Surviving a Gluten Free Diet Being an IBDer most of my life, one of the biggest things people would say to me is, “I bet there is a lot of things you can’t eat”. Growing up I would tell them that I can eat anything I want. I wasn’t limited to anything and nothing seemed to affect my Crohn’s. Well, that is what I thought. Of course, I was ignorant. 22 years into my disease, I was to really learn the role of nutrition with IBD. I went into the worst flare of my life, going to the bathroom 30 times a day. I suffered from pain, nausea and depression. Nothing I did helped me. I thought I was going to need surgery. So, I did research online and found that many people were using different diets to help control their disease. Some used the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). Some used a low residue diet. Others turned to juicing. I knew I had to change something in my life to get back to normal but most of these diets were too restrictive for me. Then I found out about the Gluten Free diet. Gluten is a protein complex found in wheat, barley, rye and a couple of other grains. Normally a gluten free diet is used for people with Celiac Disease. However more and more IBDers are going gluten free. My thinking was by taking away the gluten, my guts won’t work as hard and this should calm them down.
As I mentioned, many of the other diets were restrictive. There were a lot of food items you couldn’t eat. With a gluten free diet, there are items you can’t eat but there are substitutes. You can’t eat wheat pasta but there is pasta made from corn, or quinoa, or rice. There are flours made up of other grains which are then used to make items that normally need wheat like bagels or pizza or pretzels. So, although I can’t eat a normal bagel, I can still have bagels… just gluten free ones. Gluten Free diets are becoming very popular. Many companies are now making alternative gluten free versions for their items. Barilla pasta now makes a gluten free version as an example. Also, many restaurants are now creating gluten free menus and offering a gluten free option to their normal menus. So, after doing some research and seeing that there were a lot of options open to me, I went gluten free. At first it was hard because I had to find products I liked. I had to experiment with different types of pastas to find one that I liked. Same as the breads. Over time, I would find my groove and have specific go to items. So, when all is said and done, you are probably wondering was it worth it? Well, after being gluten free for about a month, my bowel movements reduced in number. My pain started going away. After a couple of months, I felt like I was pretty much in remission. I have now been gluten free for a little over 2 years and have pretty much been in remission for most of that time. I still have some active colitis but it doesn’t manifest itself. When I first started going gluten free, I made a video talking about it, which you can see below. It is basic and I really should update it. If you have any questions about the diet, feel free to ask. Also, a Google search will give you numerous sites to check out. To me, I feel like going gluten free saved my life. My original thought was to do it short term and slowly bring gluten back into my life. After 2 years, I do miss gluten products, but I have no desire to end my journey with being gluten free.
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