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fo.-rIlT\-:01J Gover:nment of India ]Iinistn-of Finance Deparfm€nt of Erpenditure

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Delh the22 January.2015

O FFICE I}IE \IORAT{D TII\{ Sub: Central Govemment Emplo-veesGroup Insurance Scheme-1980- Tablcs ol' Benefitsfor the saringsfund for the period from 01.01.2015to 3l.l13}fi.

The undersigned is directedto referto this Minisrr.'s O.M. No.7 (l)lEY/2013 dated 8s January,2014 forwarding therewith Tablesof Benefitsunder CGEGIS for the yeat 2014. New Tablesof Benefits forthe savingsfrind of the Schemebasedon a subscriptionof Rs.iO per monthfrom 1.1.1982to31.L2.1989 and Rs.15per month w.e.f. 1.1.1990onwardshave beenpreparedfor the year 2015and a copy of the table is enclosed.Another Table of Benefits for the savingsfund basedon a subscriptionof Rs.10per month for thoseemployeesnho had optedout of the revisedratesof subscriptionw.e.f. i.1.1990have also beendrarm up for the yeat 2015 and a copy of that table is also enclosed. The amountsin the Tables har.ebeen worked out on the basis of interest@ 10% per annum(compounded quarterly) for the period from 1.1-1982to 31.12.i982, l|a/o per annum(compounded quarterly)w.e.f. 1.1.1983to 31.12.1986,12% pdr annum{compounded quarteriy)w.e.f. 1.1.1987to 31.12.20A0,119'oper g.syoper arinum(compounded annum(compoundedquar,terly)w.e.f. i.1.2001 to 31.12.2001, quarterly) w.e.f. 1.1.20A2to 31.12.2002,9.0Yoper annum(cornpounded quarterly) w.e.f. 1.1.2003to 31.12.2003, \yo per annum(compounded quarterly)w.e.f. 1.1.2004to 30.I 1.20i 1, 8.6Yoper annum (compoundedquarterly)w.e.f. 1.12.2011to 31.03.2012,8.8%per annun (compoundedquarterly)w.e.f. L.04.2A12to 31.03.2013and 8.7 % per annum(compounded quarterly)w.e.f. 01.04.2013onwards. The mortality rate underthe Schemehasbeentaken as 3.75 perthousandper annumup to 31.12.1987and 3.60per thousandper annumthereafterln both the cases. While calculatingthe amount it has been assumedthat the subscriptionhas beenrecoveredor will be recoveredfrom the salaryof the month in which a memberceasesto be in servicefailing u'hich it shouldbe deductedfrom accumulatedamountspayable. 2. in its application to the employeesof Indian Audit and Accounts Departmenttliis Office Memorandumissuesin consultationwith the Comptrollerand Auditor Generalof India. i




Nurionut Federntion of Indian Ruilwal,men(N.F.t.Rt 3, Chelmsford Roud, New Delhi.

No. II/43


Cop! to the Ceneral Secretaries of afJiliated ()nions of N FI R for informotion.

" ,.--1 ^:( er..


C/: Media Centre/NFIR. (Dr.M. Rughorrtiuh) Generul Secretuq.

