12 lVJarr iage .Kecord. License issued on the 2nd. day ot" •.arCh 1934, oy" "t he .l:tecorder 01" Darry c;0.J\!0., .iletween, J lm. llll .li i oson 01" .lrul ton, Idiss., & Virg ie L. Van derpool of" (;assville, • •


the u nderslg ned,united in marriage the above pa rties,on tIle 1 9S4 ,at


day o r" "l8.rch

~x eter,mo.

WI Tl,ESSJ£ S: Cecil .ill .Garrett and Jesse

l.i neb a r g er. A

c e rtificate or' ma rriage was is su ed 1;0

cc nd t he licen se re1;urned t o tne riecOl'der or ":5,qrry (JO . 11o., ")n

1334 .


3rd. day


.i.:e.. rc!1

13 Marriage rlecord. License issued on the 3rd.da;'! of' March 1934 by the rtecorder of


UO. Mo.,.l:jetween-

Albert A.Schurman 01' (;assville,,,,o.,and Luvica


pf Uassvl11e.,",0.



gned,united in marriage the above parties, on the 3rd.day of ~rCh i934,at EXeter,MO. WITNESSES, Mr & mrs Or¥al Garrett. A certi f icate of marriage was issued to the p arties, on the 3 rd.day of march 1934,and U I the license returned to the .tI.ecorder of J:jarry Co. on t."fJ.e 5th. day of march 1934.

14 1.iarriage Record. License is s ued on t h e 7th.day of' lVJil.rch 1934 by the Recorder of Harry t;O. l'ii.o.,Hetween, Richard Perriguey of S)ul1ivan,Mo.,and Susie Johnson of t;rane • .fl;)o. l,the undersigned, united in marriage the above parties. on the 7th.day of March 1934,at (;assville. llU() •

WITNESSES: Seth 'J :uttle & C.M. Bennett. A certificate of marriage was issued to the par ties, on the 7th.day


March 1934,and

the license retur n ed to the Hecorder of' ~arry

CO. Mo.,on tne 7th.day of lliarch 1934.


Record. License is sued on the l Oth.day oJ:· JlIarch 1 93 4.by the rtecorder of £larry t.:O.MO., be tween JioViard .t"enn i ngt on pf

M t~ Vernl'


·o.,and b eulah t oung of Jllt. 'i ernon,Jllo. "',the undersig ned,united in ma r r iage the above ·:J arties,on the l Ot.vt.day of ruarch 1 934. r,nT11E SSESI Jessie Linebarge r and

Charlene Vanzandt. A certificate of marriage was issued to tne pa rties,on t he lOth.day of -",arch, 1 934,and t h e license returned to the Recor der of barry CO. Mo.,on the lOth.day of l;JB.rc.h 1 934.

16 1iar r iage rtecord. License issued by the rtecorder

C1' ~rry

UO.J\do •• on the lOtn.day of march 1934,ssz lle tween


.8.. eombs of' nog ers,Ark., and

rtuby .t'eelers . 01' rtogers,Ark.I. the u.ndersigned,united in marriage the above parties at Cassville,Mo.,on the lOth.day of


1 9 34. 'II I TN]j)SSESs "'oui 'se lIoostree andothers.

A certificate of marr iage Via s issued to the parties,on the lOth.day of '>arch 1934 and the license returned to t he rtecorder of bar ry L:O.MO., on the lOth.day of march 1 9 34.


Mar r i ag e Record.

Lic ense issued by the !l.ecorder of .lOarry MO .,


on the 12 th.day of Ul8.rch 1934"between,

Hobert Ray .blacktlUrn ot' l..ees Summi t, .flo and ROsie Dy e of Jop lin, l0Q . I,the undersig ned,united in marriage the above parties, on the 12 th.day of' "-Larch 1934,At Cassville

WITNESSES: liir & Mr s (;:he ster Hadlow. A cert it'i ca te of' marriag e was i ssued to the par tiesl.6 on the 12 t.'J..d ay of j,. .arc:h 1934,and the li cen se return e d to t h e x ecorder of b ar ry Co . 1\\0


on the 1 2 th. day of I>iarch 1 934.


