
(12) United States Plant Patent

(10) Patent No.:

Blom (54)

US PP22,616 P2

(45) Date of Patent:




Latin Name. chwsamhemumxmonfolium Ramat_ Varietal Denomination: Zanmudenali

(52) (58)



Wi lb e 1 mus B ernar d us B] om,

Int. Cl. A01H 5/00


US. Cl. ..................................................... .. Plt./288 Field of Classi?cation Search ................. .. Plt./288, ~

Leimuiden (NL)

Apr. 3, 2012




See appl1cat1on ?le for complete search hlstory.


Assignee: Chrysanthemum Breeders Association Research B.V_,Va1kenburg Z-H (NL)

Primary Examiner * Kent L Ben (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Steptoe & Johnson LLP



(57) ABSTRACT A chrysanthemum plant named ‘Zanmudenali’ characterized . . . . . by its large sized blooms w1th wh1te ray ?orets and proh?c branching, and a response time of 7.5 weeks.

Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Patent 15 extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.

(21) App1_ NO; 12/923,735



Oct. 6, 2010

3 Drawing Sheets

1 Botanical


2 Chrysanthemumxmorifolium

FIG. 1 shows a plant of the cultivar in full bloom.

RamatCultivar denomination: ‘Zanmudenali’.

FIG. 2 shows the various stages of bloom of the new cul tivar. FIG. 3 shows the various stages of foliage of the new cultivar.

BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar


of chrysanthemum plant, botanically known as Chrysanthe mumxmorifolium Ramat., and hereinafter referred to by the cultivar denomination ‘Zanmudenali’. ‘Zanmudenali’ is a

product of a breeding and selection program for pot mums which had the objective of creating new cultivars with an anemone type in?orescence, a medium plant height and a response time of 7-8 weeks. ‘Zanmudenali’ is a seedling resulting from a cross of the female parent id 44258 and the male parent id 8967. Plants of the new cultivar ‘Zanmudenali’

differ from plants of the female parent in the following char acteristics: (1) In?orescence siZe. The in?orescences of the female parent are smaller than those of the seedling. And (2), Vigor. Plants of the female parent are less vigorous than those


The observations and measurements were gathered in May 2010 from plants grown in a controlled environment (green

house) in Rij senhout, The Netherlands, in a photo-periodic


controlled crop under conditions generally used in commer cial practice. Three cuttings were planted in a pot with a diameter of 12 cm. The greenhouse temperatures for this crop were at daytime C. to C., and at night

about C. The photo-periodic response time in this crop was 7.5 weeks after an average of eight long days. After

this long day period growth retardants (Alar) were applied six 20

times in an average dose of 1.5 gram/liter water until ?ower

of the seedling. Plants of the new cultivar ‘Zanmudenali’

ing. The plants were observed (directly) during the ?owering

differ from plants of the male parent in plant vigor; the plants

of this crop. No tests were done on disease or insect resistance or susceptibility. No tests were done on cold or drought tol

of the male parent are less vigorous. The new and distinct cultivar was discovered and selected

as a ?owering plant within the progeny of the stated cross by Wilhelmus Bernardus Blom in a controlled environment

erance. To show the phenotype as described ‘Zanmudenali’ 25

can be planted without assimilation lighting (high pressure


sodium lamps) between week 50 and week 40 of the next year under greenhouse conditions in the Netherlands. With assimi lation lighting (minimum level 2500 lux) it can be planted all year round under greenhouse conditions in The Netherlands. This new variety produces large sized blooms with white

(greenhouse) in Rijsenhout, The Netherlands in April 2003. The ?rst act of asexual production of ‘Zanmudenali’ was

accomplished when vegetative cuttings were used from the initial selection in June 2003 and propagated further in a

controlled environment in Rij senhout, The Netherlands. The

?orets and a response time of 7.5 weeks. From the cultivars known to inventor the most similar

new cultivar has been found to retain its distinctive charac

teristics through successive propagations, although the phe notype may somewhat vary with variations in environment

such as light intensity and temperature.



The present invention of a new and distinct variety of

chrysanthemum is shown in the accompanying drawings, the color being as nearly true as possible with color photographs of this type.


existing cultivar in comparison to ‘Zanmudenali’ is ‘Letitia Time Improved’ (US. Plant Pat. No. 18,359). When ‘Letitia Time Improved’ and ‘Zanmudenali’ are being compared the following difference is noticed: The difference of ‘Letitia Time Improved’ and ‘Zanmudenali’ are (1) In?orescence type. And (2) Ray ?oret color. (1) The in?orescence type in ‘Letitia Time Improved’ is single, that of ‘Zanmudenali’ is anemone. (2) The ray-?orets of ‘Letitia Time Improved’ are cream colored, while those of ‘Zanmudenali’ are white.

