Goal: 1.1 – Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard:Skilled Movement Objective

CCSS Literacy Standards

Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

6-8.PE.1.1.1 Demonstrate mature form in the basic skills of more specialized activities (e.g., wall/net, invasion, field/striking, target, dance, outdoor activities, fitness, etc.).

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

W7-8 2.A: Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/ effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. W7-8 2.D: Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. W7-8 3.D: Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events.

Task Analysis


Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

Prior • Kicking • Throwing • Catching • Running • Fielding • Hitting Explicit • Forehand • Backhand • Target • Volley • serving skills • bank shot • ground stroke • pass • set • spike Introductory

Demonstrate essential skills through participation of skills and/or written assessment.

2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 1: Skilled Movement

Goal: 1.1 – Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard:Skilled Movement Objective

Task Analysis


Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.1.1.2 Adapt and combine skills successfully in modified games or activities of increasing complexity and in combination with other basic skills.

Prior • Kicking • Throwing • Catching • Running • Fielding • Hitting Explicit • Forehand • Backhand • Target • Volley • serving skills • bank shot • ground stroke • pass • set • spike Introductory

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

CCSS Literacy Standards

Combine multiple skills into team or individual activities (hand eye and foot eye coordination).

2 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 1: Skilled Movement

Goal: 1.1 – Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard:Skilled Movement Objective

Task Analysis


Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.1.1.3 Demonstrate movement tactics and strategies that can be applied to a variety of sports and physical activities (e.g., wall/net, invasion, field/striking, target, dance, outdoor activities, fitness, etc.).

Prior • Kicking • Hitting • Fielding • Throwing • Catching • Running Explicit • Forehand • Backhand • Target • Volley • serving skills • bank shot • ground stroke • pass • set • spike Introductory • Offense and defense strategies • zone vs man vs gimmick • movement strategies, etc.

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

CCSS Literacy Standards

Show through participation techniques relating to specific types of team and individual skills relating to the activities.

3 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 2: Movement Knowledge

Movement Knowledge

Goal: 2.1 – Demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard: Movement Knowledge Objective CCSS Literacy Standards Task Analysis Vocabulary Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

6-8.PE.2.1.1 Identify and apply the critical elements, strategies, and tactics of higher level movements in wall/net, invasion, field/striking, target, dance, outdoor activities, fitness, etc., (e.g., transition from offense to defense, leave no trace, shortest distance, angles of interception, fluid sequential movement, etc.).

SL7-8 2: Analyze the main ideas and supporting • details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. L7-8 3.A: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. a. Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.


CCSS Literacy Standards

Physical Education Vocabulary List

Task Analysis

Prior Explicit • Aerobic • Anaerobic • Cardiovascular Training, Introductory • Frequency • Target Heart Rate • Duration • Strength • Flexibility • Endurance • Max HR • BMI Vocabulary

Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.2.1.2 Identify principles of practice and biomechanics that enhance movement performance (e.g., describe basic principles of training and how they improve fitness, describe why extending the elbow in striking skills is important, etc.).

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

Utilize specific training techniques, higher level movements, transitions, and individual/team sports.

Prior Participate in critical elements of movements Explicit through various activities. Choose specific movements to enhance performance. • Strength • Flexibility • coordination Introductory • Speed • Quickness • Space • Body elevations • Vision • Hand/Foot-eye coordination.

4 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 2: Movement Knowledge

Goal: 2.1 – Demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard: Movement Knowledge Objective

Task Analysis


Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.2.1.3 Apply external feedback to guide and improve performance (e.g., use videos to refine skills, verbal feedback to improve performance, etc.).

Prior Explicit • Offense/defense • Scoring • field/court awareness • rules/regulations • transitions Introductory • Offense/Defense • On side(strong) • Offside (weak) • Fore court • Back court • Assists • Pace Control

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

CCSS Literacy Standards

Participate in pre and post skills test.

