Dorothy Ann David, City Manager


June 19, 2015



A. Introduction: The purpose of this report is to provide Council with information regarding the proposed strategic plan for the Police Department. B. Recommended Action: Staff requests that Council provide input on the contents of the proposed strategic plan, and direct staff to implement this strategic plan, incorporating any modifications made by Council. C. Prior Council Action:   

In 1995, Council approved in concept a five year Community Safety Plan for the Police Department. In a January 2003 (SS 2003-004) Study Session, Council reviewed and provided input on a draft of the guiding values, core businesses, goals and objectives being proposed for the Police Department’s strategic plan. In a September 2006 (SS 2006-069) Study Session, Council reviewed and provided input on a draft of the Police Department’s revised strategic plan.

D. Summary: 

     

The Champaign Police Department desires a strategic plan that will serve a variety of purposes in our organization, including defining the mission, establishing goals and objectives, and a method of communicating these goals and objectives to our employees and the public. The Department had previous strategic plans created in 1995 and 2007. The work on this proposed strategic plan began in June 2013. Significant employee feedback was used to assist in creating this plan. Citizen input for this plan was received from citizen dialogues and community groups. This strategic plan will assist the City in achieving the vision set forth by Council. After feedback from Council, the final plan will continue to be implemented.

E. Background: 1. Need for Strategic Plan. Strategic planning is an effort to create a vision of an ideal future and then work towards that vision. Strategic planning is an organization’s process of 1

defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. Any organization must know where it is going, have a clear understanding of the environment in which it must operate and identify how to get there in order to be successful. In essence, this strategic plan attempts to define what the Department wants to accomplish over the next three to five years. It will be used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, and strengthen operations. It will also ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals while assessing and adjusting the Department’s direction in response to an ever changing environment. 2. History of Police Department Strategic Planning. The Police Department has used strategic planning in the last twenty years. In 1994, the Department started developing a Five Year Community Safety Plan. Unfortunately, this plan, which was adopted in principle by the Council in 1995, was heavily weighted towards staffing and budget needs that, in retrospect, were unrealistic even in the good economic times of the middle 1990’s. Thus, its usefulness was somewhat limited. The Department finalized another strategic plan in 2007 after several years of effort and many revisions. That effort began with seeking input from a community summit and included seeking input from fourteen citizen dialogues throughout the City, as well as from employees and Council. That strategic plan was designed to give guidance from 2007 to 2011. Some of the key accomplishments resulting from the implementation of the plan created in 2007 include:          

Police/ Community dialogue utilization Intelligence Led Policing development using GIS data City Emergency Operations Plan revision Youth Station Adjustment Program improvements School Resource Program established Illinois Law Enforcement Accreditation Program certification Digital video/photograph enhancements Evidence storage facility upgrade Police lobby security improvements Police satellite offices established at fire stations

3. Planning Process. The current strategic planning process began in June of 2013, when the Police Department hired Stig Lanesskog, a third party consultant, to facilitate the creation of the plan. Mr. Lanesskog had facilitated a similar process with the Community Coalition, which included an initiative to improve police-community relations. As the consultant, Mr. Lanesskog was responsible for the following duties:   

Conduct interviews with police and City staff. Develop surveys and review/summarize results. Design and facilitate sessions with the core strategic planning team. 2

  

Design and facilitate community input session with Community Coalition. Document and outputs from each of the sessions. Facilitate documentation/revisions of the strategic plan meetings.

a. Employee Input During the initial meeting, a priority was set for the plan to include input from employees and the community. With that in mind, Mr. Lanesskog began one-on-one meetings with members of the Department’s Management Team. In addition, Mr. Lanesskog met with small employee work groups from the Department in order to develop questions for a survey. The survey, which included the following questions, was completed by all Department employees:     

How do you define “success” for the Champaign Police Department? What are the key strengths of the Police Department? What are key opportunities for improvement for the Champaign Police Department? What should be the key priorities for the Champaign Police Department over the next 3-5 years? Please provide any additional comments that would be of benefit to the development of the new strategic plan for the department.

