CSIR JRF/NET Life Sciences December 2016 t Questions + Keys






The random errors associated with the measurement of P and Q are 10% and 2%, respectively. What is the percentage random error in PI(!/ I. 12.0 2. 9.8 4. 10.2 3. 8.0


In how many distinguishable ways can the letters of the word CHANCE be arranged? I. 120 2. 720 3. 360 ~. 240



Two cockroaches of the same species have the same thickness but different lengths and widths. Their ability to survive in oxygen deficient environments will be compromised if I. their thickness increases, and the rest of the size remains the same. . 2. their thickness remains unchanged, but ' their length increases. 3. their thickness remains unchanged, but their width decreases. 4. their thickness decreases, but the rest of the size remains unchanged.


The bar chart shows number of seats won by four political parties in a state legislative assembly.

Find out !he missing pattern.

~?~ 1.




[iJ ~ tYill




Seeds when soaked in water gain about 20% by weight and I()O~ by volume. By what factor does the density increase? I. 1.20 2. 1.10 3. 1.11 4. 1.09


Retarding frictional force, f, on 8 moving ball, is proportional to its velocity, V. Two identical balls roll down 'identical slopes (A &. B) from different heights. . Compare the retarding forces and the velocities of the balls at the bases of the slopes:





3. fB

> fA


4. fB

> fA






3·M i~ 4.


Which of the following pie-charts correctly depicts this information?



Intravenous (IV) fluid has to be administe,red to a child of 12 kg with dehydration, at a dose of 20 mg of fluid per kg of body weight, in I hour. What should be the drip rate (in drops/min) ofIY fluid? (Img = 20 drops) I. 7 2. 80 3. 120 4. 4


A hall with a high roof is supported by ,an array of identical columns such that, to a person lying on the floor and looking at the ceiling, the columns appear parallel to each other. Which of the following designs conforms to this?

r 4 1.

I. 5.1 krn 3. 5.6 krn







Which of the following graphs coJtectly shows the speed . and the correspon!ling distance covered by an object moving along a straight line?

l'j -~ . - . - . -""". 2'j~ ' .;".nc. 'ii


_ .- ' - '



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lLl ' ~'" \. .4'.I~ .3j1/ . ; _. ._._._._. 'Q

... . 0,0











5.4 krn




What is angle OCB? I. 60° 3. 55°

2. 75° 4. 65°





14. OA, OB, and OC are radii of the quarter . circle shown in the figure. AB is also equal to the radius.






ll. A nonnal TV screen has a width to height ratio of 4:3, while a high definition TV screen has a ratio of 16:9. What is the' approximate ratio of their diagonals, if the heights of the two types of screens are the same? I. 5:9 2. 5:18 3. 5:15 4. 5:6

12. Comparing numerical values, which of the following is different from the rest? I. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. 2. The sum of the three angles of a plane . triangle expressed in radians. 3. 22n. 4. The net volume of a hemisphere of unit radius, and a cone of unit radius and unit height.

13. A river is 4.1 krn wide. A bridge built across it has In of its length on one bank and 118 of its length on the other bank. What is the total length of the bridge?

15. Two iron spheres of radii 12 cm and I em are melted and fused. Two new spheres are made without any loss ofiron. Their possible radii could be 2. 9 and 10em I. 9and4em 4. 2 and 11 em 3. 8 and 5 cm 16. A man buys alcohol at Rs. 7S/eL, adds water, and sells it at Rs.75/eL making a profit of 50%. What is the ratio of alcohol to water?

I. 2:1

2. 1:2

3. 3:2

4 . . 2:3

17. The sum ofdigits ofa two-digit number is 9. If the fraction foimed by taking 9 leSs than the number as numerator and 9 more than the number as denominator is 3/4, what is the number? 2. 63 I. 36 4. 54 3.45 18. The distance between X and Y is 1000 Iem. A person flies from X at 8 AM ·locaI time and reaches Y at lOAM local time. He flies back after a halt of 4 hours at Y and reaches X at 4 .' local time on the same day. What is his average speed for the duration be is in the air? I. 500 kmlhour 2. 250 kmlhour 3. 750 krnJhour 4. cannot be caleulalc>d wi1h the given



·. . :,H':.k.4r, ~: ,

~ .


