PED – 132


II Semester M.E. (Information Technology) Degree Examination, January 2015 (2K13 Scheme) SE 23 : DATA MINING & WAREHOUSING (Common to SE/CSE/IT) Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100

Instruction : Answer any five full questions. 1. a) Define a data warehouse and discuss the different schemas for multidimensional data model.


b) Discuss the three-tier architecture of a data warehouse.


2. a) What is partial materialization ? Explain in brief.


b) Describe the following OLAP operations i) roll-up ii) drill-down iii) slice and dice and iv) Pivot.


c) Explain different types of OLAP servers.


3. a) What is Data Mining (DM) ? Explain the process of knowledge discovery in data bases.


b) Discuss numerocity reduction techniques for data reduction.


c) Explain the basic methods for Data cleaning.


4. a) Consider the transaction data set for an super market : Tid. List of Items



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I2 , I4



I2 , I3 I1 , I2, I4






I1, I3

I2, I3

I1, I3

I1 , I2, I3 , I5

I1, I2, I3

Generate all the frequent itemsets using Apriori algorithm.


b) Explain multilevel association rules with examples.


5. a) Explain classification by decision tree induction with an example. Also list the characteristics of the decision tree induction.


b) What is back propagation ? Explain classification by back propagation.


c) Discuss the different ensemble techniques for increasing the accuracy of a classifier.

4 P.T.O.


PED – 132 6. a) Discuss the various data types in clustering. b) Explain the classification of various clustering algorithm. c) Discuss the OPTICS method of clustering.

6 4 10

7. a) How can the generalization be performed on set valued, list valued and sequence valued attributes ? Give examples.


b) Explain the Description based and content based retrieval for similarity searching in multimedia data.


8. Write short notes on :


i) Forms of coupling between data mining systems and data base/data warehouse systems. ii) Data mining applications iii) Spatial data mining iv) Text mining. ———————


iii) Spatial data mining. iv) Text mining. ———————. Page 2 of 2. DATA MINING & WAREHOUSING.pdf. DATA MINING & WAREHOUSING.pdf. Open. Extract.

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