tIcf ]_vfnIv kÀÆokv I½n-j³ hnÚm-]\w \¼À Un.C I (1) 11978/2013/].hn.

Xncp-h-\-´-]p-cw, 21.10.2013.

Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌv P\phcn 2014 tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½nj³ 2014 P\phcn amk-¯nð Xmsg ]dbpó tI{µ§fnð h¨v \S-¯m³ \nÝ-bn-¨n-«pÅ Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co£IÄ¡v Hm¬sse³ hgn At]-£-IÄ £Wn¨p sImÅpóp. At]-£IÄ 2013 \hw_À 20-þmw XobXn _p[\mgvN cm{Xn 12 aWn hsc kzoIcn¡póXmWv. \nÝnX ka-b-¯n\p ap³]p Xsó ^okv AS-bv¡p-óXnepw At]£ kaÀ¸n-¡pó-Xnepw ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ {]tXyIw {i²n-t¡-ïXm-Wv. Hm¬sse³ hgn AñmsX-bpÅ At]£IÄ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nckn¡póXm-Wv. tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½njsâ HutZym-KnI sh_vssk-ämb www.keralapsc.gov.in eqsS cPn-kvt{S-j³ ]qÀ¯n-bm-¡nbXn\p-tijw ]co£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v At]-£n-¡m-hpóXm-Wv. ap³ ]co£IÄ¡v Hm¬sse\mbn At]£n¡póXn\pthï-n cPnkväÀ sNbvXn«pff ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ Hcp ImcWhimepw hoïpw cPnkväÀ sN¿phm³ ]mSpffXñ. AhÀ {]kvXpX cPnkvt{S-j\neqsS (s{]mss^eneqsS) am{Xw Hm¬sse\mbn At]£nt¡ïXmWv. kÀÆoknepff AÔcmb ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v thïn \S¯pó VivaVoce ¡v (G.O.(P)No.31/11/P&ARD dated 7.9.2011 {]Imcw) At]£n¡phm³ {]tXyI hnÚm]\w ]pds¸Sphn¡póXmWv. BbXn\mð AÔcmb ]co£mÀ°nIÄ Cu hnÚm]\{]Imcw At]£nt¡ïXnñ. 1.

Pqsse apXð Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co£IÄ aqey\nÀ®bw) co-Xnbnð \S¸nem¡nhcnIbmWv. Second 2.


Objective type (OMR Class Language Test in

Fóo sSÌpIÄ¡v \nehnepff coXnbnepw hIp¸pXe ]co£bpsS _m¡nbpff Fñm sSÌpIÄ¡pw Objective coXnbnepamWv ]co£ \S¯póXv. Alpha Code _m[Iambn«pff OMR ]co£bmWv \S¯póXv. Hmtcm t]¸dnsâbpw ]camh[n amÀ¡v 100þDw hnPbn¡póXn\pff an\naw amÀ¡v 40þDw BWv. Negative Mark _m[IamWv. Hmtcm icnbp¯c¯n\pw 1 amÀ¡v e`n¡pIbpw Hmtcm sXäp¯c¯n\pw 1/3 (aqónsemóv) amÀ¡v \jvSamIpIbpw sN¿pw. hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ¡v \nehnepff with books/without books coXn XpScpóXmWv. Objective coXn-bn-ep-ff ]co-£-IÄ¡v \ne-hn-ep-ff ka-b-{I-a¯nð amäw Dïm-bn-cn-¡póXm-Wv. 1. Xmsg ]d-bpó Øe-§-fn-emWv ]co-£m-tI-{µ-§Ä DÅXv. (1) Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw (2) s\¿m-än³Ic (3) Bän-§ð (4) s\Sp-a-§mSv (5) sImñw (6) sIm«m-c-¡c (7) Icp-\m-K-¸Ån (8) ASqÀ Malayalam (Tamil/Kannada), Minority Language Test (Tamil/Kannada)


(9) ]¯\wXn« (10) amth-en-¡c (11) sN§óqÀ (12) Xncp-hñ (13) Be-¸pg (14) XIgn (15) lcn-¸mSv (16) tNÀ¯e (17) tIm«bw (18) ]mem (19) sXmSp-]pg (20) DSp-¼³tNme (s\-Spw-¦ï-w) (21) ss]\mhv (hmg-t¯m-¸v) (22) ]ocp-taSv (23) I«-¸\ (24) hS-¡³ ]d-hqÀ (25) Fd-Wm-Ipfw (26) Xr¸q-Wn-¯pd (27) aqhm-äp-]pg (28) ssh¡w (29) XrÈqÀ (30) Ipów-Ipfw (31) Ccn-§m-e-¡pS (32) Nme¡pSn (33) ]me-¡mSv (34) a®mÀ¡mSv (35) Hä-¸mew (36) Be-¯qÀ (37) NnäqÀ (38) ae-¸pdw (39) \ne-¼qÀ (40) atôcn (41) s]móm\n (42) XncqÀ (43) tXªn-¸mew (44) tImgn-t¡mSv (45) sImbn-emïn (46) hSIc (47) Iev¸ä (48) kpð¯m³_-t¯cn (49) am\-´-hmSn (50) Xe-tÈcn (51) I®qÀ (52) Xfn-¸-d¼v (53) ]¿óqÀ (54) Imª-§mSv (55) ImkÀtKmUv (56) Ih-c¯n (e-£-Zzo-]v) (Pp-Uo-jyð sSÌp-Ifpw dh\yq sSÌp-Ifpw ]ôm b¯v sSÌp-Ifpw FIvsskkv sSÌp-Ifpw am{Xw)


Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£-IÄ¡v At]-£n-¡pó-Xn\v ap³]mbn ]co£mÀ °n-IÄ Hm¬sse\mbn One-time Registration sNt¿--ïXm-Wv. cPn-kvt{S-j³ ka-b¯v Hmtcm ]co-£mÀ°nbpw X§-fpsS hyàn-]-c-amb hnh-c-§-fmb P\-\-¯o-b-Xn, taðhn-em-kw, HutZym-KnI ]Z-hn, HutZym-KnI taðhn-emkw apX-em-bh \ðIpóXnt\msSm¸w X§-fpsS t^mt«m-{Km^pw A]vtemUv sNt¿ïXm-Wv. XpSÀóv Hcp ‘User ID’ \ðIpóXm-Wv. ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v Xsó „Password‟ Dw 'User ID' Dw sXc-sª-Sp-¡m-hpó-Xm-Wv. Ch cïpw clky-ambn kq£n-t¡ï-Xv ]co-£mÀ°n-I-fpsS Npa-X-e-bm-Wv. IqSmsX hyànhnhc§Ä icnbmsWóv Dd¸phcpt¯-ïXpamWv. \ne-hn-epÅ \nc-¡-\p-k-cn¨v Fgp-tXïpó t]¸-dp-IÄ¡v A-Sbvt¡ï ^okpw kÀ«n-^n-¡-äp-IÄ¡pÅ ^okpw (kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^okv Hcn-¡ð am{Xw) _Ô-s¸« slUv Hm^v A¡uï-p-I-fnð ASbvt¡ï--Xm-Wv. {Sj-dn-bnð XpI AS¨Xn-\p-tijw Hm¬sse³ At]-£-bnð Sn sNem³ \¼À,- Xp-I, XobXn Fónh IrXyambn tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯-Ww. X§-fpsS 'User ID', „Password‟ Fónh D]tbm-Kn¨v Hmtcm {]mh-iyhpw At]£ £Wn-¡pó apdbv¡v ]co-£mÀ°nIÄ¡v Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£-IÄ¡v At]£ kaÀ¸n-¡m-hpóXm-Wv. (a) cPn-kvt{S-j\v D]-tbm-Kn-t¡ï t^mt«m-bpsS khn-ti-j-X-IÄ 1. t^mt«m 31.12.2010 \p tijw FSp¯hbmbncn¡Ww. At]£Isâ t]cpw t^mt«m FSp¯ XobXnbpw t^mt«mbnð Print sNbvXncn¡Ww. 2. ]co-£mÀ°n-bpsS apJhpw tXmÄ`m-Khpw hyà-ambn ]Xn-ªn-cn-¡-¯¡-hn-[-¯n-epÅ IfÀ/»m¡v & sshäv ]mkvt]mÀ«v sskkv t^mt«m-bmbn-cn-¡-Ww. 3. 200 ]nIvskð Db-c-hpw, 150 ]nIvskð hoXnbpw DÅXpw jpg t^mÀamän-ep-ÅXpw 30 kb ^bð sskknð A[n-I-cn-¡m-¯-Xp-amb Cta-Pp-IÄ BWv Upload sNt¿-Xv. A{]-Im-c-añm¯ Cta-Pp-IÄ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nckn-¡-s¸SpóXmWv. 4. shfp-¯tXm Cfw \nd-¯ntem DÅ ]Ým-¯-e-¯nð FSp¯ t^mt«mbm-bn-cn-¡Ww (t^m-t«m-bn-epÅ hyànsb Xncn-¨-dn-bm³ km[n-¡pó Xc-¯nð ]Ým-¯ew plain Bbn-cn-¡-Ww). 5. apJw t\scbpw ]qÀ®-ambpw t^mt«m-bpsS a²y-`m-K¯v ]Xn-ªn-cn¡Ww. 6. I®p-IÄ hyà-ambn ImW-¯-¡-hn-[-¯n-em-bn-cn-¡Ww. 7. sXm¸n, (a-Xm-Nm-c-¯nsâ `mK-am-bpÅ sXm¸n/intcm-hkv{Xw Fón-h-sbmgn¨v) tKmKnÄkv Fónh [cn¨v FSp-¯tXm apJ-¯nsâ Hcp hiw am{Xw ImW-¯-¡-hn-[-¯n-ep-ÅtXm apJw hyà-añm-¯-tXm Bb t^mt«m-IÄ D]tbmKn¡m³ ]mSnñ.