19. If a person travels x"10 fastcr than nonnal, he reaches y minutes carlier than nonnai. What is his nonnal time oflravel?

(':0 + 1) Yminutes 2. (':0 + 1) y minutes I.

3. t~o + 1) x minutes 4. e;o + 1) x minutes


PART'B' 21. Choose the most appropriate pH at which the net charge is zero for the molecule froni tIie data shown below:

cooI .







JI ,KG 3.80 roo-






I L--




23. Equilibrium constant (K:.) of a reaction is a ratio of product to' substrate concentrations. The relation between (K:.) and free energy change in a reaction (aG ') is as follows aG' -RT In K'•• Reaction A and Reaction B have K ~q values of 10 and 100, respectively. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to l1G '? l.aG'ofA = aG'ofB 2. aG'of A> l1G'of B 3.aG'ofB> aG'ofA 4. aG' of A '" aG' of B


20. A and B walk up an escalator one step at a time, wliile the escalator itself moves up at a constant speed. A walks twice as fast as B. A reaches the top in 40 steps and B in 30 steps. How many steps of the escalator can be seen when it is not moving? I. 30 2. 40 3. 50 4. 60


3. the occurrence of beta turn conformation in a peptide can be deduced, 4. The sequence ofa peptide can bedcduccd.



24. Excess oxygen consumed after a vigorous exercise is I. to pump out lactic acid from muscle. .z. to increase the concentration of lactic aCid in muscle. 3. to reduce dissolved carbon dioxide in blood. 4. to make ATP for gluconeogenesis.

25. Which one of the following describes the primary function offlippases? '-, _'I. Help in increasing lipid-protein interaction in the outer leaflet of the bilayer 2. Move certain phospholipids frolll one ) leaflet of the membrane to another 3. Localize more-negatively charged membrane proteins in the lipid bilayer 4. Cause uncoupling ofv-SNARES and tSNARES after fusion of incoming vesicle with target membrane

I '

01,01, coo-

2. 2.91 4. 6.87

22. Choose the correct statement about peptides in the Ramachandran plot.

I. Peptides that are unstructured will have all the backbone dihedral angles in the disallowcd regions. 2. It is not possible to conclude whether a peptide adopts entii-cly helix or entirely , beta sheet confonnation-.

26. Mitotic cyclin-CDK activity peaks in M phase. This is beca\ISC ' I. Mitotic cyclin is synthesised only in M phase. 2. Threshold level of mitotic cyclin accumulates only in late 02. _ 3. Cyclin subunit is activated by phosphorylation

only in M phase, 4. The kinase subunit is activated by dephosphorylation only in M phase. 27. The gel to ,liquid crystalline pha,se transition temperature in phosphatidyl choline (PC) _lipids composed of dioleoyl (00), dipalmitoyl (DP), disteroyl (DS) and palmitoyl oleoyl (PO) fatty acids in increasing order will be

r 6

1. 2. 3. 4.




28. Which of the following is NOT an example of transmembrane transport between different subcellu1ar compartments? 1. ,Transport from cytoplasm. into tAl Ittlften of


" " e~ ~(jp§Q ~

tbeendopl;asinic reticulum 2.~Transportfrom

endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex . ' 3. Transport from stroma intoth¥lakoid SpllG&4. Transport [Nm mitochondrial intermembrane space into the mitochonQrial matrix


29. Which of the following are NOT transcribed by RNA polymerase II? I. miRNA and some snRNA 2. miRNA and silORNA 3. mRNA and snoRNA 4. tRNA and 5S rRNA 30; RNA editing, a post-transcriptional process, is / achieved with the help of guide RNA (gRNA), Which one of the following statements about the process is NOT true? I, g-RNA dependent RNA editing happens in the kinetoplast DNA 2. g-RNA is involved in chemical modification oft-RNA 3. This process involves insertion or deletion of uridines . / 4. Sequences edited once may be re-edited using a second g-RNA 31. Telomerase, a RNA-protein complex which completes the replication of telomeres during DNA synthesis, is a specialised 1. RNA dependent DNA polymerase 2. DNA dependent DNA polymerase 3. DNA dependent RNA polymerase 4, RNA dependent RNA polymerase 32. Consider a short double-stranded linear DNA molecule of 10 complete turns with 10.5 bplturn. The ends of the DNA molecule are sealed together to make a relaxed circle. This relaxed circle will have a linking number of 1. 105 2. 20.5 3. 10.9 4. 10.5

