Invitation to Join Speaking Faculty nd 2 Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference 18-19 June 2013, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta

Driving Gigawatt Growth in Asian Geothermal Markets 18-19 June 2013, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta Thursday, 24 January 2013

Invitation to be a Guest Speaker at the 2nd Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference Dear Dr Saptadji, I am writing to invite you to be a guest speaker at the 2nd Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines conference, scheduled to take place at the Ritz Carlton in Jakarta, 18-19 June 2013. Below, you will find an early copy of our draft agenda. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss your involvement further by phone, if you could indicate the best time for a follow up conversation. The launch of the conference in 2012 was a great success with over 200 executive level geothermal professionals in attendance for two days of high level discussion. Participants included Chevron, Star Energy, BP, INAGA, EDC, PLN, Pertamina Geothermal Energy, Panax, Ormat, OTP Geothermal, and Supreme Energy. The 2013 Jakarta event will be the 13th edition of Green Power Conferences’ World GeoPower Markets series. The program this year is designed to take a more practical look at the implementation of new geothermal projects, and we are bringing together the key local policy makers, developers and geothermal service and equipment providers to offer the highest quality discussion and networking opportunities. We have extended the exhibition area following the sold out room in 2012, and the event has already received sponsor partnerships from Alstom, Siemens, H2O Cooling, Nooter Eriksen and Pentair highlighting the importance of this year’s meeting. I would be pleased to discuss this further at you convenience, so would appreciate confirmation that you have received this invitation. I very much hope that you can join us in Jakarta, and I look forward to your swift reply. Yours sincerely,

Phil Stallard Senior Research Analyst Green Power Conferences [email protected] Direct Tel: +44 (0)203 355 4215

Invitation to Join Speaking Faculty nd 2 Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference 18-19 June 2013, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta

2013 Sponsors

Your Participation as a Speaker At this stage, we only need a commitment that you are able to speak on these dates, and to agree in principal a suitable topic. This can be amended in the lead up to the conference as necessary. For presentations and case studies, we typically ask speakers to prepare a presentation no longer than 15 minutes to allow plenty of time for questions. You will be joined on a panel by 3-4 other speakers, and take questions as a group from the moderator and audience. We would expect the presentation to be submitted around 3 weeks before the event. We recommend that you prepare PowerPoint slides, but this is not compulsory. For panel discussions, we simply recommend a preparatory conference call between the speakers and chairperson 3-4 weeks before the event. A suggestion is for each panelist to submit 3-4 questions (in advance) to the moderator that they feel will make for interesting discussion points. The moderator will then compile these questions into a logical format, and will add further questions as desired. Finally, please note that as a speaker at the conference, your registration fees are waived, and you may also receive discounts for additional colleagues that may wish to join.

2012 Speakers For your reference, I have included a sample of our 2012 conference speakers. In 2013 we will be retaining the high standard of attracting the key players in the industry in an expanded and refreshed agenda. Bret Mattes, Chief Executive Officer, OTP Geothermal Vincent Villegas, Vice President, Business Development, Energy Development Corporation Jan Bartak, Senior Head, Business Development, International Power- GDF Suez Kevin Beavers, Senior Vice President, Operations, Aboitiz Power Renewables Slamet Riadhy, President Director, Pertamina Geothermal Energy Alex Smillie, Vice President, Geothermal Operations, Star Energy Sjaiful Bahri, Country Manager, Panax Bastary Pandji Indra, Director of Public Private Partnership Development, National Development Planning Agency of Indonesia Herman Darnel Ibrahim, Advisor, National Energy Council Rodel Briones, Manager, Philippines Operations, Ormat Roger Buendia, President, PNOC Renewables

Udibowo Ciptomulyono, President Commissioner, PLN Geothermal Djoni Djulkifli, President Commissioner, Jabar Rekind Geothermal Eduardo Francisco, President, BDO Capital & Investment James Reilly, General Manager, Atlas Copco MafiTrench Luca Xodo, Sales Manager, Exergy Ulrich Schöpf, Deputy Sales Director, Deep Drilling Division, Bauer Noldy Tuerah, Regional Planning Director, North Sulawesi Government Kevin Wallace, Senior Project Manager, Power Engineers Sanusi Satar, Vice Chairman, INAGA Dana Younger, Chief Renewable Energy Specialist, IFC Akira Matsunaga, Senior Representative, Indonesia, JICA Paul Heinemann, Vice President, Asia, DEG

Invitation to Join Speaking Faculty nd 2 Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference 18-19 June 2013, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta

Draft Agenda PLEASE NOTE: This is a first copy, early stage draft agenda. Topics and sessions are SUGGESTED and will be developed around the core interests of our speakers. Speakers listed are INVITED, unless specified otherwise.

