Free West Papua Party of Australia

“The Oppressed Will Be Set Free” Unit 14, 45 Leonard Street Victoria Park WA 6100  Mob 0408 098 845  [email protected]

Election Survey The forming Free West Papua Party is looking for political parties and independents that have a heart for freeing West Papua. The Dutch gave West Papua its independence on 1/Dec/1961 i. But West Papua soon lost its freedom in 1962 when the Australian Government ii supported an Indonesian Military invasion that started the genocide of 500,000 West Papuans iii. Accounts of mass murder, torture, rape, and mutilation are common iv. However, the Australian Government’s support of Indonesia has been unwavering. For over 50 years concerned Australians have tried to change the heart of the Australian Government towards West Papua without success. Australians that are aware of West Papua and support their right to freedom is estimated at between 5% and 10% of voters. Please respond to this survey in writing or by return email or to the address in the letter head of this document by Friday 17 June 2016. We will then publish the results to our contacts and media outlets to show what level of support each party, and independent, has for West Papua’s freedom.

Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Answers The survey questions are as follows. # Question 1. Do you support West Papua’s right to freedom? UN Resolution 1514v recognises every people group’s right to freedom.


Answer Yes The Democratic Labour Party has opposed the Indonesian invasion since it occurred in 1962.

Free West Papua Party of Australia

“The Oppressed Will Be Set Free” Unit 14, 45 Leonard Street Victoria Park WA 6100  Mob 0408 098 845  [email protected]

# 2.

Question Do you support the abolishment of the Lombok Treaty vi that the Australian Government has signed with Indonesia? In this treaty the Australian Government officially recognises Indonesian sovereignty over West Papua.


Do you support Australia giving Military Aid to Indonesia? Australia currently supplies arms and training to the Indonesian vii Military . The Indonesian Military is responsible for the following civil massacres: a. West Papua ‘Genocide’ 500,000; b. East Timor ‘Genocide’ 200,000; c. Chinese ‘Genocide’ 2,000,000; d. Maluku 700,000 refugees; e. Aceh 100,000 refugees; and so on.

Answer Yes. As shown in East Timor, successive Australian governments have been prepared to turn a blind eye to genocide for the financial benefits of trade with Indonesia. The DLP believes we can have no legitimate trade or treaties with Indonesia until the UN Free vote has been properly conducted and the decision of the West Papuan people honoured. Absolutely not. Australia has more than tripled our Foreign Aid to Indonesia while Indonesia has tripled its military spending at the same time. Australian taxpayers’ money is assisting in the oppression of the West Papuan people. Repeated acts of murder, torture, rape, forced removal of children and other acts of genocide have continued for decades while we train and arm the Indonesian military – the same military committing these barbaric acts on the West Papuan people.


Free West Papua Party of Australia

“The Oppressed Will Be Set Free” Unit 14, 45 Leonard Street Victoria Park WA 6100  Mob 0408 098 845  [email protected]

# 4.

Question In principal, would you support and participate as a member of a ‘Senate Block’ that would oppose Government legislation, when the Opposition also opposes it, for the purpose of forcing the government to switch its stance from supporting Indonesia to supporting West Papua? The major parties in Australia (and likely others) give bipartisan commitment to US Foreign Policy, which focuses on big business interests instead of human rights. To date no effort of the Australian people has been able to convict the Australian Government of their evil towards West Papua. Subsequently, a Senate Block is seen as a way of knocking some moral sense and integrity into the government. Of course, there would need to be agreement amongst all members of the ‘block’ on which legislation to oppose and how to operate. So at this stage we ask if you agree with the idea of a ‘Senate Block’ in principal only.

Answer Yes. The DLP has already moved motions on West Papuan Independence in the Senate and will continue to pursue this until the Indonesians leave. The DLP will be moving a motion in the Victorian State Parliament next week calling for support for the West Papuan people and an annual Solidarity Day every December 1st until the promised UN free vote is carried out.

Please note that the stance of the FWPP is that the Australian Government is complicit in genocide and so we must do whatever peaceful means we can to activate Australia to free West Papua.


Do you have any other comments regarding West Papua?

In 1962 Senator Cole of the DLP delivered a speech in the Senate condemning the Indonesian invasion of West Papua. The DLP has continued to support the West Papuan people and we see the genocide in West Papua and the complicit silence of successive Australian governments as one of the most disgraceful acts in Australian history. We cannot forget West Papua and we must rally all Australians to their aid.

We look forward to receiving your answers by Friday 17 June 2016. Sincere regards Party Leader: Paul Madden, June 2016 i


Free West Papua Party of Australia

“The Oppressed Will Be Set Free” Unit 14, 45 Leonard Street Victoria Park WA 6100  Mob 0408 098 845  [email protected]


Australian Government helped create the West Papuan Genocide:  I.J.M Sutherland to D. Murray, ‘Foreign Office Southeast Asian Department, April 30,1968. PRO: FCO 15/162 DH1/7: The strength of the Indonesian position lies in the fact that … they must know that, even if there are protests about the way they go through the motions of consultation, no other power is likely to conceive it as being in their interests to intervene. . . . I understand that the exiles may find support in the Australian press. But I cannot imagine the US, Japanese, Dutch, or Australian Governments putting at risk their economic and political relations with Indonesia on a matter of principle involving a relatively small number of very primitive peoples.  D. J. Wyatt, British High Commission, Canberra, to D. Murray, Foreign Office Southeast Asian Department, May 25, 1968. PRO: FCO 15/162 DH1/7: Significantly, this attitude was shared by the Australian Government, the only Western power with any remaining direct interest in the issue (Australian New Guinea shared a border with West Irian). In late May 1968, a British diplomat, Donald Murray, reported that from Australia’s point of view, the more quietly the act of self determination passes off next year the better.”  Government is sustaining the West Papuan Genocide:  Defense Relations Between Australia and Indonesia in the Post-Cold War Era By Bilveer Singh.  Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 28/08/2012 Reporter: Hayden Cooper and Lisa Main A counter-terrorism unit trained and supplied by Australia is accused of acting as a 'death squad' in Indonesia's West Papua province.  Comments by Clemens Runawery West Papuan Refugee; Hugh Lunn Former Reuter correspondent; and Wim Zonggonau West Papuan Refugee. iii

500,000 killed:






Democratic Labour Party (DLP).pdf

The forming Free West Papua Party is looking for political parties and independents that have a. heart for freeing West Papua. The Dutch gave West Papua its. independence on 1/Dec/1961i . But. West Papua soon lost its freedom. in 1962 when the Australian. Governmentii supported an. Indonesian Military invasion that.

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