/;!.re 76

. Marriage Record. License issued by the Recorder of 3 arry Co. Mo.on the · 31st.day of Aug.1934, Between. A.D.Po11y · of Seligman, Mo.,and s arahE. Burris of Se1igman, Mo.I,the undersi gned, unit ed in marriage the above parties,at cassville,Mo.,on the 31st.day of Au g .1934. WITNE.iSES; C.M. Landis- others. A


of marriage was issued to

the parties,on the 31st.day of Aug.1934, and the license returned to the Ree.order of Barry Co.Mo.,on the 31st. day of Aug. 1934.



_ Marriage Rellord. Li~ense

by the


on the 4th. day of

Re~order o t'


Barry Co. Mo. , Between,

Charles E.Collar ot Cato,Mo.,and Noveta Doty of Jenkins,Mo.I,the undersigned, ' united in marriage the above , the 4th.day ot




-WITNESSES: Gene HUClson - Pluma Patton. A


ot marriage was issued to

the parties,on the 4th.day of AUg. 1934, and the liQense returned to the Re~order of Barry Go.Mo.joll the 4th.day of Aug . 1934.







t~e ~3,bove pa rties, on t.!1e 11 t~J..day of .h·llg·

1934, at Cassville,Do.

ee .

qnd ~he licens e retu~ned to ~~e rle cor de r


19 Licens e i ssued by the Re corder of Barry Co. Mo., on the 25th . day of Ap ri l,1 936 ,between Cl yde Lavrrence of Washburn, Mo. , and Ferne Mooney of . .",..--'"

" Washburn, IVio. I,the undersigne<\, -- '- . - ', ltttL in marriage the a bove


p ar t~\

on the 25th.day of Apr il,at .my hom" . \ in Exeter , f!io. , WI TNESbES ; ME &. MRS H1l.ROLD MOONEY .


A cert ifi cate of marriage was issued to th e part ie s ,on the 25th .day of Apr il,1936 ,and the l i cense returned ~o

the Re cord er of Barry Co.Mo.,on

the 27th . d ay of Apri l,1936 .


69 l ,..•arl' i:~e

.hetvJeen ...)a vi d

"; awt.::l0:i:D of .d.ogerS,.d.rl:.,ar.


a.nd ,;:j.E;.7:el

er si ~ned ,u Di te d

IJ:.l r ties, 011

lie co:C'd •


J:·- u~~dJT ,j..~ O



in marr i a ge the abo ve

the 13t}1. day of __~ug.la34,at


i"': 0 ... . ~) .. , ,


;,, .f

. ./


: :£aw <~~' \~~lf~·t:/zt<; , ~.: .. //~

. ".; " .



.::1 • .1verett of 0-G ) lil1,.ic~o. I, the u~lc_c r :3 1G· ; ed,

th • ..l.

certifica te of maJ:' r ia.ge ..va s issued to

tb.o pgrties, on t.he 14tb.• d 8~y of _~.. u.g

Co .






.i~ug .


Marriage reQord. LiQense .i ssued on the 6th. day of Aug.1934 ,.., the Retllorder of Barry Go. Mo. , Betr/een E.Twilligear of Gassville, Mo.and Gold-ia L.Brooks of Gassville,Mo.I,the undersigned united


marriage the above


the 6th.day of Aug.19 34 , at cassville,Mo. WITNESSES:


Goostree-G.A. Williams.

A lertifiqate of marriage was -issued to the parties,on the 6th.day of Aug.1934, and the liqense returned to the ReQorder of Barry Co.,Mo.on the 6th.day of Aug.1934.




LiQense issued by the Heqorder of Barry Co.Mo.,on the 3rd.day of Aug.193~,Between Earl Mahurtn of Washburn, Mo. I and Georgia . Crawford of


l,the understgn-

ed,united in marriage the above parties, . on the 3rd.day of M<;>. WITNESSES: Mr



Cassville ,

Mrs Wi llard Mahurin .

