Demonstration at sea of the decomposition-of-the-time-reversaloperator techniquea) Charles F. Gaumond,b! David M. Fromm, Joseph F. Lingevitch, Richard Menis, Geoffrey F. Edelmann, David C. Calvo, and Elisabeth Kim Acoustics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, 4555 Overlook Avenue SW, Washington DC 20375-5320

!Received 5 May 2005; revised 14 November 2005; accepted 15 November 2005" This paper presents a derivation of the time reversal operator decomposition !DORT" using the sonar equation. DORT is inherently a frequency-domain technique, but the derivation is shown in the time-frequency domain to preserve range resolution. The magnitude of the singular values is related to sonar equation parameters. The time spreading of the time-domain back-propagation image is also related to the sonar equation. Noise-free, noise-only, and signal-plus-noise data are considered theoretically. Contamination of the echo singular component by noise is shown quantitatively to be very small at a signal-to-noise ratio of 0 dB. Results are shown from the TREX-04 experiment during April 22 to May 4, 2004 in 94 m deep, shallow water southwest of the Hudson Canyon. Rapid transmission of short, 500 Hz wide linear frequency modulated beams with center frequencies of 750, 1250, 1750, 2250, 2750, and 3250 Hz are used. Degradation caused by a lack of time invariance is found to be small at 750 Hz and nearly complete at 3250 Hz. A back-propagation image at 750 Hz shows focusing on the echo repeater. These results are discussed with comments about further research. © 2006 Acoustical Society of America. #DOI: 10.1121/1.2150152$ PACS number!s": 43.60.Tj, 43.60.Fg, 43.30.Vh, 43.30.Re #EJS$


Recently, advances have occurred in the use of time reversal in ultrasonic systems, notably the development of time reversal operator decomposition !DORT" !Prada et al. 1995". DORT can be used to analyze mathematically the process of iterative time reversal that eventually focuses on the strongest scatterer. More importantly, DORT allows the simultaneous determination of all of the resolved scatterers from an analysis of the scattering matrix, or T matrix. Different approaches to decomposing the scattering matrix have been published !Prada et al. 1995; Mast 1997; Montaldo 2001". This paper addresses the use of DORT as a tool to enhance the detection of a scatterer located in the water column in the presence of noise using a ship mounted source and receiver. This paper is organized as follows. First a brief description of our sonar signal model is given. Then a theoretical description of DORT signal processing as applied to the sonar system is given. After that, results of the sea test are shown. Finally, a conclusion and summary are given.

and receive. The following derivation follows naturally from the original derivation, but is done using sonar terminology with point scatterers and with explicit sources and receivers that can differ from each other !Gaumond et al. 2004". In TREX-04, the received signal is noise limited, namely, the dominant impediment to reception of the echo was additive noise rather than reverberation from other distributed scatterers in the environment. The derivation is therefore shown for this case. Consider the procedure of generating a matrix of scattering data. A set of source elements transmit a sequence of signals and each receiver element records the signal resulting from each transmission. Thus the matrix of scattering data has three dimensions: source index, receiver index, and time. The signal model is the sonar equation !Burdic 1991" in the time domain—where p!j , l , t" , 1 ! j ! J, and 1 ! l ! L, is the pressure that is received at the jth receiver at position r! j in the water column after the lth source transmission, g!r! j , r!i , t" is the propagation Green’s function from position r!i to r! j, am!t" is the impulse response of the mth of M point scatterers, and xl!!t" is the transmitted signal at source position r!l



p!j,l,t" =

A. Signal model

Parts of this material have been presented at the 148th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America #J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.116, 2574!A" !2004"$. b" Corresponding author; electronic email: [email protected] 976

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 "2!, February 2006

% g!r! j,r!m,t" * a!m,t" * g!r!m,r!l,t" * x!!l,t"


In !Prada et al. 1995" the decomposition of the timereversal operator !DORT" method was developed in the frequency domain for an array of elements that both transmit a"

Pages: 976–990

+ nl!!r! j,t",


and the * denotes convolution product in time. The noise signal nl!!r! j , t" has a subscript of the source index to denote the recording of an independent realization of noise at each source transmission. The position of the scatterer can be assumed to lie either in the water column or along the bottom.


© 2006 Acoustical Society of America

B. DORT in the frequency domain

With the assumption that the Green’s function and scatterer response are time invariant, a time interval of interest is selected from p!j , l , t" and Fourier transformed into the frequency domain

target-response elements with values of zero. A propagation model, either numerical or analytical, enables the matrices

+ Nl!!r! j, f"

Q2!b,#T" = !2"

with the convolutions being transformed into multiplications. This element-to-element frequency-domain data matrix can be modified !Lingevitch et al. 2002" to account for the use of transmitted and received beams. With E!l , b , f" being the linear transformation between the bth source beam and the lth source element, F!a , j , t" analogously being the linear transformation for the receiver, and Y!a , b , f" being the signal received on beam a from the signal X!b , f" transmitted on beam b J


Y!a,b, f" = % %


By constraining the analysis to the frequency band of the signal and assuming that the source transmission has been equalized and matched filtered with a unit-magnitude filter to produce a band-limited impulse response with transmitted source level S0, the signal matrix in Eq. !3" can be written as L

