
(12) United States Plant Patent Bergman (54)


La“? Name/1


Vanetal Denommanon: Inventor:


Assignee: Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Basel

( 21


Int. Cl. A01H 5/00


US. Cl.


Field of Classi?cation Search .................. .. Flt/287


........................................ ..


See application ?le for complete search history.

Wendy R. Bergman, Gilroy, CA (US)

Primary Examiner i Kent L Ben

(74) Attorney’ Agent’ or Flrm i Joshua L' Pnce



Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this

A 116W Chrysanthemum plant named ‘CIDZ0010’ particu

patent is extended or adjusted under 3 5 U_S,C, 154(b) by 0 days,

larly distinguished by the spoon-type yellow and orange-red bicolored ray ?orets, dark yellow-green foliage, excellent ?owering uniformity, good branching and an eight week

APP 1. No.: 13/136,575

(22) Filed:

Oct. 9, 2012





US PP23,102 P2

(45) Date of Patent:



(10) Patent N0.:


?owering resP onse.

Aug. 4, 2011

1 Drawing Sheet


2 ‘CIDZ0010’ has not been observed under all possible envi

Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed:


ronmental conditions. The phenotype may vary signi?cantly

Varietal denomination: ‘CIDZ0010’ .

with variations in environment such as temperature, light

intensity and day length.


A Plant Breeder’ s Right for this cultivar was applied for in

The present invention comprises a new Chrysanthemum, botanically known as Chrysanlhemumxmorzfolium, and hereinafter referred to by the variety name ‘CIDZ0010’. ‘CIDZ0010’ is a product of a planned breeding program. The new cultivar has spoon-type yellow and orange-red bicol ored ray ?orets, dark yellow-green foliage, excellent ?ower

Canada on Aug. 17, 2010 (IO-7068). ‘CIDZ0010’ has not been made publicly available more than one year prior to the

?ling of this application. The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be basic characteristics of the new variety. The

ing uniformity, good branching and an eight week ?owering

combination of these characteristics distinguishes this Chry


sanlhemum as a new and distinct variety.

‘CIDZ0010’ originated from a hybridization made in June 2006 in a controlled breeding environment in Salinas, Calif., USA. The female parent was the proprietary plant designated ‘YB-B0607’, unpatented, with bronze ray ?oret color and fewer disc ?orets.


in?orescence and foliage characteristics of ‘CIDZ0010’ with

The male parent of ‘CIDZ0010’ was an unpatented, pro

colors being as true as possible with an illustration of this

prietary plant identi?ed as ‘YB-A8052’ with dark yellow, spoon-type ray ?orets. The resultant seed was sown in Octo

ber 2006 in Fort Myers, Fla., USA.

The accompanying photographic drawing shows typical

type 25

‘CIDZ0010’ was selected as one ?owering plant within the progeny of the stated cross in March 2007 in a controlled

The photographic drawing shows in FIG. 1 four ?owering pottedplants of the new variety, and in FIG. 2 a close-up of the in?orescence.

environment in Fort Myers, Fla., USA. The ?rst act of asexual reproduction of ‘CIDZ0010’ was


accomplished when vegetative cuttings were propagated from the initial selection in June 2007 in a controlled envi


The plant descriptions, measurements and aforementioned photographs were taken in Gilroy, Calif. in early May 2011 under natural light. These plants were propagated and grown in Nipomo, Calif. and shipped to Gilroy, Calif. for the data collection and photographs. These plants were approximately


inch pot under greenhouse trial conditions.

ronment in Fort Myers, Fla., USA. BRIEF SUMMARY OF INVENTION

Horticultural examination of plants grown from cuttings of the plant initiated in June 2007, and continuing thereafter, has demonstrated that the combination of characteristics as herein disclosed for ‘CIDZ0010’ are ?rmly ?xed and are

retained through successive generations of asexual reproduc tion.

eleven weeks of age; grown as four plants together in a six Color references are made to The Royal Horticultural Soci

ety Colour Chart (R.H.S.) 2001.

US PP23,102 P2 3




lj1peiCompositae type, solitary in?orescences, deco DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE NEW VARIETY ‘CIDZOOlO,

rative-type, borne terminally above foliage, ray ?orets



arranged acropetally on a capitulum.

‘DaZZlingYoneW York’


Quantity of short days to ?owering (response time).i


(U.S. Plant Pat. No. 17,438)

In?orescence diameter:



Quantity ofin?orescences PerplanLA-i

About 8 Weeks_

Quantity ofray ?orets: Ray ?orets: I

Little less Spoon-type

Little more Flat

Lastingness ofindividual blooms 01’! the plantiAbout 4 Weeks'

Quantity of disc ?orets:

Many more

Much fewer


Fragrancaisligh?y Spicy‘

Bud (just When opening/shoWing color): Plant

ColoniRHS 10D ground With RHS 35D upper With

Form, growth and habitiHerbaceous decorative potdarker, irregl?ar Streaks of RHS 35C type, stems upright, freely branching, strong and 15 .0-l.5 cm. moderately vigorous groWth habit. Widthil .5 cm. Plant height.*l8.0 cm. Shape.4Oblate. Plant height (in?orescence included).i24-26.0 cm. Immature in?OreSCenCeZ Plant width.*20-24.0 cm.

