

Future of The Crest Academies: Consultation on Proposals 2790_Crest Academy_Consultation Leaflet_vis10.indd 1

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Welcome John Hall – Chair of Governors Over the past four years, although part of the same family, The Crest Boys’ and The Girls’ Academies and their joint Sixth Form have operated as separate academies. Our new building, together with state of the art resources, creates a great opportunity to bring the Crest family closer together and to build better links with the community. As you will know, we have already made a number of changes to the way that Crest operates. There is strong leadership in place led by the Executive Principal, Phil Hearne, and his senior team. Under this leadership we have made – and are making – major changes to teaching and learning to ensure that local children get the best education possible. As part of this, we will continue to offer single sex education up to age 16, but under a combined Academy. Girls and boys will continue to be taught separately in single sex classrooms, but they will benefit from a more joined-up approach to teaching and learning. This will ensure that we have a consistently excellent approach across the new combined Academy. We have already combined the Girls’ and Boys’ teaching staff into one body. This has already increased the teaching and leadership resources available. Building on this foundation, our commitment to you is to establish Crest as the first choice for single sex education in the area.

A Combined Academy: The Crest Academies Our new building and the recent staffing changes present an exciting opportunity to improve the learning experience and facilities for our students and the wider community. As such, we are proposing to bring together Crest Boys and Crest Girls to become a new combined entity: The Crest Academies. As part of this we want to hear your views and ideas. We are proposing to: n Bring together The Crest Girls’ Academy and The Crest Boys’ Academy into one building as The Crest Academies. n  Retain single gender teaching from year 7 to year 11. n  Combine the academies legally, to achieve better value for money and more effective use of resources. n Improve learning environments. n  Introduce advanced ICT classroom technology. n Offer a wider range of resources in sport, dance and drama studios. If approved by the Department for Education, these changes will be in place from 1st September 2014.

As part of this proposed move to a combined Academy, we are keen to hear from parents and the local community, and will be hosting meetings over the next [few weeks/months] to share our thinking in more detail and to answer any questions. Meeting times will be publicised on our website and [etc...]


In the meantime though, please do take a few minutes to complete the short questionnaire on this leaflet. Alternatively, the survey can also be completed on our website:

n  Meet Phil Hearne, the Executive Principal, and E-ACT, the Academy Sponsor (dates to be communicated via the usual school channels).

We appreciate the continued support of all of our staff, students, parents and the local community.

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We look forward to working with you all in the next phase of The Crest Academies as we continue our journey.

The consultation to hear your views and ideas will take place between Monday 25th November 2013 and Friday 24th January 2014. There are several ways to provide your feedback, including:

n  Reply to the prepaid questionnaire in this leaflet. n  Complete the online survey:

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n Labada dugsiyo isku-darno sharci ahaan, si aan uga dhigno kuwo ka raqiisan maamulkooda iyo sidii aan si ka fiican u isticmaalno iloyinkeena.

We must receive your completed questionnaire by 17th January 2014.

Thank you for your views. Once completed, please detach this section and return by post.

7. Do you have any other comments about these proposals?

o Don’t know o No o Yes

o Don’t know o No o Yes

n Indha-indhaynta ku soo buuxi internetka:

5. Do you support The Crest Academies in facilitating a new library to enhance education, dance and drama studios and more resources for sport?

n Ka soo jawaab su’aalo-weydiimaha ku lifaaqan buug-yarahaan.

n La kullan Phil Hearne, Macallin-madaxa, iyo E-ACT, kafaala-qaadaha Dugsiga (taariikhyada waxaa lagu war-bixin doonaa hababka caadiga ah ee dugsiga isticmaalo).

4. Do you support changing the academies’ admissions policy to allow The Crest Academies to admit boys and girls under one policy?