b. Core Planning Committee and Community Coalition The surveys were submitted to the consultant, who collected and reviewed the raw data. He presented the results of the surveys to a Core Planning Committee that was tasked with developing the strategic plan. The Core Planning Committee consisted of the following members: Beverly Lacy – Community Member Amy Leibach – Officer’s Spouse Tod Myers – Patrol Lieutenant Brian Rogers – Patrol Officer Robert Simmons – Civilian Employee Stig Lanesskog – Facilitator/Consultant Ed Wachala – School Resource Officer Daniel Ward – Patrol Officer Teri Weems – Civilian Employee

Rick Atterberry – Community Member Lara Canales – Officer’s Spouse Jody Cherry – Patrol Officer Geoffry Coon – Patrol Sergeant Anthony Cobb – Chief of Police Troy Daniels – Deputy Chief Joseph Gallo – Deputy Chief Tracy Jobe – Retired Detective Patrick Kelly – Detective Will Kyles – Council Member

Mr. Lanesskog also solicited input from the Community Coalition where he presented the surveys, as well as the raw data. This resulted in a healthy discussion between Coalition members with excellent feedback for the Core Planning Committee. c. Draft Plan Development The Core Planning Committee continued to meet and developed a draft version of the strategic plan. The plan was presented to the Department’s Management Team where 3

responsibilities and metrics were put in place to evaluate the success of the plan. The plan was also shared with the Community Coalition. The draft strategic plan was presented to the entire department in a series of eight meetings. These meetings took place on various dates and shifts with a goal of reaching as many employees from all of the divisions and units as possible. Employee ideas and feedback were then incorporated into the draft strategic plan. This draft strategic plan was then presented to the community in five meetings in all the districts in the City in April and May of 2015. 4. Strategic Plan Addresses Council’s Vision. The strategic planning efforts of the Champaign Police Department align with Council’s vision that “Champaign is an inclusive community that welcomes all. City residents enjoy a great quality of life, first class educational opportunities and easy mobility. Champaign is a vibrant community with an active center city and healthy neighborhoods. The City is designed for quality and sustainability, and has a growing economy.” The Police Department’s strategic planning efforts significantly influence Champaign’s vibrant community, healthy neighborhoods, and overall city dynamics. The plan addresses quality of life factors for all of Champaign and centers on our commitment to serve and protect our public through professional, efficient response to calls for service and daily proactive engagement with our community. The Strategic Plan embodies promotion of 21st Century policing, including community engagement and collaboration, clear and open communication, community safety education, employee wellness, staffing and resource diversification, “green” policies and regulations, and exploration of various smart technologies. These abovementioned areas of focus take direction from Council’s goals and strategic initiatives. Example key initiatives and projects included in Council goal setting, that the Police Department includes in its strategic plan initiatives: Coordinate the Community Coalition and adopt a plan for long-term sustainability. The Police Department currently serves and will continue to invest as a lead support agency with the Community Coalition, actively participating in executive, team, and subgroup meetings to help build partnership and provide assistance with various levels of community organizing, including monthly dashboard report presentations regarding community policing efforts; coordination support for the community “Walk as One” events; communication and messaging around social justice initiatives; and general partnership support, as needed. Police Department command staff have also served to help identify and define a sustainability plan for the Community Coalition. Support the Champaign County Youth Assessment Center through collaboration with Community Coalition partners. The Department was a lead partner in establishing the Youth Assessment Center (YAC) through the Community Coalition, and the strategic plan reiterates significant continued support. The YAC serves as the primary center for intake, screening and referral coordination for Champaign County youth and families with the goal to connect youth with everything they need to be resilient, resourceful, responsible and restored to positive community involvement through programs such as Peer Court, Victim/Offender Mediation, Parenting with Love and Limits, and other mental health, positive youth development and restorative justice best practices. 4