In the above signalling cascade, which one of the following molecules is denoted by 'B'1 1. STAT 5' 2. 'SMAD6 3~




34. The secondary antibodies routinely Used for the detection of primary antibodies in western blotting experiment are I. anti-allotypic 2. anti-idiotypic 4. anti-paratypic 3. anti-isotypic 35.. Which of the following events wiU!"OT .usqaIly lead to transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell? 1. Gain offunction of oncogenes 2. Loss of function of tumor SUpplCSSOrs 3. Gain of function of genes involved in nucleotide excision repair 4, Loss of function of,pro-apoptosis related genes 36. Which one of the following is a food borne . toxin? 1. Tetanus toxin 2 .. Botulil1um tQxin 3. Cholera, toxiA. 4. Diptherla tOxin 37. Which one of the foliowiug statements is WRONG? 1. The megasporocyte develops within the megasporangium of the ovule 2. Megasporocyte undergoes meiosis to produce four haploid megaspores 3. All the four megaspores undergo several mitotic divisions to form female gametophyte in moat lIIJ&iosperms 4. Female gametophyte is haploid


38. Certain proteins or mRNAs that are regionally \ localized within the unfertilized egg and regulate development are called I. gene regulators. 2. morphometric,determinants. 3. cytoplasmic determinants. 4. mosaic foniting factors. '.'

. '

39. Cell to cell commuriication is important in development of an organism . The ability of cells to respOnd to il specific inductive signal is called . I. Regional specificity of induction 2. Competence . • , 3. Juxtrac:rine signalling . 4. inStructive iuteraction 40. Apical ectodermal ridge induction is essential for tetrapod limb development. WhichOJie of the followjng · is NOT .essential for the fonnation of a ful!cHOfi;!iiqu,? ' 1. Tbx SORII IRe '-.¥nt 2. Androsterone 3. Apciptotic genes 4., Fibroblast.p>wth factor . 41. Which one of the following best describes the symplast pathway of water flow from the epidermis to endodermis in a,plant root? , I. Water moves through cell walls and extracelltilar spaces without crossing any membrane 2. Water travels across the root cortex via the plasmodesmata 3. Water crosses the plasma membrane of each cell in its path twice, oncl; on entering and once on exiting Transport across the tonoplast



42. The herbicide, dichlorophenyldimethylurca, is an inhibitor of I . shll9mate pathway for biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids. 2. electron transport from P680 to P700. 3. branched chain &dno acid pathway. 4. elcctron transport from P700 to ferredoxin. 43. Which one of ' the following compounds is NOT a part of alkaloid class of secondary metabolites? . I. Lignin'" _"" c, c. 2. Indole 4. Pyrrolidine 3. TroPane

44. Which one of the following plant derived ,signalling molccules induces hyphal branching of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, a phenomenon that is observed at the initial stages of colonization by these fungi? I. Salicylic acid 2. Ahssisis aeid '3. Strigolactones 4. System in 45. Serum has essentially the same composition as plasma EXCEPrthat it lacl

46. Which one of the following does NOT occur due to stimulation ofbaroreceptors? 'I . Brady~dia ' '. 2. Hypotensioil , 3. Venodllation 4. Vasoconstriction




47. Vasopressin secretion does NOT increase with . L exercise 2. an increase in extracellular fluid volume 3. standing 4. vomiting .

41. Which type of cells located in gastric glands is responsible for the release of histamine? I. Mucous neck cells 2. Enterochromaffin-Iike cells 3. Chief cel)s 4. Parietal cells 49. If non-disjuncti~n occurs in meiosis 1, which " of the following sCenario is most Iikely .to occur? ' , I . Two gametes will be n+ I and two will be n-I 2. One gamete will be n+ I, two will be ',n' and one will be n-I ,3. Two gametes will be normal and two will , ben-I ' 4. Twogametes will be normal and two will ben+1 SO. Which of the following mutagens is most likely to result in a single amino acid change in a gene product? I. Acridine orange 2. X-rays 3. Ethylmethane sulphonate (EMS) 4. Ethidium,bromide


Ij •


J '



57. A plot of dN/dt as a function of population density yields a I. rectangular hyperbola 2. negative exponential curve. 3. positive rectilinear curve. 4. bell-shaped curve.