US PP22,616 P2 4 The following is a description of the plant and character

TABLE l-continued

istics that distinguish ‘Zanmudenali’ as a new and distinct Botanical Description of Chrysanlhemum xmonfolium


Ramat. ‘Zanmudenali’

The color designations are taken from the plant itself. Accordingly, any discrepancies between the color designa- 5 Shap? photographic tions and the tolerances. colors depicted The color in thechart photographs used in this aredescripdue to

Funnel White 155D at apex,Yellow 9D at base 1.2 cm


0.2 cm

tion is: The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, edition 2001-


Receptacle 10


Yellow-green 145D Domed raised

Botanical Description of Chrysanlhemum xmorzfolium


Ramat. ‘Zanmudenali’


5 mm


6 mm

Bud Size


15 Reproductive Organs Medium; cross-section 7 mm, height 6



Stamen length

3 mm


Stamen color

Yellow-green 144A

Present on disc ?orets only



Outside Color Phyllaries

Greyed-green 191A


26, arranged in 3 rows


Shape AP6X

Elliptic Amt‘?

Stylg color Style Length

Yellow-green 154C

11343;? in


Stigma color

Yellow 7A


Upper surface: Greyed-green 191A

Yellow 3A Present Yellow 12A Present on both ray and disc ?orets

Anth?r color 20 P011611 Pollen

Length and width Texture In?orescence

3 mm 1 mm

25 Stlgma Wldth

Lower surface: Greyed- green 191B


1-1.5 cm; 2 mm Pubescent


Enclosed in calyx

Upright and free branching



30 Growth rate





20 cm

2 cm


30 cm


9 cm

Stem Color

Peduncle length

2.5 cm

Greyed-brown 199A

Peduncle color

Green 139B

Stem Stmngth


Peduncle diameter

2 mm

Stem Brittlen?ss

Peduncle texture Number per branch Sh?lflif? Seeds

Pubescent Approx. 6 in?orescences 4 W??ks Produced in small quantities, ovate,

Not brittle Not observed



Greyed-brown 199A, length 1.5 mm, dlagnet?r 0'8 mm Faint Chrysanthemum odor

35 St?m Anthocyanin Coloration Internode length Length of lateral branch Lat?ral branch color


Lat?ral branch diamet?r Lateral branch, attachment I Branching (average number of lateral branches)

0.3 cm

7.5 weeks

Center of in?orescence (disc

Immature stage: Yellow-green 144C



Mature stage: Green-yellow 1D


Color ofupper surface ofthe ray'?omts

White 155D

Color ofthe lower surface

White 155D

Of?w ray-Horas Tonality from Distance

A pot mum with large white ?owers

Color ofthe upper and lower

White 155D

45 Leaf color

Lower surface: Green 138B

Upper surface: Yellow-green 147D Lower surface: Yellow-green 148D Medium; length 6-8.5 cm, width 3-5


surfaces of ray-?orets after




Quantity (number per lateral


Upper and lower side smooth





Strong Proli?c with 4 breaks after pinching

Upper surface: Green 136A

Color midvein

aging ofthe plant Ray ?orets

1-2 cm

From top to bottom 9 cm Green 137 C


branch) Shap6

Texture upper side .

Broadly elliptic Sparsely pubescent



B as e


Cross-section Longitudinal axis of

Flat Twisted

shill"? Ofth? margin shill"? OfBaSe of Sinus

Pubescent Palmate Serrated Rounded

majority Length of corolla tube

0.4 cm

Between Lateral Lobes Margin of Sinus Between


Ray-?oret margin Ray-?oret length

Entire 3.5-4 cm

Ray-?oret width

2 cm

Ratio length/width


Texture under side 55

Lat?ral Lobes 60 Shap6 OfBaS6 Ap?x I

Disc ?omts Disc diameter

3 cm

Distribution of disc ?orets


Venation arrangement


Asymmetric Mucronulate

Petiole length

1-2 cm

Petiole diameter

2 mm

P?tiol? 0010f

Yellow- green 147D

US PP22,616 P2 5



I claim:

Differences With the comparison varieg When grown side-to-side

In?orescence type Ray ?oret color


‘L?titi? Tim? IIHPIOVEd’

anernone White 155D

daisy Green-yellow lD

1. A new and diSIlIlCI Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Z2111 5

mudenali’ as described and illustrated.

US. Patent

Apr. 3, 2012

Sheet 1 of3

US PP22,616 P2

U S. Patent

Apr. 3, 2012

Sheet 2 of3

US PP22,616 P2

U S. Patent

Apr. 3, 2012

Sheet 3 of3

US PP22,616 P2

Chrysanthemum plant named 'Zanmudenali'

Oct 6, 2010 - Primary Examiner * Kent L Ben. Research B.V_,Va1kenburg Z-H (NL). (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Steptoe & Johnson LLP. ( * ) Notice:.

1MB Sizes 3 Downloads 301 Views

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