The YAC provides local law enforcement, schools, social service agencies, and families with a place to bring youth at the time of concern to initiate the evaluation and referral process, with the goal of accelerating the provision of services and working towards a resolution of the event outside of the criminal justice system. The YAC tracks referrals and outcomes to coordinate and monitor the services and supports that are being provided to youth and their families across service providers to ensure smooth transitions, identify gaps in services and improve service delivery. Assure a safe community and protect the rights of citizens. Throughout the strategic plan, the Department underscores its newly defined mission statement to “serve our public by the unwavering protection of all citizens, through unconditional respect and collaborative efforts with our community.” The plan’s initiatives explicitly identify ways to work with the community to keep Champaign a safe place to live and work, such as allocating resources to further develop intelligence-led policing methods; enhancing county-wide domestic violence protocols; and working with community partners to implement a re-entry program for Champaign residents returning from the Illinois Department of Corrections. The Champaign Police Department has infused into its trainings and its organizational mantra, the service of “unconditional respect” in all settings and interactions, to protect and honor the rights of every citizen. Continue to strengthen Police-Community relations. Under the Chief’s leadership, one of the focuses of the Department is moving policecommunity interactions from outreach to engagement. The influence of this initiative is to develop and strengthen proactive community interactions, develop greater citizen-officer relationships, and to foster a greater bond of care and trust within the community. These efforts are reflected through initiative action steps such as, regularly meeting with neighborhood groups to share information/support neighborhood needs; providing Risk Watch safety curriculum presentations to youth; assigning School Resource Officers at area schools; working to diversify the work force to be more reflective of the community; providing timely and accurate information about City services through developing a media plan; and continued/promoted opportunities for open community dialogue. Recruit and retain innovative green business and industry. The strategic plan also considers how the Police Department uses data and information to improve service delivery, as well as how the Department can leverage technology to better utilize resources. Action steps such as researching the use of electronic crash reporting software and identifying solutions to address false alarms, to mitigate erroneous calls for service, have already been undertaken. Additional green industry practice includes the Department’s exploration of e-ticketing, tablet deployment to squad cars and officers for greater mobility and community interaction, and the use of street cameras to improve public safety. 5. Draft Strategic Plan. The Core Planning Committee, the Department’s Management Team, and strategic planning consultant gathered the multiple-perspective feedback into a working strategic planning document. The responses received provided a strong reflection of our


agency’s strengths and weaknesses, and outlined some factors that management immediately implemented solutions for. Included in the immediate actions was the shift restructuring of the Department’s command staff. Feedback from employees identified the need to strengthen internal messaging and command support. Understanding the expressed disconnect, lieutenants restructured to a shift management-style, rather than the district style of management. The implementation of this initiative in the strategic plan rollout proved to be an essential component to leveraging internal communication, supporting officer workforce needs, and better serving our community through our proposed action plans. The Core Planning Committee redefined the Department’s mission and guiding principles to reflect the Department’s vision: 

Mission: The mission of the Champaign Police Department is to service our public by the unwavering protection of all citizens, through unconditional respect and collaborative efforts with our community.

Values and Guiding Principles: Service through Trust, Integrity and Respect Service: providing the highest quality of service while considering the changing needs of our community Trust: building trust by working in partnership with the community and working collaboratively within the department Integrity: performing our roles with the highest level of integrity Respect: consistently treating everyone we encounter with unconditional respect

The draft strategic planning document identifies four major goals, which are referred to as “Building Blocks”. The following is an outline of the Building Blocks, Initiatives and Action Steps of the draft plan (Attachment A: Draft Police Strategic Plan): Building Block 1 – Community Safety and Connections. Work with the community to keep Champaign a safe place to live and work. 

Provide Appropriate Resources to our Community. o Achieve and maintain full staffing levels. o Continue support of Youth Assessment Center Station Adjustment Program. o Support Community Coalition. o Research impact/feasibility of Community Resource Officers.

