 82,016.71 91,916.62 53,464.08 80,955.92 73,529.43 30,762.01 103,852.98 35,703.64 27,222.33 82,016.66 91,916.60 80,327.78 80,327.75 40,744.67 82,016.66 87,246.10 47,473.23 77,916.88 85,328.45 84,040.11 27,892.97 29,467.85 81,172.19

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Cook Howe MacAulay MacCormack MacDougall Morrison Morrison Usher

First Name Evelyn Connie Janine Colleen Stephen Heather Jennifer Glenn

Location Robin Foote Elementary Robin Foote Elementary Robin Foote Elementary Robin Foote Elementary Robin Foote Elementary Robin Foote Elementary Robin Foote Elementary Robin Foote Elementary




Secondment to Department of Education and Early Childhood Development


Astephen Briggs Burton Clarke Favaro Gibbons MacDougall MacRae McInnis Parsons Reilly Ross

Lee Janet Marjorie Donna Sheila Sharon Marilyn Shane Lisa Shannon Mary Valerie

Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary Seton Elementary

91,916.60 102,009.75 82,016.68 87,095.48 26,345.93 73,529.38 71,116.52 87,246.11 85,980.21 63,520.52 70,123.09 72,393.95

Boutilier Cormier Criss Currie Dellorusso Ellsworth-Power Farrell Feit Field-Currie Francis Gallaway Green Grezel Jackson Kaiser Kelloway Lalonde Latham Lawrence MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacNeil MacNeil MacNeil

Carole Julia Mervin Neila Lorenzo Michelle Maurice Cheryl Catherine Alice Blaine Fred Irene Jillian Dorothy Sean Elizabeth Lindsay Brian Alison Jennifer Judith Bernadette C. Lynn Lynette

Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park

80,142.93 43,392.37 58,943.44 102,516.58 86,647.07 33,215.58 61,472.89 90,856.83 85,750.28 73,529.40 91,916.65 68,917.58 92,390.16 29,986.55 87,095.50 86,035.67 33,838.20 67,574.22 87,095.48 80,749.93 91,916.62 89,550.43 113,116.51 72,770.09 81,594.43

82,016.62 27,727.75 91,443.65 90,712.45 100,561.22 50,525.80 83,080.84 79,905.55

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees





Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards



82,016.62 27,727.75 91,443.65 90,712.45 100,561.22 50,525.80 83,080.84 79,905.55 -

149,313.82 91,916.60 102,009.75 82,016.68 87,095.48 26,345.93 73,529.38 71,116.52 87,246.11 85,980.21 63,520.52 70,123.09 72,393.95 80,142.93 43,392.37 58,943.44 102,516.58 86,647.07 33,215.58 61,472.89 90,856.83 85,750.28 73,529.40 91,916.65 68,917.58 92,390.16 29,986.55 91,114.83 86,035.67 33,838.20 72,784.70 87,095.48 80,749.93 91,916.62 89,550.43 113,116.51 72,770.09 81,594.43

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Martin Martin McCarthy McKinnon Moffatt Morrison Mouland Muise Nearing O'Neill Paul Reid Saunders Wilson

First Name Claire Danna John Catherine Craig Lisa Pamela Anna Shauna Janice Laureen Mary Kerri Lawrence

Location Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Park


Aucoin Borden Bourgeois-Peach Cabot Cantwell Deruelle Deveaux Dingwall Enguehard Foisy-Lahey Gillis-Roy Graves Hill-MacKinnon Koziel LeVatte-MacDonald Ley MacAulay MacDonald MacDonald MacQueen Marsh Melanson Mombourquette Morrison Murphy Oliver Pentecost Thistle Tutty Wirll

Suzanne John Jillian Kylie Alisa Margaret Leslie Joan Dayna Celeste Rosanne Marjorie Ann Angela Dana Suzanna Shauna Todd Leslie Susan Patricia Stewart Betty Michael Verola Gina Darlene Jennifer Barbara Brianna Susan

Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary Shipyard Elementary

96,355.22 82,016.70 43,634.29 43,487.68 87,095.54 30,762.00 19,597.24 45,882.89 82,016.70 90,239.11 78,219.04 92,124.18 82,016.70 87,095.48 87,095.63 82,016.67 90,970.07 84,853.53 97,527.86 91,916.83 100,454.60 105,019.21 106,845.43 73,529.42 73,529.39 92,706.72 71,116.48 72,015.49 31,034.04 73,529.42

Amadio-Bailey Baldin Boozan Boudreau Brown

Marlene Ellen Ann Karrie Michele

St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary

73,529.31 82,016.66 30,495.40 77,908.47 82,016.64

48,323.06 52,674.29 73,529.41 87,095.61 73,529.41 82,016.63 29,401.22 86,647.24 29,894.47 80,955.90 29,396.05 77,925.53 41,267.01 35,217.93

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards



4,057.58 4,304.44



48,323.06 52,674.29 73,529.41 87,095.61 73,529.41 82,016.63 29,401.22 86,647.24 29,894.47 80,955.90 33,004.37 77,925.53 41,267.01 35,217.93 96,355.22 82,016.70 43,634.29 43,487.68 87,095.54 30,762.00 30,457.26 45,882.89 82,016.70 94,296.69 78,219.04 96,428.62 82,016.70 87,095.48 87,095.63 82,016.67 90,970.07 84,853.53 97,527.86 91,916.83 100,454.60 105,019.21 106,845.43 73,529.42 73,529.39 92,706.72 71,116.48 72,015.49 31,034.04 73,529.42 73,529.31 82,016.66 30,495.40 77,908.47 82,016.64

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Cosnick Crawley Cyr-Donovan Dunlop Ettinger Gillis Green Hooper Hunter Jones-Mcneil Kavanagh Keel Kelly Kelly Lewis MacAulay MacIntyre McKinnon Munroe Nicholson Nickelo O'Brien O'Leary O'Neill Pyke Struthers Vokey

First Name Cheryl Joelle Leah Laura Tamalah A. Lee Marie Michelle Kristy Marilyn Jennifer Amanda Lisa Shaunah Alison Nancy Brian Lillian Danielle Marylee Christina Susanne Johnna Lori Mary James Barbara

Location St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary St. Anne's Elementary



St. Joseph Elementary

Andrea Baker Braman Bursey Campbell Cechetto-Shea Clements Connors Linden MacNeil McNeil Robertson Ryan Sampson Shaw Simm Smith Sullivan

Mary Thomas Nancy Marjorie Karen Carmelita Scott Erin Kevin Bradley James Arlene Shane Tammy Lillian Richard Rhonda Donna

Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre Staff Development Centre



Substitute teacher various schools


56,301.53 82,016.68 91,916.64 82,016.68 103,117.65 70,501.57 30,696.34 29,049.20 43,087.63 73,939.02 81,594.37 66,217.86 87,095.52 82,119.01 49,507.46 25,406.56 82,268.15 73,907.63 80,327.74 84,431.73 26,195.09 87,095.59 72,573.81 87,095.50 87,543.95 73,529.42 99,927.73

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees


Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards


28,535.27 92,229.36 62,898.76 34,387.18 81,960.11 92,706.73 50,122.37 66,239.41 88,819.35 41,870.64 92,706.73 76,047.88 80,750.00 97,527.83 97,527.83 40,268.88 39,337.79 79,140.77 107,652.01