Y!a,b, f" = % %

% F!a, j, f"G!r! j,r!m, f"A!m, f"

j=1 l=1 M=1


The inverse Fourier transform of Y!a , b , f" is y!a , b , t". In this formulation, the sonar is not necessarily comprised of a time-reversal array with each element being a source and receiver. The source array might only transmit and the receiver receive. Additionally the number of source elements or beams is not assumed to be the same as the number of receiver elements or beams. Moreover the source and receiver elements are not assumed to be at the same locations. These generalizations render the formulation of the time-reversal matrix K = Y HY to be symbolic and physically unrealizable because the receivers are not assumed to be able to transmit sound. Further consideration of Eq. !4" leads to insight on the selection of source and receiver beams, namely, F and E, in the particular operating environment that produces the Green’s functions G!r! j , r!m , f" and G!r!m , r!i , f" that describe the propagation from the source to the target space #T = &r!m'. Here, E and F are not assumed to be similarity transformations that preserve the rank and singular-value spectrum of the element-to-element data matrix !Lingevitch et al. 2002". Consider the expansion of the target space by the inclusion of well-distributed positions in the volume corresponding to the time interval of interest; the matrix Y is unchanged if these additional points have corresponding J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006



where the frequency summation is over the frequencies in the signal band, to be constructed. Each of these matrices yields a measure of the effectiveness of each beam to project sound into the target space #T. Similarly the orthogonality of these two beam spaces is seen through the correlation-function evaluated at each frequency J

C1!a,a!, f" = %



% % F!a, j, f"G!j,m, f"G*!j!,m, f"

j=1 j!=1 m=1


and C2 defined similarly for the source beams. Similarly the resolution of each array can be found through simulation by considering the correlation of each sample in #T with each other J

R1!m,m!, f" = %



% % G*!j!,m!, f"F*!a, j!, f"F!a, j, f"

j=1 j!=1 a=1


"G!j,m, f"


"G!r!m,r!l, f"E!l,b, f"S0 + Nb!a, f".


"F*!a!, j!, f"

% F!a, j, f"G!r! j,r!m, f"A!m, f" j=1 l=1 m=1



(G!m,l, f"E!l,b, f"(2 , % % % f=f m=1 l=1


"G!r!m,r!l, f"E!l,b, f"X!b, f" + Nb!a, f".





% G!r! j,r!m, f"A!m, f"G!r!m,r!l, f"X!!l, f" m=1


(F!a, j, f"G!j,m, f"(2 % % % f=f m=1 j=1


p!j,l, f" =



Q1!a,#T" =

and R2 defined similarly for the source array. This formula defines resolution in a way consistent with previous references !Prada et al. 1995". Note that in general the resolution is a function of two positions as well as frequency. A qualitative understanding of the functions in Eqs. !5" through !7" is now shown through the use of simple examples. Consider an equally spaced line array in an isotropic, homogeneous, and boundary-free environment with #T = &!r , cos $m" , −1 % cos $m % 1', with G!j , m , f" = !eikr / r"e−ikj&z cos $m, where k = 2' f / c, and F!a , j , f" = (aj. Clearly each element equally ensonifies each part of #T. The independence of each element can be studied by evaluating Eq. !7" M!

C1!a,a!, f" =

% eik&z!a!−a"cos $


which simplifies to


!9" C1!a,a!, f" = !ei!M !+1"k&z!a!−a"& cos $/2" "

sin#!M ! + 1"k&z!a! − a"& cos $/2$ sin#!k&z!a! − a"& cos $/2"$


with the assumption of cos $m = m& cos $ !Gradstein and Rizikh 1971". This shows that the elements are independent of each other when the condition k&z!a! − a"& cos $ = 2' which constrains the sampling of the target space as well as limiting the choice of frequency to that at which Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal


the array is designed. This makes physical sense because an array with a given length cannot more finely resolve the far field with more closely spaced elements. Adding elements without increasing the length does not increase the resolution of the line array. Likewise for a given length, the array can only resolve a certain equal cosine interval. With the same assumptions, similar results are produced from evaluation of R1, namely, there are clearly resolved target positions if a set of sampling criteria are met. The complexity of the former results for a very simple case precludes a presentation of any constructive method for generating suitable beams for a given environment and given target space. Instead, Eqs. !4"–!6" can be used to evaluate beams that are defined in a way to be amenable to modulation, beamforming, transmission, and demodulation. Next, the general behavior of the signal matrix is treated for three cases: signal dominant, noise dominant, and mixed.

C. Signal dominant case

If the noise is insignificant compared to the echo resulting from the transmitted signal, Eq. !3" can be written in the following matrix form: J


Y!a,b, f" = % %

% F!a, j, f"G!r! j,r!m, f"A!m, f"

% F!a, j, f"G!r! j,r!n, f"A!n, f"G!r!n,r!l, f"E!l,b, f"X!b, f" % j=1 l=1 = U!a,n, f"*!n, f"V*!b,n, f",


This equation resembles the singular value decomposition of the data matrix

or more simply with the definition of the beam-space Green’s functions J

GR!a,r!n, f" = % F!a, j, f"G!r! j,r!n, f"

Y!a,b, f" = % U!a, ), f"*!), f"V !n, ), f",



where the more common complex transpose has been replaced by a reordering of the indices and a complex conjugation. By definition, the singular vector matrices U and V are orthogonal !Golub and Van Loan 1991". The corresponding matrices in Eq. !11" are also orthogonal if R1!m , m! , f" and R2!m , m! , f" are diagonal over the indices of the actual M scatterers. This means that the actual targets are “resolved” by the set of beams defined by the matrix product of the beam-formed array and the corresponding Green’s functions. Namely, the M scatters are resolved by the collection of sources and receivers, respectively, if particular beams F!a , j , f" ; 1 % a % M and E!l , b , f" ; 1 % b % M are able to be steered to each of the few individual scatterers. In other words, scatterers are resolved if the source and receiver arrays are able to focus sound on each scatterer independently with a beam. As seen in the simple example in the preceding section, the resolution depends on the frequency, environment, and positions of the sources and receivers. The similarity between Eqs. !11" and !12" and the orthogonality of R1!m , m! , f" and R2!m , m! , f" implies that there is an identity between the nth individual scatter and one of the singular components, which is also enumerated as the nth here, of the data matrix, namely, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006




