Q.4 Q.5 Q.6

Q.7 Q.8 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13


Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5

Define a) Crystalline solid b) Amorphous solid. Distinguish between them. Define a)Isomorphous b)Polymorphous c)Anisotropy d)Glass Classify the following solids in to different types a)Plastic b)P4 molecule c)S8 molecule d)Iodine molecule e)Tetra phosphorus decoxide f)Ammonium phosphate g)Brass h)Rubidium I)Graphite j)Diamond k) NaCl l)Silicon What is the type of hybridization that carbon undergoes in a)Diamond b)Graphite c)Fullerene Define a) Unit cell b)Space lattice c)Lattice point Describe the following crystal lattice with the help of diagram. a)Simple cubic b)Tetragonal c)Orthorhombic d)Monoclinic e)Triclinic f)Hexagonal g)Rhombohedral Write the number of particles, % of occupied space, in simple cubic, body centred and face centred cubic unit cell Explain a)Vacancy defect b)Interstitial defect c)Impurity defect Define semiconductor. Explain with example a) n- type b) p- type semiconductor Define a)Dimagnetic b)Paramagnetic c)Ferromagnetic Expalin Guoy’s method of weighing the substance. Classify the following semiconductors in to n or p type a)B doped with Si b)As doped with Si c)P doped with Si d)Ge doped with In TOPIC – Solution And Colligative Properties Define a) Solution b) Percentage by weight c)Percentage by volume c)Mole fraction d)Molarity e)Molality f)Parts per million g)Saturated solution h)Unsaturated solution i)Supersaturated solution j)Vapor pressure k)Solute i)Solvent Explain “Marine animal prefers to stay at lower level in summer”. State and explain Henry’s law. How does solubility of a gas varies with the temperature? What is colligative properties? Give examples. State and explain Raoult’s law.

(4) (1) (1)

(1) (1) (2)

(2) (2)

(1) (2) (2)


(2) (2) (3) (2)

Q.6 Q.7

Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14

How molar mass of solute is determine by relative lowering of vapour pressure? What is boiling point?What is elevation of boiling point?What is ebullioscopic constant? Give its unit. Derive the relation between elevation of boiling point and molar mass of solute. What is freezing point?What is depression of freezing point? Derive the relation between depression of freezing point and molar mass of solute. Define a)Semipermeable membrane b)Osmosis c)Isotonic solution d)Hypertonic solution c)Hypotonic solution State and explain a)van’t Hoff-Boyle’s b)van’t Hoff-Chale’s law c)van’t Hoff Avogadro’s law Derive general solution equation. What is osmotic pressure? Derive the relationship between osmotic pressure and molar mass of solute. Define a)Abnormal Molecular mass b)van’t Hoff factor Mention different ways of expressing concentration of a solution.

(3) (4)

(4) (1) (2) (2) (3) (1) (2)

Q.15 Define (a) Ebulloscopic constant (b) Cryoscopic constant Q.16 How van’t Hoff factor related with degree of dissociation? Q.17 What is effect of temperature on solubility of gas in a liquid? TOPIC – Chemical Thermodynamics And Energetics Q.1 Q.2

Define thermodynamics. Give its limitations. Define a)Open system b)Closed system c)Isolated system d)Intensive e)Extensive property f)Isothermal process g)Isobaric process h)Isochoric process i)Adiabatic process j)Reversible process k)Irreversible process Q.3 Classify the following properties in to extensive and intensive property a)mass b)volume c)internal energy d)heat capacity e)temp f) density g)surface tension h)viscosity i)refractive index j)m.p. k) b.p. l)specific heat m)molarity Q.4 Distinguish between isothermal and adiabatic process. Q.5 Derive the expression for work when a gas expands against constant external pressure. Q.6 A free expansion of a gas results in to no work. Explain Q.7 Derive the expression for maximum work for two moles of an ideal gas. Q.8 Define enthalpy. At constant pressure show that ∆H= ∆U + P. ∆ V Q.9 State first law of thermodynamics. Justify its mathematical expression. Q.10 Obtain relationship between ∆ H and ∆U for chemical reaction.What is the condition under which ∆H = ∆U



(2) (2) (2) (3) (3) (3) (2)

Q.11 What is the expression for work done in a chemical reaction. Explain the meaning of each term Q.12 Define enthalpy of a)fusion b)vaporization c)sublimation d)atomization e)ionization Q.13 Define standard enthalpy of a)Formation b)Combustion c)Reaction d)Bond enthalpy Q.14 State and explain Hess’s law. Give its applications. Q.15 Define entropy. Give its unit. What does entropy measure? Q.16 Define Gibb’s energy and change in Gibb’s energy. What are the units of Gibb’s energy? Q.17 State second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy and express it mathematically. Q.18 State third law of thermodynamics. What is its usefulness? Q.19 What are the conditions for spontaneous and non spontaneous reactions in terms of free energy change?