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

8,233.50 8,628.15

2,566.25 4,375.37



7,223.13 20,979.62



56,301.53 82,016.68 91,916.64 82,016.68 103,117.65 70,501.57 30,696.34 29,049.20 43,087.63 73,939.02 81,594.37 66,217.86 87,095.52 82,119.01 49,507.46 25,406.56 82,268.15 73,907.63 80,327.74 84,431.73 26,195.09 87,095.59 72,573.81 87,095.50 91,827.32 73,529.42 99,927.73 36,768.77 100,857.51 62,898.76 34,387.18 81,960.11 92,706.73 50,122.37 71,830.07 93,194.72 41,870.64 96,996.21 76,047.88 80,750.00 97,527.83 104,750.96 40,268.88 60,317.41 79,140.77 107,652.01 26,327.53

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017


YTD Expenses

Board Member expenses

Last Name

First Name




Substitute teacher various schools





Substitute teacher various schools





Substitute teacher various schools





Substitute teacher various schools





Substitute teacher various schools





Substitute teacher various schools


Aubrecht Barron Beaton Brennan-McDonald Broderick Brown Buick Bushell Callaghan Campbell-Macdonald Clarke Dalzell Deveaux Doue Erickson Ferguson Fraser Gillard Gillis Halloran Hanna Hennick Hill Holland Jackson Johnson Kyte Kyte LeBlanc Lorway MacDonald MacDonald MacDougall MacGillvary MacIsaac MacKinnon MacLean MacLellan

Yolanda John Janet Sharon James Craig Barbara Vivian Gregory Leanna Laurena Daniel Kevin Brian Carman Ronda John Krista Catherine Barry Brenda Shauna Derrick Lindy Rebecca Gloria Anne Harold Joel Verne Elizabeth John Kathryn Joanne Maureen Cyril George Neil

Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy

25,051.84 85,301.84 103,613.25 47,298.13 83,059.79 73,529.42 76,890.40 73,529.43 58,889.42 84,573.37 91,051.01 75,661.46 81,172.23 120,221.83 94,819.32 27,627.95 71,637.00 77,794.32 58,696.75 89,550.32 76,890.44 35,115.89 70,719.77 73,529.40 72,573.80 81,378.23 82,016.66 92,389.84 103,543.97 85,750.26 87,095.68 39,987.69 73,907.83 30,412.52 88,779.12 73,529.42 91,916.67 73,529.34 87,543.87

85,301.84 103,613.25 31,529.95 83,059.79 73,529.42 76,890.40 73,529.43 58,889.42 84,573.37 91,051.01 75,661.46 81,172.23 120,221.83 94,819.32 27,627.95 71,637.00 77,794.32 58,696.75 89,550.32 76,890.44 23,765.89 70,719.77 73,529.40 72,573.80 81,378.23 82,016.66 92,389.84 103,543.97 85,750.26 87,095.68 24,825.13 73,907.83 30,412.52 88,779.12 73,529.42 91,916.67 73,529.34 87,543.87

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards






Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name MacLeod MacNamara MacNeil MacPherson Mason Mazzocca McGee McGowan McIntyre Miles-Smith Mills Milne Mombourquette Moore Morrison Morrison Nicholson O'Neill O'Neill Pace Penny Pentecost Pierre Richardson Romard Ryba Tubrett-Crawley Unsworth Urquhart Urquhart Yurczyszyn Zahara

First Name Alana Michael Becky Ian Diane Ronald Danny J.Brant Janice Danyelle Caroline Carol Leanne Margaret Keith Shaun Joseph Kevin Scott Paula Lisa Jason Heather Genevieve Dionne Joseph Gina George Alexander Heather Harry Carmella

Location Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy Sydney Academy

Brennan Carabin Cordy Deline Ernst Gillis Gillis Jenkins Jenkins Kemp Lefrense Levangie Lewis Long Lucas MacLean MacLeod MacMullin

Sharyn Carla Rebecca Laura Diane Lisa Shaunna Kelly Lisa Meaghan Bernadette Danielle Kimberley Brian Randolph Lisa Terrance Shawn

Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School


82,016.63 59,598.85 72,573.79 69,826.32 30,630.26 33,343.76 82,016.69 82,016.69 30,203.56 87,095.50 71,845.11 81,172.20 90,856.83 30,770.39 82,016.68 95,420.31 82,268.18 94,022.71 82,988.98 28,535.07 93,575.45 80,955.90 87,095.50 94,615.96 31,429.48 47,141.92 87,095.49 78,216.59 73,529.30 86,221.16 38,320.30 82,016.66 94,756.62 71,814.57 30,653.57 73,529.42 73,907.77 46,553.36 73,150.95 81,845.92 87,246.10 42,555.96 77,672.30 69,826.47 62,354.77 79,061.05 73,529.37 97,682.96 34,091.61 40,093.37

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards






82,016.63 59,598.85 72,573.79 69,826.32 30,630.26 51,645.54 82,016.69 82,016.69 30,203.56 87,095.50 71,845.11 81,172.20 90,856.83 30,770.39 82,016.68 95,420.31 82,268.18 94,022.71 82,988.98 47,969.01 93,575.45 80,955.90 87,095.50 94,615.96 31,429.48 47,141.92 87,095.49 78,216.59 73,529.30 86,221.16 38,320.30 82,016.66 94,756.62 71,814.57 30,653.57 73,529.42 73,907.77 46,553.36 73,150.95 81,845.92 87,246.10 42,555.96 77,672.30 69,826.47 62,354.77 79,061.05 73,529.37 97,682.96 34,091.61 40,093.37

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Parsons Parsons Ryan Stelmach White

First Name Callista Kristen Norma Gina Michelle

Location Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School Sydney Mines Middle School

Anderson Andrews Briand Brown-Holland Campbell Carrigan Dove Finigan Gratton-Macleod Hillier-Weatherbee Landry Lewis MacCoy MacIntosh MacIsaac MacKenzie MacKinnon MacKinnon MacLean MacLean McNeil McNenly Moore Morrison Peach Roberts Robinson Sampson Tattrie Wall Wilson Youden

Carl Lesley Andre Kelly Rose Michael Tracy Michelle Angela Tammy Ellen Cheryl Kathy Lisa Roberta Carolin Donald Susie Danielle Susan Erin Kelly Alana Brenda Wendy Kelly Nancy Crystal Leanne Jo-Anne Bernard Carole

Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary Sydney River Elementary

Bigley Bourgeois Briggs Burns Cole Cox Deveaux Gaetan Gear George Graham Grant

Geoff Marcel Michael Wes Jay John Richard Michael Brian Matthew Gerald Raymond Marion

Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology


82,016.64 86,647.09 79,524.77 91,916.61 30,669.29 99,713.58 95,850.36 82,438.49 86,647.13 30,495.32 87,095.49 91,916.63 91,916.61 70,690.81 86,647.10 91,118.65 79,483.30 80,327.74 68,963.83 91,443.37 86,647.08 91,916.65 82,016.60 57,781.02 79,659.59 68,703.44 107,510.64 88,130.52 73,529.41 25,599.28 85,306.91 86,198.67 82,438.74 82,016.66 91,916.64 47,474.89 30,495.30 52,566.90 55,960.40 48,457.93 50,482.84 55,609.80 55,638.60 44,562.10 62,391.61 55,858.58 48,476.65 53,460.96 43,121.95

YTD Expenses


Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards








82,016.64 86,647.09 79,524.77 91,916.61 30,669.29 99,713.58 95,850.36 82,438.49 86,647.13 30,495.32 87,095.49 91,916.63 108,430.32 70,690.81 86,647.10 91,118.65 79,483.30 80,327.74 68,963.83 91,443.37 86,647.08 91,916.65 82,016.60 57,781.02 79,659.59 68,703.44 107,510.64 88,130.52 73,529.41 39,186.84 85,306.91 86,198.67 82,438.74 82,016.66 91,916.64 47,474.89 30,495.30 52,566.90 55,960.40 48,457.93 51,333.88 55,609.80 55,638.60 44,688.46 62,391.61 55,858.58 48,476.65 53,712.79 43,121.95