8. samss_ð t^m¬, Web Cam Fónh D]-tbm-Kn¨v FSp-¡pó t^mt«mbpw Polaroid& Computer Generated Photo bpw kzoI-cn-¡póXñ. 9. Cfw \nd-¯n-epÅ hkv{Xw [cn¨v FSp¯ t^mt«m Bbn-cn-¡Ww. 10. BZy-L-«-¯nð cPn-kvt{S-j³ \S-¯n-b-t¸mÄ ]gb amXr-I-bn-epÅ t^mt«m A]vtemUv sNbvX-hÀ C\nbpw ]co£ Fgp-Xpó-Xn\v thïn At]-£n-¡pt¼mÄ ]pXnb amXr-I-bn-epÅ t^mt«m Ah-km-\Xo-bXn¡p ap³]mbn A]vtemUv sNt¿ïXm-Wv. 1 - 10 hscbpff \nÀt±i§Ä ]men¡m¯ t^mt«mbpff At]£IÄ

\ncp]m[nIw \nckn¡póXmWv. (b) hIp¸pXe ]co-£bv¡v Online At]-£-IÄ BZy-ambn £Wn¨ 2011 P\p-h-cn¡v ap¼mbn Hcp ]mÀ«nsâ `mKn-I-amb t]¸-dp-IÄ Pbn-¨n-«p-Å-hÀ tijn¡pó t]¸-dp-IÄ¡pw kÀ«n-^n-¡-än\pw ^okv HSp¡n Hm¬sse³ hgn At]-£n-t¡-ïXm-Wv. 2011 P\p-h-cn- apXð kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^okv HSp-¡p-Ibpw Fómð ]co£ tXmð¡p-Ibpw sNbvX-hÀ hoïpw kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^okv HSpt¡-ïXnñ. 2011 P\phcnbnse Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£ apXð At]-£n¡p-Ibpw hnhn[ Imc-W-§-fmð At]£ \nc-kn-¡-s¸-Sp-Itbm Paper disallow Bhp-Itbm sNbvXn«pffhÀ {]kvXpX kÀ«n^n¡äv ^o AS¨n«psï¦nð A¡mcyw ]pXpXmbn At]£n¡pt¼mÄ {]tXyIw tcJs¸Sp¯pIbmsW¦nð am{Xw B-bXv km[p-hmbn ]cn-K-Wn-¡p-ó-Xm-Wv. P\phcn 2011 ð ]gb kne_Ênð Revenue Test FgpXpóXn\mbn At]£n¨v kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^okv HSp-¡n-bhcpsS Sn ^okv Ct¸mÄ \S¯pó Revenue Test (]pXnb kne_Êv) \v ]cnKWn¡póXñ. kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^okv hoïpw ASbv¡Ww. (c) ]co£mthfbnð sFUân-^n-t¡-j³ kÀ«n-^n-¡-än-t\m-sSm¸w Hdn-Pn-\ð sNñm³ (FIvkm-an-t\-j³ ^o) IqSn kaÀ¸nt¡ïXmWv. Añm-¯-]£w ]co£ Fgp-Xm³ A\p-h-Zn-¡póXñ. (d) tIcf kwØm-\-¯n\v ]pd-¯pÅ At]£-IÀ sNem³ cko-Xn\v ]Icw t{ImÊv sNbvX t]mÌð HmÀU-dnsâ XpIbpw \¼cpw Xob-Xnbpw At]-£bnð tcJ-s¸-Sp-t¯ï--Xm-Wv. Ah-cpsS t^mt«m-tbm-Sp-Iq-Snb Admission Ticket- Dw Identification Certificate- Dw e`y-am-¡póXpw BbXv Uu¬ temUv sNbvXv bYmhn[n km£y-s¸-Sp¯n ]co-£bv¡v lmP-cm-t¡-ïXp-am-Wv. (e)-



(f) Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£-IÄ¡v At]£ kaÀ¸n-¡póXn-\pÅ Ah-km\XobXnhscbpw X§Ä kaÀ¸n¨ At]-£-bnse hnh-c-§Ä (DZm: t]¸-dp-IÄ, sSÌv, taJe apX-em-b-h) amän \ðIpóXn\v ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v A\p-hmZw Dïm-bn-cn-¡póXm-Wv. Ah-km\Xo-bXnbnð \nehnepff t^mt«mbpw aäp hnhc§fpw AS§nb At]-£Ifmhpw ]cnKWn-¡pI. Online application ]qcn¸n-¡póXn\v ap³]v hnÚm-]\w hni-Z-ambn hmbn-t¡ï--Xm-Wv. hnÚm-]\w


I½o-jsâ sh_vssk-änepw I½o-jsâ Pnñm/taJem B^o-kp-IÄ, If-IvS-tdäp-IÄ, Pnñm C³^Àta-j³ B^o-kp-IÄ Fón-hn-S-§-fnepw e`y-am-Wv. (g) ]co-£-bv¡pÅ ka-b-hn-h-c-¸-«n-Ibpw taJ-em-tI-{µ-§-fpsS t]cpw bYmk-abw Kk-änð ]c-ky-s¸-Sp-¯póXm-Wv. ka-b-hn-h-c-¸-«n-I-IÄ ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½o-jsâ sh_vssk-äv, Pnñm/taJem Hm^o-kp-IÄ, If-IvS-td-äp-IÄ, Pnñm C³^Àta-j³ B^o-kp-IÄ, ]co-£m-tI-{µ-§Ä Fón-hn-S§-fnð \nópw ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v d^d³kn\v e`n-¡póXm-Wv. IqSmsX Hmtcm ]co£mÀ°n¡pw Bh-iy-ambn hcpó ]co-£-I-fpsS ssSwtS-_nÄ Ah-c-h-cpsS s{]mss^-enð e`yam-¡pó-Xm-Wv. hyàn-]-c-ambn ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v ka-bhn-h-c-]-«n-I-IÄ X]m-enð Ab-bv¡p-óXñ. I½n-jsâ 05.03.2003 se 17þmw \¼À Xocp-am\ {]Imcw Un¸mÀ«v-saâð sSkväv kÀÆo-knð DÅ-hÀ¡v am{X-ambn ]cn-an-X-s¸-Sp-¯n-bn-cn-¡póp. Añm-¯h-cnð \nópw e`n-¡pó At]-£-IÄ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-¡póXm-Wv. 3.

At]-£m-^okv:-þ ^okv Hmtcm t]¸-dn\pw 50/-þ (A³]-Xv) cq] Fó- \n-c¡n-em-Wv. Cu ASn-Øm-\-¯nð Hcp sSÌn\v F{X t]¸-dp-IÄ Dïv Fóv IW-¡m¡n sam¯w ]co-£m-^okv AS-bvt¡--ïXm-Wv. t]cv, taðhn-em-kw, A¡uïv slUv, XpI Fónh tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯nb sNem³ ]co-£mÀ°n-bpsS Profile- ð \nópXsó Uu¬temUv sN¿m-hpóXm-Wv. ]co-£-bv¡pÅ ^okv kwØm-\s¯ GsX-¦nepw Kh¬saâv {Sj-dn-bnð "0051 - PSC - 105 - State PSC - 99 Examination Fee'' Fó A¡uïv slUnð AS-bvt¡-ïXpw kÀ«n-^n-¡äv^okv Hmtcm kÀ«n-^n-¡-än\pw 100 cq] \nc-¡nð "0051 - PSC -800 - State PSC 99 - Other receipts" Fó Head of Account -epw sNem³ aptJ\ HSp-t¡--ïXm-Wv. sNem³ \¼À, XpI, {Sjdn Fónh Profile - ð (A-h-km-\-Xo-b-Xn¡v ap¼v) shtÆsd tcJ-s¸-Sp-t¯ïXpw ]co£m ^o AS¨ sNem³ ]co£m ka-b¯v sFUân-^n-t¡-j³ kÀ«n-^n-¡-än-t\m-sSm¸w lmP-cm-t¡-ïXpw BIpóp. P\phcn 2011 apXð Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌn\v At]£n¡pIbpw kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^okv HSp-¡pIbpw sNbvXhÀ AtX s{]mss^eneqsS At]£n¨mð am{Xta HSp¡nb kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^okv km[phmbn ]cnKWn¡pIbpffp. (A-ñm-sX-bpÅ At]-£-IÄ \nc-kn-¡póXm-Wv) ]co-£m-k-a-b¯v lmP-cm-¡pó AUvan-j³ Sn¡äv bYm-hn[n km£y-s¸-Sp-t¯-ïXm-Wv. IqSmsX sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡ än-se t^mt«mbpw, ]co-£m-^o-kpw, kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^okpw AS¨ XpI, {Sjdn hnh-c-§Ä Fónh B^okv/hIp¸v ta[m-hn-sb-s¡mïv km£ys¸-Sp-t¯ï--Xm-W.v kwØm-\-¯n\p ]pd-¯pÅ At]-£-IÀ sNem³ cko-Xn\p-]-Icw t{ImkvsNbvX t]mÌð HmÀUÀ (Crossed Postal Order payable to the Secretary, Kerala Public Service Commission, Thiruvananthapuram-4) tPmbnâv sk{I-«dn, Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌv hnwKv, tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½o-j³, ]«w, Xncph-\-´-]p-cwþ4 Fó taðhn-em-k-¯nð At]£ kzoI-cn-¡pó Ah-km-\-Xob-Xn¡v tijw 10 Znh-k-¯n-\Iw Cu Hm^o-knð e`n-¡¯-¡-hn-[-¯nð Ab¨p-X-tcïXm-Wv. tIcf kwØm-\-¯nð \nópÅ At]-£-IÀ At]-£m^okv t]mÌð HmÀU-dmbn FSp¯v At]-£n-¨mð A¡m-c-W-¯mð Xsó At]£ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-¡-s¸-SpóXm-Wv. Hcn-¡ð AS¨ ]co-£m-^okv bmsXmcp Imc-W-h-imepw XncnsI sImSp-¡p-óXñ. 4.