GS!a,r!n, f" = % G!r!n,r!l, f"E!l,b, f" l=1

GR!a,r!n, f"A!n, f"GS!r!n,b, f" = U!a,n, f"*!n, f"V*!b,n, f". !14" A single component from the singular value decomposition can be used to generate a back-propagation image IB in the frequency domain by multiplying on the left and right by the simulated, propagating Green’s function #Prada et al. 1996; Carin et al. 2004$. This resulting image is a function of space and frequency: B


IB,n!r!m, f" = % % GR* !a,r!m, f"U!a,n, f"*!n, f"V*!b,n, f" !15"

and is evaluated over #T and not just the target positions which are generally unknown. Using the assumed correspondence between the nth singular index and the nth scatterer, Eq. !15" becomes B





"G*S!r!m,b, f",

j=1 l=1 m=1



a=1 b=1


"G!r!m,r!l, f"E!l,b, f"X!b, f".


IB,n!r!m, f" = % % GR* !a,r!m, f"GR!a,r!n, f"A!n, f" a=1 b=1

"GS!r!m,b, f"G*S!r!m,b, f"S0 .


After Eq. !16" is inverse Fourier transformed into the time domain, the results can be written as iB!r!m,t" = g2R!r!m,r!n,t" * an!t" * g2s!r!n,r!m,t"S0,

where !17"


g2R!r!m,r!n,t" = % gR!a,r!m,t" * gR!a,r!n,t",


a=1 A

g2S!r!m,r!n,t" = % gS!r!m,b,t" * gS!r!n,b,t",




where an = a!r!n , t" is the impulse response of a point scatterer at position r!n. Note that the back-propagation image iB is a function of both space and time. This time dependence is completely analogous to the time dependence seen in experiments, e.g., #Roux et al. 2000$. Thus the time-domain back-propagation image in Eq. !17" equals the convolution of three terms. When the image is evaluated at the position of the scatterer, then the image equals the convolution of !1" the sum of the autocorrelations Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal

TABLE I. The normalized singular spectra of various-sized matrices composed of statistically independent, Gaussian-distributed elements. Dimension

Singular values

#4, 17$ #5, 17$ #6, 17$

#0.43, 0.28, 0.18, 0.11$ #0.38, 0.26, 0.18, 0.12, 0.07$ #0.34, 0.24, 0.17, 0.12, 0.08, 0.05$

of the propagation from the receiver to the target position #namely, Eq. !18" with m = n$, !2" the target response function, and !3" the sum of the autocorrelations of the propagation from the source to the target position #namely, Eq. !19" with m = n$. Because the propagation autocorrelations are strictly real, the resulting time functions are centered at and symmetric about the origin. An interesting point is that any deviation from temporal symmetry is due to the temporal response of the target an!t" that is not convolved with a replica of its response. Thus if the propagation model were accurate enough and if there were target responses of interest, these responses would appear in the time behavior of iB!r!n , t". The ability to form the back-propagation image depends on the availability of a sufficiently accurate propagating Green’s function. If the environment is not known, then the back-propagation image in Eq. !16" cannot be made. However a very limited form of back propagation can be performed using only the U!a , n , f" and V!b , n , f" vectors. Multiplication by these vectors can be interpreted as a back propagation to the position of the scatterer using the following argument. Note that if GR!a , rn , f" is evaluated at the position of the nth scatterer, then the propagation vector GR!a , rn , f" and corresponding singular vector U!a , n , f" are parallel so that U!a,n, f" = GR!a,n, f"/)GR!a,n, f"),

1 ! a ! A,


—and likewise with V—to within a phase shift that depends on the average phases of the two propagator vectors, the phase of the target response and the singular value decomposition !SVD" algorithm. Therefore using Eqs. !15", !16", and !20" *!n, f" = (IB!r!n, f"(/!)GR!a,r!n, f"))GS!b,r!n, f")",

*% A

*!n, f" =



or !21"

(GR!a,r!n, f"(2(A!r!n, f"( % (GS!b,r!n, f"(2S0 b=1


!)GR!a,r!n, f"))GS!b,r!n, f")" !22"

that shows the singular value is equal to the product of two transmission losses, the source level and the target response. Equation !22" is inverse Fourier transformed to form the time function +!) , t", which is not as simply related to physical quantities as the time-domain back-propagation image iB!r!k , t" but is still related to the convolution of the autocorrelations of the propagation and target response. Because *!) , f" is real, by definition of the SVD, +!) , t" is symmetric about the origin of time. The time behavior of +!) , t" can be J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

expected to reflect the spreading due to propagation and the temporal response of the target.