Ma r riage Re cord: License is sued on the 20 day of Marc h 193 4,by the Recor de r of 3 ar r y Co . Mo., Between, Che ster Roden of Cato

Mo., ~nd Eli zabeth Dunham of C r ane , N~ . I, the unders i gned,united in marria ge the above part i es, on the 20th. day of March 19 34 , a t cass ville, Mo. SI TNESSES : Lbuise Goos tree


E .H.Roden.

A certificate of marria ge wa s issued to

the part ie s , on th e 20th. day of Aiarch 1934 and the lic ense returned to the Recorder of jarr/ Co. Lio. , CIlIl t he 20.d:.h. da ' of Ma rch 1934 .

.wa.rria.ge rlecord Li cense is sued by the Record er of ..tJarry Co.-"'o.,on the24thday of l..a.rc:h 1934, lletwe en, Roy Terry of Butterfield, Mo., and Carrie Lansdown of Purdy, Mo. I,the undersigned,united in marriage the above parties,on the 24th. day of March 1934,at Cassville, Mo.



. OWN.

A certificate of marr i age was issued to the parties,on the 24th, day of March 1934 and the license returned to the Recorder of Barry County,on the 24th. day of March 1934.


Marriage Re cord. License issued -on the 24th. day of March 1934,by the Re corder of Barry Co. Mo., Between, Edwin Daugherty of Cassville, Mo. ,and Margaret Hutchens of Cassville,Mo. I,the undersigned,united in marriage the above parties,on the 24th. day of March 1934,at Cassville,Mo. WITNESSES: Merl Daugherty & Louise Goostr ee. A certificate of marriage was issued to th, parties,on the 24th. day of March 1934,and the license returned to the Recorder of Barry Co. Mo. ,am th " 24th.day of March1934

, .~



Marriage Record.

1.icense issued on the 2nd.day of April 1934 by th,e Recorder of .Darry Co . Mo. ,Between,

e Allen Wyrick of Seligman,Mo., and 'iii 1 l i', G.8mith of Berryville,Ark. I,the undersigmed,united in marriage the above parties,on the 2nd.day of April 1934,at Cassville, Mo. '.'lITHESSES: O.R.swindle & Wife.

A certificate of marriage was issued to the parties,on the 2 nd.da y of 1\pril 1934,and thl license retur ned to the Recprder of Barry Co.Mo •• on t h e 2nd.day of April 1 9 34 •




,y::. ~ ~ - -' ?"ister.

0 0



' Marri ag e Record. Licen ~ e

i ss ued on the 6th.day of April 19-

34,by the Rec order of Ba rry Co. Mo., Betweer Cl aud Jones of Cape }'ait, Mo., and Virg inia M.F. ' Bat s on of Cape Fair, Mo. l,the undo ersigned,united in marriage the above partie s , on the 6th.day of April 1934,at Cass ville, Mo. , , ',J: TNESS ES : Floretta En gland - Mrs Ki t chen,

A ce rtificate of marriage wa s i s sued to thE parti es ,on the 6th. da y of April 19 34,and the li ce nse returned to the Re corder of Darry Co. Mo.,on th e 6th. day' of 'April 1934.

~ ,~~ :."




