Channel State Prediction in Cognitive Radio, Part II: Single-User Prediction Zhe Chen, Nan Guo, Zhen Hu, and Robert C. Qiu


Zhe Chen

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Center for Manufacturing Research Tennessee Technological University Cookeville, Tennessee 38505 Email: [email protected]

Outline ■ Introduction ■ Channel State Prediction Using Modified Hidden Markov Model ■ Measurement of Wi-Fi Signals ■ Performance Evaluation ■ Conclusion



Overview ■ The response delay has a negative impact on the accuracy of spectrum sensing, which is the cornerstone of cognitive radio. ■ In this paper, single-user channel state prediction is proposed to minimize the negative impact of the response delays. Specifically, a modified hidden Markov model (HMM)-based single-secondary-user (single-SU) prediction is proposed. ■ Real-world Wi-Fi signals are recorded and employed to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.



Outline ■ Introduction ■ Channel State Prediction Using Modified Hidden Markov Model ■ Measurement of Wi-Fi Signals ■ Performance Evaluation ■ Conclusion



Hidden Markov Model (HMM) ■ An HMM is defined by a tuple □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

- initial state probability vector - state transition probability matrix - emission probability matrix - the number of states - the states - the state at time , - the number of possible observation values - observation space - the observation value at time ,



A Tailored Viterbi Algorithm for HMM ■ Given a parameter tuple and a sequence of observation values , the state sequence that is most likely to have generated the input sequence and the likelihood probability can be calculated using a tailored Viterbi algorithm:

- calculated likelihood probability - the estimated state at time 6


Proposed Single-SU Prediction Approach ■ Proposed architecture for channel state prediction based on a modified HMM

■ Illustration of channel state prediction



Proposed Modified HMM

■ ■

is the span of prediction, in the unit of time slots is the verification delay, in the unit of time slots



Training ■ Training – to obtain for the proposed modified HMM ■ HMM training algorithm, like Baum-Welch algorithm, is not required in the proposed approach. ■ Instead, the parameters of the modified HMM are obtained through a simple statistical process over training sequences proposed as below:


- length of training sequence


Prediction ■ Then a one-step prediction for the channel state X-slot ahead can be performed. ■ There are two methods for the proposed one-step prediction: □

- uses

- uses



for the prediction

for the prediction



Prediction ■ Using either method, predicted channel state and the corresponding likelihood probability can be calculated.



Outline ■ Introduction ■ Channel State Prediction Using Modified Hidden Markov Model ■ Measurement of Wi-Fi Signals ■ Performance Evaluation ■ Conclusion



Wi-Fi Signal Measurement 2.3 MB/s date rate

Four locations


6.25 GS/s sampling rate

40-ms duration



Measured Wi-Fi Signals in Time-Domain

The weakest because of NLOS

The strongest and clearest due to the shortest propagation 14


Outline ■ Introduction ■ Channel State Prediction Using Modified Hidden Markov Model ■ Measurement of Wi-Fi Signals ■ Performance Evaluation ■ Conclusion



Performance Evaluation ■ The measured Wi-Fi signals from channel 1, 2, and 3 are fed to three independent SUs for prediction. ■ The measured Wi-Fi signal from channel 4 is served as an indicator of channel states and fed to all the three SUs for reference. ■ Set the length of time slot to 20 μs, and the duration of the spectrum sensing phase of a time slot to 4 μs. ■ Observation values: frequency-domain data from 2.418 GHz frequency tone after scalar quantization. ■ M, N, and Q for the single-SU prediction are set to 288, 2, and 1, respectively.



Performance Evaluation ■ The proposed method is employed. ■ Reference approach: 1-nearest neighbor (1-NN) (X-slot ahead)

■ Two metrics □ □

- probability of detection - probability of false alarm



Performance of Single-SU Prediction Proposed approach is better!

(channel #1)

(channel #2)


(channel #3)


Outline ■ Introduction ■ Channel State Prediction Using Modified Hidden Markov Model ■ Measurement of Wi-Fi Signals ■ Performance Evaluation ■ Conclusion



Conclusion ■ The response delays have been taken into account in designing a strategy for channel state prediction, and the strategy has been tested using real-world Wi-Fi signals recorded at four locations simultaneously. ■ An approach of single-SU prediction based on modified HMM has been proposed and tested. ■ Evaluation results confirm that the proposed single-SU prediction approach outperforms the 1-NN prediction approach, where the former asks for insignificant complexity increase and it does not need any thresholds. 20


Acknowledgement ■ Grants from □ National Science Foundation □ Office of Naval Research



Thank you!



Channel State Prediction in Cognitive Radio, Part II

Mar 10, 2011 - A Tailored Viterbi Algorithm for HMM. □ Given a parameter tuple and a sequence of observation values. , the state sequence that is most.

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