Clear Creek Emergency Medical Services

Standard Operating Guidelines

400 DISPATCH AND COMMUNICATIONS 401 General The Clear Creek County Sheriff s Office (CCSO) currently provides dispatch functions for Clear Creek Emergency Medical Services. The Director will coordinate any necessary dialog between CCSO and the CCEMS in matters concerning grievances and dispatch policy. All requests for CCEMS service will be toned on the emergency frequency GREEN by CCSO. The nature of the call and its location will generally be stated during the tone for service and then again, along with the call number, once the ambulance is enroute. 410 In County Radio Frequencies GREEN (Tx 155.745 Rx 155.025) Voted, Repeated. Primary Fire/Rescue and EMS dispatch channel. EMS TAC (Tx 155.160 Rx 155.175) Voted, Repeated. District-wide Fire/Rescue and EMS operations. RED (Tx/Rx 154.355) Line of sight transmissions used primarily for West Fire tactical. Secondarily used for a tactical channel during multiple calls an MCI incidents. YELLOW (Tx/Rx 155.100) Line of sight transmissions used similarly to RED for East Fire. 420 Clear Text And Call Signs Clear text and authorized call signs shall be used for all radio communications. The following is standard terminology for the specific situation listed. 10-codes should not be used. En route - on the way to call Available - can take another call Clear - clear of location Code 1 - On scene/Arriving at scene or hospital Code 2 En route non-emergent/Routine Code 3 En route emergent Code 4 OK, no assistance needed Code 6 - Busy on scene Code 9 Deceased person Out of Service not staffed / not available / mechanical problem 430 Radio Traffic At the beginning of each shift, the crew will notify dispatch on GREEN that the unit is in service, including duration, crew call numbers, and level of service. After receiving a call from CCSO, the ambulance crew or member may acknowledge receipt of call. When the ambulance that is responding to the call is moving, the crew will go en route . CCSO will then repeat the Call Number, Location, and Nature of the Call. At a minimum, ambulance crews will notify the CCSO via GREEN when the ambulance is en route, on scene, with the patient, transporting, arriving at the medical facility, departure from medical facility, and back in the County. Upon arrival at scene, the crew will briefly report to dispatch their location and the initial Revised March 2006

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Dispatch and Communications

Clear Creek Emergency Medical Services

Standard Operating Guidelines

conditions on scene when appropriate (i.e. number of cars, fire, rollover, extrication needed). On a transport to hospital, after clearing scene, the crew will notify CCSO as to their destination, transport status, beginning mileage, and number of patients and riders on board. On arrival at the hospital, the crew will notify CCSO of the arrival and ending mileage. Plain English and professionalism will be used on the radio. Use and language on the radio will not violate FCC regulations regarding radio use. Radios will not be used as a CB radio for personal or casual traffic. Crews are to alert CCSO when responding to untoned calls. Walk in reports and witnessed MVCs are examples of untoned calls. CCSO will then tone the call to inform the system that the ambulance is committed. If CCSO does not tone the call ask them to do so on GREEN. A BLS crewmember may request a tone from CCSO for an ALS crewmember any time he/she determines that ALS is needed for the incident. Crews may request tones for additional resources (i.e. fire department and additional ambulances) when necessary. The shift supervisor or designated person shall be responsible for requesting additional ambulance coverage using the following codes: o EMS Code 50 do not need any additional resources for staffing o EMS Code 51 need one resource for staffing o EMS Code 52 need two resources for staffing o EMS Code 53 will use mutual aid for staffing o EMS Code 54 need all available resources (i.e. for multi-casualty incident) Non-dispatch related radio traffic shall be moved to an operational or tactical channel as soon as is practical. Car-to-Car radio traffic, both en route and on scene, should be carried out on EMS TAC, RED or YELLOW channels. 440 Mutual Aid Communications CLEAR CREEK COUNTY PRIMARY RADIO FREQUENCIES Dispatch Channels Channel Name Description Green Fire/EMS Dispatch County Wide Green Standby

Fire/EMS Dispatch County Wide Back Up to Voting System


Police Dispatch County Wide

Blue Stand-by

Police Dispatch County Wide Back Up to Voting System

Transmit 155.745 123.0 155.745 100.0

Receive 155.025 100.0 155.025 100.0

158.970 136.5 158.970 100.0

155.610 91.5 155.610 91.5

Mutual Aid Units entering Clear Creek County should check-in on the appropriate dispatch channel to be directed to the Incident Commander or Staging on a designated operations or tactical channel.

