Eastern Visayas Region


Citizen’s Charter

Eastern Visayas Region


Mission Statement


Legal Basis




Frontline Services


Contact Information


NEDA Officials


RDC Officials


Complaint/Recommendation Form


Eastern Visayas Region Frontline Services 1.

Technical assistance to provinces and cities on development planning, policy formulation, investment programming, project appraisal, and project monitoring and evaluation.

This frontline service includes the provision of technical assistance in the areas of development planning, policy formulation, investment programming, project appraisal, and project monitoring and evaluation upon request of provinces and cities. These areas of technical assistance are the major final outputs (MFOs) of NEDA VIII. Scope of technical assistance to be provided may range from a simple provision of resource persons/technical experts to a more complex development and/or management of specialized training courses.

How to Avail of the Service: Step No. 1



Local Chief Executives of provinces and cities in Region VIII may signify in w riting their intent to avail of this frontline service and send the request to:

Staff Responsible LCEs

Atty. Bonifacio G. Uy Regional Director NEDA Regional Office VIII Government Center, Palo, Leyte Communications may be sent through mail, fax, or e-mail



The secretary of the Office of the NEDA VIII Regional Director (ORD) receives the official request and shall immediately record details of the request in the NEDA VIII Tracer/Log Book (NRO8-TS). A routing slip w ith a corresponding reference number shall be attached to the document for forwarding to the Regional Director (RD).

10 min.

ORD Secretary


RD evaluates the request, assigns the division-in-charge, and gives corresponding instructions. In the absence of the RD, the Assistant Regional Director (ARD) or the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) shall undertake the tasks of the RD.

Within the day the request w as received



Secretary immediately records instruction of the RD in NRO8 – TS and forwards document to assigned division for evaluation and recommendation.

Within the day the instructions w ere given

ORD Secretary


Division Chief (DC) determines technical, administrative and financial requirements of the request

Within five (5) w orking days from receipt of the instructions

Concerned DC


DC, through assigned staff, prepares report with the corresponding recommendation and submits the same to the RD

Within one (1) day

Concerned DC


RD then decides w hether to accommodate the request for technical assistance or not and provides the corresponding instructions to the division-in-charge.

Within the day the request w as received



If the RD decides not to accommodate the request for technical assistance, the DC, through assigned staff, prepares and sends a letter of regrets to the requesting LCE.

Within one (1) day



If the RD decides to accommodate the request, the DC through assigned staff, prepares an appropriate letter of reply.

Within one (1) day



Eastern Visayas Region 9

In case of simpler requests such as for resource persons/technical experts in certain fields/topics, a terms of reference (TOR) need not be prepared. Upon clearance by the RD, the DC, immediately implements the technical assistance by giving instructions to assigned staff for the preparation of necessary requirements of the engagement and undertakes the requested technical assistance when and where needed (step 17).


DC, through assigned staff, prepares the TOR. The scope of the TOR shall include the follow ing elements: • • • •

Within the day the request w as received


Within 5 days


Objectives, scope and deliverables (i.e. w hat has to be achieved) Stakeholders, roles and responsibilities (i.e. w ho will take part in it) Resource, financial and quality plans (i.e. how will it be achieved) Work breakdow n structure and schedule (i.e. when it w ill be achieved)


Upon submission of the TOR by the DC, the RD reviews and subsequently approves the document.

Within three (3) days



DC, through assigned staff, forwards the TOR to the LCE requesting for concurrence

Within one (1) day



LCE officially communicates concurrence to the TOR, attaching therew ith necessary documents, e.g. appropriate board resolution.


If and then there are still concerns that need to be clarified in the TOR, this shall be communicated immediately to NEDA VIII so that related staff work can be undertaken. This process shall be done until an agreement on the TOR is achieved. 14

Secretary receives official communication of the LCE and immediately records the same in the NRO VIII Tracing System.

5 min.

ORD Secretary


RD gives instructions to DC to officially undertake the TA

10 min.



Immediately after receiving the document from the RD, the Secretary records instructions and forwards document to assigned division.


DC implements the TA per schedule.

