One Blue Hill Plaza, 16th Floor, PO Box 1546 Pearl River, NY 10965 1-800-PC-AMERICA, 1-800-722-6374 (Voice) 845-920-0800 (Fax) 845-920-0880
Customer Loyalty - Using Valutec Loyalty Cards
Overview Customer Loyalty is great way to get repeat customers and increase sales. By offering your customer incentives to shop in your store, they will have a more enjoyable and rewarding shopping experience. When using Customer Loyalty in CRE across multiple stores (via the web portal for example) it may be required to use Valutec to handle the bonus point earned per each card. When using Valutec all incentives and plans are handled through CRE/RPE, the bonus points are recorded through Valutec directly.
Note: Loyalty accounts will need to be configured under the “Open Rewards" program at initial setup through Valutec. The Multi-Tier Rewards or Auto-Rewards programs that they offer are not supported.
This document will cover creating Bonus Point based customer loyalty, as Valutec only records bonus points achieved. For a more comprehensive look at customer loyalty please see the document titled "Customer Loyalty Detailed" located at:
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In order to configure customer loyalty with Valutec the following needs to be done:
Configuring CRE or RPE to Communicate with the Valutec Loyalty System
Associating Valutec Cards with Existing Customers
Creating a Loyalty Incentive (the bonus you give the customer when they achieve a certain goal)
Configuring a Loyalty Plan
Adding a Loyalty Plan to an Existing Customer
Setting a Default Loyalty Plan
Assigning Bonus Points to Individual Items
Correspond to Dollars Spent to Bonus Points Earned
Selecting a Customer for an Invoice
Deactivating Valutec Loyalty Cards
Reusing Valutec Loyalty Cards
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Configuring CRE or RPE to Communicate with the Valutec Loyalty System To configure CRE or RPE to communicate with Valutec, start the program, select Manager, provide the requested credentials, and follow these steps.
Select Setup and then Setup Screen.
Select the Payment Processing tab.
Select Loyalty (highlighted in blue).
Select Valutec as the Payment Processor.
Enter the Primary URL as: actions/valutec.asmx 6.
Provide the Terminal Number provided to you by Valutec.
Select Update when finished.
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Associating Valutec Cards with Existing Customers To associate the customer loyalty cards provided by Valutec to an existing customer, select Manager from the login screen, provide the requested credentials, and follow these steps.
Select Customer Maintenance.
Select an existing Customer. For more information on creating customers please see the document titled "Creating a New Customer Account" located at:
Select Add under Card Swipe ID's.
Swipe the customer loyalty card supplied from Valutec.
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Select Update.
Select Exit.
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Configuring a Loyalty Incentive To configure a loyalty incentive, open CRE/RPE, select Manager, provide the requested credentials, and then follow these steps.
Select Setup and then Customer Loyalty.
Select Loyalty Incentives.
Select Add.
Provide a description for the incentive and select its type.
Points Reward encourages the collection of points so that they can be redeemed for a free or discounted item, a gift card, or a voucher.
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Specify how many points are needed for a reward.
Select a reward.
Non-Inventory Item: select this if you would like the reward to be an item that is not part of your inventory.
Item in Inventory: select this if you would like the reward to be an item in your inventory.
Free Gift Card: select this you would like the reward to be a gift card.
Free Voucher: select this if you would like the reward to be a store credit.
If Item in Inventory was selected in step 5, specify the item number, the price (could be discounted or $0) for it, the cost, and which taxes (if any) apply to this price. If Free Gift Card or Free Voucher was selected, specify the value of the gift card or voucher.
Select Save and then select Exit.
Repeat the steps of this section for every incentive which you would like to offer.
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Configuring a Loyalty Plan To configure a loyalty plan, open CRE/RPE, select Manager, provide the requested credentials, and then follow these steps.
Select Setup and then Customer Loyalty.
Select Loyalty Plans.
Select Add.
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Provide a description for the loyalty plan.
Check Accumulate Points as the incentives will be point-based.
Select Save.
Select Add Incentive.
Select an incentive that you created earlier.
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Select Update.
Repeat steps 7-9 to add more incentives to the loyalty plan.
Exclusive - Selecting this option will add priority to the incentives that it is selected for, regardless of where they are located on the list. If you would like to have all the incentives in the list to have the same priority (will follow the order that they are listed) then either check or uncheck all the incentives in the list.
Override - Selecting this option will make the incentive available even if another incentive is set as Exclusive.
Prompt - With this option checked the cashier will be prompted if the loyalty incentive would like to be redeemed at this time. If this option is unchecked for any incentive it will automatically be added to the invoice when selecting PAY at the invoice screen.
10. Select an incentive and then the up or down arrows in order to adjust the order in which the cashier will be prompted about it. The first incentive listed is the one with the highest priority.
11. Select Update when finished.
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Adding a Loyalty Plan to an Existing Customer To add a customer to a loyalty plan, select Manager from the login screen, provide the requested credentials, and follow these steps.
Select Customer Maintenance.
Select an existing customer. For more information on creating customers please see the document titled "Creating a New Customer Account" located at:
Select the blue box containing the text NONE.
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Select the loyalty plan that we created.
Select Update.
Select Exit.
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Setting a Default Loyalty Plan
After selecting Manager, select Setup and then Setup Screen.
Select Page 2 of Invoice Settings.
Change Default Loyalty Plan from None to the plan which you would like to be the default.
Select Update.
Select Exit.
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Assigning Bonus Points to Individual Items
After selecting Manager, select Administrative and then Inventory Maintenance.
Select an inventory item.
Under the Bonus Points field enter the number of bonus points you would like to earn when this item is sold.
Select Save.
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Correspond Dollars Spent to Bonus Points Earned
After selecting Manager, select Setup and then Setup Screen.
Select the Invoice Settings tab.
Check Earn Bonus Points for $’s.
Select Update.
Select Exit.
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Selecting a Customer for an Invoice Selecting a customer when creating invoices is necessary for loyalty plans to work. You can do this from the invoicing screen of either CRE or RPE.
Select Lookup Customer in RPE or FIND in CRE.
Enter search terms.
Select Search.
Highlight a customer on the list.
Select Select.
In RPE, the customer’s information will be located below the items on the touch screen. (top left) In CRE, the customer’s information will be located near the FIND button. (bottom left)
After items are added to the invoice and PAY is selected, bonus points may be accumulated and rewards may be offered.
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Deactivating Loyalty Cards
After selecting Manager, select Tools and then Deactivate GiftCard / Loyalty Card.
Select LoyaltyCard.
Swipe the Valutec Loyalty card.
To reactivate the card, Valutec must be contacted directly.
Reusing Valutec Loyalty Cards If a customer will not be using their card for any reason (for example the customer is moving and they return the card) you will need to contact Valutec directly to have the cards reset.
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