Doxygen Quick Reference Doxygen commands Doxygen ( reads a configuration file to control source code processing and documentation output formats, the default filename is Doxyfile. doxygen doxygen doxygen -g

Run with default config file. Run with . Generate .

Documenting the sources Doxygen-visible multi-line comment blocks begin with /**, or /*!, and end with */. Alternately, the of C++ single line comment delimiters /// or //! may be used on each line. Within a comment block HTML tags or Doxygen specific markup tags, Special Commands, can be used. Documentation comment blocks can occur anywhere in the source code but placing such blocks before defined code elements, classes, functions, etc., is recommended. Source code files should include the \file command to make comments in the file visible to Doxygen. Doxygen special commands, with a few exceptions, begin with the prefix @ or \, used in this document. Following the Doxygen manual convention, the command arguments are enclosed here in braces that signify the extent of the argument, these braces are not part of the command, nor should they be included in the command: < angle > ( round ) { curly }

angle braces: argument is a single word. round braces: argument extends to end of line. curly braces: argument extends to next paragraph.

other parts of the documentation as the first argument to a \ref ‘‘’’ command. This creates a link to the labeled group using the lnk text enclosed in quotes, the second argument is optional. The group members are enclosed by the group open @{ and close @} commands, as follows: /** \defgroup