Application Instructions How to submit an application To help you through the application process, we encourage you to thoroughly review the Request for Applications (RFA) and the SIM Cohort 2 small grants FAQ to determine what this funding will support, and what to expect through the review process.

Where to apply We ask that you submit a grant application electronically through our website. Applying online is easy and accelerates the processing time. If you cannot complete an online application, please contact Meg Quiat, SIM Small Grants Administrator: [email protected] to arrange for an alternative submission. Please note that there will be few exceptions to the requirement for an electronic application.

How to apply The following steps are designed to show you how to create a competitive application.

Step 1: Read the RFA and the F.A.Q. Before you begin We suggest the following steps before you begin the online application form: a. Meet with your SIM practice facilitator and SIM clinical health information technology advisor to review your practice improvement plan. b. Determine whether there is a project in your practice improvement plan that you cannot complete without the small grant funding. c. Thoroughly research how much it will cost to complete this project by obtaining written bids and estimates from vendors, as applicable. d. Create a realistic project budget that is $40,000 or less, based on the written bids and estimates you obtain. e. Create a realistic timeline detailing the steps required to complete the project and how long each step will take. Make certain that you can complete the project by the grant end date of June 30, 2019. f. Determine who in your office will oversee and implement this project. g. Obtain all necessary approvals from supervisors, office managers and, if applicable, organization-wide governance departments. h. If you have additional questions not answered in these documents, please contact us.

Step 2: Begin your online application Click on the application link. ( When you click on the application link, you will see this page:

Select your practice name from the drop-down list. Only SIM Cohort-2 practice names are included in this drop-down list.

Once your practice name is shown in the box, click this button at the page bottom to begin:

When you arrive at the login page you will need to enter your access code sent to PTO/Practice contacts to enter your assessment. We will also send you an e-mail containing a link to the application and a reminder of your access code.

To navigate back to previous sections of the application, use the “Save & Previous” button. At any time during this process, you can hit “Save & Next” and close out of your browser. The information you have entered will be saved in your application. Do not use the browser arrows to go back and forth in the application or it will not save the information you have entered!

To reopen the application, go through the same process illustrated above, select your practice name and login.

Please do not use the “Submit” button at the end of the application until you have completely reviewed your application and no longer need to reopen it. Once you hit “Submit” you can no longer reopen the application and it will be deemed complete. Step 3: Review and submit your online application Once you are finished entering information, click " Save & Previous" to save and review your work. Once you are ready, click “Submit Application.” After clicking "Submit," you will receive an email confirmation that we have received your application. Please make sure you enter your email address accurately on your application. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact Meg Quiat, SIM Small Grants Administrator: [email protected]. Once you have submitted the application online, please do not mail a duplicate hard copy or any additional attachments or information as they will not be reviewed.

Cohort-2 small grants instructions.pdf

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