fi ar


anllnoluno」 8nぅ 、Nnη iaota、 Nnη innunton■ ■


く anUη snη ぅ つ ol■ 」 バOo58η ヽ イ1曹∩ nⅥ 脚


16 tltuη u■ 2558 1loo


nη 、口、o■ 10U」 58oooO■ 則 10う `ll■ 00」 ヽ多tⅥ 輌ζソヽ1■ Oη 011■ 01t‖ Onlinll∩

in(lCPc) 、oく ι

n.08nη 、イη慟nく lut■ 口Ⅵuttnn,anυ η」、8oNanulln.く Ⅵつ。 (8nt■ unlotη ⅥNMnun、 ) 晰δ

ldく 田 η 奇 28 う 。

8oou(nternationat Chitd Protection Certincate lJK)inllっ 」 、 tonaη 、



lη naoη utononぅ lη ■ 脚n15dく taittnl、 anυ nton%ut荷 ;u tt寄 く inolun銀 8n、 ぅ 斉 っ uイ η η働

n aソ 、η■oool10n,」 ヽ8句 η」ヽ8tη ●lη uっ η NManil■ ⅥU3η 閃ⅥtnUn、 彰ηlool■ 閃ntta8脚 nnaooagtttnη ηくtⅥ 4110nnaルnη くnl」 Mヽ otモ ■01andttn、 1■ mη く」、8tη 輛 働otnn io測 」、80mnuⅥ ηo∩ ηiaИ ヽ1■ olo」 ηtt n,N∩ ル

ManunlJtion」 18no■ o31Ⅵ nt、1100η l‖ du]う 、高uっ 10q柏Jι 6n ttagt]ooQη nnη 、なqtaSNaⅥ 3測 luu%. 8奇 η 、 n■ 00く nqυ 」 ∩ 59く 、 ■30η lltOnOnぅ 、 8tη n■ ooaM、 1■ oo 04η イ づ く ィ η 奇 創剛 oo■luυ η unn,dη o」 、 η rl:vrvnlva 6ildirufiorirnutirlorriunr:avtfrovrr rufisiordnooula ulilav:rtorrur6'n: o'odr:vll tl■

口,つ ¶■OU」 ヽ8oO晰 n、 8ル nη ttnmotnn 口η、」、8tη 輌■1■ nつ 1脚 oη Qtnn■


t樹 o、 っOtunη 、口、つQaou」 、8om■ 3ooo∩ ηυltnuⅥ ηく1」 ,nη oη ■

ηtta脚 Ⅵ¶8ν lη ヾn■ nlltnntta8:8η o■ ■llヽ

OIJ、 囀o」 0く nlln

η、aっ 荀a8t側 9tn∩

η が oデ dヾ 劇 n,28 ■ 1群 、 oo8tOUnttη 劇 dntlnく η un018nぅ 、 Nnl、 dく ta、 lln

Jo、 nnJ ■ηt酬 01lunη 、 oJnttaatИ ■ η anunton■ ■ Qη 、 、 ,、

討 ミデ く η uИ lottメ ヾ utinザ η 8愉 ■ η ooく nqυ 10■ 、 1ザ 働 、 っ ¶ aou」 、 nl,dっ oa8tint6n寄 ol奇 誂 イ く 1ぅ 16o■ ton■ ■ oく 8o働 ¶ ooυ η 000nqun3oml」 ι 0■ ou」 、 twomう つ し lun,lo015o15ollanlJη ,oa脚 ∩、

話u」 宙愉 oη ■則ηn` 5田 ■oヾ attη 、oη ttη 論 5-acЮ

001■ η ooll■ ■ ul%働 則

つ論 nη υ吼anく pdに e uυ icpc νttolデ'tつ 晰a飾 1・ η

■■■Oυ 」ヽじ愉 κn、 8デ η員9晨 otin(lnternatonat Chitd Protection Certncate 」ぅ8nlniuJm、 勺ηn、 8uu口、


8o■ inuη 酬o¶ d細 Ⅵ憔 loう o Я∩υη 」、 n■ 躙 乱 lnη ぅ 備く 〔PO La■ unぅ 配硫ぅoSuuЮ ntu」 癬 oldOィ η И」っuく ηリデι ド83JOolunη ぅ剛ot」 がuu」 18tnⅥ nη in、 3¶ aom、 ηt毛 ■