A qertifiqate of marriage was issued to the parties,on the 3rd.day of Aug.1934, and the


returned to the Reqorder

of Barry Co. Mo.,on the 3rd.day . of August 1934.

fuarri a g e Record. i "icemse issued on the 14t..l-:t.day of July , . "1>}34, by the Recorderof JJarry ' eo . Mo., Detweeri. Ea rnest Legg of S~otts ' City~ JVlO. a nd Ethel Day of S.totts uitY, llIio. 1, the undersig ned. united in marriag'e the above


the 14th.day of \ruj1934,at

Cassville, M O. WITNE SSES, .r.F.Day & J.ouise Goostree_

A certificate of marriage was issued to

, the parties, on the 14th. day of J~1934, !

an d the license returned to the


of Darry' Co.:""o.,on the 14th.day of July, JL934.



Licenlle issued by th.e :Recorder of' Barry Co.Mo. ,on the 1 9th.da:y of' Oct.1936, between Eschol Dmwan of Vltleaton',

l"jir. ~.


_ aRd El ane Brock of Cassvill e, Mo. I, the undersigned, uni ted il'l marriage' the, above parties,on the 1 9th. day of Oct. 1936,at l!:xeter ,Mo. ~VI'rNLSSES:

l'iIR and :liIR3 Earl nooten.

A certificate of marriage was issued tlil the parties,on the 19th.day of Oct. 19 3 6,and the lic ense returned to tlle Recorder of Barry Co. ivlo . ,on the 19th. day of Oct, 1 936.






Lic ense i ss ued by the Recorde r of 3ar r y '-=:o.r.~O.,on

'.;uc~ e n e

l: . ~ilson

the 1st.day of Oct. 19 33, 3 et \"ieen , .· .Lacey


of :::xete r, Lo., e.nd Joycie

= xeter,~o.IJthe

undersi :'ned ,

uni te d i.n mc.r ri ,- ge the 8.b ove :, e r t ies, on the Ist . day of Oct.193 3, e.t i xeter , g o.

zand t. A certi f i c a te of IiiH rri a ge ...o.S i ssued t o pa rties,on t h e Ist. day of Oct.19 33 ,and ti license returned to the Reco r d er of Co. Llo., on the 2nc1 . de.y of Oct.19 ::J 3 .

Bar r~ J


Hecord •

.License issued on the 3rd.day of Sept. '1934,oy the necorder of Darry uo • .IIi10. lletween • .IlOverett H.'taylor of .iloXeter • ... o.,and .bessie '.ourdett 01' .iIOxeter .... o •


the undersigned,united in marriage the above parties, on the 3rd.day of" dept. 193 4 ,at


1?1't.l;.1!; S8ESI liadine h,ult- lilenn rteese •

• 1'. certificate of marriage vias issued

the parties. on the 3rd .day



i:>ep t.1934

and the Ii cense r etlll"ned to the .-.ecorder of JJarrJ,l

(;0. ",, 0.,

on the 3rd.day











;~ ' , ~


..,.,- ... -."



--- .

Marriage Record. License is s ued on the 1 6th. day of Nov. · 1935, by the Hecorder of Barry Co . Mo. , between,]'red Rob1yer of Wayne, Mo. ,and Velma Hooten ,of Wayne,'''o. I,the undersigned ,united in marriage the above .pa:bties,on the 1 6th. day of Nqv.1935 ,at ' Exeter, Mo. WITNESSES: MRS Chas Vanzandt and Mrs.


R.A. Riley. A certifica~e of marriage was issueu the parties,on the 16th.day of Nov.,19::' and the l i cense returned to the


, of Barry Co. Mo. ,on the 18t h. day of liov. 1 935.

/. ;-.'




License issued by the Recorder of Barry Co,Eo.,on the 31st. day of Oct.1936. Between ,J!'red Sewart Stark of Purdy , Iv10 . '~,


and Ruby England of Exeter,lIiio. I, the undersigned,united in marriage the abovo partics,on the 31st. day of Oct.1936 at Exeter, Mo. Vi IT'NESSl£S: Carroll '1' . VEmzand t


Biirs Claas. Vanzandt. A cert if i~ate, of marriage was issued to the parties,on the 51st. day of Oct. 1936,and the liceLls e returLled to tll.@ Reoorder of Barry Co.Jvlo. ,on tlite 1st. day of Nov.1936.

