Random Character Generation Determine your character’s ability scores by rolling 4d6 and dropping the lowest number

Determine your race (d10, reroll 10s)

Determine your class (d12)

1 Dwarf 2 Elf 3 Halfling 4 Human 5 Dragonborn 6 Gnome 7 Half-Elf 8 Half-Orc 9 Tiefling

1 Barbarian 2 Bard 3 Cleric 4 Druid 5 Fighter 6 Monk 7 Paladin 8 Ranger 9 Rogue 10 Sorcerer 11 Warlock 12 Wizard

Choose your specialization based on your class Barbarian (d6) 1-3 Path of the Berserker 4-6 Path of the Totem Warrior Bard (d6) 1-3 College of Lore 4-6 College of Valor Cleric (d8, reroll 8s) 1 Knowledge 2 Life 3 Light 4 Nature 5 Tempest 6 Trickery 7 War Druid (d6) 1-3 Circle of the Land 4-6 Circle of the Moon Fighter (d6) 1-2 Champion 3-4 Battle Master 5-6 Eldritch Knight Monk (d6) 1-2 The Way of the Open Hand 3-4 The Way of Shadow 5-6 The Way of the Four Elements

Paladin (d6) 1-2 The Oath of Devotion 3-4 The Oath of the Ancients 5-6 The Oath of Vengeance Ranger (d6) 1-3 The Hunter 4-6 The Beast Master Rogue (d6) 1-2 The Thief 3-4 The Assassin 5-6 The Arcane Trickster Sorcerer (d6) 1-3 Draconic Bloodline 4-6 Wild Magic Warlock (d6) 1-2 A Pact with The Archfey 3-4 A Pact with The Fiend 5-6 A Pact with the Great Old One Wizard (d8) 1 Abjuration 2 Conjuration 3 Divination 4 Enchantment 5 Evocation 6 Illusion 7 Necromancy 8 Transmutation

Choose your character’s alignment by rolling d6 twice 1-2 Lawful 3-4 Neutral 5-6 Chaotic

1-2 Good 3-4 Neutral 5-6 Evil

D&D 5 Random Character Generation.pdf

Page 1 of 1. Random Character Generation. Determine your character's ability scores by rolling 4d6 and dropping the lowest number. Determine your race (d10, reroll 10s). 1 Dwarf. 2 Elf. 3 Halfling. 4 Human. 5 Dragonborn. 6 Gnome. 7 Half-Elf. 8 Half-Orc. 9 Tiefling. Determine your class (d12). 1 Barbarian. 2 Bard. 3 Cleric.

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