SCHEME1980 GROUPINSURANCE EMPLOYEES CENTRALGOVERNMENT Rs. 10/throughout Contribution @ from lst Januaryof yearof Entryto the monthandyearof cessation valueo-fcontribution Accumulaterl - 2015 of membership Yearof cessation membershiP of Monthof cessation Yearof Det: Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul May Jun Apr Mar Jan Feb Entry il3293.01 1982 21453.34 27614.62 27772.36 21938.91 22L06.96 22772.45 22443-23 22613.97 22784.97 229s7.46 23L29.30 1983 19154.95 19300.78 19443.89 19593.85 19747.t0 19893.64 20043.48 20195.46 20348.22 20504.75 20667.75 20808.19 18566.86 1984 17080.80 77213.79 7734L.51 77478.36 17608.83 r7743.38 17880.68 18017.48 78154.49 18296.02 18433,43 16555.75 1 6 4 3 s . 9 1 76311.23 16185.38 !6063.7t 15940.87 15818.73 1985 15225.34 15342.98 15456.04 15578.96 15697.74 I4749.84 L4543.88 L4530.77 L4479.89 14309.12 14199.53 14089.63 13980.92 13873.13 1986 13557.14 13564.31 73768.77 13131.44 13a35.47 12935.97 12837.s7 12736.85 12637.05 t2544.82 t2442.30 12346.69 12250.74 12062.25 12155.43 7987 11587.69 ii6}1.79 8 11510.2 7 g 8 a ' J , O 7 2 t . 5 4L 0 8 1 0 . 3 31 0 8 9 5 . 1 510982.70 11058.88 11155.01 1\244.67 t!332.71 71422.48 1C38L.72 10302.20 10221.61 10140.94 L@62-70 1989 9520.95 9595.51 9673.19 9747-44 9825.03 9905.59 99a2.66 9279.35 9Lst.22 9078.18 9007.19 8933.51 8853.30 8790.95 1990 8447.84 8574.2? 8584.59 8551.05 8721.03 8185.02 8125.54 8061.41 7996.33 7932.54 7868.57 7803,88 7742.22 7679.91. 7615.08 7553.44 1991 7494.8s 7269.77 7213.50 7157.38 7992 6648.64 6707.39 6756.87 6813.95 6871.56. 6927.62 6984.20 7040.60 7098.30 6457.O1 6406.35 6352.69 6302.45 6248.15 t993 5895.85 5942.75 5992.93 6044.89 6096.71 6146.35 6197.28 5732.22 5686.63 5638.38 5593.02 5544.70 5499.48 1994 522s.83 s27035 5314.25 5360.20 5406.76 5452.77 5005.71 5048.49 5088.94 199s 4633.2t 4671.52 4772:LL 4753.38 4794.29 4837.22 4877.20 4920.07 4962.91 4578.42 4252.31 4290.77 4327.85 4366.45 44A2.80 4443.47 4480.28 1996 4104.66 4140,2L 417897 42L4s7 4011.95 3976.18 3941.54 1997 3634.84 3669.76 3701.10 3736.16 3768.01 3804.15 3837.49 3873.51 3906.88 3499.50 3530.36 3560.77 1998 3221.08 3247.97 327850 3309.36 3341.13 3370.27 3402.33 3435.33 3466.38 3101.87 3 1 3 1 . 1 6 3 1 5 9 . 0 9 3072.56 3043.24 3013.90 2987.47 1999 2848.34 2876.53 2904.65 2932.94 2961.35 2754.70 278L.49 2807.?7 2729.36 2744.75 2675.3t 2649.82 2621.05 2000 2522.04 2544.33 2577.47 2595.46 2479.17 2443.29 2466.79 2492.s1 2001 7728.37 225r.2L 2275.82 2296.92 23?0.7a 2345.88 2368.68 2394.67 2142.02 2164.60 2787.34 2709.37 2119.60 ?002 1967.45 1988.61 2009.93 2031.55 2053.32 2075.25 2097.35 1892.04 1912.80 1933.71 1954.82 187L.43 1850.97 2003 1731.53 1751,00 1770.60 L790.47 1810.49 1830.66 1770.94 7582.97 r702.2t 1663.87 t644.97 1626.09 1607.40 2004 1516.19 1534.10 1552.15 1s70.43 1588.85 1505.60 1489.31 I454.A4 \471,.6r 2005 1318.1s 1334.64 L351.25 1368.07 1385.02 1402.08 1419.28 1436.50 1308.58 1292.62 7744.74 1260.18 7276.34 2006 1135.20 1150.37 1165.65 1181.1"2 1796.77 12t2.44 I228.2L 1L75.63 1110.91 1095.95 980.13 994.19 1008.41 7022.74 tA37.17 1051.70 1066.34 1081.09 966.18 2007 955.52 943.04 929.29 915.64 902.09 875.27 888.63 862.01 848.8s 835.78 822.86 810.03 2008 800.48 787.95 775.37 762.79 750.34 " 737.98 725.7L 713.53 7A7.44 689.44 677.56 2009 665.71 6s6.23 644.68 633.08 627.57 610.15 598.80 587.54 576.36 s6s.26 554.24 543.33 2010 532.49 5?-2.97 512.31 501.67 49L.11 480.63 470.22 459.89 449.63 439.45 429.33 419.32 409.37 20tr 3!t9.76 389.95 380.21 370.54 360.94 351.41 341.9s 332.55 323.21 313.9s 304.76 295.60 2012 286.54 277.54 268.60 259.72 250.91 242.16 233.48 224.85 276.29 199.35 207.80 190.99 2013 182.67 174.4t 166.22 158.08 150.00 141.98 134.01 126.1L 718.25 110.46 702.72 95.04 20L4 217.41 79.83 72.31 64.84 57.43 50.07 42.76 35.51 28.30 2t.15 7.AA 14.05 2015 Note: BasisUsed Interest' To From .. 10% 31.12.82 1.1.82 Lt% 1.1.83 31.12.86 1.2% :1.1.87 31.12.00 lL% 31.12.01 1.1.01 9-50% 1.1.02 31.12.02


Interest' To From 9.00% 31.12.03 1.1.03 8.00% 30,11.11 r.7.04 8.60% 31.03.12 t.r2.tt 01.04.201231.03.2013 8.80% 8.70% t.4.2013 * Interestp.acompounded quarterly

1'1.82to 3L'L2'87 Fund: 68.75%from Savings 7l%from 1.1.88and onwards 1.1.82to 31 12'87 Fund: 31.25%from Insurance 30%from 1.1.88andonwards

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