61. ,jaUIE

Marriage Record.

License issued on the 29th.day of July 1934,by the necorder of


. - between, Garlapd J'j eil of Gl a dys Ragsdale of


CO. MO.,

Lowe l~ .Ark.and


I, the undersigne d ,united in marriage the


above parties, on the 2 9th.day of July, 1934, at Exeter,.:i>l.o. WITl'lESSES:Mabel .Pearson & Sidne Cawan A certificate of rmrriage was issued to t

the p art ies,on the 29th.da.y of July 1 934 1


a.nd. the lic ense returned to the Recorder


of' barry Co . Mo., on the 30 th.day of J uly 1 934.

~~ JJiL~ster--






20 '-' _



License issued 'by the Recorder of ,Barry Co. Mi5'.,on the 23rd.day of , May,1936, 'l!etwe en He rbert Cagl e of Exeter , Mo. a nd Irene McClure of g ned,united in

Exeter, I~.I,the , undersi­


the Ij.bove ,par ties '

on the 23rd.day of May,1936,at 0 .

' lIrITNEflSES: W.P. Ij.nd

""_ .Agertificate of '.

Exeter, !~.

I~ary E .C~tron.

raarriage . was~ssued

the parties, on the 23rd.day of




and the license returned to the Record'er Qf Barry Co. ,on the 25th.day of May,r9367

I ,.;]





Marriage Record. License issued on the 25th.day of .ruly 1934,by

the ' ~ecorder

of Darry CO.MO.!

Between John l>hildress pf Purdy,MQ.,

': "


. and Ruth lIa.dd ock of' Monett,Mo. I,. the unde~signed~united



the above

p arties,on the 29th.day of' July 1934,at .Exeter,M.O.

WITNESSES, Charlene Vanzandt a nd Loret& )Jldmondson. A. certificate of marri ag.e waS . issued to

the pa rties,.on the 29th.day of July 1934, and the license returned to the Recorder I·. ..·

.I;. , ,<.•


of .tlarrJf _ CO. MO., on the 30t~.da:y of July 1934.


0 'J



License issued by the Recorder of ba rry CountY, Mo. ,on 'che 17th. day of' Oct.1936, betweeH Johnnie 'rucker of ]!;xeter , Mo . , ""'-d, El ler'. Barr of Exeter ,110 • .l , the under sign - , ed , united in marriage the above part i es ,oJ on the 17th.day of Oct . l'il36,at Ex eter,Mo. I

\, I'rNESd ES : Mi' and Mrs Mrain Cameron and

Ch ar l ene Van zandt . A certif'icate of marriage wa s issued to t h e above parties ,on the 17th.day of Oct


1 936 , and th e license r e turned to the Rec - : I

- order of' Barry Co . hio . ; on the19th . day of Oct . 1936.

"' ...

\ .


License i s sued Dn the 9th.day Df June, 1 936,QY th~ R ecD~der Df Barry .Cb. . Between JDseph Adra±n CamerDn

Mo •

Df ~x e ter


MD.,and DDrDthy Virginia Talbert Df Exeter, MD. I, the undersigned,1+Ilited in marriage the abDve parties,at my hDme in Exeter,Me., DIl. the 9th. day Df _ June,1936. wr rNESSES: JDhnnie Tucker- .Ell en

Barr. ·~

A certificate Df marriage was issued to. the parties,Dn the 9th.day Df June,1 93e\, and the lic ense r eturn ed to. the RecDrd e



7 1 Marriage


License issued on the 14th. day of Aug.1934 by the Recorder of Barry Co.Mo.,Between, L.D.Daugherty of crane,Mo.,and Ida Collar Mineral SIlrings,Mo. I,the unElersigned,united in marriage the above part ies,on the l5th.day of Aug.1934,at Cassville,


WITNESSES: Nadine Au1t- Glenn Reese. A qertificate 01 marriage was issued to the parties,on the 15th.day of Aug. 1934, and the license returned to the Recorder of Barry Co.Mo.,on the 15th.day of Aug. 1934.



