The Cat in the Hat Says “Who Said That?” -- Name the book. Directions: Read a line or two until the group guesses the book. 1. The sun didn’t shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day. I sat there with Sally. We sat there, we two. And I said, “How I wish We had something to do.” Then he got up on top With a tip of his hat. “I call this game FUN IN A BOX,” said the cat. (THE CAT IN THE HAT) 2. And when Cindy-Lou Who went to bed with her cup, He went to the chimney and stuffed the tree up! The last thing he took Was the log on their fire! Then he went up the chimney, himself, the old liar. On their walls he left nothing but hooks and some wires. And the one speck of food That he left in the house Was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse. (How Grinch Stole Christmas) 3. Sighed Mayzie, a lazy bird hatching an egg: “I’m tired and I’m bored And I’ve kinks in my leg From sitting, just sitting here day after day. It’s work! How I hate it! I’d much rather play! I’d take vacation, fly off for a rest If I only could find someone to stay on my nest! (Horton Hatches the Egg) 4. I would not, could not in a tree. Not in a car! You let me be. I do not like them in a box. I do not like them with a fox. I do not like them in a house. I do not like them with a mouse. I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere. (Green Eggs and Ham) 5. Some are red. And some are blue. Some are old. And some are new. Some are sad. And some are glad. And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know. Go ask your dad. (One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish)

Station Signs & Instructions Follow

Help us create our own book of silly rhymes. Write and illustrate a page for our book:

“Look Out Dr. Seuss, Our POEMS are on the Loose!” Here are some examples: “The flower took a shower” or “I played in the mud and got full of crud.”

Look Out Dr. Seuss, Our POEMS are on the Loose! By the KIDS from the BRIDGEWATER LIBRARY

TOE PAINTING: Take off your shoes and socks and draw faces on your toes!

FOLLOW THE FEET: Follow the foot patterns on the floor….then we’ll turn on the music and play musical chairs without the chairs!

Play “GO FISH”! Try to catch a fish in our fishbowl. Do the silly thing it says to do!

The Cat in the Hat Balancing Game: What can you balance on your head?

CAT IN THE HAT RELAY Cat in the Hat Relay

Give each child a paper plate and a paper cup on top. Each child then carries the plate and cup with one hand to a specific point and back, and then places their plate on top of the next person in line's plate, and they carry two, and so on.




Make a “CAT IN THE HAT” Paper Bag Puppet


Name that book! Do you know your Dr. Seuss? See if you can tell which book each of these quotes came from…

(Answers are on the back!)

The sun didn’t shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day. I sat there with Sally. We sat there, we two. And I said, “How I wish We had something to do.” Then he got up on top With a tip of his hat. “I call this game FUN IN A BOX,” said the cat. (THE CAT IN THE HAT) And when Cindy-Lou Who went to bed with her cup, He went to the chimney and stuffed the tree up! The last thing he took Was the log on their fire! Then he went up the chimney, himself, the old liar. On their walls he left nothing but hooks and some wires. And the one speck of food That he left in the house Was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse. (How Grinch Stole Christmas) Sighed Mayzie, a lazy bird hatching an egg: “I’m tired and I’m bored And I’ve kinks in my leg From sitting, just sitting here day after day. It’s work! How I hate it! I’d much rather play! I’d take vacation, fly off for a rest If I only could find someone to stay on my nest! (Horton Hatches the Egg)

I would not, could not in a tree. Not in a car! You let me be. I do not like them in a box. I do not like them with a fox. I do not like them in a house. I do not like them with a mouse. I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere. (Green Eggs and Ham) Some are red. And some are blue. Some are old. And some are new. Some are sad. And some are glad. And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know. Go ask your dad. (One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish)

Horton Hatches an Egg Relay Race Can you be as careful of an egg as Horton? Try balancing one on a spoon!

Since Horton is a gentle and loving soul. Let’s make him out of HEARTS!

