Downlink Interference Alignment Changho Suh Wireless Foundations U.C. Berkeley

GLOBECOM 2010 Dec. 8

Joint work with David Tse and Minnie Ho (at Intel)

Two Point-to-Point Links

Two Point-to-Point Links

total # dim. for desired signals

d.o.f. =

total # dim.

(per sec per Hz)

Two Point-to-Point Links

total # dim. for desired signals

d.o.f. =

total # dim.

(per sec per Hz) (no interference)

Two Point-to-Point Links

total # dim. for desired signals

d.o.f. =

total # dim.

(per sec per Hz) (interference)

Two Point-to-Point Links

total # dim. for desired signals

d.o.f. =

total # dim.

(per sec per Hz) (interference)

Two Uplinks

Two Uplinks

Two Uplinks

Suh & Tse 08:

Two Uplinks

Suh & Tse 08:


Two Uplinks

Idea: Interference Alignment

Suh & Tse 08:


Uplink Interference Alignment

Uplink Interference Alignment

Suppose every node has K+1 dimensions (antennas or subcarriers)

Uplink Interference Alignment Transmit a vector

Suppose every node has K+1 dimensions (antennas or subcarriers)

Uplink Interference Alignment

Fix a reference vector, independent of channel gains

Uplink Interference Alignment

Fix a reference vector, independent of channel gains

Uplink Interference Alignment

Uplink Interference Alignment

Uplink Interference Alignment

Uplink Interference Alignment

Uplink Interference Alignment

Uplink Interference Alignment

total # dim =K+1

Uplink Interference Alignment

total # dim =K+1

Downlink Interference Alignment

Downlink Interference Alignment

Uplink-Downlink Duality

Downlink Interference Alignment

Uplink-Downlink Duality

Downlink Interference Alignment

Uplink-Downlink Duality

But HOW?

Downlink Interference Alignment

Fix K-dim reference plane, indep. of channel gains

Downlink Interference Alignment

Fix K-dim reference plane, indep. of channel gains

Downlink Interference Alignment

Downlink Interference Alignment

Downlink Interference Alignment

Downlink Interference Alignment


Downlink Interference Alignment


Downlink Interference Alignment


Downlink Interference Alignment



Downlink Interference Alignment




Downlink Interference Alignment 1




Downlink Interference Alignment 1

2 1

Downlink Interference Alignment 1 2





Downlink Interference Alignment 1

2 1

2 K

Downlink Interference Alignment 1 K

2 1

2 K K


Downlink Interference Alignment 1

2 1

2 K K

Downlink Interference Alignment 1 2 K

2 1


Downlink Interference Alignment 1

1 2 2 K


2 1


Downlink Interference Alignment 1

1 2 2 K


2 1


K out-of-cell int. vectors (K-1) intra-cell int. vectors

Downlink Interference Alignment 1

1 2 2 K


2 1


K out-of-cell int. vectors (K-1) intra-cell int. vectors  Aligned onto K-dim plane

From Theory to Practice: How to Implement?

Uplink: Implementation Challenge

Uplink: Implementation Challenge

Requires crosschannel knowledge

Uplink: Implementation Challenge

Requires crosschannel knowledge

Uplink: Implementation Challenge

Requires crosschannel knowledge

Requires backhaul cooperation


Uplink: Implementation Challenge

Requires crosschannel knowledge

Requires backhaul cooperation


How about for DOWNLINK?

Uplink: Implementation Challenge

Requires crosschannel knowledge

Requires backhaul cooperation


How about for DOWNLINK? Can achieve interference alignment without using backhaul!

Downlink: Implementation Benefits 1 2 K

2 1


Fix K-dim reference plane, indep. of channel gains

Downlink: Implementation Benefits 1 2 K


Fix K-dim reference plane, indep. of channel gains

Downlink: Implementation Benefits 1 2 K


Fix K-dim reference plane, indep. of channel gains

Can estimate it using pilots or preamble

Downlink: Implementation Benefits 1 2 K


Can estimate it using pilots or preamble

Downlink: Implementation Benefits 1 2 K


Can estimate it using pilots or preamble

Downlink: Implementation Benefits 1 2 K


Downlink: Implementation Benefits 1 2 K


Same as the feedback in standard MU-MIMO techniques

Downlink: Implementation Benefits 1 2 K


Same as the feedback in standard MU-MIMO techniques

Can be implemented with little change to an existing cellular system supporting multi-user MIMO



Reality: 1. Finite SNR


Reality: 1. Finite SNR 2. Residual out-of-cell interference


Reality: MMSE-like Modification

1. Finite SNR 2. Residual out-of-cell interference

Cell-Edge Performance: Two Cells

Cell-Edge Performance: Two Cells 3 cell-edge users per cell

Cell-Edge Performance: Two Cells 3 cell-edge users per cell 4-by-4 antenna configuration

Cell-Edge Performance: Two Cells 3 cell-edge users per cell 4-by-4 antenna configuration 30

Sum Rate (bits/s/Hz)





Baseline: Matched Filtering


0 -20


0 10 SNR (dB)



Cell-Edge Performance: Two Cells 3 cell-edge users per cell 4-by-4 antenna configuration 30

Proposed IA

Sum Rate (bits/s/Hz)




300% improvement 10

Baseline: Matched Filtering


0 -20


0 10 SNR (dB)



19 Hexagonal Cells 3 cell-edge users per cell 4-by-4 antenna configuration

19 Hexagonal Cells 3 cell-edge users per cell 4-by-4 antenna configuration

Non-negligible residual interference

19 Hexagonal Cells 3 cell-edge users per cell 4-by-4 antenna configuration Proposed IA 28% gain

Sum Rate (bits/s/Hz)


Baseline: Matched Filtering



Non-negligible residual interference


0 -20



10 20 SNR (dB)



Performance Gain Residual interference



Significant gain Gain reduced; but still respectable

Performance Gain Residual interference



Significant gain Gain reduced; but still respectable

Great potential to heterogeneous networks

Performance Gain Residual interference



Significant gain Gain reduced; but still respectable

Great potential to heterogeneous networks E.g., macro-pico cellular networks


Performance Gain Residual interference

Significant gain



Gain reduced; but still respectable

Great potential to heterogeneous networks E.g., macro-pico cellular networks

Pico-user significantly interfered with by the nearby macro-BS


Conclusion • Developed a new downlink IA technique

Conclusion • Developed a new downlink IA technique • Requires only localized within-the-cell feedback mechanism

Conclusion • Developed a new downlink IA technique • Requires only localized within-the-cell feedback mechanism • Can be implemented with small changes to multiuser MIMO systems

Conclusion • Developed a new downlink IA technique • Requires only localized within-the-cell feedback mechanism • Can be implemented with small changes to multiuser MIMO systems

• Shows ~30% cell-edge throughput gain in 19 hexagonal cellular layout

Conclusion • Developed a new downlink IA technique • Requires only localized within-the-cell feedback mechanism • Can be implemented with small changes to multiuser MIMO systems

• Shows ~30% cell-edge throughput gain in 19 hexagonal cellular layout • Has great potential to heterogeneous networks

Downlink Interference Alignment

Wireless Foundations. U.C. Berkeley. GLOBECOM 2010. Dec. 8. Joint work .... Downlink: Implementation Benefits. 2. 1. 1. K. Fix K-dim reference plane, indep. of ...

739KB Sizes 1 Downloads 377 Views

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