IlJarriage .ttecord. License issued by the Recorder of .tlarry Co. M o.~on

the 3lst.daY of J-uly 1934"Hetween,

Lowell narri s


of Gem. 'f exa,s,and

Ada Belle West of Seligman,Mo.I,the undersigned, uni ted in marri age the above partief on the 3lst.day of July 1934,at Cassville Me. ,

WITNESSES: Harley Wright - ]!ia hle l!'reeman. A.. certificate of ' marriage was issued to the p a rties,on the 31st.day of July, 1934,


and the license returned to the Recorder


of .barry CO. Mo., on the 3ls t.day of J'uly, 1934.

. 0&


// .


License issued by the Re corder of Harry



Co.Mo.,on the 31st . day of Ju1y ,1 936, betwe en "M.anford Robison of Exeter,Mo. "nd viola SUlJlIlJ.ers of Exeter , Mo . I, the undersigned , united in marr iage the above parties,at the home of the bride ,on

-~ug .

1,1936 •

.A certificate of marriage was issued to the parties,on the f irst day of Aug . 1 936 , snd the l i c ense r eturned to the


Hccorder of Barry Co . , Mo . , on the 3rd . day of AUg ., 1 936 .

----, I





/ . ~--...


. Marriage Req.ord. License issued by the Recorder of 3a rry Co . Mo.,on the . 30th.day or" Aug .19 34, Be twe er. Milton J.Ki pps of s tella, Mo.,and Nina Robbins of Cassville, hlo. I, Lhe undersi gned united in marriage the above pa rties,on the 30th.day of Aug.1934 , at cassv11le,Mo. WITNESSES: O\ven Frost-Loui se Goostree. A qertifiqate of marriage was issued to the parties,on the 30th.day of Aug. ·1 934, a nd the liq ense retur ned to the Reqorder 9f 3 arry Co.Mo.,on th e 30th,daY,J ofAug.1934


Marriage Li~ense


issued on the l8th . day of Aug .19 34

by the ReQorder of Barry Co. Mo.,BeWween, Mit~hell

watson of Harrison, Ark. ,and

Ida Lee Maggard of Harrison,Ark. I,the undersigned,united in marriage the above parties,on the 18th. day of Aug.1934 , a t Cassville, Mo. WITNESSES: Louise Goostree- Ma e Hudson. A certificate of marriage was i s sued to the parties,on t he 18th . day of Aug . 1934 , and the lic.ense returned to the Re<;;order of darry Co. Mo.,on the l 8th.day of Aug. 1934




:I -1---


License issued by

~he Re corder _ ~f ~arry

Qo. :D(10.,on the l Oth .day of Aug.1936, Betwcen ' Orlan B. Harris of Granby, Ivro ., and Jewell , Bl ankenshi p of Wheaton,Mo.


I,the undersigned ,united in marriage the above parties,at J;;xe ter, Mo.,on the 10th. day of Aug .1 936'. \;I TNl!:S8ES : W. M. Harris- e . e .Martin. A certific ate of marr iage was issued to the part i es ,on the l Oth.day of Aug .1936, and the l icense returned to the Recorder of Barry eo . Mo ., on the 1ffith.day of Aug . 1936 .


--- -- -





"'I I T:;~ SS~ S; J: ..

H . ~ .~tt e r

c e rtif ic a te of


pn. rti es , o!1

a nd .&:la l l i e La e

ma.r :.~ i&,gG

t ~12



s r.

';;]as i ssued to

1 8 th. day of

l~g .1 93 4 ,

/ /~vt:~

~ -• .-. ~.-----------

z9X!1 S ·C ~; r .