Identify Problems and Effective Solutions with the Public, Using Best Practices. o Enhanced Domestic Violence Protocol county-wide and measurement of impact. o Allocate resources based on Intelligence Led Policing methods. o Continue ILEAP Accreditation Certification annually. o Alarm reduction effort 6

o Implement re-entry program for Champaign residents returning from IDOC. 

Use Data and Information to Improve Service Delivery. o Use electronic crash reporting software. o Purchase Live Scan to print. o Share resources through county-wide ARMS use.

Expand Methods to Provide Timely and Relevant Information. o Branding Campaign o Share crime data with public via Crime Reports. o Media reports o Use media studio to produce Department public service announcements and social media to relay department messages.

Educate the Community Regarding Crime Prevention. o Promote use of Crime Stoppers. o BEST/TIPS Training o Educate Citizens through Outreach Programs/Activities. o Meet with Neighborhood Groups to share information. o Officer Highlights o Champaign Police Department Open House

Building Block 2 – Trust and Trust Building. Build Trust Within and Outside of the Department. 

Increase and Maintain Diversity in the Police Force. o Explorer Program o Mentor Officer Program o Support Efforts of Diversity Leadership Council. o Develop and Implement Targeted Recruitment Plan – Lateral and New Hires.

Improve Communication with All Stakeholders. o Share problems with community groups and neighborhood groups. o Walk as One Campaign o Increase Command Presence to address employee concerns. o Line Advisory Group

Enhance Tools to Encourage and Consider Internal and External Feedback. o Feedback through Electronic Means i.e. Social Media/Website o Community Survey o Implement 360 Feedback Program for Supervisor Development.

Increase Transparency in Decision-Making through Timely and Effective Communication. o Use of Force Review Board. o Union Meeting/ No Stars – No Bars Meeting. o Human Relations Committee Report. o Annual Reports. 7

Building Block 3 – Employee Wellness, Training and Development. Develop Members of the Department. 

Provide Training and Opportunities for Continued Professional Growth. o Examine/implement rotating assignments. o Roll Call training and education o Succession planning for department o Examine and improve process for career development. o Include goal setting in evaluation process for all employees.

Enhance Resources for Employees to Successfully Meet Department Goals. o Increase and improve IT support. o Employee wellness – Chaplain’s Program o Implement Text Notification System.

Foster an Environment that Encourages Open and Honest Communication. o Include employees in distribution of weekly Intelligence Led Policing updates. o Arbinger training/Strategic Awareness (Unconditional Respect) o Increase interaction between Chiefs and front line staff. o Diversity Leadership Council Training o Increase internal communications. o 360 evaluations

Develop Opportunities to Align Employee Actions with Desired Results. o Examine and improve promotional process. o Revise evaluation process. o Implement and evaluate process to recognize all employees.

Building Block 4 – Best Practices: Policy and Oversight. Develop and Appropriate Staffing Model. 

Determine Appropriate Staffing Levels to Advance Service to the Community. o Research use of Civilian positions to handle “service calls” i.e. Community Service Officers/Volunteers. o Review and improve Teleservce process – Volunteers. o Manpower/Staff study

Streamline Administrative Processes to Free Employees to Engage in Proactive Archives. o Research advancement of self-report process. o Identify electronic/paperless report system. o Improve case management system. o Evidence processing and storage. o New records management system

Leverage Technology to Better Utilize Resources. o E-Ticketing 8

o o o o 

Explore use of street cameras to improve public safety. Explore tablet deployment to squads/officers. Research and implement new squad car and/or body cameras. Explore and discuss the implementation of tasers for community safety.

Streamline System to Address Unserviceable Employees. o Explore best practices to reduce officer injuries. o Formalize/standardize light duty assignments. o Evaluate HR processes (hiring, duty injury, officer disability).