.Marri ag e Re cord. License i ss ued on the 7th . day of April 1934 , by the Re corder of Darry 8 0. 1.,0., ::Jetween , Hobt. H. liarrison of i::xe ter, l,o . a nd Myrtle 31ag le of Dxet er, !.;o. I,the undersi gned,united in marriage t h e above parties,on the 7th. day of April 1934, at Cassville,Mo. ,VITNESSES : J. C . Harvey- Louis e Goostree. A certificate of marri ag e was is sued to the parties,on the 7th. day of April 1934,and the license return ed to the Rec or de r of Barry Co. Mo ., on the 7th.day of April 193 4.

~~~ ~ister.


Mar riage Rec ord. License i ssued on the 9th.day of April 1934 by t he Hecorder of 3 ar ry Co. Mo., Je tween , Ve rnon i,ainwa ter of Ca pe Fair, ];;0., and Alene Es sary of Cape Fair, Mo. l,the undersigned,united in marri ag e the above pa rties,on the 9th.day of Ap ril 193 4, at Cas sville, Mo. '. lI TN"SSBS; Carroll Vanzandt - Louise Goostree.

A certificate of marriage was issued to the parties,on t he 9th. day of April 1934, and t he license returne d to the Recorder of d ar ry Co. Mo.,on the 9th.day of April 1934.

Marr i age Rec ord. Lic ense i ss ued on the Ilth. day of


193 4,by the Recorde r of Barry Co.Mo., Between, Morris A. Bateman of Exe ter, Mo., and Cl a r a Le e of Exeter,Mo. I,the unders1gned,united in marriage the above parties, on the 11th. day of

April 1934 , at Exet er,

Mo. WIl'NESSSS : Dollie A ce rti f ic ate


Carroll Vanzandt.

of mar riage was i ss u ed to

the parti es,on the Ilth. day of April 1934 , a nd the lic ense retur ned to the Re cor de r of Barry Co. Mo.,on the lath.d a y of Ap ril 1934.

L;arri age He c ord. Lic ense i ssued on the Ilth . day of Ap ril, 193 4, by the Recorde r of Barry Co. Mo., Between ,Les t er Turne r of Gass ville, I,;o. and Ve ra Philli ps of Golde n, lJo. I, the unde rslilgned,unit ed in marri a g e the ab ove partie s , on th e 11th. da y of April 1934 , a t Exeter, Mo. l7ITNESSES : G. W. and Vera J ohnson. A certificate of marri ag e was i ssued to the p~ rti es , on

the Ilth. day of April 193 4, a nd

the lic ense r e turned to the Recor der of Barr ), Co . "'o ., on th e 12 th .day of Apr.1 934 .

~~~ . , i s t e r.

J. .;,t::>....

rriage J.:-tecord .

L i cansc issued on "he 14th . d :.y of "p r il 1934. by" t he ne corde r of :Darry


. J.

0 .,

3 etween Will a rd GOade of Carthage , La. a n d Cl a ra Anna Hawk of Ca s s ville, Mo. I, the unde r s i gned , un it e d in ms r r i age the a bove pa r t ie s , on the 14t h . day of

ap ri~

1934, at " .ri;xe ter, Mo. '7ITHES::lli S: Doll i e & Cha r l ene Van zandt. A certifi cate of mar r i age was issued to the narties , on the 14 t h . day of Ap ril 1 934 , and the licens e r etu r n e d t o of Ba rr y Co .1,, 0., on t :he


Rec ord er

1 6 t :h . day o,f Ap ril



/ I~ .' ". 1. ' . ste r.




lliarriage Record. License issued on the alst.day of


1934, by the Recorder of .darry Co, Missouri, Be tween Virgil nlanken ship of Shell Knob,li£o.,and Bertha Cordell of Shell KJlob,1iJo. I,the undersign ed,united in marriage the above parties,on the 2 1st.day of April 1934, a t Exet er, j,lO. '.VITNESSES' Troy James & Carroll Van zan dt. A certific ate of marriage was is sued to the l~a rt ies. on the 2 1st.da.y of .tI.pril li3"4,and

the license returned to the Recorder of llarry Co. k o., on the 2 3rd.day of april 1 934.




1.1 icense issued on the 2 ilth.day oill: " pril

1 9 ;31, by the l-
WI TIiESSESI Roy 6tockton &.Arthur Dilbeck ~

certificate of marriage was is s ued to

the p arties,on the 2ilth.day of April 1934 a nd the license returned to the Heco r de r of Barry Co.Uo., on the 28th.day of Ap ril 19 34.