Diemeleri8-lo-o Cm



Number ofdays to initiate rootsiAbout 4 days at about

Color of ray ?orets, upper surfaceiClosest to RHS

lgglsigulckly havmg Shght Smanons and aplces of

22 degrees C.


Number ofdays to produce a rooted cuttingiAbout l0 days at 22 degrees C' lj/peiFine, ?brous, free branching.



LogieghiuslglilgteiiogcsalggeasggesgsRli?sgi?mckly havmg 25 Mature in?orescence: piamelekil 1 _13 Cm_ Depzh_i2_5_3_0 Cm_ Total diameter of ‘disc’.*2.0-2.3 cm.

ColoniRHS N155B but Whiter.


ArrangementiAlternate, simple.

Receptacle height-41108 Cm

Immature, leafcolor, upper surfaceiClosest to RHS 30

Receptacle diamelekill Cm

147A Lower surfaceiRHS 137B but appears lighter due to

Ray ?orets: Average quantity of ?orels'iApproximately 100 in


Collblienoj‘l?bljeiihicipioser surface RHS 12B ground color

Malzzgi leaf color’ upper sw?lce'iclosest to RHS 35 '


34C, maturin to more

L0We_r Surface'iRHS 137B but appears hghter due to

Texture, upper surfaceiBi?d T-shaped hairs.

34c to RHS 34D and ?nally fading to more RHS 8B



Lower surfaceiBi?d T-shaped hairs. Color of veins, upper surfaceiRHS 147B but lighter. Color ofveins, lower surfaceiRHS 147B but lighter.

With hardly any red color. Lower surfaceiRHS 12C overlaid With irregular shades of RHS N34C. Leng;h_‘4_6_5_ 5 Cm_ VVidZh_i()_6_1_1 Cm_ Shapeilnitially spoon and most mature to totally open


Apex shapeiMostly obtuse. Mlll’g in -*EI1Ii1‘e; slightly fused. Texture) upper sulface-ipap?lose

Petiole coloniRHS 147B but lighter. Length.i2.3-2.5 cm.

elloW lookin as it loses the

red, becoming RHS 9C§vvith slight striations of RHS


Lenglh'i6's'7's Cm' Width-‘4957 6111Shape-43W“?Base shapeiAttenuate. Apex shapeiMucronulate. Margin .iPalmately lobed; irregularly serrate.

overlaid With slight striations of RHS 34B to RHS

Lower sun‘hee-iPapillose 50 Disc ?oretsr

Diamezekio_2_o_3 Cm_ TexmraiBi?d T_Shaped haim

Average quantity of?oretsiApproximately 120. Color of?oretsiRHS 1C but greener and With RHS 6A



Quantity of main branches per plant.*4-5. Color of stemiRHS 137B but appears lighter due to 55 hairs. Length ofstem.*20.-2l .0 cm. _

ShapeiTubular, elongated. Apex shapeiAcute, 5 pointed. Phyllaries:

Dlamezekfo'él'o'éls Cm'

QuantityiApproximately 70.

Length ofm'lemodes-ilj'gj Cm60 Texlu"e ~iB1?d T'shaped halrsColor ofpeduncleiRHS 137B but appears lighter due

Color, upper surface.4Closest to RHS 137A. Lower surfaceiRHS C137A but appears lighter due to haim

to hairs. Length ofpeduncle.*2.0-2.5 cm. Peduncle diameter40.4 cm.

Length.40.4-0.5 cm. WidZhiOJ-OQ cm. ShapeiLanceolate.

TextureiBi?d T-shaped hairs.


Apex shapeiAcute.

US PP23,102 P2 5



Color of?lamenmiRHS 155C.

MarginxiEntire; inner ones are more papery or trans-

Length ?laments.40.3-0.4 cn1.


Texture, upper surfaceiGlabrous. Lower surfaceiBi?d T-shaped hairs.

Reproductive Organs; PiSZiLiL Found on bozh?orezs_iyes_

Length.40.7-0.8 cm. Style coloriRHS lC but more green.

Style length.40.8 cm. Stigma coloniRHS 6A.

Stigma shapeiBi-parted. Ovary coloriNot observed.

Anther coloriRHS 13A.


Anlhel’ lenglh-4o-l Cm. Anlhei’ sllllpe-4OblOng

Color ofpolleniNot observed. Pollen amountiNot observed. Fertility/seed setiHas not been observed on this


10 Disease/pest resistance: Disease/pest resistance has not been observed on this hybrid. What is claimed is: 1. A neW and distinct variety of Chrysanthemum plant named ‘CIDZOOlO’ substantially as illustrated and described 15 herein.

Stamens.*4. Found on only disc?orets.iYes.






U S. Patent

Oct. 9, 2012

fig. 2a

US PP23,102 P2

Chrysanthemum plant named 'CIDZ0010'

Aug 4, 2011 - Primary Examiner i Kent L Ben. (73) Assignee: Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Basel. (74) Attorney' Agent' or Flrm i Joshua L' Pnce. (CH). (57).

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