6. Community Dialogues. As part of the strategic plan efforts to be more transparent, to build relationships by seeking community input and fostering trust, the Department hosted five community dialogues to share and seek feedback from citizens around the Department’s proposed action plans. The community meetings provided a great opportunity for citizens to directly hear from the Chief and Deputy Chiefs around expectations and visioning as well as allowed for citizens to gain clarity and share their insight on current and proposed opportunities for bridging police-community relations. To organize these events, the Department reached out to community anchor institutions within each patrol district as the location hosts. Those organizations included the University of Illinois Illini Union-campus; Champaign Public Library-south district; Unit 4 Schools Centennial High School-southwest district; Champaign Park District Douglass Annex-north district; and Unit 4 Schools Garden Hills School-northwest district. Communications around the community meetings and sharing of the Police Department’s strategic plan initiatives consisted of various forms of online, print, and in-person communication, including social media plugs, email to community listservs, listings on major community calendars, proactive radio and news media interviews and coverage, CGTV’s Champaign Connection, and the distribution of information flyers to partner organizations and to school families. Jointly, the community meetings were attended by approximately 175 citizens. The meetings were well-received by the participants and many encouraged the continuation of the discussion opportunities. Some of the commonly explored themes and feedback received from citizens as it relates to the strategic plan:       

General inquiry of officer well-being and what the City does to ensure mental, emotional, psychological support of officers. Appreciation of the community dialogues, transparency and presentation of information, and opportunity for citizen input. Race relations and the importance of building trust within the Black community. Diversification of the police force. Greater communication and outreach to youth for the Explorer Program. Development and expansion of the Youth Assessment Center. Rally for greater community involvement, citizen support of safe streets, neighborhood watch.


Need and appreciation of focus on engagement. Citizens would like to see more foot and bike patrol and officers getting out of their vehicles to interact.

7. Next Steps. After input is received from Council, a number of steps remain:    

Finalize the strategic plan by incorporating Council feedback. The finalized strategic plan will need to be distributed to all employees and interested community organizations, and posted to the Department’s website. Continue to identify specific concrete action steps and assign responsibility to accomplish the initiatives to be worked on in 2015 and 2016. Develop a process to monitor the action steps and review the plan annually, as well as communicate important changes to the community and Council.

F. Alternatives: 1. Direct staff to implement this strategic plan, incorporating any modifications made by Council. 2. Do not direct staff to implement this strategic plan and provide further direction.   G. Discussion of Alternatives: Alternative 1 would direct staff to implement this strategic plan, incorporating any modifications made by Council. a. Advantages:          

The strategic plan clearly identifies and communicates the Department’s organizational mission and values. Incorporates citizen suggestions received at community dialogues. Incorporates current and retired officers and employees, officers’ spouses, and community members who took part in the Core Planning Committee. Incorporates officers’ and employees’ suggestions received during briefings conducted throughout the Department. Fosters strong, collaborative relationships with the community. Builds trust and legitimacy with the public and within the Department. Strengthens Intelligence Led Policing and Community Policing efforts. Seeks to develop and train members of the Department. Provides necessary tools and technology to assist with crime reduction efforts. Most action steps can be accomplished within existing budget authorizations.

b. Disadvantages:  Implementation of the strategic plan may require some additional budget resources.  The increase of current staff activities related to the implementation of the strategic plan may delay or defer other services or staff activities.


Alternative 2 would not direct staff to implement this strategic plan as proposed and provide further direction from Council. a. Advantages: 

Would depend on specific direction provided by Council.

b. Disadvantages:   

Delay in implementation will maintain the status quo, which would not take advantage of opportunities to improve community communication and relations, operations, technology and training. Addition of too many new actions might place an unrealistic demand on staff’s ability to implement recommendations or may impact other services. Many of the recommendations are based upon suggestions and ideas received by citizens, officers and employees; new ideas may require additional input prior to implementation.