License issued to Haymond Flora of Wheaton iIlo.,and Leora Berziel of Whe atoJtl, lI'Io.,on the 30th.day of Sept.1933,by the

Reco r~Q~

of Barry Co.l,;o. I,the under si, gned,united in marriage the above parties,on the 30th. day of Sept.19 33,at Exeter,bg. WITNESSES: , Nil' & Mrs Noble , Frazier. A certificate


marr i age wa s issued to

the above part ies,o n the 30 th.day uf sept. 1933 ,and the li cense returned to the Recorder of Barr y Co. Mo .,on the 2nd.day of Oct. 19.33

Marriage Record. License issue,d on the 11 th.day of July 1934.b.y, ,the, Recorder Qf Barry Co.Mo •• Between.RaYJ11ond Henson o,f Monett,Mo.


,",nd Evelyn Smith of )?urp.y,Mo.r,the under signed. uni ted in narriage the above part" at Cassville,Mo. ies.( on, the 11 th.• day of July 1934,at C!l.SSville. Mo. WITNESSES, C.M.Landis {); Elsie l'arvin. A certificate, of marriage was issued to

the parties,on the llth.day of July 1934, and the license returned to the Recorder of Barry Co .;Mo." on the 1;1 th.day of July 1934.

I [1 I


License issued by the Recorde r of Barry 'Co . Mo . , on the 22nd . day of Oct . ,"1 93 6 between Ra'ymond Painter of Washburn. lYio' . ,and Ve l ma :otringer of Ste l la , MG. I,the u nder signed , united in marr i age t he above' parti e s,on the 23rd . day of Oct .1 93 6 , at Exe ter , 1\10 . \Hl'NESSES : Dollie and CliJ.arl ene Vanzand t. , A certif,icate of marriage wa s issued t o the parties , on the 23rd . day oft Oct. 1 93 6 , and

, ~ll.e

J,icense returned to the

th e He corde r of Bar:ry Co . Mo ., on tlae' 2 3rd . day of Oct.1936 .

~Aa/~ , li st e r.



Li ~e nse

i s sued on the 8th. day of August

1934,by the ReE:order of Barry Co. Mo. , Between Robert C. Anderson of Mo.,and Fern M. Semmons of

C assvill~

Butterfield ,N~.

I, the undersigned, una ted ,i n marriage the above parties , on the 8th.day of


at Exeter, 1I10. lIITNE SSES: Lester Turner A

~ ertifi.,ate


~ art1es,on



of marriage was issued t o the 8th.day of Aug. 1934,

and the li Gense returned to the


of Barry Co. Mo . ,on the 8th.day of Aug .193(

~ /~-'T~ ~nister .


Lic ense issued on the 22nd . day of' Aug .,1936 , by the Recorder of' Barry


Co: ,Mo . , between Roy Johnson of' Sheh Knob , Mo . and Nell ie Beck of' Eureka


Ark . I , the undersigned ,united in marr iage the above parties ,on the 22nd . day of' Aug . ,1936. :"




'''1's Ral ph Johnson.

A certificate of' ma rr iage was is.sued to the parties,on the 22nd . day of' Aug . 1 936 , and the license re t urned to the the Reco r der of' Barry Co .liIlo. , on the 24th. day of' A1Jg .1936 •




- - - - --

- .'-

;-;r :-" -~

r ..,


License issued by the Recor de r of Barry Co. Mo. ,on ' the 20th.day of August,1936, Betwe en Sydney De ans of Garfield , Ark.


. ' .~

and Myrtle Twitty of Garfield, Ark. I, the undersigned,united in marriag e the above parties,on the 20th. day of Aug .1936,at Exet er


WITNESSES: Dolli e and Charl ene Vanzandt. A certificat e of marr iage was is s ued to the parties,on the 20 th. day of Aug .1936, and t h e license ret urned to the Re cord er ' of Barry Co.

, ;'10.

,on the 20th.day of Aug .








\ I








I _______________


_ _ _ _ _ _III



Marriage Record.