“A person’s a person…no matter how small!” Horton Hears a Who Color & Cut out Hearts. Arrange as directed below. Glue large upside down heart so it overlaps medium upside down heart to form the body

Glue curved piece onto the medium upside down heart to form the tail.

Add the second large (right side up) heart (the one with the eyes and trunk on it) so it overlaps the body to form the head.

Add the smallest heart on the tip of the trunk to form the nose.

Glue the ears onto the head so the points are overlapping the head and they are sticking straight out.

If desired, add a sequin or pompom to represent “Who-Ville.” template: adapted from:

Play Our “One Fish Two Fish” Card Game

Play “Cat in the Hat” Tic Tac Toe Here OR Take one to play at home!

Create a Birthday Card for Dr. Seuss Or The Cat in the Hat

Other possible stations relating to Seuss books (source unknown) There’s a Wocket in My Pocket! We read one of Dr. Seuss' books emphasizing the rhyming. Then we create our own book which we call "Look Out Dr. Seuss, Our Poems are on the Loose." In circle time I suggest several words that can be rhymed easily and the children make their own rhymes and illustrate them. Examples from last year: The flower took a shower, the man on the floor walked out the door and my favorite, I played in the mud and got full of crud. I make a large drawing of Dr. Seuss that all the children take turns coloring and we display their drawings around it. Copies of the drawings are put together as a book for the children to take home. Game * Rhyme That Word Place individual words in a hat or box. Give several children the chance to pick one word from the hat. Post the word on the blackboard or flip chart, and have the children see how many rhyming words they can think of. Write the words on the blackboard/flip chart. Have the group write a couple of poems. Maybe show how to make a mini-book. Game * Snatch the Hat Under the Chair Place a small chair with the back to a wall. A hat (or puppet) is placed under the chair. One child is blindfolded and sits on the chair to guard the hat while another child tries to snatch the hat without being touched by the person sitting on the chair. Once the player snatches the hat, s/he gets to sit on the chair to become the next protector of the hat. Give several children the chance to participate. The Foot Book: Activities Toe Painting The kids always love this one! We all take off our socks and shoes, and draw faces on each other's toes!! It's interesting to see the different emotions the children choose for each toe. We then take turns either playing along with the book, or making up our own rhymes!

Follow the Feet At group time, we have fun placing feet patterns on the floor and following the patterns. We also play musical feet (like musical chairs only on the foot patterns).

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One Fish, Two Fish: Activities:

Fish Shapes We also use fish shapes to cut patterns through for puzzles, and then attach paper clips, and "fish" for them, using a magnet fishing pole and a pool, trying to catch the match to our fish! The Cat in the Hat: Activities:

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Balance it We read cat in the hat book - balanced the book then a tea cup and a few other small items on our heads like the cat. Kids really loved this (they are only 3) Cat in the Hat Relay We make hats using black construction paper, and tails using old black pantyhose, and then I give each child a paper plate and a paper cup on top. Each child then carries the plate and cup with one hand to a specific point and back, and then places their plate on top of the next person in line's plate, and they carry two, and so on. The children love to Buy it online! practice balancing, and even figure out how they can switch places, so that the older children carry more, so they can make it through the whole line! Pretty smart!

Balancing Relay Race * Break up into 3 or 4 teams by counting off. Have an assortment of things in groups of 3 or 4 (such as Frisbees, plastic bowls, balls, wooden spoons). Do different relay races with different variety of objects balancing on the children’s heads.

Hat Mobile * You will need a tall white hat on card stock paper, 4 * 6 different objects on individual colored paper from the Cat in the Hat book (fish, plate, tea cup, birthday cake, book, umbrella, etc.), scissors, ribbon, red and black markers, and hole punchers. The children will cut out all of the different objects that they want to include on their mobile. They will draw and color red and white stripes on their hats. Then they can make 3-6 holes on the brim of their hats. They will attach the objects to the hat with the ribbon. Then they can attach a ribbon at the top of the hat so they can hang up their mobiles at home.

