RegistrationNo. : RTU/Nnnl3l 12012

NationalFederation of IndianRailwaymen ROAD,NEWDELHI- 110055 3 , C H E L MSFORD Affiliatedto : IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federaiion(fF) No. IViNFIR/7 CPC (IMPy2O16lR.8.


Shri Suresh Prabhu, Hon'ble Minister for Railwavs. Rail lUantralaya, NewDelhi RespectedSir, Sub:

Chartgrof demands- Defermentof "Strike Action" on Govemment'sassurance-reg. ***{JF

Ar the ouiset, NFIR conveys its tlianks to the llori'ble Railn'ay Minister for his initiative u;hich had culminated into a meeting rvith the Group ol'Ministers (Hon'ble Finance Minister, Home Minister, Railway Minister and the Minister of Statefor Railways) on 30"'June 2016 and also a separatemeeting with the Hon'ble Home Minister on 06d'July 2016. Pursuanlto the discussionsin those meetingsheld belweeflthe NC/ICM {Staff Side) Leadersand the Hon'ble Ministers, an assurancewas gir,enby the Governmenton 6& July',2016 that High Level Committee rvould consider ?u'CPC issues- Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor etc., for satisfactory settlementtlrouSh di scussions. Federation is disappoinredto mention that although a Comrnittee headedb3, Addl. Secretary(Exp), Ministry of Finance, was constituted and a few meetings rn'ereheld with us, there has been no satisfactory progress. The main issues - Minimum Wage and Multiplying liactors are continued unresolved. Due to procrastinationof the matters,the Central Governmenternployeesin generaland Railway employeesin particular are seriously disappointedas they feel that the Governmentis not sincereto fuIfil| its assurances.The National Convention of NFIR held at Guwahati from g'l'to 11d'November,2016 has expressedgrave concem over nonfulfillment of assuranceand decidedto mobilize railway employeesfor sustainedsrruggle. NFIR, therefore,requeststhe Hon'ble MR to kindly apprisethe disappointedfeelings of the employeesto the Hon'ble Prirne Minister for his intervention to resolve the ?D CPC related issues* mainly improvemenfof I\{inimum Wage and Multiplying l;actor thloug& discussionswith the Stafl Side Federationsvery sool in order to preservethe healthy industrial relationsin Railways. Yours sincerelv.\

El N- ,l U (Dr. l\{. Raghavaiatr} I General Secretary Copy to Shri Manoj Sinha,Hon'ble Minister of Statefor Railways,Rail,New Delhi. Copy to Shri Rajen Gohain,Hon'ble Minister of State(Railu'a_vs) Rail Bhavan.New Delhi. Copy to the Chainnan,Railway Board, Nelv Delhi. Copy to the Mernber Staff, Railway Board, New Delhj. Copy to the lJirector General(Personnel),Railway Board, Ne.wDelhi. Copy to the ExecutiveDirector(IR). RailwayBoard.New Delhi. t/Capy to the GeneralSecretariesof af'filiatedUnions of NFIR. Media Cenke,/1.{FIR. File No. Ilr95l?an IX. File No. NFIR/AC/28/2O16/PartI.

Phone: 011-23143305,65027299, Rly. 030-22283,22626,Fax : 01 1-23744013,Rly. 22382,Telegram: RAILMAZDOR I . E-mail: [email protected]; Website: [email protected],


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