q8轟 0く 吼 J58oounη 8oη 輛 歯nぶ n3倫 o前」 、u」 、 loJ働 、 Qく

η t10η 、 nυ ヽ う U■ 田


Non lmmigrant ,MaB lデ

nttη 、 創η 酪u ぅ

η ヽ い Ot」 句 η 5o」 η 9η も ヽ■∩ ¶ottanonっ η脚ulloo

″ (■ lol,イ nイ


otaTninl,,nり 1,lγ nl,::m■

in■ 1■ ol,n創 ィn,,■ nl,ィ oI“ ,■ nl,7nunlon,■

ndN゛ nり 1ぅ oS8■ 1louη 8ntnυ lⅥ

イw晰 o-2282-6597 do 504- 505 ぅ

lη ぅ an5


■1つ ざenη



anunoluno」 彰n5、 コnlヽ ■Ota、 ■nlヽ anunton■ ■

i' at oztt.s/ 6030

イlunol■ 」寄nn、 8η ヽ■(anuη onl、 nη ■



田υηu■ 2558

nl、 口ぅっつ10U」 、83働 ol%nJη nヽ ヽ脚剛oo」 ヽ8tⅥ 輌aM5η ■oη O赳 ηQn5tlonninNnぅ

:号 0。



疏5編 uttЮ n■ ■ηn憔 Ⅵ怖 00ι ttniく 田釧脚ηnun→ lU01劉 η 晰鵠」


18 tonaη 、 」、8oou(lnternationat Chitd Protection Certincate lJK)奇 う。 ldOllη 斉 gutlぐ くQη イ20ぎ ηlno3unmgn、 、脚nη 、dltaう 創∩η、anυ ηtoo■ ■ 1斉 aM、 η■oooll■ nヽ 」ヽ8¶ η」、8tη ttlη Uつ η 田ソaninuwu■


働otan dく 脚」、800nl」 ηηくnη ぅan4、 1■ o10」 η¶n5Nn、 11lonla,lη

8nonJoη l刊 nlη 、 ooniν 、 o■ lnanunutaon」 、 tl■

ηltnuつ 則0く nlJtan

Sni η o」 、 8tη n■ oく all、 1■ 000」 η く n″ 剛 研 が ′ oヾ uluuη unη 、 cり

1■ つ ■


naoo■ :onOn5ヽ 3■ ηm

N昴 OLa8劇 nnaっ くagtttnη ηヾtlN輛

uvlotl■ ol■ ηalloll■ 働ηo」 、8tM n

脚lυ 8■ ■ ヽ dOta,■ aη δ tta8t10。 310∩ η

8in 」` 0ヾ nη υ ■ nOutt anη utono∩ 5、 η η例

8υ u 論ザη ぅ aИ 、 η ■ oη ttn柿 ぅ く し ⅥndOtinoo■ ol鷹 研く nη 、 atttinⅥ η 1鵜 ■ 側 lo洵 Q■ 6Jolふ 」 」58tll札 Ⅵu寄 く

aou」 ぅ彰つ昴イnぅ 8η η側9偽 Otnn t囃 olつ 01unη ぅm5っ Qaou」 ヽ8nm■ 1■ oonη υデ しnuη ηヾl」 ザηll■

m、 3旬

nη o」 、8tη

n3nttnっ ηtttⅥ 劇18attMQ8,lη

rduM101J tloも

■nUtantta8tuη つ

0。 nl」

nlぅ oつ la8tNntand

1群 10 η 18o8t609帆 η Nう oldく ■ 。 Qtan..1寄 、 」oく ntu ■ n tttOtlunη 、 η ¶ 10JlttantИ ■ nη ianυ nton.■ ■ d゛ taぅ 脚 イ 1■ ool■ o ol彰 n,ヽ Nnη 、 nη

1デ tlunl い0訴 く く η uM13ι ι 000nη unou、 u tttη Ⅵη ¶aoυ l158oo■ η 、aつ く a8t■ otnn剛 ol'1ぅ otiuum、 っ

lool、 Oη

toυ l■ 0■ ooη 8o働 剛 oO■ 1■ 00nlun■ Umutoヾ η く も 、 8uanttη ,oattnit■ oo、 3¶ aonJ」 、

n4■ ooη


8η 働 、

8malo愉 1 ■η つ論 nqυ ttano」 、 acЮ pouce uMcpc Mヽ ■ディa論 、

柿ヽ ■旬ηn、 翻■oヾ av、 n■ ol創 η ―

oln、 8uu口 、つQaOU」 、8愉 菌n、 8ザ η員,酬 o縣 n onterna■

Ontt ChU Protection Cettncate帰 oに Pc)ua8


ν■ イnunton■ ■句く l1loぎ ntlnoη unη ぅ anυ η 」,8o■ loυ η n40oη ■ tw例 lNuデ nη 、 lunlol'1ぅ oも ヽ 8■ 8■ 樹0く mOゴ η aoOく t酬 0剛 Ol嘴 働И晰ミ


Ⅵ」.。 lη uttt月 8310。 llJnnぅ 剛ot」 がuu」 、8tnη nnぅ いぅつ¶aヾ 口、ηt]u

B t14t11d{nqu 0vo0.lttulj!isnlquu!slio{na11t'l{0rulj:vn0!n15v1{"l5fu'lo'1u Qヾ tう


UuttntloM、 lu ta8oo」 oO翁 dOl」 剛ottanqnっ ηttun」 oo


(ulu--l:flna :nuc) ,00:■ ■ltFnl,,0り 1,1り nllll■ ■ nバ 脚 ヾ η ■1、 く 耐8■ ■loυ η olし 輛 υ


lvnilvti o-zzaz-osgz rio so4 - sos lvnam 0-2282-9634

n,,、 ol,dol● │"nl,"nul:onザ tl 劇 η つ nl'n創 彰

Non lmmigrant




anlunoη unn18n5、 脚nη 、aく t輛 、Nnl'anllnton■ ■


η 5nη 5 3ぐ n∩ υ anunoη u」 ann、 8η ヽ nη l1

16 tヽ




tttυ no■ 2558

■ nitlooη inNn10く tttn(cPc) η olo」 η ■ 剛 oく 」 58tlnnaη 、 脚 8■ 9ol■ OJη n、 ぅ 口 、 3o■ otl」 ヽ