D. Noise-dominant case

In the noise-dominant case, obtained when there are no significant echoes from any of the transmissions, the frequency-domain data matrix is modeled as a matrix of random numbers Y!a,b, f" = Nb!a, f"


that has a singular value spectrum that depends on the particular statistics and size of the matrix. The eigenvalues and singular values of random matrices have been extensively studied !Mehta 1991". The at-sea data are modeled as matrices with statistically independent, Gaussian-distributed elements and with the number of elements comparable to the measured data matrices. This is not at all physics based and ignores important correlations between elements !Kuperman et al. 1997". This model also ignores the noise radiated from the ship directly above the vertical line array. On the other hand the use of Gaussian-distributed, statistically independent samples as matrix elements exhibits some important common characteristics of random matrices. These matrices are simulated numerically using a random number generator, the SVD computed, and results are averaged to a specified accuracy. The resulting mean, normalized, squared singular values are given in Table I. These results are accurate to two significant figures. Note that the mean singular values are not equal; the values decay gradually with increasing singular index. This inequality arises because the singular values from each realization are ordered according to size; thus they are ordered before averaging and this ordering generates a spectrum of singular values. Of course, the elements of the at-sea data matrix are not statistically independent and Gaussian distributed. The resulting singular values differ from those given in Table I. Because the noise in the sea test is measured in a shallowwater environment and the noise arises from distant sources as well as the ship, deviations from the simple model are expected. However, the spectrum of singular values with a trend of decay is indicative of a random matrix. Also, if there were a component of the noise that originated in a particular direction, then the distribution of singular values would be skewed by the signal energy of that single component, which would be concentrated primarily into a single component. This is shown in the next section. Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal


FIG. 1. The error of the signal level is shown as a function of SNR/ !1 + SNR". The noise matrix has statistically independent, Gaussiandistributed random elements. Averages were found to two significant figures. Note that the error in echo level is less than 1 dB at SNR= 1.

E. Signal plus noise case

Consider the next level of complexity that roughly corresponds to the noise-limited data taken in the experiment, namely, a data matrix that is composed of a rank-1 signal matrix and a full rank noise matrix Y!a,b" = U0!a"S0V*0!b" + N!a,b",


where the vectors U0 and V0 are normalized vectors, S0 is the scalar echo-level, and N!a , b" is matrix comprised of uncorrelated, Gaussian-distributed elements, as above in Eq. !23", with a Frobenius norm )N!a , b"). This represents the structure of a data matrix with a single scatterer with additive noise. As in the preceding section, the assumption of uncorrelated elements introduces more degrees of freedom than would be found from a numerical simulation of a sonar experiment in shallow-water acoustics, where the signal space is constrained by the acoustics of the particular environment. An estimate of the signal is obtained from the data matrix from the SVD of the data, namely, Y!a , b" = %)A=1U!a , )"*!)"V*!b , )" , a ! b, by assigning the first sinˆ = *!1", receiver gular value to the estimated echo level * 0 ˆ !a" = U!a , 1" and source steering vector steering vector U 0 Vˆ0!b" = V!b , 1". The error in estimating the echo level is defined as E&*!1" / S0', where E& ' denotes the expectation value or the average. The accuracy in estimating the receiver and source steering vectors is defined as A B U*!a , 1"U0!a"%b=1 V!b , 1"V*0!b"'. The product of the E&%a=1 receiver and source steering vectors is used because the phase or sign of each vector is defined arbitrarily in the SVD. These errors are found to a specified accuracy by numerical simulation with a sufficient number of realizations. This was 980

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

done for a variety of values of signal-to-noise-ratio SNR = S0 / )N). The results are plotted with respect to the ratio SNR/ !1 + SNR" so that both asymptotes—full signal and full noise—can be shown easily and compactly. Figure 1 shows the echo-level error in decibels for the case of four !4" source beams and seventeen !17" beams. Note that for SNR= 1, or 0 dB, the error is less than one decibel which is quite low. Figure 2 shows the steering vector accuracy on a linear scale. This error is approximately 0.9 at an SNR= 1. This accuracy has an effect on back-propagated images; an accuracy of 0.9 means that the peak of the image is decreased only by a factor of 0.9. However, 0.1 of the signal is spread among the other singular values. This spreading of a large singular value can be very visible in back-propagation images because this small amount of energy is added to ranges and depths where there was very little or none before. Figure 3 shows the squared, normalized singular values *!)"2 / (*(2 as a function of SNR/ !1 + SNR". This figure shows the change of the singular spectrum from a full rank, random-noise result near SNR/ !1 + SNR" = 0 to a rank one spectrum near SNR/ !1 + SNR" = 1.

F. Time-frequency domain

In the previous sections, a set of data was analyzed in the frequency domain. In this section an explicit timefrequency notation is shown that can be more easily used for sonar applications. This was not done in the beginning to alleviate the use of an additional variable to the already long list of variables. This time-frequency analysis is impleGaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal

FIG. 2. The accuracy of the steering vectors as a function of SNR/ !1 + SNR". The product of accuracies of the receiver and source steering angles is only approximately 0.9 at SNR= 1.

FIG. 3. The values of the singular values as a function of SNR/ !1 + SNR". The singular values have been normalized. Note that at very low SNR the singular value spectrum is that of a matrix with statistically independent, Gaussian-distributed elements. At very high values of SNR the spectrum has only one nonzero value.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal


FIG. 4. A map of the experimental area. The experiment was performed in the vicinity of 39. 24!N and 72. 79!W.

mented using a sequence of windows separating the time samples of the signal matrix into D epochs. The windows obey D

1 = % w!t − dT",

0 ! t ! !D − 1"T,



where T is the time shift associated with the window and dT is the epoch time. Several windows obey this criterion, e.g., 50% overlapping triangular window or nonoverlapping rectangular window. The application of this decomposition on y!a , b , t", the inverse Fourier transform of Y!a , b , f" in Eq. !4", yields the signal matrix y!a,b,d,t" = y!a,b,t"w!t − dT",


where the time variable t extends over the duration of the time-window. The index d denotes the epoch time dT from which range can be estimated. The Fourier transform of y!a , b , d , t" over short-time yields the signal matrix Y!a , b , d , f". The DORT algorithm is then applied to each epoch and frequency independently MIN!A,B"