Day One – Tuesday 18 June 2013 09:00 Chair’s opening remarks 09:10 Keynote: Government Policy and Vision for Development for the Acceleration of the Geothermal Industry      

Have your key questions answered as Ministry representatives and key regulators explain the implementation of policy mechanisms Examine the impact of Indonesia’s Feed-in-tariff, what progress has been made since the new rates were implemented? Understanding the latest progression to amendments of Indonesia’s tendering procedures Uncover the progress of the geothermal industry in the Philippines with 785 MW of contracts awarded to developers Will the Philippines reconsider the introduction of a geothermal Feed-in-Tariff? How will government bodies facilitate the breakthrough of already licensed projects?

H.E. Jero Wacik, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia Carlos Jericho L. Petilla, Secretary of Energy, Department of Energy, Philippines Nur Pamudji, President Director, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) CONFIRMED Unggul Priyanto, Dept Chief for Information Technology, Energy and Materials, BPPT CONFIRMED Luluk Sumiarso, Chairman, Indonesian Institute for Clean Energy CONFIRMED Agung Wicaksono, Assistant Head, (UKP4) Presidential Working Unit for Supervision and Management of Development Muhammad Chatib Basri, Chairman, BKPM Melinda Ocampo, President, Philippine Wholesale Electricity Spot Market 10:30 Networking refreshment break

11:10 CEO Panel Debate – Driving Forward Geothermal in South East Asia Business leaders from the geothermal community will share experiences and outline their perspectives for the future of geothermal development. Ask questions to the key figures in the industry in this interactive session.  What are the biggest remaining barriers?  How can the private sector drive forward investment into geothermal?  What policy changes would accelerate the industry?  How can industry and government align their interests more closely? CONFIRMED

Bret Mattes, Chief Executive Officer, OTP Geothermal Supramu Santosa, President & CEO, Supreme Energy CONFIRMED Fazil Alfitri, President Director, Medco Power Slamet Riadhy, President Director, Pertamina Geothermal Energy Isikeli Taureka, President, Chevron Geothermal & Power CONFIRMED

Invitation to Join Speaking Faculty nd 2 Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference 18-19 June 2013, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta

Rudy Suparman, President Director, Star Energy Federico Lopez, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Development Corporation Praktimia Semiawan, President Director, Geo Dipa Energi 12:30 Networking refreshment break

13:50 Maximising Your Resource: Innovations for Improving Geothermal Operations     

Innovations in geothermal power generation technology enhancing output efficiency and reducing opex Assessing technology selection criteria to match to the geothermal working area Effective plant design and planning in construction phase Retrofitting of aging facilities to extend plant life and performance- what solutions are available? Critical factors to consider for geothermal life cycle analysis


Donald Leger, Geothermal Program Director, Siemens Indonesia Senior Representative, Pentair Tjahjo Sasmojo, President Director, PLN Geothermal Alex Smillie, Vice President, Geothermal Operations, Star Energy Budhi Satriyo, General Manager, Kamojang, Pertamina Geothermal Energy Soewondo Koesoemo, General Manager, PT. Geo Dipa Energi Dieng Dwight Maxino, Vice President - Southern Negros & Northern Negros Geothermal Production Fields, Energy Development Corporation Basuki Nugroho, Reliability & Integrity Team Leader, Chevron Geothermal Salak CONFIRMED

15:20 Networking refreshment break 16:00 Concept to Commercial Operation: Project Developer Case Studies Hear an update on the key milestones achieved by local geothermal projects: how were their successes achieved? Critical steps that your project must take to conduct successful exploratory work, close financing, select suitable project partners and negotiate regulatory issues.