51. Maternal , inheritance of coiling of shell in snail (Limnaea peregra) is well established. The dextral coiling depends on dominant allele D and sinistral coiling depends upon recessive allele d. : A female FI progeny of dextral (Dd) type is crossed with a male sinistral snail. ' What will be, the ratio of heterozygous: homozygous individuals in its F, progeny? 2. 1:1 I. 3:1 4. 1:2:1 3. 1':3

58. For a species having logistic growth, if K = 20,000 and r = 0.15, the maximum sustainable yield will be 2. 1500 I. 450 4. 6000 3. 3000

52. Which of the following is true for cells harbouring F' plasmid? I. Their F plasmid is non-functional. . 2. They exhibit increased rates of transfer of all chromosoinal genes. 3. They are merodiploids. 4. They fail to survive as the chromosomal origin of replication is inactivated . . 53. An alga having chlorophyll a, floridean starch as storage product and lacking 'flagellate cells belongs to the class I. Phaeophyceae. 2. Chlorophyceae. 3. Rhodophyceae. 4. Xanthophyceae. 54. Which of the following is NOT true for monocots? I. Sieve tube members with companion cells ..... 2. Vasculature atactostelic 3. Tricolpate pollen 4. Vascular cambium ,absent


55. Individuals occupying;a p~icular habitat and adat!.ted to jt phen~cally but not genotypically are known as +.- Ecopheffes. 2. Ecotypes. 3. Ecospecies. 4. euellospec~s. 56. Which one of the following statements supports the concept of trade-off in the evolution of life history trai~ . '- I. Level of .,aceritlii care and clutch size are . positively correlated . ' 2. Animals maturing early tend to Iive1mtgef' 3. An incP:ase in seed "snaJJy ~ociated wiSh a _snlSe iA reed number 4. Allocation of higher energy for reproducetion leads to higher population growth


59. Which of the following is a correcfranking of ecosystems based' on .the root: shoot ratio of plants? I. Tropical wet forest> Tropical dry forest > , Temperate grassland> Tropical grassland 2. Temperate grassland> TropicaLgrasslsud 9 Tropical wet thlest > Tropical dry .fQIest 3. Tropical dry forest> Tropical wet forest > Tropical grassland> Temperate grassland 4. Temperate grassland> Tropical grassland > Tropical dry forest> Tropical wet fnre st 60; Which of the following periods is knoWn as "Age of Fishes"? I. Devonian ' 2. Jurassic

3. Cambrian 4. ~

61. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the Hardy-Weinberg model? I. Population mates at random with respect to the lOCus in question 2. Selection is hot acting on the locus in question' J. One 4l1ele is domlnaiIL &llet tile mba:: is ~cessi"l at tiHs laettS 4~

·The ,e"l:ilatigp iii eifeeti 0 ely infiAite iA sial

62. Which of the following geological periods'iII characterized by the first appearance of mammals7 I. Tertiary 2. C.... n illS

3. Pet'fftian

4. TFiai ..

63. In which of the following mating systems there is likely to bel NO ~onflict of interest over reproductive success tween the sexes? I. Polyandry 2~ Monogamy 3. Promiscuity 4. Polygamy


64. Which "one of the . following analytical · techniques-doesNOT involve an optical measurement? I. ELlSK" ~ 2. MiCroarray 3_ · Flow cytometry " 4: DitK:, cntial ScwUliAg Caioa:imdty 65. Which genes h'av~ been introduced in Bollgard II cotton to get resistance against cotton bollwonn, . tobacco budwonn and pink bollwonn?