30 lilia rri ag e He:' co rd. Lic en se i ssued on the

~8th . day

of April

1 9:34 , by the L\ecor de r of .Jarry " 0 . 1';0.,

Between El:mer Gar rett of Ga s s vill e , ll.o., and Letha d!1ar p pf Gass vi11 e ,1, 0.I, the und ers i g n ed , united in marr i ag e t he ab ove parties , om t!1e 28 t.':! . day of Apr il 1934 , a t

Zxete r, lrio. ·,\'1 '1'N..:!;6;.)iTIS s l.ir


lurs J).L .C:!1.oa te.

A cer tific a t e of ma rriag e wa s i ssued to th~

p~ tieB, on

the 28 th, day of Ap ril 1 934

a nd the 1i cen se returne d to t!1e itecorder

of .darry Co. L O., on the 30th . day of 4pril 1934 .

· J-arriag e Record. License i ssued by the Re corder of Darry Co.Mo.,on the lst.day of Ma.y 1 934 ,.between, Raymo nd Pa inter of Exe ter, Mo., and Dorothy Jeane Stanley of ;;;eligman, Mo. I,the undersigned,united in marriage the above parties, on the lst.day of iulay 1934, at Cas sville, Mo. WI TNESSES, Mr &


J.J .Painter.

1\ ce rtifica te of marriage was issued to

the parties,on the lst.day of ],;ay 1 9 34, and the license returned t o the Recorder of Bsrry Co. Mo.,on the lst.day of uay 1934




32 1Brriage Record. License is s ued on the 2nd . day of


1 934;by the Rec order of :Barry Co. ~ o •• Between, Lee Varcoe of Dueneweg , Mo. , a nd Sybil P iontkowski of Duene ": eg.Mo. I, the unders i gn ed, uinte d in marriage " t.rle above par ties"o n the 2 n d . day of Lay 1 934 , at Cassvi lle,Mo. WIT1:r.B}SSES: 1ir & Mrs

~ .. L.5mi t h .

a certificate of marriage was issued to the pa rties, on t he 2 nd.day of bay 1 934 , and t he license retu rned to t he Recorder of Barry Co.Mo.,on the 2nd .da y ,of May 1 93 4.

~ p;,,'~


~fuinister •







Marriage Record.

License issued on the 5th.daY of hay 1 93 4 by the Recorder of Barry Co.,lllo. ile t we en. Paul Epps of Galena,Mo.,and Ila


of Galena, Mo. I,the undersig ned,united in marri ag e the above parties,on the


of lJay 1934,at Cassville, JO:o. ".VITNESSES: CAHHOLL T.VP.lJ ZANDT & Susie Sallee. A certificRte of mar r iage was issued to the parties,on the 5th.day of " ay 19 34 , a nd the license returned to the Recorder of Barry Co. Mo., on the 5th .day of May 1934.

34 ~a rri ae e

TIe cord .

Li cense issued on t h e 11th . day of kay 1934 , ,)y the Tlecorde l- of da rr y Go . [; 0 . , ')etwee n, Har old Li eoe r Kne cht of Springdale , Ark . , a nd Mos elle

l ~ bs t e r

of Spring -

da l e , Ar k . I , the under s i gned,united in marri ag e the day of

a ~ove

UlC.~, ~¥ , . 1 9;) 4 , o. t

pa rtie s , on the 11th. Cas svill e , I-.'io .