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Dispatch and Communications

Clear Creek Emergency Medical Services

Standard Operating Guidelines

Operations Channels Channel Name Description EMS TAC Fire/EMS Agency Operations County Wide Orange Road and Bridge/Multi Agency Operations County Wide

Transmit 156.000 91.5 159.060 100.0

Receive 155.175 100.0 156.240 100.0

Operations Channels are used for all routine incidents. On large incidents operations channels will be used as command channels to coordinate command, section chief, branch director, and staging activities. Tactical Channels Channel Name Description Transmit Receive EMS/HEAR Ambulance-Clinic/Air Medical 155.340 155.340 & MCI (CSQ) (CSQ) FERN Fire Simplex Tactical/Mutual 154.280 154.280 (Staging) Aid (CSQ) (CSQ) FERN 2 Fire Simplex Tactical/Mutual 154.295 154.295 Aid (CSQ) (CSQ) FERN 3 Fire Simplex Tactical/Mutual 154.265 154.265 Aid (CSQ) (CSQ) NLEEC Police Simplex 155.745 155.745 Tactical/Mutual Aid (CSQ) (CSQ) MRA SAR Simplex Tactical/Mutual 155.160 155.160 Aid (CSQ) (CSQ) MRA 2 SAR Simplex Tactical/Mutual 155.235 155.235 Aid (CSQ) (CSQ) RED Clear Creek Fire Simplex 155.355 155.355 Tactical/West End 100.0 100.0 YELLOW Clear Creek Fire Simplex 155.100 155.100 Tactical/East End 100.0 100.0 Tactical Channels are used for short-range communications. On large incidents various branch activities (staging, HAZMAT, Air Ops, Rescue, etc.) may be moved to tactical channels as needed by the incident commander. See also Operations section 832. 450 Patient Hand Offs In general, patient hand offs should be limited to those situations where a higher level of care (e.g., BLS to ALS) is required but is not available using CCEMS personnel. Via CCSO, request Gilpin Ambulance to meet at Hidden Valley or other appropriate site. If Gilpin is not available request Evergreen Ambulance to meet at Floyd Hill or Evergreen Parkway. If neither Gilpin nor Evergreen is available, consider using Highland Rescue Team, Pridemark or West Metro Fire.

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Dispatch and Communications

Clear Creek Emergency Medical Services

Standard Operating Guidelines

Helicopter requests may be made by fire or EMS personnel on scene or en route to the scene if they recognize the need for such care. Generally, requests are to be made through CCSO. In some cases it may necessary to request helicopters without the assistance of CCSO. CCSO is to be notified of helicopter request/use when the helicopter was not dispatched through them as soon as is practical. The EMS unit or incident commander requesting the helicopter will advise CCSO of the preferred landing zone. See also EMS AIRCRAFT POLICY under OPERATIONS section. 460 Portable Radios Portable radios will be issued to CCEMS personnel as resources allow. Preference will be given to personnel that reside in Clear Creek County. Personnel that reside outside of the County will be issued portable radios at the discretion of the Director. Radio numbers are assigned at date of hire. Radio numbers are assigned based upon position in the organization as follows: 500 EMS Director 501-505 Apparatus 506 Operations Manager 507-509 Supervisory Personnel 510-529 Paramedics 530-549 EMT-Basics with IV/MAST 550-569 Initial Responders 580-589 Quick Response Vehicles (QRV) Portable radios issued by Clear Creek EMS must be signed for and will remain the property of Clear Creek EMS. Personnel are responsible for the care of this equipment.

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