Descriptive Writing What is descriptive writing? What role does word choice and sensory images play in descriptive writing?

A Genre Expert Workshop for LTED 618.30 Spring 2014 Ozzie Palmer

Come One! Come All! It’s an exciting time! Welcome to Genre Expert Workshop on Descriptive Writing On: April 2, 2014 @ 4:00 p.m. Where: Martin Luther King Jr. School #9 Please Bring: Amplified Ears Thought Evoking Questions Facilitator: Mr. Palmer

“Ken Macrorie (1985) advises writer to show, not tell, as they write. When writers show, they paint word pictures with details, dialogue, and sensory images” (Tompkins, 2012, p.136).

Do you use your five senses when you write descriptively? Which senses do you use most and why?

In reference to word choice, when students descriptively write what strategies or tools do you use to support students?

Pick one of the following senses hearing, sight, touch, smell, or taste and choose four words you might use to show you are incorporating a sensory image. example: smell- smoky; sweaty

Pick an ordinary verb and choose four words to make the verb vivid. For example: run; trot or sprint.

Question: What is descriptive writing?

“When Matthew joined Penny Clare's 3rd grade classroom midyear, the students were in the midst of crafting collage stories, inspired by the hand-painted papers they had created during an artists/writers workshop. Each student donated one hand-painted paper to Matthew and explained to him how to create his own collage story. The students then got into a heated debate. Alexander told Matthew that you could either make your pictures first, write your words first, or go back and forth between the two. Hannah, a two-year veteran of artists/writers workshop, disagreed:” I always make my pictures first because then I can look at my pictures to help me with my describing words. If I wrote my words first, I wouldn't be able to see my describing words in my pictures. (Olshansky, 2006, Vol 63)

“Descriptive writing involves using words to paint a memorable and evoke a distinctive mood” ( Tompkins, 2012, p.136).

Question: What role does word choice and sensory images play in descriptive writing? “Students learn to choose words carefully to describe experiences and ideas effectively. Words that are specific and vivid give writing its energy, but more general nouns and weaker verbs force writers to add modifiers, which rob writing of its and makes it sound unnatural” (Tompkins, 2012, p.138).

Our Writing Assignment:

Write a short paragraph using sensory words (five senses) and vivid verbs from the photo. Ask yourself could someone draw this picture from my words?

Annotated Bibliography of Research on Reading/Writing in the Descriptive Genre

How, K., & Larkin, R. ( 2013). Descriptive Writing in Primary School: How useful are linguistic predictors of reading? The Journal of Educational Research, 106:360–371, 2013.

This article examined some of the linguistic predictors that affect children reading and the effects it might have on descriptive writing. The study focused on the definition of writing being defined as product of transcription and composition. There was also a focus toward the fact the descriptive writing is a complex process depending on and integrating numerous higher and lower level processing skills, including oral language, working memory, and transcription-related abilities (Babayigit & Stainthorp, 2011). Baker, E., Hoffner, H., & Quinn, B. (2008). Lights, Cameras, Pencils! Using Descriptive Video to Enhance Writing. The Reading

Teacher, 61(7), pp. 576-579. This was a rather unique way and idea to focus on descriptive writing. This article centered on using descriptive video for word interpretation for descriptive writing. The article goes on to say that this type of activity promotes descriptive vocabulary. In using descriptive video in the classroom the article stated that many students after watching the Lion King and writing about it fail to use content-specific vocabulary but, after the second time they used content-specific vocabulary to describe the movie. Brooks, G., (2007). Teachers as Readers and Writers and as Teachers of Reading and Writing. Journal of Educational Research, v100 n3 p177-191 Jan-Feb 2007. 15 pp. This article talks about teaching writing and reading across all genres. It investigates the ability to read and write in reference to language proficiency. There has been a movement and literacy and sweeping changes in literacy curriculums. The attitude of teachers in reference to writing affected the way children were taught and learned. The text spoke of the intricacies of teaching reading and writing. Annotated Bibliography of Web-Based Resources on Reading/Writing in the Descriptive Genre Descriptive Writing. Retrieved from:

This site has many strategies on teaching descriptive writing and it also speaks on why we should teach descriptive writing. It also has differentiated instruction suggestions’ for teaching a diverse group of learners. There is also an annotated bibliography on research that supports the strategies as well as multiple mentor texts. Annotated Bibliography of Descriptive Writing Mentor Texts London, J. (1995). Like Butter on Pancakes. New York, NY: Penguin Group. This mentor text painted a vivid picture and, reminded me of my childhood. I think many of us can remember waking up early in the morning smelling the great breakfast waiting in the kitchen. The word choice and sensory words seem to actually place you in the character’s mindset. Fletcher, R. (1997). Twilight Comes Twice. New York, NY: Library of Congress. I enjoyed this book because it brings to light the beauty of something we don’t talk about much. The text really made me think about the sunset and sunrise and it was entitled perfectly. I believe there are numerous teachable moments in this text and it is a great text for children and adults. There were a variety of similies and metaphors and very descriptive language. Schachner, J. (2003). Skippyjon Jones. China: Puffin

This book was very interesting with an English and Spanish theme. I thought it would be interesting to see if students would follow along and realize exactly what was happening. I thought it was fascinating the way the cat had a major identity crisis. I think this would be a great read for a read aloud. Allsburg Van, C. (1986). The Stranger. Houghton: New York, NY This book was suspenseful and it really made me think. I thought the special powers the stranger must have had and was that a ploy to pretend he had amnesia. I thought there were some great words embedded in the story and just like all of Van Allsburg’s book it evokes one to make inferences from the very start.

Descriptive Writing

... but more general nouns and weaker verbs force writers to add modifiers, which rob ... This book was very interesting with an English and Spanish theme. I.

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