Y!a,b,d, f" =

% )=1

U!a, ),d, f"*!),d, f"V*!b, ),d, f". !27"

Thus for each epoch and frequency there is a set of singular values *!) , d , f" where ) is the singular index, d the epoch index, and f the frequency index. 982

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Remembering that *!) , d , f" is proportional to the back propagation image focused on the position of the target as shown in Eq. !22", the inverse Fourier transform +!) , d , t" is quantitatively related to the impulse response of the target convolved with the autocorrelations of the propagation to the target from the source and from the receiver. This function is expected therefore to be a strongly peaked function and therefore +peak!) , d" = MAX#+!) , d , t"$ can be plotted as an A-scan trace for each singular index ), with each trace related to the portion of the signal matrix due to each resolvable scatterer. III. EXPERIMENT A. General description

The time reversal experiment !TREX-04" was conducted southwest of the Hudson Canyon as shown in Fig. 4. The research vessel !R/V" Cape Henlopen was moored at 39.24°N and 72.79°W on the 92 m contour from April 22 to May 4, 2004. From this ship, the Naval Research Laboratory !NRL" 64-element source-receiver array !SRA" was deployed from the A frame on the stern in a vertical configuration. The SRA operates between 500 and 3500 Hz with element spacing of 1.25 m. The R/V Endeavor drifted with an echo-repeater system consisting of either a single Raytheon XF4 or an ITC 200 source. The XF4 was used for frequencies from 500 to 2500 Hz; the ITC 200 covered from 2500 to 3500 Hz. The data shown in this paper was taken on May 1 and May 2. The wind speed varied from 11 to 22 kn. Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal

TABLE II. Sequence of transmissions. Frequency !Hz" 0.5–1.0 0.5–1.0 1.0–1.5 1.5–2.0 2.0–2.5 2.5–3.0 3.0–3.5 3.0–3.5

Chip type

Chip duration !msec"

Chip interval !msec"


250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

DORT processing requires a set of source transmissions and receiver recordings taken quickly enough that time invariance can be assumed. This stringent criterion may be difficult to obtain in the ocean especially with ship-mounted equipment. Temporal changes in the Green’s function cause erosion of the rank-1 structure of scattering from an isolated, single point. Several methods are possible for transmitting a sequence of source signals. The most obvious is transmitting the first source signal, then recording the response from it, and repeating that sequence with the second signal. This transmit and record sequence can take many tens of seconds. Another way to transmit the sequence would be to use closely spaced frequencies for each element or beam #Folegot et al. 2004$. Another alternative is the use of code division multiple access !CDMA" which uses an approximately orthogonal wave form for each source element or beam. In this experiment, a time division multiplexing !TDM" scheme was used with a transmitted sequence of linear frequency modulated !LFM" beams lasting a total of one !1" sec. Thus the data matrix is filled within an interval of 1 sec. Table II

Steering angle !+degrees= up" #0 #5 0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #5 0

0 0 0$ −5 −10$ 0 0 0$ 0 0 0$ 0 0 0$ 0 0 0$ 0 0 0$ −5 −10$

shows the signals that were transmitted to produce the results shown in this paper. Each 250 msec LFM is immediately followed by the following LFM. There is a 30 sec cycle time due to duty cycle restrictions. Note that a sequence of broadside signals, steering angle= #0! 0! 0! 0!$, is transmitted in each frequency band. This sequence of identical signals is transmitted to test the time invariance over the duration of the transmission, which was 1 sec !namely, four times 250 msec". B. Signal processing

The signals p0!m , t − nT" , m = 1 , . . . , 64, n = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3, and T = 250 msec are received on the 64-channel SRA with a sample rate of 10 129 Hz. These signals are then coherently matched filtered with the appropriate LFM and demodulated appropriately. Figure 5 shows the sum of the squared channels versus time at this stage. There are four sharp peaks in the signal shown in Fig. 5. These are echoes from the sequence of broadside source transmissions. The range of the

FIG. 5. The signal received on the SRA produced by matched filtering, squaring, and summing the signal from each element. The first four peaks are the responses from a sequence of four broadside transmissions. The signal at the right was transmitted for a different experiment and should be disregarded.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal


FIG. 6. The matched-filtered signal is displayed as recorded in the upper panel as a function of phone depth in meters and time in seconds. The lower panel shows the signal transformed into angle-time !beam-time" space with the angles in units of degrees and time in seconds.

echo repeater was approximately 0.5 km; the additional time delay of the echo repeater has translated the echo to be later in time. Note that the signal-to-noise ratio is very large and that each signal decays to approximately the noise level within the 250 msec ping separation. Thus there is a negligible contribution from the late-time response of preceding echoes in the second through fourth echo. In order to decrease the dimensionality of the signal, the 64 channels are beamformed into 17 equally spaced beams, #−20 − 17.5, . . . , 17.5 20$. Almost all of the signal energy is concentrated into that angular range. An example of one received echo is shown in Fig. 6. The upper panel shows the data as a function of position along the array and time. Note that the coarse sampling in the middle is due to several dead phones. The wave-front structure of the signal is caused by the pointlike echo repeater that is approximately 0.5 km away. These wave fronts are mapped into smeared peaks in the lower panel that shows the signal in the angle-time domain. The first wave front arrives nearly broadside and is mapped into a beam directed near 0!. The weak late-time arrivals are not included; this corresponds to the portion of the signal that is more than 20 dB down from the peak as seen in Fig. 5. The color scale in Fig. 6 is linear. In order to form the four source channels for each receiver channel in the data matrix the array of signals is time delayed in units of the ping separation, namely, y!a,b,t" = y 0!a,t − bT",

b = 0,1,2,3,


so that one set of echoes is time aligned. The four source channels are shown in Fig. 7. After the signals are time aligned, a 250 msec window is placed so that the four responses are contained within it and the signal is Fourier transformed and processed as described in Sec. II. 984