(F) t\cn-«pÅ \nb-a\w hgntbm {Sm³kv^À apJm-´n-ctam \nb-an-¡-s¸-«n-«pÅ Hcp DtZym-K-Øsâ s{]mt_-j-sâtbm s{Sbn-\nw-Kn-sâtbm ]qÀ¯o-I-c-W-¯nt\m GsX-¦nepw XkvXn-I-bnð C³{In-satâm Ønc-s¸-Sp¯tem e`n-¡pó-Xnt\m DbÀó XkvXn-I-bn-te¡v DtZym-K-¡-bäw In«póXnt\m Hcp t]mÌnð ]ng-Iq-SmsX XpS-cpó-Xnt\m GsX-¦nepw sSÌv ]mÊm-bn-cn¡-W-saóv \nÀt±-in-¨n-«p-s-ï¦nð (obligatory tests) {]kvXpX sSÌp-IÄ¡pw kÀÆo-kn-epÅ Bfp-IÄ¡v ]pXp-Xmbn GsX-¦nepw sSÌv GÀs¸-Sp-¯n-bn«psï¦nð A{]-Im-c-apÅ sSÌp-IÄ¡pw G.O.(MS)166/76/PD dated 04.06.1976 A\p-k-cn¨v Poh-\-¡mÀ¡v AXmXv Un¸mÀ«vsaânse DtZym-K-¡-b-ä-§Ä¡v (Line of promotion) DÅ XkvXn-I-I-fn-tebv¡v Bh-iy-amb Un¸mÀ«vsaâv sSÌpIÄ¡pw At]-£-I-cnð \nóv ^okv CuSm-¡pó-ñ. Cu kuP\yw Hmtcm sSÌns\ kw_-Ôn-¨n-S-t¯m-fhpw HcmÄ¡v Hónð IqSp-Xð XhW e`n-¡p-óX-ñ. (G.O.(MS)26/76/PD dated 25.01.1976) cïm-as¯ XhW apXð ^okv CuSm¡p-ó-Xm-Wv. Hcp ]co-£bv¡v At]-£n-¡p-Ibpw Fómð GsX-¦nepw Imc-Wh-imð ]co£ Fgp-Xm-Xn-cn-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXmð AXpw ^okv kuP\yw A\ph-Zn-¡-s¸-«n-«pÅ Xh-W-bmbn IW-¡m-¡-s¸-Spó-Xm-Wv. ^okv kuP\yw A\ph-Zn-¡-s¸-«n-«p-ÅXv Hmtcm sSÌn\pw apgp-h-\m-bn-«m-Wv. AñmsX ]e t]¸-dp-IfpÅ Hmtcm sSÌn-sâbpw Hmtcm t]¸-dp-I-fm-bn-«ñ. (G.O.(MS)29/75/PD dated 0602-1975) DZm-l-c-W-ambn A¡uï-v sSÌn\p tNcpó HcmÄ¡v (4 t]¸-dn\pw IqSn tNÀómepw Csñ-¦n-epw) Hcp ]co-£bv¡v am{Xta ^okv kuP\yw In«pI-bp-Åp. B ]co-£-bnð Fñm t]¸-dp-Ifpw Pbn-¡m³ km[n-¨n-«n-sñ-¦nð ASp¯ XhW apXð tXmä t]¸-dp-IÄ¡pw At]-£n-¡m-Xn-cpó t]¸-dpIÄ¡pw ^okv HSp¡n At]-£n-t¡--ïXm-Wv. apI-fnð ]dª B\p-Iq-ey-§Ä G.O.(MS)249/70/PD dated 22.07.1970 A\p-k-cn¨v Kh¬saâv kÀho-kn-epÅ ssS¸n-kväp-IÄ¡pw sÌt\m-{Km-^ÀamÀ¡pw G.O.(Ms.)274/71/PD dated 27.08.1971 A\p-k-cn¨v ]_vfnIv kÀÆokv I½n-j³ \S-¯pó FÊv. FÊv.-Fð.-kn. ÌmtâÀUv (S.S.L.C Standard) epÅ ¢dn-¡ð ]co-£bv¡v Ccn-¡phm³ A\p-aXn e`n-¨n-«pÅ Xmgvó hcp-am-\-¡mcmb Khs×âv Poh-\-¡mÀ¡pw G.O.(Rt.)No.706/75/PD dated 21.07.1975 A\p-k-cn¨v tIcf JmZn Bâv hntñPv C³U-kv{Sokv t_mÀUnse Poh-\-¡mÀ¡pw G.O.(Ms.)No.302/75/G..Edn. dated 17.12.1975 A\p-k-cn¨v Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌv H»n-tK-ä-dn-bmbn \nÝ-bn-¡-s¸-«n«pÅ tIc-f-¯nse Fbn-UUv sslkvIq-fn-tebpw Fbn-UUv s{Sbn-\nwKv kvIqfn-tebpw slUvam-ÌÀamÀ¡pw aäp Poh-\-¡mÀ¡pw G.O.(Ms.)No.146/76/G..Edn. dated 04.08.1976 A\p-k-cn¨v H»n-tK-ä-dn-bmbn \nÝ-bn¡-s¸-«n-«pÅ Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌp-IÄ¡pw tIc-f-¯nse ss{]adn kvIqfpIfntebpw A¸Àss{]adn kvIqfp-I-fn-tebpw slUvam-ÌÀamÀ¡pw ]n.-Un. So¨ÀamÀ¡pw G.O.(P)No.150/77/PW. dated 17.9.1977 A\p-k-cn¨v s]mXp-a-cm-a¯v hIp-¸nse Pq\n-bÀ Fôn-\o-bÀam-cpsS s{]mt_-j³ ]qÀ¯o-I-cn-¡póXn\pw XpSÀóv DtZym-K-¡-bäw In«pó-Xn\pw \nÀ_Ôam¡-s¸-«n-cn-¡pó ]n.-U-»yq.Un. am\p-hð sSÌn\pw (P.W.D. Manual Test) e`n-¡pó-Xm-Wv. tImÀ¸-td-j³, ap\n-kn-¸m-enän Fóo kzbw-`-cW Øm]-\-§-fnse Poh-\-¡mÀ¡pw bqWn-thgvkn-än, Ce-Iv{Sn-knän t_mÀUv, sI. FÊv. BÀ. Sn. kn., hm«À AtXm-dn«n XpS§nb Øm]-\-§-fnse Poh-\-¡mÀ¡pw ^okv kuP-\y-¯n\v AÀlX Dïm-bncn-¡pó-Xñ. Fómð tIcf ]ôm-b¯v tIma¬ kÀÆo-kn-epÅ Poh-\¡mÀ¡v G.O.(MS)No.215/86/LAD dated 28.10.1986 {]Imcw H»n-tK-ä-dn-bmbn \nÝ-bn-¡-s¸-«n-«pÅ Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌp-IÄ¡v ^okv kuP-\y-¯n\v AÀlXbpïm-bn-cn-¡póXm-Wv. {Sj-dn, tem¡ð ^ïv BUnäv Fóo hIp-¸p-


I-fnse Poh-\-¡mÀ Hgn-sI-bp-Å-hÀ¡v Account Test (Higher)þ\v ^okv kuP-\y¯n\v AÀlX Dïm-bn-cn-¡pó-Xñ. hnZym-`ymk hIp-¸nse Higher Secondary School Teacher, Vocational Higher Secondary School Teacher, Non Vocational Higher Secondary School Teacher, Btcm-Ky-h-Ip-¸n-tebpw saUn-¡ð hnZym-`ym-k-h-Ip-¸ntebpw Staff Nurse, Head Nurse Fóo XkvXn-I-I-fnð tPmen t\m¡p-óhÀ¡v hIp-¸vXe ]co£ Obligatory Añm-¯-Xn-\mð Hcp sSÌn\pw ^okv kuP\yw

Dïm-bn-cn-¡póXñ. Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£-IÄ¡v Hm¬sse³ aptJ\ At]£ kaÀ¸n-¡p-t¼mÄ "Free Chance'' Fó Hm]vj-\nð ¢n¡v sN¿pó ka-b¯v ''Yes'' Fóp tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯póp FóXp sImïp am{Xw ]co£mÀ°n¡v {^o Nm³kv e`n-¡póXn\v AÀlX Dïv Fóv [cn-t¡ï--Xnñ. At]-£-I-fpsS kq£va-]-cn-tim-[-\m-th-f-bnð "Free Chance" ð ]co£ FgpXpó-Xn\v AÀl-X-bn-ñm¯ ]co-£mÀ°n-I-fpsS At]£ \nc-kn-¡pó-Xm-Wv. Bb-Xn-\mð Free Chance e`n-¡pó-Xn\v (^ok-S-bv¡msX ]co£ Fgp-XpóXn\v) X§Ä¡v AÀlX Dïv Fóv _Ô-s¸« kÀ¡mÀ D¯-chv ]cn-tim[n¨v Dd-¸p-h-cp-¯n-b-tijw am{Xw At]-£n-t¡ï-Xm-Wv. tIcf A{Kn-¡Ä¨-dð bqWn-th-gvknän Poh-\-¡mÀ¡v G.O(Rt.)No.101/ 78/AD dated 16.1.1978 {]Imcw H»n-tK-ä-dn-bmbn \nÝ-bn-¡-s¸-«n-«pÅ Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌp-IÄ¡v ^okv kuP-\y-¯n\v AÀlXbpïm-bn-cn-¡póXm-Wv. (_n) ^okv kuP-\-y-¯n\v AÀl-cm-bn-«p-Å-hÀ {]kvXpX hnhcw At]-£bnð tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯pó-Xp-Iq-SmsX Admission Ticket- s\m¸w Uu¬ temUv sNbvsX-Sp-¡pó Identification Certificate-ð Sn hnhcw X§-fpsS hIp¸p ta[mhntbtbm B^okv ta[m-hn-tbtbm sImïv kÀ«nss^ sN¿n-t¡ïXpw _Ôs¸« tImf¯nð  amÀ¡v sN¿nt¡ïXpamWv.. IqSmsX AUvan-j³ Sn¡-än-t\m-sSm¸w bYmhn[n km£ys¸Sp¯nb sFUân^n t¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äpw kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^o/FIvkm-an-t\-j³ ^o Fónh HSp-¡nb Hdn-Pn\ð sNñm\pw ]co-£m-th-f-bnð lmP-cm-t¡ïXpw A[n-Ir-XÀ¡v ssIam-td-ïXp-am-Wv. AUvanj³ Sn¡äpw, sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äpw lmPcm¡m¯]£w ]co£ Fgp-Xp-hm³ A\p-h-Zn-¡póXñ. sFUân^n t¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡änð kÀ«nss^ sN¿pó hyàn-bpsS t]cpw HutZym-KnI ]Z-hnbpw hnemkhpw, H¸n\p Xmsg tcJ-s¸-Sp-t¯--ïXpw \nÝnX Øe¯v Hm^okv koð ]Xnt¡ïXpamWv. B^okv koð HutZym-KnI ]Z-hn¡v sXfnhmbn kzoI-cn-¡-s¸-SpóXñ. At]-£-I³ Xsó B^okv ta[m-hn-bm-sW¦nð At±-l-¯nsâ tae-[n-Im-cn-bpsS tasem¸pw hm§n-t¡ïXm-Wv. 5. Annexure-A bnð 5-m-a-Xmbn sImSp-¯n-cn-¡pó ]n.-U-»yp.-Un. am\p-hð sSÌv, s]mXp-a-cm-a¯v hIp-¸nse Pq\n-bÀ Fôn-\o-bÀamÀ¡v s{]mt_j³ ]qÀ¯n-bm-¡p-óXn\pw XpSÀópÅ DtZym-K-¡-b-ä-¯n\pw Ct¸mÄ \nÝ-bn-¨n«pÅ A¡uïv sSÌv temh-dn\pw ]n.-U-»yp.-Un. sSkvän\pw ]pdta \nÀ_-Ô-am¡n-bn-«p-Å-XmWv. [G.O(P)No.150/77/PW dated 17.9.1977]

8 (F) Annexure-A- bn t]meokv sSkväv 18,19 Fónh {]tXyIw sSÌp-IÄ Xsóbm-bn-cn-¡pw. [G.O(MS)No.146/82/Home (A) Department dated 16.12.1982 A\pk-cn¨v ] 6.

