VIII Semester B.E. (CSE/ISE) Degree Examination, June/July 2013 (2K6 Scheme) CI – 8.2/IS – 8.4.1 : COMPILER DESIGN Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instruction : Answer any five full questions, selecting atleast two from each Part. PART – A 1. a) Explain the various phases of a compiler with a neat diagram.
b) What is the purpose of the transition diagram ? Construct a transition diagram for 1) Arithmetic operators 2) Identifiers.
2. a) Explain how left recursion and left factoring of a grammar is carried out for the following grammar
S → Aa | b A → Ac | Sd | ∈
b) What is Input Buffering ? Explain the methods of input buffering in a compiler. 3. a) Discuss the LR and LL parsers with the following grammar S → i SeS | iS | a
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b) Explain the stack implementation of shift reduce passing for the input id1 + id2 + id3 and consider the grammar E →E +E E →E*E E → (E) / id
JE – 838
4. a) Generate LR parsing table for the following grammar and find whether the grammar is ambiguous or not.
S → AS S→b A → SA A→a
b) Explain with examples synthesized attributes and Inherited attributes.
PART – B 5. a) Briefly explain the different types of intermediate codes, with the example expression a : = b * – c + b * – c. b) Explain in detail various issues involved in code generation.
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6. a) Explain how the run-time memory is divided into different data areas. What are the various allocation strategies used for respective data types ? 10 b) Explain the hash table implementation used for symbol tables.
7. a) What do you mean by machine independent code optimization ? Explain various code optimization methods. b) Explain the various strategies used for register allocation and assignment.
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8. Write short notes on : i) Error recovery in LR parsers ii) Loops in flow graphs iii) Storage allocation strategies iv) Bottom-up evaluation of S-attributes.
b) Explain the various strategies used for register allocation and assignment. 10. 8. Write short notes on : i) Error recovery in LR parsers. ii) Loops in flow graphs.
c) Briefly explain main issues in code generation. 6. âââââââ. Whoops! There was a problem loading this page. Compiler design.pdf. Compiler design.pdf.
Clam AntiVirus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ... A minimalistic release build requires 100M of disk space. ... $PREFIX/docs/clamav/clambc-user.pdf. 3 ...... re2c is in the public domain.
3. a) Consider the following grammar. E â E + T T. T â T *F F. F â (E) id. Construct SLR parsing table for this grammar. 10. b) Construct the SLR parsing table ...
It uses the hierarchical structure determined by the. syntax-analysis phase to identify the operators and operands of. expressions and statements. Page 1 of 7 ...
1. Implementation of symbol table. 2. Develop a lexical analyzer to recognize a few patterns in c (ex. Identifers, constants,. comments, operators etc.) 3. Implementation of lexical analyzer using lex tool. 4. Generate yacc specification for a few sy
software design(POâBCG ). iv. Working skills in theory and application of finite state machines, recursive descent,. production rules, parsing, and language ...
intrinsicState. ConcreteFlyweight. Operation(extrinsicState). allState. UnsharedConcreteFlyweight. CSE403 Sp10. 10. Participants. ⢠Flyweight (glyph in text example). â Interface through which flyweights can receive and act on extrinsic state. â
May 14, 2013 - Emscripten, or (2) Compile a language's entire runtime into ...... html.) ⢠Poppler and FreeType: Poppler12 is an open source. PDF rendering ...
large software systems. In this paper, we ... The C- programming language is basically a small trac- ..... on the C- file name and all the C- code is translated to.
There was a problem previewing this document. Retrying... Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. interpreter vs ...
So why do most computer science institutions offer compiler courses and often make ... programmers and computer scientists. ..... consists entirely of as and bs.
Mar 27, 2016 - redirects stdout to a string buffer. After. sizeOfBuffer bytes printed, the test is aborted with a FATAL failure. int _printFault(const char* limit,.
efficient way to exploit the data parallelism hidden in ap- plications. ... The encoder also employs intra-frame analysis when cost effective. ... bigger set of data.
Apr 6, 2011 - written in languages other than JavaScript on the web: (1). Compile code ... pile that into JavaScript using Emscripten, or (2) Compile a ... detail the methods used in Emscripten to deal with those ..... All the tests were run on a Len
semantics, we extend the data flow analysis framework to concurrent threads. .... duce two auxiliary conceptsâEvent Vector and Sensitivity Vectorâin section 6, ...
uses machine-learning techniques to automatically search the space ..... We employ depth-fair crossover, which equally weighs each level of the tree [12]. ...... Code to Irregular DSPs with the Retargetable,. Optimizing Compiler COGEN(T). In Internat
Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. principles of compiler design pdf. principles of compiler design pdf. Open.
references and (user-defined) exceptions. â modules, signatures, abstract types. The CakeML language. = Standard ML without I/O or functors. The verified machine-code implementation: parsing, type inference, compilation, garbage collection, bignums
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