I. crylAb + cryJAc

2. crylAc +cry2Ab 3. crylAb + cry2Ab 4. cry9C + cr'y2Ab_


66. Different leads are to record ECG of humans. Which one of the following is NOT unipolar leads? . I. Augmented limb leads 2. V, and V, leads 3. Standard limb leads 4. VR and VL leads 67. The presence and distribution of specific mRNAs within a cell can be detected by 1,' Northern blot analysis 2. RNase protection assay 3. -in ,itJibybridiMion 4,~JII-time


68. The tetanus vaccine given to humans in the case of a deep cut is a I . DNA vaccine 2. recombinant vector vaccine 3. subunit vaceine 4. toxoid vaccine



69. The electrospray ionization spectrum of a mixture of two peptidesshow peaks with"m/z . values 301, 401, SOl, and 601. The molecular weights of the· peptides are I. 1200 and 1250 2. 1200 and 1500 3. 1350 and 1500 4. 1250 and 1350 70. An optical measurement of a protein is taken . both before and after digestion.of the plotein by a protease. In which' of the following spectroscopic measurements the sigrial change, i.e., before liS after protease treatment, could be the maximum?

f. 1_

I. Absorbance at 28O.nm

2. Circular dichroism 3. Absorbance at 340 nm 4. Fluorescence value

I PART 'e' 71. From the following statements, A. Hydrogen, Deuterium and Tritium differ in the number of protons . . B. Hydrogen, Deuterium and Tritium differ in the number of neutrons C. Both Deuterium and Tritium are radioactive and decay to Hydrogen and Deuterium, respectively D. Tritium is radioactive and decays to Helium " E. Carbon-14 decays to Nitrogen-14 F. Carbon-14 decays to Carbon-13 pick the combination with ALL correct stateIl\ents. \. A,BandF 2. B,DandE 3. A, C and D 4.C, E and F 72. From the following statements, A. For a reaction to 'occur spontaneously the free energy change must be negative ' B. The interaction between two nitrogen molecules in the gaseous state is prccJominandy electrostatic C. By knowing bond energies, it is possible to deduce whether the bond is covalent .bond or hydrogen bond D. Hydrophobic interactions arenot important in a fo!dedglobular protein pick the co.,.bi~ation with ALL WRONG statements. ( I. A and B 2. B and C 3. CandD 4. BandD

7.;!.J. The following are four statements on peptide! / . protein collformation: . A. Glycine-lias-!he largest area of conforma-

tionally allowe~ space in the Ram3chwICii an plot of 0-amt'¥ B: A 20-residue peptide that is acetylated at the N-terminus and amidated at the C-terminus has 0 -60 0 (±5). 'I' -30 0 (±5) for all the residues. It can be concluded that conform" alion of the peptide is helix-tum-strand C. The allowed values of 0. 'I' for amino acids in a protein are not valid for short peptides





CSIR JRF/NET Life Sciences December 2016 Booklet Questions + Keys + Explanations Part C

Answer – 2 Statement A is wrong. Isotopes differ on neutrons.

Answer – 4 Statements A and C are correct.

Answer – 3 Statements A and D are correct. The four types of beta turn are distinguished by the Φ, ψ angles of residues i+1 (2) and i+2 (3).

Answer – 4 In Figure, b or d have less activity due to ammonium sulfate precipitation. Ammonium sulfate precipitates protein and after centrifugation, protein settles in the pellet. The supernatant show a little activity.

Answer – 2

Answer – 1 The enzyme and substrate complex is more stable when compared to free enzyme alone. With Protein X, the curves shows better activity compared to Protein Y.

Answer – 4 Band 3, Glycophorin and GPCR are integral membrane proteins, difficult remove by 5M NaCl salt treatment.

Answer – 2 LAMP1 (lysosomal associated membrane protein) in present in Lysosomes. LC3 Puncta is present in Autopahagosome. In autophagy, Autopahagosome fuse with Lysosome and degrades its contents. The Protein A-GFP should always colocalizes with LAMP1, which is present in Lysosomes. Since, Bafilomycin inhibits formation of lysosome, the Protein A-GFP will co-localizes with LC3, which is present in L autopahagosome.

Answer – 3 The inhibitor A acts like uncoupler. Actually CSIR gives wrong in the options. It is NADPH Oxidation not NADP+ reduction.

Answer – 2

Answer – 1 G1 phase cells will have more radioactivity, because they enter S phase immediately.

Answer – 3 Cefalexin is a beta-lactam antibiotic of the cephalosporin family. It is bactericidal and acts by inhibiting synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer of the bacterial cell wall. As cefalexin closely resembles d-alanyl-d-alanine, an amino acid ending on the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall, it is able to irreversibly bind to the active site of PBP, which is essential for the synthesis of the cell wall.