Annexure-A bnð 23þm-a-Xmbn sImSp-¯n-cn-¡pó tIc-f- P-bnð Hm^o-tkgvkv

sSÌv þaqómw t]¸À/ tIcf Pbnð kt_mÀUn-t\äv Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÌv cïmw t]¸À ({]m-Ivän-¡ð) ]co-£bv¡v Pbnð sF.-Pn. AwKo-I-cn-¨n-«pÅ Øm]-\§-fnð \nópw AXm-bXv 30.09.1993 hsc RICA-ð \nópw/ SICA-ð \nópw 01.10.1993 apXð 13.10.2003 hsc SICA-ð \nópw am{Xhpw 14.10.2003 apXð RICA-ð \nópw/ SICA-ð \nópw BwUv Bâv kvIzmUv {Unñnð (ssd-^nÄ jq«nw-Kv, dnthmÄhÀ jq«nwKv apX-em-b-h) ]cn-io-e\w hnP-b-I-c-ambn ]qÀ¯nbm-¡nb kÀ«n-^n-¡äv e`n-¨-hÀ¡v am{Xta At]-£n-¡p-hm³ AÀl-X-bp-Åq. A\p-_Ôw "F' bnð 24þm-a-Xmbn sImSp-¯n-cn-¡pó tIcf Pbnð kt_mÀUnt\äv Hm^o-tkgvkv sSkväv cïm-as¯ t]¸-dn-\p-apÅ {]mtbmKnI ]co-£bv¡v (Practical Test) Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw Pbnð s{Sbn-\nwKv kvIqfnð \nópw {]kvXpX sSÌn-\pÅ ]cn-io-e\w hnP-b-I-c-ambn ]qÀ¯n-bm-¡n-«p-Å-hÀ¡v am{Xta tNcphm³ AÀlX Dïm-bn-cn-¡p-I-bp-Åq. Añm-sX-bp-Å-h-cpsS At]-£-IÄ ]cnK-Wn-¡p-ó-Xñ. s{Sbn-\nwKv t\Sn-bn-«pÅ kÀ«n-^n-¡-änsâ icn-¸-IÀ¸v kzbw km£y-s¸-Sp¯n tPmbnâv sk{I-«-dn, Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌv hnwKv, tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½o-j³, ]«w, Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw Fó taðhn-em-k-¯nð Xma-kw-hn\m Ab-¨p-X-tcïXm-Wv. lmP-cm-¡m-¯-h-cpsS At]-£-IÄ \nc-kn¡póXm-Wv. tað]-d-ªn-cn-¡pó sSÌp-I-fpsS {]mtbm-KnI ]co-£-IÄ Xncph\´]pct¯m XrÈqtcm I®qtcm I½o-j\v kuI-cyw Fóp tXmópó atäsX-¦nepw tI{µ-¯nð ht¨m \S-¯pó-Xm-bn-cn-¡pw. {]mtbm-Kn-I-]-co£ \S¯pó Øehpw Xob-Xnbpw bYm-h-kcw {]kn-²-s¸-Sp-¯p-ó-Xm-Wv. Annexure-A bnð 30þm-a-Xmbn sImSp-¯n-cn-¡pó tIcf ]ôm-b¯v sSÌv, ]ôm-b¯v Un¸mÀ«p-saânse bp.-Un.-¢mÀ¡p-amÀ, slUv¢mÀ¡p-amÀ, ]ômb¯v FIvkn-Iyq-«ohv Hm^o-kÀamÀ Fón-hÀ¡p-thïn G.O.(MS.)No.154/75/LA & SWD dated 09.07.1975 {]Imcw \S-¯pó s]mXp-]-co-£-bm-Wv. ap¼v \S-¯nbn-cpó tIcf ]ôm-b¯v FIvkn-Iyq-«ohv Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÌv {]kvXpX D¯-chp- {]Imcw \nÀ¯-em¡n Ign-ªp. tIcf ]ôm-b¯v FIvkn-Iyq-«ohv Hm^otkgvkv sSÌnsâ Fñm t]¸-dp-Ifpw CXn-\Iw Xsó Pbn-¨n-«p-Å-hsc ]ômb¯v sSkväv Fgp-Xp-ó-Xnð \nópw Hgn-hm-¡n-bn-«pï-v. tIcf ]ôm-b¯v FIvkn-Iyq-«ohv Hm^o-tkgvkv sSÌnse GsX-¦nepw t]¸-dp-IÄ Pbn-¡p-hm³ DÅ-hÀ ]ôm-b¯v sSÌnse XZ-\p-kr-X-amb (Corresponding) t]¸-dn\v tNÀóv Pbn-¨mð aXn-bm-Ip-ó-Xm-Wv. 7.

Fñm sSÌp-Ifpw `mKn-I-ambn ]mÊm-Im-hpó-Xm-Wv. AXp-sImïv ]co£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v AhÀ ]mÊm-tIï sSÌp-IÄ apgp-h-\mtbm Htóm AXn-e-[nItam t]-¸-dp-IÄ¡p am-{X-amtbm tNcp-hm-\pÅ kzmX{´yw Dïm-bn-cn-¡pw. H.Fw.-BÀ amXr-I-bn-ep-ff sSÌp-I-fpsS kabw [A¡uïv sSÌv (temhÀ) sI.Fkv.BÀ, A¡uïv sSÌv lbÀ (sI.Fkv.BÀ) Fónh HgnsI] Hóc aWn-¡qÀ Bbn-cn-¡p-óXm-Wv. A¡uïv sSÌv (temhÀ) sI.Fkv.BÀ, 8.


A¡uïv sSÌv lbÀ (sI.Fkv.BÀ) Fóo ]co£IÄ¡v cïv aWn¡qÀ Bbncn¡pw. DtZymK\nb-a-\-¯n-\pÅ sXc-sª-Sp¸p ]co-£-IÄ ae-bmfw Hgn-¨pÅ {]mtZ-inI `mj-Ifnð Fgp-Xp-óhÀ¡p thïn [G.O.(Ms.)No.142/66/PD dated 9.

31.03.1966, G.O.(P)No.356/82/GAD dated 03.11.1982, G.O.(P)No.164/84/GAD dated 31.05.1984] A\p-k-cn¨v \S-¸m-¡nb ae-bmfw sk¡âv ¢mÊv emwtKzPv sSÌv (Second Class Language Test in Malayalam) A\p_Ôw "F' (Annexure-A) bnð 41þma-Xmbn tNÀ¯n-«pï-v. kne-_-Êv, amÀ¡v, kab{Iaw XpS-§nb hni-Z-hn-hc-§Ä A\p-_Ôw "kn' (Annexure-C) bnð sImSp-¯n-cn-¡póp.

\yq-\-]£ `mj kwkm-cn-¡pó {]tZ-i-§-fnð tPmen sN¿pó DtZ-ym-KØÀ¡v {]kvXpX `mj-bnð {]mtbm-KnI ]cn-Úm\w Bh-i-y-am-sW-óXn\mð 12.09.1968þse G.O.(Ms.)No.290/PD {]Imcw GÀs¸-Sp-¯nb ssat\m-dnän emwtKzPv sSkväv (Xan-gv/I-ó-U) A\p_Ôw "F' (Annexure-A) bnð 42þmaXmbn tNÀ¯n-«pï-v. 19.12.1987þse G.O.(Ms.)No.283/87/LAD Kh-s×âv D¯-chv (Fw.Fkv.) \¼À 283/87 Fð.-F.-Un. {]Imcw tIcf ap\n-kn-¸ð kÀÆokv Poh-\-¡mÀ¡pw ssat\m-dnän emwtKzPv sSkväv Fgp-Xm-hp-ó-Xm-Wv. kne-_-Êv, amÀ¡v, kab{Iaw XpS-§nb hni-Z-hn-h-c-§Ä A\p-_Ôw "Un' (Annexure-D) bnð sImSp-¯n-cn-¡p-óp. 10. Annexure-A bnð 47 þm-a-Xmbn sImSp-¯n-cn-¡pó tIcf Npa«p sXmgn-emfn \nb-a-§sf kw_-Ôn¨ Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co£ tIcf Npa«p sXmgn-em-fn-t£-a\n[n t_mÀUnse bp.-Un. IvfmÀ¡v XkvXn-I-bn-te¡v Øm\-¡-b-äw aptJ\tbm XkvXn-I-amäw aptJ-\tbm \nb-a\w e`n-¡p-ó-Xn-\mbn Fw.H.]n, A¡uïv sSÌv (tem-hÀ) Fón-hbv¡v ]pdsa \nÀ_-Ô-ambpw Pbn-¨n-cn-t¡-ïXm-Wv. [G.O(Rt.)No.3022/2008/sXmgnð dated 31.12.2008] 9.(F)

Fñm sSÌp-IÄ¡pw Pbn-¡p-óXn-\m-h-iy-amb Gähpw Ipdª amÀ¡v Hmtcm t]¸-dn\pw 40% (\mð¸Xv iX-am-\w) BWv. 11.

dh\yq sSÌp-IÄ 2011 Pqsse apXð ]pXnb kne-_-Ênð am{Xw FgpXm³ A\p-h-Zn-¡póXm-Wv. ap³]v `mKn-I-ambn ]gb kne-_-knð ]mÊm-bn-«pÅ-hÀ kÀ«n-^n¡ävv e`n-¡póXn\v ]pXnb kne-_-Ênð \mev t]¸-dp-Ifpw FgpXn ]mÊm-tIïXm-Wv. Fómð P\phcn 2011þð hntñPv B^otkgvkv am\phð ]co£ ap³]v ]mÊmbn«pffhÀ ]pXnb kne_Êv {]Imcapff dh\yq sSÌnsâ \memas¯ t]¸dn\v hoï-pw ]co£ FgptXïXnñ. ]co£mÀ°nIÄ hntñPv Hm^okv am\phð ]co£ ap³]v ]mÊmbn«pÅXmbn ØncoIcWw \ðIpt¼mÄ dh\yq sSÌnsâ 4 t]¸dpIfpw DÄs¡mffpó kÀ«n^n¡äv \ðIpóXmWv. 12.



Free Chance Hgn-sI-bpÅ Ah-k-c-§-fnð, A\y{X tkh-\-¯nð XpS-cpó

Poh-\-¡mÀ Ahn-Sps¯ Xsó B^okv ta[mhn/ hIp¸v ta[m-hn-sb-s¡mïv AUvan-j³ Sn¡äpw sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äpw km£y-s¸-Sp-¯n-bmð aXn-bm-Ipó-Xm-Wv.


(F) P\-{]-Xn-\n-[n-I-fpsS t]gvk-Wð Ìm^nð AwK-am-bn-«pÅ kÀ¡mÀ Poh-\-¡mÀ Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£bv¡v lmP-cm-¡pó AUvan-j³ Sn¡-äntebpw -sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡än-tebpw km£y-s¸-Sp-¯-ep-IÄ (Free Chance Hgn-sI-bp-Å-hÀ) _Ô-s¸« P\-{]-Xn-\n[n Xsó \nÀÆ-ln-¨mepw aXn-bmIpw. Ah-cpsS t]cv, ]Zhn apX-em-bh DÄs¡mÅpó koep-IÄ bYm-Øm\¯v \nÀ_-Ô-ambpw ]Xn-¨n-cn-¡-Ww. 13.

Hmtcm sSÌn\pw AXm-Xp Un¸mÀ«p-saânse DtZym-K-Ø-À ]mkm-bn-cn-¡-Wsaóv Imem-Im-e-§-fnð ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn-¨n-«pÅ kÀ¡mÀ D¯-c-hn³ {]Imcw \nÀ_-Ôn-X-am-¡n-bn-«p-Å-Xm-Wv. (P-bnð sSÌv, tIcf tÌäv s{]mt_-j³ sSkväv , cPn-kvt{S-j³ sSÌv, tem¡ð ^ïv BUnäv Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌv, t^mdÌv sSÌv, ]ôm-b¯v sSÌv, tImþ-Hm-¸-td-äohv sSÌv, lcn-P³ shð^-bÀ Un¸mÀ«vsaâv sSÌv, tIcf tÌäv {Sm³kvt]mÀ«v kÀho-knse AwK-§Ä¡pÅ Un¸mÀ«vsaâð sSÌvv Fónh AXmXp Un¸mÀ«vsaânse DtZym-K-ØòmÀ¡v am{X-ap-Å-Xm-Wv.) tIcf tÌäv s{]mt_-j³ sSkväv kmaq-ly-t£a hIp-¸nse Unkv{SnIvSv s{]mt_-j³ B^o-kÀamsc Dt±-in-¨p-Å-Xm-Wv. hnhn[ hIp-¸p-Ifn-ep-Å-hÀ¡v AXmXp hIp-¸p-I-fnð \nÀ_-Ô-am-¡n-bn-«pÅ Fñm sSÌp-Ifpw Fgp-Xp-hm³ Ign-b-¯-¡-hn-[-amWv I½o-j³ ssSwtS-_nÄ X¿m-dm-¡p-ó-Xv. Fómð GsX-¦nepw hIp-¸nð \nÀ_-Ôn-X-a-ñm¯ ]co-£bv¡v At]-£n¡pó-hÀ ssSwtS-_nÄ {]Imcw {]kvXpX ]co£ Fgp-Xp-hm³ km[n-¡p-sa¦nð am{Xw At]£nt¡ïXm-Wv. AñmsX AXn-\mbn ssSwtS-_n-fnð amäw hcp-¯póXñ. C¡-gnª Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£-bpsS ssSwtS-_n-fnsâ apdbv¡p-X-só-bm-bn-cn-¡pw ASp¯ sSÌv \S-¯p-hm³ km²y-X-bp-Å-sXóv [cnt¡ïXm-Wv. 14.