(2) (1) (1) (4) (3) (3) (2) (2)

TOPIC- Electrochemistry Q.1

Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16

Define a)Electrochemistry b)Molar conductivity c) Specific conductivity d)Cell constant e)Electrolytic cell f)Galvanic cell g)Electrolysis h)Standard potential i)Coulomb j)Faraday State and explain Kohlrausch law. What is salt bridge? Give its functions. Distinguish between electrolytic cell and galvanic cell Distinguish between electrolytic conductor and electronic conductor Explain the construction and working of Daniel cell Explain the construction and working of Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) What are the difficulties in setting of SHE. Explain the construction and working of Calomel electrode. Explain the construction and working of Dry cell. Explain the construction and working of fuel cell. Write its advantages. State and explain Faraday’s first law electrolysis. State and explain Faraday’s second law electrolysis. Write electrode reactions and overall reactions during discharging of lead storage cell. Define corrosion. Give any two methods of prevention of corrosion. Explain the measurement of E.M.F. of cell using a potentiometer.

Q.17 Write Nernst equation for single electrode potential and give the meaning of the terms involved in it.


(2) (2) (2) (2) (4) (4) (2) (4) (4) (4) (2) (2) (3) (3)

Q.18 What is electrochemical series? Give its applications. Q.19 Can copper sulphate solution be stored in an iron vessel? Explain. Q.20 With the help of equations ∆G0 = -nFE0 cell explain that cell potential is an intensive property.

TOPIC – Chemical Kinetics Q.1

Define a)Chemical Kinetics b)Rate of reaction c)Average rate d)Instantaneous rate e)Rate constant f)Order of reaction Q.2 Define rate law and explain it with one example. Give its applications. Q.3 What is integrated rate law? Derive the expression for integrated rate law for first order reaction. Q.4 What is half life of first order reaction? Derive the expression for half life of first order reaction. Q.5 What is zero order reaction? Derive the expression for rate constant of zero order reaction. Q.6 Derive the expression for half life for zero order reaction. Q.7 What is pseudo first order reaction? Explain it with suitable example. Q.8 Define a)Molecularity b)Rate determining step c)Reaction intermediate d)Catalyst Q.9 Distinguish between molecularity and order of the reaction Q.10 Define activation energy. Write Arrhenius equation and explain the terms involved in it. TOPIC – General Principles And Process Of Isolation Of Elements Q.1

Define a)Mineral b)Ore c)Pyrometallurgy d)Hydrometallurgy d)Electrometallurgy Q.2 What are the different methods used in metallurgy? Q.3 Define concentration of ore. Explain froth flotation process. Q.4 Draw the diagram of a)Hydraulic classifier b)Magnetic Separation c)Froth flotation Q.5 Define roasting and calcinations. Distinguish between them. Q.6 Define a)Leaching b)Smelting c)Flux d)Slag Q.7 What is Ellingham diagram? What are its silent features? Q.8 Draw the diagram of a)Liquation b)Electro refining c)Zone refining Q.9 Explain)Mond process b)van Arkel method Q.10 Draw the diagram of a)Vertical retort b)Electrolytic cell for Al c)Bessemer converter

(1) (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)

(1) (2) (3) (2) (3) (4) (3) (2) (2) (2)

Q.11 Write the formula of a)Zinc belnde b)Calamine c)Zincite d)Willemite e)Haematite f)Limonite g)Magnetite h)Siderite i)Pyrite j)Bauxite k) Diaspore l) Corundum m)Cryolite n)Copper glance o)Cuprite p)Malachite q)Azurite


Q.12 Write the reactions involved in the zone of reduction in blast furnace during extraction of silver from its ore by leaching process. Q.13 Write the reactions involved in the zone of reduction in blast furnace during extraction of iron.

TOPIC p-Block Elements Group- 18 Elements Q.1 Write the uses of inert gases. Give their electronic configurations.


