It T.A.K.E.S. P.R.I.D.E. in Numbers to Make a Difference

S.T.A.R.S. Smart, Thoughtful, and Responsible Students

Please wear Green and White to show your appreciation for our Pennridge School Board. The School Board Directors will be invited to have lunch with our students and enjoy other special activities that day during lunch.

Please remember to update the Parent Portal with any changes to your child’s emergency contact information that may occur throughout the school year. This will assure that their records are updated and that we are prepared to handle any situation that may arise during the school day.

Instagram Art: Check out Deibler student art work on our district Instagram account. You will also see art from all other Pennridge schools. Login: @pennridge_art.

The next parent and superintendent meeting is Tuesday, January 24th. The meeting will be held at 9AM at the District Administrative Office, 1200 North Fifth Street, Perkasie, PA. Please park in the visitor section.

A HUGE thank you to all who helped out by buying a gift for our Deibler Giving Tree! It was a huge success. We were able to help six families have a wonderful holiday celebration – they felt very blessed by your generosity and caring. I look forward to offering this opportunity again next year! Have a safe and happy 2017! Mrs. Alderfer, School Counselor. The end of the second marking period is Thursday, January 19th. Progress Reports will be distributed on Wednesday, th

February 8 .

Congratulations to Jaydyn Amodei whose Gingerbread House took first place at the year’s Holiday Shop. Great job, Jaydyn!

PSSA DATES – Please note the PSSA test administration dates listed below: April 3-7, 2017 April 24-28, 2017 May 1-5, 2017

PSSA Gr. 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts PSSA Gr. 5 Gr. 3, 4, 5 Math PSSA Gr. 4 Science

As you choose dates to take vacation during the school year, please keep in mind that I cannot approve vacation during PSSA testing. Thank you.

January 2017 The Pennridge School District is currently in the process of planning Kindergarten registration for the 2017-2018 school year. Information will be posted on the district website ( the first week of February for any resident with a child who will reach the age of 5 on or before August 31, 2017. If you or someone you know has a child that meets the age requirement, please direct them to the district website to complete the online registration process. Once the online process is submitted and you receive confirmation, you will be given a phone number to call to arrange an appointment to complete the registration process.

If your child wishes to celebrate his/her birthday in school, please check with your child’s teacher first. If treats are sent in without prior teacher approval, please understand that your child may not be able to distribute his/her treats that day. Invitations to private parties may not be distributed in school. Did you know that our 2nd grade students raised a total of $498.12 for UNICEF while Trick-or-Treating? Thank you to everyone in the Deibler Elementary community who contributed to this worthy cause. UNICEF helps the most disadvantaged children, no matter where they live in 156 countries and territories around the world. We salute all who participated in doing something positive for the needy people in the world.

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Please make sure that your child comes to school dressed to match current weather conditions. Our nurse is unable to provide jackets or sweatshirts to those who have forgotten them. Unless temperatures are in the teens, it is raining steadily, or there is a severe wind-chill factor, students do go out for recess to get some fresh air, take a break, and run off energy. Also, please understand that we cannot accommodate requests for students to stay in the classroom during recess. Classroom teachers supervise recess on a rotating basis, so the teacher may have recess duty on that particular day. If the teacher doesn’t have duty, there is no guarantee that he/she will be in the classroom during recess, since that time is often reserved for returning phone calls, making photocopies, or attending scheduled meetings. If you are concerned about limiting your child’s activity level, please remind him/her that he/she can still enjoy outside recess by sitting at a picnic table or on a swing, or by walking around and socializing with friends.

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to participate in the Giant Food Stores A+ Rewards Program. As of today we have 258 bonus cards designated for our school. If you haven’t already registered your bonus card and would now like to, please log on to and use ID# 23542 to sign in. Once you sign in you will need to enter your bonus card number and then click on the “Designate School” button to complete the registration. There were concerns that registering your Bonus Card would take away points for gas and other incentives/offers. We contacted Giant and this Rewards Program is completely separate from those points and benefits. You will NOT lose any points towards those things. The reward program will run through Thursday, March 16, 2017. Deibler will earn cash every time you use your bonus card. If you have any questions, please call the school office. Thank you for participating in this wonderful opportunity to earn cash for our school!

Here are the results of our Super Spirited Seasonal Sweater Contest: In third place sporting “The Last Remains of the Holiday Wrapping Paper” was our second grade team, receiving 67 votes! In second place collecting 92 votes and wearing beautifully wrapped gift boxes was our Kindergarten and 1st Grade Team . And our first place winners with a whopping 153 votes and soaring to victory was our “Go Eagles” 3rd Grade Team! Congratulations to everyone who participated. When we work together to help others, we all win!! Again this year, Deibler Elementary School is proud to join hundreds of schools statewide to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Pasta for Pennies Program which benefits children throughout Easter Pennsylvania. This is a national program where children work together to help other children who are battling this deadly disease. The collection will begin on Monday, February 6th and will conclude on Monday, February 27th. During these dates, students are encouraged to bring in spare change: pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. We will even take dollars! Students may use their collection boxes to collect their donations and bring them to school. There are collection banks in every classroom. The class who collects the most money will win a Hospitaliano Luncheon party at the Olive Garden! If our school raises over $1,000.00, we will receive a gift certificate to Office Depot. Our Student Council appreciates your support!

The Student Council, with help from our wonderful PTO, is hosting our annual Family Fun Dance on Friday, February 10th from 7-9. Admission (children and adults) is $4.00 a ticket. There will be plenty of fun and a few surprises, so come on out and have fun with the family. All of our proceeds will benefit Student Council activities. Space is limited, and this is a very popular event so be sure to get your ticket order in by February 3. Tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis. Children must be accompanied by an adult. A notice with a ticket order form at the bottom will be sent home on Tuesday, January 17th.

Once again this year, Deibler Elementary collected toys for Pennridge FISH. Our Student Council Advisor and Officers presented over 430 toys to Mrs. Paige Neuman of Pennridge FISH. All of the toys were donated by our very generous Deibler community for distribution to needy families here in Pennridge. The FISH Organization was very appreciative of the strong support and generosity of Deibler Elementary. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this such a success! Page 2

that we serve breakfast every day before school in the cafeteria? With menu items such as Egg & Cheese Sandwiches, Breakfast Pizzas, and the most popular “Funnel Cake Fridays” for only $1.25? All entrees are made with healthy whole grain..even the delicious Funnel Cake! that, along with the delicious and nutritious lunches, we also offer Strawberry Smoothies, Warm Soft Pretzels, and other healthy snacks? that our dedicated staff is committed to doing whatever it takes to make your child’s experience in our cafeteria a positive one? Check out our menu and

Karen Leyden

Nutritional Services

A reminder to call the school attendance line at 215-257-3183 ext. 1003 to inform us that your child will be absent from school. If you leave the reason your child is absent, we will use that as the excuse and no note will be needed. A phone call is needed for each day your child is absent. Please send in an excuse blank on the day your child returns from an absence if no phone call was made. Whenever possible please provide a doctor’s note as this is recorded as a non-cumulative absence. Please remember that the Pennridge School District does enforce the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s school attendance law which states, “A maximum of 10 days of cumulative lawful absences verified by parental notification may be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond 10 cumulative days require an excuse from a physician.” Examples of cumulative absences include illness (without a doctor’s note), quarantine, recovery from accident, required court attendance, and family trips/vacation. Again, if a doctor’s note is provided, the absence will become non-cumulative. Student absences due to car problems, missed bus, oversleeping, and driver not available to transport are cumulative excuses and must be classified as such.

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