A ce r tlt' ic a te o f murri_se ~lle

p_ rti es ,on

~I le

~ as

i ssued to

ll th. da. of La ,1 934 ,

2,nd the lic ens e r e turn ed t o the Heco rd er o{ ;p.r r y ,J o. l:o . ,on the 11th . an ,. of Eay 1

_~ :

, L. .. '

lJarri age Re c or d . L i c ens e i ssue d ot} t l1.e 11 t h . day pf ;,a y 1 934 by t he .le c or d e r of Da rry Co . 1'.0 . , :Oe t "lle en, a a iLph Pa ul of Wa s hburn , ;":0. , e.nd Eadean Hend rix of

-.lashb urn, ~~ o.l,

the u nd ers iG ned,

u ni ted in marriag e t he a. bov e Ila rti es, on t h e 11 th. day of loa y 193 4 , at ~assvi11e,1.o.


ce rtif i ca t e of rm r r iage wa s issued to the

p a r t i e s, on t h e 11 th. d ay of l'...a y 1934, M d the l icen se :i:l!lsaea retu r ne d t o the He c or d er of .da rry C O.JM ., on the 11 t h . de,y of lJay 1 93/1 .


l.'la.rriage Record. License issued 'c y the .t(ecor d er of' liarry



Mo. "on t.l:!e 18th.day of'I:;,ay 19 34 ,.oetween, ",'aIda R.Case of Mt. Vernon,liiiO.,and .t'auline Lea thers of 11'1t. Vernon , ULo. I, the undersig ned, united in marr iage the above partief on the 18th.day of JlJj.ay 1934, at Exeter.Mo. WITRI£S5ES: Carlin Kemp er- H. V.Bunt and

l 'heitllna Ifendall. A certificate 01' marriage wa s issued to tne pa rties, on the l 8 th.da y ot Ntay 1934, and t he lice nse returned to t he .t(ecorder 01' llarry C;O . ido.,cn the 1 9 th.day 01' tlay


, -{)



J\1arria ge Record.

License issued on the 21st.day of fi!Ay 1934 by the Hecorder of Darry Co. Mo •• Between ])a.yne J , Hilton of J"enkins,J;;o.,and Ha zel Garne,;r- of


gned,united in marriage the above pa.rties, on the 2 1st.day of J;;ay 19 34 ,at Cassville.

J\;.o. 'l'l 'fJ'l.d:8SE S: Louise lio o stree-lva Garner. A certific a te of marriage was i s sued 1:0

the parties, on the 21st.d ay of May 1 93 4 a nd the license returned to the rtecorder of barry (;0.1I10.,on the 21st.day at' J;J;ay 1 934.

~d~ r

h i n ister ,


Marriage Record. License issued on the 29th. day of May 1934,by the Recorder of Barry Co. Mo., Between,Marcellis ~aker of Wheaton,Mo. and Effie Hooten of Exeter,Mo.I,the undersi gned,united in marri age the above parties on the 29th.day of May 1934,at cassville, Mo. WIlFNESSE S: Ea rl


Grace Hooten .

A certificate of marriage was issued to the parties,on the 29th.day of May 1934,and the license returned to the Recorder of Barry Co. Mo.,on the 29th.day of May 1934.



/ -'

39 Marriage Record. License issu ed on the 29th. day of May 1934, by t he Rec order of Barry Co. Mo., Detween Albert Forst Walden of Washburn, Mo. , ana Eva Erna line Paul ot Washburn, Mo. I, the Undersigned,uinted in marriage the above parties,on the 29th . day of May 1934,at Exeter, Mo. iiITNESSES: Asa Hoog- Fred Hoog'A certificate of marriage was issued to the parties,on the 29th.day of May 1934,and the license returned to the Recorder of Darry Co. Mo ", on the 31st.day of May 1934.'

~ ~rwd£--:Jinister.


Marri a ge Record. License issued by the Recorder of Barry Co. Mo.,onthe 29th.day of May 1934, Between J.C. White of Lycan,Colo.,and Majorie Fulton of Wymore,Neb.I,the undersigned, united in marriage the above parties,on the 29th.day of May i934,at




certificate of marriage was issued to

the parties, on the 29th.day


May 1934,

and the license returned to the Recorder of Barry Co. Mo.,on the 31st.day of May

19 3 ~

~ V~!!:--ck-: nister.