一5 じ         ヽ ^

鋼 ヨ

閃Oη ■380η ヽanunく ηunη 、n∩ υη:on■ ■■ヾy■ 9aく 剛an

8ooυ (lnternationat デ onani」 、 な 。 dolun″ Oo 、


Chitd Protection Certincate uKl in■

nη 、 高nullo dota弓 脚 oη un剣 8nぅ 5測 nη ぅ 奇38イ n曹 ∩

1 lo

nanl■ 、 onざ n55o■ η働 o¶ η 」イ o■ ul寄 箭 t、

oagt■ 9Ⅵ 10し nが つ η 劇劇 ntta8劇 ∩


lanin■ 8句 1」 ヽ 8tη ntη υ η η劇ヽ ¶∩ う 」ヽ aⅥ 51■ olo」 η

η閃 ltoOn、 8ν ‖υつ

80輸 n,Jη η く nη iav、 η ■oη alη ■n、 notnn iく N」 、

8tⅥ 輌 ヾ 」、 脚nllη loonaν lloη uM10ti■ onana21nぅ 1■ 口η



■ 、 8Qη q」 ヽ 、 η 0く nqυ 」 %η 働 00■ 10nonヽ ぅ ∩ う0ヽ■ ■■ 8tη n■ oヾ aИ 5η ■ o10」 η ¶ 。 ィ n″ 側 剛 oo■ luυ η unη 5働 η 、 1■ が r.l:vrmrtluu 6,:ldiufiofiiautirlaliiunr:avtioytrl ryrfieiot6nooulariuvilara:rtarruro-n: i'odr:c!!

ヽ 8oouoη ■niИ ヽ ooo■ り 0■ ]│し HuQ剛 0・ ntllon tta8tlooQη Manunutaon」 、

nnη aく ta、 NaⅥ 5Nlυ o■



8omttnぅ 8 ν tt n 0 0 t∩ n っQaoυ 」、 lη

8tη ■ 働1ヾ 」、 ol田 nつ η tttll脚 18attη oη 3tnn■



Q彫 ,lη

lη o η ■ く t」 ν デt91JⅥ η 8om■ looonη υ η 、 ぃう つQ3011」 ヽ 01001■ ∩

ヽ 1101J t10」 llun,」 tanttavι uη o■ ■

n」 a8toooml測 が 、 デ d荀 劇 η nlo ぅ




.l ttaつ al■ nonuno18∩ ぅ、Nnη ヽaく ta5田 nl、 ■∩υntOntuⅥ Qη 5〔 nη

0く nl」 nη

し チuづ n


oく ″ u tlolllunnぅ 」

nuИ く 8愉 ■13論 nη υlo■ 詢 tinザ η 働1っ 旬aou」 、 dっ く agι ttntin寄 く ltttt憔 1ぅ oSu、 ton■ 観労 ぅ

し lun、

inul、 く 月8uanttη 、 oattnitl NOい うつつ■Oll」 ヽ83働 ■oo■ η1000oυ ∩つUttutOく



っul%働 剛0。 llu38ol■ │

請u」 、8愉 oη %創 ηn、 、コ■ooay、 η■oη ttη 怖 ヽvvvvw aCrO poし ce uk/に pc Mttdザ'ι晰a論 、■ηつ論 nqu出 anく 」、8oη n]83m、 ¶ηn、 8uu愧 ぅ3naOnJ」 、彰っ6菌 nigν iη ttn‖ oも 6n onternajonat Chitd Protection Celincate n410

にPC)tta81unぅ d11ぅ qttUuton■ ■du厨 oく 研0ィ η曹∩ヾηunη 、日nυ ntOn■ ■憔 y愉 v喘

っ uヾ η ■

■ が ぅ

8010くlunl、 ot」 8u」 8tnη n15911■ aく

働 ヽ nttu

Non mmigrant

'tバ ov6'o.ruulrJ:vnrrtfi ul-m:o-rna'rrdrrfru :vnornr:fi or:rurdru


ool」 ι うUuttntwoη 、 nutta8■ 3η ぅ QJη nntuunη 、 剛ottanonっ η脚■uno

´ --t (urufl:flnn rnuv) ,oolan11■ ol,inun,1,ol,11■ ■ lo■ n5ol,n創 ピn,,■ ol,oll● ヽ脚n¬ ,anり 3:onγ ll