Roger Buendia, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, PNOC Renewable Corp Jose Leviste Jr, Chairman, Constellation Energy Corp Ali Herman, President & CEO, PT. Bakrie Power Asjari Rachman, Operation and Business Development Director, Geo Dipa Energi Kerry Parker, Managing Director, Panax Djoni Djulkifli, President Commissioner, Jabar Rekind Geothermal Djoko Hastowo Budihardjo, President Director, Indonesia Power Stuart Hee, Managing Director, Orka Energy Kenneth MacLeod, President, Pan Pacific Power CONFIRMED

17:30 Chair’s closing remarks 17:45 Networking drinks reception hosted by

Invitation to Join Speaking Faculty nd 2 Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference 18-19 June 2013, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta

Day Two – Wednesday 19 June 2013 Stream A 09:00 Working Successfully with Provincial Authorities – Panel Discussion  Provincial planning and energy officials explain how to successfully execute unique local procedures for licensing and tendering  Outlining regional geothermal working areas to be released for tender bid  Negotiating with private landowners and accounting for surrounding land use  Support mechanisms from local governments CONFIRMED

Noldy Tuerah, Head of Regional Development Planning Board, North Sulawesi CONFIRMED Dewi Putriatni, Head of ESDM, East Java Teguh Dwi Paryono, Head of Office of Energy and Mineral Resources, Central Java Province Marzuki Mahdi, Head of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, West Sumatera Untungta Kaban, Head of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, North Sumatera Robert Heri, Head of Mining and Energy Department, South Sumatra Dany Suhadi, Head of Mining and Energy Department, NTT Province Ir. H. E. Piterdono - Head of Mining and Energy Department, Lampung

10:20 Networking refreshment break 11:00 Attracting Investment into Geothermal Projects: Panel Discussion  Critical factors for mobilising early stage investment for exploratory activities  What are key criteria for agreeing project finance in geothermal, compared to other power projects  Investigating the feasibility of a geothermal drilling fund backed by development banks  Understanding how to demonstrate project bankability  Financing associated infrastructure for developing projects  How can investor confidence be improved?

Stream B 09:00 Improving Early Stage Ground and Reservoir Assessment  Cutting edge ground survey techniques to reducing the risk of exploratory dig failures  Conducting rigid Environmental Impact Assessments that will improve construction planning  Best practice for Micro Earth Quake (MEQ), airborne topographic surveys and civil engineering studies CONFIRMED

Edi Suhanto, Head of Co-operation, Center for Geological Resources, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Endro Supriyanto, Director of Exploration and Operation, PLN Geothermal Paul Suparmo, Director of Operations, Trinergy Elvis Nurhasral, President Director, Wijaya Karya Jabar Power 09:40 Minimizing the Cost and Risk of Drilling  Effective drilling techniques and strategies that will advance the viability of upcoming projects  How directional drilling can be implemented to overcome land issues  Well casing solutions to meet challenges of corrosive materials CONFIRMED Francisco Delfin, President, Maibarara Geothermal Gary Thompson, Chief Executive Officer, Molten Power Corp Sjafra Dwipa, Chief Geologist & Co-Head of Geothermal Operations, Pandawa Energy Julfi Hadi, Vice President Exploration and Subsurface Engineering, Supreme Energy Rod Williams, Vice President, OTP Geothermal 10:20 Networking refreshment break 11:00 Exploitation of Low Temperature Resources  Exploring options for direct heat applications in SE Asia  How can geothermal improve decentralised energy supply in remote areas?  Enhancing project power efficiency with bottom cycle retrofits  Possible applications for EGS in Southeast Asia Samuel Marks, Managing Director, Greenearth Energy John Libby, Chief Executive Officer, New World Energy Solutions Herman Darnel Ibrahim, Board Member, National

Invitation to Join Speaking Faculty nd 2 Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference 18-19 June 2013, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta CONFIRMED