Cat in the Hat Hats We also made Cat in the Hat hats out of paper plate (cut out middle and use as the rim of the hat) and contruction paper (white paper with cut out red stripes) Musical Hats After reading "Cat in the hat" you can play musical hats. This is a quieter version of musical chairs. The kids sit in a circle and while the music plays they have to put the stoching cap on and pull it over their ears and then take it of again and pass it to the child next to them. Who ever has the hat when the music stops gets to start and stop the music for the next round. This way all the kids are involved and nobody has to sit out. The kids also like the way their hair stands up after they pull of the hats!!! Cat in the Hat Relay We make hats using black construction paper, and tails using old black pantyhose, and then I give each child a paper plate and a paper cup on top. Each child then carries the plate and cup with one hand to a specific point and back, and then places their plate on top of the next person in line's plate, and they carry two, and so on. The children love to practice balancing, and even figure out how they can switch places, so that the older children carry more, so they can make it through the whole line! Pretty smart! Pin the Hat or Pin the Bowtie on the Cat in the Hat.

Cat has painted whiskers on children--a simple face painting project.

Song Have you ever seen a "cat" in a "hat"? (clap clap) Have you ever seen a "cat" in a "hat"? (clap clap) No I've never, No I've never, No I've never, No I've never, ever seen a "cat" in a "hat"? (clap clap) You could do the rhyme above in the pocket chart using rhymes that the children brainstorm (ex. Have you ever seen a whale in a pail?). Then illustrated a class book using some of their rhymes. 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins Design a Hat Green Eggs and Ham: Activities Egg Carton Critters/pipe cleaners, markers

Many color day ( I can't rember the exact name of the book) Related Sites Buy it online! Game - Dr. Seuss Hangman using book titles (very popular with ages 8-10) Horton Hatches An Egg Green Eggs and Ham Horton Hears a Who

Fox in Socks Blue Goo (pieces of modeling clay)

If I Ran the Zoo

Create some new animals by "crossing" two--What would you get if you crossed and alligator with a giraffe? Make your own combinations and draw them. Or, design a new animal for the zoo.

group creature making pass around a folded piece of paper, and the first person draws just the head, making sure the connecting lines go below the fold, then folds the paper so the head is hidden, and the next person

draws the arms and chest, and so on, but you can't see what anyone else has drawn until the paper is unfolded at the end -- harder with the younger crowd. Or Hand out blank sheets of paper to each child. Have one third of the class draw a head of an animal or creature; a third draw a body, and a third draw legs and feet. (Or tell each group to draw a different animal.) Tape the appropriate parts together and see what kind of imaginary animals they come up with! I have done a paper sculpture activity with many ages that I often tie to the Seuss books (one of my students said they looked like something out of Seuss.) I use light cardboard or card stock for a base and put out a big selection of paper scraps - especially strips. I do an example ahead of time - make a 3D sculpture by bending the strips in loops, stairsteps, or whatever stikes your fancy. I usually create several interconnected strips and then add things like strips rolled around a pencil to make a curl that can be moved along a narrow strip, "flags", accordian fold strips, etc. It's best to have both tape and glue sticks available as it's easiest to tape the ends of the paper to the base. For a special event you could also put out stickers, pom poms, pipecleaners, etc. to add to the sculpture. I save the scraps from the paper cutter in a stationery box and when I have enough we do the craft.

Imagination Activity * Create Your Own Seussville Yak (15-20 minutes) Have the children form groups at the craft tables. Ask them if they know what the word “imagination” means. Dr. Seuss used a lot of imagination to think of all kind of imaginary animals and places. Have the children create their own Seussville yak with the handout found at Provide felt markers, stars and other stickers. Options:Post their creations on the wall and have everyone pose for a group picture. CAMERA?

Rhyming Bingo or Rhyming Concentration One Fish, Two Fish Guess how many Swedish Fish in the jar Ten Apples Up on Top Apple sewing card (do we have cut-outs) Bartholomew and the Oobleck Make oobleck

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