
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE Nueva Ecija St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City


1. Attached is a Deped Memorandum dated July 5, 2017 re: Conduct of the Regional Evaluation of the Application Projects of School Heads Development Program, content of which is self-explanatory.

2. In connection to this, all participants are requested to submit the status of their respective Application Projects which are either completed or still ongoing on or before July 20, 2017 c/o Mrs. Ludevina R. Bruan, SEPS at CID 3rd Floor and the same shall be forwarded to DepEd-NCR for the preparation of schedules for the final evaluation. 3. For information and compliance.

ELIZABET . QUESADA, CESO V Schools ivision Superintendent






(Republic of the Philippines) KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON .iepartment of Edur::ation (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) f\Jatiortal Capit'~I Hegion PAMHANSANG PUNON.G IIBHIYO~~or~os AN )l . UCATION UNIT (NA?IG_NAL CAPITAL REGION) . ft~ i:; t.! ,' SA!> i:;: '~

Daang M1sam1s, Bago Eantay, Lungsod Quezlinl§r.. ~ L (Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City)/} fl /:'. /:' MEMORANDUM nv : ~

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Schools Division Superintendents !: !e:


Conduct of the Regional Evaluation of the Application Projects of School Heads Development Program founc;!ation Course Participants Depa1tment of Education SCHOOLS. DiVIS!ON OfflCE





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July 5, 2017 Date.

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The field is hereby informed that the Regional Evaluation Committee Memb rs shall conduct on-site visit, interview, vali dation and evaluation of the School Heads regarding their Application Projects from August - November, 2017. As per DepEd Memo No. 192, s. 2016 dated November 8, 2016 entitled "School Heads Development Progrpm: Foundation Course" , NEAP in the Region which is the Human Resource Devejoprnent Division should evaluate the Application Projects with the support of the Schools Division Offices using the following criteria: • Effectiveness [453) • Efficiency of Implementation [403] • AppHcation of Learning [l 03] • Replicability [53} It is requested that all SDOs are enjoined to update the submission of the status of their respective Application Projects which have already been completed as well as those that are still on-going so as this Office can prepare its final schedule/s for the evaluation of the School Head' s Application Project .





NEAP Facilitators engaged during the conduct of the SHDP Foundation Course will be tapped as members of the Regional Evaluation Committee. A School Head participant has to get a grade of at least 853 to pass and merit a certificate of completion of the course. Those who fall short of the passing mark will be given a month extension aftbr the Regional Evaluation Activity in order to accomplish the AP milestones. The Regional


Committee Members are as follows:

Chairperson- Dr. Ponciano A. Menguito, Director IV Co-Chairperson- Mr. Wilfredo E. Cabral, SDS, OlC-ARD Coordinator- Dr. Felicino C. Trongco, Chie f. HRDD-NEAP NCR Cluster Tearn Leaders Dr. Roger R. Morallos- Makoti, Marikina, Pasig, Quezon City Ms.~Jehnifer F. Vivas- Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, Valenzuela Dr. Cecilia 'S. Concepcion- Manila, Mandaluyong, Pasay, San Juan Dr. Josefino C. Pogoy Jr.- Muntinlupa, TAPA.T, Paran aque, Las Pinas


Wor~towarde;q:e[[ence .

.. p{ay to win!



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Members: Mr. Alfredo G . Desamparo Jr., EPS IL HRDD-NEAP NCR Mr. Ian Kenneth D. Magabilin, EPS IL HRDD-NEAP NCR Mr. Virgilio A. Santos, Chief, CID, San Juan City Dr. Rosalie A. Trongco, EPS, Makoti City Ms. Arlene Ocol, Principal, Caloocan City Dr. Florante A. Marmeto, Principal, Muntiniupa City Dr. Filmore A. Caballero, Principal, Valenzuela City Ms. Mary Ann M a rgaret L. Morden, Head Tea c her, Caloocan City Dr. Remylina T. Soriano, EPS, Manila Ms. Amalia C . Solis, PSDS, Manila Ms. Gina J. To lledo, Principal, Caloocan City Dr. Vidor C. Javena, EPS, Mandaluyong city Dr. Manuel A. Laguerta, Principal, Mandaluyong City Ms. Roxane S. Villanueva, Head Teacher, Mandaluyong City Mr. Ferdinand A. De Leon, Principal, Caloocan City Dr. Fiorita R. Matic, PSDS, Valenzuela City Ms. Hilda C . Valencia, PSDS, Malabon City Dr. Bryan E. llan, Principal, Valenzuela City Dr. Jhupet A. Capuyan, Principal, San Juan City Ms. Fierida S. Pajariliaga, SEPS, Pasay City Ms. Marife V. Villadiego, Principal, Pasig City Ms. Normina B. Hadji-Yunnoz, EPS, Pasay City Dr. Roland I. Dela Cruz, Principal, Manila The final sc hedule of regional monitoring and evaluation per Schools Division wi ll be announced later in the succeeding memorandum. Transp ortation expenses incurred by the DepEd NCR Staff shall be charged to the local funds while th e identified NEAP Facilitators transportation and other incidental expenses be borne by their local/MOOE funds subject to COA auditing ru les and regulations. "I"'

Immediate and w ide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. ~~

Director IV



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