31.07.1986þse GO (Ms) No. 249/86/GAD A\p-k-cn¨v C³Uy³ t^mdÌv kÀÆokv (I.F.S.) þepÅ Pq\n-bÀ sa¼ÀamÀ¡v bqWn-ss^Uv A¡uïv sSÌv {]tXyIw \S-¯póXn-\mð 15.12.1978þse GO (Ms) No. 549/78/GAD 15.

A\pk-cn-¨pÅ A¡uïv sSÌv (tem-hÀ) \mev t]¸-dp-IÄ _m[-I-am-bn-cn¡póXñ. {]kvXpX kÀÆo-kn-ep-Å-hÀ {]tXyI hnÚm-]\ {]Imcw bqWnss^Uv A¡uïv sSÌn\v At]-£n¨psImtÅïXm-Wv. C³Uy³ t^mdÌv kÀÆo-kn-epÅ (I.F.S.) Pq\n-bÀ sa¼ÀamÀ ""t^mdÌv sSÌv t^mÀ FIvkn-Iyq-«ohv Bâv I¬t{Sm-fnwKv Ìm^v'' Fó ]co-£bv¡v Cu hnÚm-]-\-{]-Imcw At]-Iv-jn-t¡ïXn-ñ. Sn ]co-£bv¡v At]-£-IÄ £Wn¨p sImïpÅ hnÚm-]\w 19.02.1985 XobXnbnse GO (Ms) No. 74/85/GAD A\p-k-cn¨v {]tXyIw {]kn-²-s¸-Sp-¯pó-Xm-Wv. 16.

Annexure-'A' bnð 14-ma-Xmbn sImSp-¯n-cn-¡pó ap\n-kn-¸ð Un¸mÀ«vsaâð

sSÌv, ap\n-kn-¸ð Un¸mÀ«p-saânð tPmen sN¿pó ¢mÀ¡p-amÀ¡p-thïn 12.07.1978 Xob-Xn-bnse G.O(Rt.)2072/78/LA & S.W.D, 25.05.1979 Xob-Xn-bnse G.O(Rt.)1712/79/L A& S.W.D, 20.02.1981 Xob-Xn-bnse G.O(M.S)3681/LA & S.W.D Fóo D¯-c-hp-IÄ {]Imcw \S-¯pó ]co-£-bmWv. Cu ]co-£-bp-tSbpw tIcf ap\n-kn-¸ð sSÌv aqómw t]¸-dn-tâbpw kne-_kv Hóp-X-só-bm-Wv. ]co-£m-lm-fnð _p¡p-I-fpsS klm-b-t¯mSp IqSn D¯-c-sa-gp-Xm-hpó sSÌp-IÄ (with books) GsX-ñm-am-sWóv A\p-_-Ô-¯nð kne-_kv hnh-cn¡pón-S¯v hyà-am-¡n-bn-«pï-v. A§-s\-bpÅ sSÌp-IÄ¡v \nÝ-bn-¨n-«pÅ 17.


sSIvÌv _p¡p-Ifpw (K-h-s×âv {]kn-²o-I-c-W-§Ä am{Xw) Ah-bnð hcp-¯nbn-«pÅ t`Z-K-Xn-Ifpw Xðkw-_-Ô-ambn Kh-s×âv {]kn-²-s¸-Sp-¯n-bn-«pÅ BIvSv Bâv dqÄkv am{Xta D]-tbm-Kn-¡p-hm³ ]c-o-£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v A\p-hm-Zap-Åq. hnÚm-]-\-¯nð hyà-ambn ]d-ªn-«p-Å-X-ñmsX sIm¨n-bnse ktX¬_p¡v I¼-\n, \mj-Wð _p¡v ÌmÄ tIm«bw apX-em-bh {]ko-²nI-cn-¨n-«pÅ tIcf kÀÆokv dqÄkv XpS-§nb ss{]häv ]»n-t¡-j-\p-IÄ ]co£m lmfnð D]-tbm-Kn-¡m³ ]mSp-Å-Xñ. Ipdn-¸p-Itfm hnh-c-§tfm AS§nb _p¡p-Ifpw ssKUp-Ifpw aäpw ]co-£m-lm-fnð sImïp-h-cpó-Xn\v A\p-h-Zn-¡p-ó-X-ñ. Cu \nÀt±-i-§Ä¡p hn]-co-X-ambn s]cp-am-dpó DtZymKmÀ°n-I-fpsS D¯-c-¡-S-em-Êp-IÄ Akm-[p-hm-¡-s¸-SpóXmWv. AXnt\m-sSm¸w Xsó I½o-j\v DNn-X-saóp tXmópó aäp in£m-\-S-]-Sn-Ifpw kzoI-cn-¡pó-Xm-Wv. kne-_-knsâ t\À¡v „hn¯v _p¡vkv‟ (with books) Fóv Fgp-Xn-bn-«nñm¯ sSÌp-IÄ _p¡p-I-fpsS klm-b-anñmsX Fgp-tXï-Xm-Wv. 17

(F) samss_ð t^m¬, »qSq¯v, hm¡vam³, Imð¡pteäÀ XpS§n hnh-c-

hn-\n-a-b-¯n-\pÅ Fñm Ce-Ivt{SmWnIvkv D]-I-c-W-§fpw ]co-£m-Im-¼-knð IÀi-\-ambn \ntcm-[n-¨n-cn-¡póp. C¯cw D]-I-c-W-§Ä ]co-£m-lm-fn-\pÅnð ssIhiw hbv¡pó ]co-£mÀ°n-I-fpsS D¯-c-¡-S-em-Êp-IÄ Akm-[phm-¡póXv DÄs¸-sS-bpÅ in£m \S-]-Sn-IÄ I½o-j³ ssIs¡m-ÅpóXm-Wv. ]co£m NpaXe hln¡pó No^v kq{]ï-n-t\mtSm Akn-Ìâv kq{]ïnt\mtSm AUo-j-Wð No^v kq{]ï-n-t\mtSm A]-a-cym-Z-bmbn s]cp-am-dpItbm ]co-£-bnð GsX-¦nepw Xc-¯n-epÅ {Ia-t¡-Sp-IÄ ImWn-¡p-Itbm 17 þmw JÞn-I-bnse \nÀt±-i-§Ä¡p hn]-co-X-ambn ]co-£m-lm-fnð _p¡pIÄ sImïp-h-cn-Itbm sN¿póh-cpsS D¯-c-¡-S-em-Êp-IÄ Akm-[p-hm-¡-s¸SpóXm-Wv. AXn\p ]pdsa Ahsc tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½n-j³ \nÝ-bn¡pó Ime-t¯mfw Un¸mÀ«p-saâð ]co-£-IÄ Fgp-Xpó-Xnð \nópw XS-ªphbv¡póXmWv. tað¸-dª \S-]-Sn-IÄ¡p ]pdta aäv DNn-X-amb \S-]-SnIÄ¡mbn hIp¸p ta[m-hn-I-tfbpw hnPn-e³kv Un¸mÀ«vsaâv Ub-d-IvS-tdbpw Adn-bn-¡póXm-Wv. I½o-j-\w-K-§-sftbm I½o-jsâ Ìm^nðs¸« Bsc-sb¦n-eptam ]co-£-I-s\tbm ]co£ kw_-Ôn¨ Imcy-§Ä¡mbn kzm[o-\n-¡phm³ {ian-¡p-Itbm AXn\v aäm-sc-sb-¦nepw \ntbm-Kn-¡p-Itbm sN¿póhÀ¡pw tað¸-dª in£ \ðIpó-Xm-Wv. 18.

Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£-bpsS t]¸-dp-IÄ ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ kzbw sXcsªSp-¡pó-Xn-\mð A\p-h-Zn-¡-s¸« t]¸-dp-I-fnð amäw A\p-h-Zn-¡p-ó-Xñ. 19.

(F) ]co-£-bpsS skâ-dp-IÄ amän-¡n-«-W-saópÅ At]-£-IÄ km[mcWKXnbnð ]cn-K-Wn-¡pó-Xñ. Fómð {Sm³kv^À/s{Sbn\nwKv aqew skâ-dp-IÄ amän-In-«-W-saóv B{K-ln-¡p-ó-hÀ AUvan-j³ Sn¡äv In«n-b-Xn-\ptijw _Ô-s¸« D¯-chv klnXw ]co£ XpS-§p-ó-Xn\p ap¼p Xsó tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½n-j³ Un¸mÀ«p-saâð ]co£m hn`mKw tPmbnâv sk{I-«-dn¡v At]-£n-t¡ï--Xm-Wv. I½n-jsâ B^o-knð \nópw e`n-¡pó tcJm-aq-e-amb A\p-hmZw IqSmsX skâ-dp-Ifpw t]¸-dp-Ifpw amän-sb-gp-Xpó ]co-£mÀ°n-I-fpsS D¯-c-¡-S-em-kp-IÄ Akm-[p-hm-¡-s¸-Sp-ó-Xm-Wv. ]co£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v X§-fpsS CjvS-{]-Imcw ]co£m tI{µ-§Ä sXc-sª-Sp¡pó-Xn\v Hcp Imc-W-h-imepw kzmX{´yw Dïm-bn-cn-¡pó-Xñ. Fómð Region sXc-sª-Sp-¡m-hpóXpw sXc-sª-Sp¯ Region Xsó-bmWv Online 19.

12 applicationþ ð tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯n-b-sXópw Dd-¸p-h-cp-t¯--ïXmWv.

At]-£-IÄ Ab-bv¡pó kab¯v ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ C¡mcyw {]tXyIw {i²n-t¡ï--XmWv. Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£m-kw-_-Ô-am-bpÅ Fgp-¯p-Ip-¯p-I-sfñmw tPmbnâv sk{I-«dn (Un-¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co£m hn`m-Kw), tIcf ]_vfnIv kÀÆokv I½n--j³, ]«w, Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw, ]n³ tImUvþ 695 004 Fó hnem-k¯nð Bbn-cn-t¡--ïXm-Wv. FIvsskkv Un¸mÀ«psaânsâ kvs]jyð dqÄ t`ZKXnsb XpSÀóv tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½nj³ t\cn«p \nban¡pó {]nhâohv B^okÀamÀ¡v s{]mt_j\pthïn \S¯pó Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co£IÄ {Excise test Part A - I & II Papers, Part B-III Papers (MOP)} FIvsskkv KmÀUv XkvXnIbnepffhÀ¡v {]nhâohv B^okÀ XkvXnIbntebv¡pff s{]mtamj\v _m[Iam¡nbpw FIvsskkv KmÀUpamÀ¡v Ct¸mÄ \S¯n hcpó "Departmental Test for Excise Guards as Preventive Officers" Fó ]co£ \nÀ¯em¡nbpw 20.08.2011 - se G.O.(P)No.26/2011/P&ARD {]Imcw kÀ¡mÀ D¯chmbncn¡póp. 2012 P\phcnbnse Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co£IÄ apXð Sn D¯chn\v {]m_eyw \evIn \S¸nem¡nhcnIbmWv. BbXn\mð, Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co£bv¡v At]£n¡pó FIvsskkv KmÀUv XkvXnIbnepffhÀ {]nhâohv B^okÀ XkvXnIbnepffhÀ¡v I½nj³ Ct¸mÄ \S¯nhcpó Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co£IfpsS t]¸dpIÄ sXcsªSpt¡ïXmWv. 20.