∩ d脚 く η i15く 68■ ■ loυ η 8itaυ

lv'zdvi o-zzaz-6597 lv'fi:|z o-zzaz-gozq

r@ 504 - 505


v憔 lo5く

o剛 ol労 働

、 ИaB

ざ く nqυ lデ %η っ

On■ ■ anllnく ηuno18n、 ぅ■nη ぅaく ta、 劇nη 、■nl・lη ι

fi as oztt.s/ 6029

つく 輛nυ η5nη 、 aη llnQη u」 ann,8η 、 nⅥ ■

16 樹0。 tう



nitttonlin■ 01oot6n(lcPc) 18tMaav、 1■ oloJη ¶ ■ ■ oく 」 8っ 例 nnう 、 oo■ 創 、 口 、 っ naou」 、

n■ つ ィnunく 1■ olぅ lnυ nton■ ■o oll、9ala anη 、 晰δ

Maく 劇ηo■ o




tonar:!:vnol(lnternational Chil.d Protection Certiflcate UK) riruru t qo m ぅ 11■ η ndoη utonぢ ∩ η 、 anυ nton%ul斉 ;u tt寄 o¶ η o15dOtaS測 ∩ unm彰 ∩ 5、 ■ 斉3u′ η ザnく η

avin■ ooolo■ nヽ 」ヽ8Qη 」58tη tttη Uつ η ttManll■ lNU01晰 輌tnJ 働oι nn io脚 」、8η


n、 8ν lη nっ 1脚 閃nttagttnnaつ くa8tttnMη

ηηonη iaソ 、1■ o10」 η¶nぅ 田∩Иη10nna,nη ゛nuν 5oti■ o lanattnぅ 1■ mη く」、多tⅥ n

La8tlo荀 Qη nnη 5dota5測 aη 。.lυ u■ ll

ηanunutaon」 、8oouoη ■lNntИ ,001]W、 dll η デ tド 00■ OqnlJι nn tillaヾ


■oO■ :Ononぅ ぅηυη働oく nqu」 、83η anィ 「 り■oく 、lUU18nl、 口1幻 J、 8tη 輛剛oヾ aソ うn■ oη oln¶ ni nく 14■

」、8ι ηttη u ttd奇 わ 脚lo詢 quJも oo詢 nl、 a8tinη ηotwndotあ ooo観 attt,qayぅ n■ oη ttη 怖 、 柿 ザ1、 8υ υ 例ヽ■¶10」 」ヽ8つ 昴晰n18ν ll閃 n働 Ot9n

nlo」 ぅ8tⅥ 輛つηtt oη


tio■ Oul■ nl、 口ぅ■0■ Oll」 ヽ8η 働■ηooく nqutttOt4η η01」 νηくnu l

ηttty■ η81測 デ旬8,nη qη unllt9nttagt819■ ■ソヽ01l t樹 oJoonllnη ぅoつ くa8:田 ntn n漱

η 寄 っ u loo8:580働 η 脚 づ く 脚 ■ し 39剛 ut者 、 dη lunく

Joく nll 'dく Ⅵ3η う ntta3、 И■oη tWOttunη ヽ nl、 イ nυ nton■ ■ 、 3く taヽ ■ η llntl18oヽ う lln η n」

1ま 、8utOn■ ■1ザ 働ぅっQ■ ou」 ヽ80m■ looonqunOu、 ut■ ηⅥηくηlJM10し t口 ヾ口く nl、 aっ くavι ttntnn¶ ヾlttltQく l、 くし ti]un、 1981ぅ ot,日 uanttη 、nattnit樹 Om、 っ¶aou」 ぅ8o働 ¶oO■ η000nη υn■ U口 utoヾ ltQlll%働 ■oく Ⅵ■0001111

請υ」、8愉 oo■ 劉ηn,調 ■o荀 aИ 、η■ol創 1論 5

w acЮ pdに euν にpc V号 01デ 申 論 、υηつ漁 ∩ηυ‖anく

VVν ν

」、8∩ η輛luぜm、 Qη n、 8υ u働 ぅつQaOU」 581縞 κn、 8デ η員∩メoし 6n cnternaJonat Child Protection Certincate


unl,イ nυ l:on■ ■憔llin tlo■ olデ 働ソ lnヾ η 耐o■ :on■ ■0■ Sooメ o′ η ICPC) tta81uni翻 輌1、 く nti■ 8tnMnη 5,、 ■ ■ 00口 う が 、 И 198oη ■ lt` uOィ 0。 lunη ,剛 o、 」 8■ 」

osfrorr,rur-1.]:vnrrfi utTn:drneimdrrfrur.l:vnot nr:fi or:rurdr


Non lmrnigrant u

η ■く tヽ UuttntⅥ oη 、 Utta8刊 Qη ,o130nt■ ■nη 5mol」 剛ottanonη η田■υoo

´ --! :nus) (uruYr:flnn 1101''n」 1,1"nl,1lm■

=0010■ n,illnl,d、 1イ ,Nnl,7nり 110oγ 14 :anln毎 nl,n劇 彰 nバ 脚 onil、 ヾ 偶o■ 118u18ntaυ

″‖晰o-2282-6597研 lη ぅ


lη 、


enη u 1っ ざ ヽ MaB lザ、

η ●5


anlunqη uno18∩ 、1脚 nl,aく ta、 脚∩ηぅnnυ ηι On■ ■ anltnoη ■ 」が∩n、 8η 、 っ ヾ anυ o5nn、 nη 測

16 [ヽ



、口、っ¶aolJ」 、8う 場01■


ι ttυ η O■ 2558

剣η∩、ぅ■■oo」 ぅ8tⅥ ndИ 、η■Oη o」 lonit‖ onη ぅ斉脚0,0く し あ∩(ICPc)

