C I 201 Desktop Publishing Rubric (Comic Life –Acrostic Poem) Project Criteria Content: Relates to topic, detailed, and accurate.

4 - Outstanding

3 - Satisfactory

Topic is completely and concisely addressed (five or more facts addressed). All information is clear and relevant, comes from reliable sources. Details and relevant facts are used to support the content of the poem.

Topic is adequately addressed. Less than five facts are discussed and are used to support the poem’s content.

Topic is addressed. Less than four facts are discussed. Facts do not seem relevant at times and some information does not come from reliable resources.

Topic is not adequately addressed, confusing or unclear. Facts and/or information are not accurate, nor reliable.

Information is displayed in a fairly logical manner following an acrostic poem format. Appropriate formatting is used. The use of font styles and colors is consistent and shows a logical pattern for the most part. Layout is somewhat creative. Design choices do not distract from information presented. Most DTP guidelines are followed.

Information does not always flow logically using the acrostic poem format. Formatting is inconsistent. The font styles and colors are not used effectively in the organizational structure of the poem so there is not a creative design. DTP guidelines are not always followed.

Information is not clear and does not flow in a logical manner. The font styles and colors used are not consistent or detract from the organization. Design choices strongly distract from information presented. DTP guidelines are not followed.

Comments: +4 very interesting facts Information is displayed in a Organization: Information logically organized, produced an attention-grabbing effective visual product.

logical manner following a Acrostic poem format. Appropriate formatting and layout is used that enhances document’s content and presents information in a creative way. Use of font styles and colors is consistent and shows a logical pattern. Design choices do not distract from information presented. DTP guidelines are followed.

2 – Needs work

0-1 - Unsatisfactory

Comments: +3 I like the simple design, but the layout lacks some attention to detail. If you are going to have a simple layout it is imperative that you are very deliberate in lining up text boxes, graphic frames, margins, etc. Your left margin and top margin, for example, are smaller than you right margin and bottom one. The top of your text box and the top of your top-most graphic do not align. There does not appear to be a pattern to the spacing between the three graphics. These things stand out more when you have a simple design. Graphics/References: Appropriate backgrounds, illustrations, photographs, color, diagrams, etc. All references are cited.

Project uses consistent and appropriate graphic elements that clarifies, explains, and supports the information presented in the acrostic poem. At least one graphic is created using Kid Pix. Resources/graphics used in the project are properly cited using APA format (Note: List references at the end of reflection).

Project uses graphic elements that support the information presented in the acrostic poem. At least one graphic is created using Kid Pix. Some of the resources/graphics used in the project are properly cited using APA format (Note: List references at the end of reflection).

Project uses some conflicting graphic elements to support the content. Graphics are not always the best quality or appropriate size. Did not include a graphic created by Kid Pix. Resources/graphics used in the project are not properly cited using APA format. (Note: List references at the end of reflection).

Project uses graphic elements that are inappropriate and detracts from project or does not include any graphic elements. Resources/graphics used in the project are not properly cited.

Comments: +3.5 – good quality but all three are single close ups of the bug. It’s nice that you have a photo, a cartoon, and an original drawing, but it would be good to have more variety in the subject of the pictures, too. 3 - Satisfactory 2 – Needs work 0-1 - Unsatisfactory Spelling is correct, punctuation and Some spelling, punctuation Spelling errors are frequent, Conventions: capitalization are accurate, and grammar and usage are correct and contribute clarity and style.

Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, usage. (Project & Reflection)

and/or capitalization errors are present. Additional proofreading of document is needed.

punctuation and capitalization is often missing or incorrect. Errors in grammar or usage are very noticeable and affect meaning.

Comments: +1.5 – several typos or errors throughout. In particular there are two errors in the poem itself. The first “their” should be “they’re” and the “is” in the “K” line should be an “are.” Reflection Criteria Reflection

15 pts. - Outstanding

14-12 pts. - Satisfactory

11-8 pts. - Needs Work

0-7 pts. -Unsatisfactory

Reflection does an outstanding job of addressing the reflection framework of What? So What? and Now What? Insightful comments are made about student’s evaluation of the DTP experience. Strong and compelling connections are made to lecture and lab ideas, assigned readings in the reflection and personal thoughts about using DTP strategies and ideas in the classroom. References for resources used are listed correctly in APA format at the end of the reflection piece.

Reflection does a satisfactory job of addressing the reflection framework of What? So What? and Now What? Thoughtful comments are made about student’s evaluation of the DTP experience. Connections are made to lecture and lab ideas, assigned readings and personal thoughts about using DTP strategies and ideas in the classroom. References for resources used are listed in APA format at the end of the reflection piece.

Reflection does not do a satisfactory job of addressing the reflection framework of What? So What? and Now What? Minimal comments are made about student’s evaluation of the DTP experience. Limited connections are made to lecture and lab ideas, assigned readings and personal thoughts about using DTP strategies and ideas in the classroom. Some, but not all, of the references for resources used are listed in APA format at the end of the reflection piece.

Reflection is not included with the assignment or it is unacceptable in terms of addressing the reflection framework of What? So What? and Now What? The reflection has little or no connection to lecture and lab topics or the assigned readings. Did not discuss DTP and offered no personal insights on the topic. No classroom connections made. References for resources used are not listed in APA format at the end of the reflection piece.

Comments – +14 Very nice work, ma’am! You just need a little more discussion of how you might use this program in your future classroom. TOTAL POINTS (30 pts.) 26

CI 201 Desktop Publishing Rubric (Comic Life ...

C I 201 Desktop Publishing Rubric (Comic Life –Acrostic Poem). Project Criteria. 4 - Outstanding. 3 - Satisfactory. 2 – Needs work. 0-1 - Unsatisfactory. Content: Relates to topic, detailed, and accurate. Topic is completely and concisely addressed (five or more facts addressed). All information is clear and relevant, comes ...

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