Waxaa jiro habab kala duwan aad ku bixin kartid jawaab-celintaada, oo ku jiro:

o Don’t know

Wadatashiga lagu dhegeysan doono ra’yigaaga iyo fikraddaada waxaa la qaban doonaa inta u dhexeyso Isniinta 25 Nofeembar 2013 iyo Jimcada 24 Janaayo 2014.

o No


o Yes

Haddii uu u oggolaado Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, is-beddeladaan waxaa la hirgelin doonaa laga bilaabo 1ga Seteembar 2014.

n Bixinno iloyin baaxad ah ee ciyaaraha isboortiga, koob ka ciyaar iyo barashada farshaxanka.

o Don’t know

n Soo bandhigno fasalo isticmaalo tiknolojiyada casriga ah ee ICT.

6. We want to make sure that The Crest Academies continue to be at the heart of the local area and that the out-of-school activities and services meet the needs of the local community we serve. Tell us here what sort of facilities and services you think we should make available to the community.

n Wanaajino deegaanka wax-barashada.

3. Do you support the proposals to maintain single gender teaching up to age 16 and provision of single gender social and recreational areas?

Waxaan u bogeyna taageerida socda aan ka helno dhammaan shaqaalaheena, ardeydeena, waalidiinta iyo jaaliyadda deegaanka.

n Sii wadno wax-barashada isku jinsiga ah iyo ku bixinno aago madadaalo gaar u ah lab iyo dheddig.

o No

Ilaa goortaas, fadlan dhowr daqiiqo u qaado buuxinta su’aalo-weydiimahaan ku lifaaqan buug-yarahaan. Sida kale, sahaaminta, waxaa xittaa lagu dhamaystiri karaa boggeena internetka:

n Hal dhismo iskugu keeno The Crest Girls’ Academy iyo The Crest Boys’ Academy si ay u noqdaan dugsiga The Crest Academies.

o Yes

Ayadoo qayb ka ah qorshaha isku-darka Dugsiyada, waxaan rabnaa inaan ogaanno ra’yiga waalidiinta iyo jaaliyadda deegaanka, waxaana kullamo qaban doonnaa [usbuucyada/ bilaha] soo socdo si aan si ka faah-faahsan u kala qaybsano ra’yigeena iyo ka jawaabno wixii su’aalo aad qabtid. Waqtiyada kullanka waxaa lagu soo qori doonaa boggeena internetka iyo [iwm…]

Waxaan soo jeediney inaan:

Waxaan isku-darney shaqaalaha dugsiyada Wiilasha iyo Gabdhaha (Girls’ and Boys’). Kani wuxuu kordhiyey iloyinka hoggaaminta iyo wax-barashada la heli karo. Annagoo si xoojineyno aasaaskaan, waxaan kaa ballanqaadeynaa inaan Crest ka dhigno dugsiga koowaad ee wax-barashada isku jinsiga ah ee deegaanka.

Waxaan rabnaa inaan ogaanno ra’yigiina ku saabsan arrintaan.

2. Do you support the proposals to combine The Crest Girls’ Academy and The Crest Boys’ Academy legally into one academy, under one building, as The Crest Academies?

Ayadoo kani qayb ka ah, waxaan sii wadi doonnaa inaan bixinno wax-barasho kala jinsi ah ilaa ay carruurta ka gaaraan 16 jir, laakiin waxaan kani ku bixin doonnaa dugsi Academy oo isku-darsan. Wiilaasha iyo gabdhaha fasalo isku jinsi ah ayaa wax lagu bari doonaa, laakiin waxay ka faa’iidi doonaan hab wax-barasho isku-darsan. Kani wuxuu hubin doonaa inaan mar walba ka qabno qaabilaad heer sare ah Dugsiyada isku-darsan.

Dhismaheena cusub iyo is-beddelka aan goor dhow ka sameyney shaqaaleheena waxay bixiyaan fursad fiican inaan ku wanaajino wax-barashada iyo iloyinka ardaydeena iyo jaaliyadda intooda kale. Sidaas awgeeda waxaan soo jeedineynaa inaan isku keeno labada dugsi ee Crest Boys iyo Crest Girls si aan u noqono hal dugsi lagu magacaabo: The Crest Academies.