Group -17 Elements Q.1 Write the formulae and names of fluorine minerals. Q.2 What are interhalogen compounds? Give examples. Q.3 Fluorine shows only -1 oxidation state whereas other halogens show along with -1 also +1, +3, +5 and +7. Explain Q.4 Write uses of fluorine. Q.5 Draw the structures of ClF3, ClF5 and IF7 Q.6 What are the different oxyacids of halogens? Q.7 Explain anomalous behaviour of fluorine with other elements of group 17 with reference to (a) Hydrogen bonding (b) Oxidation state (c) Polyhalide Q.8 Write four uses of hydrochloric acid. Write chemical formula of the following oxoacids of chlorine : a) Hypochlorous acid b) Chlorous acid c)Chloric acid d)Perchloric acid. Q.8 What is the action of chlorine on the following (a) Cold and dilute caustic soda (b) Potassium bromide solution

(3) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3)

Group -16 Elements Q.1

Why are the first ionization energies of the higher elements of group 16 lower than those of group 15 elements? Q.2 What is the action of following elements on sulphur? a)NaOH b)Fluorine C)Carbon d)Copper Q.3 What are the different types of oxides? Give examples. Q.4 Explain : Protective umbrella as ozone for UV from sun. Q.5 Why water is a liquid and hydrogen sulphide is a gas? Q.6 Explain the structure of SO2molecule. Q.7 How sulphuric acid manufactured by contact process? Q.8 Write the uses of sulphuric acid Q.9 Explain anomalous behavior of oxygen as compared with other elements of group 16 with refrence to (a) Magnetic property (b) Oxidation state (c)Hydride Q.10 Write the molecular formula and structures of the following compounds. (a) Dithionic acid (b) Peroxy monosulphuric acid (c) Pyrosulphuric acid (d)Dithionous acid Q.11 What is the action of dioxygen on a)Calcium b)Iron c)Carbon sulphide Q.12 Write the resonating structures of ozone.

(2) (4) (3) (2) (2) (2) (4) (2) (3)

Group -15 Elements Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8

Name the oxides of nitrogen Draw the structures of N2O3 and N2O5 What is the oxidation state of nitrogen in N2O4 Draw the structures of red and white phosphorous. What is the oxidation states of phosphorous in H4P2O6 and H4P2O7 What is action of nitrogen on a)Magnesium b)Hydrogen c)Oxygen How phosphine is prepared? Describe the laboratory method for preparation of ammonia

Q.9 What is the action of hot/conc. nitric acid on (a) Arsenic (b) Antimony Q.10 Draw the structure of (a) Orthophosphoric acid (b) Pyrophosphoric acid Q.11 Explain how does nitrogen exhibit anomalous behavior among group 15 Q.12 What is action of following reagents on ammonia?(a) Nessler’s reagents (b) Sodium metal Q.13 Explain brown ring test with the help of chemical equation.

(2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3) (2)

SYJC QUESTION BANK SECTION-II SUBJECT-CHEMISTRY Topic –d-and f-block elements Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17

What are d- block and f- block elements? Explain the meaning of a) Transition series b)Inner transition series Explain the postion of a)d- block elements b)Lanthanoids c)Actinoids Explain the oxidation states of first row elements of transition series. Explain the oxidation states of lanthanoids and actinoids Why do lanthanoids form coloured compounds? Explain most of the trasition metals compounds are remarkably coloured. Explain chromium has electronic configuration 3d5 4s1 and not 3d4 4s2 Why does copper show abnormal electronic configuration? What are actinoids?What are transuranic elements? Explain compounds of copper (II) are coloured but those of zinc are colourless? What are interstial compounds ? Why do these compounds have higher melting points than corresponding pure metals? Differentiate between lanthanoids and actinoids? What are chemical twins? Give examples. Explain why Gd+3 is colourless? What is the action of acidified potassium dichromate on a) SO2 b) KI What is lanthanoid contraction?What are its causes? What are its effects?