5 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility

Valuing a Physically Active Lifestyle

Goal: 3.1 – Participate daily in physical activity for health, enjoyment and/or satisfaction, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction. Standard:Valuing a Physically Active Lifestyle Objective

CCSS Literacy Standards

Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

6-8.PE.3.1.1 Participate in developmentally appropriate moderate to vigorous physical activity a minimum of 50% of the lesson time (e.g., time assessment, pedometer = 3200 steps in a 40 minute lesson or 80 steps per minute, etc.).

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

W7-8 10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Task Analysis


Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

Prior Explicit • Goal setting • life time fitness Introductory • Goal setting • Self esteem • Peer pressure • Taking a stance • Values

Participate in a minimum of 50% of class time on a moderate to vigorous intensity level.

6 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility

Goal: 3.1 – Participate daily in physical activity for health, enjoyment and/or satisfaction, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction. Standard: Valuing a Physically Active Lifestyle Objective

CCSS Literacy Standards

Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

6-8.PE.3.1.2 Participate daily in moderate to vigorous physical activity during and outside of class as recommended by NASPE, CDC, and USDHHS of at least 60 minutes or more per day (e.g., activity logs, step count of at least 12000 steps per day, activity breaks, etc.).

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

SL7-8 1.A-D:Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. b. Follow rules for collegial discussions, track progress toward specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed. c. Pose questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others’ questions and comments with relevant observations and ideas that bring the discussion back on topic as needed. d. Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their own views.

Task Analysis


Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

Prior Explicit • Risk taking • self-exploration Introductory • Risk taking • Learning Curve • Self exploration • Recreation • Competitive

Recognize any physical activity in and outside of the class which exceeds the 60 minutes of recommended time. Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity during and outside of class.

7 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility

Goal: 3.1 – Participate daily in physical activity for health, enjoyment and/or satisfaction, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction. Standard: Valuing a Physically Active Lifestyle Objective CCSS Literacy Standards Task Analysis


Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

6-8.PE.3.1.3 Explore a variety of challenging physical activities for personal interest, self-expression and social interaction in a variety of settings including school, home, workplace, and community (e.g., bowling, golf, recreational teams, lessons, camping, etc.). Objective Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

6-8.PE.3.1.4 Describe the challenges found both in experiencing high levels of competition and in learning new and/or different activities (e.g., journaling, videos, blogs, etc.).

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

W7-8 10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. CCSS Literacy Standards

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

Prior • Goal settings Explicit • Self-improvement Introductory • Self-improvement

Recognize any participation in outside activities rec leagues, club sports, dance studios, gym/fitness clubs, etc…..

Task Analysis


Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

W7-8 4: Produce clear and • coherent writing in which the development, organization, • and style are appropriate to • task, purpose, and audience. L7-8 3.A:Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. a. Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

Identify different activities for their own personal growth mentally, socially, and physically. Assess needed changes to experience higher levels of competition. Implement changes as necessary.

8 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Prior • Goal settings Explicit • Commitment • stress management • prioritize • time management Introductory • Commitment • Dedication • comfort zone • success • stress management • social/mental growth • time management • prioritize, Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility

Goal: 4.1 – Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Standard: Personal Fitness Objective CCSS Literacy Standards

Task Analysis


Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

SL7-8 1.D: Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their own views. L7-8 3.A:Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. a. Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

• •

Prior Explicit • Presidents Fitness Challenge • Fitness bench marks Introductory • Activities • sports and recreation are all ageless and genderless

CCSS Literacy Standards

Task Analysis


Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.4.1.2 Know and demonstrate the basic knowledge of skill-related fitness including agility, coordination, balance, power, reaction time, and speed (e.g., President’s Council, assessment series from NASPE, combatives, sprint starts, vertical/standing jump, pilates, etc.).

Prior Explicit • Self-assessment Introductory • School curriculum • Recreation • Lifetime sports • Extreme sports • City leagues • Parks and Rec • Club sports

Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

6-8.PE.4.1.1 Know and demonstrate the health-related fitness components including cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition by improving, meeting and/or sustaining gender and age-related contemporary fitness standards as defined by approved tests (e.g., Fitnessgram or President’s Council healthy fitness zone/level, identify various activities that demonstrate each health-related component, etc.). Objective

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

Participate in schools fitness testing program. Critique individual fitness level.