Xmsg ]d-bpó \yq\-X-I-fpÅ At]-£-IÄ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-¡pó-Xm-

Wv. (1) aXn-bmb At]£m ^okv Cñm¯ At]-£-IÄ. (2) At]£m ^okpw kÀ«n-^n-¡äv ^okpw {]tXyIw {]tXyIw slUv Hm^v A¡uï-p-I-fnð AS¨v AXv kw_Ôn¨ hnhc§Ä (sNem³ \¼À, sNem³ XobXn, AS¨ XpI, {Sjdn Fónh) s{]mss^-enð tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯m¯ At]-£IÄ. (3) ]co-£m-^okv AS-bv¡p-óXnð \nópw Hgn-hm-¡-s¸-SpóXn-\pÅ AÀlX CñmsX kuP\y Ah-kcw e`n¡pó-Xn\v At]-£n-¨-h-cpsS At]-£-IÄ. (4) Hcp kÀ«n^n¡än\mhiyamb t]¸dpIÄ¡v apgph\mtbm `mKnIamtbm kuP-\y-A-h-kcw Hcp XhW A\p-h-Zn-¡-s¸-Sp-Ibpw ]nóoSv `mKn-I-ambn am{Xw kuP\y Ah-k-c-¯n\v At]-£n-¡p-Ibpw sNbv-Xn-«p-Å-hÀ. (5) \nÀt±-i-{]-Im-c-añm¯ t^mt«m-tbm-Sp-Iq-Snb At]-£-IÄ. {]kvXpX \yq\XIÄ GsX¦nepw L«¯nð Isï¯pIbmsW¦nð Adnbns¸mópw IqSmsX At]£ \nckn¡phm\pw D¯c¡SemkpIÄ Akm[phm¡phm\pw I½oj\v A[nImcw Dïmbncn¡póXmWv. Xmsg ]d-bpó \yq\-X-IÄ DÅ D¯-c-¡-S-em-Êp-IÄ Akm-[p-hm-¡póXm-Wv. (1) AUvan-j³ Sn¡-än-tebpw sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äntebpw km£ys¸-Sp-¯-ep-IÄ bYm-hn[n \nÀÆ-ln-¡mXncn¡pI. (2) ^okv kuP\yw At]-£-bnð Ah-Im-i-s¸-Sp-Ibpw BbXv sXfn-bn-¡póXn-\pÅ kÀ«n-^n-¡äv lmP-cm-¡mXncn¡pIbpw sN¿pI. 22.


(3) AUvan-j³ Sn¡-äv {]Imcw A\phZn¡m¯ t]¸-dp-IÄ¡v ]co£ Fgp-Xp-I. (4) sFUâdn^n-t¡-j³ kÀ«n-^n-¡-änse t^mt«mbpw, ^okv HSp-¡nb hnh-c§Ä kw_-Ôn¨ kÀ«n-^n-¡äpw km£y-s¸-Sp-¯mXncn¡pI. (5)DtZymKmÀ°nbpsS H¸v tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯m¯ sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äv lmP-cm-¡p-I. (6) t^mt«m hyàamIm¯ sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äv lmPcm¡pI. (7) FIvkm-an-t\-j³ ^o HSp-¡nb Hdn-Pn-\ð sNñm³ sFUân-^n-t¡-j³ kÀ«n-^n-¡-än-t\m-sSm¸w kaÀ¸n-¡m-Xn-cn-¡p-I.

]co-£m-k-a-b¯v bYmhn[n km£y-s¸-Sp-¯nb AUvan-j³ Sn¡äpw sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äpw lmP-cm-¡m¯ ]co-£mÀ°nIsf bmsXmcp Imc-W-h-imepw ]co£ Fgp-Xp-hm³ A\p-h-Zn-¡póX-ñ. AUvanj³ Sn¡äv, sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äv Fónh km£ys¸Sp¯pt¼mÄ ]co£mÀ°nbpsS H¸v, t^mt«m, t]cv Fónhbpw {^oNm³kv AhImis¸SpIbmsW¦nð BbXpw ^o AS¨ HdnPn\ð Nem³/Nem\pIÄ Fónhbpw ]cntim[n¨v tae[nImcn _Ôs¸« tImf§fnð  amÀ¡v sNbvXpshópw Hm^okv ap{ZtbmsSm¸w km£ys¸Sp¯pó tae[nImcnbpsS H¸v, t]cv, XkvXnIbpsS t]cv Fónhtbmtcmópw hyàambn¯só sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡änepw AUvanj³ Sn¡änepw tcJs¸Sp¯nbn«pïv Fópw Dd¸p hcpt¯ïXmWv. ChbntesX¦nepsamóv hn«p t]mIpóXn\mepw A]qÀ®tam, Ahyàtam Bb km£ys¸Sp¯epIÄ ImcWambpw ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v ]co£ FgpXphm\pff Ahkcw \jvSamIpóXmWv. tae[nImcn ]co£m ka-b¯v lmP-cm-¡pó sFUâdn^n-t¡-j³ kÀ«n^n-¡-äñmsX ]nóoSv ]n.Fkv.kn.bpsS B^o-kn-tebv¡v Ab-¨p-X-cpósFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äpIÄ bmsXmcp Imc-W-h-imepw kzoI-cn¡póXñ. ]co£m ka-b¯v \yq\Xbpff- sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äpIÄ lmP-cm-¡pó ]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ¡v ]nóoSv \yq\X ]cnlcn¡phm³ Ahkcw \ðIpóXñ. 23.

24. Un¸mÀ«vsaâð ]co-£IÄ¡v Hm¬sse-\mbn kaÀ¸n¨ At]-£-I-fnð BZy-L« kq£va-]-cn-tim-[-\-bnð km[p-hmbn Is-ï¯póh-sc am{Xw tkm]m-[n-I-ambn ]co£ Fgp-Xp-hm³ A\p-h-Zn-¡p-ó-Xm-Wv. ]co£m ka-b¯v DtZymKmÀ°n-IÄ ssIam-dpó AUv-an-j³ Sn¡äpw sFUân^nt¡j³ kÀ«n^n¡äpw aäv tcJ-Ifpw ]cn-tim-[n¨ tijw {Ia-{]-Imcw Fóv Is-ï¯pó-h-cpsS am{Xw ]co-£m-^ew {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡p-ó-Xm-Wv. At]-£-IÄ hnP-b-I-c-ambn kaÀ¸n¨p (Successfully uploaded/ Received) FóXv sImïv At]-£-IÄ A´n-a-ambn kzoI-cn-¡-s¸«p Fóv [cn-t¡ï-Xnñ. At]-£-I-fpsS kq£va-]-cn-tim-[\ \S-¯n-b-Xn\v tijw am{Xta At]£-I-fpsS kzoIm-cyX kw_-Ôn¨v Adn-bp-hm³ km[n¡p-I-bp-Åq. 25.

]co-£mÀ°n-IÄ Region Xnc-sª-Sp-¡pó ka-b¯pw ^okv kw_-Ôn¨ tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯-ep-IÄ \S-¯pó ka-b¯pw \ðIpó „Alert‟ IrXy-ambn {i²n¨v XpSÀ\S-]-Sn-IÄ kzoI-cn-t¡ïXm-Wv. 26.


GsX¦nepw ImcWhimð hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ d±m¡pItbm, amän sh¡pItbm sN¿pó]£w BbXv kw_Ôn¨ hnhc§Ä ]{XþZyiyam[ya§Ä hgn am{Xw Adnbn¡póXmWv. ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v hyànKX sat½m \ðIpóXñ. 27.

tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½nj³, Xncph\´]pcw.


]n.kn. _nt\mbv sk{I«dn


Annexure - A Name of Test


1. Secretariat Manual Test (One Paper)

The Kerala Secretariat Office Manual

2. District Offices Manual Test (One Paper

The District Office Manual

3. Manual of Office Procedure Test (One Paper)

Manual of Office Procedure for use in Offices other than Secretariat

4. Departmental Test for the Staff of the Kerala Public Service Commission

The Kerala Public Service Commission Office Manual

5. P W D Manual Test

The Kerala P W D Manual and additions amendment to it from time to time (With Books)

6. Account Test (Lower) – (4 Papers)

1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books) 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and Kerala Budget Manual (With Books) 3. Kerala Account Code Volume I (With Books) and Introduction to the Indian Government Accounts and Audit (V Edition except Chapter 12, 26, 27, 28 and 29) (Without Books). 4. The Kerala Treasury Code Volume I and II and Kerala Account Code Volume II (With Books).

7. Account Test (Lower) for the Ministerial and Executive Staff of the K S E Board - (4 Papers)

1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books) 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and the Kerala Budget Manual (With Books). 3. Elements of Commercial Accounts Book-keeping - All Chapters except Chapters XIII and XV dealing in Partnership Accounts and Company Accounts respectively of the Books Double Entry Book-Keeping by Jamshed R.Batliboi. 4. Kerala Account Code Volume I and Kerala Treasury Code Volume I (With Books).


8. Account Test for Executive Officers (2 Papers)

1. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II. The Kerala Account Code Volume I and Kerala Budget Manual (Chapters I to IV, VI and VII) (With Books). 2. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).

9. Account Test (Higher) – 4 Papers

Part I 1. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I,II and Kerala Budget Manual (With Books). Part II 1. Introduction to Indian Government Accounts and Audit (V edition except Chapters 12, 26, 27, 28 and 29) (Without Books). The Constitution of India (With Books) and Kerala Accounts Code Volume I (With Books).

9A. Account Test (Higher) – 5 papers for those working in P W D and Elecricity Board


Kerala Treasury Code Volumes I and II and the Kerala Account Code Volume II (With Books).


Kerala Service Rules (With Books). Part I

1. Kerala Public Wroks Account Code and Kerala Account Code Volume III (With Books). 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I, II and Kerala Budget Manual. (With Books).


Part II 3. Introduction to Indian Government Accounts and Audit (V edition except Chapters 12, 26, 27, 28 and 29) (Without Books). The Constitution of India (With Books) and Kerala Accounts Code Volume I (With Books). 4. Kerala Treasury Code Volumes I and II and the Kerala Account Code Volume II (With Books). 5. Kerala Service Rules (With Books). 10. Kerala P W D Test (2 Papers)

1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books) 2. Kerala P W D Account Code (With Books)

11. Departmental Test for the Ministerial Staff of the K S E Board (4 Papers)

1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books) 2. Kerala P W D Account Code (With Books) 3. Electricity Supply Act (Chapters I to IV and VI), Store Accounting Rules, Tariff and Revenue Accounting Rules. 4. Departmental Procedure.

12. Departmental Test for Executive Staff of K S E Board (3 Papers)




1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books). 2. Kerala P W D Accounts Code (With Books). 3. Electricity Supply Act, Electricity Act and Rules Store Accounts, Tariff and Revenue Accounting Rules.

13. The Kerala Municipal Tests (3 Papers)

1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books). 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II and the Kerala Budget Manual, Kerala Account Code Vol.I and II (With Books). 3. Act and Rules, Special Services Rules and Standing Orders as described hereunder (With Books).


