Diocesan Development Fund 2017 Desarrollo del Fondo Diocesano 2017


Parish Goal: $75,000.00 Mt. 6:20

Amount Pledged (Cantidad Prometida)

Amount Received (Cantidad Recibida)


$ 19,041.00

$ 6,982.83



Total: $ 6,410.94 $ 2,674.44

John 12: 26

(1 Chronicles 29:14)


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! # of Pledges 95 (# de Promesas)

as of February 21, 2017

Diocesan Goal: $38,400.00

Intenciones de las Misa Semanales

Growing, Living, Building


Proverbs 11:24-25

1 Cor. 9:7 DONATE NOW 3 year pledge to support the Building Project

SATURDAY, February 25 4:00 pm † Elsie Muskey 6:00 pm † SUNDAY, February 26 8:00 am 10:00 am † Fe Dagion, Mario & Manuel Lasam 12:00 NN Conversion: Francisco Marquez † Ignacio Campos Accion de gracias a Dios 4:00 pm 6:00 pm † Adriana Corrales MONDAY, February 27 6:30 pm † Antonio & Maria del Hierro TUESDAY, February 28 8:15 am All Souls in Purgatory WEDNESDAY, March 01 = ASH WEDNESDAY 8:15 am Birthday: Francisco Aguayo 10:00 am English Mass with Ashes 12:00 Nn English-Liturgy of the Word with Ashes 6:00 pm English Mass with Ashes 7:30 pm Spanish Mass with Ashes THURSDAY, March 02 6:30 pm

FRIDAY, March 03 8:15 am

Birthday: Andrew Steven Hernandez

Please remember St. Anthony’s Church when preparing your will or trust. / Por favor recuerde a la Iglesia de San Antonio cuando prepare su testamento. Para mas Informacion, puede llamar a la oficina: Reina Tel. #: (951) 654-7911, ext. 105

Parishioners need to be registered in our Parish Church, especially those who plan to get married, have a child to be baptized, or plan to be a godparent. You are encouraged to use your envelopes for your Tithings (your tithings are tax deductible). If you don’t have any, please call and let us know. Tel. #: (951) 654-7911, ext.105 SACRAMENT INFORMATION/INFORMACION PARA SACRAMENTOS ∗ Baptism/Bautismo: Once a month in Spanish; once every 2 months in English (maximum of 10 children) ∗ Weddings, Renewal of Vows, and Quinceanera: Contact the office 6 months in advance, or visit the Parish office. ∗ Anointing of the Sick & Home Blessing/Uncion de los Enfermos y Bendicion de Casa: Call the Parish office/Llame a la oficina. We are now offering Online

Giving : Visit our website to sign up and to begin contributing automatically to our Parish. You can see reports on your contribution history and generate tax statements at each year’s end. Go to our website:, then click the onlinegiving.

FEBRUARY 26, 2017

ANNOUNCEMENT ASH WEDNESDAY, March 01, 2017 Holy Mass Schedule: 8:15 am = English Mass with ashes 10:00 am = English Mass with ashes (SHA) 12:00 Noon = English Liturgy of the Word with ashes 6:00 pm = English Mass with ashes 7:30 pm = Spanish Mass with ashes El ministerio Recuperándome te invita a los siguientes Retiros de Sanación para Sobrevivientes de Abuso y Violencia Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro 45299 Deglet Noor St. Indio, CA 92201 (en el salón parroquial) Tema de Retiros “La Sanación a través de la Esperanza” Sábado 4 de Marzo del 2017 “La Sanación a través de la Fe” Sábado, 6 de Mayo del 2017 de 9:00am a 4:30pm

A Time for Mercy/Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion Healing Retreat

To be held March 17th – March 19th 2017 Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreats are a safe place to renew, rebuild & redeem hearts broken by abortion. Rachel’s Vineyard weekends are confidential & non-judgmental and are offered in the Catholic tradition, open to women and men who have been wounded by abortion. All calls are strictly confidential. To register, please call Dolores at 951-325-7702. Email: [email protected], for more information. Please visit our web site: Early registration is recommended as our retreats are limited and tend to fill up fairly quickly.