(2) (2) (3) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (4) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3)

Q.18 Explain the structure of a)Manganate ion b)Permanganate ion (2) c)Chromate ion d)Dichromate ion Q.19 Give reasons:(a) Zinc salts are white (b)Transition metals shows catalytic properties (c)Manganese shows variable oxidation states Q.20 Write outer observed electronic configuration of (a) Gadolinium (b)Ytterbium Q.21 Write the different oxidation states of manganese. Why +2 oxidation state of Mn is more stable? Q.21 Write the observed electronic configuration of elements from first transition series having half filled d-orbitals Q.21 Write the balanced chemical equations for action of potassium dichromate on (a) Hydrogen (b) Warm conc.H2SO4 Explain why Mn+2 is more stable than Mn+3 Q.22 What is the position of of iron (Z=26) in periodic table? Explain why Fe+3 More stable than Fe+2?

Topic- Coordination Compounds Q.1

Define the terms a) Coordination compounds b)Ligands c)Coordination Number Q.2 Explain the following terms with suitable examples a)Mono or unidentate ligand b)Poly or multidentate ligands c)Ambidentate ligands d)Homoleptic complexes e)Heteroleptic complexes.f)Cationic complexes g)Anionic complexes Q.3 What is the difference between double salt and coordination compounds. Q.4 What is EAN rule? Calulate the EAN of-cobalt (Z=27) in [Co(NH3)6]+3 And of zinc(Z=30) in [Zn(NH3)4]SO4 Q.5 Give the IUPAC name of following complexesQ.6 Explain with suitable examples the following isomerism a) Ionisation b)Linkage c)Coordination d)Hydrate Q.7 Explain the structure of following complex compounds with the help of Valency Bond Theory a)Ni(CO)4 b)[NiCl4]2- c)[Ni(CN)4]2d)[Cu(NH3)4]2+ e) )[Co(NH3)6] 3+ f)[CoF6]3Q.8 Explain superiority of CFT over VBT Q.9 Explain the application of coordination compounds in a) Biology b)Medicine c)Estimation of hardness of water d)Electroplating Q. 10 What is Spectrochemical series? What are the strong field and weak field ligands? Q.11 Calculate magnetic moment of Fe+2(aq) (Z=26)

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Q.12 Write the formulae of following compounds. (a) Sodium hexanitro-N-cobaltate (b) Tetraaquodichlorochromium(III)chloride (c) Potassium tetracyanoaurate(III) ion Q.13 Write the four characteristics of co-ordinate complex ion. Q.14 On the basis of valence bond theory explain the nature of bonding in [CoF6]3ion Write the IUPAC name of [Co(NO2)3(NH3)3]

Topic – Halogen derivatives Of Alkanes And Arenes Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4

Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9



Q.12 Q13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19

What are alkyl halides? How are they classified? Write the IUPAC names of How is ethyl bromide prepared from a)Ethyl alcohol b) Ethane c)Ethene ? Write the preparation of isopropyl chloride from the following reagents a) PCl3 b) PCl5 c)Cl2 d)HCl e)SOCl2 How is –X group replaced by following functional groups? a)-OH b)-CN c)-NC d)NH2 Write a note on a)Sandmeyer’s reaction b)Wurtz reaction c)Finkelstein reaction d)Fittig reaction e)Friedel Craft reaction Give the structure of Convert 1- Chlorobutane in to the following compounds a)Butan-1-ol b)1-Iodobutane c)CH3-CH2-CH2-CN d) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-O-C- CH3 For each pair of compounds, state which compound is better SN2substrate? a)2-Bromobutane and isopropyl bromide b)1-Iodo- 2,2,- dimethyl propane or isopropyl iodide Choose the member that will react faster from the following pairs by SN1mechanism? a)1-Bromo-2,2-dimethyl propane or 2-Bromopropane b)2-Iodo-2-methyl butane or 2-Iodo-3-methyl butane c)1-Chloropropane or 2- chloropropane d)2-Iodo-2-methyl butane or t-butyl chloride Predict the expected products of substitution reactions a)isobutyl chloride + sodium ethoxide b) n- butyl chloride + sodium c)1-Chloropropane + aq. Potassium hydroxide d)Aniline + NaNO2/HCl Identify chiral and achiral molecules a) CH3-CH-CH2-CH3 b)CH3-CH-Br2 c)CH3-CH(OH) Br d) Discuss SN2 mechanism of methyl bromide using aqueous KOH. Draw energy profile diagram. Discuss SN1 mechanism of t-butyl bromide using aqueous KOH. Draw energy profile diagram. Differentiate between SN1 and SN2 mechanism Explain the nature of C-X bond in a) CH3-CH2-CH2-X b) What are uses and environmental effects of a) DDT b) Iodoform c)Chloroform d)Carbon tetrachloride Arrange the following group in descending order of priority -NH2 -SO3H -OCH3 -COOH and -Cl Assign R or S designation to each of the following structures.