ωoη ■oOol,dη ltnヾ η un3、 高 nυnton%u¶ ヾ Иっnυ 8an



ぅ」、彰nOυ (lnternationat

chtd PrOtectiOn celtincate uK)inlJ■

″Quィ ηザnヾ nlun鋼 8n、 ぅ脚nl,dヾ taSttnη 、lnuntan■

ul斉 学u

ttイ 幻3η

1■ 9

n30η n4tOnonぅ 、η■ηロ

aИ ぅ η ■Oη ttη 句∩、 8イ 1」 、 」、 8tη nlη υ づ1働 ソざnin■

■llづ ηκtttn8nぅ 8ザ η nっ η 測員nttavinaバ っ く a8ι inη η ヾ twa

oo19n do田 」、8っ 働″uη ηonl、 aИ 5η ■010」 13nヽ

創∩ル 4η lonna,lη

uソ ,otl■ 01analln、 lunη く」、8:И n

、 lanunり to On」 、 8∩ oυ Oη 辱 Ⅵn,、11000■ lNdu n'ヽ バ 8o.。 。 tnn tta8t■ oo¶ 1∩ ∩ η ヽ ta,製 aη 。 脚 υO■ ■ ‖ tiluaヾ ィ η 斉 0。 ■ 101Jη 8nl,働 η ヾ 8tη ● 」 、 剛 oヾ ♂ 則■ И 、 1■ ololl¶ ni nQ乱 aoo■ :ononぅ 、 lυ 働 nqυ 」 8in 、 nl」


η 0。 rl:vtunlvra 6.r16'irrtfionfu4udtolrYunr:avdour{ryifieio16nooularjuvilay:rrorruro,n: o-qlir:v!! m、 っ ldOtl」 、 8ヽ3ζ ∩ う8 ν lη

mno」 ,8:η 輌 っη ttnll脚


閃9"otnn t酬 0%っ ul.nη 、91、 9■ 6 0 tl」 583口 ■1000nη υ

η 8■ ■ │■ 8ν lη ヾ η unutnntlavtuη っ ■■ソヽolJ t1000く


η。 1」 ,10。 1■

'tnntⅥ 。 1,aっ く o8tNntanl

。 lQtanl.1群 、 η uattt58omη 測 が く デ劇 η 寄 っ u dく

anlunヾ η lJn

nnidQoavtttntin ttQl奇 tl■

∩ ぅ 0■ 3η こ1001,ヾ も


8o55田 nη 、 dく ta、 Nnη 、 イnυ η :Ontuw、 3っ 、 0」 n



っ ηι 酬Oι tunη 、 J010n4

Ц 嶺1、 ヾ 月8■ :On■ 観デロ 、 っ Qaou」 、 8愉 ■ 1っ 換∩υ く η uИ 3otlmく 糸1デ η lo■ 詢 t倫 プη


,oattnit洲 0口 、 3Qaou」 ぅ 8=翁 剛 oく 、 っ 0000ounつ U91utoく

ulg口 ■ ooll■ ■ 801■ │

請u」 ,8愉 00%到 10"田 ■00attη ■oη ttη 稿 lν、 ヘ ハ M acro pouce uk/icpC ηlolデ'tう 飾 刑 1っ 論∩qUЩ anq 申 」、8nη niJJm、 っηn、 8uu働 ぅQ¶ aOIJ」 、8っ 働 nぅ 彫デηttndOt6∩ onternatiOnat Chtd Protection Certincate ll弓 彎


Ra81■ n、 温硫 、ぶ u.Ю ntudu樹 oo研 。dl倫 。lunη 、イnuη on■ ■■ o明 30 『

、 11っ uqn■ デ u?1。 ヾ 1.nη 、 剣 Ot」 が o■ 」 ,8tnη nη 、 m、 っ ¶ aヾ 働 tl■ tド



rfi olr:T



or:mrirrfr unrtriotrj

■ 7 n O

服 田

\,r,zan 0-2282-9634

籠 m

Trnsfrni o-zzez-6597 rio 504 - 505

n O■

■ ■

nl測 くηlJlヽ くt、 u■ ■10υ lolNtaυ

tlo■ olヂ 働 Иtte101ヾ

Non mmigrant ,ytt B lデ

ovfroluulr.l:vnrrfi ufn:d'lneim{r.rfrurJ:ynaur:fi


■ざ 。 nlυ 1つ

Ⅵ輌 602115/6029

an■ nql■ ∩OJ8n,ヽ 31nη ぅaく la,田 nη 、輌n19nton■ ■

anunヾ η り」が∩n、 8η ,っ く イnυ η on3、 nη 渕 10300

銀  出 ・ ・

コ崎 5      一 一 う      ︵ n ヽ

16 nη

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A National

Crime Agency


ACPO Clminal Records Office

― Natona C‖ rne Agency― Ch‖ d Exp otaton and Onlne Protecion Command

lnlo.nration and Guidance for Individuals Schools and Orctanisations

Gontents 4       4

lntroducing the ICPC Background to the ICPC: safeguarding children from abuse


ls the ICPC suitable for your organisation?


How does it work?


Why should you only accept the ICPC?