Office of Catechetical Ministry Marriage Initiative Diocese of San Bernardino & Dynamic Catholic present PASSION & PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE March 4, 2017, 9:00am-1:30pm/Speaker: Dr. Allen Hunt Sacred Heart Catholic Church 12704 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA Please call: 859-980-7900/

Reflection: How often do we invest our time, talent, and treasure in creating an appearance that does not matter at all to God? We strive to impress with our clothing, home, career, possessions, car, and other marks of distinction. But none of these illusions of greatness will impress God. Instead, He will look into our hearts to see how much we loved Him, how much we loved others and how we showed that love by the way we used our time, talents, and treasure here on earth. ¿Con qué frecuencia invertimos nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro en la creación de una apariencia que no importa en absoluto a Dios?

NEW ST.ANTHONY’S CHURCH Let us remember those who are sick! sick Jorge Vallego, Johnny Victoria, Mary Lou Carreon, Anecito Popa, Levi Sine, Agustin Martinez, Eden Faustino Lopes, Salvador Gutierrez, Sr., Gilbert Carreon III, Carol Mason, Jose Hernandez, Enrique Manuel Garibay, Lupe Flores, Denis Jordan, Sr. Kathleen Hanly, Guadalupe Ledesma, Connie Castillo, Tony Urena, Carina de los Santos, Susan Mangabat, Jose David Delgado , Fr. Jerry Ochetti “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give.” 2 Cor. 9:7

Together we will build a legacy of Faith, for generations to come!

For those who pledged for Parish tithing and DDF 2016, thank you for your unceasing generosity and support to our Church, and for those who have not pledged yet, please do so; the sharing of a little thing is an act of contributing in building up the Kingdom of God here on earth through our Parish Church. Thanks for your generosity! God bless you all! TO REPORT THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF A CHILD by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer, call the toll free Sexual Misconduct Hotline 1-888-206-9090.

Michael Villapando, Dolores Alaniz, Corazon Swatch, Laurette Kale, Mary Page, Santos Anaya, Marcos Antonio Tavita, Joseph Salazar, Sofia Ortiz Ceja, Juan Ramirez, Fr. Thomas Gillespie, Jerica Alaine Harris, Diana Joyce Galey, George Vallejo, Elva Cheng, Gilbert Carreon, Jr., Ian Jay Ensomo, Victoria Pannerselvam, Fr.Louis Salca, Jacoba Oostdam, Renato Morente, Agustin Vizcarra, Rosalinda Lesko, Jose Galvan

Readings for the week of February 26, 2017 Sunday: Is 49:14-15/ Ps 62:2-3,6-9/ 1 Cor 4:1-5/ Mt 6:24-34 Monday: Sir 17:20-24/ Ps 32:1-2,5-7/ Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12/ Ps 50:5-8,14,23/ Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday:Jl 2:12-18/ Ps 51:3-6,12-14,17/ 2 Cor 5:20-6:2/ Mt 6:1-6,16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/ Ps 1:1-4,6/ Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9/ Ps 51:3-6,18-19/ Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9-14/ Ps 86:1-6/ Lk 5:27-32 Next Sunday:Gn 2:7-9;3:1-7/ Ps 51:3-6,12-13,17/ Rom 5:12-19/ Mt 4:1-11

ANNOUNCEMENT Bodas Comunitarias La Parroquia San Antonio y Matrimonios Misioneros Conyugal Servidores de la Palabra los invita a participar de las Bodas Comunitarias (todas aquellas parejas que viven en union libre o no tiene el Sacramento del Matrimonio) se celebrara Sabado, 19 de Agosto, 2017 Por favor de comunicarse a la Iglesia lo mas pronto possible. Para mas informacion: St. Anthony’s Catholic Church 630 S. Santa Fe Ave San Jacinto Ca 92583 951-654-7911, ext.101

Our Parish office will accept unexpired food donations: canned goods, cereals, noodles, etc., for the Food Pantry in order to continue and to sustain the program. Be part of it by sharing your blessings. May God bless you always for your generosity. Thank you very much! Nuestra Oficina Parroquial esta aceptando donaciones de comida “No Expirada.” Como cereales, pastas, atún enlatado o cualquier otra comida enlatada. Estas donaciones son para continuar nuestro programa de apoyo a nuestra comunidad necesitada de alimentos. Gracias por su gran generosidad para los mas necesitamos. Dios los bendiga!