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

C. Coherence

Consider the quantification of the time invariance obtained in this experiment. In order to quantify the time invariance, four identical signals are transmitted. With the notation for a time-varying Green’s function from the echorepeater r!E to each receiver r! j at frequency f and time tb as G!r! j , r!E , f ; tb", the data matrix resulting from the fourfold transmission of source beam 1 is J


Y!a,b, f" = % % F!a, j, f"G!r! j,r!E, f ;tb"A!E, f" j=1 l=1

"G!r!E,r!l, f ;tb"E!l,1, f"S0 + Nb!a, f"


and the matrix is rank one if the Green’s functions are the same at each of the four times. !Note that a change in the Green’s functions can arise due to motion of the source, echo repeater, receiver, or the oceanic medium." The data is then processed using the DORT procedure in Sec. II with a window that completely contains the four time-aligned echoes. However, before proceeding to the discussion of the DORTprocessed data, consider first the normalized singular spectrum of ocean noise. A time window with no echo signal is chosen and the noise signal analyzed using the same time shifts and DORT decomposition. The resulting normalized singular values are plotted as functions of center frequency in Fig. 8. The means of each set of singular values are plotted also. Note that the mean normalized spectrum, #0.59 0.22 0.12 0.06$, differs from that of a 4 " 17 Gaussian matrix, namely #0.43 0.28 0.18 0.11$, as shown in Table I. This disparity probably arises from the arrival structure of the noise field that comes from distant sources, the R/V Endeavor and the R/V Cape Henlopen that is located over the array. These resulting singular values represent the worst coherence possible in the sysGaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal

FIG. 7. The result of time shifting the signal by 250 msec so a set of four peaks are aligned. Each panel from top to bottom is given a different source index. Only in the time window from 2.00 to 2.25 s are all four source signals present.

tem. Thus the coherence analysis of the echo-repeater signals is expected to produce a highest normalized singular value between the value of 0.59 found from ocean noise and 1.00, found theoretically for perfect coherence and no noise. Knowing the expected bounds of performance, DORT

processing is performed on one signal from each frequency band at different ranges and wind speeds as the data permit. The largest normalized singular value is then plotted in Fig. 9 versus center frequency, winds speed, and range. This scatter plot shows that there is a clear dependence of coherence on the frequency as opposed to range and wind speed !given

FIG. 8. The four singular values of oceanic noise recorded and processed exactly the same as the echoes. The singular values are normalized. There is little frequency dependence on the singular values. The average over frequency of each singular value is displayed on the plot.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal


FIG. 9. !Color online" The first, and highest, normalized singular value resulting from four broadside transmissions in the various 500 Hz bands. The first singular value is plotted with respect to frequency in the top plot, with respect to wind speed in the middle and with respect to range of the echo/ repeater in the bottom plot.

the narrow range of wind speeds". This dependence is probably due to the heaving of the ship and the vertical motion of the array during transmission and recording of the signal. The motion during the one second interval has a considerable effect at the highest frequency band. At the highest frequency band, the largest singular value approaches that from ocean noise. The value in the lowest frequency band is very close to one, which is the value expected for perfect coherence and very high SNR. This ideal case is shown in Fig. 3 by the uppermost curve for values of SNR/ !1 + SNR" close to one. D. DORT analysis of signals

The previous section addressed the potential coherence of the system for use with DORT processing. The quality of the coherence was assessed by the magnitude of the largest normalized singular value with a transmitted signal with a very large signal-to-noise ratio. This is a measure of the isolation of a signal into a single component. There are two other aspects of each signal component beside the magnitude of the singular value, namely, the receiver and source singular !steering" vectors that are functions of either frequency or time. The quality of these components depends on their pointing to the same spatial region over frequency and to their compact extent in space time. These qualities cannot be investigated without a backpropagation model that shows the propagation of energy from the steered source and receiver arrays. This was done for the lowest frequency band using Eq. !15" and inverse Fourier transforming into the time domain to generate the coherent back-propagation image iB!r!k , t". The required Green’s functions were calculated using a version of the range-dependent acoustic model !RAM" program !Collins 986

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

1993" where the self-starter was modified to insert the starting field for an entire vertical array of source elements, including spatial shading and phase delays for steering the array. The 64 array elements were placed every 1.25 m starting at 1.25 m from the ocean surface. The spatial shading was uniform and the phase delays were standard for a delay-andsum plane-wave beamformer. The Green’s functions were calculated every 4 Hz from 500 to 1000 Hz for the required source and receiver beam steering directions. Rangedependent bathymetry between the SRA and the echorepeater locations was extracted from a high-resolution database !Goff et al. 1999". For the results presented, the depth varied from 92.1 to 91.6 over the 0.5 km of range. The sound speed profile is given in Table III. It was derived from a combination of expendable bathythermograph !XBT", thermistor, and conductivity, temperature and depth !CTD" data collected throughout the experiment. The geoacoustic data !Gauss 2003" is given in Table IV. Finally, a consistent set of algorithm control parameters were used for all RAM runs; specifically, dz= 0.025 m, dr= 1.0 m, and the number of Pade coefficients set to 5. The coherent back-propagation image iB!r!k , t" is seen in Sec. II C to be a function of range, depth, and time. The results are computed for a set of ranges near the range expected from the global satellite positioning !GPS" measurements taken on each ship. The peak response is shown in Fig. 10 for range= 0.5 km as a function of depth and time. The back projection for each of the four singular components are shown in the four subplots, with the top having the largest singular value and the lower subplots in descending order. The color scales of each subplot have a 30 dB range from 70 to 100 dB !arbitrary units". The position of the echo Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal

TABLE III. Sound speed profile.