Marriage Record.

License issued on the 31st.day of May 1934, by the ftecorder of Barry Co. Mo., Between, Charley Foster of Cassville, Mo., and Jessie Wallace of Cassville, Mo. I, the undersigned,united in marriage the above parties,on the 31st. day of May 1934, at Ca ssv1l1e,Mo. WITNESSES : H.K.RockhDld and Julia Wallace. A

certificate of marriage was issued to

the parties,on the 31st. day of May 1934, and the


returned to the Recorder

of Barry Co. Mo.,on the 31st.day of May 1934


k< ar r i ag e necord. License is s ued on t_'J.e 31st.daY ot' ''/Jay 1 934, by the Hecorder 01' .tiarry CO. k

''' onett,lI'io •



undersigned,united in marriage the above part.ies.on the 31st.day of


193 4, at

Cass vi11e, 1U o. WI 'rHE SMS:

J. H . 1'h omaS~ lJ S

A c ertifica te

0 1'

Jilinn ie ',Iillia ms

marriage Vias issued to

the pa rt.ies, o n tne 31st.d ay


a nd the license returned to the 01'


1 934 .

(.;0.1"' 0 ••

on the 31st . day

l 'i;8.y

1 934 ,




I \r D 43 Lic e n s e i ssu ed on th e I l th . day of J lime 19 34 by

t~le '

"e c order of Har r y Co . Lo ., b etween ,

J1er l e

~. L cKin n ey

~e rt a

neck of

0:1:" J op lin, 1. o .,

Ga ss vil1e, ~ 0 .


t h e Und er-

on 'che I i tn . day or J llne 1 9j4 , b- t .1.... 0


~ a s 8 ville ,


the pr, r t i es , on t'1e

llt :l ~ clay

ot J un e 1 93 4 ,

a nd t ne 1 1.ce nse returned to tlle ,(e c ord er ot .lJ£t!-ry

1 934 .

G O .l.~o ., on

tl'le 11 th . day 01' Ju ne

lliarriage Hecord. Li ceuse i ssued on the 13t h .day of' June 19, 34 , by the rtecorder of liarry Co.1i o., .tletween, Iienry .l!'erg uson 01' .t'urdy • .Mo ., a nd Alma Thomas of rurdy,JciO •


the undersig-

ned,u nited in marri age the above pa rties, on the 13th.day 91' June 1 934 , a t Exeter,



Doll ie & Charlene Va nzandt.

certificate of marriage was issued to

the pa rties,on the 1 3th .day of Jun e 1934, and the license returned to the Recorder of .tm.rry CO . lliO., on the 1 4th .day of June jl. 93 4.

~~d.' ~~-

- -- -


~_ i n

i st e r.

/ ,,F'" 45 Jilarriage Record. License issued on the 16th.day of jfune 1934,by the Recorder of barry Co.


jJetween,fJarvin Lawrence 01' Seligman, l,le.,and Huby Hudson of Seligman,rue., 1, the undersigned,united in marriage the above partles,on the 16th.day 01" June, 19~4,at


~7ITKjt:3SES: A

Glenn;{ rieese 8:: Louise Cioostree

certifi ca te 01' marr iage


issued to

the Partles, on the 16th.day 01' June 1934, and the license returned to the nee order of Darry 1934.


en the loth.day of June

46 i.Jarr i &ge Hpcord. J" icense i ssued on 1;he 1 6t h . day 1 93 4, by the

~{ec order




Jun e


bet ween Herma n Davis 01 Cassville,


a.nd Beulah b'r a ncis of', Sapulpa,Okla. 1 , the unders i g ned, uni ted in marr iage the above p ar ties, one the 16 t h .day of June 1934,at .i!ixe ter. J>lo. -U 'rlT.d:SsES : Dollie & Cha rlene Vanzandt. A ce rtificate oi' marri ag e

\\9. S

issued to

the parties, on the 16 t h .day 01' June 1 9 34, a nd 1;he license re1;urned 1; 0 t he rtec order of ,;;ar ry 1 934 .


