Take These Steps to Make a Difference!



Save Energy

Purchase or build a green home. Go carless.

Health Benefits


Save Water

Install solar (PV) for your home.

Work with your utility to purchase clean energy for your home.

Reduce Pollution/ Emissions

Fly less.

Rock Star!


Upgrade to a high-efficiency or electric vehicle.


Reduce Waste

Go vegetarian.


Bike to work or take the bus.

$ Some Effort

Save Money

Telecommute regularly if you have a long commute.


Replace thirsty lawns with xeriscape.


Drive fuel-smart: Stay under 65mph, accelerate gently, use cruise control when possible, combine trips, etc.

Buy locally raised, organic, humane meat and dairy products.


You can do it!

Buy less stuff and/or buy used.


Install faucet aerators and low-flow showerheads.


Go completely meatless for one meal per week.

$ Use a reusable bottle with filered tap water instead of bottled water. Start today

$ Replace old bulbs with LEDs or CFLs.



Turn off lights & electronics when not in use.


Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.

Buy in bulk to reduce packaging.

Take the stairs.



Wash clothes in cold water to cut energy use by up to 85%.

Take shorter showers.



Eat less beef - producing beef consumes a lot of resources and emits a lot of CO2.

$ Don’t idle your car.

Walk or bike to complete neighborhood errands instead of driving.



EarthDay handout-CDPS.pdf

Recycle. Take These Steps to Make a Difference! Buy less stuff and/or buy used. $. Page 1. EarthDay handout-CDPS.pdf. EarthDay handout-CDPS.pdf. Open.

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