(a) Kerala Municipalities Act and Rules. (b) The Kerala Municipal Corporation Act, 1961. (c) Local Authorities Loans Act and Rules. (d) Local Authorities Entertainment Tax Act and Rules. (e) Places of Public Resort Act and Rules. (f) Public Health Act and Rules. (g) Food Adulteration Act and Rules. (h) Town Planning Act and Rules. (i) Cattle Trespass Act and Rules. (j) Other Acts and Rules prescribed from time to time. (k) Special Service Rules framed for Local Body Employees. (l) Standing Orders in respect of Municipal Matters. 14. Municipal Department Test (One Paper)

15. Local Fund Audit Department Test (Higher) (3 Papers)

1. Act and Rules, Special Service Rules and Standing Orders as described hereunder (with books). (a) Kerala Municipalities Act and Rules. (b) The Kerala Municipal Corporation Act, 1961. (c) Local Authorities Loans Act and Rules. (d) Local Authorities Entertainment Tax Act and Rules. (e) Places of Public Resort Act and Rules. (f) Public Health Act and Rules. (g) Food Adulteration Act and Rules. (h) Town Planning Act and Rules. (i) Cattle Trespass Act and Rules. (j) Other Acts and Rules prescribed from time to time. (k) Special Service Rules framed for Local Body Employees. (l) Standing Orders in respect of Municipal Matters (Common paper under item 13 (3) above). 1. Acts and Rules as described hereunder (with books). (a) Constitution of India. (b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules thereunder. (c) The Court of Wards Act and Rules thereunder.


(d) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder. (e) Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994. (f)The Kerala Local Authorities Entertainment Tax Act and the Rules thereunder. (g) The Kerala Local Authorities Loans Act and Rules thereunder. (h) The Kerala Places of Public Resort Act and the Rules thereunder. (i) The Public Health Act and the Rules thereunder. (j) The Food Adulteration Act and the Rules thereunder. (k) The Town Planning Act and the Rules thereunder. (l) The Kerala Cattle Trespass Act and the Rules thereunder. (m) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Act and Rules thereunder. (n) The Travancore Cochin Hindu Religious Institutions Act. (o) The Charitable Endowments Acts and Rules thereunder. (p)The Kerala University Act and the Statutes thereunder. (q) The Cochin University Act and the Statutes thereunder. (r) The Calicut University Act and the Statutes thereunder. (s) The Kerala Agricultural University Act and the Statutes thereunder. (t) The Kerala State Housing Board Act and the Rules thereunder. Note:-Panchayat Manual and the Kerala Municipal Corporation Manual published by Government can be used as reference books as per G.O.(Ms.) No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984. 2.


Finances of Local Bodies and Principles of Local Fund Audit, Principles and Procedure in the Indian Audit Code and Audit Manual with special reference to Local Fund Account. a Book-keeping and Accountancy.


16. Local Fund Audit Department Test (Lower) (2 Papers)

1. Acts and Rules (with Books). (a) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder. (b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules thereunder. (c) The Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and the Rules thereunder. (d)

Other Enactments: (i) The Charitable Endowments Act and the Rules thereunder. (ii) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Act and the Rules thereunder. (iii) The Travancore – Cochin Hindu Religious Institutions Act. Panchayat Manual and the Kerala Municipal Corporation Manual published by Government can be used as reference books as per G.O.(Ms.) No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984. 2. General Knowledge, Precis and Drafting . (a) Office Procedure in Local Fund Audit Office including Precis and Draft writing. (b) Principles and Procedure of Audit of Fund Accounts. 17. Kerala State Probation Test (4 Papers)

Part- I 1. Indian Penal Code 2. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974) Security Section (Chapter VIII – Sections 106 to 124) Maintenance of Public Order and Tranquility (Chapter X Sections 129-132 G.O.Ms 3/76/LA and SWD dated 5-11976) Part-II 1.(a) Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 Central and the Kerala Probation of Offenders Rules, 1960 (b) Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1986 and the Rules framed thereunder. (c) Juvenile Justice Act 1986 and the Rules framed thereunder and


(d) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 (Central Act) (e) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules 2003 (State Rules) (f) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Act 2006 (Central Act) (g) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules 2007 (Central Model Rules 2007) 2. Principles of the Probation System (Probation and related measures- A publication issued by the United Nations) Police Manual (with books)

18. Test on Kerala Police Manual 19. Test on Manual of Office Procedure (Police)

Manual of Office Procedure (Police)

20. Departmental Test for the Ministerial Staff of the Vigilance Division (2 Papers) 21. Forest Test (For Executive and Controlling Staff) (3 papers)



Police Manual (with books)


Manual of Office Procedure for Officers other than the Secretariat. General Law

(a) The Kerala Forest Act and Rules there under (b) (b) The Kerala Land Acquisition Act (c) The Boundary Act (d) The Cattle Trespass Act (e) The Indian Penal Code Chapters 1 to 5, 9 to (c) 11, 17, 18 and 23 and (f) Indian Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (d) (Chapters1,5,6,7,15,16,19, 20, 23, 24,26,27 (e) and 30) 2. Law – The Kerala Forest Act and Rules there under (with books) 3. Procedure – The Kerala Forest Code and Departmental Rules (with books)

22. Forest Test (for Clerical and Protective Staff) (2 papers)

23. Kerala Jail Officers Test (4 Papers)

1. The Kerala Forest Code (with books) 2. Law – The Kerala Forest Act and Rule there under (with books) 1. (a) Indian Penal Code – Chapters 2,3,4

and 9 and Sections 136, 138, 220 to 225, 225 A, 225B and 227. (b) Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act


2 of 1974) Chapter I, II, III, VIII, XXV, XXXII, XXXIII. (c) Travancore- Cochin Prison Act XVIII

of 1950 and the Kerala Prison Rules (d) Lunacy Act (Central) 2. Sociology, Penology and Criminology 3. Test in (1) Close Order drill (2) Lathi drill, (3) Weapon Training and (4) Revolver firing (practical) 4. First Aid, Personal Hygiene and General Sanitation. 24. Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test (2 papers)

25. Kerala Co-operative Test (2 Papers)

1. A Hand-book of prison and the Kerala Sub Jail Rules 2. Test in (1) Close Order drill (2) Lathi drill, (3) Weapon Training and (4) Rifle firing 1. Elements of Banking 2. Principles of Co-operation and the Cooperative Societies Act and Rules issued thereunder. The following reference books will be used by the candidate for the preparation of the Test. Banking (i) Banking Law and Practice – By Tannan (ii) Modern Banking in India – By S.K.Muranjan Co-operation (i) Co-operation – Law and Practice – By Calvert (ii) Co-operation at Home and Abroad – By C.R.Fay (iii) Co-operation in India (1962 Edition)- By Prof.Bhagatswaroopp. (iv) Theory and Practice of Co-operation in India – By Prof.Kulkarani Candidates should study on the Co-operative Societies Act and Rules and the Madras Cooperative Manual written by Sri.J.C.Rayaon for Co-operation.


26. Canal Rules Test (One Paper)

Canal Rules and Regulations Travancore and Cochin.

27. Agricultural Income-tax and Sales-tax 1. (a) The Kerala General Sales-tax Act, Test ( 3 papers) 1963 and the Rules thereunder (with books) (b) The Central Sales-tax Act, 1956, the Central Sales-tax (Registration and Turnover) Rules, 1957 and the Central Sales-tax Kerala Rules, 1967 (with books) (c) The Kerala Surcharge on Taxes Act, 1957 (with books) 2. Agricultural Income-tax Act and the Rules thereunder (with books) 3. Book-keeping (Theory and Practical) 28. Civil Judicial Test ( 2 Papers)Only Bare Acts will be allowed.

1. (a) Indian Civil Procedure Code (With Books) (b) The Kerala Civil Rules of Practice (With Books). 2. (a) The Indian Limitation Act (With Books) (b) The Kerala Civil Courts Act (With Books). (c) The Kerala Courts Fee and Suit Valuation Act (with books). (d) The Kerala Stamp Act (With Books).

29. Criminal Judicial Test (2 Papers)Only 1. (a) Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of Bare Acts will be allowed. 1974) (With Books). (b)The Travancore – Cochin Criminal Rules of Practice (With Books). 2. The Indian Penal Code (With Books). 30. Panchayat Test (4 Papers) 1. Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and Rules (With Books) excluding subject specified under Paper III with specific reference to citizens charter, Ombudsman, Tributed for LSGI‟s etc. 2.

Allied Acts and Rules including KMBR Regisration & Birth & Death Act 1969,


Hindu Marriage Act 1955, Local Fund Audit Act 1994, Registration of marriages (common) Rules 2008, Cinema Regisration Act 1958, Local Bodies Entertainment Tax Act 1961, Public Health Act 1955, (T.C.), Public Health Act 1939 (Madras)

31. Departmental Test on Employment Exchange Procedure (2 Papers)


Acts, Rules, Manuals, Government Orders/Circulars in respect of Accounts, Audit (LF, AG, Social) Budgeting, Store Purchasing, Public Works Governing the PRIs and functions transferred to PRIs.


Constitution 73rd, 74th Amendments, Provisions of Writ Jurisdiction Cr.PC 1973 – Chaper VI (of process to compel appearance) Chaper VII (of process to compel production of documents) Chaper X (Public nuisances) C.P.C 1908 – Section 15 to 20,60,79,80 and order XVI, XXI RTI Act – 2005, Disaster Management, Centrally Sponsored Schemes viz, NREGS, RInF, SGSY, PMGSY etc. various Social Security pension, the Person with disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act – 1995, Decentralised Planning of PRIs, Five Year Plan with reference to the functions specified under Schedule III, IV, V of Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994. Betta service deliver, Front Office system, Good Governance, Civil registration online, Hospital Kiosks, Environmental Protection Act 1986.

1. Placement work: This will cover placement work(including placement of physically handicapped) and Collections of Employment Market Information based on the following Chapters in Parts I, II and IV of the National Employment Service Manual Vol.I and Vol.II(With the connected EE


Minutes/Notes/Amendments etc. issued from time to time. Chapters V, XIII, XVI and XVIII of Part I and all Chapters Part II and Part IV, N.E.S.M (Vol.I) with relevant Portions of N.E.S.M.(Vol.II). 2. Special Scheme and General Instructions: This will cover Special Schemes like Vocational Guidance and Employment Counselling,Occupational Research etc. and the Chapters on (i) Study and Development of Employment Opportunities (ii) Public Relations and Publicity, (iii) Various General Instructions and (iv)Inspections and Technical Evaluation of Employment Exchanges based on the following Chapters in Paras II and III of NESM. Vol.I and Vol.II(With connected E.E Minutes/Notes/ Amendments etc., issued from time to time). Chapters I to IV, XIV, XV and XVII of Part I and all Chapters of Part III. N.E.S. M Vol.I with the relevant portions of N.E.S.M. Vol.II. 32. Kerala Registration Test (4 Papers)

Part – I 1. The Indian Registration Act, the Kerala Registration Rules and Table of Fees as prescribed by the Kerala Government (With Books). 2. The Kerala Registration Manual and Circular Orders (With Books). Part – II The Kerala Stamp Act and the Rules there under and the Indian Stamp Act in respect of documents specified in entry 91 of List I (Union List) of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India and the Rules relating to these documents (With Books). Part – III (Miscellaneous Act, etc. ) The Transfer of Property Act, the Evidence Act, the Special Marriage Act, (Central Act 43 of 1954) and the Kerala Special Marriage Rules, 1958 and the Chitties Act and Rules thereunder,


the Societies Registration Act and the Documents Writers Licence Rules (With Books). Note :- (i) Until such time as the Kerala Registration Manual is published for the second paper in Part I, questions will be based on the Circular Orders issued by the Inspector General of Registration after 1.11.1956 regarding matters covered by the Registration Act and Rules and Table of Fees. (ii) Till Common Chitties Act and Rules and Societies Registration Act and Rules are introduced, questions in Part III will be set in two compartments „A‟ and „B‟. Questions in Compartment „A‟ will be compulsory for all the candidates and they will be given option to answering one of the questions in „B‟. (a) Compartment „A‟ will contain question on: (1) The Transfer of Property Act. (2) The Evidence Act. (3) The Special Marriage Act (Central Act 43 of 1954) and the Kerala Special Marriage Rules, 1958. (4) The Kerala Document Writers Licence Rules. (b) Compartment „B‟ will contain questions on: (1)The Travancore Chitties Act and Rules thereunder. (2) The Cochin Kuries Act and the Rules. (3) The Travancore –Cochin Societies Registration Act (Act XII of 1958); and (4) The Madras Societies Registration Act (One full question will be set on each of the 4 items above).


