Federation of IndianRailwaymen National ROAD,NEWDELHI- 11O055 3, CHELMSFORD Affiliatedto: IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) lnternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) Dated:0511212013
The Secretary(E)' RailwayBoard, New Delhi DearSir,
Sub: Denial of additional incrementsto the Nursing Staff - possessingB.Sc.' DegreeAlorthWest Railway-reg. Ref:
(i) (ii) (iii)
NFIR's PNM itemNo.1112008. RailwayBoard'sletterNo.PC-YV2U|0N7l5ll dated1410312012. NFIR's lenerNo.IVA{FIR/6fiCPC/10/Pt.9dated0410912012.
hadpointedout to the RailwayBoardthe nonFederationvide its letterdated0410912012 B.Sc.,Degreeon the revised grantof two additionalincrementsto the NursingStaff possessing despitediscussionsin the PNM meetingwith the pay structureof VI CPC w.e.f. 11112006 ' RailwayBoard.Complaintsarebeingreceivedthat the additionalincrementswere alsoallowed on zonalrailwaysonly from 11712006. 2. NFIR hasalsocomeacrossyet anothercaseon N.W. Railwaywhereinthe NursingStaff B.Sc (Nwsing) (aquiredin Decembe420ll) havebeen and possessing recruitedon 3110812006 denied the benefit of two additional incrementson the plea that the said staff have been appointedafter,01/0112006,thus their caseis not coveredunderextantinstructionsof Railway Board.This interpretationof N.W. Railwayis totally wrong andviolativeof IREM Provision. Federationfurtherwishesto invite attentionof RailwayBoardto the provisionin IREM3. (2009 Vol.I First Reprint Edition) underitem (iii) of para 160* heading"Incentive"extractof whichis reproducedbelow:66lncentiver Staff Nurses, Nursing Staff, Matrons and Chief Matrons who possessat the time of recruitment or acquire subsequentlya degreein Nursing will be granted two advance incremehtstt. Cntd...2
Telegram: RAILMAZDOR R|y.22382, Fax: 011-23744013, Rly.030"22283,22526, 65027299, Phone: 011-23343305, Website:
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ll2ll NFIR, therefore,requeststhe Railway Board to issuesuitableclarificatory instructionsto N.W. Railway as well as other zotralrailways for ensuringgrant of additional incrementsto all thoseNursing Personnelwho possessB.Sc.,Degreewithout any restrietionwith retrospective or from the datethey possessqualification). effect(i.e. eitherfrom the dateof appointrnent Copy of instructionsduly citing NFIR's PNM discussionsand referencesmay be issued early asthis issueis prolongedwithout finality for over 5 years. Yours faithfylll, .. r
f\ -t r F - 1 t / | (M.Ragfiavaialii.\ GeneralSecretary i Copyto ExecutiveDirector/PC-I,RailwayBoard,PragatiMaidan,Metro Bhavan,New Delhi. t}opy to the Generalsecretariesof Affiliated Unionsof NFIR. Copyto MediaCentreA.{FIR. rite No.IvatFIR/6thcPC/l 0lPt.9. (PNM). FileNo.1112008