Les Invitamos a Nuestra Proxima DINAMICA MATRIMONIAL Febrero 25 y 26, 2017

St. Anthony’s Catholic Church Horarios: Sabado 8:00am - 8:00pm/ Domingo: 8:00am – 7:00pm (en el salon de la escuela) No Habra Cuidado de Niῆos /Donacion: $45.00 por Pareja Para mas Informacion: Pablo y Maritza, Crescencio y Clementina: 951-536-5734 o 951-230-0169 / 310-918-9688 o 310-999-8971

For the regular schedule of Holy Masses and Confessions: Please refer to the cover page.


SUNDAY (Feb.26)

MONDAY (Feb.27)

TUESDAY (Feb.28)

WEDNESDAY (March 01)

9:00am – 11:45am = 7:00am – 9:00pm = Dinámica Retreat Hall, Old Library/Ministry C

7:00am – 9:00pm = Dinámica Retreat Hall, Old Library/Ministry C

5:00pm - 6:15pm = Faith Formation — School Classrooms

9:00am – 11:30am = Mother Wise Ministry Center

6:30pm - 8:00pm = 9:00am - 10:00am =

9:00am - 11:00am =

6:30pm - 8:30pm =

Baptism (Spanish) Church

RCIC — Youth Room

Youth Confirmation Parent S–Youth Room

9:00am - 11:00am = 11:00am - 12:00pm =

RCIA—Volunteer Lounge

Quinceañera - Church

5:00pm - 9:00pm = 1:00pm - 2:00pm =

7:00pm - 8:30pm = Adult Confirmation Ministry Center

Life Night – Youth Room

7:00pm - 9:00pm =

Quinceañera - Church

EDEN (Choir Practice) – Volunteer Lounge

THURSDAY (March 2) 9:00am - 10:00am = Altar & Rosary Altar Cleaning – Church 5:00pm - 6:00pm= Rosario Sacerdotal Volunteer Lounge

FRIDAY (March 3) 9:00am - 4:00pm = Adoration - Church

SATURDAY (March 4) 8:15am - 9:00am = 1st Saturday Mass Church

5:30pm - 7:30pm= Choir (Ángeles /Niños) Youth Room

7:00pm - 9:00pm = Choir (San Antonio) Church 7:00pm - 9:00pm = Choir (St. Anthony Praise)Volunteer Lounge

6:30pm - 9:00pm = Grupo de Oración Church 6:30pm - 8:30pm = Escuela de la Cruz Volunteer Lounge 7:00pm - 9:00pm = EDEN – Ministry Center

SUNDAY (March 5)) 9:00am - 11:00am = RCIC — Youth Room

9:00am - 11:00am = 1:00pm - 2:00pm =

RCIA—Volunteer Lounge


What are you giving up for Lent?

Wedding - Church

7:00pm - 9:00pm = RICA—School Old Library

EDGE — School Classrooms

Amigos de San Antonio Ministry Center 5:00pm - 6:15pm = Faith Formation — School Classrooms 4:15pm – 5:15pm = Choir Practice (8 AM) Church 5:30pm - 6:30pm = Oración de Intercesión Church 7:00pm - 8:00pm = Sacrament (9-12) — Youth Room 7:00pm - 9:00pm= Choir (Unidos/Cristo) Church 7:00pm - 9:00pm = EM Holy Com. (Spanish) Volunteer Lounge

5:00pm - 9:00pm = 6:30pm – 9:00pm = Dinámica Matrimonial Ministry Center/VL/YR

7:30pm - 9:00pm = EDEN – Church


Life Night – Youth Room

¿Qué renuncias a la Cuaresma?

“Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, you are invited to join Ash Wednesday ushers in the season of Lent. Last year’s palms become this year’s Father Chris and Father Abil for ashes. Ashes stand as a common denominator for us all, symbolizing human frailty, the Stations of the Cross at 5:30 spiritual brokenness, and the need for repentance and healing. Sin brings death and ashes. pm in English, and 7pm in In Catholic churches around the world, Lent begins by tracing the Sign of the Cross with ashes Spanish every Friday of Lent on the forehead of believers. For many centuries, priests distributed ashes with the words: beginning March 3rd. You are “Remember thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.” (Gen. 3:19) God spoke similar also invited to break bread as words to Adam and Eve when he expelled them from the Garden of Paradise because they had family and join us for Soup Supdisobeyed the Divine command forbidding them to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good pers every Friday during Lent at and Evil. If obedience is a sign of our love for God, disobedience is a sign of non-love. 6pm in between the English and Spanish Stations of the Cross. Lent calls us to God-centeredness. Jesus hanging on the cross is a sign not only of forgiveness of sin, but of atonement for sin. Jesus Christ teaches us the value of prayer and fasting in order Volunteers are needed to provide soup and serve, the Family, to gain self-control and self-discipline. Let the words of the prophet Joel guide your spiritual Spanish, and Filipino ministries journey during Lent: “Return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and will be alternating sponsorship of mourning for your sins. Rend your hearts, and not your garments, says the Lord God Althe suppers. Please contact mighty.” (Joel 2. 12:2) The prophet Micah sums up what God requires of us: “The Lord has your ministry coordinator to told us what is good and what He requires, namely, to do what is just; to love tenderly; and answer the call and volunteer.” to walk humbly with your God.” (Mic. 6:8)

“Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.” Luke 6:30

Parish Ministries are open to Volunteers Please contact directly the Ministry Coordinators

Altar & Rosary Society Gloria Chiordi Altar Servers Maria Aguilera Adult Confirmation (English)Sr.Madelyn Equibal, MSM

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Prov. 11:25

951-929-6968 909-215-3944

Knights of Columbus Murray Harris 325-2220 Rebecca Miley 675-1434 Lectors (English) 654-7911 ext.101 Lectores (Español) Alex Martinez 906-6619 Maria Armenta 442-0706 Marriage Encounters Amigos de San Antonio Danny y Maria Aguilera (951) 791-1196 CHOIRS : Ministerio Concilio Hispano Mauro Monreal 562-335-2896 St. Anthony Praise Choir ( LIFETEEN Mass)Josie Chagolla 652-2631 Ministerio Extraordinario/EMHC Spanish St. Anthony Adult Choir Rolina Beluso 9239363 Julian Mora (714) 381-5505 de la Comunion a Los Enfermos St. Hyacinth Choir Grace Laxamana 654-2013 Parish Pastoral Council Jessie Martinez Nancy & Nicholas (951) 654-4325 Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe Choir ( 8 am - Sunday) Choir (4pm - Saturday) Cindy Cullen-Carroll (951) 654-8467 Pre-Baptism – Spanish Cristina Sanchez 282-6998 Coro “San Antonio” (Niños) Luís y Nohemí Hernández 929-0790 Pre-Baptism – English Josie Quimson/Mila Kenna 619-947-4985 Coro“San Antonio”Runer Lazo(951)282-9650/Manuel Jimenez 951-665-0641 Pre Marital / Ministerio Crecensio Gutierrez 400-9868 Coro “Unidos Por Cristo” de Pre Matrimonio Antonio y Juanna Pablin 306-7770 Coro “Angeles de Jesus y Maria” Victoria Yakuta 951-385-3225 Lupe & Carla Rivera 654-5138 Quinceañeras Dinamica Matrimonial Pablo & Marisa Cardenas (310) 999-8971 Julie Perkins 951-214-5530/Maria Aguilera 909-215-3944 Respect-Life English Ministry Connie Valencia 634-3745 Respect –Life (Spanish) David Lopez 951-837-6177 Arturo Torres 951-654-3169 Religious Education Ministry (Faith Formation) 654-7911 ext 103 E.D.E.N Mauro Monreal 562-335-2896

Escuela de la Cruz Saul Duran 765-7114 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion for the Home-bound Laticia Gomez 235-8675 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Tim McCann 927-3201 Extraordinario de Comunión Maria Florido 951-292-1499 Filipino Ministry Jojo Ariel Jamisola 951-487-8292 Family and Community Prayer Josie Quimson 665-6543 Family / Motherwise Ministry Finance Council Food Pantry Grupo de Oración Health Ministry Ministerio del Rosario

