Organizing Committee: Patron: Prof. G.R.C Reddy, Director, NIT-Goa

N I T- G O A

Co-ordinator & Address for Correspondence: Vidya Torquato Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,

5 Day STTP on

DEVELOPING IOS A P P L I C AT I O N S 5 - 9 October 2015

NIT Goa, Farmagudi, Goa, India Phone: +91 7083362581 E-mail: [email protected] Eligibility and Pre-requisites: Academicians, faculty, research scholars, UG/PG Maecenas

students, or working professionals from well recognized institutions, universities and/or

NIT-Goa is located at Farmagudi, which

companies interested in iOS may apply. Knowledge

is about 4 kms from Ponda city. Goa’s

of any one programming language is a must.

Dabolim International Airport is 36 kms

Registration Information: Completed registration form and DD must reach the co-ordinator on or before 30/9/2015 Registration Form: Registration fees: Rs 4999 for full-time research scholars, faculty, academicians, and working professionals. Rs 3499 for post graduate students. Rs 1999 for under graduate students.

west from Farmagudi. Madgaon Railway Station is 25 kms south of Farmagudi while Karmali Railway Station is 18km north of Farmagudi. There are public and private bus services between Ponda and the major cities of Goa like Panaji, Madgaon, Vasco and Mapusa. For local transport, taxis and auto-rickshaws are

organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering

also available.

DD should be drawn in favor of “Director NIT Goa” payable at Goa. Account Number: 132800101000653 Name of Bank: Corporation Bank IFSC Code: CORP0001328; Branch Code: 001328 The above fees do NOT include TA/DA/ accommodation costs.

N AT I O N A L I N ST I T U T E O F T E C H N O LO GY G OA Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa 403401

D E V E L O P I N G I O S A P P L I C AT I O N S This course is designed for programmers and researchers that are comfortable with any one programming language and are just getting started with iOS and Swift. Our aim is to enable you to confidently dive into iOS application development and catch up with the mobile revolution. All technologies in this STTP are Apple Inc. proprietary.

National Institute of Technology Goa NIT-Goa, established in 2010, is a premier, autonomous institution functioning under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development(MHRD), Government of India. The institute offers B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D programs in three engineering departments viz. 1. Computer Science and Engineering 2. Electronics and Communication Engineering 3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Department of Computer Science and Engineering This dynamic department led by Dr. Pravin Pawar comprises of highly qualified and competent faculty with diverse research interests including but not limited to Data Mining, Information Security, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Distributed Systems, Artificial Intelligence,Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Applications. STTP Resource Persons The STTP will be conducted by Ms. Vidya Torquato(B.E, M.S(USA)) who has 8 years of software engineering expertise in the Core Operating Systems group at Apple Inc.


O CT 5, 2015

Objective C is an object oriented programming language that is extensively used on Apple’s Mac OS X and iOS. You will learn how to install and use Xcode to compile and run programs written in Objective C. Further, you will learn everything from syntax to memory management used in Objective C.


Xcode is the IDE used to write iOS and Mac OS X programs

ObjectiveC has been used to write programs since the first iPhone.


Storyboards and more

One point five billion apps and counting

AppStore is used for uploading and downloading apps.

OCT 6, 2015

Swift is Apple’s latest programming language and is a successor to Objective-C. It is being encouraged by Apple to develop iOS applications. We will learn all about data types, controls, methods, closure, subscripts and object oriented concepts in Swift. We will also look at interoperatabilty between Objective-C and Swift.

D EVE LOP I OS APPL ICAT IO NS : OCT 7- 9, 2015 Learn about the iOS architecture, MVC model, table views, and basics of application development. We will also introduce advanced feature APIs such as notification center, localization, maps, touches and gestures and camera and demonstrate the use of all APIs taught during the workshop.

developing ios applications nit-goa -

to confidently dive into iOS application development and catch up with the mobile revolution. ... center, localization, maps, touches and gestures and camera and ...

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