(3) (1) (3) (1)

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(1) (4) (4) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)

Q.20 Define a)Asymmetric carbon atom b)Plane polarized light c)Optical activity d)Enatiomers e)d-Isomer f) l-Isomer g)Recemic mixtureh)Chilarity Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24

Explain the optical activity of a)Lactic acid b)2-Chlorobutane (3) State and explain Markownikoff’s rule with suitable example. Draw the structure of DDT. Why does p-nitrochlorobenzene undergo displacement reactions readily with attack of nucleophile OH- ion? Q.25 Convert Chlorobenzene to a)Phenol b)Cyanobenzene c)Aniline d)1,2 dichlorobenzene e)Mixture of 1-Chloro-2-nitrobenzene and 1-Chloro-4nitrobenzene f)Mixture of 2-Chlorobenzene sulphonic acid and 4-Chlorobenzene sulphonic acid g) Mixture1-Chloro-2-methylbenzene 1-Chloro-4-methylbenzene

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6

Topic –Alohols What are alcohols? How are they classified? What are monohydric alcohols? How are they classified? Give the IUPA names of -------Write the structures of------Explain: Alcohols have higher boiling points than corresponding alkanes.

Convert the followings. a)Ethyl bromide to Ethyl alcohol b)Ethene to Ethyl alcohol c)Ethanal to Ethyl alcohol d)Propanone to Isopropyl alcohol e)Formaldehyde to Ethyl alcohol f)Ethanal to Propan-2-ol g)Propanone to t-Butyl alcohol h)Acetic acid to Ethyl alcohol i)But-2-en-1-al to But-2en-1-ol j)Ethyl propanoate to Ethyl alcohol Q.7 Convert ethyl alcohol in to followings. a)Sodium ethoxide b)Ethyl acetate c)Ethyl chloride c)Ethyl bromide d)Ethyl iodide e)Ethene Q.8 Write the mechanism a)Hydration of ethylene to ethyl alcohol b)Converstion of 3-Methyl butan-2-ol to 2-Methyl butan-2-ol Q.9 What is dehydration of alcohol? What is the action of Conc. H2SO4 at differ conditions on a) Ethyl alcohol b)iso-Propyl alcohol c)t-Butyl alcohol Q.10 Differentiate between a) Ethyl alcohol b)iso-Propyl alcohol c)t-Butyl alcohol on the basis of oxidation products. Q.11 What are the uses of alcohols.

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(3) (2)

Topic –Phenols What are phenols? How are they classified? How phenol prepared from a)Chlorobenzene b)Isopropyl benzene c)Benzene sulphonic acid d)Aniline Q.3 What is action of followings on phenol? a)Br2 in CS2 b) Br2 water c)dil HNO3 d)Conc. HNO3 e) Conc. H2SO4 at room temp. f) Conc. H2SO4 at 373K g)Zinc dust h)Chromic aid Q.4 Write a note on Kolbe’s reaction. Q.5 Write a note on Remer- Tiemann’s reaction Q.6 Give distinguish colour test between alcohols and phenols Q.7 What are uses of phenols. Topic –Ethers Q.1 What are ethers? How are they classified? Q.2 Give the IUPAC names of ----Q.3 What is metamerism? Write the structures of metamers of C4H10O Q.4 How diethyl ether prepared by Continous etherification process? Q.5 How a) Diethyl ether b)Ethyl methyl ether prepared by Willamsons synthesis? Q.6 How a) Diethyl ether b)Ethyl methyl ether prepared by diazomethane Q.7 What is action of cold HI and hot HI on a) Diethyl ether b)Ethyl methyl ether Q.8 What is action of dil .H2SO4 on a) Diethyl ether b)Ethyl methyl ether Q.9 What is action of followings on anisol a) Br2 in acetic acid b) CH3Cl in Anhyd. AlCl3 c)CH3COCl d) Conc. HNO3 Q.10 What are the uses of diethyl ether. Topic –Aldehydes And Ketones Q.1 What are aldehydes and ketones? Q.2 Explain the structure of carbonyl group Q.3 Give the IUPA names of -------Q.4 Write the structures of------Q.5 Convert a) Ethanol to Ethanal b)Propan-2-ol to Propanone Q.6 Convert a) 1,1-Dichloroethane to Ethanal b)2,2-Dichloroethane to Propanone Q.7 Convert a) Ethene to Methanal b)But-2-ene to Ethanal Q.7 Convert a) But-2-yne to Butanone b) But-1-yne to Butanone Q.8 Convert a) Calcium formate to Methnal b) Calcium acetate and calcium formate to propanone c)Calcium acetate and calcium propionate to Butanone Q.9 Convert a) Pent-3-ennitrile to Pent-3-enal b)Benzonirile to Benzophenone Q.10 How will you prepare Benzaldehyde from a)Toluene b)Benzene Q.1 Q.2