ORD Secretary DC


Eastern Visayas Region

Process Flow For Technical Assistance Requesting entity (Provinces/Cities ) (1) LCE sends official written request


(2) Secretary receives and records document in the NRO 8 Tracer System (within the day)

Division In-Charge (3) RD evaluates request, provides instructions and assigns division in charge (within 1 day)

(5) Division Chief (DC) determines technical, administrative and financial requirements of the request (within 5 days) (5) Division Chief (DC) submits recommendation to RD (within 1 day)

(7) RD evaluates recommendation (within 1 day)

(8a) Accept TA Request


A (13) LCE officially communicates concurrence to the TOR (e.g. appropriate board resolution)



(4) Secretary records instruction in NRO8-TS and forwards document to assigned division for evaluation and recommendation (within the day)

(11) RD approves TOR (within 3 days)


DC prepares appropriate letter of reply (within 1 day)

(8a) DC prepares letter of regrets (within 1 day)

Yes (10)

(9) Terms of Reference TOR needed


DC prepares TOR (w ithin 5 days) (12)

DC forwards TOR (14) Secretary receives document and records document in in NRO 8TR (within the day)

To requesting LGU for concurrence (w ithin15 day)

(15) RD gives instructions (within the day)

(16) Secretary records instructions and forwards document to assigned division (within the day)

(17) DC implements TA (per schedule)

Note: Processing of request for TA would not take longer than 10 days for simple request/s (resource person/technical expert) and 20 days for more complex requests (development and/or conduct of trainings)


Eastern Visayas Region Frontline Services 2.

Request for RDC VIII endorsement on project proposal

This frontline service includes evaluation and endorsement of project proposals, ranging from simple concept papers to full blown feasibility studies submitted by local government units (LGUs), national government central and regional offices, the business sector, and civil society for endorsement by the Regional Development Council (RDC) VIII. These proposals, whenever required, will subsequently be endorsed to the NEDA Board Investment Coordinating Committee (NB-ICC) for consideration for Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding. A project evaluation report (PER) will be prepared by the RDC VIII Secretariat to serve as one of the bases for the evaluation and endorsement of the project proposal by the RDC VIII Sectoral Committee(s) and the Full Council. How to Avail of the Service: Step No. 1



Local Chief Executives of provinces and cities, and heads of national government offices, the business sector, and civil society in Region VIII may signify in w riting their intent to avail of this frontline service. The request may be sent to the RDC VIII Chairperson at the NEDA VIII office address or send directly to:

Staff Responsible Project Proponent

Atty. Bonifacio G. Uy Regional Director NEDA Regional Office VIII Government Center, Palo, Leyte Communications may be sent through mail, fax, or e-mail 2

NEDA VIII secretary receives the document and immediately record details of the request in the NRO VIII Tracer System. A routing slip w ith a corresponding reference number shall be attached to the document for forwarding to the Regional Director (RD).

10 min.

ORD Secretary


RD evaluates the request, assigns the division-in-charge, and gives corresponding instructions. In the absence of the RD, the Assistant Regional Director (ARD) or the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) shall undertake the tasks of the RD.

Within the day the request w as received



Secretary immediately records instruction of the RD in NRO VIII Tracer System and forwards document to assigned division for evaluation.

Within the day the instructions w ere given

ORD Secretary


Division Chief (DC) then assigns tasks to staff to prepare acknow ledgement letter or appropriate letter of reply and forwards the same to project proponent.

Within one (1) day



Eastern Visayas Region 6

Upon receipt of the instruction of the RD, DC through assigned staff then initially evaluates the project proposal, as w ell as determines the completeness of the project proposal submitted.

Within five (5) days


Within 5 w orking days


Among the project proposal documents required for submission, as may be applicable, are as follow s: Feasibility study/Project proposal Logical Framew ork Endorsement of concerned local development council (PDC/CDC) Location Map Right-of-Way acquisition, resettlement plan and disposal (for infra projects) Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Compliance Certificate of Non-Coverage Free and Prior Informed Consent for IP areas 7

DC, through the assigned staff, prepares the preliminary project evaluation report (PER) and submits the same to the RD. The PER w ill highlight the follow ing: • Project Background • Findings • Recommendations


Upon submission of the PER by the DC, the RD review s and subsequently approves the PER.

Within 3 w orking days



DC, through assigned staff, provides a copy of the PER to the project proponent, w ith information on the Sectoral Committee (SeCom) deliberation schedule. The follow ing are the RDC VIII SeComs:

Within 2 days after the document has been signed by the RD


2 days before the SecCom meeting

Project Proponent and DC

• • • •


Economic Development Committee (EDC) Social Development Committee (SDC) Infrastructure Development Committee (IDC) Development Administration Committee (DAC)

Proponent and division-in-charge prepare materials on the project proposal and the PER, respectively, for presentation to SeCom concerned. The proponent is required to present the project proposal during the scheduled deliberation by the SeCom/s. The PER shall also be presented by the division-in-charge. Please note that there are projects that may require evaluation of more than one RDC SeCom. SeCom concerned deliberates/evaluates project proposal.