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Grover Ivey Jackson MacLean MacNeil MacNeil MacPhee Madinsky Palmer Stephenson Targett Walsh


Location Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology



Thompson Middle School



Muise Sheppard Sutherland

Mary Charles Elaine

Thompson Middle School Thompson Middle School Thompson Middle School

29,405.42 30,647.57 32,370.00


Burke Campbell Campbell Currie Favaro Hardy-Burns Hollohan Hurley-Taylor Johnston Kennedy Loro MacCormack MacNeil McLeod Pastuck Poirier Pyke Riga Rogers Saule-Mcphee Wadden

Lee-Ann Rose Tyler Glenda Angela Jennifer Janel Lindsay Linda S. Maureen M.Lonita Kathleen Melissa Mary Ashley Linda Karen Thomas Donna Zena Brent

Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial Tomkins Memorial

Annesty Astephen Blackie Bungay Burke Burns Burns Butts Cantwell Clamp Covey

Bruce Bernie Leo Robert Kevin Cathy Michael Shannon Norma Bruce Jason

Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation

96,426.71 25,209.35 25,576.82 60,245.73 70,190.70 52,971.87 33,314.96 54,932.63 73,529.42 77,372.05 73,529.45 72,393.80 27,364.98 104,575.63 37,611.12 73,529.43 73,529.39 72,938.28 82,016.49 85,301.84 45,375.22 52,267.33 52,356.59 26,348.39 28,467.35 52,511.08 26,927.88 52,267.33 44,740.43 25,249.76 26,851.77 43,633.23

Home StayFees

Board Member expenses

First Name Nicholas Craig Robert Greg Jeff Roy Glenn Mark Robert David Robert Michael

53,274.57 54,685.94 55,313.70 48,988.08 48,617.33 44,238.09 48,476.65 52,068.37 76,047.88 53,722.24 55,128.48 44,778.78

YTD Expenses

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Taxable Benefits 1,542.24 111.78

Service Awards

114.48 142.56 115.67 343.76





54,816.81 54,797.72 55,313.70 49,102.56 48,617.33 44,380.65 48,476.65 52,184.04 76,047.88 54,066.00 55,128.48 44,778.78 39,764.73 44,452.02 30,647.57 32,370.00 96,426.71 25,209.35 25,576.82 60,245.73 70,190.70 52,971.87 44,664.96 54,932.63 73,529.42 77,372.05 73,529.45 72,393.80 27,364.98 104,575.63 37,611.12 73,529.43 73,529.39 72,938.28 82,016.49 85,301.84 45,375.22 52,267.33 52,356.59 26,348.39 28,467.35 52,511.08 26,927.88 53,498.53 44,740.43 25,249.76 26,851.77 43,633.23

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Finney Fitzgerald Flynn Fraser Gallop Gaskell Gracie Hodgson Hooper Hull Jardine Jellow Jessome Lahey Lahey LeBlanc Lewis Lewis Lovett MacAdam MacCuspic MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDougall MacInnis MacInnis MacKeigan MacKenzie MacKinnon MacKinnon MacKinnon MacKinnon-Wilson MacNeil MacNeil MacNeil MacNevin MacPherson Matthews McCormack McGean Mercer O'Handley O'Handley O'Leary O'Toole Parsons Peterson Rendell Rogez Rose

First Name Stanley Kenneth Heather Bruce Paul Tara Marylou Mary Charlie Mary Lawrence Cathy James Kimberly Roland David Kenneth Malcolm David Michael Scott Colin J.Scott John Lynden Roderick Russell D. Vaughn Mary Barry Lawren Wayne Carrie Frank James Norma Lorraine Scott John Charlene Sheldon Earl Allan Blaise Greg David Michael Bernice David Tony Michael Kevin