Depth !m"

Sound speed !m/s"

0 6.75 10.5 14.25 18 21.75 25.5 29.25 33 36.75 40.5 44.25 48 51.75 55.5 59.25 63 66.75 70.5 74.25 78 81.75 92

1482.7 1482.7 1481.4 1481.5 1480.9 1481.0 1481.3 1481.6 1481.7 1481.3 1483.3 1483.2 1483.5 1483.7 1483.6 1483.5 1483.5 1483.5 1483.6 1483.7 1483.7 1483.8 1483.8

repeater is clearly visible in the plot at a depth of approximately 30 m and a time delay of 0.08 sec. The depth of the echo repeater was measured to be 40 m with a depth gauge. In order to compare the spreading in depth and time, an ideal back-propagation image was simulated for an impulsive target location with range= 0.5 km and depth= 40 m. The ideal data is created using the same Green’s functions by first calculating a received time series from the target for each combination of source and receiver beams. These time series are then processed the same as the experimental data. The spatial and temporal impulse responses of the source and receiver arrays in this environment are shown in the four subplots of Fig. 11. As in Fig. 10, the top subplot corresponds to the largest singular values. The range of the color scales is again 30 dB. Because the ideal data is completely

noise free, there is no energy present for singular values 2–4. Note that the ideal spatial focus is very sharp with a spread of only a few meters in depth. The time spread is also quite short with a well-defined peak. The deviations of the image in Fig. 10 from ideal are assumed to be due to environmental mismatch because the singular values for this case showed a very high level of coherence. The time delay shown in Fig. 11 has been time shifted by 0.125 sec. so that the peak lies in the middle of the plot. Because the ideal echoes have exactly the same time delays of the back-propagation Green’s function, the time delay of the peak would occur at a time delay of zero. The nonzero time delay of the back-propagated data in Fig. 10 should not be regarded as significant because there is an unknown time delay generated by the echo repeater. The echo repeater receives the incident signal, stores the signal for approximately five seconds, and then retransmits the signal. There is considerable time jitter in the echo repeater. This would not occur for a passive target when the time delay would be indicative of a mismatch between the data and the backpropagation Green’s functions. The data collected generally lacked evidence of bottom reverberation that rises above the ambient noise level. Thus, in Fig. 10 there are no hints of spatially isolated layer bottom reverberation in the back propagation of singular component 2. The lack of reverberation could be due to the modest source level !especially at the lower frequencies", the particular steering angles used for the source transmissions, the warm-water incursions near the bottom that tended to make the sound speed profile upward refracting, or low bottom backscattering strengths. In order to test the efficacy of spatially separating bottom reverberation from this configuration, an ideal data set is generated for targets at the depths of the echo repeater and the bottom. Again the ideal data is constructed from the back-propagation Green’s functions. The resulting images are shown in Fig. 12. Note that the separation of these two targets is not complete with a smeared target component being mixed with a strong bottom component in the top subplot. The second subplot contains primarily the target component with a small portion of the bottom component that has leaked into the second singular component. The mixing, or leakage, of the two components in the time domain is caused primarily by frequency-

TABLE IV. Geoacoustic parameters.

Depth !m" 0 94 104 114 144 194 244 294 300 400

Sound speed !m/s"

Density !g/cc"

Attenuation !db/L"

1635 1635.96 1635.27 1635.27 1635.27 1635.27 1690.27 1743.27 2200 2200

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.52 1.59 1.66 1.73 2.15 2.15

0.57225 0.57225 0.57225 0.57225 0.57225 0.57225 0.57225 0.57225 0.57225 10

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal


FIG. 10. The back-propagation image iB!r! , t" of one ping from 500 to 1000 Hz versus depth and time with range= 0.5 km. Each panel displays the back-propagation image with an identical color scale with 30 dB dynamic range. The top panel displays the image from the largest singular vectors that are associated with the echo-repeater signal. The expected depth of the echo repeater is 40 m and is displayed with a black line in each image. The depth of the bottom is also shown as a black line at 92 m.

dependent fading over the 500 Hz bandwidth. Thus the leakage occurs in some sub-bands; the smaller and perhaps disjoint frequency support causes the dispersion of the leakage images. Finally, the target strengths of the targets are equal in this simulation, but the bottom image has a greater amplitude than the target. This suggests that the primary reason for the lack of reverberation in the data is a low bottom backscattering strength. IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS

This paper presents a demonstration of the DORT technique with a system mounted on a ship in shallow water. The

demonstration used linear frequency modulated !LFM" signals and time domain multiplexing !TDM" to develop a set of echoes from different source ensonifications. The use of these signals permitted the measurement of the decay time of each signal and the clear separation and construction of the data matrix. In a more realistic system, the development of suitable source signal multiplexing is needed in order to achieve acceptable interference effects. The TDM signals used in this study create interferences at earlier and later times #Gaumond et al. 2004$. Other multiplexing techniques, such as code division multiplexing !CDM", would create different interferences at earlier and later times. Intuitively, a

FIG. 11. The back-propagation images using noise-free, numerically simulated echoes that exactly correspond to the back-propagation Green’s functions. The dynamic range of each image is 30 dB. The lower three panels have the same scale as the top panel.