The Certiflcate


Security lnformation


Getting Started


Useful Links Frequently Asked Questions


lforimat,on and GuidanCe fortndividuals,SChoOIS and Organisat O ns

introducing the iCPC ThelnternationalChildProtectionCertificate(ICPC)hasbeendevelopedintheUnitedKingdom(UK)to helpbetterprotectchildrentromUKnationals,oranyonewhohasspenttimelivingintheUKwhowould abuse them ' l seek to travel and work overseas to sexually

TheICPCiSissuedfollowingacheckmadeagainstpoliceinformationandinte|ligencedatabasesin theUKandlistsalloftheapplicant,sConvictions.TheCertificatecanprovidereassuranccthi.llsl,l-:]: employedrnschoolsandVoluntaryorganisationsdonothaveacriminalrecordintheUKthatmakes them unsuitable to work with children'

TheICPCistheonlyUKpoliceCheckproducedSpecificallyforUKnatlona|sandresidentsworkinq overseas.

TheICPCisproducedbytheAssociationofChie{PoliceofficersCriminalReCordSotfice(ACRO)in theUKinCon]UnctionwiththeNationaiCrimeAgency(NCA).ChildExploitationandonlineProtection Command,theUK,snationallawenforcementagencyforChi|dprotection.

BackgroundtothelcPG:safeguardingchildren from abuse The NCバ S CEOP COmmand haSlnveS19ated caSes Of UK nationals whO have secured pald Orvoluntary employmentin another cOuntry in order to gain access to,9r00m and sexua‖ of these individuals vψ ere later found to haNle previous conViCtlons orinte‖

information wOuld have prevented them from worklng in tJK―

y abuSe ch‖ dren lv7any

19ence held abOutthem This

nked organisations that have based or UK― ‖

access tO the UK DiscloSure and Barttng Service(DBS)veting proCesses lfOrme‖

y CRB)

international schoOIS and other organisatiOns Often requlre new employees tO Obtain cttlninal records checlく s,but

are not always able to access UK pO‖

ce checks from overseas itiS known to the NC/ギ s

C[OP cOmrnand that UK sex offenders have exploited this faCt tO gain access to Ch‖

dЮ n ln other

countries Now, With the introductiOn of the lCPC, any organisation who employs UK nationals or persons who have Spenttirne in the UK can request a∪ K pOlice check tO be confldent that they are dren not employing someone wlh a cnminal history that would make them unSulable to wOrk with Ch‖ Wh‖ stthe lCPC Can provlde organisations with a greater degree ofreassurance thatthe persOn they are employin9 or WhO iS VOlunteering forthem iS Suitable to WOrk with Children,itislmpOnantto remember thatthe police checks are only as 9ood as theinformation against which they are checking Some people


lnformation and Guidance for lndividuals, Schocls a.d Orgaoisations

who have a sexual interest in children might never have come to the attention of the UK authorities. With this in mind it is crucial that any organisation working with children has robust policies and procedures in place to ensure that children are not put at any further risk from those who may be seeking to harm them.

CaSe Study >> A report was made to the NCA's CEOP Command regarding a man (RG) who was teaching in a school in lndia. lntelligence revealed he did in fact have previous, historical conviotion:,


contact sexual offences against boys in the UK at a school where he used to hold a teaching position. Since his release from prisoh in the UK, he had travelled to numerous countries in Asia working as a teacher tn international schools. None of the schools he was working in had any means to make a police

check against him. The NCA's CEOP Command worked with law enforcement and government authorities in lnclra to hr:lp them manage the risk that RG posed to children in their country. Following their local investigation of RG, he was found to be in possession of child abuse images. Now back in the UK and having acccpted a UK police caution for the image otfences in India, BG has been placed on the Sex Offender's Register

and is subject to risk management by the local police force.

ls the ICPC suitable for your organisation? lf you are a UK-based or UK-linked school or other organisation, you can access your pre-employment

screening checks vta the DBS. The ICPC has been specifically designed for organisations that are not formally connected to the UK and therefore cannot access this route for police checks.

The ICPC is only appropriate if a DBS check is not available.

ls your



You can apply for a DBS check

No You can apply for an ICPC through ACRO


s lndi"iduals' Schools anci OIJai-isaiici foinraticrr arrcl G!iiciarrce fo!'

organisationsthatWorkwithChildrenmayWiShtomakeaCriminalrecordsCheckarequirementoftheir The Cedificate tar) employees to obtain the |CPC encourage to order in references pre-employment

alsobeobtainedforthosealreadyinemployment.Thisisconsideredt]estpraoticeinmanycountrieslo who wish them harm' salequard children {rom those

that could request an ICPC: The following are examples of organisations

. . . . .


lnternational or local schools Orphanages

directly with young people Charitable organisations who work

young people games and vacation opportunities to Organisations offering sports' Governmentorganisations

How does it work? organisation that every overseas school, or other overseas The NCAs cEop command recommend resided in the uK to all uK nationals and persons who have require shoutd children with works that

providethemwiththeICPC.ThiSappliestoanyonewhoisseekingtoWorkorisalreadyWorkingwithin or volunteer' the organisation, either as an employee

memberto It isthe responsibility of the staff

applyforthe lcPC and supply


to the rcqucsir rq




Anemp|oyerCannotapplylortheCediflcateonbehalfofamemberofStaft,Themenlbetrlf$al{wiil onlybeabletoapplyfortheICPCiftheyareemployedcrhaveaprovisionalofferofernployrrlel]tfrom an organisation.