Identify basic knowledge and areas of individual strength and/or weakness. Evaluate individual fitness level.

9 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility

Goal: 4.1 – Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Standard: Personal Fitness Objective Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

6-8.PE.4.1.3 Participate in a variety of healthrelated and skill-related fitness activities in diverse settings including school, home, workplace, and community (e.g., hiking, swimming, orienteering, rock climbing, fun runs, social dance, etc.).


CCSS Literacy Standards

Task Analysis


Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

W7-8 1.C: create cohesion, and • Find activities which promote health related fitness. clarify the relationships between • Develop higher level skills for specific activities. Participate in activities in claim(s) and reasons, between and outside of school. reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims SL7-8 2: Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. CCSS Literacy Standards Task Analysis

Prior Explicit • Self-Discipline Introductory • Heart rate • Body temp • Respiration • Recovery rate


Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.4.1.4 Assess physiological indicators of exercise during and after physical activity (e.g., target heart rate zone, perceived exertion, etc.).

Prior Explicit • Target Heart Rate Introductory • Frequency, Duration, Reps • Target heart rate, Max HR • Flexibility • Recovery rate, Strength, Speed, Endurance

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

Monitor individual resting/target/peak heart rate before, during, and after activity.

10 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility

Goal: 4.1 – Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Standard: Personal Fitness Objective

CCSS Literacy Standards

Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

6-8.PE.4.1.5 Apply basic principles and types of training to improve fitness goals (e.g., frequency, intensity, progression, specificity, overload, regularity, interval training, fartlek, circuit training, resistance training, etc.).

W7-8 10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Task Analysis


Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

Prior Explicit • Fartlek Introductory • Frequency, Duration, Reps • Target heart rate, Max HR • Flexibility • Recovery rate, Strength, Speed, Endurance, Body Composition.

Identify basic principles and types of training to improve fitness goals (e.g., frequency, intensity, progression, specificity, overload, regularity, interval training, fartlek, circuit training, resistance training, etc.). Implement individualized training techniques to improve health.

and Social Responsibility

Goal: 5.1 – Exhibit responsible and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings Standard: Personal and Social Responsibility Objective

Task Analysis


Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.5.1.1 Apply safe practices, ethical behavior, and positive forms of social interaction when participating in physical activities (e.g. participate within the rules of an activity, display good sportsmanship, practice selfcontrol, etc.).

Prior Explicit • Respect and responsibility Introductory • Respect for others • personal responsibility • self control • sportsmanship

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

CCSS Literacy Standards

Apply safe practices, ethical behavior, and positive forms of social interaction when participating in physical activities

11 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility

Goal: 5.1 – Exhibit responsible and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings Standard: Personal and Social Responsibility Objective

CCSS Literacy Standards

Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Task Analysis


Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.5.1.2 Solve problems by analyzing potential consequences when confronted with a behavioral choice (e.g. resolve argument between peers, be sensitive of the rights and feelings of others, role play, case studies, etc.).

W7-8 1.C: Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.

• • • • •


CCSS Literacy Standards

Task Analysis

Prior Explicit • Problem Solving Introductory • Identify problem • explore solutions • recognize consequences • pick solution • evaluate decision. Vocabulary

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

Prior Explicit • Cooperation Introductory • Team work • Identify leadership • work with peers cooperatively • identify your role in group • peer mentoring • doing your share • role modeling,

Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

6-8.PE.5.1.3 Work independently and in groups to achieve goals in competitive and cooperative settings (e.g. identify ways to relieve stress, develop team goals, practice for competition, sport education, adventure activities, challenge activities, etc.).

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

SL7-8 1.D: Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their own views.

Identify potential problems when confronted with a choice. Determine potential solutions. Select best possible outcome. Implement plan of action. Evaluate.

Integrate skills independently or in group setting to achieve goals.

12 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility

Goal: 5.1 – Exhibit responsible and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings Standard: Personal and Social Responsibility Objective

Task Analysis


Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.5.1.4 Appreciate others of diverse characteristics and backgrounds during physical activity (e.g. invite others with differences to participate in an activity, work cooperatively with peers of diverse skill levels, cultural activities/projects, peer mentoring, etc.).