Answer – 3

Answer – 3 Because of mutation to Pre-mRNA gene, snRNP is not going to bind, so it not retained in the nucleus.

Answer – 4 Basal level translation observed with CHP, which is leaky allows polysome formation thus translation.

Answer – 3 CpG islands are typically unmethylated in promoters for housekeeping genes.

Answer – 3

Answer – 3 The helicase loading complex inhibited by early G1 CDK in G1 phase, so high levels of CDK activity.

Answer – 2 In trypanosomes, all RNAs are processed by the concerted action of trans-splicing and polyadenylation. In transsplicing, a leader sequence is donated to all mRNAs from a small RNA molecule, the SL RNA.

Answer – 1

Answer – 3 Hormone Receptor X and H, shows high Activity with Hormone X and less activity with receptor Y.

Answer – 1 Case A, B and D leads to less apoptosis.

Answer – 4

Answer – 3 The levels of high p53 and low cyclin D in treated cells .

Answer – 4

Answer – 1 β-catenin not produced by Spemann organizer.

Answer – 4 First, Driesch had demonstrated that the prospective potency of an isolated blastomere (those cell types it was possible for it to form) is greater than its prospective fate (those cell types it would normally give rise to over the unaltered course of its development). According to Weismann and Roux, the prospective potency and the prospective fate of a blastomere should be identical. Second, Driesch concluded that the sea urchin embryo is a “harmonious equipotential system” because all of its potentially independent parts functioned together to form a single organism. Third, he concluded that the fate of a nucleus depended solely on its location in the embryo – From Developmental Biology by Gilbert.

Answer – 1 A, B and D are correct statements.

Answer – 4

Answer – 4

Answer – 1

Answer – 2

Answer – 3

Answer – 3

Answer – 3

Answer – 4

Answer – 3

Answer – 3?

Answer – 4

I roo The uptake or nitrous pxidc (Hz{» and carbon monoxide (CO) i" !he blood of Iunc alveolar capillary .relative to Ihcit p.nw pres:!lft and the transit time of rat blood cell in c.pillary is shown . in ftIe figure below:





-- ---.-- -- -~-

The reasons fur difference in the patta1I of atwolar gas exchange of N10 and CO have boea proposed . in the foliowinS statcmtflts: A. N~ docs not chemically combine with proteins in blood but equilibrate rapidly bctw«n alveolar gas and blood B. CO hu high solubility~ C. CO has high solubility in !he alveolar

capillary membrane ofN~ bctwtut alveolar .... and blood is considered u diffusion limited.

D. The dispersion


Whidl of the .~ staI~mciM(s) i~1I!l: INCOR RECT? I . Only " 2. .... and B

i . OnlyC

4. Cand D

Answer – C . The uptake af. IP' 111111 ~hlC\-n d,ffu_ o:quil.o. num dq", nd. uti .ho "'~sm.u.k 0{ ru ltnutlal"}' blood no... ...... "••ml'le. "I,c)d.rr....... "pM II}· rmen '''''alwol. '0 " p,llol) blood (I·" . 41.1O 'ho: only ,,"y ,o ilS "pI~h " I" " ..."t~_ .ho uI bIuud n.,..., ... •h, oUllh .Ito ah=lar ""1"110 ...... N,O i. ~ n .'. m"t.: or a PWfi~""'·I.''''tN fdJ (:h:tqes •.., ' br d,JTu.u., "'~'y

'''''0:;, ..


h;i", ",,,,IT,,,, u" ,"" grla L" or • J"'rfu'""... I'm.' .... AlL"" , 1$ p;irl,aJ l"'CS>JJrt.n I"" blood a nd body . AII .....,01h"'Ir

,/00, ,,,,


and -;"..,'... ~ _~, .'""~ hi-' Krt f"'.fu ...", h"Hled. !',It;';" .ha. under " '.....,~I "'''n~ condn""'l. 0 , is . ~_·hmHt"d p, al"", Tho ~P\~lc of a Jr~' I..... dO<"> "'" ''''hic,·~ dilT""",,, cquol'hri~ o;oo"ld otn ..... iJ) '"",rca.., .he d:.1T....1IJ1 .-~p;lClIy "'<"I"CJ>t<1 CO" an ~'~ml'le or ~u, h J IIiIJ'


Answer – 1

Answer – 4 Hemianopsia or hemianopia is visual field loss on the left or right side of the vertical midline. It can affect one eye but usually affects both eyes. Homonymous hemianopsia, is hemianopic visual field loss on the same side of both eyes.