H. Community Input: In addition to citizens serving on the strategic plan’s Core Planning Committee and the Community Coalition’s draft review, the Department held five community dialogues, meeting at a community anchor institution within each patrol district. The meeting dates were held from 6PM – 8PM, April 22, Illini Union; April 27, Centennial High School; May 6, Douglass Annex; May 14, Champaign Public Library; and May 20, Garden Hills School. The community dialogues were well received by approximately 175 citizens. In addition, Department staff shared strategic planning concepts with approximately 90 youth through meetings with Centennial High School’s Social Justice Action Committee. During the dialogues, citizens were able to hear and discuss the proposed planning efforts. Many provided valuable feedback about the plan, as well as a variety of matters that were related to their neighborhoods and the community at large. The Police Department recorded citizen feedback and compiled a list of suggestions that were expressed at multiple dialogues. The Police Department incorporated that feedback into this proposed strategic plan. I. Budget Impact. Costs associated with creating this strategic plan totaled approximately $6,550 from FY 12/13 through FY 14/15. This includes $4,950 for strategic plan development paid to Stig Lanesskog. It also includes approximately $1,250 for necessary room rental and refreshments, as well as $350 for printed material for the community dialogues in April/ May 2015. The costs were absorbed within the Department’s budget authorizations. This strategic plan will be used to guide major budget decisions over the next five years. All budget requests will be viewed in light of the priorities spelled out in this strategic plan. The majority of initiatives will be funded within the Department’s current budget authorization. Some initiatives may be funded using future grants. Initiatives that require additional funding will be presented for Council consideration during the budget process. J. Staffing Impact. It took approximately 500 staff hours to create this strategic plan. This includes time for all Department employees to fill out surveys as well as 10 Department employee’s time to attend the three 2-hour Core Planning Committee meetings. In addition, 11

Department employees attended presentations at 8 Department briefings, as well as 5 community dialogues and with the Community Coalition. This strategic plan will be implemented by the Department’s management team through the efforts of all Department employees. The Department’s command staff will monitor the efforts to accomplish the goals, initiatives and action steps, as well as revise the plan on an annual basis due to ever changing challenges and opportunities.

Prepared by:

Prepared by:

Prepared by:

Joe Gallo Deputy Chief of Police

Troy S. Daniels LaEisha Meaderds Anthony Cobb Deputy Chief of Police Assistant to the Chief Chief of Police for Community Services

Attachment: Draft Police Strategic Plan


Reviewed by:

Champaign Police Department

Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

Attachment A: CPD Strategic Plan Report to City Council June 23, 2015

Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

Fostering a Vision for 21st Century Policing The CPD Strategic Plan seeks to define Departmental goals for the next 3-5 years, including opportunity to: 

Clearly Identify and Communicate our Organizational Purpose and Outlook

Foster Strong, Collaborative Relationships with the Community

Build Trust and Legitimacy

Measure Departmental Goals and Outcomes

Strengthen Community Policing and Crime Reduction


Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

Strategic Planning Process

 Discussion Began June 2013  Facilitated by a 3rd Party Consultant  Communications gathered via:    

Small Group Discussions Feedback Surveys 1-on-1 Interviews Core Planning Committee


Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

Core Planning Committee

Internal Stakeholders City Council Member CPD Staff, Retirees, Officer Spouses

External Stakeholders Community Members Community Coalition (Advisories)


Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

Evaluation of… Communication

Training and Development

Community Engagement

Internal and External Trust

Policing Strategies

Use of Technology

Staffing Model


Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

4 Major Strategic Plan Initiatives

Community Safety & Connections

Trust & Trust Building

21st Century Policing Employee Wellness, Training, & Development

Best Practices: Policy & Oversight 6

COMMUNITY SAFETY & CONNECTIONS Work with the community to keep Champaign a safe place to live and work


INITIATIVE I – Community Safety & Connections

I-A: Provide Appropriate Resources to our Community



Achieve and maintain full staffing levels


Continue support of Youth Assessment Center Station Adjustment Program

Implemented - Ongoing

Support Community Coalition

Implemented – Ongoing

Research impact/feasibility of Community Resource Officers



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE I – Community Safety & Connections

I-B: Identify Problems and Effective Solutions with the Public, Using Best Practices