MO ., on 1;h e 1 8 th .day of June

ilJarriage Record. License issued on the 18th. day of June 1934, by the necorder of .!:larry Co.u,o.,.!:letween, J .R.:B'erg uson of .t-urdy, Mo., and .1.trice

'J' erry' of JliJ.onet t, MO. 1, the unders igned, uni ted in marriage the above parties,on the 18tt day of ifune 1934, fct Exeter.Mo. WITN}<; SSES: DOLLIE & CHARLEHE V.'\.NL:ANDT. A 'eertH' ieate


marriage was issued to tne

partles,on the 18th.day of June 19 34, and t he license retuened to the ftecorderof l:$8,rry

1,;0 . MO.,

on the 19th.day of June 1934.

~.~~, ., ~ister.


-1- 0

48 ""a rriag e i(e corci. License issued on the 21st.day or June, +~34" 9Y the l"(Gcorder of barry Co .k.O., J:)e1;.ween,P .1;;. ",\,ood of t)

.Anna ,;a rsb,all



enkins.lI,o., and

ite ed ::>pri ng s, kO. I, the

unders i gned , united in ma rri ag e the above pa rti e s, on "the " ls"t. day 01' J"une 1934,at Cassvill e,J'"o.

" certifica ce


m:. rriage was issued "to

t l16 PGrcieS,0,1 che ,,1st.day of" JU!1e

of .uarry GO • .LiD .,on the

1 9 ::14 .

'~ l s t. day

1 9~"\4 ,

D.t June

Marriage Record. License issued on the 24th. day of June 1934,by the Re corder of Barry Co. Mo., Between Ba rl Hooten of Exe ter, Mo. axle. Helen Duncan of Exeter,Mo. l,the undersigned,united in marriage the above parties on the

24 th. day~o f

June 1934 , a t Grooms

ho me. ·.i I1'N~S;:;E S:

Glee Lacey & Delbert Hooten.