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Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16

Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25

c)Benzoyl chloride Explain the mechanism of Addition of HCN to Benzaldehyde What is the action of HCN on a)Acetaldehyde b)Acetone What is the action of NaHSO3on a)Acetaldehyde b)Acetone What is the action of Ethyl alcohol on a)Acetaldehyde b)Acetone What is the action of NH3 on a)Acetaldehyde b)Acetone c)Formaldehyde What is action of followings on Acetaldehyde a)R-NH2 b) NH2OH c)NH2- NH2 d)H2N-NH-C6H5 e) 2,4-Dinitrophyenylhydrazine f)Semicarbzide Write a note on a) Clemmensen Reduction b) Wolff- Kishner reaction Explain pinacol formation What is the action of following on acetaldehyde a)Fehling solution b)Tollen’s reagent c)Schiff reagent Write a note on Haloform reaction Write a note on Aldol Condensation reaction Write a note on Cannizzaro reaction Convert Benzaldehyde to m-nitrobenzaldehyde What is Stephen reaction?

(2) (2) (2) (2) (3) (1)

(2) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (1) (2)

Write the structure and IUPAC names of isomeric aldehydes having molecular formula C5H10O

Topic- Carboxylic Acids Q.1 What are carboxylic acids? Q.2 Give the IUPA names of -------Q.3 Write the structures of------Q.4 Convert a) Ethyl alcohol to Acetic acid b) Phenyl ethane to Benzoic Acid c)Cyclohexene to Adipic acid Q.5 Convert a) Acetonitile to Acetic acid b)Methyl magnesium iodide to Acetic acid Q.6 What is action of following on acetic acid a)Na b)NaOH c)Na2CO3 d)NaHCO3 Q.7 What is action of following on acetic acid a)SOCl2 b)PCl3 c)PCl5 Q.8 Convert Acetic acid in to a)Ethyl acetate b)Acetic anhydride c)Acetamide Q.9 Convert a) Cyclopropane carboxylic acid to Cyclopropylmethanol b)Sodium acetate to Methane Q.10 Write anote on Hell-Vohlard-Zelinsky reaction Q.11 Convert Benzoic acid to a0 m-nitrobenzoic acid b)m-bromobenzoic acid Q.12 Give the uses of carboxylic acid

(1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) (3) (2) (2) (2) (2)

Topic –Nitroalkanes Q.1 How nitroehtane prepared from a) Ethane b)Ethyl bromide Q.2 Convert a)Chloro sodium aetate to nitromethane b)t-Butyl amine to t-Nitroalkane c)2-methyl -1-nitropropene to Nitroethane d)Acetoldoxime to Nitroethane e)Acetoxime to 2-Nitro propane Q.3 What is action of dil HCl /dil H2SO4 on a)Primary nitroalkane b)Secondary nitroalkane c)Tertiary nitroalkane Q.4 Write a note on nef carbonyl synthesis Q.5 What is the action of Br2 on a)1-Nitropropane b)2-Nitropropane Q.6 How will you distinguish between primary secondary and tertiary nitroalkane on the basis of nitrous acid(HNO2) Q.7 What is the action of benzaldehyde on nitromethane Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4

Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18

Topic-Amines What are amines? How are they classified? Give the IUPA names of -------Write the structures of------How will you prepared Ethyl amine (Ethanamine) from a)Ethyl bromide b)Pthalimide c)Acetoldoxime d)Nitroethane e)Acetonitrile f) Acetamide g)Propanamide Convert a)Acetoxime to isopropyl amine b)Nitrobenzene to Aniline c)Benzamide to Aniline Why amines are basic in nature? What is action of a) HCl b) H2SO4 on ethyl amine Why amines are weak base? What is the action of nitrous acid on a)Ethyl amine b)Aniline c)Diethyl amine d)Triethyl amine What is action of acetic anhydride on a)Ethyl amine b)Aniline c)Diethyl amine d)Triethyl amine Write a note on Hoffmann’s exhaustive methylation What is quaternary ammonium salt?How are they prepared? Write a note on Hoffmann’s elimination. Convert a)Ethyl amine to Ethyl isocyanide b)Aniline to Phenyl isocyanide How will you distinguish between a)Ethyl amine b) Diethyl amine c) Triethyl amine on the reaction with benzene sulphonyl chloride What is action of followings on Aniline a)Br2water b)Acetic anhydride c)Conc.HNO3 d)Conc. H2SO4 Convert a)Aniline to Benzenediazonium chloride b)Benzenediazonium chloride to Phenol Write a note on coupling reaction.

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Topic –Biomolecules Q.1 Q.2

Define biomolecules. What are carbohydrates? How carbohydrates are classified on the basis of hydrolysis product? Define and give two examples of a)Sugars b)Non sugars

(1) (4)

Define and give two examples of a)Reducing Sugars b)Non reducing sugars How glucose prepared from a)Sucrose b)Starch



What is the action of followings on glucose a)Hot HI b)HCN c)NH2OH d)Br2water e)dil HNO3 f)Acetic anhydride



Draw the structure of a) -D-(+) Glucopyranose(trans) b) -D-(+) Glucopyranose(cis) Write the reactions that indicates the presence of of –CHO group in glucose. Enlist the properties of glucose that cannot be explained on the baisi of open structure of it. What are proteins? How are they classified on basis of structure What are amino acids? How are they classified?Give examples. What is Zwitter ion? How it is formed? What is peptide linkage? How it is formed? What is denaturation of proteins? What are enzymes? Give examples. What are a)Lipids b)Simple lipids c)Complex lipids. Give examples. Define complex lipids. Mention two functions of lipids. Draw simple Fisher projection formulae of D-(+) glucose and D-(-)-fructose. What are hormones/ Give examples. What are vitamins? How vitamins are classified on the basis of a)Solubility b)Chemical structure. Write the structures of a)Nucleotide b)Nucleoside What are three different types of RNA?


Q.3 Q.4 Q.5

Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22



Topic –Polymers Q.1

Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6

What are polymers? How polymers are classified on the basis of a)Source b)Structure c)Polymerization process. d)Molecular forces. e)Growth polymerization What are a)Homopolymers b)Heteropolymers? Give examples. Give the preparation and properties of a)Nylon-6 b)Nylon-6,6 c)Terylene d)Bakelite e)Melamine Write a note on Vulcanization of rubber. Give the preparation of a)Buna –S b)Buna-N c)Neoprene d)Butyl rubber e) Novolac What are biodrgradable and nonbiodegradable polymers? Give examples.


(2) (2) (2) (2) (2)

Topic –Chemistry in everyday life Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16

Define a)Drug b)Chemotherapy What are the different ways of classification of drug Define and give two examples of a)Analgesic b)Narcotic Analgesic c)Non narcotic analgesic What are tranquilizers? Give two examples. What are its side effects? What are antibiotics? Explain the terms with examples a)Bactericidal and b)bacteriostatic antibiotics. What is the difference between them? Define and give two examples of a)Antiseptic b)Disinfectant What are antifertility drug? Give examples What are antacids? Give examples. What antihistamines? Give examples. What is the difference between them. What are food preservatives? Give physical and chemical methods of food preservation. What are artificial sweetening agents?Give examples. What are antioxidants? Give molecular formula and structure of BHA and BHT What are soap? How are they prepared? What are detergents? What are the different types of detergents? Give examples. Explain: Detergents are superior than soaps. Explain the cleansing action of soap Give the structure of (a) Aspirin (b)Saccharine (c)Salvarsin

(1) (2) (2) (3) (2) (2) (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3) (3)


Q.12 Define enthalpy of a)fusion b)vaporization c)sublimation d)atomization. e)ionization. (1). Q.13 Define standard enthalpy of a)Formation b)Combustion c)Reaction d)Bond. enthalpy. (1). Q.14 State and explain Hess's law. Give its applications. (4). Q.15 Define entropy. Give its unit. What does entropy measure? (3).

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