Enhanced Domestic Violence Protocol county-wide and measurement of impact

Implemented – Ongoing

Allocate resources based on Intelligence Led Policing methods

Implemented - Ongoing

Continue ILEAP Accreditation Certification annually

Implemented – Ongoing

Alarm reduction effort


Implement re-entry program for Champaign residents returning from IDOC



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE I – Community Safety & Connections

I-C: Use Data and Information to Improve Service Delivery



Use electronic crash reporting software


Purchase Live Scan to Print


Share resources through county-wide ARMS use



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE I – Community Safety & Connections

I-D: Expand Methods to Provide Timely and Relevant Information



Branding Campaign


Share crime data with public via Crime Reports

Implemented - Ongoing

Media reports

Implemented – Ongoing

Use media studio to produce CPD public service announcements & social media to relay Department messages



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE I – Community Safety & Connections

I-E: Educate the Community Regarding Crime Prevention



Promote use of Crime Stoppers

Implemented - Ongoing

BEST/TIPS Training

Implemented - Ongoing

Educate Citizens through Outreach Programs/Activities

Implemented - Ongoing

Meet with Neighborhood Groups to share information

Implemented - Ongoing

Officer Highlights

Implemented - Ongoing

CPD Open House

2016 12

Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

TRUST and TRUST BUILDING Build Trust Within and Outside of the Department


INITIATIVE II – Trust & Trust Building

II-A: Increase and Maintain Diversity in the Police Force



Explorer Program

Implemented - Ongoing

Mentor Officer Program

Implemented - Ongoing

Support Efforts of Diversity Leadership Council

Implemented – Ongoing

Develop and Implement Targeted Recruitment Plan – Lateral and New Hires



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE II – Trust & Trust Building

II-B: Improve Communication with All Stakeholders



Share Problems with Community Groups and Neighborhood Groups

Implemented - Ongoing

Walk as One Campaign

Implemented - Ongoing

Increase Command Presence to Address Employee Concerns

Implemented - Ongoing

Line Advisory Group

Implemented - Ongoing


Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE II – Trust & Trust Building

II-C: Enhance Tools to Encourage and Consider Internal & External Feedback



Feedback through Electronic Means i.e. Social Media/Website

Implemented - Ongoing

Community Survey


Implement 360 Feedback Program for Supervisor Development (Pilot Completed)



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE II – Trust & Trust Building

II-D: Increase Transparency in Decision-Making through Timely & Effective Communication



Use of Force Review Board

Implemented - Ongoing

Union Meetings/No Stars-No Bars Meetings

Implemented - Ongoing

Human Relations Committee Report

Implemented – Ongoing

Annual Reports

Implemented – Ongoing


Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

EMPLOYEE WELLNESS, TRAINING, and DEVELOPMENT Develop Members of the Department


INITIATIVE III – Employee Wellness, Training, and Development

III-A: Provide Training & Opportunities for Continued Professional Growth



Examine/Implement rotating assignments

Implemented - Ongoing

Roll Call Training and Education

Implemented – Ongoing

Succession Planning for Department


Examine and improve process for Career Development


Include goal setting in evaluation process for all employees



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE III – Employee Wellness, Training, and Development

III-B: Enhance Resources for Employees to Successfully Meet Department Goals



Increase and Improve IT Support


Employee Wellness – Chaplain’s Program

Implemented – Ongoing

Implement Text Notification System



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE III – Employee Wellness, Training, and Development

III-C: Foster an Environment that Encourages Open and Honest Communication



Include employees in distribution of weekly Intelligence Led Policing updates.