J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal

FIG. 12. The back-propagation images using noise-free, numerically simulated echoes from two identical scatterers, one at 40 m and the other at 85 m. The dynamic range of each panel is 30 dB and the scales are identical. The two signals are separated to a high degree, but not perfectly.

CDM technique should be preferable due to the more noiselike side lobes as opposed to the peaks found in the side lobes of the TDM signals. The study of various multiplexing techniques to preserve time invariance for moving sonars is called for in the bottom-reverberation limited case #Folegot et al. 2004$. The paper presents a derivation of expected results for the DORT processing of a data matrix comprised of a noiseless signal, pure noise, and also a mixture of a single target and noise. Not surprisingly the noise is separated into unequal amounts in the singular values. There is a benefit to using a higher rank matrix in the noise-limited case, but the tradeoff between using more source transmissions and the lowering of the noise level in the highest singular value needs to be studied in further detail. Even though the SNR in our data is very high, the backpropagation images used time-reversal processing instead of inverse filtering #Tanter et al. 2000$ because time-reversal processing is similar to matched filtering against noise in the low SNR limit. Back-propagation images using inverse filtering have lower side lobes and have been discussed for isolating a target in reverberation #Folegot et al. 2003$. This paper presents the limitations on coherence as a function of frequency. The DORT technique requires coherence between the sequence of signal transmissions. Even though the transmission sequence had a duration of only one second, the motion of the array still caused a loss of coherence at 3.25 kHz. The limitations of time invariance have been studied !Kuperman et al. 1997; Sabra and Dowling 2004". Our finding of short time invariance is probably due to the mounting of our equipment on heaving ships. Greater invariance, broken only by the motion of the ocean itself, could probably be obtained by bottom mounting or motionisolated mounting to a ship or surface buoy. The coherent averaging technique of #Derode et al. 2001$ overcomes some types of variability. Although this technique has some potenJ. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

tial for overcoming some oceanic variability, the drifting of the echo repeater violates the requirements of this method. Lastly, in Sec. II C the temporal response of +!) , t" is related to the propagation and target spreading. This suggests that information encoded into the temporal response of +!) , t" is potentially useful for classification. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The authors would like to thank the captains and crews of the R/V Cape Henlopen and R/V Endeavor for their excellent work and support during our cruise. The authors would also like to acknowledge discussions over the years with Dr. Claire Prada, Dr. Matthias Fink, Dr. Thomas Folegot, and LT Alan Meyer !USNR". This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research. Burdic, W. S. !1991". Underwater Acoustic Systems Analysis, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, New Jersey. Carin, L., Liu, H., Yoder, T., Couchman, L., Houston, B., and Bucaro, J. !2004". “Wideband time-reversal imaging of an elastic target in an acoustic waveguide,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115, 259–268. Collins, M. D. !1993". “A split-step Pade solution for parabolic equation method,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 1736–1742. Derode, A., Tourin, A., and Fink, M. !2001". “Random multiple scattering of ultrasound. I. Coherent and ballistic waves,” Phys. Rev. E 64, 036605-1– 036605-7. Folegot, T., Kuperman, W. A., Song, H. C., Akal, T., and Stevenson, M. !2004". “Using acoustic orthogonal signal in shallow water time-reversal applications,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115, 2468. Folegot, T., Prada, C., and Fink, M. !2003". “Resolution enhancement and separation of reverberation data from target echo with the time reversal operator decomposition,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113, 3155–3160. Gaumond, C. F, Fromm, D. M, Lingevitch, J., Menis, R., Edelmann, G., and Kim, E. !2004". “Application of DORT to active sonar,” Conference Proceedings of Oceans ’04, OTO’04 Conference Committee !IEEE, Piscataway, NJ". Gauss, R. C. !2003". !Private communication". Goff, J. A., Swift, D. J. P., Duncan, C. S., Mayer, L. A., and Hughes-Clarke, J. !1999". “High resolution swath sonar investigation of sand ridge, dune, and ribbon morphology in the offshore environment of the New Jersey Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal


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J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2006

Montaldo, G., Tanter, M., and Fink, M. !2001". “Real time identification of several targets by iterative time reversal,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112, 2308– 2309. Prada, C., Manneville, D., Spoliansky, D., and Fink, M. !1996". “Decomposition of the time reversal operator: Detection and selective focusing on two scatterers,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 2067–2076. Prada, C., Thomas, J.-L., and Fink, M. !1995". “The iterative time reversal process: Analysis of the convergence,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 62–71. Roux, P., Derode, A., Peyre, A., Tourin, A., and Fink, M. !2000". “Acoustical imaging through a multiple scattering medium using a time-reversal mirror,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107, L7–L12. Sabra, K., and Dowling, D. !2004". “Broadband performance of a time reversing array with a moving source,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115, 2807– 2817. Tanter, M., Thomas, J.-L., and Fink, M. !2000". “Time reversal and the inverse filter,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108, 223–234.

Gaumond et al.: At-sea demonstration of time-reversal

Demonstration at sea of the decomposition-of-the-time-reversal ...

DORT is inherently a frequency-domain technique, but the derivation is shown in the time-frequency ... to the sonar equation. Noise-free, noise-only, and signal-plus-noise data are ...... from 70 to 100 dB arbitrary units. The position of the echo.

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