Gilles Pascual, Head of Power and Renewables Asia, HSBC CONFIRMED Edi Setijawan, Senior Researcher, Financial System Stability Bureau-Banking Research and Regulation Directorate, Bank of Indonesia CONFIRMED Paul Heinemann, Vice President - New Business Asia, DEG Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, President Director, Indonesia Infrastructure Finance Sang-Woo Kim, Senior Vice President, Corporate Finance Team, Shinhan Bank Chun Bing Gaurino Uy, Executive Vice President and Group Head of Corporate Banking, Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. Justin Ocampo, Senior Vice President, Investment Banking, First Metro Investment Corp Soritaon Siregar, President Director, Pusat Investasi Pemerintah Pradeep Tharakan, Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank 12:10 Networking lunch break 13:30 PPAs, Partnerships and Developer Financing  How can Indonesia’s power purchase agreement be streamlined?  Key factors that will determine output price  Unravelling the competitive power market of the Philippines- what are the off-takers looking for?  Building mutually beneficial consortia  What are equity providers looking for when considering investment?  Developing public-private partnerships CONFIRMED

Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, President Director, Sintesa Group Murtaqi Syamsudin, Director of Business and Risk Management, PLN Willy Ocier, President and Chief Executive Officer, APC William Liu, President and Chief Executive Officer, Primary Energy Corp Reza Hendranto, President Director, Pandawa Energy Manabu Homma, Chief Representative, Jakarta, Japan Bank for International Cooperation 14:30 Networking refreshment break 15:00 Building a Locally Beneficial Geothermal Industry, and Negotiating Public Opposition Geothermal projects can be perceived to have a negative impact on the local communities. This session will examine how geothermal project owners can overcome local opposition, build successful CSR programs and integrate more effectively with surrounding communities.

Energy Council David McDonald, Managing Director, KUTh Energy 11:50 Geothermal Project Design, Infrastructure and Logistics  Building the necessary transport infrastructure to utilize remote sites  How to successfully prepare complex topography for development  Maximising the value of specialist equipment to facilitate drilling works  Preparation and development of land for transmission infrastructure Deddy Permana, Chief Civil Engineer, OTP Geothermal Nasri Sebayang, Director of Construction, PT PLN Jose V. Villena, Head, Purchasing & Logistics, Maibarara Geothermal Inc Manuel Ogena, Senior Vice President - Technical Services Sector, Energy Development Corporation 12:10 Networking lunch break 13:30 Emerging Geothermal Business Opportunities in the Asia-Pacific Geothermal projects are increasing in prominence across the continent. This session will bring you case studies and insights from potential growth markets such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan and Papua New Guinea. CONFIRMED

Masaho Adachi, Chairman, Japan Geothermal Association Masahiko Kaneko, Executive Director, WJEC Emi Mizuno, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation Andrew Amaladoss, Project Director, Tawau Green Energy Vu Huy Quang, President & CEO, PetroVietnam Power Praneet Roibang, Director General, Department of Groundwater Resources, Thailand Kazuhiro Izaki, Head, Thermal Power Department, KEPCO

14:30 Networking refreshment break 15:00 International Co-operation and Capacity Building  Updates on New Zealand’s efforts to increase knowledge and technology transfer with Indonesia & the Philippines  Utilising Icelandic expertise to diversify geothermal applications beyond large scale power  Retention and development of a skilled

Invitation to Join Speaking Faculty nd 2 Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference 18-19 June 2013, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta CONFIRMED

Nyoman Iswarayoga, Energy Director, WWF Indonesia Eri Sumiarso, Managing Partner, Sinergi Daya Prima Achmad Nugraha Juanda, President Director, Sejahtera Alam Energy Agus Rachman, President Director, Westo Indo Utama Karya Syukri Rahmadi Senior Coordinator Community Engagement, Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power

16:00 Chair’s closing remarks and end of Stream A

workforce in Asia CONFIRMED

Tracy Mathieu, Vice President, Partnership International Takashi Sakamoto, Chief Representative, Indonesia, Japanese International Co-operation Agency Mike Allen, Chairman, Geothermal New Zealand Pinsuda Alexander, Country Manager, Southeast Asia, USTDA Árni Magnússon, Advisor, Iceland Geothermal Cluster 16:00 Chair’s closing remarks and end of Stream B

About Green Power Conferences Green Power Conferences has been in operation for 8 years and focuses exclusively on renewable energy and climate change mitigation business events. We operate in all the major sectors: wind, solar, biofuels, geothermal, ocean energy, small hydro, carbon markets, climate finance and sustainable business and have successfully run over 150 events in 35 countries and connect over 1,000,000 global sustainable energy contacts via the Green Power Databank. Previous speakers include Al Gore, Sir Bob Geldof, Lord Browne, Gro Harlem Brundtland, and many more industry leaders and CEO’s. Watch the video at for an example of one of our larger events. The Green Power Academy is our sister company that has run 60+ training courses around the world and prides itself on teaching and training new entrants, governments and financiers into the opportunities of the renewable energy.