Task Analysis

Prior Explicit • Tolerance Introductory • Tolerance • Acceptance • development of leadership skills • respect • sharing • unselfish • giving Vocabulary

Sample Assessment Sample ELL Content/Language Objectives

Suggested Materials and Resources

Physical Education Vocabulary List

6-8.PE.5.1.5 Recognize the role of sport and physical activity in influencing personal and social behavior (e.g. identify positive and negative behaviors of sport figures, develop leadership skills, responsibility of actions, importance of individual roles in group activities, etc.).

Prior Explicit • Diversity Introductory • Cultural perspectives • Diversity • Sportsmanship • responsibilities of citizenship


Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

CCSS Literacy Standards

CCSS Literacy Standards

Engage with all students regardless of race, color, or creed during physical activity.

Understand multi-cultural differences in sport, games, and activities in life and class

13 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Sample ELL Content and Language Objectives

Sample ELL Content and Language Objectives 6-8.PE.1.1.1 6-8.PE.1.1.2 6-8.PE.1.1.3 6-8.PE.2.1.1 Standard 2: Movement Knowledge 6-8.PE.2.1.2 6-8.PE.2.1.3 Standard 3: Valuing a Physically Active 6-8.PE.3.1.1 Lifestyle 6-8.PE.3.1.2 6-8.PE.3.1.3 6-8.PE.3.1.4 6-8.PE.4.1.1 Standard 4: Personal Fitness 6-8.PE.4.1.2 6-8.PE.4.1.3 6-8.PE.4.1.4 6-8.PE.4.1.5 6-8.PE.5.1.1 Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility 6-8.PE.5.1.2 6-8.PE.5.1.3 6-8.PE.5.1.4 6-8.PE.5.1.5 Standard 1: Skilled Movement

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

Describe, explain, and summarize skills. Compare, relate, and illustrate.


Personal journals. Articulate rules and instructional technique. Record and document. Express verbally and written. Discussion techniques. Assess. Create, log, and evaluate. Identify and analyze.

14 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho Standards Physical Education, Grades 6-8

Sample Assessment

Sample Assessment 6-8.PE.1.1.1 6-8.PE.1.1.2 6-8.PE.1.1.3 6-8.PE.2.1.1 Standard 2: Movement Knowledge 6-8.PE.2.1.2 6-8.PE.2.1.3 Standard 3: Valuing a Physically Active 6-8.PE.3.1.1 Lifestyle 6-8.PE.3.1.2 6-8.PE.3.1.3 6-8.PE.3.1.4 6-8.PE.4.1.1 Standard 4: Personal Fitness 6-8.PE.4.1.2 6-8.PE.4.1.3 6-8.PE.4.1.4 6-8.PE.4.1.5 6-8.PE.5.1.1 Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility 6-8.PE.5.1.2 6-8.PE.5.1.3 6-8.PE.5.1.4 6-8.PE.5.1.5 Standard 1: Skilled Movement

Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

Observation, evaluate written work Observation Observation Observation, evaluate written work, critique oral presentation Observation Observation Observation, evaluate written work Observation, critique oral presentation Observation, evaluate written work Observation, evaluate written work Observation, critique oral presentation Observation Observation, evaluate written work Observation Observation, evaluate written work Observation Observation, evaluate written work Observation, evaluate written work Observation Observation

15 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

Idaho StandardsPhysical Education, Grades 6-8

Suggested Materials/Resources

Suggested Materials/Resources Standard 1: Skilled Movement

Standard 2: Movement Knowledge

Standard 3: Valuing a Physically Active Lifestyle

Standard 4: Personal Fitness

Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility


Southeast Idaho (IV, V, VI)

16 2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, Idaho State University

Last Modified: 3/1/13

CCSS PE, High School - School District 25

2012 © Idaho TIA, Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness, College of Education, .... Utilize specific training techniques, higher level ..... Explicit. • Self-Discipline. Introductory. • Heart rate. • Body temp. • Respiration .... Acceptance.

226KB Sizes 1 Downloads 679 Views

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