Li cense issued the 3rd.day of Oct. 19 33, by the Recorder of Barry Co.1lo.Be tween, Ted Mulkey of Mone tt, B,nd Beulah Hawkins of Mone t t , Mo.I,the undersi gned,united in marri a ge the ab ove part i es,on th e 3rd.

day o£ Oct.1 933,at Cassville, Mo ' WI TNESSES: C.R.Calton-Glen Reese A

certi f icate of marriage was issued to ,~

~1 , '



part i es,on t he 3 rd t day of Oct. 1933,

the license returned to the Recorder

f Barry Co. Mo . , on tl:je 3 rd. day of Oct .19 33

Marriage Record License issued by the Recorder of Harry Co.Mo.,Oct.19,1933,Between T. M.Woods of Wayne,Mo.,and Mrs F.T.Fletdher of Washburn,Mo.r,the undersi gned, united in marriage the above parties, on the 19th . day of Oct.1933,at Cassville, Mo'. f

wr TNESSES: Mr and Mr s L. M. Cargile. A certificate of marriage was is sued to the parties,on the

19t ~. d~y


and the lic ense r eturned to the Re corder of Barry Co.Mo.,on the 19th . day of Oct. 19 33 .



- '-

y, j ; ~




License issued by th e Recorder of· Barry Co . Mo ., on the 27th'. dsy of Nov . 'l936 . , between ,Verl Burkhart o f Sel tgmsn , lllo . am1, Velina i 1eathe rs of Seligman , Mo . I , the undersi grled , un i t ed in 11larrigg e the above parti es , at Demo c rat' Office in Cassville , Mo ., on the l st . day


De c . 1 9 36. A

certificate of marriage was issued to the parties , on the lst . day of De c.1936 , and the l ic e nse returned to the Re corder of

[',:~fi , Barry Co . , on the lst.day of Dec.1936 .


)l1n\ bSJES : John P . Ray , Ceril He ese and Leon Vi ea t her·s • .


......-~-. -""-. - - --



I !> 1',


La:er i age He cord.

L icensb' issued on t:lS 1 8th . day of i\Ug. 1 934 , by the He coy"d. er of Ba rry CO.1/[o .,

~-,'.-.·~ ll

...... .1.<..:", _..1..,

]""_ 0

!na:£'.(· i ~~.g e



·i-r,p '1do~"Sl" ' ''1'1e ll , u"1-; 'te ,d l'TI ,1.>_ .. __ lu ...... _ b ' ...-..A.. ~


JI '.r K~8s.sS:



above part i e s , on t!1 e l d t h .

Louise Go o s tree- LX S . J

. ~ •.ii e l-

d i ng • ... :. .

certific~7.t e

of I::arr i e...ge


:: nd t!1.€ licen se r':?turned to

:L934 .

i ss u ed to


...i e COI'd e r





Marriage Record.


L~cense issued Oct.21,1933, Between vvayn~

Garrison of Purdy, Mo. · and Eunice Haynes .




of Wheaton,Mo. I,the undersigned,uni " ted in marriage ' the above p~;ties,on the"'· , 21st . day of Oct.1933,at Cassville, Mo. WI TNESSES : Mr & Mrs Ross Garrison . ,-

A certificate of marriage wasi s sued to the parties;on the 21st . day of Oct.1933 , and the license returned to the Recorder, of 'Barry Co. Mo.,on the 21st . day of Oct . 1933.




.----- ---- -- .---.~__" . <-< -~-o

~ ..



Marriage Record. Licens·e issU'ed on the

7t h ~day

of July 1934

by', the' Re corder ' of Jla.rry Co .Mo • • B!'tween, Wayne Overton of Purdy , ili o • • and Ha3le h Higgs of E-xet.er;Mo.I,the undersigned,unitin maTriage the above parties,on, the 7th.d day of July 1934,at Ca,s,sville, Mo. WITNESSES, Glenn Lauderdale and· Christine.

Ellis. A certificate of Jrorriage was issued to the parties,on -the 7th.day of July 19·34, and the license returned to the


of Barry Co-. Mo.., on the 7·th.day of Juljl" 1934.


': .,'


~~.....J ~rster.