Why is Green Power Conferences Uniquely Positioned to Help Develop the GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference 1. Pioneer Green Power Conferences was founded in 2003 by forward thinking, concerned event media experts. The first dedicated company to offer professionally organised events solely focused on renewable energy, climate change and sustainable industry we have now run 150 events in 35 countries.

2. High Quality Events Each event is developed by a team of market research professionals who ensure our events provide in-depth discussions and the latest industry updates in these fast-moving sectors and we have run over 21 solar and 24 wind events. We have also developed our own portfolio of 20+ training courses and technology briefings.

3. Global Leaders Our panel of speakers have included: Al Gore, Sir Bob Geldof, Gro Harlem Brundtland (UN Special Envoy for Climate Change), Lord Browne (ex CEO of BP), Jose Maria Figueres (ex President Costa Rica), Rudd Lubbers (ex PM of Netherlands) Hermann Scheer (MP) and 100’s of government ministers and business leaders.

Invitation to Join Speaking Faculty nd 2 Annual GeoPower Indonesia & Philippines Conference 18-19 June 2013, The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta

4. Global Marketing Platform We have now welcomed over 15,000 delegates from 92 countries and built the Green Power Databank of over 1,000,000 global contacts. Our expertise lies in producing high quality, interactive conferences that provide ample networking opportunities for delegates and partners alike.

5. Event Growth Experts We understand how to grow and create large scale, senior executive congresses with networking exhibitions see for an example of a larger scale event for 1500+ people. We firmly believe in the value of this event medium where all attendees are senior level decision makers and not the low quality found in a typical trade show environment.

6. International Footprint Green Power Conferences has successfully run conferences in 35 countries and is helping to accelerate the uptake of renewable energy, climate change mitigation projects and sustainable business practices from Rio to Hong Kong: UK, USA, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Czech Republic, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, UAE, Qatar, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, China, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Algeria, Ghana, Kenya, Turkey, Morocco…

7. Independent We are an independent information provider. We do not sell technologies, promote a particular idea, piece of research or vendor solution. Our programmes are well balanced, informative and innovative and enable you to learn best practice and make the best business decisions.

8. History of Partnerships We cooperate and partner very closely with a wide variety of industry bodies and governments to ensure successful events and help accelerate change: Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water & Mineral Resources, Mozambique Ministry of Energy, UNEP, UNEP FI, SEFI, European Geothermal Council, EREC, EBB, Ebio, Turkish Wind Energy Assoc., Romanian Wind Assoc., Algal Biomass Organisation, IETA, CMIA, ICROA, WWF.

9. Sales Relationships With a dedicated commercial team of 20 experienced business development executives we maintain a network of close relationships with the leading suppliers and sponsors

10. Sustainable Concerned Company We are deeply concerned about the climate changes that will happen. We “walk the talk” by offsetting all our commercial activities through renewable energy projects around the world. We exact a high standard of operations, minimising print and paper throughout our business, using green venues wherever possible and minimising flights by “taking the events to the market”. We do not promote environmentally damaging industries or practices. 5% of annual net profits goes to charities helping develop climate adaptation projects.

“I can honestly say, without hesitation, that my attendance at the conference could be the single deciding factor that will ultimately put my company on the map” Universal Geopower (previous conference attendee)

Driving Gigawatt Growth in Asian Geothermal ... -

conference, scheduled to take place at the Ritz Carlton in Jakarta, 18-19 June 2013. Below ... Jan Bartak, Senior Head, Business Development, ..... solar, biofuels, geothermal, ocean energy, small hydro, carbon markets, climate finance and.

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