Implemented - Ongoing

Arbinger training/Strategic Awareness (Unconditional Respect)

Implemented - Ongoing

Increase interaction between Chiefs and front line staff

Implemented - Ongoing

Diversity Leadership Council Training


Increase internal communications


360 Evaluations

2016 21

Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE III – Employee Wellness, Training, and Development

III-D: Develop Opportunities to Align Employee Actions with Desired Results



Examine and improve promotional process

Implemented - Ongoing

Revise evaluation process


Implement and evaluate process to recognize all employees



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

BEST PRACTICES: POLICY & OVERSIGHT Develop an Appropriate Staffing Model


INITIATIVE IV – Best Practices: Policy & Oversight

IV-A: Determine Appropriate Staffing Levels to Advance Service to the Community



Research use of Civilian positions to handle “service calls” i.e. Community Service Officers/Volunteers


Review & Improve Teleserve process - Volunteers


Manpower/Staff Study



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE IV – Best Practices: Policy & Oversight

IV-B: Streamline Administrative Processes to Free Employees to Engage in Proactive Activities



Research advancement of self-report process


Identify electronic/paperless report system


Improve case management system


Evidence processing and storage


New records management system



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE IV – Best Practices: Policy & Oversight

IV-C: Leverage Technology to Better Utilize Resources





Explore use of street cameras to improve public safety


Explore & discuss the implementation of tasers for community safety


Explore tablet deployment to squads/officers


Research & implement new squad car and/or body cameras



Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect

INITIATIVE IV – Best Practices: Policy & Oversight

IV-D: Streamline System to Address Unserviceable Employees



Explore best practices to reduce officer injuries


Formalize/standardize light duty assignments

Implemented - Ongoing

Evaluate HR processes (hiring, duty injury, officer disability)


- 27 -

Champaign Police Department Service through Trust, Integrity, and Respect


purposes in our organization, including defining the mission, establishing goals and objectives, and a method of .... version of the strategic plan. The plan was presented to the Department's Management Team where .... Mission: The mission of the Champaign Police Department is to service our public by the unwavering ...

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tn-police-department-chennai-police-horse-maintainer-post-application-form.pdf. tn-police-department-chennai-police-horse-maintainer-post-application-form.

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... more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. tn-police-department-chennai-police-cook-gardener-packer-post-application-form.pdf.

Starbucks Louisville Metro Police Department -
Starbucks. Wednesday. 6-8/7-27/9-7/10-26. 12-7 (2016). 8:00AM to 10:00AM. 10240 Westport Road. Louisville. Officer D. Hamblin (502) 574-7920. JOIN YOUR ...

Nagpur Police Department Bharti.pdf
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Chhattisgarh Police Department Recruitment [email protected] ...
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Hamilton Township Police Department 2017 application packet.pdf ...
Hamilton Township Police Department 2017 application packet.pdf. Hamilton Township Police Department 2017 application packet.pdf. Open. Extract.

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Dallas Police Department Academy 2014.pdf
There was a problem previewing this document. Retrying... Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. Dallas Police ...

News from: Oakland Police Department FOR ... - City of Oakland
Mar 20, 2012 - For more information, please contact the Media Relations Office at 510.238.7230.

FNC Outreach - University of Colorado Police Department 06.01.15 ...
FNC Outreach - University of Colorado Police Department 06.01.15 (3) copy.pdf. FNC Outreach - University of Colorado Police Department 06.01.15 (3) copy.pdf.

News from: Oakland Police Department FOR ... - City of Oakland
Mar 20, 2012 - Police Department website at ... that, together, everyone can make a difference in making Oakland a safer place to.

IntelligShop - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
publicly accessible social media) to display on the phones. Technically, IntelligShop addresses two challenging data mining problems, including robust feature ...

Ltr to University Police Department and University of Florida.pdf ...
Page 1 of 1. 14260 WEST NEWBERRY ROAD #412, NEWBERRY, FL 32669 - PHONE: (407) 801-4350 - FAX: (407) 505-7327. EDRICK BARNES. PRESIDENT.

Police Reform and The Department of Justice: An ...
Aug 11, 1999 - Telephone Interview by Debra Livingston,. Columbia Law .... Weisberg, Criminal Law, Criminology, and the Small World of Legal Scholars, 63. U. Colo. L. Rev. 521 .... searched homes and businesses and to have unlawfully seized the ... o

Michigan Department of Education Strategic Plan - State of Michigan
Systemic Infrastructure: Monitoring and Accountability . ..... Develop a menu of evidence-based strategies, tools and educator competencies to support Deeper ...