SeCom Chair and Secretariat

The SeComs meet quarterly. It is usually held 7-10 working days before the RDC meetings. The SeCom may conduct special meetings, in case urgent matters need to be taken up. 12


SeCom then decides w hether to approve or disapprove/defer the proposal and provides the corresponding comments and recommendations.



SeCom Chair and Secretariat

If the project proposal is disapproved by the SeCom/s, the proponent and other concerned agencies/ stakeholders shall be officially informed in w riting.

w ithin 5 days after the meeting

Concern DC and staff

The proponent shall be requested to comply w ith the SeCom/s comments/recommendations and other additional requirements w ithin 30 days upon receipt of the comments/recommendations. The proposal w ill then go through the usual process. If the project proposal is favorably endorsed by the SeCom/s, a resolution endorsing the said project proposal to RDC VIII shall be prepared and finalized by the division-in-charge.

w ithin 5 w orking days after the

Concern Division


Eastern Visayas Region meeting


RD approves and forwards SeCom actions to RDC VIII/proponent.


RDC VIII deliberates/evaluates the project proposal endorsed by SeComs during its scheduled meetings. The proponent is required to be present during the project deliberation to respond to issues raised by the Council members.


RDC VIII decides w hether to approve or disapprove/ defer the proposal and provide the corresponding comments and recommendations. a

If the project proposal is disapproved/deferred by RDC VIII, the proponent and other concerned agencies/stakeholders shall be officially informed in w riting.

w ithin one day


Within 5 days after the meeting

The proponent shall be requested to comply the RDC VIII comments/recommendations and other additional requirements w ithin 30 days upon receipt of advice from RDC VIII. 16 b

If the project proposal is approved by the RDC VIII, an RDC VIII resolution endorsing the said project proposal is prepared and finalized by the RDC VIII Secretariat w ithin 5 days after the meeting.

Within 5 days after the meeting

Resolutions for project proposals needing ICC approval are forwarded to the NEDA Project Investment Staff (PIS) w ithin 3 w orking days after it has been signed by the RDC VIII Chairperson. Copies of the resolution are also forwarded to concerned agencies within the same time frame.

Within 3 days


RD approves and forwards RDC VIII action to proponent w ithin one day.


Proponent undertakes appropriate action as required by the RDC VIII resolution.

RDC Secretariat

Documents Required for Submission by Proponents

A. Program/Project Proposal w ithout Feasibility Study (e.g., Project Concept) 1.

Proposal Document, w hich should contain the background/rationale, goals/objectives, description of the concept, justification/benefits, consistency with national/regional/local plans, assumptions/constraints, special skills and other inputs needed and resources available, proposed organizational management mechanisms, estimated cost, proposed funding source/s, estimated start and end dates, among others.


Endorsement in the form of a resolution by the appropriate local development council (provincial/highly urbanized or independent city), w hich should also include a statement on the consistency of the proposed program/project with the local development and land use plans.

B. Program /Project Proposal w ith Feasibility Study (Not requiring evaluation by the NEDA Board - Investm ent Coordinating Com m ittee (ICC), e.g., proposals costing below P500 m illion) 1.

Feasibility Study, w hich should contain, at the minimum, the proposal's viability in terms of marketing, technical, financial, economic, and operational aspects, including proposed project design and funding source


Endorsement in the form of a resolution by the appropriate local development council (provincial/highly urbanized or independent city), w hich should also include a statement on the consistency of the proposed program/project with the local development and land use plans Environmental Compliance Certificate issued by the Environmental Management Bureau Regional Office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Easement and Right-of-Way Acquisition pursuant to Republic Act No. 8974 and other relevant legal Issuances Resettlement Plan for proposed project site current occupants Logical Framew ork

3. 4. 5. 6.


Eastern Visayas Region 8. 9.

7. Sustainability Plan Free and Prior Informed Consent issued by the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples C. Program lProject Proposal w ith Feasibility Study (Requiring evaluation by the NEDA Board Investm ent Coordinating Com m ittee (lCC), e.g., proposals costing P500 m illion and above) 1. 2.