TheICPCcostsE6o,WhichiSpayablebytheapplicant'ThereiSnoCharge{orSChoolSoror(.]anisalions lo parlicipale in lhe scheme at: can be obtained by visiting the ACRO website The application form and guidance notes

www.acro.Police.uUicpc' oncetheapplicationformhasbeenreceivedbyACRO,theCedificalewillbeissuedWithinl0workinq days.1

TheemployerwillonlybecomeawareofWhatiSContainedonthe|CPCifitismadeavai|ablebylhe applicant.ltiStheresponsibilityoftheemployertoassessWhethertheinformationContainedonthe work with children' ICPC makes the applicant unsuitable to



OanI Dedaralbn Seclon Cl hO ap● tが 。n folm ProMded there are no Ssues wlh tい e“ oCanon as set Out h the Ap●

lniornration and GLriclance for lndividuals, Schools and Organisatior

Why should you only accept the ICPG? The ICPC is specifically designed for use by overseas schools and organisations.

ACRO provides other types of police checks, including Police Certificates for immigration purposes and Subject Access disclosures requested under the Data Protection Act 1998. However, whilst these checks are suitable for their intended purposes, they are not recommended alternatives to the ICPC. This is because they either contan less information than an ICPC, or they do not require checks to be

carried out on other UK national criminal record systems or intelligence databases. Ultimately, the ICPC provides employers with access to a greater level of information than the two other

forms of disclosure, enabling fully informed risk based decisions to be made in relation to a person's suitability to work with children.

11:璧 :‖ 事 熙

岬島凪 │.:躙3:悧鼻 e

Checks Completed

CHS (Scotland)

/ /

Causeway (Northern lreland)





/ / /

/ / / / /

/ / / / /

Police National Computer (England and Wales)


Police National Datatlase CETS (Child Exploiiation Tracking Service) Certificate Data


/ / / /





lncludes both 'Spent' and 'Unspent' records as defined by 'Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974'


Arrest / Not Guilty


No Further Action

lmpending ProsecLrtions Cautions

lncludes Q\[!Y records that have not 'Stepped Down' under the 'ACPO Guidellnes for Nominal Becords held on the Police National Computer'

/ /


Photograph of the applicant


Passport Details


Tuanaround Time (excluding dates of receipt and dispatch)

40 days

2 or 10 days (premium vs standard)

/ / /

Security Protected Certilicate Paper

'lo days



rnat On and(11"dance for lndividuals.Schools and Organlsati()ns

The Certificate The Certincate

is an up to-date police check available to organisalions with no formal link to the UK, and who are

. employing and looking to recruit uK nationals, or anyone who has spent time living in the uK, to work wrth children

will list all convictions, cautions, warnings, reprimands and impending cases held on UK police databases for you to assess the holder's suitability to work in your organisatron will state that there is 'No trace' if there are no know convictions

will be valid on the date of issue only, and therefore it is for the employer to decide how often the ir staff should renew their ICPC takes just 10 working days to process and can be applied for anywhere in the world provided there are no issues with the application, as set out in the Applicant Declaration section of the application



costs t60 which is paid by the applicant, not the requesting organisation


significantly r-educes the risk of errrployrng coirvicted chtld





tire [Jh.

Security lnformation 機


一 ¨ 一 ¨一

▲膊蝙 貧

The ICPC has a number of security features whlch irro,"ride: assLrrance lhal it is authentrc. tLllrding a ltcat snol, drtI,

copying, holographic, photographic and water l.lrk features. The Cerlificate also contains a unique reference number and unique serial number. lt is important that yorr only accept the original copy of the Certificale so that you can check these security features.

lf you have any concerns about the




Certificate you have been shown, please contact ACRO

、 ■1ゝ _― _



Customer Services, who will be able to confirm against their records if the copy you have been shown is qenuine. Once the school or.organisation takes receipt of the lCpC, it is their responsibility to keep it safe and secure.

0「 :)dIlon anc Guicance fOrindividuals,

Getting Started - Organisations lf your organisation...

o o

works with children emproys staff and vorunteers from the UK and individuars who have




UK; and


does not have any formar rinks with the uK (and therefore rs not abre to access DBS processesl ... you can register with the lCpC (UK) scheme by contacting ACRO Customer Services.