About you Please tick the relevant box(es) to tell us about yourself: o Pupil o Parent o Staff member o Member of the community o Other (please specify)

Sida aad og tahay, waxaan dhowr is-beddelo ka sameyney habka uu u shaqeeyo Crest. Waxaa jiro maamul fiican oo u hoggaamiyo Macallinmadaxa, Phil Hearne, iyo kooxdiisa sare. Hoggaamintaan cusub waxaan is-beddelo wayn ka sameyney wax-barashada si loo hubiyo in carruurta deegaanka u helaan wax-barashada ugu fiican ee suurtogalka ah.

Dugsiyo la Isku-darey: The Crest Academies


Afarta sano ee la soo dhaafey, inkastoo ay qayb ka yihiin isku dugsi, dugsiga Crest Boys’ iyo Girls’ Academies iyo Dugsiga Sare waxay u hawlgaleen sida dugsiyo kala baxsan. Dhismaheena cusub, oo leh iloyin casri ah wuxuu ina siiyey fursad wayn aan hal meel isku wada keeno dugsiyada Crest iyo xiriir ka fiican la dhisno jaaliyadda.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to the following questions:

John Hall – Madaxa Guddoomiyayaasha Dugsiga

Waxaan soo dhaweynaynaa inaan kula shaqeyno marxalada xiga ee dugsiyada Crest Academies sii aan socdaalkeena u sii wadno.

Response form


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Adiga kugu saabsan Fadlan sax sanduuqa ku khuseeyo si aad inoo sheegto wax adiga kugu saabsan: o Ardey o Waalid o Xubin shaqaale o Xubinta jaaliyadda o Wax kale (fadlan caddey)

o Haa

o Maya o Ma ogi

o Yes

o No

o Don’t know

o Yes

o No

o Don’t know

o Yes

o No

o Don’t know

Waad ku mahadsan tahay ra’yigaaga. Markii aad soo buuxiso, qaybtaan ka fuji warqada kale iyo ku soo celi boostada. Waa inaan su’aalo-weydiimaha helno ayagoo dhammeystiran ka hor 5 galabnimo ee Jimcada 17ka Janaayo 2014.

7. Miyaad qabtaa faallooyin kale ku saabsan qorshooyinkaan?

6. Waxaan rabnaa inaan hubinno in dugsiyada Crest Academies sii wadaan inay bartamo u ahaadaan deegaanka iyo in naadiyada dugsiga ka dib la qabto ay qanciyaan baahida jaaliyadda deegaanka aan u shaqeyno. Halkaan inoogu sheeg nooca adeegyada aad u maleyso in looga baahan yahay jaaliyadda.

5. Miyaad taageereysaa dugsiga Crest Academies si ay u fududeeyaan furidda maktabad cusub ee lagu wanaajiyo wax-barashada, koob ka ciyaarka iyo barashada farshaxanka iyo iloyin ka badan ciyaaraha isboortiga?

4. Miyaad taageereysaa in la beddelo qorshe-hawaleedka isku qorista dugsiga sidii Crest Academies loo siiyo awood ay wiilasha iyo gabdhaha ku soo qoran dugsiga hal qorshe-hawleed?

3. Miyaad taageereysa qorshaha in la sii wado wax-barasho isku jinsi ah ilaa ay ardayda ka gaaraan 16 jir iyo in dugsiga laga baxsho aago madadaalo gaar u ah lab iyo dheddig?

2. Miyaad taageereysaa qorshaha in si sharciyaysan la isku daro dugsiyada The Crest Girls’ Academy iyo The Crest Boys’ Academy iyo laga dhigo hal dugsi, ku yaalo hal dhismo iyo lagu magacaabo The Crest Academies?


Waad ku mahadsan tahay inaad waqti u qaadatey ka jawaabida su’aalahaan:

Foomka Jawaab-celinta


Happy Giraffe Ltd Sandford House 6-7 Lower High Street Stourbridge DY8 1TE

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Happy Giraffe Ltd Sandford House 6-7 Lower High Street Stourbridge DY8 1TE

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Crest Academies Consultation Leaflet.pdf

children get the best education possible. As part of this, we will continue to offer single. sex education up to age 16, but under a. combined Academy. Girls and boys will. continue to be taught separately in single sex. classrooms, but they will benefit from a more. joined-up approach to teaching and learning. This will ensure ...

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