All documents stated in B, except item 6. NEDA Board ICC Project Evaluation (PE) Forms ICC-PE Form 1 - General Information ICC-PE Form 2 - Sources of Financing ICC-PE Form 3 - Estimated Project Cost ICC-PE Form 4 - Annual Operations and Maintenance Cost ICC-PE Form 5 - Estimated Project Benefits ICC-PE Form 6 - Logical Framew ork

Process Flow R e q u e s t s fo r R D C V I I I E n d o r s e m e n t o n P r oR D Cj e V IcI I t P r o p o s a l Pr o j e c t R D C VII I

Pr o p o n e n t

(2 ) S e c r e t a r y re c e i v e s d o c u m e n t an d re c o r d s d o c u m e n t in t h e N R O 8 (3 ) Tr a c e r R D ev a l u a t e s req u e s t , p ro v i d e s in st r u c t i o n s an d as s i g n s d iv i s i o n - i n ch a r g e ( w i t h i n 1 d Aay )

He a d o f LGU / N G A oth e r en t it ie s su b m i t s pro j e c t pro p o s a l

P ro p p re p a r e s fo r p r e s e co n c e r n e

Se c r e t a r ia t / N E D A V III


( 10 ) onent m at e r ia ls n t a t i o n to d SeC o m s

(8 ) R D ap p r o v e s P E R ( w it h i n 3 d a y s )

th e

da y )

(13 ) RD ap p r o v e s an d fo r w a r d s S e C o m a c ti o n s to R D C V III (w i t h i n th e d a y )


(18 ) Pr o p o n e n t un d e r t app r o p r i a t e ac t i o r e q u i r e d b y th e V III r e s o l u t i o n (w 1 day )

ak es n as RD C ith in

(17 ) RD ap p r o v e s an d fo r w a r d s R D C V II I a c ti o n to p r o p o n e n t (w i t h i n 1 day )

No t e : Pr o c e s s in g of pr o je c t R DC an d Se C o m w o u ld tak e

DC ac k n o w l e d g e s / p r e p ar e s ap p r o p r i a t e let t e r o f re p l y ( w it h i n ( 6 ) 1 d a y ) D iv i s i o n C h i e f in it i a l l y ev a l u a t e s p ro j e c t p ro p o s a l ( w it h i n 5 d a y s ) ( 7) D iv i s i o n C h i e f p re p a r e s P r o j e c t Ev a l u a t i o n R e p o r t ( w it h i n (9 ) 5 d a y s )

SeC o m co n c e r n e d d eli b e r a t e s / ev a l u a t e s p ro j e c t p ro p o s a l

pr o v i d e s cop y of P E R to p r o j e c t p r o p o n e n t a n d in f o r m s of Se C o m del i b e r a t i o n s c h e d u l e (12 a (w) i t h i n 2

(4 )

(w i t h i n

Se c t o r a l Co m m it t e e s C ( 11)


A Sec r e t a r y rec o r d s in s t r u c t i o n / s in N R O 8 T S a n d fo r w a r d s d o c u m e n t to a s s i g n e d d iv i s i o n fo r e v a l u a t i o n


Div is io n B (5 )


D C dp ar ye sp ) a r e s app r o p r i a t e re pl y on th e d is a p p r o v a l / d e f e r m e n t o f th e p r o p o s a l (w i t h i n

N o

( 12 ) SeC o m ap p r o v e s t h e p ro j e c t p ro p o s a l

F u ll Cou n cil D ( 14 ) R D C V II I d eli b e r a t e s / ev a l u a t e s p ro j e c t p ro p o s a l

N o

Y e s

( 15 ) R D C V II I ap p r o v e s t h e p ro j e c t p ro p o s a l Y e s

5 ( 12d aby s) ) DC pr ep a r e s SeC o m re s o l u t i o n en d o r s i n g it t o R D C V II I ( w i t h i n(16 a )5 d a y s )

DC pr e p a r e s app r o p r i a t e re pl y on th e d is a p p r o v e d / d e f e r m e n t o f th e p r o p o s a l (16 a ) (w i t h i n 5 day s ) D C p r e p a r e s R D C V III res o l u t i o n an d fo r w a r d s to c o n c e r n e d o ffi c e s (w i t h i n 5 da y s )

pr o p o s a l do c u m e n t s in c l u d i n g a m in im u m of 36 da y s

ev a lu a t io n

an d

en d o rs e m e n t


Eastern Visayas Region

For more information about NEDA VIII frontline services, please visit our w ebsite at http://nro8.neda.gov.ph or e-mail us at [email protected] or call us at (053) 323-3092