Getting started‐ individuais lf yOu are a UK nationa1 0r have been residentin the∪ ヽ ″ith ch‖ dren,the schOO1 0r Ol℃ anisaiOn yOu、 ハ4‖

K and are intending tO trave1 0verseas tO、


be νvOrking wlh iη ay requiЮ yOu tO provide them、 ハ′th an icPc Before submitting an lcPc applicatiOn yOu shOuld cOntact yOur emp10yertO check 7t7hether they lr71‖

require yOu lo prOvide the Certincate

Please visitthe ACRO lcPc webste at i・


●11■ lⅢ ‐ 1「 ,F]●

fOr mOre infOrma100。 rn the lcPC application prOcess,funher advice,10 apply fOr an lcPc Or fOr nnOre lnfOrlanation On paying by cl)e■ 「

bank draft,POstal order Or bank transfer


USeful Links National Crime Agency wrlLv. i_-eop. police. uk


Child Exploitation and Online protection Command

ACPO Criminat Records Ofiice (ACRO) www..rcro.police. uk Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) www.horneoffice_gov. Uk

lnformation Commissioner,s Office uk


forrnation and cuidance fOr lndividuals,SchOols and Or9ainltttiOns

Frequently Asked euestions Q A

What tnforrnation is recorded on an lCpC? All convictions rncruding cautions, finar warnings, reprimands and impending cases are discrosed

on the ICPC.


What happens when a convlction for a child sex offence is revealed,?

Any application that reveals convictions or high-grade intelligence ol sexual interest in children lvjil be referred to the NCA's cEop command who wi manage the case in rine with current operating procedures. The lcPC wi onry be issued once NCA-cEop have managed the srtuation.

Who can apply for the lCpC?

UK nationals or individuars of other nationarities who have resided in the UK can appry. fhe application can be completed whilst in the UK or overseas.


How can an employer obtain an lCpC for their staff? Certificates can only be provided at the request of the applicant. An employer cannot apply on their behalf and they will only become aware of what rs contained on the lCpC if it is made available by the applicant.


How long is the |CPC va|d for? Cefiificates only reflect what was recorded on the UK Police National Cornpuler (pNC) at the tirne of issue as atry convictions recorded after this date would not be shown. lt is for the entr)ioyer to decide how often their staff should renew their lCpC.


will the lcPC state whether the individual is suitable to work with children? No, the lcPC will show a person's criminal record as it was recorded at the time of issue. The assessment as to whether an indiviciual is suitable to work wtth children can only be detenninecJ by the employer.


How much does the ICPC cost and how long does jl take to produce? certrficates cost 160 and wirr be produced within r0 working days (excruding postar ttme).1


what is the difference between the lcpc and a Disclosure and Barring service (DBS) check (formerly CRB), or Scotland / Northern lreland equivalent? DBS is not avairabre to the vast marority of overseas organisations who emproy uK nationars to Provided trlec are nO issues、 vth the appicatOn as set Otiin the App,cant DeclaratiOn secl ofl ofthe appicat on forT


lnformation and Gujdance for Individuals, Schools an1 .l'rganisationl

work with children.'The ICPC was developed to fill this specific gap. Overseas organisations that are linked to a UK registered body have access to a DBS chttk. The ICPC is not an alternative to a DBS disclosure. lt should be used only if the DBS route is not available.


Does this mean that UK nationals may have to achieve a higher standard in terms of personal checks than would be applicable to other nationalities, or locals, in any given country?


The ICPC is evidence of the UK leading an initiative to safeguard children overseas and as i:i:st practice for other countries to adopt, rather than UK nationals having to undergo additional

t.r i'


to work with children. UK citizens will benelit from this initiative as they are better placed to provide evidence o{ their criminal history where an equrvalent scheme is not available in olher countries. Those individuals

with convictions or high-grade intelligence of their potential to offend against children



prevented from taking up opportunities abroad where they would otherwise have acoe-.1.j to children.


As an individual, I am aware I can apply for a 'basic' certificate through Access Northern lreland or Disclosure Scotland: Why do I need an ICPC?


Access Northern lreland and Disclosure Scotland are disclosure agencies and will. on applicatton, provide individuais with 'basic' Ievel disclosure certificates.

This means they will detail all convictions which are

not spent'

under the nelr.ib litalroli ot

Offenders AcI 197 4. The ICPC provides a level of information akrn to an enhanced DBS check (available only throLrgh registered bodies and not directly to the indlvidual) which means it includes cautions, reprimarcls.

warnings, pending prosecutions and checks are made against police intelligence databases.

lf an applicant for an ICPC is found to have a record indicating a sexual interest in children. the application will be referred to the NCA's CEOP Command to deal with ir) line with usriai operating procedures prior to any cefiificate being issued- ICPC therefore provides a greater ievel of reassurance than basic checks.


Why can't DBS, Disclosure Scotland and Access Northern lreland provide standard or enhanced checks (which are higher than basic) to organisations overseas?


Current legislation only permits the disclosure agencies (DBS, Disclosure Scotland and Access Northern lreland) to provide their services within the UK to registered bodies. The standard and enhanced certificates are sent to these bodies and not to the applicant. A change in the law would be required to allow these bodies io provide information to organisations overseas.

Over 9070 (source COBIS Courrcil of Batish lnternational Schools)

論5-acЮ pdにe uυicpc νttolデ晰

ぅ8nlniuJm、勺ηn、 8uu口、□□□Oυ」ヽじ愉 κn、 8デη員9晨 otin(lnternatonat Chitd Protection Certncate Ⅵlo. 〔PO La□unぅ配硫 .... 請u」、8愉oη %創 ηn、、コ□ooay、 η□oη ttη 怖ヽvvvvw aCrO poしce uk/に pc Mttdザ. 晰 a論、□ηつ ..... and Subject Access disclosures requested under the Data Protection Act 1998. However ...

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