Curriculum Vitae Christina Pawlowitsch September 2012

City of birth: Nationality:

Vienna (Austria) Austrian

Current employment:

Assistant Professor at the Universit´e Panth´eon-Assas (Paris 2) LEM–Laboratoire d’Economie Moderne 5–7 Avenue Vavin 75006 Paris, France


+33 1 55 42 50 26


[email protected] [email protected]

Home page:


+33 6 72 38 57 41

Education and academic degrees


Undergraduate studies in Economics, University of Vienna, including a one-year stay at the Universit´e Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, in the context of the Erasmus exchange program, 2001–2002.


MA in Economics, University of Vienna. Title of the thesis: “The Golden Rule and Over- and Underaccumulation in a Two-Sector Overlapping-Generations Model.”


PhD Program in Economics, University of Vienna


Doctorate in Economics (with Honors), University of Vienna. Title of the thesis: “Efficiency and Inefficiency in Sender-Receiver Games.” Advisors: Prof. Gerhard Sorger (Department of Economics, University of Vienna), Prof. Karl Sigmund (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna).


Academic positions


Research and teaching assistant, Department of Economics, University of Vienna


Post-doctoral research fellow at Harvard University, Program for Evolutionary Dynamics


Lecturer at the University of Vienna, Research Group in Language Change at the Department of English and American Studies (division of linguistics)


Post-doctoral research fellow at Paris School of Economics


External lecturer at the University of Vienna, Department of Economics


Assistant professor (Maˆıtre de Conf´erences), Universit´e Panth´eonAssas (Paris 2), LEM–Laboatoire d’Economie Moderne




“Principles of Economics, “Microeconomics,” and “Game Theory,” all 4 ECTS, (in German and English) for the undergraduate program in Economics, University of Vienna


“Game theory for Linguists,” 4 ECTS, (in English) for the Master program in Linguistics, University of Vienna Lecture series in game theory for faculty and PhD students at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna



“Scientific Writing,” 4 ECTS, (in English) for the PhD program in Economics, University of Vienna

Research interests

Game theory, evolutionary game theory, learning, models of knowledge, language evolution and language change, strategic aspects of communication.


Publications 1. Finite populations choose an optimal language, 2007, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 249, 606–616. 2. Why evolution does not always lead to an optimal signaling system, 2008, Games and Economic Behavior 63, 203–226. 3. One-third rules with equality: second-order evolutionary stability conditions in finite populations, with Immanuel Bomze, 2008, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 254, 616–620. 4. Neutral stability, drift, and the diversification of languages, with Panayotis Mertikopoulos and Nikolaus Ritt, 2011, Journal of Theoretical Biology 287, 1–12. 5. Stochastic evolutionary dynamics resolve the Traveler’s Dilemma, with Michael L. Manapat, David G. Rand, and Martin A. Nowak, 2012, Journal of Theoretical Biology 303, 119-127.


Work in progress - “Analogy-based rationalizability and learning,” joint with Philippe Jehiel - “A game-theoretic model of indirect ‘off-record’ speech” - “Meaning, free will, and the certification of types in a Biblical Game” - “Forward induction, off-equilibrium beliefs and the inference of meaning,” joint with Rida Laraki



Talks at conferences and invited talks


Vienna Working Group in Bio-Mathematics Workshop on Economics and Philosophy, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Madrid, Spain (co–organizer: Ariel Rubinstein) European Mathematical Psychology Group Meeting, Brest, France Invited talk at the Symposium “Games in Communication”, University of Bielefeld


Vienna Working Group in Bio-Mathematics Invited talk at the Symposium “Games in Communication II”, University of Bielefeld


Invited talk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA


6 Lectures in Game Theory for Linguists, Working Group in Language Change, University of Vienna


S´eminaire TOM—Th´eorie, Organisation et March´e, Paris School of Economics Paris Working Group on Evolutionary Game Theory


Paris Working Group on Evolutionary Game Theory International Game Theory Conference at Stony Brook, USA


Invited talk, SIGMA research group, ENS - Institut d’Etudes Cognitives, Institut Jean Nicod Theory Workshop, Paris School of Economics, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne International Game Theory Conference at Stony Brook, USA


Other professional activities

I have reviewed articles for: Economic Theory, European Journal of Operational Research, Games and Economic Behavior, International Game Theory Review, International Journal of Game Theory, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Theoretical Biology. Furthermore, I have been a reviewer for the National Science Fund, USA. Co-organizer of the Paris Working Group on Evolutionary Game Theory, []

Work related interests Academic writing, theories of writing, and comparing writing in various academic disciplines.

Non-academic publications “Leben ist nicht genug” [Short story in German], in: Christa Stippinger (ed.) Grenzg¨ anger, Edition Exil, Vienna 2001.

Languages German, English, French


Curriculum Vitae Christina Pawlowitsch - LEMMA - Paris 2

1 Education and academic degrees. 1998–2004. Undergraduate ... “Game theory for Linguists,” 4 ECTS, (in English) for the Master program in Linguistics ... I have been a reviewer for the National Science Fund, USA. Co-organizer of the Paris ...

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