33 [A]. Departmental Test on laws (1) Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (Central Act IV relating to Motor Vehicles for the of 1939) as amended and the Kerala Motor Members of the Kerala Transport Vehicles Rules, 1961 (With Books). Subordinate Service and the Ministerial Staff of the Motor Vehicles Department (2) Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1976 and the Rules made thereunder (With Books) (2 Papers). (G.O.(P)215/76/PW dated; 22.9.1976).

B. Second Class Language Test in Malayalam for those who have not studied Malayalam for SSLC or its equivalent, as a medium of language as a Subsidiary Language (for the members of the Kerala Transport Service and the Kerala Transport Subordinate Service).

Common paper under item 41 (See also Annexure „C‟)

34. Departmental Test in Code of Criminal Procedure and the Kerala Manual of Office Procedure (for the Motor Vehicles Inspectors in the Kerala Transport Service).

The Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 (Act 2 of 1974). Covering Chapters I to VII, XII, XIII, XV to XVII, XIX to XXI, XXIIIA, XXIIIB, XXIV, XXVII, XXIX, XXXII and Kerala Manual of Office Procedure (with books) (G.O.Rt.1673/75/PW dated; 9.12.1975).

35. Hand Book of SC Development …...Department Test (One Paper)

Hand Book of the Harijan Welfare Department (With Books).

36. Test in Kerala Education Act and Rules (One Paper)

Kerala Education Act and Rules

37. Labour Department Test (3 Papers)

Part – I (One Paper – With Books ) The following Acts and Rules administered by the Labour Department:1. Plantation Labour Act, 1961. 2. Minimum Wages Act, 1948. 3. Employment of Children Act, 1938. 4. Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961. 5. Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1960. 6. Payment of Wages Act,1936 ( in respect of establishment other than Factories). 7.The Beedi and Cigar Workers(Conditions of


Employment )Act, 1966 and 8. The Motor Transport Workers (Payment of Fair Wages) Act, 1971. Part – II (One Paper – With Books) The following Acts and Rules administered by the Labour Department :1. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. 2. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders Act, 1946). 3. Indian Trade Union Act, 1926. 4. Working Journalists (Conditions of Service and Miscellaneous Provisions )Act, 1955. 5. Working Journalists (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Act, 1958. 6. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (Central Act). 7. Kerala Industrial Establishments (National and Festival Holidays) Act, 1977. 8. The Employees Compensation Act, 1923. 9. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and 10. The Kerala Industrial Employees Payment of Gratuity Act, 1970. Part – III (One Paper – With Books) The following Acts and Rules administered by the Labour Department:1. The Contract Labour (Registration and Abolition ) Act, 1970. 2. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. 3. The Kerala Payment of Subsistance Allowance Act, 1973. 4. The Kerala Agricultural Workers Act, 1974. 5. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. 6. The Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act, 1976. 38. Animal Husbandry Department Test (One paper)

Animal Husbandry Department Manual(With books)


39. Excise Test- Parts A & B (3 papers)

Part A- Excise Manual First Paper Abkari Acts and Rules and Notifications (With books) Second Paper Prohibition Act and Rules, Medicinal and Toilet Preparation Act, and Rules. The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substaces Act 1985 and the Rules made there under by the Government of India and Government of Kerala, Spirituous preparation, Inter-state Trade and Commerce Control Act, Rules (with books) Part B- Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974), Evidence Act and Indian Penal Code (with books)

40. The Kerala Port Department Test (One paper-with books)

1. The Kerala Port Department Manual 2. The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (Act XV of 1908) 3. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (Act XLIV of 1958) 4. The Indian Light House Act 5. The Madras Minor Ports Harbour Crafts Rules, 1953 6. Port Conservancy Rules, Port Pier Rules governing the Warehousing of goods in the Government sheds and godowns at the Port of Travancore-Cochin, Port Cargo Boats Rules and Rules for the working of Tugs “Alappuzha” and “Venad” issued in Notification No. PWC 4-3496/55/PWC dated 18/10/1955 amended from time to time. 7. Note for the guidance of Officers in Common Wealth Countries Overseas, Territories and the Irish Republic (British Merchant Shipping and Seaman Revised). Issued by the Ministry of Transport 1963.


(i) The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960. (ii) The Merchant Shipping (Tonnage fee Measurement of Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960. (iii) The Sailing Vessels (Assignment of Free Board) Rules, 1960. (iv) The Sailing Vessels (Statement of Crew) Rules, 1960 and the Sailing Vessels (Inspection) Rules, 1962. (v) The Indian Merchant Shipping (Life Savings Appliances) Rules, 1956 (vi) Merchant Shipping (Distressed Seamen) Rules 1960 (vii) Merchant Shipping (Continuous Discharge Certificates) Rules, 1960. (viii) Merchantile Marine Circulars issued by the Government of India from time to time (ix) Sea Rescue Operations (x) The Inland Vessels Act 1917 as amended by the Inland vessels Act 2007 (xi) Kerala Inland Vessels Rules 2010 (xii) International Maritime Organization structure and functions (xiii) UN Conventions and Protocols on maritime law and regulations (xiv) Coastal Zone Regulation Rules (xv) Dock workers Safety Rules (xvi) Marine pollution and oil slicks. 41. Second Class Language Test (in Malayalam) 42. Minority Language Test (in Tamil/ Kannada) 43. Test in Weights and Measures Act and Rules (One paper)

(See Annexure – C below) (See Annexure – D below) 1. Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976 2. Standards of Weights and Measures (P.C) Rules, 1977 3. Standards of Weights and Measures (General) Rules, 1987. 4. Standards of Weights and Measures


(Approval of Models) Rules, 1987. 5. Standards of Weights and Measures (Inter-state Verification and Stamping) Rules, 1987. 6. Standards of Weights and Measures (Numeration) Rules, 1987. 7. Standards of Weights and Measures (National Standards) Rules, 1987. 8. Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcements) Act, 1985 9. Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Rules, 1992 44. Departmental Test for Assistant Electrical Inspectors (2 papers)

Paper-I 1. Electricity Act 2003 2. Supply codes approved by the Kerala State Electricity Regulating Commission 3. Indian Electricity Rules 1956 and 4. Codes prescribed by BIS Paper-II 1. Kerala State Electricity Duty Act and Rules 1963 2. Kerala State Electricity Licencing Board Rules 1973 3. Kerala Cinema (Regulations) Act 1958 and 4. Kerala Cinema (Regulations) Rules 1988

45. Kerala State Housing Board Act and (i) Kerala State Housing Board Act, 1971 (19 of Rules (One paper Written test with books) 1971) (ii) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment Regulations, 1977 (iii) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment Regulations (Maintenance of Accounts) Rules, 1984 (iv) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment Regulations Allotment Regulations. 46. Departmental Test on Kerala Head Load Workers Rules (One Paper) (With books)

1. Minimum Wages Act, 1948. 2. Payment of Wages Act, 1936 3. Workmen Compensation Act, 1923.


4. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. 5. Kerala Head Load Worker (Regulation of Employment and Welfare)Scheme 1983. 6. Kerala Head Load Worker Act, 1978. 7. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947. 8. Kerala Head Load Worker Welfare Board Staff (Appointment, Service Conditions, Code and Conduct) Rules 2002).


Name of Test 47

Revenue Test – I Paper

Syllabus Land Acquisition Act – 1894 Kerala Land Relinquishment Act –1958 Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act-1961 Kerala Escheats and Forfeitures Act 1968 Kerala Treasure Troves Act – 1968 Kerala Requisitioning and Acquisition of Property Act 1981 7. Kerala Road Fund Act – 2001 8. Kerala Land Utilisation Order – 1967 9. Kerala protection of Paddy Land and Wet Land Act – 2008 10. National Highway Act - 1956 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Revenue Test – II Paper


Revenue Test – III Paper


Revenue Test – IV Paper

1. Kerala Government Land Assignment Act – 1960 2. Kerala Restriction on Transfer by and Restoration of Lands to Scheduled Tribes Act – 1999 3. Kerala Scheduled Tribe (Restoration on Transfer of Lands and Restoration of Alinated Land Act – 1975) 4. Kerala Land Conservancy Act – 1957 5. Kerala Land Development Act – 1964 6. Kerala Land Development Corporation Limited (Special Powers) Act – 1974 7. Kerala Service Inam Lands (Vesting and Enfranchisement) Act – 1981 8. Kerala Highway Protection Act – 1999 9. Kerala Protection of River Bank‟s and Regulation of Removal of Sand Act – 2001 10. Kerala Stay of eviction proceedings Act – 2001 11. Kerala Private Forest (Vesting and Assignment) Act – 1971 12. Sree Pandaravaka Lands (Vesting and Enfranchisement) Act – 1971 13. Sreepadam Lands Enfranchisement Act – 1969 14. Malabar Land Registration Act – 1895 15. Kannan Devan Hills (Resumption of Lands) Act – 1971 16. Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 Kerala Land Reforms Act – 1963 Kerala Land Tax Act – 1961 Kerala Revenue Recovery Act – 1964 Kerala Public Accountants Act – 1963 Kerala Board of Revenue Abolition Act – 1996 Transfer of Registry Rules – 1966 Kerala Plantation Tax Act – 1960 Kerala Building Tax Act – 1975 Kerala Building (Leases and Rent Control) Act – 1965 10. Kerala Stamp Act 1959 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Unified Village Manual Common Paper (with books)



No. of marks Maximum marks

Minimum Separate Minimum Duration Marks of test

Written Part-A Translating an essay passage of Tamil/ Kannada Prose relating to Indian Subjects which contains no words that have not familiar equivalents in Malayalam (The passage may be of VII Standard)



Viva Voce

45 Minutes



Part- B

100 (70 marks out of 200)

15 Minutes

Conversing with accuracy and fluency in Malayalam


Maximum Marks

Minimum Marks

Duration of Test

A Simple Test in translation consisting of one paper of two hours duration. There shall be Two questions, One on translation from English to Kannada or Tamil and the other on translation from Kannada or Tamil to English.



2 Hours

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