Diagnosing the 1211 Set Under Driving Conditions – If set at KOER Test see 1211 KOER Connect to the enhanced powertrain system and monitor the following 3 sensors. a. Engine RPM b. Injector Control Pressure (ICP) c. Injector ctrl Press DC (IPR)

1. Verify Fuel and Oil Quality a. Oil should have < 5000 miles b. Minimum CI-4 rating c. Level should be within hash marks on dipstick 2. Verify Fuel Pressure a. 20psi at idle minimum b. 30-70psi at WOT with full load i. If in park/neutral at WOT expect 26 – 28 psi 3. Check Oil Level in HPOP reservoir a. Should be within 1” of the top b. Hex key plug on right top of reservoir 4. Check ICP Sensor a. Key On Engine OFF b. ICP should = 0 i. If not replace ICP 5. Check for Oil Aeration a. In Park/Neutral Hold vehicle at WOT for 3 minutes i. If ICP increases above 1250psi change engine oil 6. Check IPR Duty Cycle Under Load a. Drive Vehicle at WOT under full load i. Short burst is fine excessive speed is not needed ii. If IPR Duty Cycle increases above 65% Replace IPR Valve 1. See Illustration Below

Diagnosing P1211- ICP- IPR.pdf

Set Under Driving Conditions – If set at KOER Test see 1211 KOER. Connect to the enhanced powertrain system and monitor the following 3 sensors. a. Engine ...

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