,I .,

26 License issued by th e Hecorder of B!9.rry Co. Mo .,on the 2nd. day of Oct.,l 936, between Wilburn 'rucker of Seligman,Mo. 'lnQ. Rosetta Henbest of Cassville ,ruo. T, the undi5rsign'ed , uni t ed in marr iag e the

ab ov e parti es ,on the 2nd.day of Oct .193 6 . at


home in Exeter.

v:rritTJ.!.;bbES: Charlene Vanzand:t and Ardelia

i. :

c:,ncl the 1 -_ c ensc returned tothe Hccorder


of Barry Co.Mo. ,_on th"'" 3rd.day of Oct.


, ,~ , ~


;> ';/

License iss ue d to Willi a m B.Bolton of lfonett,and l{;ar ga,;:ret Howa rd of 1.lonett,on t. he 23 day of Sept.1933,by the Recorder of Barry Co. Mo. I,the undersi gned,united in marriage the above parties,on the 23rd , day of Sept. l 933,at Cassville, Mo. WITNESSES: J .T.HODGE- MRS M.R.WOOD'·

A certificate of marriag e was issued to the parties,on the 23rd.day of Sept.1933, and the license returned to the Recorder of Barry· Co. Mo •• on the 23rd .day of Sept. 1933 .

Marriage Reco rd. License i ssued on the Ist.day of s ept. 1 934, by the Recorder of 3arry Go.Lo., Between, ,!'illi am Slain of


') mi th, Ark,

an d Mildred V. Trout man of Ft. Smith, Ark. I,the undersi gn ed,united in marr i age the a bove na rtie s ,on. the Ist. day of Se pt.1 934

,. I TN2t!t:3ES ; (r.'.~:£l{ FHOST, !;ADI N:

o . L . S tJRGZR .



A ce rtific a te of ma rri age nas issued to the

p~ rtie s ,on

the Is t . day of 2 ept .19 34,

and the licens e retuned to the Record er of jarry 19.:4 .

Co . ~ o.,on

the I s t.day ot Se pt.

/, j



:Ge tVJ8 en, Nil son ..::iri xey of Cas s vi 11 e ,-

'J·. 'r' t i es , on the 10 t h . day


1-.... 0.,

hug . 1934 , a t

s on •

., ~

certiric~~,lI e

D n~..

of mD..l' l' i age Via.s issued to

t!le li ce nse r e tu x'ned to

1 934 .


ii ecorder

Charles VanZandt M.pdf

Charles E.Collar ot Cato,Mo.,and Nove- ta Doty of Jenkins,Mo.I,the undersigned,. 'united in marriage the above ~arties;on. , the 4th.day ot A~.1934,at Gas8ville ...

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tI.ecorder of J:ja- rry Co. on t."fJ.e 5th. day of march 1934. Page 2 of 47 ... Charles Vanzandt E.pdf. Charles Vanzandt E.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In.

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by the Recorder of Harry t;O. l'ii.o.,Hetween,. Richard ... WITNESSES: Seth 'J:uttle & C.M.Bennett. A certificate of ... Page 3 of 47. Charles Vanzandt E.pdf.

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WITNESSES: Hm11is Hopkins and. Charlene Vanzandt • . ... WITNESSES: A.D.Byrd and Wife ·and Bernard. W.Mackin. .... Charles Vanzandt F.pdf. Charles ...

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November 1940. A certificate of marrmage. was issu~d to the parties,on the 23rd. , day of Nov .1940, and the license returned". , to the Re corder of' Barry Co.

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Back Story. Walter and Charles are fraternity brothers and childhood friends. During their collegiate years, they were nearly inseparable. However, after college ...

Walter (interrupting Charles) - Squarespace
community college in Chicago, while Charles followed the footsteps of his ... I know we had a wild past in college, but ... Walter: This all started about six years ago, Chuck. This is ..... Central Florida as a Religious Studies major & continued hi

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C'est lui qui appuya fortement auprès du. Conseil privé du roi, lors d'une mission à la Cour, pour l'accomplissement de laquelle il fut seul. élu par les Etats du ...

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