A certificate of marriage was issued to the parties,on the 24th.day of June 19 34 and the license r eturn ed to the Recorder of d a rry Co. Mo.,on the 25th.day of June 1934.

~~~ . ~ister.



6 .0

' 50

Marriage Record. License i ssued by the Reco rder of Barry Co . Mo.,on the 26th.day mf June

. 19 ~4 ,

Between N.L. Smith of Exeter,Mo.,and Arkie lioward of Exeter,Mo. I,the under s igned,united in ma rri ag e the above parties on the


day of June 1934 at Cass vi-

lle, ~io.

WI TNE SSES : Donna Constanz & Nadine Ault. A ce r tif ic ate of mar ri age was issued to the partie s , on the 27th. day of Jun e 19 34, a nd the license return ed to the Recorde r of Ba rry Co . Mo.,on the 27t h . day of June 1934 .


Ma,rriage Record

License issued by the Recorder of Barry Co. Mo.,on the 27th .day of June ·1934, Between, Ma rtin Suttles of Seligman,


Pansy Gunnels of Eureka Springs,Ark.,I. the undersigned, united in marriage the above parties . on the


27th. day of Jun·e

1934 , a t Gas s ville , 1110. ','lI TNESSES : Donna Constantz & Nad ine Aul t.

A certificate of marriage was is s ued to the par ties,on the


day of June193 4

and the license returned to the Recorder of Barry Co . Mo .,on the 27th.day of June 1934.

52 l"3,rri age Record. License issued by the Recorder of 3arry Co.I,lo.,BetVleen, John J .Bartsch of Pierce City,Mo.,and 1,argaret Bu rkhart of Pierce City,ko.l,the undersigned, united in marriage the above parties,on the 28th.day of June 1934,at Cassville , Mo. 'JI TNESSESa ll.J .Doty -Jessie Nicola.

A certificate of marriage Via s issued to the parties,on the 28th.day of June 1934 a nd the 1i c ense ZiilSlZ returned to th e rlecorder of i3arry CO . l!,c' J on the 28th day of June 1 934 .

Marriage Record.


License issued by the Recorder of Barry Co. Mo., on the 28th.day of June 1934, Beilween, L.A.Coggin of Monett,Mo.,and Edith Jones of Monett,Mo. I,the undersigned,united in marriage the above parties,on the 28th.day of June 1934,at Cassville,Mo. WI TNES SES : Mr & Mrs E. S .Hens on and Kay Rous e A certificate of Marriage was issued to the parties,on the 28th. day of June 1934 ,and th the license returned to t he Recorder of Bar ry Co . l·o ., on the 28 th.day of June 1934.



License issued by the Recorder of .darry Co.Mo.,on the 29t.'1.day o f June 1934,' Between, Wondel 1;organ of Cassville, lilo. ,a,nd Sarah Jones of Cape :Hair,Mo. I, the undersigned,united in marriage the above parties, on the 29th.day of June 1934,at


WI'l'lTESSES: Carroll T.Va,nzandt and Louise

Goostree • ... certificate of lJl3.rriEl€:e was issued to the parties, on the 29th.day of June 1934 and the license returned to the rtecorder of Barry Co.1,O., on the 29th.day of June 1 934.

55 1.lar:i'iage Reco rd. License i ssued on the 30th . day of J u ne 1934 , by the Recorder of barry .detween ,

i' . -,~ • .Bonebrak0

of :E' i ne vill e , ;,,0.,

l'p,nsy I' . Day of J? i nevill e , 1:o . I, the

u nder~

signed , un it ed in marr i age the ab ov e pa rtie s, on the 30th . day of June 1 934 , a t .)ass ville , Me. " i ITlJ~SSE S:

Oval and Arel Te s t erman.

A certif icate of ma rriag e was il.ssued to t he pa rties, on the 30 t h .day of June 1 9 34 and the lic ense r eturned t o the rle cord e r of Dar r y Co . ... o ., cn the 30 th . day of June 19 34 .

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Ma rriage Record . License i ssued by the Recorde r of Garry Co . Mo.,on the 7th.day of July 193 4, Betweel Marv in Ake r s of Cassville, Mo.and Opal Hoog of B;

-Louise Goostree.

A certificate of marri age was i ssued t o t he parti es,on the 7th.day of Jul y 193 4, and the li cense returned to the Reco r de r of Barry CO.1,0 . , on t he 7th. day of July 1934 .

:l. ••

33 Licemse issued by the Recorder of barry Co . Mo. ,on the 18th.day of Dec.1936,between, (Hentllagle of

~xeter ,1ilO.

and lie.

Engl and of £xeter,'''o. I,the undersigued, united in marr iage t he above parties,on the 18th.day of lJe c.1936 ,at i!.xeter, 1\10 . \, I'I'NK,S1!:S : .B'red and Ruby tltark. A certificate of marriage was issued to

the parties,on the 18th.day of

lJ ec.l g ~ 6,

and the licens e returned to the Reco rder of Har ry 1936.

(; 0. 1'<. 0.

,on the 19th. day of lJ ec.



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,; .. ,,,:Elee;., Easley "of ,.Cassvi lle ,Mq . , and Opal Dav-" ;' ~' idson of Gassville., i\io . 1 ,:t.he undersig:.,,>-~.

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,on, .Fhe, ~th .,d,a y , 01,' Dec ,1 ,9 36 "a,t Ex,eter ,Lio . WITi4i:.bSES ; bes !Yavidsam and Charlene VanI,







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z andt .

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Charles Vanzandt E.pdf

tI.ecorder of J:ja- rry Co. on t."fJ.e 5th. day of march 1934. Page 2 of 47 ... Charles Vanzandt E.pdf. Charles Vanzandt E.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In.

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