Official communications shall be addressed to: ATTY. BONIFACIO G. UY Regional Director NEDA Regional Office VIII Gov’t. Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte You may also w ish to contact the following NEDA VIII officials: ALAN L. OLAVIDES

Assistant Regional Director


Chief Economic Development Specialist Project Development Investment Programming and Budgeting Division


Chief Economic Development Specialist Development Research Division


Chief Economic Development Specialist Policy Formulation and Planning Division


Supervising Administrative Officer OIC-Division Chief Finance and Administrative Division


Supervising Economic Development Specialist OIC-Division Chief Project Monitoring and Evaluation Division



Office of the Regional Director (ORD) Bonifacio G. Uy Regional Director Alan L. Olavides Assistant Regional Director

Policy Formulation and Planning Division (PFPD)

Meylene C. Rosales Chief Economic Development Specialist Annielyn B. Costiniano Supervising Economic Development Specialist

Grace A. Arteche Senior Economic Development Specialist

Hiyasm in B. Martillo Senior Economic Development Specialist

Jay-Ar O. Ragub Senior Economic Development Specialist

Jensen D. Rico Economic Development Specialist II

Alm a M. Moreno Economic Development Specialist I

Project Development, Investment Programming and Budgeting Division (PDIPBD)

Ernesto T. Octaviano Chief Economic Development Specialist Am elito B. Dom ingo Supervising Economic Development Specialist Luz L. Espos Senior Economic Development Specialist

Geselle Frances P. Zeta Senior Economic Development Specialist

Ma. Joyce G. Vitor Senior Economic Development Specialist

Matthew B. Añosa Economic Development Specialist I


Eastern Visayas Region Project Monitoring and Evaluation Division (PMED) Evangeline M. Paran Chief Economic Development Specialist Erlitor H. Vitor Supervising Economic Development Specialist Ram on C. Hidalgo Senior Economic Development Specialist (Vacant) Senior Economic Development Specialist

Marlon M. Dum agsa Senior Economic Development Specialist Evelyn E. Pedrero Economic Development Specialist II

Prisco O. Boco III Economic Development Specialist I

Development Research Division (DRD) Ma. Victoria C. Cuayzon Chief Economic Development Specialist Jam M. Colas Supervising Administrative Officer

Maria Veda G. Eslopor Senior Economic Development Specialist

Resurreccion Q. Enage Senior Economic Development Specialist

Meliza Y. Bacolbas Senior Economic Development Specialist

Lucille B. Gajutos Economic Development Specialist II

Niño Archie S. Labordo Economic Development Specialist I


Eastern Visayas Region

Finance and Administrative Division (FAD) (Vacant) Chief Administrative Officer Loretta M. Tanpiengco Supervising Administrative Officer OIC-Division Chief May Catherine T. Agang Accountant III

(Vacant) Administrative Officer IV

Benigno C. Baoy, Jr. Administrative Officer IV

Celestina Q. Yee Administrative Assistant III

Alm a V. Pantas Administrative Assistant III

Dalisay V. Bual Administrative Assistant III

Judith Maris B. Torres Administrative Assistant III

Judith L. Matol Administrative Assistant II

Mary Fretzie R. Basal Administrative Assistant II Roy D. Dysoco Administrative Aide VI Alyssa Jane P. Abuda Administrative Aide VI

Pam ela C. Pala Administrative Asst. II Karen M. Reduban Administrative Aide VI

Renato A. Balm onte Administrative Aide III

Alexander B. Argota Administrative Aide III


Eastern Visayas Region

Complaint Form Date: _____________________

Name of Complainant:________________________________________________________________ Office Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Residence Address: _________________________________________________________________ Name of Person Being Complained Of: __________________________________________________ Position/Office: _____________________________________________________________________ Particulars of Complaint:______________________________________________________________

Recommendation Form Date: _____________________

Name of Recommending Party: ________________________________________________________ Office Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Residence Address: _________________________________________________________________ Name of Person Being Complained Of: __________________________________________________ Recommendation/Suggestion:__________________________________________________________


Citizen's Charter-updated.pdf

may range from a simple provision of resource persons/technical experts to a more complex development and/or management. of specialized training courses.

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