Mila Kenna 654-7203 Connie Valencia 634-3745 Imelda Lasam 652-0299 Maria Armienta 392-3056 Margarita Leal 654-7959 Shirley Vosti 652-9943 Elena Gomez 951-663-6346

RCIA Clifford Kwock 951-317-9862 RCIC Tim & Michele McCann 927-3201 RICA/Confirmación para Adultos Francisco Aguayo 951-956-0457 Elena Ramirez 487-3859 Cursos Biblicos St. Hyacinth Academy (Principal) Tami Jimenez 654-2013 St. Joseph Workers Adrian Metzger 926-9438 Trabajando por La Fe Mauro Monreal (562) 335-2896 Ushers (English) James Morrissey 951-766-1127 Ujieres Jose Rodriguez 951-760-3412 Vocation Ministry Youth Ministry Wedding Coordinators

Maria Riestra 909-499-0262 Rubi Andrade 492-8676 Alvino Torrez (654)7911 ext 106 Josefina Solares 375-9626 Araceli Cortes 514-6811

SAINT’S LIFE CORNER Saint Katharine Drexel was raised as a young heiress in Philadelphia, and was educated at home. However, having traveled throughout the United States, she was aware of the difficult circumstances faced by Native Americans and African-Americans across the country. Drexel—who lost her stepmother in 1883 and her father in 1885—wanted to use her inherited wealth to help these groups. Drexel supported several schools, including one that was located on a reservation in South Dakota. During a trip to Europe in 1887, she met Pope Leo XIII and asked him to recommend a religious order that could send missionaries to the institutions she was funding. He suggested that Drexel might undertake the missionary work herself. Her wealth was now transformed into a poverty of spirit that became a daily constant in a life supported only by the bare necessities. On February 12, 1891, she professed her first vows as a religious, founding the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, whose dedication would be to share the message of the Gospel and the life of the Eucharist among American Indians and African-Americans. Always a woman of intense prayer, St. Katharine found in the Eucharist the source of her love for the poor and oppressed and of her concern to reach out to combat the effects of racism. Knowing that many former slaves were far from free, still living in substandard conditions as sharecroppers or underpaid menials, and denied educational opportunities and constitutional rights enjoyed by others, she felt a compassionate urgency to help change racial attitudes in the United States. ========== Saint Katharine Drexel fue criada como una joven heredera en Filadelfia, y fue educada en casa. Sin embargo, después de haber viajado a través de los Estados Unidos, ella era consciente de las circunstancias difíciles a las que se enfrentaban los nativos americanos y Afroamericanos en todo el país. Drexel -que perdió a su madrastra en 1883 y su padre en 1885- quiso usar su riqueza heredada para ayudar a estos grupos. Drexel apoyó varias escuelas, incluyendo una que estaba ubicada en una reserva en Dakota del Sur. Durante un viaje a Europa en 1887, conoció al Papa León XIII y le pidió que recomendara una orden religiosa que pudiera enviar misioneros a las instituciones que ella era fondos. Sugirió que Drexel emprendiera ella mismo el trabajo misionero. Su riqueza se transformó en una pobreza de espíritu que se convirtió en una constante cotidiana en una vida sostenida sólo por las necesidades básicas. El 12 de febrero de 1891, profesó sus primeros votos como religiosa, fundando a las Hermanas del Santísimo Sacramento cuya dedicación sería compartir el mensaje del Evangelio y la vida de la Eucaristía entre los indios americanos y los afroamericanos. Siempre una mujer de intensa oración, Santa Catarina encontró en la Eucaristía la fuente de su amor por los pobres y oprimidos y por ella Preocupación por llegar a combatir los efectos del racismo. Sabiendo que muchos afroamericanos estaban lejos de ser libres, todavía vivían en condiciones de calidad inferior como aparceros o subalternos, negaban educación y derechos constitucionales disfrutados por otros, sentía una urgencia compasiva para ayudar a cambiar las actitudes raciales en los Estados Unidos.

CH # 88 02262017.pdf

Email:, for more. information. Please visit our web site: Early registration is recommended as our retreats are.

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