Answer – 2

Answer – 4

Answer – 4

Answer – 4

Answer – 2

Answer – 3

Answer – 1

Answer – 2

Answer – 3

Answer – 2

Answer – 4

Answer – 1

Answer – 4 Mycopalsma and Mycobacteriaceae belong to different family.

Answer – 1

Answer – 2

Answer – 2

Answer – 3 Addition of lx × mx values = 0.7

Answer – 4

131 . Following are the graphical rqnsentations of vvious hypotheses proposed for explaining the possible relationships between species richness (X-axis) and community se..... ices (V-axis).


r~ ~I




the hYJXlC.heses? . I. (a) Redundancy, (b) Keystone, (c) Ri vet. (d) ldiosync:ntic 2. (a) Idiosyncn.tic, (b) Rivet, (c) Keystone, (d) Redundancy ). (a) Rivet., (b) Redundancy, (c) Idiosyncratic, (d) Keystone 4. (a) Rivet, (b) Keystone. (e) Redundancy, (d) Idiosyncnacic

Answer – 3


Ill. Following are the ploes representing biologi~1 rll)thms Id dilTa-mt time poi"" Ocpietcd u : SR ..

Sunrise; N " Noon; SS " Sunset; MN " MidniaM

Whid! orthc plot(s) rcpraml the ultrlldian bioIogia.J mythm(s)? I. PlotB 2. I"ots A -.,d C J . PIDt$ C and 0 4. PIoI:D

Answer – 2

Answer – 3

Answer – 3

Answer – 3

Answer – 1

Answer – 4?

Answer – 2

In graph, a and b showing maximum recovery. Statements iii and iv can have maximum diffusion.

Answer – 4 Statement C is wrong. Because CSIR asking proteins function inside of plant cell.

Answer – 1 Since 0.5 M Urea does not denature protein, so there is no increase in florescence. But in Florescence figure, b [0.5 M Urea) shows more fluorescence than native protein (a).

Answer – 1

It is not α-phosphate but γ-phospate group added to the DNA at 5’ end.

Answer – 2

Answer – 4

gene '0' for ronftning resistance .to ult-stress. The selection mmer genes. used for both the transformation experiments were different. Ti'ansgenic plano obtained following the retransfontUltion experiment were screened for MItstress resistance and single copy events were identified by Southerp hybridil.ation. These single copy events were self-pollinated. In the event of the two T-DNAs (containing the A and B transgcnes) getting integrated in unlinked locations in all the transgenic planb, the phenorypic ratios amQiig the T I progeny Would be: I. 1 (!'ungal resistant + Salt-stress rcsistant): I (Fungal risi:nant) . 2. I (t'uRS,1resistant); 2 (Fungal rtsi:>tant ... Salt-stress resistant): I (Salt-stress resistant) 1. 1 (Salt-stfe55 resi:nant): I (Fungal resistant) 4. t (Fungal resistant): !-(Salt-stress resistant):1 (Fungal resistant + Salt sltess resistant)

Answer –

Dr 2k b length into a ,,"lor Qf3 kb to make a GST fusion protein. ~ gene is beina insated at the EcoRI sile Ind the insen 111$. Hindlll ~i te 500bp do\\o1l$lrUm o(the first codon. You ItC screening (or tile clone wid! the CDn'eCI orlmtation by resrrictioo digestion of the plasm id using Hindlll plus SamHI (11+0) Ind tiindlll plus Pstl (H+P). The mlp oCme relevant region of the vector is shown below:

145. You arc insening a gene

BamHt EcoRI


Pst t


Given below is the paUcm followina restriction digestion of plasmid isolated from four independent clones (A. S, C or 0),

• , • • ........ -_ - --

• •




-- t- t- - t-




WhKfl of the p\asmids mown above represents the c;lone in the c;orTeCt orientation? I.


2. • •. 0

3. C

Answer – C




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