Location Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation


54,109.93 39,680.44 27,671.05 28,674.94 46,377.41 52,266.27 25,065.79 29,919.75 53,053.74 25,317.21 26,796.33 30,859.73 30,540.26 26,450.10 26,104.86 53,959.01 27,040.40 25,367.24 28,973.12 26,451.66 52,485.75 34,495.34 52,267.32 26,128.34 27,862.01 54,206.49 30,372.42 52,448.45 26,720.34 25,233.80 52,392.49 29,021.77 25,738.06 36,254.33 27,292.76 49,294.12 26,348.65 52,267.33 34,478.68 27,874.69 27,989.67 25,815.38 26,665.19 26,364.33 38,784.25 29,804.78 56,236.82 59,761.48 44,156.58 30,761.32 26,738.11

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits 177.12




Service Awards



54,109.93 39,857.56 27,671.05 28,674.94 46,377.41 53,332.59 25,065.79 29,919.75 53,053.74 25,317.21 26,796.33 30,859.73 30,540.26 26,450.10 26,104.86 53,959.01 27,040.40 25,367.24 28,973.12 26,451.66 52,485.75 34,495.34 52,267.32 26,128.34 27,862.01 54,664.41 30,372.42 52,448.45 26,720.34 25,233.80 52,392.49 29,021.77 25,738.06 36,254.33 27,292.76 49,294.12 26,348.65 52,267.33 34,478.68 27,874.69 27,989.67 25,815.38 26,665.19 26,364.33 38,784.25 29,804.78 56,236.82 60,732.78 44,156.58 30,761.32 26,738.11

Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Salary and expense report March 31, 2017

Last Name Schaller Sheppard Springall Vickers Watson White Young-O'Toole

First Name George Vince Steven David Douglas John Trudy

Location Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation

Borden Brewer Brown Bugden Campbell Campbell Canova Chislett Crombie Crowe Delaney Desmond Deveaux Gallivan Halloran House Howley-Petite Janega Landry MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacLean McIsaac O'Keefe Seward Starzomski Syms Thiel

Brian Keli Christopher Bernice Chris Lynn-Ann Anna Tanya Phyllis Shaun Maralyn Lillyann Lori Deborah Sheila John Laura Jermiah Colin Coreen Dallas John Wm.Chris Martia Neil Raymond R.Craig Krista Shaun Kathryn

Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School Whitney Pier Middle School

Previous year salary accrual payout

Various employees

Various locations

Total Salaries < $25,000 Total Expenses < $3,500 Home Stay Fees paid-salaries <$25,000 Grand Total


52,279.77 27,383.41 27,846.53 27,607.80 60,013.07 26,711.06 26,803.50 29,981.15 85,301.86 64,746.71 90,239.17 87,095.48 87,095.55 86,035.67 86,035.68 30,462.95 79,905.51 83,956.61 82,016.68 82,016.71 87,095.56 82,016.68 27,291.54 82,016.67 82,988.99 87,095.51 87,095.49 106,086.83 81,594.45 78,685.04 87,095.50 87,095.48 44,079.59 87,095.50 87,095.49 96,112.48 30,298.01

YTD Expenses

Home StayFees

Overtime and Vacation Amounts paid

Board Member expenses

Taxable Benefits

Service Awards




97,683,574.78 15,632,433.08











52,468.41 155,196.07







52,279.77 27,383.41 27,846.53 27,607.80 61,248.59 26,711.06 26,803.50 29,981.15 85,301.86 64,746.71 90,239.17 87,095.48 87,095.55 86,035.67 86,035.68 30,462.95 79,905.51 83,956.61 82,016.68 82,016.71 87,095.56 82,016.68 27,291.54 87,353.25 82,988.99 87,095.51 87,095.49 106,086.83 81,594.45 78,685.04 87,095.50 87,095.48 44,079.59 87,095.50 87,095.49 96,112.48 30,298.01

99,230,909.84 15,632,433.08 773,035.98 52,468.41 115,688,847.31

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